Some Time With... Julia Montgomery!

Published Jan 9, 2025, 1:00 AM

When "Revenge of the Nerds" and "Full House" collide... Julia Montgomery is easily recognizable as Betty Childs, but we know all you Fanneritos will recognize her as Adult Stephanie from "Those Better Not Be the Days"! Ever wonder how Julia prepared for her role as grown-up Stephanie Tanner?! What was John Stamos like in a bald cap?! And, for all you "Revenge of the Nerds" fans out there, she gives us a deep dive into that franchise, too!


You can't miss Adult Stephanie meeting the actual Adult Stephanie! It's all right here on How Rude, Tanneritos! 

Hey, they're Fana Ritos. Welcome to an all new episode of How Rude taner Ritos. Do you remember when time flashed forward in those Better Not Be the days and our characters became grown ups? Well, we interviewed Rhonda Shear, who played adult Kimmy, so of course we also needed to interview adult Stephanie from that same episode. We have Julia Montgomery joining us today and we cannot wait to hear all about her experience on what must have been a very wacky day on set, So please give a warm welcome too.

Julia, Hey, Julia, Hi lady, Hi Julian.

Hey, oh my god, I couldn't get in on my computer, Like, what the hell do you want this? Vertical or horizon?


Horizontal? Yeah I can't. Yeah, I think your videos off right now though that's not helpful.

She wants to remain anonymous.

There we go, Yeah, there we are, hy.

My computer up? My god, it's old Home Week right right there we go?

Hello, hold one set, Yeah.

Yeah, I know why. I was like, why is my computer updating? Like this?



Every time I feel like every time I sign into Zoom, it's like no updating, and I'm like.

Oh no, panic like it's gonna take three minutes.

I'm sorry, guys, Yeah yeah, still going, Wow, oh my.

Gosh, it's so fun to see you.

And to uh see what I would have looked like as an adult.

I take them off, I can't.

Oh yeah, yeah, no, that's.

But we I mean, but we definitely you know, yeah, we're blonde, we're women.

No. I was reviewing the episode last week and going, I can't believe how well they cast you.

They really did. Yeah, it was it was really like, oh my gosh.

And the hair.

The hair really made it too.

The hair did make it absolutely.

Were those Was that your real hair? Did they put you in a wig for the curls?

You know that? I believe that was my real hair. I have that much.

Hair back then, right, yeah, didn't we all product?

But I mean it was that was eighties hair or you know, or or nineties hair. I guess it was.

But it was the signature Stephanie Kurr. The ring lights that poor Jo had to endure it that I left.

In season three. So season four we now see Steph has straight hair. But so we went rewatching every episode of Full House because Andrey and I never watched it.

We didn't grow up watching the show.

You just wait, I think you're oh there we go okay, But yeah, we didn't grow up watching it, so we it's been so much fun to go back and rewatch these episodes, especially the ones we have vague memories of the flash forward and stuff.

But I've watched it in so like it's like, I have no recollection of the stuff.

So it's so much fun for us to go back and relive some of these memories and also to watch things that were like I didn't even I didn't know.

We did that. That's so crazy. But we saw your episode quite.

Recently, so it's very fresh in our fan rito's minds, and we love to hear your thoughts on it.

Did you watch it when it aired?

Oh, I'm sure. I definitely watched it when it aired, And I've seen some episodes, like I remember having met Jeff Franklin at some point in all that process, you know, I mean, I remember him meeting for this for this particular episode too.

Yeah, but.

Looking back on it now, I mean, first of all, when I look back on I thought, you guys, it's so much fun.

We really did every day. Yeah, absolutely, that was our childhood right there. It's captured eight years of our adolescence.

I can't really imagine being on set all of you, with the with all the with you know, all the guys. Yeah, and literally yeah, growing up growing up with them. I mean it was it's as you you know, I grabbed an episode here and there, you know, in recent times, and I was like, this is so special.

It really it really is.

And we yeah, like growing up with with the those the adults, the guys and Lorie, you know, as our sort of su family. I mean they it was. They were warm and kind and loving and absolutely hilarious. Yeah, absolutely hilarious. But what were your thoughts on the episode when you watched it, Like as a viewer, were you like, oh that was great or were you what, like what was the and feel free to be honest, we know there are definitely times that we watched the show were like.

That's wow, that was terrible.

Well, you know, when I was filming it, as far as you know, I wasn't. I was like, wait, the guy, you know, it all made it was all very funny and it made sense with all the dads in costume, but it made any even more sense after I saw the whole thing. And what one thing that was funny was that I really didn't get to see you that much, like, yeah, in the same scene, you know, and so I didn't get to meet you and Andrea Andrea, and I'm sorry, I know and Andrea. And I had to practicing Andrea to the Andrea because I always call him and Andrea.

So now it's very confusing. I respond to anything, right.

Rich Carrell has called Andrea Andrea, uh nineteen ninety yeah, and he and he says it, and it's the one person that she goes, I'm not even gonna say anything.

I know, writing him let it go by, let it, let it go, let it go.

I mean, it was what was fun watching it was actually seeing just how much you and I did. You know, how I did get the essence of your.

Part and you really did.

It was a nerve wracking, you know, like I you know, to want to get it right, you know, but it was really super fun and I actually thought I kind of had the best part of the three girls. I have to say, oh, thank you.

Yeah, I mean I'm a little biased, I agree, but yeah.

Honestly, whoever got to play, you know, Stephanie was the luckiest because she was always so all over things and means, and like I realized when I watched it this week, I was like, oh, I should have done it. I should have done with my hands, you know.

Definitely, yeah, my hands moved quite a bit when I talk.

Yeah, but yeah, so I'm like, why did you hold back in that second?

But anyway, okay, we all do that as actors. We are always criticizing my performances. Even thirty years later, we're like, oh, I should have in that.

Exactly exactly, But I don't know. I don't know. If you, well, you probably you couldn't have known this. But I actually knew Jane Modine from way back in the day.

Okay, when we were going to ask, did you know any of the other Ronda or Jane or any of the other women.

Yeah, I think I might have seen Ronda Jane. I knew like like this was like okay, when I was fifteen, I was always in like school plays and stuff like that from like right, and then somewhere when I was like fourteen fifteen, I went downstairs with a teen magazine to my mom and I'm like, I want to be a model, And I.

Was so right.

My mom, and we lived in New Jersey. So my mom had been a ballet dancer back in her day, although she was from Kansas City and so, but she even in Kansas City days when she was growing up, her mom brought her New York City and she did one of those six week things. So my mom had a little New York hood spot in her, you know, right, She's like okay, And I guess I knew someone from school whose brother had an agent and did something, so I guess maybe I connected with that person. Anyway, started that one was like, yeah, blonde, I like our type blonde, right, you know, teenager not not like a you know, not like a grown up model, like a fifteen fourteen started pucking things right away. Then they started. Then I moved up to a different to like Ford Agent, four Children's Department Agency. Right suddenly I'm going up for TV commercials. And on my second audition, where I was still.

Like yeah, right, like it's completely nervous when you walk in the room.

Yeah, in the waiting room, I see Jane Modin. Well I had seen Jane Modin on covers of things, so I was.

Like, wow, that's yeah. Jane was like modeled a Ton.

Modeled a Ton and she was sort of one of my She was just, you know, not not much I don't know how much, a couple of years maybe older than me. And she was actually at the same audition but bringing her younger sister who was more my age. Huh. She the little sister and the little my age sister and I were auditioning for this commercial. But I just was I was absolutely straw struck when I was sitting next to Jane, and I think we started a conversation or whatever, and then we would run into each other, especially because she'd bring her sister on these you know, go sees for modeling or commercial auditions, depending on right. And then I didn't know she was out in LA when suddenly were cast in this Oh how fun.


It was really it was really fun and bizarre to have it kind of come full circle. And I know for for a time, you know, they were what and she was married today for a time.

And they had a son, Luke.

Yeah, and how old is he?

Oh gosh something. Now he's married and he has a child on the way.

Now there's something as a pilot is uh yeah, like just yeah, awesome human, Yeah.

That's amazing. Isn't that weird? Well, it's weird. Yeah, but you still look so young. So I'm like having no problem with this right now.

Oh wait, thank you, we appreciate it.

It's full water. Yeah, the full House family doesn't age, and you are definitely a part of that. When you drank the water too, it's true.

Yeah, it's yeah, everyone everyone has aged. Well I'm not sure what sort of Yeah.

It's like Greek yogurt from Jean.

It's just we actually, yeah, the Greek just sort of by osmosis.

We were exposed to it.

Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, but that show is really fun. But but being being on you know, a sitcom with a live audience stuff was always it was like going back to the stage work, which I only did is it in school play? So there there's always a bit of like but you know that was the performance anxiety. But I watched it. I'm like it was great.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it definitely is.

It's a little bit different than a you know, like doing anything on a single cam or commercial when you have a live audience, because you've got an extra two hundred people there watching you. It's not you know, for people that aren't used to that it is a little bit. They're like, wait, I'm it's a lot.

Yeah, but I remember it being helpful in that when I woke up out in the bed being you right, you know, like the people laughed because yeah, like they got it because they're like massive fans. They're like, oh.

Right, so great, it was really fun. Hey, Fana Ritos, it's the announcement we've all been waiting for. How Rude Tannertos now has merch whoa Baby. We have a limited selection of designs for this launch, all created by Jody and me from I Love that Amphibian to the World is small, but the house is full. Check it out at howarudmarch dot com.

So I would love to what were some of like how did you build adult Stephanie?

Like did you had you watched episodes?

I mean, I know we didn't get to spend much time together, but like did you were you there for any other rehearsal to like did they say to come.

Watch us or what? Like how did that?

Because you did such a great job and you really nailed so much of the mannerisms and the personality, I would yeah.

Well, you know, I don't think I I think you know, basically you had to come in with from me with you on the audition with it, right. I'm sure I watched you and your mannerism because I remember on whatever episode, it wasn't so easily findable like these, you know.

I mean, you were on Great.

It wasn't like you could go to YouTube in nineteen ninety.

Yeah, you were like, does anyone have a.

Co of a tape of a VCR that they happened to record?

You know? And yet and yet at the same time, I did another kind of like this where I was totally mimicking on Sheers. I did a nightmare for being being the Shelley Long character. And so because that show was had been on already and was on so much, I could find what I would do. And I probably did this the same with you, because this is how I would do it. I would watch the show without the dialogue. I to try to get the mannerisms, which is why I pissed at myself, but I didn't get more of the hands but.

Right, yeah, but the how Yeah, the how rude was really the key part as long as you nailed that.

And yeah, but but yeah, I would just sort of study in different ways. Get you know, do the voice. Just then watch the physical you know.

That's a great method to watch without sound and just look.

At really watch someone's mannerisms.

Yeah, because otherwise physicality look at the whole and listen, go to the whole thing. But if I just watch it, then I could at least take it apart a little bit.

Okay, Yeah, you nailed the confidence because Stephanie was so like confident yet sassy, and I just nailed you, like, even without speaking, you nailed that whole. You just embodied her. It was not watching.

It was fun. Thank you, Thank you so much. And when when I left that you know that bedroom scene when we're off to the ball or whatever, and I sort of sort of did a skip, I was like, Okay, that was good.

Yeah, it's perfect. Yes, it really was. People love this episode too.

People love this ridiculous flash forward episode. I mean it was We had Rhonda shear On who played uh Andrea adult Jimmy adult Kimmy, and that was just I mean that was so much fun.

Again, great casting there too. Yeah, Oh my god, mailed the Kimmy Gibbler character.

Yeah, totally did. Yeah, yeah great. When is when does Hers air or air?

Yeah, she was on the show two months ago. But yeah, it's a great episode. It's a really fun, great episode, and I mean she's you know, still doing all manner of things, so she had that was a very interesting conversation with her.

But yeah, we had her on. Now.

One thing that you are absolutely known for, obviously is Revenge of the Nerds.

Yes, the second you came.

On, I will tell you, our our editor was like, like, totally new that's Betty from Revenge of the Nerds. So that is people probably don't remember that you were adult Stephanie. I mean maybe a little bit, but they definitely remember you as Betty from Revenge of the Nerds because you were like you were the dream girl.

I mean, I it's you know, yes, yes.

Oh my god. We're still having so much fun with that. You know, we're doing all of these comic cons, which I know, you guys, I was.

Gonna say, I bet you Yeah. It's because it's got such a cult following.

I mean, Revenge of the Nerds was like the I mean the epitome of like the eighties.

It was, you know, it was yeah.

And of course, you know, like some like so many things, like you know, even think some thing's in your show, like because I was listening to your podcast from like a month ago.

Yeah, yeah, leave a kid in a car right things where you're like that, what wouldn't be.

It was just so funny, but of course on a sitcom, so I'm re arranging myself on the cot Oh no go I But yeah with Revenge the Nerds, gosh, none of those fun movies. I mean ours, our movie. I don't know if you saw it, but our movie had a lot was you know, sexy, and and there was some nudity, but right at heart, it was all about being, you know, having being being a nerd or having feeling hearts of you were not accepted, which frankly I can relate.

To, even though everybody can.

Yeah you know, I mean like everyone can relate to that. And people will come up to me at these events and or you know, and say, my god, you changed my life, and it's like we both have tears in her eyes. It's like out of a comedy like that. But that I think that's why that comedy still you know, why there is a following because it really is all inclusive and the fact in love with Robert Krodine's character Lewis right. I mean, yes, it happened after the moon bounce, right, but you know, but but he was had been and he had been, you know, endlessly approaching me and and you know, because anyway, I mean.

I there is no it's great, like there is sort of a payoff and like a message to the movie, you know what I mean.

And it was yeah, And.

There were so many movies of that era that were the jocks and the dudes in the you know and kind of and it was like exactly this weird science those kind of movies where it was like, you know, the overlooked ones are like.

Figuring it out exactly which is And.

Of course there's you know, like you said, watching shows back, you watch it and you're like, wow, there, we couldn't do that now, nor should we ever.


That was yeah.

But it's like fun to take that time capsule back and like go into you know, the fun silly ridiculousness.

Yeah, eighties and nineties comedy.

And that and that cast in particular, like we're all going to a party next week. We are all like just I mean, over the years, it's it's we had that that feeling of camaraderie initially on the set for sure, but then you know, my god, so many years of you know, it's forty years ago. Yeah, but we've about ten years. Well, then we did. They did the second one, which I turned down because they had my it wasn't written by the same writers. They beating on Lewis on page six with a Joe right, that's what I said, No I'm doing that. Did you see the first movie? Right? You just just like, no, I'm not doing it. So then the director's like, oh, come and we'll rewrite it. And then my friend Curtis, Curtis Armstrong, he was they were already down there shooting, they were in four. He's like, they're not working with us the way they said. He said, I really wouldn't believe that they will, first of all, and I was when I was reading the scene. It wasn't like we had broken up for something. We're in a fight. And then you see me in a hotel room with a jot so I'm like, no, I.

I yeah, that wasn't Betty.

That wasn't Betty. And then then we did a third and fourth that were.

Movies of the week, right, Oh yeah, Yeah.

The third one was kind of boring, I thought, but I one is really cute. But of course the first one was the best because then I got to have nerd children and all that.

Yess yep.

But yeah, like on Monday, we're all going to a party and we do these comic cons our Last last month, because it was early November, we were did a personal appearance thing at in Cancoon that was kind of fun. We were there for the whole week and they were fun. Yeah, it was just fun. It was just fun. It wasn't It was very little work and lots of like lounging and.

Amazing, amazing and amazing that like you guys as a cast still have stayed connected. I mean, that's something that we share all the time, is how close we remained as a cast.

And it really it's unique.

You know, when you do a movie or a show, like you don't always stay in touch with those people for forever. You know, maybe even if you get along really well, have a few months or your CM at a thing or whatever, Hey, how's gone. But like the extent to which I think it sounds like we all have remained close with our cast made it is unique and it makes for such a wonderful experience to go do those comic cons. I mean when we go to nineties Con, it's so much fun to get to hang out together again.

Yeah, you're like, oh, I'm so excited. You just get to be with everybody like non stop. Yeah, it's very, very unusual. Very I wouldn't say there's one cast that like that is other than that cast is like the most special cast. Yeah huh, that's really fun. So yeah, I love that.

Now, what what were some of your other like fun acting roles that you did? I mean those were these are the two that you're probably best known for.

But exactly some of my other favorites. Well, I did a really I was nominated for an episode of Magnum p I and I love Tom Selleck. He is, yeah Dutch, a great guy. So I had a great episode of that. Funny enough, I was because of these comic cons when I'm my one of my cast members of saying you should make a new banner.

And I'm like, okay, okay, And so I'm like, well, you know what I should do just for my kids alone, is just and not that they would care about.

I like organize, you know, Paul stop find episodes and shows that I did and pull something from it. So at least I've got it in an organized place and it's fun, fun for me. But it's just like, okay, here's what heres? So, I mean, I knew I did a really good episode of Remington Steele, but I did not remember that I got to make out with pure Spot Brosnan on screen. In the eighties, you made out on screen. There was no there was no testing for.

Anything, right, Yeah, yeah, I'm.

Just like I watched the episode aole once ago. I'm like, I remember that I had to flirt with him, and because of his character, you know, because he's so cool, because he was ried in love with Stephanie Simbolis Junior. As a character, I I didn't really as the actors coming on. I didn't really get like, okay, could he help me be a little more? Not that he has to flirt with me, but I had to, like really right, it was so stressful, so it was so hysterical. I remember texting my friend going, I have forgot who forgets that they make out with Pierce Frosmen. I mean, I don't think that that's that's actors nerves, you know what I mean? Right, I just remembered having going this is hard, this is hard. You think you're just sure you'd love to do this to Pierce Froston. But I mean if you're both doing it, that's different. But I don't know.

Yeah, you had nothing, you had nothing to feel off of, you know. He Yeah, you just had to come up with it.

Yeah, and apparently you know, I mean it's well known now, but you know that they there was I didn't understand what it was about. But there was tremendous tension on the SEC. I guess they didn't. They really didn't get along like they didn't.

Yes, it was a moonlighting sort of vibe.

Yeah, right, I I didn't know that.

I just thought you just were like, Wow, it's tense around here, right hard?

Uh? That was that was still that was looking back out of that was. That was a great episode. But but it was a very interesting experience. Oh I got to work with Angela Lansbery on road.

I love her.

Oh did you ever? I'm sure you probably a legend.

I don't know that I ever that I ever did get to meet her. I'm like trying.

I don't think I did, but I like I loved her. I remember watching Murder she wrote with my mom as a kid like that was yeah, the little typewriter, the whole deal. And I was like, I loved it.

She was amazing. I mean I I believe I had seen her on stage in I think Gypsy went probably yes eight, uh, you know in New York right right from remember I believe it was Gypsy. Whatever I saw her in, I stood up, I was there with my parents, stood up at the end, clapped, you know, obviously clapping and like pouring down tears. I think that was the moment. I'm like, oh yeah, but she was amazing. So later when I got cast on her show, I had the joy of working with her. She came down to the set every every day and rehearsed with a cast for that episode like endlessly. It was I never that was not something that was done as you know, you could imagine that. Yeah, it was just amazing. And then years later I ran into her at Santa Monica Seafood. There's only a little there used to be a little walk in store where you just bought. It wasn't direct right, and it was I don't know what time, it was, probably like mid afternoons. I walked in there, weren't very many people there and maybe there was one other person, and then there was this woman and I from the back. I looked at her and I went, that's gotta be Angela because it's so tall.

Right, Oh is she tall?

Oh yeah, yes, Oh okay, she's just she statue asque and this is just her back and I went, So I knew there weren't you know, there weren't many people there, so I didn't feel but I just kind of quietly walked up next to her and I said, Hi, Angela, I'm Julia Montgomery. I worked with.

So sweet.

He's such what you would want, what you would want to what I would want to be if I was the lead of a show.

Yeah, it was a class act.


I did so into rehearsing.

Yeah, that's the I mean, that's the that's where you get to play really is the rehearsing and the trying out and the do you know, And I mean she came from such a theater background.

That's the rehearsal is the that's the thing. That's what you do. You rehearse yeah, forever and ever.

So Yeah, I love that she was really in it. Abe Tody Big News it's happening.

Andrea Barberdy Sweden. We have merch merch people.


We are so excited about this. We've been talking about this for a long time.

We really have.

And if you go to howarudemrch dot com you can check out all of the designs.

That we have that A. B.

And I worked on ourselves. I mean we didn't we didn't do the like the drawing of them, but all of the ideas, the notes.


What we're saying is we.

Want to hear from you. Okay, to check out how rude merch dot com. Go get hoodies, t shirts, all kinds of fun designs on there, and uh, rep your fana rito love.

It's funny because I started on a sofa after I did a little bit of the modeling, and then I got right into commercials and then suddenly out of nowhere and back in New York in the New York days. Did either of you ever live in New York and do? No, you probably didn't.

I spent a fair amount of I worked there a little bit, but I didn't live there. But uh yeah no, but I've spent a fair amount of time there.

Okay, Well, back in the early days before you guys were born. No don't. I don't know. You know, you could have multiple agents anyway, which why is why am I bringing this up up? No, I'm not sure, but because you could have some some auditions from one agent and so for another. So all of a sudden, I got an audition for a soap opera and I was like out of nowhere, like it seemed well I barely started working, you know, right then I got this. So then I ended up getting the soap opera. And that is another cast that we It was so much fun in that day. We were called in early in the morning. We blocked you know, kind of like your schedule, Like.

Yeah, Andrea did days of our lives.

She started on a so I know the grind. I know the soap grind. That is not easy a lot, especially as your first acting like that is not it's boot camp for actors as it is now it's boot camp.

You doing that. So you did do that same schedule. Yeah, but I kind of ye, I'm on the biggest hand, I really loved it because you had that whole day. You even the wrong day, and it was sort of but you at least you got to come in with Omega, run through the scene, get your blocking, try to get a line changed here and there. Right, Samantha wouldn't say this, she was anyway, that was the line, and you know, and then slowly work and you get to you get to rehearse in between with all the actors and that that group. You know. Although I was like one of the absolutely youngest on it. There was some young boy, but then he wasn't on the show for that long or that, you know whatever, But so I was like the youngest when I was sixteen. I wasn't that young, but I was still the youngest, and I had a great time rehearsing, and that cast was really really special to me. In fact, one of those one of the people i'd that there is my best friend Brentayer. So we should both lived out here for eons. But but that scenario that you guys had every week, Yeah, read through it. You you you know, you work, then you've got your stuff that you do and it's like right, fun so fun.

Yeah, it's like it's like well for sitcoms anyways, it's like doing live theater with the ability to mess up and do it again right.

The best, The pressure off of the like, oh my god, if I screw this up. But it also you know, you get the the audience immediate reaction.

Yeah, it's the best, it's the best. Yeah. Yeah, it's really really fun.

Do you prefer TV or film more?

You know, I would love to do a series because I would love the nighttime series. I would love because of the repetition of the character and getting to cut you know.


I mean film is wonderful, but I think, honestly right now, I would love to do a series. Yeah.

The consistent work is great. Really, that's what you get the point. You're like, I'd love to be on.

A series and just just work for like several months in.

A row and no in the same character and get to them be the great.


It's in where you're like, I know, okay, I've got this. I mean, there's always a new idea, but you've got your basis. You figured it out. I'm working on, uh, a show that we're looking for the platform but pulled Loganberry Lanes and it's it's kind of like a Desperate Housewives meets not a murder she wrote, But it's it's really fun. It's like five women. Uh. Kristin Johnston tokes from TOAs, I'm always gonna say her last name wrong, TOAs from Frasier. You know, yes, yes, Julia camp all Ah, I know I was gonna do as. We would do this.

This happens to us all the time.

Yeah, yeah, Nicki Michelle love her anyway, amazing cast. So we're working, We're about to do our third episode. But it's kind of like, I guess this is the way it goes now because I've actually, I actually way stepped out of the business and then got back into it. Yeah, about ten years ago, started doing commercials and stuff like that, and you know, started getting doing short films and things like that. But basically also got my real estate license because I realized I wasn't going to stay married absolutely not to.

That there you go, yeah, yeah, you're like it would be I will be seventeen things.

If it means that I have to that I can leave. Yeah, exactly.

So I decided, Okay, I'm also going to get my real estate license because you know, and so I'm having a ton of fun with real estate and I'm back to acting and it's amazing. Yeah. It's actually because I like not as much as I love which I totally do doing characters and being doing our world. I also love not being the focus and the client being the focus and find the house. It's it's like a really like I love the process, so I love to love it. Love helping them.

So oh that's yeah, that's a I mean, like a fun thing. You get to help people find their new little nest, like that's a you know, it's an important thing. And you get to people see people really excited at like a new something. Andrew just moved into a new house and she's been thrilled about it.

So it's well. And my my boyfriend of ten years, he's a real estate photographer, so he always tells me, he's like, I need to coach these realtors because I'll put it. I'll do like a little He does videos for them, right, and they're just like, wouldn't.

Like, no, sell the house.

You have to give a performance when you're trying to sell a house, so you're utilizing your skills. Yeah.

Absolutely, but it's a perfect fit.

Actually, well, I love to get his information and you know, oh.

Sure look at this getting Michael work Jay, They're coming it.

You're welcome, Michael, You're welcome. Yeah, yeah, Well, do you see.

Yourself continuing acting in the foreseeable future and doing both?

Yeah? Yeah, I don't see any reason not to do both. Oddly, it all seems to always work out so far. Yeah. Kind of funny that way. Yeah, and you know, I've got my two kids. My two kids are like twenty four and okay happen?

Okay, well mine are sixteen and fourteen. Oh you're still she and Andrew's got an adult, an adult.

I've got a twenty year old and a seventeen year old. So yeah, adults. Children are a totally different game.

It is.

It's even harder than teenagehood.

Yeah it is. Yeah, it's even harder. And yet but yet there's finally room a little bit for you because they don't Wait suddenly you're like, wait, did there was there a light switch that I didn't know about? Like I'm a yeah, for sure, But now I can tell you that they do want you back. But there is that whole which is it's all a good thing. It's all a good thing because honestly.

Yeah, I just want to get them launched. You wanted them to be good cistens.

Right, just you know, soys my entire job I've told my kids is my entire job is to just not raise apples.

That's all. That's Yeah, that's it.

I don't Other than that, everything else can be figured out. But if you're just a bad human, like I can't, I can't work with that. I gotta we gotta do something so above all else, just yeah, just be a good human, you know, just be nice. Yeah, like that that's our that's our message for today kids.

So what we want, Yeah, it really is, it really is.

Yeah, and because you two can grow up to be, you know, like Stephanie Tanner and uh be a real estate agent DJ slash no exactly.

Before we wrap up, I have to ask one more question. What did you think of John Stamos in that that wig, that bald cap in your episode?

I thought that was hysterical.

I thought that was so yeah, what was What was it like being around the guys were dressed all up ridiculously, it was bizarre.

I'm like.

They I'm sure they just had a rip roar in time with all of that.

Yeah, and I love Dave's kind of laughing, kind.

Of like like he did not Yeah, yeah, his weird like his his that gaspy laugh that he did.

Then the Wheezy Yeah, yeah, exactly.

And every time, oh gosh, well I can't remember her character name, John Davis' girlfriend of the.

Show, Becky Becky, yeah, Becky, every time Becky would come in.

With her you know right, giant Yeah yeah, I mean they were hysterical, k before it was a thing.

Becky originated it, just saying could we even do that?


I'm not sure we actually made the comments. We were like, that's not no, I donly love that now where you're like, that's.

Where they're like, well, because they're making fun of Becky for having a giant rump and they're all fat too, really.

No, no, no, no, you don't get to be that, and then that no no, yeah, the double standard was not We call that out quite a bit on the show.

Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, we're we allow it to be an eighties nineties sitcom, but we definitely are like, don't do that.

Now, people don't do that.

That's not we can't do it.

I love it. Yeah, it's really fun.

Well, what a great episode you got to do for Yeah, I mean of all the episodes, that was a fantastic one to be a part of it.

Really, it kind of really stood out. It was cute. I could really see how people enjoyed that.

Yeah, it's the fan favorites. Absolutely, I love it.

I love it.

Well, thank you so much for joining us today, Julie. This was such a fun interview and like you are, I mean, we just love getting.

To see people who have been a part of this full house journey along the way.

And uh and yeah, what a treat for us to get what a treat to get to thirty years later.

Oh so I have ever gone to talk to you guys because you were too little in your office school.

I know, yeah, exactly if we weren't on set, we were we were getting roped back into doing school.

Yeah, thank you so much.

Absolutely absolutely nice to talk to you, Julia.

Thanks for joining us.

A bye.

She's rightful. Yeah, the energy, she still got that energy.

Yeah, you know, just just super like I just yeah, I love her personality. I love to honor that. She was the adult stuff.

She perfect casting, perfect casting, like she sailed it, yep.

And I mean.

Revenge of the Nerds is like that is it is one of the that police academy, uh, Caddie Chew, Like it's of that.

Era of that caliber. Yeah, oh what a what an icon like She's She's great.

I'm a big fan, so absolutely, that was so much fun. Well, I'm so glad that we had her on the show today. That was an excellent interview and I'm glad.

We got to uh got to see you know, what the adult stuff is up to.

Yeah, that's so so great, so great.

Well, thank you guys so much for joining us Fana Ritos. We love doing these interviews.

We hope you love listening to them and getting to find out all the fun behind the scenes stuff. So in the meantime, make sure you're following us on Instagram at Howard Podcast. You can send us emails at Howard podcast at gmail dot com. You can also check out the link on Instagram for our new merch line. We've got some shirts out there from the from Full House, well from Howard tan Rito's brother, but references references to Full House and references to silly stuff we do on this show.

So we're very excited about that.

Make sure that you also we are sending in questions for the The episode that Andrey and I are going.

To recreate is a two woman show.

The two women show that's gonna be ridiculous. Yeah, make sure you're emailing it's those two and liking it.

Subscribing to the podcast wherever you're listening to it so you get all the news episodes.

And uh, and we will see you next time. Everybody, We will see you next time.


Remember the world is small, but the house is full of nerds.

All alerts and all in revenge.

All yeah, so many nerds, so much revenge.

Bye bye

How Rude, Tanneritos!

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