"Just Say No Way" Recap Season 3, Episode 21

Published Nov 19, 2024, 5:00 AM

When D.J. finds her boyfriend drinking beer at the school dance, how does she react?! Well, Uncle Jesse seems to think he caught her in the act, but that couldn't be further from the truth!! It's an episode that's engrained in practically every Full House fan's brain, and we can see why! Don't miss our honest thoughts and opinions, plus, the BTS memories that accompany it.


'Just say no way' to missing this recap! It's all right here on How Rude, Tanneritos! 

That's all right, that's all right.

Yeah, I am here for it. I'm wearing my Dolly Parton sweatshirt today because I think we just we all need a little.

Dollar in our lives. Yeah, what does it say? I beg?

It says I beg your pardon.

Oh that's Kyote. Yeah. Yeah, we all know a little Dolly.

That's me do that's my ride in candidate? Yeah? But yeah, how are you? How's how's are you? Are you?


Halloween has come and gone?

Halloween has come and gone. I'm in full like wildlife control mode over here at my house.

What does that mean? Well, have you opened a sanctuary? What do you mean wildlife control? Have you been infested by?

Wrote? No, exactly. I'm currently fighting with a gopher that's digging up my lawn. So I'm in the middle of it.

Okay, I do you do it in a Bil Murray voice?

I really hope so. Oh yeah yeah, well no I don't, but I should incorporate that. That would be fun.

Yeah, Caddyshack all over again.

No, I I did rescue an injured hawk though. That was that appeared on my back patio apparently had it had flown into my back glass sliding door.

No, I have had so many weird bird incidents over the last like three days.

Wait, really, yes, something there is something in the air there we are no, sorry, I don't know the birds.

The birds are like not having it.

It's like a steal. It's like al the birds. There was a dead one in your pool, yeah, that's yeah.

And then there was a murder of crows on my I opened the door to the point where my sky was like they come here and look, and there was like forty crows.

This is Stephen king noole.

That's what we're living in right now, right right, that's I love a good murder of crows. So what happened? You got a hawk flying there?

So I had like a full hot like a red tailed hawk. Oh yeah, like a raptor. I walked, I came home. I was getting ready to take Holly outside out back to go potty, and this bird is laying on its back just twitching, and I was like it's massive. It was bigger ye like that?

Well, yeah, they're huge.

So I called like animal control, Like I'm like, what do I call? Because this bird? I was like, it needs to be put out of its misery. So I called. I left some messages with some animal control people, and then like ten minutes later I came back and the bird is standing up, walking around on the back pennies. He was like, I was just a little like a drunk sailor, just walking around in the backyard.

Shake it off, you know what I mean. You get up, just gip your feathers back in order.

And uh so he he He just walked around for a while and then just never flew away. And then the next morning he came back and he was still on the property, not flying away, and I was like, oh man, this is weird. So finally we.

Got a hold wait he left and came back. He just left to a different part. He walked down the street and then walked back into your yard. I don't flying where the hell did he go.

I think he just walked over and slept under a bush. I don't know. We have a lot of coyotes here too, So I was right, yeah, yeah about this bird, because I'm like, if he can't fly, he can't defend himself. So we finally got a hold of a company that will come and actually bring like rescue the bird. A lot of people are like, oh, we only rescue dead animals or we only you know, we only Well.

You can't can't actually rescue a dead animal. That's I think you're a little late.

You're a little late for that. Yeah, there's a.

Thing that I need off my property, right, but if it's still twitching, well, this one seemed fine.

He just couldn't. So anyways, long story short, the San Dimas wrapped or rescue. It was a sanctuary up in San Demus and they're fantastic, like they sent someone out he grabbed the bird. He was like, oh, yeah, it's a female, a juvenile red red tailed hawk. And I was like, how do you know this? So I'm learning also, like I've downloaded a bird app like I have. I am all about identifying birds. They took this bird up to their sanctuary. They were trying to rehab him for a week and he just couldn't. He had brain damage, like he could never fly. He never passed his test flights. So and they discovered he had Avian pox, which is very continuous.

That's what I know. I'm like, I think that why have been the one that was in the it.

Was from they got the pox.

I don't know it was I've never in my life seen a bird face down in a pool. Oh, it's like a little finch, you know. Oh, and I had seen one recently, remember the one that I did I tell you about the one I tried to It was hot and he just fell and was like laying on the things. So I tried to give him a bath and all this stuff. Yeah, and then he kind of sort of flew a yeah, I don't know. The birds are the birds are not happy.

The birds are not happy. The birds are definitely feeling by.

And I also get a redtail hawk that comes and sits on my fence right here.

Oh so they're so beautiful, like they're just gorgeous, gorgeous creature.

The other birds in the in the area do not appreciate it. They are like flying at it and freaking out. But oh yeah, that thing just sits there like unbothered.

Well I'm hoping that even though this red tailed hawk didn't unfortunately didn't make it. I do appreciate the rescue Chris over at Sandymus Raptor Rescue. She's fantastic to work with. And now I'm watching all the other hawks. I'm hoping these hawks will come and eat the gopher that is tearing up my lawn because that would be a there would be a win win, the gopher would be gone and they would get a nice little snack. So that's true.

Well, I mean, you can always set this gopher up, you know, I just blush him out then, you know, I don't know.

I'm trying to just trap him because I don't I don't want to poison him because that's because wildlife right right, Yeah, it'll poison all the hawks. So I don't want to do that. So I'm just trying to trap him. But it's it's not going well. So I'll keep you updated, o, please do Aby versus the gopher.

Yes, oh, I can't wait. I need to keep score.

Yeah, so far it's it. The gopher is definitely winning.

So yeah, anyway, well gopher one eighty.

Zero, Yeah, definitely zero.


Wow, I didn't know you were having a bird problem, that's.

I mean, I didn't realize it was really a problem. But yeah, it's just.

A weird weirdness. It's weird, just weird bird activity. Yeah, yeah, something something, something's in.

The in the air. Yeah, it does feel like that a little bit.

It's definitely there.

Yeah, shall we uh, shall we do an episode?

Do we do a recap? Sure?

I don't know, why not?

Let's do it. This is a pretty iconic episode. I would say this isn't really is. It gets referenced a lot.

First of all, the outfit the DJ was wearing was like a visceral memory for me. So and I didn't even wear it, but I remember it. Oh yeah, yeah.

So it was a standout. Yeah, she kandas fought hard to wear that outfit. She fought very hard, Yeah, to wear that. So and it was great. It was a lot of style. Oh yeah. Anyways, Okay, let's get into it. Welcome back to How Rude Taneritos. I'm Andrea Barber and I'm Jodie Sweeten, and today we're discussing season three, episode twenty one, Just Say No Way. It originally aired on March thirtieth, nineteen ninety, and it goes a little something like this. It's a big blow for DJ when she catches her boyfriend Kevin Gwynn experimenting with booze at a dance, and an even bigger blow when Jesse wrathfully accuses her of the same.

Ooh wait, her boyfriend's just kind of her date right with a boyfriend.

I don't know, I don't. I mean it's not they haven't literally like put a label on it yet.

Okay, but does he come back?

No, this is his last episode.

Oh his dad must have been really good. He didn't get he was very was it he was? Yeah, well he's changed schools. They moved out of stand really.

Tragic, that's right, Okay, yeah, so okay. It was directed and written by Jeff Franklin. Yay, love it, Love one. Jeff directs, yes, And we have a lot of returning guest stars. This week. Scott Curtis returns as Kevin Gwynne and he was dming me about this episode. Oh this week too. He's like, when you do the recap for just say no way, make sure you tell everybody that I still have Baby Beluga in my head still.

I had forgotten about that song until this episode, and then I was like, oh no, no, here it comes.

Where it is? Yeah, love it. He's equally scarred as the rest of us. And then we have Joe L. Raddy as Sam. He also did guest appearances on The One Years and Dynasty, and he is no longer acted. He just was a child actor and then left the business. That's probably after this episode. Probably after this episode, after doing this.

And then we have.

Michael Geo Ferigno returns as Elliott. We last saw him in Thirteen Candles and he's back to cause a ruckus. Right. We also have Annry McAvoy returning as Kathy Santoni, like with the most glorious denim outfit.

Oh my god, the dnham so much jacid washing? Did they all did? Was everyone had three names? The thing was kind of boring.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, they're like just add another one, didn't That was trendy for a while, Like Jonathan Taylor Thomas.

There was also a thing that you had to do sometimes because there was already somebody with that name in SAG, so you had to like go by your middle name or whatever.

Yeah, yeah, I know that there's definitely a need for it. But yeah, I know that's funny that a lot of these guys stars have three names, and last was certainly not least. We have Angela Kay returning as Girl at Dance. We last saw her in Thirteen Candles uncredited then too.

Who's she related to? I wonder?

I don't know, She's she has quite She has the most impressive resume of any of the guest stars, probably any of us on the cast list too, because she was in Kids Incorporated, Saved by the Bell, Wonder Years. Boy meets her old good morning, Miss Bliss, a little house on the prairie, Sesame Street, and planes, trains and automobiles.


She worked a lot, and she was uncredited for most of those roles.

So she worked a lot as a background actor.

Yeah, okay, yeah, but she like she has a very impressed resume, Yes, but it says uncredited. But we're giving her credit, you know, and we are giving angela credit where it's due. Yeah, because girl at Dance. You know, it wouldn't be a dance without a girl.

Without a girl at dance. Yeah, yeah, I mean it could be, but then it Yeah, anyway, I'm just gonna get into the recap, Okay, So.

We start with the teaser. In the living room, Michelle stops in holding a plate with a sandwich on it. She announces to Joey, I made you lunch, and Joey beams, you are the sweetest girl in the world. Michelle responds, I know, eat it. Joey takes a bite of the sandwich and his face sours immediately. He says, through a pained smile, I taste bananas and pickles and jello, and Michelle adds and bubblegum. Joey jokes, you got all four food groups, and then he blows a bubble from the sandwich gum and Michelle scolds him, don't play with your food. Joey frowns and mimics her aw nuts.

And we're out those, we're it was it was quick, short.

I like the short. I like the short teasers and quickly. Yeah, it's just a little something, a little bite sized, Michelle, for you.

To wet POW's gotta taste terrible. That's gonna taste like bananas and pickles.

And jello to hard. That's gross. But yeah, hey, all four food groups.

That's what happens when you leave a you know, a three year old alone in the kitchen for an extended period. Design they just make whatever they want. Yeah, well, she doesn't use the app and so yeah, yeah, she.

Doesn't have a lot of time in between her therapy appointments, so she has to grab a quicks very.

It's a there's a lot of people in the house that she's got to deal with.

So yeah, right, she's on her union brink. Yes. So in the kitchen, Jesse walks towards the table holding a tray. He tells the girls he's got their chocolate mood juice and hands them each a cup. Joey cheerfully walks in, telling Michelle he got her a tape of children's songs by Raffi.

Oh my god, Raffy this. I hadn't thought of Raffi in thirty years. And I remember the the Blue the song and oh yeah, uh.

Oh oh yeah, okay, yeah, yeah, oh yeah, all the earworms, all her earworms.

Oh yeah, They've been going through my head all morning since I walked to the episode, all of the Raffi songs. Because great, that's what I need. You know, I'm wake up up with Baby be Literally I will wake up and it's like Baby Beluga is on a tape, like playing in my head before I'm even awake.

Yeah, you're living a full house episode right now. So Michelle doesn't know who this is. She says, what's a Raffi. Joey tells her he's the guy who sings Baby Beluga and stuff is very excited. She chimes in. I used to love that song. She hurries over to Danny, asking if he remembers the dance that they used to do. Steph pulls him out of his chair so they could show Michelle the dance, and Danny lets out a sarcastic laugh. Oh this should be fun.

Joey inside did not remember doing a dance to Baby Beloga, was like, yeah, well that once I did? Was like, oh, I sort of vaguely remember it now, but yeah I did.

Yeah, Oh you didn't remember that?


Who came up with this dance?

Was it you?

Was it Bob? Was it Jeff who came.

Up with the song about a Beluga way? Or you know what I mean? Like what happens?

Such a good thing though they onto one song or one thing and they obsess over it for weeks. This is just very, very in tune with a three year old, for sure. So the song begins to play. Stephan Danny do the dance synchronously while Joey tries to follow their lead. Michelle watches them and she's got a huge grin on her face. She's loving this. As the chorus begins, Joey takes a sip of water and spews it out of his mouth, pretending to be a whale. Danny catches sight of this and stops his dancing. He's not impressed. Dave's done this before, this bit with the water reading of the water, like I he's a great fountain.

Yeah, that's distance and and stamina. It just goes, you know, it.

Goes for a long time.

Yeah, it's got great breath control or whatever control that would be that you'd need for I imagine that, since he plays harmonica, would be sort of similar. Oh okay, I like you to have to like have the ability to like sort of push air through your I don't know, I'm getting way to Yeah.

No, no, no, it's like singing. You have to like but you're yeah, so this is this is water fountain mouth mouth water fountain work.

Yeah, yeah, you gotta you gotta work up to this what we're saying you to start here.

Dave has so many skills, so many skills, and I just don't know what. I don't know where they originate or how like how like what what what is ungs?


I don't know this is.

But why you would do that in the middle of the kitchen. I also would be like Danny and be like, what are you get a napkin? Clean that up? Get your moth hit on the floor right.

So gross. So Jesse's watching all of this go down, he says, great, I got the baby Beluga dancers, I got mood juice. When did my life become a g rated movie? Just then, DJ and Kimmy rush into the house, quickly walking past the family dah He stops them, Hey, how about a little hello? How was your day? And DJ Flatley states, no time to talk, We're in charge of a dance. As the girls walk into the living room, Danny, Joey, and Jesse all follow behind them. Joey shouts, what about your homework. We cut to the living room where the girls are still marching past, and Kimmy answers, if we do our homework? Now? What do we do while they take attendance?

She's very practical, you know, like, well, it's I remember that fifteen minute panic where you're like, oh my god, just get it done, get it done, just right. What did you pull before?

Yeah? Yes, the panic, the panic. Yeah I totally read that too.

We got to break my spelling sentences or whatever stupid thing was.

Last minute cramming for the spelling test. Yeah, yeah, so true. So the girls run upstairs and the men follow directly behind. DJ tells them not to worry about her. She's almost finished with her homework, and Jesse questions, oh, yeah, let's see it then, and DJ backtracks. Did I say almost finished? I meant almost started.

Yeah, that's some very typical middle school conversation about home. Yes, do you have any homework? No, that's weird because I looked on the school g and it says you'd, oh, well, that that homework, right, I mean there is.

That, yes, but you don't specify which Like they're all training to be little lawyers, you know, like just being able to argue their way out of a bag. So in the girls room, Kimmy and DJ are seated on DJ's bed as Steph roams around the room. Kimmy's on the phone. I'm telling someone the dance is next Friday, don't be late. She turns to DJ and tells her dog Face said yes. DJ exclaims, all right, we got a band, and Stephanie comments, Dogface never heard of him?

Isn't that the name of Keanu Reeves band? No dog Star? Sorry? I was like wait, the name is band after this?

Yes, kes name is banned.

You don't know whll house hous of reach, man, I just say it.

It does.

I can't argue with that. But but it was not I was wrong.

So caimm Me tell Steph, that's because you're in second grade and Dogface is a high school band. Steph raises an eyebrow. So the Rolling Stones are about one hundred, and I've heard of them.

I can't believe we were making old Rolling Stones jokes thirty seven years ago or thirty five years ago and they're still here and touring probably. I mean, like, well, no, I think they had to stop now, but like there were one hundred then, yeah, now they're.

One hundred and thirty seven.

I'm I am. I'm not convinced that they're not holograms. Yeah, something I don't know.

So great. So DJ ignores her sister and continues to plan the school dance. Jimmy reminds her that this is a backwards dance, which means they need to get some guys to be their dates. So this is like Sadie Hawkins, but they can't say Saty Hawkins.

Yeah, why can't you say that? Is it?


I don't know. Maybe is it trademarked, it's Sadie trademarket. Maybe must be.

No, Sadie's making bang.

Yeah, she's like mentioned my name. Say it you owe me five hundred dollars?

Yeah, I don't.

I don't.

Yeah, I don't think it's called Sadie Hawkins.

When you said cords dance, I was like.

Are we dancing back on? Yeah? My mom threw me a backwards birthday party. One. This is so random, but that was the theme of the party was backwards, so that the guests had to walk up the stairs backwards to get to the front door, and then we had to like write with our toes, like writing stuff or drawing with toe and we under the table. We hadn't eat under the table.

That's that's actually really amazing.

How old were Sherry Barber? I eight years old? Okay or nine?

But that's fun, Like, oh, it was great.

We wore a clothes backwards.

Yeah, well that was It was very big that in the day, Chris Cross, let us not forget everything was backwards.

Yeah, no, this was this was peak Sherry Barber was making a backwards birthday party for me.

That was what I was expecting was it backwards? Everything to be backwards anyways like it is now.

Jimmy encourages DJ to call Kevin. DJ hesitates, I can't right now. I don't have his phone number, and stuff counters, Yes you do. It's the spade dial button with the heart you're on around it.

You're so hell she's yeah, She's like, no, you didn't, I know you.

I think she's really trying to be helpful though she's not trying to.

Have his phone number. Duh. Yeah, it's so funny.

So Steph proceeds to pick up the phone and presses on the speed dial button. She tells DJ in a sing song voice that it's ringing. DJ rushes over and snatches the phone from her. She quickly comes up with, this is the phone company, your phone works fine, goodbye, and then immediately hangs up. Steph begins to strut like a chicken, mocking her sister's actions. Kimmy laughs on with that one. Oh yeah, Kimmy laughs along with Stephanie, and DJ is shocked. Kimmy admits, sorry, but sometimes she's funny. A rare moment of a creient. Yes, yes, this is the beginnings of our exactly then Stephanie begins talking into DJ's phone. She's speaking to Kevin. DJ tries to chase her, but Steph runs away while continuing to talk. This is Stephanie Tanner, and I was wondering if you'd like to go to the backwards stands with my lovely sister DJ. DJ threatens I'm going to kill you, and Stephanie says goodbye into the phone and hangs up. She reveals that Kevin said yes, yay.


DJ's face softens and she can't help but smile. She tells Stephanie, I'm gonna hug you the two embrace, and Steph rolls her eyes. Teenagers, you make such a big deal out of everything. That's just Stephanie speaking the truth again.

That's true. Yeah.

So a week later, in the living room, the guys are all hanging out doing their own thing. Steph barges in, yelling, somebody do something. It's been one solid week of Baby Beluga. I'm going bananas. Michelle walks in immediately after carrying her boombox and singing along to the Baby Beluga track. Steph sternly tells Joey you gave her that tape, you take it away. Joey walks over to Michelle and suggests they change the tape to another song. Michelle pulls the boombox away from him, shouting no. Joey tells her that baby Beluga is tired, he needs a nap. He reaches for the boombox again and she threatens, don't make me cry, and she quickly runs away with her boombox in aunt.

Quite a tyrant, this child.

She's very you know, she's learned that emotional manipulation and yeah, she wields it all over everyone in the house. Yeah. Uh so. Then dj appears at the top of the stairs. She clears her throat to grab the attention of her family. She is wearing black emcy hammer pants with a little boosty a with gold detailing, and a black blaro jacket yes, paired with a giant belt yes.

And giant hair to match.

Giant hair like this outfit.

This was the hair that you She would pull her hair out to the side and then you'd spray it like that, You'd literally spray it so your hair went out outside.

Well, it's got a match with the it's gotta be on the same plane as the shoulder pads, you know.

So right right, everything, like the shoulder pads were getting a little smaller, but the bangs were getting a lot bigger.

Bang the bangs. Baby's got bangs. Man, it is big hair, big outfit. And yeah, Candace loved this outfit. The producers wanted her to wear a dress. She was like, no, this is what I want to wear, this little pants suit outfit. And she got to it was I thought it was very stylish.

It was very stylish.

She looked, Yeah, she was fantastic. So this is very edgy and you can see the Janet Jackson influence is still sure or sure, great outfit. So the guys, I'll stand up and walk towards DJ, giving her an abundance of compliments. Danny is pointing his video camera at her, making sure he doesn't forget this moment. She asks, do you have to tape everything? Danny apologizes and says he'll stop. He begins to put the camera away, but she changes her tone. Well, maybe a few more seconds. I'm having a really good hair day for sure. Well yeah, the doorbell rings and Steph announces that she'll get it. DJ shouts, wait, that's Kevin. She runs over to a chair and poses Once she's set up, she gives Steph the go ahead to open the door and it's Kimmy. She agreed everyone high neighbors. She looks at Danny and smiles hi camera, and then she means to sing and dance the right stuff by kids on the buck. I pitched this so hard to seeing these three these three seconds of long it'll.

Be I promise it'll clear. Yes, five seconds.

Yeah, yeah, they were like make it short, and yeah they got they got clearance for it. I was very, very excited to sing that song.

Oh I bet I could see the joy on your face.

Yeah, right, my my, the choreo wasn't like, it wasn't strong. My little arm jabs.

Well, yeah, I mean, you know, you were a teenager. You're like probably like I'm gonna do it, but like I don't look like I'm like too, you know, I don't know.

Yeah, I was, Yeah, I had to be. I wanted to do justice to the band, but I was still you know, I was thirteen, or maybe I was fourteen at this time, and I remember asking Jeff, oh god, I'm so embarrassed about this now. I remember asking Jeff, will the new kids know about this bit? Will they know that I sang the song on the steps. They do now it's like, oh, yeah, we called him. They saw it. They saw it. It was really they loved it. And I'm like, no, no, they didn't.

They didn't know.

I'm like, did you at the time you.

Were like, oh my god, they saw it. That's that's it.

He did.

Yes. What if they did, though, What if Jeff wasn't lying and you asked them right now and they were like, oh, yeah, we totally watch it was graves cute.

I would die. I would fall on the floor rolling around in embarrassment. It'd be so embarrassing. They too, would be like, yeah, your little hand jabs weren't very weren't very strong.

I didn't if you were marking it, you know what I mean. I was just giving performance. It was just a little something.

I had no time for rehearsal. I just walked in and the camera was on.


So Danny interrupts this fabulous performance, saying he needs to save his batteries for later. Kimmy walks up to DJ and relays the bad news, dog Face broke up, so they don't have a band. DJ is frantic. She promised everyone that they'd have a great band. Everyone's gonna hate her. She gets an idea. She turns to Jesse, saying unless and his face is etched with worry. What why are you looking at me? DJ begins to beg Jesse insists he'd be happy to help, but he can't get his band at this late. Notice right, the rippers are very busy like the rippers of things. Yeah, they're very, very busy on a Friday night. Uh. DJ offers to help him get a back DJ offers to get him a backup band instead, and she knows exactly who to get. They're hot. She hugs her uncle and begs please. Jesse tells her to get a grip, and then he asks her to loosen her grip. He pulls her off of him and says, all right, I'm there for you. She gives him a beg thank you. During all this, Kevin has peeked his head in through the front door, saying hello.

He's so cute, tear coming around the corner and his jacket, I know the outfit with the denw wash.

Yes, he's a good he's a good match for DJM. Yeah sad this is his last episode, so everyone says hi, except Danny, who holds up his video camera and admits I missed your entrance. Could you go back out and come back in again? DJ sheepishly motions for her dad to stop. She reminds him that Kevin's mom is waiting. Then she wags her finger at him with seriousness. Don't you dare follow us to the car, DJ says, bite. Everyone but Kevin lingers behind to say something to steph He thanks her for asking him out, and Stephanie grinns, my pleasure any little brothers like you at home?

Oh yeah, I love it.

DJ grabs Kevin by the arm and leads him out before he can give a response. Kimmy follows shortly behind, saying, audios, Tanners. So I was in the audio.

Spit, but we're audios.

There was no tanto since it was.

Never well, we had this discussion at the beginning of Fuller. Didn't wait that Tannerrito's wasn't always a thing that was kind of something that maybe came about at the Fuller.

Oh was it not in full House?

I don't think. I don't think it was. Oh, I don't know. I I we're gonna know when we hear it.

We're going to know when we hear it, but it's definitely not here. But even though the audios, I thought.

It was audios Tanners or like, yeah, I never heard I I don't remember hearing tan Rito's. But as it is the name of our podcast, we're going with true.

I know there's been a lot of discussion on how to spell it. Is it tanner REOs or tanner rietoast like Dorito's? Uh and that change that changed in fuller, But I swear, I say, maybe that's what I think. Swear I said it. You probably did house, but I don't fantos. Please get us straight.

We will get to it, and we're going to freak out when we do. We're gonna hear it and we're gonna be like, oh my god, it's here.

Yeah, and we're gonna have this this exact conversation all over again because I've forgotten that we had it right. We were very predictable. So uh. Kimmy reminds Jesse that he has to be at the dance by seven, and it admits that it only pays fifty dollars, but since he doesn't have a full band, he's only going to get twenty dollars and Jesse scowls. Michelle marches into the room carrying her beloved boombox. She urges everyone to sing as Baby Beluga plays again. The entire family begins to run away, making excuses as to why they can't, but Michelle chases after them, telling them that they're missing the best part.

Boy. Sure, that's like someone's nightmare, just being chased forever by Baby Beluga playing.

Yeah, Oh, definitely. This is a hard beat storyline to like because it's so repetitive, Like, what else do you write like She's torturing the family with this song, Okay, rather rinse repete. That's it's so difficult, difficult to write to that. But that's okay. They had to do something with you people while the rest of them are well and it is.

It is a very toddler thing to do when you're like, I'm going to poke my eyes out if I listen to this one more time. Yeah, and then you get in the car and you put it all one more time.

Yep, we've all been there.

Let it go. Oh.

My kids were a little old, a little bit older for the Frozen generations, so I skipped that.

Deep in it.

Yeah, my apologies. So next we are at van Ada Junior High School, named for our producer Don van Ada. Oh yeah, oh. Kids are gathered all around the school gym as Kimmy walks by saying hi to everybody. We see DJ ripping off part of the banner that mentions Dogface Jesse's on stage and calls out to DJ, asking if her backup band is going to show. DJ assures him that they'll be here, but she also reminds him that he promised to play no matter what. DJ and Kimmi are now standing by Kathy Santoni in all of her denim.

Oh, the acid wash is but it had like a like a pinkish some sort of pink floral detail as well.

It was yeah, there's a lot, there's a lot happening. But she looked great in it, you know, Oh yeah, very fashionable for that.

It was such a the like the ruffle at the bottom, the cut of it, you know what I mean, Like the like dropped waist and the ruffle and the straplet.

Yeahs so very eighties style, definitely.

Uh So.

DJ asks who Kathy brought to the dance and Kathy points to the crowd him and him and him. Gimmy asks DJ where did Kevin go? And DJ looks around trying to find her date. She spots him over by the doors and he waves to her. She tells him to come over to them. He hesitates and tells DJ he's just gonna go get some punch. He asks if she'd like any, and she raises her cup, showing that she already has some. While Kevin is over at the punch bowl, two other boys walk up to him. They strut like, these boys think they're so cool.

Kill me these two boy I was like, oh, yes, all the swagger of middle school.

They think they are so cool, but they are anything but cool. Are these scrawny little kids? You're right, right, right, But that's so true to middle school too. You have those posers who are just walking around like they own the place, and you're like, you have no games, or you have no game, take a seat, Yeah, just bless bless, bless their hearts. So one of these boys asks Kevin who his date is, and he proudly states DJ. And the other boy asks, so, how come your babes not here? Kevin shrugs, She's busy talking. She knows everybody. I'm not good at that. The first boy laughs and tells him he needs to loosen up. The other boy puts his arm around Kevin and says, come on, we got a little surprise for you, and the boys exit the gym.

Just then, nothing good comes of that, Nothing good comes.

It is setting up. It's setting up that next scene so perfectly.


Just then, the high school marching band enters the gym while loudly playing a marching tune.

You know, John was a part of the marching band at his high school, right yep, er and the marching band. I've seen the pictures.

It's great. That is hysterical. Oh my god, I love it. And this was a real, the real marching band from Beaumont High School, which was you know, I don't know how far away from Burbank that was. But yeah, no, it's a real marching band for mine.

I mean, yeah, they were played like a marching band. But yeah, I didn't know they were from Okay, bomat high school. Yeah, greata so funny. Let's try to get this.

Where can we locate them, Let's get them on the podcast.

Which is what I'm standing behind. I want my own tiny desk concert with the Beaumont High School band.

Yes, yes, so great, so Jesse is first he's puzzled, but then the realization hits when they make their way onto the stage with him. Jesse grabs the microphone and says, DJ Tanner report the stage. Immediately, DJ runs up to him with enthusiasm, Oh great, the band's here, and Jesse walks her, Oh great, the band's here. He points out that this is a marching band and unless they're playing on a float, he's out of here. DJ reminds him of his promise, but Jesse argues, you promised a good backup band. DJ emphasizes they're good. They're a band, and they're in back of you. She's not lying.

You know that she's not lying. And also, you know, beyond they did this very successfully with Homecoming at Coachella. I'm just saying, maybe she got the idea from here. Probably not. Yeah, her and then and then dog Star by Xiana Reeves. It was we were a huge show. It was we had a huge cultural influence.

I produced a lot of talent. Right.

But you know, Jesse, could you could go with it? You can make it work?

Oh and he does.

He does.

It's so great, So Jesse turns herud to look at the high schoolers and they all grin at him. Jesse sighs, all right, and then he directs his attention to the band. Let's get one thing straight. We are not spelling out the school name during our songs. DJ takes the mic and begins to announce to the crowd. As you might have guessed, this is not dogface, but let's give a big van adda junior high welcome too. She asks Jesse for a name, and he says, no names, no names. DJ relates us to the crowd, then no names. Everyone lets out a giant round of applause, and Jesse and the marching Band begin their set. Jesse begins to strum wild Thing on his guitar, and then the marching band joins in. He looks at them in horror. Kimmi and some of the other students grimace at the unpleasant combination of electric guitar and cymbals. It's a choice, it is. As Jesse continues to sing along with the marching band, more and more students are disliking the performance, and many begin to walk out. And Kimmy are great about the crowd's response. Jesse is obviously aware of how bad this sounds, but he continues to the best of his ability. Kimmy admits he's not worth twenty bucks. Jesse tries to end the song with some enthusiasm, and when he's done, he thanks the crowd, but DJ is the only one clapping. Oh man, I was enjoying this, you know, I like, come on, people, this is such a classic sitcom moment. Oh I've forgot right over the top but hysterical and cringe and embarrassing. I just I loved every minute of it. So after a short commercial break, a little while later, we are still at Vanatda Junior High School, though our marching band is still playing and Jesse is now totally into it.

You'd see you gotta commit, You just got to commit.

He's wearing a marching band hat as he moves across the stage, playing his guitar to the dwindling audience. He's showing off his best marches when DJ cuts him off. She and Kimmy found a sta that they can use, and Jesse pouts, come on, it's our big finish stars as stripes forever classic dance it.


DJ tells him it's over and Jesse sighs ah. He turns to the band and reminds them rehearsal at my house Saturday. Great job, kids' this was a great payoff. This was it.

Yeah, it was a very funny bit.

Yeah, great payoff. I loved the whole bit, like John just nailed it. Yeah, yeah, I loved part of this. It was so so funny and well done. So Kimmy and DJ begin setting up the stereo. DJ asks if Kimmy has seen Kevin, and she says she remembers seeing him in the hall. DJ laughs, he's probably hiding from the band. I'll tell him it's safe to come back in, and she walks away to go find her date. In the school hallway, Kevin and the two boys are drinking beer and giggling amongst themselves.

Drinking beer, drinking it so casually in the school hallway, I know. Yeah, it's like it was like, you guys are pretty flagrant about this. You're gonna get caught aund you know.

They weren't like hiding under bleachers somewhere or anything.

Yeah, it's just in the hallway, right outside of the door. Yeah, we're to get caught. New bees, there's newbies, thank God, they got caught.

So DJ walks into the hall and they quickly hide their beers so she doesn't see. She asks Kevin what he's doing out here. He says he's just hanging out. One of the boys chimes in. The dance was lame, so we started our own party. DJ is suspicious. She can tell Kevin is hiding something in his jacket, so she pulls it open to reveal the beer can. DJ is shocked, you're drinking beer. Kevin smiles, yeah, it tastes horrible, wants some. DJ pushes the g He's not wrong. No no, uh, DJ says, no, I don't want some. You guys aren't supposed to be drinking beer. The guy's brush off her comments, big deal, we were just having some fun. Try it and one.

Of the boys shakes up a can and sprays it all over her, and then he got shoved in a locker. Now I like what I was like, it's so rude, like it.

Was also quiet.

Yeah, it bothered me on a few levels, but it just felt uh yeah, it didn't feel It didn't feel right for a kid to be doing that to a girl. I don't know, I just felt yeah, I didn't like it. I didn't like it. I didn't. I didn't like it, and we're not supposed to like it. That's he's supposed to be. But also like, what are you doing and beer.

All over the school hallway?

You know what I mean?

I mean just leaving evidence. He's just I mean, I know they're setting up the next part. I'm Jesse, but yeah, it's it's Yeah. It bothered me too, I was I was like, damn that.

Yeah, DJ, just she didn't say anything that Stephanie I don't think would have had the same reaction.

Oh, Steph would have.

Steph would have just demon would just like hit his head, his head right in the logger. Yes, and then she would have called Gia and been like, yo, you got my back.

Yeah, yeah, and then they would take care of the problem.


Well at least Kevin stands up. Yeah, and he shouts at his friend, you didn't have to do that. Then he apologizes to DJ and runs off to go get her some paper towels. See. I like this kid. He just made a mistake. Anybody. He's remorseful, he's concerned about DJ. They like Kevin Gwynn. Yes, he's a good kid. He did not deserve this.

No, made a stupid choice. Yeah, never to be heard from again.

Yeah. So DJ tells the other boys to get out of there. One of them responds, you are so uncool, and DJ retorts, and you think you're cool. She snatches the can out of his hand and holds it as she mocks him. The dance was lame. Now we're having a party. At that very moment, Jesse walks out into the hallway to witness this. The boys spot him, so they turn this back around on DJ. One of them insists, forget it, DJ, we don't want any beer, and the other one says, yeah, we're only thirteen, and then they run away, these little.

Turms like these kids. I don't like these kids.

Smack these kids. It's terrible. Yeah, so awful. It's just junior high manor that's rough. So Uncle Jesse approaches, He yells DJ Tanner.

She turns around. It would have been an appropriate time to say, Donna Joe.

Yeah, that deserved a don on a Joe Margaret, Yeah for sure. Yeah, yes, So she turns around. She's oblivious to what he has just witnessed, and she says hi to him, but he cuts her off. You're in Big, Big trouble. Young Lady DJ is obviously confused, but then she looks down at her hand, which is holding a beer can, and that's when the realization hits. We cut to a very tense commercial break. DJ's upset, J's upset. When we come back, we are still in the school hallway. DJ promises she didn't do anything. Jesse takes the can from her and asks what's this. She admits it's beer, but and he cuts her off. Were you gonna tell me you weren't drinking it? I can smell it all over you. DJ explains those guys were the ones drinking. I was trying to stop them. Jesse throws the can into the trash and tells her to save it. He witnessed the whole thing. He grabs her and tells her she's going home. Kimmy walks out and sees what's happening. She asks DJ where she's going, and Jesse answers for her home. She doesn't feel well. He pushes her out out of the building and Kimmy watches here, plexed.

Ooh so what happens? Oh yes, roped up into somebody else's nonsense, No.

Way, no, so Meanwhile, in Michelle's room, Michelle is sitting on her bed listening to Baby Beluga once again, but the song is starting to sound distorted. She questions, Baby Beluga, are you sick? And then the song just stops completely.

This is something that doesn't happen anymore. Oh yeah, what's wrong with the music. Why isn't it just playing?


They're like, what is that strange machine? And what are this?

What is that?

Weird unraveling?

The right the unraveling. Do you remember taking a pencil as you would wind up?


Absolutely? Oh man, Why we're going to survive the apocalypse? Yes, jen X, I'm telling you we are. We'll survive any anything. So Michelle opens the boom box. She finds a cassette tape inside. It is completely unraveled. She yells out for help.

That's like me. They're like completely unraveled and yelling out for help.

We are all Michelle right now. Aha. Danny, Joey, and steph come running in. Danny asks what that's wrong, and Michelle tells him Baby Beluga is broken, and Stephanie can't hide her smile and she asks really. Joey offers to fix it, but Steph grabs his arm and stops him. Her eyes are wide as she looks at him disapprovingly.

Don't you dare? Do you take the batteries out of a small child's toy and you're like, oh, it doesn't make that noise anymore.

Oh it's broken.


Michelle starts to chant I want baby Beluga. I want baby Beluga. Danny, Joey, and Jesse all respond Okay, okay, okay, my.

God, this child is running this house with an iron fist.

She is very demanding.

Yes, it happens when you leave her alone all the time. She's just she's grown into this monster demands things. Yeah, it's Michelle's world we're living. We're just living in it right now. I see why they call it the Michelle Show. There were a lot of kids that call it that. I'm like, oh, I get it now. Yeah, yeah, this old family's the Michelle Show.

It is. It really is. So the family proceeds to sing the song and do the accompanying accompanying dance for Michelle to put her ready. Michelle is unimpressed. She yells, stop sing it nicely. The trio starts again, this time with fake smiles. Plastered across their faces. They sing and dance, and Michelle follows along with them in the living room. DJ and Jesse arrive home, both storming inside and immediately calling out for Danny. They begin to argue over who will get to talk to him first. Then Danny and Joey rush in. Danny asks what's going on, and DJ exclaims I was not drinking beer, and Danny's in shock. You were not drinking? What right?

You're like, what's happening? I didn't do that. I wit what.

Yeah, that's usually the first thing that a kid did something. I wasn't like.

I didn't even act. I didn't even know that you did that? Do you what happened?

Yeah? So Jesse chimes in, I saw the whole thing. She had a beer in her hand, she was waving it around. She's talking about partying. DJ tries to set the record straight. The other kids were drinking. I was telling them how stupid they looked. Joey give gives his two cents. Everybody makes mistakes. We know how hard it is when other kids are drinking and they offer you a DJ interrupts, I know drinking is wrong. We already had this talk that's why I didn't do it. I'm telling you the truth. Jesse questions, like you were telling us the truth about your homework, you weren't exactly honest about this marching backup band tonight.

Ah yep.

DJ defends herself, that was totally different. She turns to Danny and asks, you believe me. Don't want your dad, and Danny admits I'd like to, but you do smell like beer. DJ shouts, someone spilled it on me. Danny tells her to go to her room. He's gonna talk to Jesse and then he'll talk to her. DJ tells them this is so unfair. She asks Danny how he could take Jesse's side instead of his own daughters, and she storms away. Oh boy, DJ is very upset.

DJ is very very upset.

So in the girl's room, Step is in her Pj's about to climb into bed. She's singing Baby Belugah mindlessly. When she realizes what she's doing, she says aloud, oh no, get out, get out, get out, as she hits her head trying to get rid of the song. DJ bursts into the room and slams the door shut. She's on the verge of tears, asking her sister, how could they do this? I was telling the truth. DJ sits on her bed. Frustration is taking over. She knows she doesn't deserve to be treated this way. She didn't do anything. Steph walks over to her and gently asks, what didn't you do? DJ takes a deep breath, trying to control her tears. She tells her it doesn't matter. Nobody believes me anyways, not Uncle Jesse, not Joey, not even Dad. As DJ cries, Stephanie tells her, I believe you, DJ, and she looks at your little sister with surprise. You do. Steph sits down next to her on the bed. Of course I do. You're my big sister. Besides that, you were looking right in my eyes when you lie, you look at the top of my head. DJ gives her a faint smile and thanks her for saying that. They give each other a big hug, and DJ admits I gotta find a way for them to believe me.

This is a cute scene. This was so sweet, like it's just oh my heart, it was a good sister moment.

Yeah, such a good and like you're so sweet, You're like tenderly like petting her hair. It was just so that's such a little sister thing, like you worship your big sister so much, and you're on her side, you know, right.

This was And it's true that when the kids lie, they don't look at you in the eye.

Yeah, yeah, they look often.


That's the telling not even good at this. So in the kitchen, Danny's freaking out, telling Jesse, I can't believe this is happening. She's only thirteen, and she's such a good kid. Responds, this could happen to any kid. There's a lot of pressure on them to try drinking, Jesse agrees, and not just from other kids. Sometimes it's celebrities and rock stars and people these kids look up to. They're making drinking look cool. Jesse feels like these people are sending out the wrong message to kids, and he's determined that dj gets the right message. She has to know that there's no drinking period. Jesse suggests that he and Danny go upstairs and lay down the law, but Danny tells him to wait a moment. It's not as simple as just punishing her. They need to find out why she did it so they can decide the best way to help her. Aha, see this is a good question, turns yeah. Stephanie has entered the room and she marches up to the table of adults. She demands your attention, please, whatever it is you said, DJ did, she did not do. Joey asks how she knows, and Steph explains because she was crying and those were not I'm in trouble tears. Those were I really didn't do it tears. Danny thinks they need to straighten this out right now. They all stand to head upstairs, but Steph tells them she's not in her room. She went back to the dance with Kimmy's mom to prove she's innocent. Jesse responds, great, now she sneaks out of the house without telling us. Danny shakes his head with disappointment. What is wrong with her? Joey tells the guys, I'll handle everything here. Go ahead and take off, and Jesse and Danny leave to head to the school.

Kimmy's mom does help. Indeed, she's like she's.

Like a community uber driver, like she's driving people everywhere.

Right, It's fine, you know, Well, maybe she was going back to the school to go pick up Kimmy and she was like, hey, I need a ride back there.

Yeah, okay, so that makes sense regardless, like the Gibbler, the Gibblers haven't established just how bad Kimmy's home life is yet, so Missus Gibler is still helpful at least.

Yeah, yeah, this is well, this is this is early on in the in the you know, before it gets bad.

Before it gets really bad, yes, before they go into the bunker.


So, at the Junior High, Kimmy and a few other girls are cleaning up the gym after the dance. DJ walks in and Kimmy is ecstatic to see her. She tells DJ she missed everything. Kevin and Paul and Sam all got caught drinking and they're going to be suspended from school.

No, the way they were waving it around. So you know, Kevin's walking through the hall going to the bathroom with a beer in his hand. Right, it's acting like it's a barbecue. Yeah. Good, they got suspended.

Good they got caught.


DJ says, I hate to say it, but they deserve it. She tells Kimy she needs to find Kevin. Kimmy points to the corner. He's over there waiting for his parents. You better talk to him now. You may not see him for a long time.

Isn't that true?

Kimmy leaves, so now it's just DJ and Kevin in the gym alone. He walks up to her and says, hi, and she tells him, you and I have to talk. My family thinks I was drinking, and Kevin size, oh man. DJ begs you gotta tell my dad I'm innocent, and then she questions him, why did you have to go and drink anyway? Kevin admits, those guys said it would help loosen me up. I thought you'd have more fun with me. DJ responds, well, I didn't have fun with you tonight. I had fun with the old Kevin. Kevin stares at the ground with disappointment.

Never take advice from two kids that look like that, right, yeah you know they're not flag Yeah they ignore them.

Or Kevin. I can just I can see his social anxiety relate to this so much of right, I can just see his panic and his his insecurities, and I'm like, okay, buddy, I know I get it. So just then, a man who is presumably the principal, walks in. He tells Kevin that his parents are here, and Kevin size I'm dead. He looks at DJ and earnestly tells her he is sorry, and DJ smiles, I know you are. Kevin begins to walk away, but stops himself. He asks DJ, is it okay if I call you again sometime? DJ nods, but tells him to make sure it's the old Kevin who calls, and he never does again. Yeah, so uh. Continuous In school hallway, Danny and Jesse pass Kevin. Danny asks if he's seen DJ, and Kevin points him in the right direction, but before they leave, Kevin stops Danny to tell him the truth. He admits, DJ wasn't drinking tonight. It was me and two other guys. She was trying to stop us. Danny realizes she was telling us the truth. Jesse is surprised. He apologizes to Danny, explaining that he saw her with the beer and he just Danny cuts him off, assuring him that he shouldn't feel bad. It was an honest mistake. Danny turns his attention back to Kevin. He thanks him for telling them the truth. Then the Prince of ushers Kevin towards the door, telling him he needs to go.

He redeemed himself in that moment. He did like, Okay, good for you, Kevin.

He really did. He's he's a good kid. Yeah, yeah too.

I don't know about that. Yep.

We don't see them again. So and then they quit acting after this, so again it well, this is how it goes. Jesse looks at Danny with despair. He realizes how rough he was on DJ. Jesse asks if he can have a word with her first alone, and Danny nods, giving his approval. Back in the gym, DJ is sitting on the stage all alone. Jesse walks in and she sighs, Oh great, now I'm in even more trouble. DJ begins to explain herself, but Jesse tells her he just talked to Kevin. Outside. Jesse walks over to her, his head hanging with regret. He tells DJ that Kevin opened up about everything that happened. He admits, I owe you a big apology. DJ responds, you really hurt my feelings. Jesse tells her, I'm sorry for not believing you Powell. She says, I guess it did look kind of bad, and I did bend the truth a couple of times this week. Jesse tells her that he wants her to know why he lost his temper tonight. He explains, it made me crazy thinking of my little niece out there starting to drink. This isn't fun in games. I've seen it happen to my friends. They think they have it under control, but before they know it, they've messed up their whole lives. Jesse concludes, that's why I'm so proud of you for making the right decision tonight. DJ tells him it's not that hard to say no. Those kids were acting like idiots. Jesse puts his arm around her and they take a seat on the stage. He says, we made it through tonight, but the sad truth is you're going to face a lot of tough decisions in your life, and not just about drinking either, about drugs, about sex, and who knows what. Jesse tells her, I wish you could grow up in a world where you can just enjoy being a kid. Sorry, pal, that's not the way it is. So I hope that you'll use the same good judgment that you used tonight, because I never want to see you get hurt. He kisses her forehead and reminds her, I love you so much. She smiles and says, I love you too, Uncle Jesse, thank you. He holds her hand and asks, let's go home, huh, and they walk out of the gym together, and that's our show.

There was some really cute family moments in this, like that little scene at the end with the DJ and Uncle Jesse and the Stephan. DJ like it was it was sweet, and I was, yeah, it was one of those very special episodes, you know, Yeah.

It wasn't it was it was a special episode. It felt it felt a little off balanced to me because the message. The message isn't just don't drink, it's believe your kids. Like the guys are so hard on it's It's not in DJ's character to lie about things. She's generally a rule follower, right, and that's why.

They had her lie about the homework and the band and kind of set that she's been, you know, not exactly truthful about stuff, right.

But the main conflicts seemed to be that the adults weren't believing DJ and she was telling the truth, right, So that's where the conflict, that's where the resolution was too. And I'm like, well, where's I was almost wishing that DJ had actually taken a drink and then that or I don't know, like I feel like and I feel like maybe at one point she was supposed to, like in an original script, she was supposed to take a baby, and the cameras are like, no, they don't want that. Yeah, they kind of rewrote it this way, but still, I don't know. The message just seemed a little off because the adults, Jesse what just went so as he does he just knee jerk reaction. You're drinking bad. I'm not going to believe anything you say right when I'm like you, guys, just stop and think for a minute, like, this isn't her character to go so hard in on write about something this serious.

So it was, Yeah, it was. It was a sort of like you said, a very knee jerk reaction to things and like, no, you know, I'm not listening to anything. Yeah, it was like it wasn't who DJ is, So yeah, it did. It made it made more sense that she was like, no, I was telling people that they were stupid, and you know, that's more who DJ is. But I guess you know, at that age, you just you know, you see your kid doing something you think is stupid. And you're like, oh my god, don't Yeah, and I guess it was. Yeah, I get it. It was a little it was one message for the adults kind of in one message for the kids.

Yeah. Yeah, And ultimately yeah, that just just say no message came through. But also at this point in the series, I guess we haven't established that Pam died from being hit by a drunk driver. That comes later, and.

We haven't really talked about Pam being dead. I thought you were gonna say we haven't really established that Pam died, and I was like, not much. No, Like the first maybe more or two episodes we touched on that and that was about it. Well, but no, I don't think. Yeah, I don't when.

Cam gets drunk at the frat party in many seasons to come, which I thought was better, That was well done. That was that's the message, Like, look, Kimmy made a big mistake. She got drunk at a frat party under age, and you know she had consequences because of that. So that I'm like, Okay, when you have a character, actually do the crime, learn from it.


That's the message. And that's when we hear that Pam died from being hit by a drunk driver. So I guess they hadn't established that yet, because that would be easy for Jesse to say, I'm sorry, I overreacted. My sister died, I'm a drunk driver.

So yeah, yeah, they haven't. They haven't covered that yet. And you know, we don't talk about the dead momb.

So we don't. We're gonna keep it light and keep that locked up. We don't want to bring everyone down, right, right.

Well, Jesse forgot he had a sister. He was like, oh that's right.

Yeah, yeah, Pam, Well, I wish they had a establish it would have been much more effective.

I think if they Yeah, it was I think because they're well, it's one of those things where it's like the stakes were not as high because DJ didn't actually do anything. So well, I guess, but that was the point was like, you know, it was frustrating, but yeah, I think I see what you're saying is like the lesson is you do something stupid and then you you know, and then there's consequences and you work it out with your family and you do whatever. Yeah, this was a little more like she didn't really do anything and the guys should have believed her and it was their probably Yeah, I get that.

So that was the off balance part for me. But otherwise it's a great episode. It's a great message. I'm sure there was one of those little bits at the end where John or Candice talked to the camera and saying, you know the messages after school special, don't dream, you know, whatever the message was at that time. But yeah, you know, classic episode, everybody was.

Classic episode was the first one I think where it was like a really like one of the kids did something bad at school or one of their friends sort of like it was, wasn't.

It this is high stagers. Yeah, this is.

The first like beer peer pressure sort of thing. I mean, there was like the bully thing that Steph dealt with with with Walter or whatever, but like as far as like sort of teenage things that you have to freak out about.

You know. Yeah, No, this one was much heavier. Definitely the one of the heaviest so far as far as special episode. Yeah, because later on we have Stephanie and the smoking right DJ and her eating disorder, like we do have some more heavy episodes, oh, we definitely do. Yeah, but this was one of the first. Yeah, beer and beer and teenagers. Not a good combination.

I now, do you have any everywhere he looks in this one.

Oh, I do just want. The skirt that I'm wearing in this episode is the same skirt that I wore in the thirteen Candles episode. Oh, I'm just wearing a different I'm wearing like a yellow turtleneck and like the green velvety jacket. Yeah, yeah it's different, but the skirt is the same, which I loved. I loved this outfit. So it was I didn't so cute. Yeah it was cute, colorful, There was lots of lots going on, but it wasn't campy like I really liked outright so much. Apparently that I worked twice within a matter of a few episodes. Well, it's Kimmy's favorite skirt. She liked what she had, I did. I loved it. Yeah, that was it.

Yeah I didn't Did you have any others? No?

That was it?

Do you have any didn't have I didn't really have any other than the amazing cat brooch that was pinned to DJ's sweater. And like the first scene when she came in, I noticed like a big giant silver cat right here, and I was like, that's a very nineties thing.

Oh it was so shut Yeah, I like that. That was I did. I was like, what what is that? It's a cat?

Yeah, it was very but yeah, I didn't have any I didn't. I was trying to find other things.

I looked in the crowd at the dance. I didn't see it. I did the normal.

No people, I mean other than than than are uncredited.

Did what was her? Angela Angela k.

Right right, yeah, Angela Kay as girl at dance. I don't know which girl at dance, but one of her I was Angela Kay.

Yeah, yeah, she was the standout. They don't need any other background, they just need Angela Kay. Right, that's it. Yeah, she rocked it.

Well, moving forward, all ai background is going to be just Angela Kay and they're going to just reproduce it and it just yeah, that's what it is now.

She's she's every where you look.

It is every literally everywhere you look, and but uncredited, which is really a shame. She's going to be in everything, but not but not.

She deserves to be credited, Like why is she not credited for any of it?

She's because I think she's a background actor so she can still get a but you don't get a credit if you don't have a line.

Well, then why don't we have all the background actors listed on IMDb? Like why is they.

Probably didn't go on their IMDb and list them.

Oh oh, so you think Angela has I don't know what credit could be.

I mean you can go in there and edit it, or you can submit it to IMDb. That's the thing is you can submit stuff to IMDb and be like, I need you to add this to my Yeah you can't. It's not like with Okay in cage it. But you have to like ask to have it submitted and they will find it. And if you were you know, so.

Maybe okay, so this is what? Maybe this is why. That would explain everything of why she has so many credits that are uncredited. Yeah, yeah, does She's smart? Man?

I like, because you don't know, you're like I was in it, but you don't see me.

I don't even I can't even point her out. I don't know which girl at dance because like you said, there's a lot forever.

Who is Angela Kuay.

Angela Kay? Please phone in that that's our.

That's our spinoff podcast, Who is Angela Kay? And she's probably like coming to us and she's like, why are you guys talking about ma'am? Yeah, sorry Angela.

She's like, it was my mom. My mom called IMDb and put it all again.

Be like, oh that makes sense, that makes sense. Yeah, well, everybody, thank thank you again for listening to a very special episode of Howard Tannerto's with our just say No Way. And next week we are going to be recapping another fun episode. It is going to be where is It? Where is it? Where is it? We're going to be Oh, three men and another baby. I can't wait for that episode. That was a fun one. But yeah, thank you again for joining us. Make sure you are following us on Instagram at Howard podcast, or you can send us an email at Howard podcast at gmail dot com. Also like and subscribe to the podcast wherever you're listening to it. That way you get all the new episodes right when they're airing. Uh, so you can hear all of our incredibly astute and important observations of this show on which are made up. Yeah, and only fifty percent and only one hundred percent of our stats are also made up. So yeah, well, thank you guys for listening and make sure you tune in next time and the mean time. Remember the world is small, but the house is full of Angela Kay.

Yes, she's everywhere, Angela Kay. You watch. Angela Kay is gonna put this this podcast on her IMDb

How Rude, Tanneritos!

How Rude, Tanneritos! A Full House Rewatch Podcast is here!! Stephanie Tanner and Kimmy Gibbler are 
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