Happy Pants - March 22 - Courage at the Disco
Happy pants have lots of pockets with loads of fun and curious things to find... and this week is no exception. This week Geraldine and Rebecca find Mr Chortles in one pocket - Rebecca's favourite teddy bear and her safe place. She's feeling worried that she might embarrass herself at the disco, an…
Happy Pants - March 15 - Bats & Vampires
Be ready for a spooky episode of Happy Pants this week! An episode you can really sink your teeth into... Geraldine's happy pants are dark brown, the kind that make her think of leather belts and shoes. While Jo's happy pants are light brown and... furry! Just like a bat's belly! Yikes... You'll a…
Happy Pants - March 8 - Roofs
Q. What did the roof say to the building? A. I've got you covered. Rebecca is here and ready for this week's Happy Pants - but where is Geraldine? Wait a moment - is that her stuck up on the roof?? We'll have to help Geraldine find a way down before we can get stuck in to this week's episode, w…
Happy Pants - March 1 - It Wasn't Captain Cook
Both Geraldine and Kate are thinking about the sea today. Kate's happy pants are white, like the sail of a boat flapping in the wind; Geraldine's are a deep cool blue, like waves splashing on the rocks. They've got a compass, a very large paper map, and a taste for adventure. Join them on a journey…
Happy Pants - February 22 - Sports
If you're keen to get active but not sure which sport to choose, then this week's episode is the one for you! Kate is wearing clean, crisp white happy pants. Perfect for cricket: easy to move in and throw fast balls at the speed of lightning. While Geraldine is wearing happy shorts! Find out abou…
Happy Pants - February 15 - Coral & Friends
It's a beautiful day - the sun is pouring through the windows at Happy Pants Headquarters, making us feel all cheerful and bright. Today Geraldine and Rebecca's happy pants are a lovely yellow colour. And there are plenty of things in their pockets, including: rashies, sunscreen, snorkels and a spe…
Happy Pants - February 8 - The Pet Sitters
This week, Geraldine has dark brown happy pants, the kind of brown that doesn't show the dirt. Rebecca's happy pants are dark blue, made of a tough material, good for working in. Their pockets contain a variety of foods suitable for pets: seed and fish flakes and bones. What clues are their happy p…
Happy Pants - February 1 - In Disguise
What's in Geraldine and Jo's happy pants this week? A walking stick, wigs and sunglasses. The only way to find out what the clues are all pointing to is for them to try these items on... Wait, where did Geraldine and Jo go? All I can see now is a little old lady and a film star! Because Geraldine …
Happy Pants - January 25 - Horsin' Around
This week Geraldine's happy pants are a bit baggy above the knees, and a bit tight below the knees... perhaps they're riding britches? Jo's happy pants also seem to be riding britches, in the kind of brown that reminds her of the taste when she was allowed to scrape out the bowl when Gran made a de…
Happy Pants - January 18 - Serendipity
Everyone needs a little serendipity! Seren-what now? Serendipity is the name for an unplanned, fortunate accident. And that's what this week's episode is all about. Join Geraldine and Kate and their bright orange happy pants as they find out about bunch of interesting, happy accidents that hav…