Crazy If You Do, Crazy If You Don’t with Bernadette McGlade

Published Mar 7, 2025, 8:10 AM

Bernadette McGlade, longtime commissioner of the Atlantic-10 conference, joins Sarah to discuss fighting for the distribution of financial “units” in women’s basketball, the potential outcomes of the House vs. NCAA settlement and why it’s important to learn from failure. Plus, the Rice Krispie mystery gets sticky, a women’s tennis moment courtesy of the worst person in the room, and the NWSL is back.

Welcome to Good Game with Sarah Spain, where we're headed to Austin to hang at the iHeart Podcast Hotel at south By Southwest. Yeehaw, howdy, Let's get roostered, Pardner that means drunk. It's Friday, March seventh, and on today's show, we'll be chatting with Atlantic ten Commissioner Bernadette mclade about leading by example, overcoming failure, navigating the nil era, and the.

Secret to her longevity at the conference.

Plus an NWSL Championship rematch, Unrivaled is stacking up semi finalists, and an update from Alexa Philippoo on the Diana Tarassi Rice Crispy Mystery. It's all coming up right after this welcome back. Here's what you need to know today in soccer news, We've got our first NWSL on field action since November. Tonight, the league's Challenge Cup kicks off at eight pm e Eastern, featuring a rematch of the twenty twenty four championship between the victorious Orlando Pride and runner up Washington's Spirit.

Will we get our first look at Barbara.

Banda, Marta, Trinity Rodman, maybe even Croy Bethune. Time will tell how each side manages playing time. But no matter who we see, the thing that matters is NWSL Soccer is back. You can catch that contest streaming live on Prime Video. Oh and the four part docuseries for the Win NWSL that follows the twenty twenty four playoffs is now streaming on Prime Video as well.

Go check it out more soccer.

The prosecutor in the case of former Spanish Soccer Federation president Luis Rubialis is requesting a retrial, even though in February Rubialis was found guilty of sexual assault and find over ten thousand euros. Prosecutor Marta Dorontes believes a greater punishment should have been levied Rubialis for kissing Spanish women's national team player Jenny Hermoso on the lips during the twenty twenty three World Cup award ceremony without her consent. Per Reuter's reporting, Contes is asking that another judge be assigned to the case, citing the fact that the guilty sexual assault ruling should have constituted a one year sentence, the penalty she requested, and arguing that evidence and many of her questions were not admitted. She also wrote in the appeal that the judge's conduct during the hearing compromised quote the appearance of impartiality end quote, and that the minimal fine and three thousand euros awarded to Hermoso or quote offensive to the victim and to the victims of sexual assault undoubtedly a bad precedent end quote. For his part, Rubialis has said he'll also appeal the ruling. To college hoops, Stanford fell to Clemson sixty three forty six in the first round of the ACC Tournament on Wednesday night, severely damaging their chances of making the NCAA Tournament. Stanford is sixteen and fourteen this season, and before that game, they were in bracketologist Charlie Crem's last four out. That means the Cardinal needed a strong showing in the ACC Tournament to prove it belonged in the sixty four team NCAA Tournament field. Now slightly that Stanford will miss the Big Dance for the first time since the nineteen eighty seven season. The program's thirty seven year streak is the second longest in women's college basketball, and it could end in the first season of Cardinal hoops since the retirement of the winningest basketball coach in Division one history. Tara Vanderveer, Tennessee has the longest existing streak with forty two straight tournament berths, and though the Balls last to Vanderbilt in the SEC Tournament yesterday, they're a pretty safe bet to make a forty third appearance this season.

To Pro hoops.

Unrivaled is entering its last regular season weekend of play. There are two games tonight, Phantom BC versus Lace's BC at seven Eastern, followed by Lunar Owls BC versus ROSEBC. Then there will be four more games split between Saturday and Monday. Once these last couple games wrap up, we'll know who all four semi final contenders are. Right now, the Lunar Owls have clinched the number one seed and Rose has clinched a spot in the playoffs, but not a seed. There's also PVF, PWHL and Love Action happening tonight and over the weekend too, so we'll to those league schedules in our show notes. And In tennis news, the Women's Tennis Association is introducing paid maternity leave. According to Thursday's announcement, more than three hundred WTA players are now eligible for paid leave twelve months for those who become pregnant and two months for players who become parents via partner pregnancy, surrogacy or adoption. The leave is financially supported through a program sponsored by the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia, which will also provide grants for fertility treatments, including egg freezing and in vitro fertilization. The fund is retroacted to Jan one, but the WTA didn't reveal how much money is involved. It's good news, but a maternity leaf fund supported by Saudi Arabia. It's kind of like that meme slash click hole headline heartbreaking. The worst person you know just made a great point. All right, We got to take a quick break when we come back. Yesterday I caught up with A ten commissioner, Bernadette McGlade. She joined us from Richmond, Virginia, where the A ten Women's Basketball Conference tournament is currently in full swing. That conversation is coming up next. Joining us now, she's the Atlantic Ten commissioner and one of the few women leading a Division one athletic conference. She's the longest tenured commissioner at one league and served on the NCAA Women's Basketball Selection Committee, chairing it in nineteen ninety nine and two thousand. A former player herself, she still owns the all time rebounding record for men and women at UNC. It's Bernadette McGlade. Bernadette, thanks for joining us. Thank you, Sarah. It's great to be on your show. Appreciate the invite.

I have to start with that rebounding record.

Are we a Dennis Rodman type angles and elbows or were we just about long arms and size?

What were we doing in there? I don't know.

I think it was about long arms and size or something like that. I'm amazed that that record hasn't been unbroken, but a lot of fun me in my playing days at UNC in Chapel Hill.

Yeah, that's incredible.

Your kind of longevity at a job in sports is rare. Seventeen years at the A ten.

What's your secret.

I don't know that there's a secret to it. I think I've been really fortunate and blessed. I've had really only three jobs. I was seventeen years at Georgia Tech and then I was another eleven years at the ACC, and I just am amazed as the time has flown I would say that the President's Council, who I report to, and our athletic directors in the Atlantic ten have been just fabulous, you know, very willing to take risk, and we've been able to really accomplish some unbelievable milestones in the last you know fifteen almost twenty years.

You mentioned Georgia Tech.

So shortly after you finished your playing career and finished up your courses for your master's degree, you were almost immediately offered a Division one head women's basketball coaching job at an ACC school, Georgia Tech. You were just twenty three years old. Why did you feel like you were ready to take on the job.

Well, at twenty three, doesn't everybody feel like they're ready to take on the world. Yeah, I was, you know, I had finished my masters and I was just very focused on getting gained full employment. And there were a few folks at the time that said, you know, you're crazy if you take the job, but you're also crazy if you don't take the job when you have it offered. So you know, I took the leap and jumped in with both feet and was fortunate to work for an unbelievable boss, Hama Rice, who recently just passed away this past year, but just a fabulous name and an icon in intercollegiate athletics and had a great run at Georgia Tech.

What's it like to grow up on a job like that?

We've had some very young coaches on the show here that started coaching right after they graduated, so they feel like they're the same as the players, but have to immediately sort of establish I'm an adult. Now I'm different, I'm a coach. And then over time you are organically growing away from the players that you're working with and trying to stay relatable and understand them even as you get older.

What's it like to be in that space and evolve and adjust?

It is a union experience, so I have to admit there. I had one player on the team that was actually a year older than me when I took the job. I'll tell you a story that's even funnier. We only had a measly three thousand dollars to recruit, and I spent a big chunk of it to go up to New York. And I flew into the airport and went to the rental car and the woman said, oh, I'm sorry, miss We can't rent to the car. And I was like, why I have a reservation and she says, oh, she goes, you're not twenty five, and I was panicked. I'm in New York City with not able to get a rental car, and I'm thinking, I just spent like half of my recruiting budget and I can't get a rental car.

So how'd you make it work?

You know those guys that stand in the airport with a sign saying like.

Do you need a ride?

Do you need a ride? I grabbed one of them and I said, Hey, I have to get to this high school. So it went from it went from there. I wasn't going to lose the trip, trust me, when you're recruiting your own a mission. But it you know, I was, you know, still just recently having played, and so I would, you know, work out with my team and play with my team and run with my team. And I think a lot of that showing by example, Georgia Tech was a very young program in the early eighties, and I think that went a long way in terms of establishing a rapport with the student athletes. And I just went back to Georgia Tech. Mel Fordner did a marvelous fiftieth anniversary celebration, and many of my student athletes were there from the early days and it was a really fabulous event. So it was a great evolution, but trust me, it was a learning experience every day.

You've talked in previous interviews about learning on the job and the importance of failure, of really understanding that failing is not always just about failure. There's a lot to learn from that, and there's a lot of growth in there. I love talking to successful people about failure because I think too often we hear from successful people and they tell all the good stuff, and the folks looking up and wondering how it gets done, think, well, I couldn't possibly do that. I make too many mistakes or I've had too many, you know, moments of failure in my life. I love when folks who are really successful can share that they've had stumbles.

Can you tell us of a good one? Do you have a good story of just falling on your face?

Yeah? There was a time when I was had my team and the bus we were on the way to a game, and you know, you know the cadence and when you're arragging on campus, and I had this terrible feeling when we were approaching the campus that it didn't look like a game day.

Oh no, and it was a road trip.

And we actually arrived and the team that we were playing failed to mention that it was a doubleheader with the men's game, and we were scheduled to play in the first game and the men in the second, And obviously it was too close to the men's game to be able to play a women's game, so we actually had to stay and wait till the men's game was over, and we had to play the women's game after the men's game.

So because you weren't early enough, you were looking at the schedule at the men's time thinking exactly exactly, and so obviously we had a lot of staff huddles after that.

Yeah, a little bit of a night cap game.

Yeah, a little bit. And I think that, you know, failures just it's really not the fact that you feel, it's really what you do afterwards. And you know, you can't linger on things too long. You can't beat yourself up, you can't beat your players up, you can't beat your staff up. You know, everybody has to take a you know, a lesson that they've learned and they're going to get better and you move forward, and sooner or later those become some great stories that you tell and shows like.

You have Yeah, right, the once the shame and embarrassment goes away, then it's pretty funny. Exactly what's the toughest part of your job as commissioner?

I think right now one of the toughest part that myself and my colleagues in this role are dealing with is the massive changes that are happening as a result of once the House Settlement gets approved on April seventh, the entirely new environment with nil in the league office. Obviously, we don't have teams, we don't have student athletes, we don't have coaches. We have members, but our members are so focused on being able to adapt to the new environment, be able to provide additional financial benefits to student athletes. So we're trying to change as rapidly as the environment's changing, while we still have to focus on the day job. Like we have a championship going on right now that are very important to our teams, and somebody's going to earn the automatic qualifier into the women's NCAA Tournament and the men's tournament. Is next week, So we can't be so focused on how we're going to manage an il, how we're going to manage all of the new regulations with the House settlement, and ignore kind of current business, because this is very meaningful to our current coaches and student athletes. So juggling those two environments or two worlds is probably the most challenging thing on this day.

And Age, yeah, you mentioned that House ruling.

So for those unfamiliar, last made, the NCAA voted to settle the lawsuit regarding past pay for players or revenue sharing models. So two point seventy five billion dollar lawsuit that will allow member institutions to distribute funds up to twenty billion dollars to Division one athletes who have played since twenty sixteen, and the settlement decision the amount that will go to different athletes and sports and teams is a big issue right now as people try to figure out whether Title nine is at play and whether women athletes and women's programs will be deeply affected. Do you have any say at all as commissioner as to how your member team's schools spend the money that they're allotted.

Now, we can only be a resource right now, the actual court rulings as settlement actually published a percentage distribution of the dollar amounts that would be quote unquote allocated to the sport of FDS football student athletes, to men's basketball student athletes, to women's basketball student athletes, and then to others. And you're exactly right in your analysis and your comments related to it that there's a lot of controversy whether you know those percentages are actually very fair or equitable at all. There's two separate areas. You have the back damages that are basically allocated by the courts, and then you have what's going forward, which will be I think what you're referring to of how much our schools are really allocate to their male athletes versus their female how much they allocate to say, a sport of basketball versus their Olympic sports, and all of those decisions are being meticulously worked through right now individually on each campus because we have small private institutions in the A ten and we have large land grand institutions, and so every athletic director and board and president is looking at it a little bit differently on their campuses.

Yeah, it feels like there's you also mentioned the NIL era is part of your purview making sure that teams or schools are abiding by the rules when it's still sort of a wild wild West, or is that technically NCAA compliance.

It's a combination of both, but we are absolutely trying to certainly encourage all of our schools doing it the right way. As you know, you know, your true nils, whether they're sponsorships or endorsements or whatever, are controlled by mostly third parties, and most of the institutions are educating their student athletes and trying to prepare them to be better spokespersons for themselves to be able to secure these deals. So we're really trying to advocate that, you know, you do it equal, fair and equal with both your male athletes and your female athletes. That you're just not coaching up your male student athletes, but you're coaching up your female student athletes, because there are as many upsides and opportunities for the female student athletes as there are for the men if they can have that opportunity to take a shot at it.

So you've got name image and like this NIL, You've got house verses NCAA, you've got transfer portal stuff, which is relatively new, and you've got the age old issue of trying to get competitive matchups for your teams, trying to get them in prime time facing off against some of.

The best teams across the country. How's that challenge been for you?

The challenge has been good. We have partnerships with three of the best media companies in America. We have a huge media contract with ESPN and all of their platforms, with CBS and also with NBC. So being able to come out of three major media companies kind of stables, so to speak. It's amazing how many people have said to me every time I turn on the TV, I'm seeing an A ten team, And that's really kudos to our partners and to the partnerships that we have in our media rights deals for each one of those those partners and I think that it's really added to you know, even the boom and women's athletics, because we've been able to put you know, more on TV, whether it's streaming wise, and most times even with the streaming process right now, you know, the difference between cable TV, network TV and streaming is negligible. So it's just how fans consume sports, right now and we're trying to be at every level and on every platform.

Yeah, you were one of the first advocates for awarding financial units to the women's NCAA tournament. Part of you were also part of getting that across the finish line. So for those who aren't familiar, can you explain what financial units are and why it took so darn long for the women's game to get them.

Yeah, I don't know why it took so long, but you're right. I was the chair of the Women's Basketball Committee back in two thousand and ninety nine or nineteen ninety nine and two thousand and one of the initiatives out of our committee was really making a hard push for a NC Double, a revenue distribution unit for participation and advancement in the NC Double A championship that had been in place for the men's tournament. As most folks in America know, when teams are selected in March madness to the bracket, and then as they advance, there is a unit, a financial amount that is distributed to that institution or that conference for that participation and also for that success. So we can just you know, fast forward, hard to believe twenty four years later, and it had come up many times, and the rationale was always that, you know, well, there's not a clear accounting for the revenue generated by women's basketball because women's basketball was combined in a very big, bundled media package most recently, and I give a lot of credit to the president, Charlie Baker and the bundling of the women's basketball media rights, and so there became a clear revenue stream that could be identifiable and associated with NCAA Women's Basketball tournament. So the advent and the approval of that by the governing boards has been fabulous and it's actually going to be distributed that for the first time this year.

Yeah, for those who don't remember, this is all sort of in part because of the social media messages from Sedona Prince and some coaches and others during the NCAA tournament pointing out the discrepancies and the treatment of men's and women's teams during March Madness tournaments. And as a result, there was an independent study that really for the first time looked at the fact that, to your point, women's basketball and women's basketball tournament were bundled with all the other championships as part of a larger television deal and were extremely undervalued, and it made it really easy for folks to say that they were money losers when in fact they hadn't materially renegotiated the rights in over twenty years, and they were estimating it to be worth something around sixty million dollars a year upwards of one hundred and twenty million a year in coming years if they actually treated it like they did the men's property. And so as a result of all of that fallout and all the numbers that came out of getting actual data behind it, they were able to negotiate for a television rights deal that actually made sense based on the value of the tournament, which then, to your point, gives them the numbers that they need to say this makes money, and we can award money to the teams that move forward. And this is huge because what it does is it tells those programs, we are validating you for investing in your women's team. Here's the reward you get for investing and caring about your women's team. I wonder in the NCAA awards the units to the conference, and then the conference awards them to the specific schools. Do you know yet how the A ten will be distributing those women's units.

Yeah, we all do it in the very same formula that will do it for the men. Like, for example, this year, when any team gets selected into either of the NCAA brackets, will automatically provide that institution with a fifty thousand dollars supplemental distribution because, as you know, as soon as you get into the NCUBA tournament, there's an entourage that develops and there's a lot of expenses that aren't paid by the reimbursements that the NCUBA ultimately will send to a school a few months from now. But then as the units are earned, we basically put all the units, men's units and women's units in the same pot. We basically back out in the formula or conference expenses, and then we have an equity pool that everyone in the conference gets the same dollar amount. Then we have a performance pool. So if you're the institution that actually was selected to the NCUBAA tournament, you're going to get a supplemental distribution that is unique only unique to your institution from the participation in the.

You bring up something that I hadn't even thought of, which was before these units were applied. Not only was it not an economic opportunity if you invested in your women's team and they made a run in the tournament, but it could actually be a financial burden on schools if they're trying to pay for family members, staff members, and others to continue on in the tournament and they're not making any money off of it. So it's just it's a really, it's a really I think under talked about thing that this is going to change the outcomes for a lot of schools who are going to be able to invest more in the players and the teams on the women's side, you know.

Related to that.

One of the things that came out of the complaints about the March Madness treatment was that the term March madness actually wasn't allowed to be applied.

To the women's game.

Most folks, I think even players and coaches didn't really realize this. I'm wondering if as a commissioner you had to deal with that trademark disparity whenever the NCAA tournament came around. Did you have to be aware of when and where you were using that term for your women's versus men's teams Advancing.

On the local level from a conference or an institution. We didn't really have to be. We weren't really aware because most of the use of March Madness on the men's side prior to this current year and actually last year as well, all of that marketing and advertising, etc. Was all managed by the nc DOUBLEA and they controlled it, and so there was you know, they're pretty tight strings and guardrails around institutions upon their selection into the NCUBA Championship, and even all the merchandise etc. That you see and that's sold, it's all controlled by the NCUBAA. It's really not controlled by the institution or the conferences.

Got it.

A few weeks ago, espns pte Thamil reported that the NCUBLEA is in discussions with media partners about expanding the NCAA tournament on the men's side, and that the women's tournament.

Would follow suit. What have you heard about expansion and do you think the women's game is in a place to expand?

Yeah, I've heard the same that everyone else has heard. That it's under you. There's a pretty deep dive a study bing Noaulysis being conducted by both the men's and the women's NCAA Basketball committees. Charlie Baker has made some comments about it as well, and I think it would be a good thing, I think on the women's side, and it's very same on the men's side. I do think that there is the parody that's there. I think there are additionally more good teams that are out there. You have thirty one automatic qualifiers via the conferences, and I'm a firm believer that they should be protected. And then there's thirty seven additional slots that are available. But there are more than thirty seven qualified teams that deserve opportunities to get a crack at, you know, the national championship. There's a lot of challenges with that decision. You have to really put together new formats, maybe additional opening around sessions like currently is held at Dayton for the men's when and your first forward games that are there. But I think it's very doable. And the surge, the uptick in overall the good of the game and institutions branding their perception with their alumni and their benefactors and all of their programs once their name goes up on the board on selection Sunday is huge. And higher education right now is going into a couple of decades where the college age student athlete college age student is declining, and so anything that can help lift enrollment in colleges and universities, every little bit helps, and March Madness absolutely makes a difference. You can look at the statistics of schools that have been getting in year after year, as well as schools that get in for the first time, and see how long that they benefited from the afterglow of being in the bracket and competing for a national championship. You know, those three weeks, as you know, Sarah, they're iconic. I mean, we're getting ready. We're ten days away from it, and everyone you know, I think in the country and probably internationally can't wait for it.

Yeah, yeah, I.

Mean there's definitely a handful of teams on the men's side that I have never heard that school mentioned or referred to in any capacity other than every year when the tournament comes around, and there they are and they're always in it, and it brings so much awareness and excitement around those universities. You know, you mentioned enrollment dropping in college's just in general.

I think there's also a fear that.

As a result of some of the rulings around the House versus NCAA and other things that there's a real end of course, the changing potential threats to the Department of Education in Title nine that the landscape for women's sports in the future could be grim at the collegiate level, particularly things like Olympic sports. Are you preparing in any way or having to prepare for the potential fight to keep some of these programs alive in the coming years.

Yeah, I think it's really important to make sure that we protect the broad based programs, and I do think that that's something that most athletic directors and conference commissioners are focused on. I know within the A ten we've had smaller committees working on what we can do to make sure that we continue to provide the number of opportunities that we're currently providing for both our male and our female student athletes in our Olympic sports programs. As you know, we don't we don't sponsor Division one football, and we're basketball centric league, so we'll always protect basketball, but we don't want to see a diminished for any of our Olympic sports at all, and I think that's critically important. And to touch on your comments them right before that when you were talking about some of the names of schools that you really don't ever hear of until all of a sudden you see their names in the bracket for March Madness. Like, we've had two experiences even with our institutions, when Davidson, you know, was in the championship with Steph Curry and then they've been in it since they've been in the A ten. And then both Mason and VCU have had, you know, just memorable runs to the final four. And you know, we're looking at the same for this year when we look at our top three teams and VCU should be an at large team, and then we have Dayton and George Mason that have had phenomenal seasons.

On the men's side, yeah, yeah.

And on the women's side, Richmond has been phenomenal, and our other two top teams have been Mason and Saint Joe's the same thing, you know, and those to get multiple teams in is so critical and the exposure that goes along with it.

Yeah for sure. I mean I'll never forget the name Shaka Smart from that run. We all remember it.

Last question for you, I know you served on the NCAA Division One Men's Basketball Committee.

What was your biggest takeaway from working on that.

It was a really unbelievable experience understanding the depth and the amount of work that goes into being a committee member on that men's basketball committee, And tremendous respect for the staff, for Dan gabbittt that runs that committee, and also for the folks that I served with, and in terms of you really have to almost step away from what your current day job is to be able to really commit the hours because it's so important to every single team to get every single selection right at the end of the day. Because of what we've been talking about for the last thirty minutes, it is, you know, it's really life changing. It is. It's life changing for those student athletes and also for historic institutions across the country. And my biggest takeaway has been, you know, nothing's easy at all, and working as a team is the only way that that whole iconic event comes together well.

And being a women's player and someone who's so focused on making sure you elevate the women's side of the conference as well, it feels like kind of a sneaky way to be on the inside and learn all the ways the men's and women's side function differently, are treated differently, or given different resources. Were you able to take anything away that had you thinking, I'd like to apply this to the women's side, or I'd like to bring this over to the women'side, because I don't think it's getting a fair shot the same way.

Yeah. Absolutely, And i've been you know, my tenure on the committee has been recently, and so we did talk in the men's committee about the importance of being you know, balanced, and hey, if we're going to do this, we should share it. It's a great idea. We should share it with the women's committee to see if they're interested in doing the very same thing. And I don't think that everything works for both championships. I felt that way when I was at the ACC and we built an iconic women's event that sold out many many years in a row. I feel the same way here. We share a lot of great ideas at the A ten. We don't have to do everything identical, but I do feel strongly that they have to be done fairly. And you can't be cutting corners for either of your championships.

Yeah, well, I know you're busy, right, now you got to get back to that tournament you're at currently.

But thanks so much for the time and the insight. It's great to talk to you.

Thanks Sarah, your show's great. Appreciate being on and visiting with you.

Thanks so much to Bernadette for joining us. We have to take another break when we come back. More on DT's bun and the Rice Crispy mystery.

Welcome back Slices.

We've got a brief update from yesterday's guest, Alexa Philippoo. Now in case you missed it, she mentioned a previously untold story about Diana Tarassi and the origin of her famous bun. The claim from Tarassi's college room made at Yukon Morgan Valley is that DT used to lay up side down with her hair hanging over the edge of the couch, and then, using some sort of giant rice crispy treat as a table that held her brush and hairsprand stuff, would then meticulously collect all of her hair.

Strands into her now famous button.

We had a lot of questions about the rice crispy and Alexa, the brilliant reporter that she has got us some more info.

Here's what she found out.

Okay, I have an update on the Rice Crispy square situation. So Morgan Valley tells me that it was probably three foot by three foot. She thinks it was party sized and that it was in blue Rice Crispy wrapping. So if anyone has any recollection of these things existing in the early two thousands or some other time, that's what she's talking about. But I could not. I don't know how these existed, why these would exist, and how people would acquire them. So food for thought there.

Okay, Now, I for one have never seen one of these party sized Rice Crispy treats, but now I kind of just want one so I can fully understand it's breath and majesty for myself. So if you have visual proof of this three foot by three foot wonder, you know where to send it. Good game at wondermedianetwork dot com. We love that you're listening, but we want you to get in the game every day too, So here's our good gameplay of the day.

Obviously, send us.

Your Rice Krispy tree pictures and tune into the A ten Women's Basketball Championship happening now.

Games are streaming on Peacock.

We'll link to the tournament schedule in our show notes, and we always love to hear from you, so hit us up on email Good Game at wondermedianetwork dot com or leave us a voicemail at eight seven two two o four fifty seventy. Don't forget to subscribe a rate and review. It's easy. Watch rain that hits right as you're going to sleep. Rating ten out of ten z's review. Who needs the call map when you got real rain pitter pattering against your window. There's simply nothing like jumping under the covers, sinking into the bed and hearing the rain drops tiptap tiptap on your roof or window. Just known you're about to get some of the best sleep of your whole damn life. I'm realizing now this review is a big mistake. I immediately want to take us newze. Hold my calls, hold my text.

Matter of fact, just do my job for me for the rest of the day. I'm going to bed now. It's your turn. Rate and Review. Thanks for listening, See you next week.

Good game, Bernadette, Good Game, DT's bun you, Luis Rubialis and anyone still in his corner. Good game with Sarah Spain is an iHeart women's sports production in partnership with Deep Blue Sports and Entertainment. You can find us on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Production by Wonder Media Network, our producers are Alex Azzie and Misha Jones. Our executive producers are Christina Everett, Jesse Katz, Jenny Kaplan and Emily Rudder. Our editors are Emily Rutter, Britney Martinez, and Grace Lynch. Our associate producer is Lucy Jones and I'm Your host Sarah Spain

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