Gina Is Auditioning For Which Reality TV Show?!

Published Jan 12, 2025, 10:52 PM

We’re back, baby! Gina provides us a ‘uge update on her house renovations, we get the news straight out of the glossies and Gina’s partner in crime (while Matty is taking a couple of extra days off) Adam shares the level of pettiness he got to over the break.

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For Gina and Maddie podcast.

So, Adam you remember Our School of Rock? One of the greatest. I think it's one of the greatest movies. I loved this movie.

I did love the line from Jack Black of him going I'm hungover. Does anybody know what that means? And the kid goes, you're drunk? No means I was drunk yesterday.

Great great movie. So do you remember there was two little kids? Now?

One of them Haile played sassy backup singer Marta and Massagli was the tough guy Frankie, part of the band security. They met on the set. They just got married in real life. How was that cutest? That's not even like high school sweet hearts.

That's like, it's more than that. Yeah, well they were little they were remember what they were?

They were ten that were ten years old when they filmed it in two thousand and three.

Stayed in contact and then ended up falling in love.

Is well, they have beautiful history together, don't they. They go all the way back to school?

Do you reckon?


Jack Black was there at the ceremony. I so hope he was there. I know he couldn't be.

Apparently he's filming something but he sent some nice well wishes, but a lot of the people from School of Rock co stars were.

At the wedding.

Isn't that beautiful? I bet you that was.

Secretly thinking, surely he's going to surprise us and sing us down the aisle.

Would have been so good? Or have him?

As I said, there is the like the one that actually married them. Yeah, yeah, that was.

Celebrating the celebrate. Is that lovely?

So there's a nice, nice, lovely love story for you.

Keeping with the theme of marriage, Tom Holland and Zendaia apparently there's been a lot of speculation. Are they engaged? Aren't they engaged? Well, Tom's dad, Dominic, has just confirmed what we've all been buzzing about that they are actually engaged.

Isn't that lovely? Now?

She on a red carpet, wore a massive ring and someone said to her, hey, are you engaged? And she just smirked and kind of gave them a little wouldn't say for sure smile. But the dad is revealing that yes, apparently he got the ring. He spoke to her dad for permission and apparently had every detail planned out and very very romantic. We're happy about that us, We sow Old School asked the dad, would you, if you're going to get married to do that?


I would. I love that. Tom Holland did that.

Yeah, I love it too.

My husband asked my dad, I think that's one tradition we have to keep.

What are you going to do?

If he says no, will your boyfriend asked your dad, do you think CJ.

I'd assume so, but not anytime soon? Would your dad say yes or no? He would say yes, hope. So my dad ended up.

Saying to my husband, look, because we were together for.

About four years.

And my dad ended up saying to him, if you don't ask her to marry you soon, I'm taking aback.

We were all a bit tired of waiting, but anyway worked out good.

Gina and Maddie all of the Central Coasts. House wants to know. Gina bought a house. She was renovating it.

Did you make it in on Christmas Eve? Well? Look, if you start with well.

We did not make it in there, poor Christmas Eve. I'm the most positive person you'll ever meet, and I was trying to manifest it, and I couldn't manifest the builders as quickly, So I tried really hard, but we Honestly, it has been so fun.

I feel well.

I was off for four weeks, but I feel like i've been off for eight because we've achieved a lot. Like we've done and Reno, I thought, Oh, all we're going to do is push a wall back, close a few of those doors off, move a door up here, paint the floor.

Hardly anything, really.

There was quite a few walls to move. When you say a few walls.

Oh my god. Back to the studs, all new electrical. We've traumatized the electrician and he doesn't want me to tell you his name is Matt because he's not quite ready for anybody else. Who was he Agan, Matt Matt Kendall's. Then he doesn't want us to know who he is because he's still traumatized. Because I changed my mind a little bit. You can't imagine, Kenny, but I changed my mind every now and then. Our poor painter, he's too traumatized. He doesn't want me to do what's his name?


We just did white. You should say it.

Look it's just white. I think it's called crisp white. And then we got blonde kind of flaws and charcoal carpet.

Thanks to no, I didn't have a deal. Choices flooring were incredible. Came in and did the floors, but we were basically working backwards. I knew when the floors were coming in, and we kind of had to work backwards from that date. My spreadsheet then said, now the lounge arrives the new lounge on the twenty four. We had to get a new one to fit the house. Twenty fourth of December. So I thought we'll move in that day, easy, no problem at all.

We did not.

We did not make it. We moved in. Oh, I feel bad because we were staying with Mat and Sou.

Will be there like two weeks probably, and she said, yeah, come I stay at house.

We'd love it.

Two weeks. Two weeks is up and we're still nowhere any realm.

So I'm so sorry we're still living in your house. We lived with them for a month, wore them down. The They do love us, but we drank all their wine and ate all their food.

But I loved it.

I have really enjoyed it. I bought some of the lights from Tamu. Do you remember I brought some into show. I did a little show and tell right before Christmas, and I was a bit worried they look fantastic. Went in, wait till you hear you know me on Facebook marketplace Now, Like I didn't, I know how to find weird stuff for telling me s dreaming on this show, but I hadn't really bought and sold a lot of stuff. I am so good on Facebook marketplace Now. Had this idea for the kitchen to get like a great big kitchen table like dining table, and then cut it into like an L shape and slide it in next to the kitchen bench, if you know what I mean. It's hard to describe, but so we was looking on Facebook Marketplace for a big wooden table.

Took Matt and.

So people were living with Also the electrician totally burnt the friendship and this trailer all the way up to it was almost Queensland.

I think it was blue Haven. It felt a very long way and was all.

The table we got there was terrible, So we had to turn around and come back, and I almost wanted to buy it because I felt guilty because we traveled so far. Then anyway, we found one eventually and it looks incredible. Now listen how good I did. It was seven hundred dollars for the table. She gave us the chairs as well, and I said, look, I don't want the chairs. She said, just have them. I sold them on the same day for one hundred and fifty and it looks I'm going to show you some photos with the temou light above it, like a basket light out over the dining it looks incredible. So we've done it smart, I think smart, and I really really love it. Thank you to Ryan from Plaza Constructions. He was awesome because he said I changed my mind all the time and he just put up with me.

I and my dad, my dad. Thank you to my dad as well.

It's still not finished, it's still ongoing, but my dad was so beautiful. Dad's a retired builder, and he came in and kind of oversaw the whole thing and swung a bit of a hammer, and so did our son Jackie. And Dad said to me, in all my years of building, darhla, I have never never seen anyone on the work like you.

Really, Dad, really, thank you guys.

Yeah, you're the only person who comes in and doesn't just hold up one tradesman.

You hold them all up.

Hold the whole thing stops when I walk in. He goes, well done, dul and I said.

I'm faly goodness that thing. But we're in.

We're in the house, and I absolutely love it. You got to come around. I'll show you, Adam.

And when are you doing your audition for the block?

I honestly I reckon you and I Adam could do it. Are you good with a hammer?

No? No, me either. Well we could work it out. CJ.

Can you come with us? No? Thanks.

I feel kind of prepared.

I absolutely loved it, love our house, very very happy, and I think I think I could audition for the block.

I think you just did. Yeah, we'll packages up.

We'll send it Tonightty Maddie. You know how we've got against the back wall here a whole heap of car parks reserved for us.

Yes, and you know the office.

No one's been coming in for a few weeks, so you know, people have been all empty spaces, have been parking in them. But we're all back now. Everyone's in the office. And I rocked in last week and we had a meet we were about to have a meeting, and I was also then on air and there was not a single car park, oh, not one. But here's the kicker. This is this is what I mean. Because we haven't been here for a few weeks, people have been parking in our spots. And I know, you know, we're a small team, so I know everybody's yeah, car cars. There were a couple of cars that I recognized were not ours, so I did the very mature thing parking them in.

Do you have did you have a sign on your car that says that you work here, so that they kind.

Of I mean, considering that they all say reserved for Star, I just presume that they would figure out that's it.

Oh my god. In the end, I moved my car and all all was. We got through it all at the end. So how long did you move in? It was quite a few hours. He kept the.

Person waiting and locked them in.

Say at the end of them, well you learned your lesson, didn't you? Did you? I did? What did they do?

Were they sorry? Or were they just clinky?

They weren't that happy about it.

Oh my god, I thought this morning, what is the pettiest thing you've done?

You know, have you parked somebody in?


Have you left a note on somebody's windscreen?


I mean people have done plenty of petty things in a car park before Jeff in Chitaway Bay, I.

Parked it, parked at the parking spot.

That's fine.

Shopping center next to me was a FD disabled spot, so that's that's fine.

So I've come back out. Now I'm going to go.

To the end of this story.

First, I sat there.

With my cup of coffee and watched the end result of my little actions. So what had happened was I was sitting there and what had happened next to me is a Trade's Ford ranger had come in, had parked diagonally in the disabled spot with no disabled seeker and parked me in. So as I'm sitting there watching with my cup of coffee, try watching this this man try to work out how to get off the shopping trolley.

On zip tied to his full bar.

That's good one zipti.

I had ten of them in the car.

You w that's that's.

That's quite worthy. So did you have to then talk to him or you just did?

He's not my problem.

How long did you have to wait for him to come back to the car to see those zip.

Ties halfway half a big.

Measures his time.

I enjoyed that you got so petty that you did that, but not only that, wanted to see your end work.

If you're not a disabled, if you need that spot, then please respect people that need that spot. You know, and that's fine, but you know it, don't bark me in. But it was well, I mean, at the end of the day, I wasn't going anywhere.

I did.

How I ever discover that I was waiting to the park next to me left so I can maneuver out and get my car out. But just the look of confusion.

Did you just want to say, you know what you did? You know what you did?

It was?

It was it was the It was just that look of hang on being on. I'm entitled to party because I can. Well, now you're not, buddy, because the shopping trolly gods have smiled on you.

I'll tell you what he learned a lesson. He's never doing that again. It's not. Oh, Jeff, you're the best. I love that so much. Good Sener and Maddie Podcast.

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