Plus! Did You Know That?!, the people of the Coast have us fooled, and why you should never wear a tie to work!
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Gina and Maddie Podcast. This is a new segment that I just love so much.
I ain't going to ask you guys a question, and I'd be surprised if you knew it.
Did you know that snails have teeth? I did not know that.
I didn't know that sailes possessed thousands of tiny teeth called regular used for scraping food off surfaces.
I didn't know. Did you know that dolphins name each other? I did not know that.
I did not know that dolphins used distinct whistles to identify each other, much like humans use names.
Did you know?
Did you so if you hear whistling coming from the garden, so it's just the snails out the back dolphins?
Sorry, I was looking for my shocked crowd sound effects. I was only half listening. That's a good sound efects.
That's a good one, and that was worth it not listening. Listen, you'll go home and tell your kids or something. Do you know snails whistle?
I don't know.
Why are they're dolphins in the backyard?
Did you know pigs can get sun burnt? I did that? Got says skin?
Did you know that electrophobia is the fear of chickens.
I did not know that.
I did not know that.
I had a bit of a fear of chickens not eating them when they chase.
It good when they've got a little bit of ham and cheese melted on it with a mid tomato sauce in the nugget.
Oh gosh.
Did you know that chocolate was once used as currency? I did not know that.
Doing the Aztec campire, Yeah, I'd love to get paid in chocolate.
Did you hear that Shane as opposed to getting paid in stickers.
Better than a big mac?
Did you know waiting for it?
Did you know that ketchup like tomato sauce was once sold as medicine in the eighteen hundreds. I did not know that doctor claimed that tomato sauce had medicinal properties and sold it for its cure for various ailments.
Did you know that slugs have four noses? I did not know that.
I did not know that.
Did you know that identical twins don't have the same fingerprints?
I knew that, Okay.
Did you know that all the world's bacteria, if it was stacked on top of each other, would stretch for ten billion light years.
I did not know that.
Here's one for you guys who were heading into the office. Did you know that wearing a tie can reduce blood flow to the brain by seven and a half percent.
That makes a lot of sense about some of the managers in.
Radio, it does, especially that programming department take the ties off, guys.
Did you know that AT's don't have lungs?
I did know that instead they breathed through spiracles nine or ten tiny openings, depending on the species. Isn't that fascinating? And I've got I've got one more? Very no too, give me two. Did you know that lego bricks with stand compression better than concrete.
I didn't know that we should build our houses out.
A lego And here's my that's why because it's expensive. That's why we don't, but ED can afford it. Did you know this is my favorite I've save for us? Did you know that one in eighteen people have a third nipple?
Harry Styles does.
To say, yeah, well, he's very Did you know that?
I did not know that?
For US jazz Today is International French Language Day. So in celebration of this wonderful day, we were wonder if anyone out there I can speak French or do a French accent and trick us.
Are you French or are you just good at doing it?
I'm going to give you an example. You see if you can tell if I can speak French or not.
I would like a baguette, croissant and macarone from with fromage on my crepent Omelet hold the cafe, just some champagne in my chateau near the boutique beside the riviere with my fiance for a rendez voul.
He has lovely cologne. I hope he brings me.
A flair and perform or at least a still vina from his voyanch. Wow.
See if I if I called in and said that, would you go and be like.
I don't know, are you putting on a French accent or are you actually French? I wouldn't be able to work it out. See, So this is what we need. On four thirty sixty five one O four five little.
Bit of fun. French accents are still okay. Some accents, some accents you can enter the table.
For example, frenchy, I think it's still okay.
Man Rihanna is on the phone from cucumber.
She got your umbrella, Rihanna.
Hello, oh oh, keep going, keep going.
I used to live in France for a couple of years, and then I moved to Sydney and listin Dia.
Came to a Kingcombert Maddie's spanning himself. He's getting sure.
She said, cincumber or cucumber.
But I'm okay, I'm okay with either.
Gosh, Rihanna.
See, I think Rihanna is the real deal.
That is, I can speak French's you guys, yes, please, please do please, that's your notes board and music rocker. Don't this rich comes out.
You just said to me, get off the lounge, you fat slob, and help your wife in the kitchen.
And I would have loved every second of it.
What did you say? What was that?
I said, the tever rock music because it makes me want to dance and things like that.
Rihanna, you're the real deal. You've got to be French.
No, actually.
That was amazing. How long have you been studying French, Rihanna?
So I've been studying.
It for three years now.
I did it a little bit at school and now I'm doing a bit more at UNI as well.
You are amazing.
Luca. Hello, Luca, Hello.
Hey Luca, do your best French for us?
Have you got any good place?
Places to any macaroon?
Look at you like as good as me?
This? Can you do more?
I was wondering what the time was right now, we're so late.
I don't know. I'm just going to take a stab in the dark here. I'm going to say that you're not French.
I'm a tiny bit French.
What does that mean?
My dad's the Chinese French.
Oh that means I got it wrong.
So I'm gonna have to throw you a star pack that I'm not sure we have either.
Okay, you can have a star pack. That was That was sort of sort of incredible. And let's go. We're going down to Sydney for some reason.
Tom's in Couljie hot Tom. Yes, I can speak I can speak English, of course, no problem.
Jesus good.
I've been listening to all the people trying to pretend they're French, but.
They all sound pretty terrible.
You can tell they're not French.
Okay, can you do me a favor Tom with can you very good? Can you say the winner is Sydney? Oh gosh, okay, I think you might have said it in French. I was asking for an English.
The Winner, The Winner.
Yeah, I think Tom is definitely French Tom.
Yes, I'm French.
Yes, when you go home, Tom, Do I think you've got an Australian accent?
Yes they do.
Actually they just say I'm weird.
That sounds weird.
Think you saund amazing? Thanks Tom?
Jay Am I mean a bit of a predicament. Yes, I don't know. Do you know the brand Ninja? So Ninja make like the air fryers and like the high power.
Smoothie making we've got. Yeah, they're so good.
Yeah, Well, Ninja have got a brand new product and I don't know, you've probably seen it rolling around on your socials or in some news stories. It's called the Ninja Slushy. Oh and I am so Ninja slushy curious. It's not funny. So the viral Ninja slushy frozen drinkmaker has landed here in Australia. It hit the States first and I think it's in its second lot of drop at the moment. There was a fifty thousand people wait list for this product when at first announced.
So it's like, if you want to get yourself the ninja slushy.
You need to put yourself on this weight list, and fifty thousand people put their name down across Australia and New Zealand.
I did.
Yeah, So I got the email and then I had the discussion with my long suffering current wife, Bella.
Bell's not too keen on the ninja slushy. Now.
I don't know about you, Jenna Jefferies, but being able to make frozen margaritas at home is already of solid selling points.
And so okay, explain it.
So you simply pour your liquidve choice in one of the five preset programs, so you can get slush, slushy, spiked slush, a frappe, a milkshake, or a frozen juice.
If that's the kind of thing you're after.
It can turn you know, frozen margs, froze's, frozen dakeries.
You know, like I said, juice and milkshakes.
But there's a bit of contention because she's like, you know what, We've got the mixer, We've got the juicer. Now we bought a juicer and that is just the most useless waste of space.
They're so hard to clean.
Well, that's the thing.
No one uses it because it's just such a mission to clean. Yes, we don't have one, but like my sister had an ice cream maker, she used it once. Yeah, is it going to become like that? Like the pie maker that I bought that I never make pies with anymore? Or I don't know. I'm kind of cane. But it ain't cheap how much one hundred bucks? I do love slushies, I know after pay. I can do some after pay and then do you know, do it in installments and it doesn't seem like it's had.
I don't know. Has anyone listening got the ninja slushy? Who? Maybe they can convince my wife who is listening, Hey, let him get it.
Let him get it, to have frozen rugs or you go. And you know what, we used it once and we don't use it anymore. I'm a little torn on. I'd like your help on the coast Kate's and lizro.
Hi, Kate, Hi, Hey, going good mate? Now tell me have you got a slushy?
I do, and it's the most amazing thing I've ever owned. Really, yeah, it's so good.
What do you make?
I've made frozen margaritas? A couple of times, just Zakaris with the mixed from Dan Murphy. Does kids just do the frozen cokes? And the stap is the next level. They're better than macases.
Oh I love that.
Okay, it does everything. It's so good.
Did you were you on the wait list? Were you one of the fifty thousand people wait list?
I had it on m Okay, I've had it. I've had it for about those three and a half weeks, and I think I've used it every single day.
Oh I love that?
Okay, necessarily alcoholic.
Hey, no judgment, listen, we don't judge. Okay, Mate, where do you keep it? Is it too big to keep out?
I keep it out on the bed, Okay, next to the Oh gosh.
Okay, it's amazing.
I really hope Ella is listening. Steps in green Point, you've got one to step?
Yeah, we've got one.
Who's that in the back.
I've got my ten year old and my four year old is the back.
They're very keen and want to slushy every day?
Do you make so many so you had to buy the flavors kind of like a soda stream.
No, we just buy soda from cold and use that and they just make some beautiful flavors through the different.
Okay, so you put so you're pouring the soda in that you're getting from the shop and you're pouring it into like I suppose the compartment at the top, and then what's the process to then turn it into a slushy?
So you just press the slushy button and you wait probably about fifteen minutes, will do a whole Can I start and yeah, glad to go.
And then it's like and then it's like seven eleven you're pulling like a lever and it's just filling.
Up your glass.
Yeah for sure.
Yeah that's amazing. How much does it feel? How much does it feel? So usually you get a whole one point two five in there, kids asking one point eight nine.
I think it's like being at my house, Steph, my kids know everything is I reckon, I reckon, I'm sold, and then we can just have a slushy party.
Good and Maddie Podcast.
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