Happy 182nd wedding anniversary to Gina and Rod! Plus! Who is 17-year old Aussie sprinter extraordinaire Gout Gout? And the team try to replicate sound effects with just their mouths. 100% mouths only, we swear.
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I've got Regina and Maddie podcast.
But it is a big day for you today, love and marriage really twenty six.
Years twenty six years today.
So Rod and I got married in nineteen ninety nine on this day, and.
We were on the stage. We got it on this day.
Actually, actually we have to add that.
So we were together for four years first, and my dad eventually said to Rod, if you don't ask her to marry as soon, I'm taken aback.
Got after four years?
Yeah, it was too long, you've got how come how long were you.
Guys engaged, engaged or together before together? That's what I meant, almost nine years.
Oh that's a long time.
But we were babies. We were twenty one and twenty two when we met.
Yeah, well I'm Rod's second wife, so yeah.
He's having time to waste. Here's a big.
But music industry marriages are counted in doggies because lots of music industry marriages don't make it. So we've actually been married for one hundred and eighty years today.
But there's some other long marriages in Hollywood.
So I looked it up and looking for secrets for how do people stay married long term?
Because it's kind of.
I think the first ten years can be pretty easy ish, she's a bit honeymoonish, and then old marriages go through stuff. Don't you think the first ten was just blissfully easy and then I guess, I don't know what happens. It gets a bit harder after that for whatever reason. So Kurt Russell and Goldihorn, they've been married or not married, they've been together for forty years.
Maybe that was the secret. Don't get married, and.
It might be their secret. So they say it's says shared humor and valuing each other's space. So I think sometimes they sleep in separate rooms and they don't you know, they're not actually married.
Michael J.
Fox and Tracy Polland they've been married for thirty four years and she's amazing, as you know, he's going through a health issue. They say it's mutual respect and understanding and giving each other the benefit of the doubt.
I love that advice.
Kevin Bacon, he's been married to his wife. Do you say Kira or Caira Saidwick. Kira said we.
Maybe Kira, Yeah, thirty four years.
They say they always make time for each other, and you see a lot of old you know what, I love to see is old people walking along holding hands. My mom and dad walk along holding hands, and you look at that, and you go, Brod and I walk along. There's some old people holding but you look at that the.
Shopfront, go look at those two old people. It's just us in a reflection.
Exactly exactly.
And you know when I said that music first of all, a couple of weekends ago.
I had playing the guitar. It's get on the strings, and I asked.
The audience that you'd been married the longest, you know, and they put their hands up and people said forty years, fifty is whatever. And this old guy won the contest, and I threw my hat and he came up to me and he said he and his wife had been married, I think for sixty five years.
And I said, what's your secret?
He said, well, choose carefully, yeah, and marry your best friend.
Very good advice. And marriage isn't easy.
It's like it's not you know, it's like we talk affair sometimes about raising children as also it's not all fun. There is some stuff that's not easy. But you choose someone you love, and I certainly chose someone with a very very big love. We have sly into each other and he does. This is what he says to me, goes, Darlin, I just do everything I do to make you happy.
And as you know, he went down to.
Chatswood and picked up the world's heaviest mirrors on his own for me. He keeps pointing to those now whenever I complain about anything. But I found this, this beautiful quote about marriage, and this is the best advice. The first to apologize is the bravest, the first to forgive is the strongest, and the first to forget is the happiest.
And you know how I forget.
You're really good at that. Right now, we are joined on the line by Chervo.
On Sunday night on Channel seven, there's a seven News exclusive. It's a spotlight special on Gout Gout, who is the biggest name in athletics in this country at the moment.
He's seventeen years of age.
They're doing a whole special on it with Bruce McAvaney at the forefront.
Here's a little bit. He's the fastest man in Australia on track to become the fastest man alive.
Gout Goout has never spoken about his gifts.
Until now, and someone who is a part of that is the one and only Matt Shermington and he joins us online this morning.
Gay Matte Hey, Maddie Hey, Gena. Yeah, it's a remarkable thing that we're witnessing with Goutgout, I mean for those outside of the athletics world, really in the last six months, he's just burst onto the scene. We've been watching this kid for a couple of years now and he's just been getting better and better and better. And the fact that he broke the Australian two hundred meters record last year, which had been standing since nineteen sixty eight Mexico Olympics Peter Norman and that famous Black Power race was just a phenomenal thing. So he's rightfully made his mark already and we're going to get a little insight into what the kids like.
He hasn't really spoken before, so and getting to have your story narrated br Bruce mcavainy. He gives it anyone goose bumpsp So this is an exclusive. Can you give us a little bit of an insight to who Gout got is?
Well, I've been really lucky to be a part of definitely the emergence of him over the last few months and got a chance to spend some time with him at training and his coach, Dies Shepherd, and I've known his manager, his agent, a guy called James Templeton for many many years, a very experienced guy and a guy that I think has enough experience to understand the precious commodity that he's got with Gout and how unique it is in terms of him. He's just a young, great, flamboyant kid with a lot of confidence, but just this innate ability to run. He's just built like a machine that's just been made to run. If you think of Ian Thorpe, who when you look at his body, you think, yeah, he's just you know, it's almost like a fish or a seal or something that just would glide through the water. Gout is just made to run. And I say, the best way to describe it, he's a freak in all right way.
And he's only seventeen, right, still at school.
Yeah, that's right.
And he only turned seventeen in December, so he was sixteen when he broke the national two hundred record, which is insane. He's just seventeen. He's still at school, he's at Ipswich Grammar, which is a great school. But he's so well respected there. Apparently the prefects, the school leaders have this thing where every morning they stand out the front and they welcome the younger kids to the school. And apparently the lineup to get a high five with Gout is like so long compared to all the other prefects. So he's really well respected. He's a Grade A student. He comes from a very humble family of course, Sudanese descent, you know, born here in Australia. And his coach too, is just straight talking, no nonsense. When I arrived at training, he got there fifteen minutes late and his coach came over and said, oh, what's this. You're fifteen minutes late? What are we going to call you Hollywood or something? Now?
Are I love that?
I've got a couple of questions. I'll double problem at your chervo. Firstly, getting it right matters. So you're saying Gout. I've been saying Gout when I'm referring to him. So's we just go with Gout as Singlet's his first name and Gout is his last name.
Yeah, look the story goes like this, right, So his dad came out and said, at home, we call him what and it's obviously in his native language, is the way that he pronounces his name, but him himself, so Gout himself and his manager came out very quickly and said, look, we want it to be spelt go Out. We want his name to be Gout. It's easy for people to understand, and that's what we're going to stick with, and that's what he is going to be known as from here on in. So there was a little bit of confusion there early, but he wants to be called Gout Gout and that's and that's the way it is now.
Love that.
And then Genie touched on he's only seventeen, as you know, a man with much experience in the running world, what age is a sprinter at their prime?
Are we is this his prime? Or is he only going to get better?
No, he's only going to get better one hundred percent. And there's so much room for improvement in the sense that his start is still rudimentary, and it's mainly because he doesn't have that man strength yet, you know, he hasn't developed that real power that you get as you mature into your kind of lateeens. Early twenties, so that's yet to come. So the one hundred meters I'm really excited about. He's a heck of a lot faster over the two hundred at the moment. But that's good too, because that's exactly what you saying Bolt did. He focused on the two hundred, did really well in that, and then in two thousand and eight decided, Hey, I want to run a hundred, and then the rest was history. So he's now the fastest man in the hundred and two hundred. I'm not saying that he's following the exact footsteps of Bolt. He's going to forge his own path. But you're right, he's very young for a sprinter at the moment. And the exciting thing about that is obviously la coming up in twenty twenty eight, but Brisbane twenty thirty two. I mean the idea and I was lucky enough to do it. The idea of going to Olympic Games half an hour away from where you grew up, you grew up and went to school, is just a phenomenal thing and something very unique. So he's going to get that chance.
I can't wait to watch it unfolded, and cannot wait to see this exclusive seven New Spotlight special. It's Sunday eight forty and tell me, serve, surely there's been an executive producer come and tap you on the shoulder at sunrise and go, are we going to line up a race between Gout and Chervo for seven forty one day?
I'll tell you what, hands down right now, I'm no chance. You might as well just give him the gold medal now, mat Thank you, guys.
Thank you.
We'll cut you on the telly on Sunday night and then again of course on Monday on Sunday Sea Show ote later.
Thanksingering Maddie.
We've had some fun on the phones last Friday.
We got people to call up and do a formula one because there in town down in Melbourne. And then we've got people to do their best formula in one car, which went something like this, actually went nothing like, nothing like that. Then for World Poultry Day we got people to ring up and cluck on air, Yes, cluck on air and it went like.
This, B brake sounds that's better, a little bit like that.
And then yesterday for World French Language Day, are you ready, we got people to call up and see if they could tricky's whether they were French or not.
Just by putting on a little bit of a French accent, we're in a bit like this.
Oh oh that was a bit better.
Okay. So what have you got for us here?
Well, I wanted, but you guys have a little bit of a taste.
Of your own medicine. Okay.
So I have some sound effects that I've loaded into the system, and I want to see how well you guys have an ear for it and see if you can match what that sound effect is. Yeah.
Yeah, so you're going to say the sound We've got to do it to see how close we get to the actual sound effect you've got in the system.
That's it, alright.
The first one I want you guys to try is a power drill.
Do you want to take it first?
You go first?
I like it.
Mine's more.
Oh that was good.
Okay, what we have one?
I have thanks.
I can tell these hands to have no calluses and really done any heavy lifting in their time.
That true, Lucky, you're not a mechanic, all right.
So the second one is opening a bottle of fizzy drink, like that when you get a can and you open the.
Post you've just said opening a bottle and then you went to a can, because they're two.
Different sounds, very different.
Okay, let's stick with opening a bottle. A bottle?
Oh no, I think thanks again.
Okay, I'm gonna go.
Oh okay, it'll see what we have.
I'm pouring it in? Is hypos? Oh well? I thought yours? What yours was? What much close? Yours was?
This is saying this is going so well. This will be back, yeah to keep. Maybe it'll be on the podcast.
You guys might remember this, but I might not. Is the internet dal hoop?
Oh gosh, the old school motor?
Okay, I don't.
Think I'm going to win that one.
Oh god, this is horrific. Am you off the phone so I can use the internet?
All right?
Is that listen?
You got it? You get it again?
That was really good you I'm the adjudicator.
Oh okay, I won't you thank you?
Next one, a clinking of two glasses together.
That's that's so hard to do. Oh that was amazing. Can you do that again? You go? How are you doing that with your mail? Okay, don't know what to do.
It's my action. If people could.
See you, they realized it was actually quite good.
Is this number five? Number four four?
Give it to Jana again with your mouth, give me a sick.
Oh all right, number five an air horn?
Oh sorry, can I have nothing.
The actual one?
Are you actually serious?
Actually? I think I was better this?
Do you a kid?
No, let's move on, absolutely, rom they're being up a jumper.
I'll go first. I'll go first.
Oh yeah, pretty decent. What have you got?
I'm just giving my teeth in the position. Hang on, Oh, let's have a listen. I was almost it was almost for the sound effects.
Winslow over there.
All right, madd you have no chance of winning. Okay, let's go to the break spraying an aerosol?
Can it sounds like me in the morning with the Glenn twenty.
Okay, let's see what we got.
Many I'll give you And that was worth.
What ten thousand points?
That you.
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