
Greg and Dana Newkirk Canceled a Curse with Love

Published Apr 1, 2024, 7:01 AM

It’s a HELLIER of a reunion when Roz welcomes back THE power couple of paranormal investigation, documentary film producers and hosts of The Haunted Objects podcast, Greg and Dana Newkirk! As founders of The Traveling Museum of the Paranormal and Occult, the Newkirks unveil for Roz their most memorable and mysterious museum submissions, how they handle the most cursed objects, and the perils of stewarding Glenn Campbell’s Area 51 archives.

Want to share YOUR paranormal experience on the podcast? Email your *short* stories to GhostedByRoz@gmail.com and maybe Roz will read it out loud on the show... or even call you!

Be sure to follow the show @GhostedByRoz on Instagram.

What's that at the foot of my bed. It's spooky and jooky. I'm really sure it's dead. It's coming this way. Wait a minute, hel, I'm ghosted. I gos Nandas Please Hey boo, it's me Raz and welcome to Ghosted by Raz Hernandez, the podcast where I talk to people that I like about the paranormal. My guests today, ooh babe. These people are a real life married couple, Greg and Dana Newkirk. Now, in my personal opinion, they are the best in the beds. I look up to these people very much. They are paranormal investigators and they get weird with it. They don't just stick to ghosts, honey, They're talking any kind of weird, unexplainable thing. They have their own haunted museum. It is called the Traveling Museum of the World Famous Paranormal and Occult.

You gotta check out everything that they do.

They have a show called Hellier where they're looking for goblins and shit. Now, I will say, because I'm sure I'm going to start getting emails of people either pitching themselves or giving me recommendations for different paranormal people to come on the show. I'm just gonna say I have really been enjoying the way the podcast has been going the past year or two, where I'm having mainly comedians on, and I think occasionally, and I'm talking like once a year, maybe I'll have on a ghost hunter type or a psychic. I so appreciate people's interest in having different guests on the show. I get lots and lots of emails out you should have this healer on the show, or this tarot reader, this ghost hunting group, and I don't know, I just I just like laughing a lot. And I've been having so much fun making this stuff silly with truly some of the funniest people on Earth working in the biz of comedy. So this time I'm gonna have on some of my favorite ghost hunters, and they're always welcome back, honestly because the perspective that these two bring and the way that they handle it. I don't know, I just everything about it. I just I'm huge, huge fans of the New Kirks. Before we get to them, let me read you a story.

Oh, this one right here.

This comes from Claire, who writes Dear Roz. Several years ago, I was visiting my boyfriend in Rio de Janeiro Claire. That is a brag right there. Oh my god, you got hot Brazilian boyfriend. We decided to get out of the city and take an overnight trip to a town in the mountains called Petropolis. Petropolis looked more like something out of the Austrian Mountains versus anything you would expect to find in Brazil. We thought it would be a hoot to stay in the hotel that replicated a European castle. It was built in the nineteen twenties and the owner had everything imported from Europe to make it as authentic as possible. It seems, however, he also imported some ghosts. We arrived at our room, which was decorated with tapestry and two creepy, albeit cheesy portraits of a medieval man with the name Rafaelo. It was inscribed across the bottom. My boyfriend, Yeah, tell us more about him. My boyfriend, a photographer, started taking pictures of the room and then left to take some of the premises. I was tired and decided to stay in the room. When he returned, he told me he had experienced some odd things, strange noises, cold spots, and even what seemed to be a phantom dog that just disappeared around a corner. While strange and somewhat spooky, we didn't think too much of the happenings and went to bed. When we turned out the lights, we noticed a projection of the letter C on the wall. It's important to note that my first and last initial is S. We could not figure out where this light would be coming from. We were far off the main road and could not see any lights coming in from the outside, and there was nothing in the room that would have made this projection. After a thorough investigation, we decided to sleep. The next morning, my boyfriend took some more photos. Yes, definitely went overkill for a hotel room, and then we went to breakfast downstairs. When we came back to the room, I noticed that the Rafaelo portraits had been switched. My boyfriend argued that I was just remembering incorrectly, but I insisted I was right. Luckily we had photographic evidence. We compared the photos from the night before to those in the morning, and sure enough, the paintings had been swapped. Since I was in the room the entire time between the two photo sessions, there was no way someone came in and moved them. That was the final piece to convince us this place was haunted. When we checked out, we asked the clerk about the projection and mentioned the other happenings. He just shrugged it off and said, weird shit happens around here all the time. Now anytime something strange happens, I now ask.

RAFAELO, is that you love the show? See Claire Woo.

That is so weird moving paintings and shit, these ghosts. I love hearing stories like this. I'm hearing all kinds of things that ghosts can do. And hey, people keep sending in these stories. I love them so much. Just send them to my email ghosted by ras at gmail dot com. Write them out, don't write too long, you know how it works. Also, we're gonna be doing a listener episode again soon, so for that you can also email me ghosted by ras at gmail dot com and put in the subject line listener episode. And for this, if it's not something you want me to read, it's something you want, you know, to come on the show in a listener episode and talk to me about. Please just write small bullet points. And when I say bullet points, I mean like one sentence like, give me an idea. My house was haunted. I saw this, I saw that.

You know that kind of a thing. I don't need if.

It's a full long backstory, honey, I I don't got time.

Let's talk to Greg and data and with the show. You guys.

A haunted object has appeared in my zoom feed and inside the contents are Greg and Tana new Kirk.


Hello, I'm obsessed with you guys. I'm so happy that you're back.

Same, we're obsessed with you.

Yeah, I want you guys to just adopt me.

And immediately, immediately you can come and live with all the creepy haunted things.

We'll drop the paperwork. We do. We have cats.

I'm also Canadians, so you can become Canadian if you want. It's a package deal. We've got a good escape plan.

Really selling you on the purpose.

Well, how are you guys? We're ti, Well, you're gonna stop busy. Why are you so tired now? You're a bigfoot hunting or what? Uh?

No, we we've been doing meetings. We've got so many projects, secret projects working on and there you know, we just got off of a two months long tour speaking tour. We're planning a new one for this fall that's going to be even bigger. We just don't know how to stop.

We're bad at that. I think if we stopped, we probably would die.

That's probably well, that's what I love about you guys. You're always coming up with something new. You're always figuring out ways to make this stuff fresh and weirder and more interesting. And also the taste, there's always such good taste.

Oh my, you that's like the nicest thing.

I think you're the first person to say this first. Thank you.

That's really important though, So thank you.

You guys make this stuff cool.

It takes one to know one.

Okay, I brought one of my coolest friends to come see you guys.

It's the best.

When we went to a screening of the unb your documentary and this friend not in the paranormal world, real cool, you know, just Hollywood kind of guy, and oh my god, he was like, these people are the coolest people ever. This documentary was legit really good, it was shot really cool. Both of us were like, yeah, I know, like even like the theater that they choose to do this is like cool, Like it's all a vibe and it's it's great, man.

That means so much. We try really hard to you know that. Listen, we don't have to tell you. The paranormal isn't always the most artful place. Yeah, and I think that it's important. I think that, you know, beauty and art are really important when we're talking about things that affect people's spirituality. You know, we want to make things that affect people and they have conversations about this stuff and maybe think about it in different ways. And one of the ways that we can do that is to make things that aren't traditionally terrible artful or beautiful, you know, just kind of like crank that knob to eleven if we can.

Yeah, it's almost as if the tone was set at a certain point, like in the early two thousands, in terms of the aesthetic and the effort total. And it's like we're talking about the most important mystical secrets in the world and approaching it in like an artful, beautiful way. It just feels like it would make sense to me. So that really does mean a lot.

And we should shout out our director Carl Pfeiffer, who's a really big part of making that vision of reality he has such a wonderful eye for making U creepy things beautiful.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, because it's like you draw people and that's how I always feel. I'm like jaw Man with something fun and flashy, and then maybe they'll start listening to more once you got their attention. I do think that a lot of paranormal like it becomes entertainment at a certain point, you know as well. And that's where I understand why everything being like spooky with like filters over it and like so like I don't know, just like cut to these random things of like a bloody doll and like, I don't know, there's I understand it. But it's nice to give like another vibe sometimes too.

It doesn't always have to look like a Marilyn Manson video.

Yeah, yes, it's like very nine inch Nails late nineties or like there's there's a lot of that feel, which is lovely. But like even your podcast and stuff you guys have like Pheromone, you know kind of music, and I'm like, oh, I just love spooky.

That's like my thing is I like that spooky vibe but while still being fun and funny, and I don't know.

It's you know, there's it's like a classic.

Yeah, it's like a pair of jeans, like a good pair of jeans, or like a perfect jean jacket. It's just it never goes out of style because it's just classic. We grew up fun, He's classic.

Yeah, we grew up on like art Bell, Coast to Coast amy and like scarious places, and you know, there's always an element of the kind of like campy spookiness to the stuff that we do. And you know, we try to surprise people as much as we can. That doesn't always work, but some people completely reject the message. But yeah, that's fine too.

Yeah, well that's the thing like the art Bell world. I mean, I love that feeling of like like even me, I like to feel like I'm sort of like a radio host and I'm like just talking to these like random people that they're telling me their spooky stories. And you guys deal with so many people sending you things, and like, I can't imagine what your inboxes look like constantly, like the little bits I hear about just all kinds of people, all kinds of things. I mean, is there any recent notable things that people have reached out to you guys?

About there's all there's so always, so many.

There was one not too long ago where a guy sent us a polaroid. Yes, and it was of a full body. I mean, I hesitate to call it a sex doll, but I can't imagine what else it was for. Yeah, and told us that it's extremely haunted and he would loan it to the museum for a while if we wanted to study it. We yeah, very politely declined.

Oh my god, what is with the haunted sex doll thing?

I mean, you can I always think of it in terms of like sex magic, where it's like there's an act that happens, energy is raised and released, and so it kind of makes sense that there might be like general weirdness around like sex toys or sex dolls, like just in general. I would love to do like a study based on, you know, like it, just just to see if there's like general weirdness around it.

We got a butt plug in the mail. We did, we got we got a haunted butt plug.

Wait a minute, toys, we definitely did.

What's the story of the haunted butt plug?

There wasn't a story. It has a sigil on Yeah, it has a magic sigil that was drawn on it and it was sent to us maybe for.

Use use, maybe magical use.

I don't know.

It glows in the dark, it does blow in the dark, and it looks like a UFO. Yes, it's shaped like a flying saucer.

But it's not hot.

It is haunted.

It's supposed to be haunted. Yeah, yeah, I think somebody sent it to us as like a good luck charm.

Well that's sweet.

You know, it's nice because normally people only send us stuff that they have terrible, uh like terrible attachments to, whether like mental or physical. People don't send you, you know, the heirlooms that remind them of their grandma's. It's very rare send you the things that are terrifying them.

This was my grandmother's, but plug.

I would love maybe it was Yeah, pretty cool grandma, because that think glows, it clows in the dark, looks like a UFO.

It's pretty.

It's pretty wild.

I was so like, first of all, I love your podcast Hot Objects, like thank you list every episode, and then I want to say it, what was your season finale? Last year? You did this one about UFO.

Glenn Campbell, the guy who put Area fifty one on the map you guys.

Okay, So in this episode you're talking about how you have so much information and files and chunks of UFOs or I don't know what you're talking about, but you got stuff that you have to keep off property locked up. People try to steal it from you. Yeah, talk to me about this.

It's like a real life X Files episode that we are living because of this. Greg bought last year. He came into like a huge collection of research material that had belonged to a man named Glenn Campbell, who is essentially the investigator, like you said, who put area fifty one on the map. So he was the guy who was there every day looking for the best like vantage points to see in and he basically dedicated his entire life to investigating Area fifty one and really made in a thing. And he had his life's work of research just sitting there, and we immediately one of the things that we always think about is that John Keel, famed High Strangeness Investigator, all of his research went into a dumpster like they threw it out. They didn't know what they had, so it was lost forever. And so one of the things that the museum has really been focused on over the past couple of years is trying to curate as many, you know, massive pieces of research from investigators that have been doing it for a long time so that we have access to it and we can share it with other people. And so Glenn's was this huge lot that Greg was able to acquire, and so it took us forever to sort of even make our way through the material because there was so much of it.

How do you just get your hands on something like that?

Though, basically we have a very broad definition when it comes to a haunted object. So you'll know if you listen to the podcast, like we talk about stuff that's not you know, they're not necessarily haunted objects, but they have stories attached to them, and the story are what make them haunted. And it's been a big deal for us to try and track down and save items that most other people might not have any they might have any interest in. So you know, we've got There's a guy by the name of Roy P. Mackele who was one of the first hardcore Lockness Monster researchers. He searched for the Michelly and Bembi in the Congo. We have a bunch of his research and The way that a lot of that comes to us is because we're pretty straight up about it, Like we pay finders fees to people if they can find stuff that they think deserves to be in the museum, stuff that deserves to be protected. The goal is to have a brick and mortar research center so that other people like us can come and go through this stuff and learn things that they normally wouldn't be able to do so. Collecting historically significant things from every aspect of the paranormal, whether it's cryptozoology, ufology, psychic sciences, witchcraft and magic. It's not just you know, people's wigi boards. There's a lot more than that.

So in this collection, this Glenn Campbell collection, what is it that everyone's after? What is the stuff that you got.

To keep locked up?

I MEI, there's so much.

One of the things that we noticed as we were going through the material and there were just tons of tubs of material, big plastic tubs that were full of even like dead stock t shirts from the store that he ran all of his research materials. There's videos of surveillance of the base that are just hours of footage of surveillance. There was one package in there that just had. It was a Manila envelope and it just said UFO parts on it, and I went, no frickin' way. And I opened this thing up and there's an assortment of different metal materials. One of them has an actual stamp on it that says, you know, actual UFO piece. I can't tell if he was joking or not with that. He had kind of a sense of humor. Yeah, but there were some other pieces in there that were unlike metal I've ever seen before. It felt like it felt like it's magnetic, but it felt like glass, and it looks very organic, and I don't it's black too. I've never seen anything like it. Magnets are a little weird around these pieces too, So I don't know. We've had so many people who have tried to get us to let them study them. I'm afraid I'm not going to get them back. Yeah, there have been people involved in very large ways in the current UFO investigation climate, like way up the chain, who have offered to have them research. But I know that when people give that stuff up, particularly to people who are involved in the government, they don't get that stuff back. So we've been storing him off site and just kind of waiting for the right person and we just I don't think we've met them yet.

And at one point, like some of the material was stored in it was like a they was stored somewhere else and the person who was storing.

It for us had it forgot about this.

Yeah, I do want to tell a full story of that.

Oh, tell us, tell us.

When we went to go pick up the stuff out of the storage unit, a friend of mine who was very graciously storing the stuff in his unit for us, he went and picked the stuff up because it was way out in California.

Just to give you an idea, it is like massive, huge tupperware containers and there's just tons of them. So it's a huge collection.

Notes, cassette tape recordings, VHS photos, all kinds of stuff. The day before we were to show up and get that stuff, he went to go check on it, make sure everything looked okay. Someone had tried to break the lock on the door. And then he finds that his truck has been broken into and the only thing that they took was the actual key for the storage unit.

And I think he had had the storage unit for a while. It wasn't just sort of like a brand new thing like he had had it for a while, and the timing of that was very very interesting.

Now, do you think that that was men in black?

Maybe? I mean, it seems very odd that the one thing they would want to take is the storage unit key that was only holding our UFO stuff. But little did they know. As soon as I knew that those UFO parts were like in that stuff, I had them set aside. Yes, yes, so maybe they were looking for something else.

I don't know that.

Yeah, it's entirely possible, but it's strange coincidence.

Hundreds of hours of recordings of stuff that we haven't had time to go through yet.

Doesn't that make you terrified?

Terrified all the time. Yeah.

We always say that it's people that are the scariest part of the paranormal. It's not it's the other stuff's fine. It's mostly just the people that you.

Have to be ghosts, demonsos.

I don't care about that. It's the guy who maybe takes it a little too seriously that scares me more.


Your documentary is focused around your investigation of actually the story that you told last time you were on this podcast that people love so much and they talk about it all the time, this haunted object that you had so scary. You guys were just living with this thing in your house. I don't know how you can deal with that. And then UFO people trying to break in, like.

Ro's variety is despite their life.

I think we maybe just are permanently functioning in a state of anxiety at this point.

We've just learned to adapt to it.


I mean we get you know, we get lots of horrible, scary emails and all that kind of stuff. I think I almost feel like we've dissociated a bit and we're just sort of like doing what we need to do.

It kind of feels like that a little. Yeah. I don't know, I don't know, we just it's just this way. I guess there's nothing we can do about it. Our interests have led us into scary places, to rub shoulders with scary people sometimes, and it's just part of the gig.


Do you guys feel like now at this point, like when someone's like, oh, there's like a ghost in my house, You're like, Eh, that's we want the tougher stuff. We need some stronger shit.

No, No, I think We're always you know, we always want to help people if they're looking for help. We don't really do house calls. We don't do things like that because you know, we're not therapists. And a lot of the times, I think people misunderstand us. When someone comes to us and says, hey, you know, I've got a ghost in my house. What do I do? You know, one of our first things is like, have you talked to it? Try talking to it? Like, no, I would never do that. I would never do that. We're fine to give people all the things that we've learned over like thirty years of doing this, but we don't really do house calls. I think ghosts are interesting, but my views on them are so much different than they used to be twenty years ago. And I always kind of go to the psychology of it. And I'm a very big fan of a guy by the name of Michael Persinger. He was a doctor who died several years ago, but he's the guy who invented the god helmet. And his whole thing is that we're all connected, and we're all connected by the Earth's magnetic field, just the same way the animals are. And if that's true, you know he's run calculations. It would take seven minutes to send a thought up and have it downloaded somewhere else. And so when I think of things like ghosts, the thing people always say about them is they're here because they have unfinished business. But I believe personally that they're here because we have unfinished business. We haven't had time to grief, and so maybe we're the ones calling Grandma down so that we can say goodbye and we can get over this thing. I think, you know a lot of hauntings are triggered by grief, and they're triggered by trauma. Yeah, if you know how to deal with that stuff and maybe lead other people through that stuff like a good psychologist, I mean they are called parapsychologists for a reason. I think that you can find a lot of peace and you won't be tormented by these things so much anymore.

Yeah. I think it's an interesting way to think about how the experience makes you feel. And I think that's the thing that we forget to do a lot when it comes to the paranormal, is like to kind of check in with ourselves and go like, oh man, how does this make me feel? And I think that in the case of hauntings, it's this really beautiful opportunity to sort of reflect on what you've experienced and see how it relates to you as a person, and if it is something that can help you through grief or through trauma, or through any of the things that are often associated with the myths and stories of ghosts. It's just this really cool, beautiful opportunity. So I love hearing ghost stories. They're one of my favorite things ever, because, in a weird way, it's sort of like letting someone see your tarot card reading or letting someone interpret a dream for you. There's a sort of deeply personal element often involved in the experience of seeing something like that. So it's always really, really a cool thing. So I'm a big fan of ghost stories. I love collecting the ghost stories as much as we can.

Ghost stories will never go. Yeah, we just have other interests too, Fran gentlemen and I think the other thing we've found is the more that you explore other things, the more that you explore things like psychic sciences and you know, even cryptozoology or upology, you find that there's so much crossover between what people are experiencing in these different genres and they're not talking to each other enough to know that. And I think if more of these people were multidisciplinary, we'd find that a lot of this stuff involves us in a very intrinsic way that is very interesting, and you can learn to maybe define it and decipher it and affect it in really interesting ways if you know how.

Okay, this is like a ridiculous question, but.

Welcome to me. Is there like a theory or something that you have tested enough times that you're like, I always get the same result. And I think that this is true when it comes to the paranormal, Like, is there anything that you're super convinced on at this point?

I think right off the bat, is you get what you give the location?

Yeah, for sure.

So I think if you come in you know the type black T shirts, want to fight the those, you know the type, you're gonna get that kind of experience. Yes, If you go in with a very love and light vibe, we're gonna send you to the light, you're gonna get that kind of experience. If you go in want to have fun and you just see what happens, you're gonna get probably a weirder experience. That's at least in my experience, that's been the case almost all the time. And there's certain people you can have in the group that can throw stuff off. We've all been in I don't know Ouiji board sessions where there's a skeptic and then they won't work. I think that there's certain people who've already decided what they're going to experience. Other people have maybe unknowingly decided what they're going to experience. It's why it's important for us whenever we do a ghost hunt or we lead a ghost hunt, we set our intentions the first thing, what kind of experience do we want to have? And we all meditate on that idea, and then we do a little guided meditation and boom, we have that experien.

Yeah, I think you're one hundred percent right. I think that whatever intention you bring into the experiences will sort of dictate what you're going to experience. And so I think that's it's it's what you're bringing into the investigation. Often you'll see it mirrored in some of the activity. And so yeah, if you're going in super aggressive and you want to fight demons and have that kind of an experience, often you know those are the people who will leave with scratches and all sorts of negative experiences. And it's sort of in a lot of ways, it's because they're sort of bringing that energy into the environment.

I think that's true with like living situations to like anything like just go into someone's house and be like, all right, who's the bitch that runs this place?

Like exactly.

I mean, I'm I'm a little bit like that, but I think I'm more like miss Piggy about it, where I'm like, I'm the diva and who else is the Diva's here?

You know what kind of attention you deserve? Mm hmmm.

Oh yeah. Going back to your podcast, you are doing another season, right.

We're working on it right now. Yeah, it'll be out this year.

Okay, obviously everyone's gonna listen. But like, what are some things we can look forward to? Like what are some other objects?

Oh, I can't spoil the objects, but I can give you a sea genre he is of what there are?

Yeah, okay, whatever you're willing to give me.

We're going to be talking about pyramid power. We're going to have some discussions about the alleged power of pyramid.

Yeah, we're going to get like into that seventies spiritual era, like lots of cocaine and chest hair, that kind of like era, which I love.

I love that era.

There's going to be more of a focus on some cryptozoological stuff. We have more bits.

We have lots of bits, and this season, yeah, with Connor is our producer, our producer, Connor Randall. He's wonderful and he's he has like the oldest child syndrome, so he's very good at like bossing everybody around, but in the loveliest way possible, and he's very He brought out this side of us that we didn't think would make it into the podcast. But he's very much about like creating bits and like just little scenarios. So there's gonna be a lot of those types of things which are fun.

Yeah, I think people are going to It's basically what the first season was, but now we're committed.


The first season was a test can we actually do this? Will people actually listen? And we had such a good time that it was it was just kind of a no brainer to do it again.


The first season, we were really specific about how we picked objects and we wanted everything to kind of feel very much like you wouldn't really be able to sort of guess from week to week, but it would have a vibe. And so we're kind of trying to do the same thing. It might not necessarily be what you're expecting.

What about the butt plug? Will that be getting an episode?

You know? It's funny. I actually I had a photo of it when we did the live tour last year. I had a photo of it in a selection of the weirdest things people have ever sent us. Yeah, and Connor pulled it out. Don't put this one in there. There's gonna be families there we have.

I mean, I love that. That's what he takes out of a list of like a box of human hair, uh bo bob, like a brigade. Yeah, And like we we didn't know what it was, like, it's literally a grenade. I don't know what it is. It's terrify.

It's a mortar shell. Yeah, that's what it is.

And somebody came up to us after like the first or second stop on our tour and they were like, it's fine, just don't drop it.

And we were like, oh my god, how can you even send that?

They sent it through the mail for mail.

Oh my god.

Ros. Do you want to hear a story we don't tell very often.

Yes, what kind of question of that?

Speaking of weird things people sent us through the mail, this is one of the weirdest. Couple of years ago, somebody sent us a jade mask from Latin America and said that their father was like a grave robber who stole this thing and ever since has had runs of bad luck, including like having his like health problems, particularly with his feet. We found out later that's something that this particular like like meso American god was known for performing. Yeah, was like having problems with your feet. And they sent this to us. I mean, I can't even imagine what this must have cost. It's the value of this thing was. I mean, it's genuinely heart palpitations and I when we opened it up out of the package, it was just shipped in like a flat rate box.

Oh my god, it was authentic.

The first thing we did was like, Okay, where are the repatriation. Yeah, we were like, we should like Smithsonian's like repatriation. You know, this doesn't belong in a museum like ours.

It should go back to its place of origin. And considering it was taken illegally out of a temple or something like that.

Oh god, that's a story anyway, allegedly, And you never know when people send you stuff, you never know how much of the story's true. But this person ended up freaking out because their dad found out that they had taken it. I thought this thing was all above board and we had to send it back. We at least put insurance on it. What sets it back, But they didn't send it to us, and I just went, listen, this is your problem. We already promised this thing we were going to help, like we were in the process.

We had like lists of places we were contacting, like you said, to make sure it gets back to its place of origin. And it just it was a very stressful, weird experience.

That's stuff people sent us. People send it once time we got a mask covered in human poop.

Yeah, that happens.

That was a fun one. Just had a note that said I'm sorry.

Okay now. When I sent that, I meant it in a very flattering way. I as a fan of your work. I wanted to give you a piece of me.

I love it. I did order a polaroid from you.

Thank you.

Yeah, tag it up in the studio.

Yeah, I'm honored.

So back to this jade mask and the curse of it all. Yet, I know you guys have spoken about this. Let's hear your thoughts on this stuff. The curses you guys have kind of become curse people. You talk about this stuff you're on unexplained. I remember, Oh God, we should talk about that. Let's talk about it, curses.

It's funny. I think that people associate us with haunted objects, so they associate us with curses and cursed objects. And Dana's a witch, so people who ask her about curses.

And people send us a lot of objects that they believe are cursed. We have books and statues and jewelry and phones. We have a lot of bones.

You know. We get a lot of stuff in the post office box, and we requested now they write whether it's a haunted thing or not a haunted thing, because sometimes people just send us gifts.


And one time we were in the car and Dana rips this bag open after we'd gone to the post office box and there's this beautiful ring inside.

Was like, oh my god, send me a ring. It's my size. They even got my size. This is so nice. And I put it on my finger and there was a little tag hanging from the bottom of it, and I flipped it over and it said, if you put this ring on, you'll be dead in thirty days. Things on my hands.

Oh my god.

I started a timer.

Immediately, start a timer, count down thirty days to live. I survived.

We think, yeah, it's like the movie The Ring, but ring.

Yeah, a literally ring. Yeah, but yeah, we get a lot of stuff like that. We get a lot of cursed objects.

I think that your participation in the curse is necessary for it to work. You have to believe that you are cursed. You have to believe that you deserve that curse. I think the best way to break a curse is to just ignore it anything, laugh at it. Laughter's the best exorcism, right, Yes, So if we can joke about the cursed ring, there's no reason to believe that you actually have a curse on you unless you participate in it. Yeah, that's the dangerous party.

I think that's exactly it. The more energy and power you give to it, the more it has the ability to affect you on an unconscious and conscious level. I think laughter kind of a lightheartedness about it and approaching it, not necessarily from a skeptical standpoint, but just with the understanding that we really do kind of set the tone for those types of kind of currents of energy, and so the more we feed into it, the more we get scared of it, the more energy we're giving it, the more it kind of has the ability to affect us. So kind of deviating from it, laughing about it, finding a way to be almost silly about it is a really good way of sort of starting to remove any of that energy that might be kind of, you know, hanging around.

And from a skeptical perspective, we know the placebo effect is real. Yeah, So whether you're whether you're a believer or you're a skeptic, we can all see scientifically the placebo effect is real. If you believe something works, it will work for you. It's why we're so careful about the kinds of stories that we tell, how we tell these stories. There's stuff that we get that is allegedly cursed and you can feel the bad vibes radiating off of it. You know. There have been things that we've received that have felt that way, and we've literally done the ghostbusters to mood slime thing where we've just like hugged it and kissed it and told it how much we love it and it just stopped feeling bad. Oh you can do that. It works.

It's like a troll on the internet, Like sometimes I feel like all they need is like, oh you good job, you really got me.

As a reformed troll, I can tell you all we want is love in attention.

Yeah, yes, you're reminding me.

Like there's so many lessons that I actually think I learned from my interest in the paranormal that I take into real life, you know, similar to like the energy you give off when you go to places. I feel that way just going places in general, Like Okay, if I'm gonna be good energy, then I'll be.

Met with good energy.

Like I always say, it's like a little bit of like healthy delusion where I'm just kind of like if I let people know that like nothing bothers me, then nothing's going to bother me. And it's weird, but it works for me. And I feel that same way with this curse thing.

It really is.

It's all just the energy you put out, the energy you give to people. When you think of trolls or people on the Internet or bullies or whatever that is. It's like, if you don't feed into it, it can't win. It just won't. It won't go anywhere. It's not getting what it needs to fuel lists. So you just kind of like don't give it what it's looking for.

That's exactly it.

Yeah, I think it's a great way to live.

We really learned that with the first season of Hell Here, because it's this television show that's about UFOs and upology, but from a very different perspective. And so when we put it out into the world, there were a lot of people sort of entrenched, like UFO bros, like entrenched in the community that are very much like it's their physical things that are flying in the sky, and we dealt with like the weirds haters you like possitively imagine.

People could not believe Dana was reading tarot.

Yeah, like they couldn't imagine, like well Witchcraft and UFOs, like it was a paradigm they couldn't contextualize in their brains, so they just would lash out all the time. And I think that, like what you said is perfect. It's sort of like I always imagine it as if it's a road and they're kind of like asking you to come down this road with them, and at a certain point you recognize, like, now that's not a road I want to go down. So I'm just gonna let you be on your hater road and have your hater life and enjoy it and drink your hater age exactly. Yeah, but yeah, you're absolutely true. It's one hundred percent true.


And it's like, and I'm happier than you, Like I'm sorry, but like, it's weird that when you're happy, you don't feel like making people's lives miserable. And I think that there are energies like that that aren't necessarily connected to human beings, where it's like they feed on negativity or whatever and they're looking for more of it and you ain't getting that from me.

No, No, you just just shut it off, shut it off, and they go away. And I think that works for weird stuff too. Don't don't let it scare you. Our motto is always like, if you can choose, choose to be curious instead of afraid, And part of the reason is if we can continue like it's a big part of our thing is constantly tell people choose curiosity, don't choose fear. And if you can become less afraid of the monster under your bed, then you know your neighbor doesn't seem so scary anymore. The people that might believe differently or look differently than you. Again, we don't have to tell you. The paranormal world kind of skews very right wing Christian and by us being able to say things like this, it helps people maybe kind of get out of that weird headspace that they're in that kind of locks them into one particular worldview. If you can be nice to ghosts, you can be nice to people.

Yeah, but come on, they're a little spooky, Like, I mean, they are, some of them.

Those are a little scary.

My thing is like if you're invisible and you have the ability to just touch people randomly, like that is that's weird.

It is they don't have boundaries often, I know.

I mean, like one of the things we'll tell people often when they are having experiences like that where for instance, maybe they are being touched, you know, they don't want to be touched and it's scary, and like that's scary. It's scary one a stranger touches you, let alone, a stranger you can't see. And so one of the things that we'll constantly talk to people about is in our daily lives, when we're functioning in the world, we have to set boundaries all the time, often with people and you know, places where we're working, or just in general. Boundary setting is something that we all kind of have to get very good at, and it's really no different when it comes to the paranormal. It's it's just remembering that when you have a creepy experience, when something something makes it feel a little bit out of control, which is often what happens in those types of experiences, it's just kind of reiterating to people and helping them recognize that, like the same kind of boundary setting can be done in an energetic way and can be done just vocally in places like that, and often just setting those boundaries will make huge differences when it comes to the creepies because they are they are. I'm scared of ghosts still. If I saw anytime I have like a we go to a haunted place, I don't want to see it. Ever, I don't want to see like a translucent, tiny girl reach out at me in the dark. I don't want to see it.

I do.

I don't. I'm scared of it.

I mean, I'm scared of it too, but that's why I like it. Yeah, well you're a Scorpio. That's why I'm scared of it too.

But this is where I struggle because there is like almost a ghost bro within me. I think my defense mechanism is just like because I feel like I deal with ghosts sometimes trying to boss me around, and I'm just like, I don't take that from anybody. Here's here's where here's where I differ. I never start shit. Okay, yes, I let the ghost start some ship, and then if they're gonna start it with me, they got the wrong one.

I think that's fair.

Yeah it is.

I think that's totally fair. I can be on board with it.

And that to me is boundaries and exactly whatever. I have a couple of times the past year where these ghosts are like allegedly according you know, I'm still very skeptical of a lot of this stuff, but you know, evidence leads me to believe that this ghost keeps asking me to do this or do that, and I'm like, you don't pay my bills, Okay, you're not my dad, d you're not gonna tell me where I need. This is something else I need to deal with. Thanks for bringing up therapy.

And weirdly enough, we meet a ton of therapists that are into the paranormal, like so many.

I mean, my personal theory a lot of the time is that like a ghost has been sticking around for a long time, and this is like judgment or whatever on my part, I apologize, but I think a lot of times it's like they're holding on to the past, and what's that about, because we all know living people where it's like, we know you were cool in high school.

That was twenty years ago.

Stop talking about it, like you need to talk to someone so that we can get you to where you need to be right now and be present and stop holding on to the past. It's over somebody else lives here now or whatever. So I do think there needs to be more therapy type tactics when it comes to those people that help clean spaces, and.

Yeah, absolutely, have you had this conversation with your ghost? Have you had the conversation where you're like, hey, listen, it's time to move on, it's time to go all this thing time and it still won't leave.

Well, I don't have a ghost that lives here, but just you know, when I go ghost hunting, No, we'll talk about boundaries. I have a full on spiritual security system. Nice I figured nobody's coming in here though. Oh my god, I don't know if I've told this story yet. I have this thing I found at a flea market. It's a ceramic lady face. It's like gorgeous, like beautiful makeup. And I didn't realize until I got it home.

You just like hanging on the wall. I have three of them.

One of them fell and broke and smashed, so now I have two of them. But I didn't know until I got them home that they have a string behind them and if you pull the string, it's like kind of like that music box chimy kind of music, and it plays My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion.

Oh my god, that's incredible.

And like maybe two weeks ago, I was sitting on the couch late at night and all of a sudden, I hear and I googled it. Apparently that can happen with these old like music boxes or whatever. They had just one their own, and it was the first time it happened.

Keep explaining it away.

Yeah, yeah, exactly.

So send me your address and.

I don't want that. That sounds certifying.

Hey, can we look at a haunted eBay doll? Please?

I love nothing more.

Thank god, it is time for a segment I call the dolls are living? Okay, this is gonna be fun with you guys. We are today talking about Mandy. Gee, how can you show us Mandy? Please?

Oh my god, I literally had a jump scare.

I was like, wow, I cannot understand what the deal is with Mandy. She feels like a ventriloquid dummy, but doesn't have a movable mouth.

She's like a.

Very weird large doll.

Mandy looks like a woman in a mask.

Yeah, she is like she's got a big is that Gingham hat?

I don't know what you call that.

Little Debbie, yes, little Tabby, not a little Debbie. I'm getting here.

She feels like I've seen this drag quien many times. She's like missing half of her upper lip lipstick.

I don't know what she's been doing.

She well, she's also missing her pupils, and she's got she has lashes. It's just all very confusing. You need to go to ghosted by ros on Instagram under the tab dolls to see what we're talking about here.

This is nightmare material.

I'm kind of obsessed though, because anytime I see a doll with teeth, oh, it's.

Alarming to have teeth and no pupils.

Yeah, the lack of pupils is also very creepy. But the lashes are still very much present.

With the crows eyes. They are doing it for me.

Think a lashes, No, they are crows eyes.

Oh my god.

Oh yeah, that is doing it for me. That is it's sort of that's like somebody's southern grandma.


Yes, it's like a chucky doll version of their grandmother.

Yes, but she fully has a wig too, like.

It's like a yeah, like a church haunted doll. Church lady.

I don't know what does look like a church lady?

Like a It's really there's a lot going on. I don't know. She's really legitimately scary though.

I love clown features, yes, but no lights, clown makeup.

Well, here's the thing. She is going for twenty seven hundred dollars stop, oh my god, and of course she comes with a biography. I mean, I don't have to explain any of this to you, you weirdos. You two already know all about this. But here's a little bit of the biography. Mandy was a vivacious twenty five year old when a tragic.

Car accident claimed her.

Not okay, she died in a car accident, sat but going on to the real scary stuff.

Twenty five though, I guess she was before she got it. Would be mad if I was a twenty five year old person look in this logically shuffled too early off this mortal coil. Yeah, and you stuck.

Me in that. Yeah, that would be really, really awful.

I'd be very upset.

Now, okay, sidetrack, Do you guys feel like this scenario, which I don't know, It seems like you guys kind of believe that this kind of thing could be possible.

I think I do. I don't know.

But do you think that it's a choice that the spirit makes or are they assigned a vessel?

I think that's a complicated answer.

Yeah, I think I think the simplest way I could probably just sort of even begin to sort of scratch the surface of it is if we believe that there's some sort of a physical attachment, that there's some kind of consciousness whatever that is that seems to be really present with this object. I often think that it has something to do with a living person's the energy of a living person kind of attributing it to that object, if that makes sense. So like family Airline for instance, so that I think they're a really great example. We have a pair of earrings that were given to the museum that belong to someone's grandma. After their grandmother passed, they would like move around their house all the time, and it just freaked them out and they didn't really want to keep them in the house anymore. But there's almost a sense of I think you can think of airloms as if there's a living person, there's someone who's sort of making that connection sort of on a certain level.

You know what a good analogy is. Yeah, when I look at haunted objects, I think of them like not a container, but a telephone.

A telephone.

Yeah, And so I think that you have the ability to program your own you know, your own quick dial into that telephone in contact whatever, make that thing makes you think about. But I also think that other people and things have the ability to do that too and be like this is my phone. This is how I'm going to get attention from these people and talk to these people. Yeah. I'm not a big proponent of the idea that like it's a best it's a vest soul for something, because that sounds like the shittiest afterlife I can imagine. Yeah, And I'd like to think we have more agency as human being.

I hope that it's a bit more elegant the passing of our souls into the next place.

That's what I keep thinking, Like, is it you are given the choice Heaven, Hell or Mandy the eBay doll?

I would put Mandy above a little scarier than Hell. Yeah, not much though.

Okay, let me tell you more about this story. It says she was strikingly beautiful and embraced life fully. Mandy garnered admiration from both men and women due to her innocent appearance, yet she was anything but innocent. Employed at a strip club in a neighboring town, Mandy was a renowned upscale performer. Far from being a common dancer, she maintained high standards, possessed innate elegance, and had a charm that left her with bountiful tips each night. She danced occasional. Okay, so there's a lot about how great she was as a stripper. It says her spirit now resides in this stunning doll, chosen for its beauty. I checked five times to make sure that this was the right biography for this doll. I have a feeling it's a copy and paste situation that these people have used on multiple different postings. But it says to be warned. She can be quite intense, even causing discomfort at times.

Yeah, I see that she.

Views these as tender gestures of affection. She yearns for close interaction and let's see, you'll see some orbs, so that's probably pretty good bonus. She respects your boundaries even though she moves around at night, and she's often signaling her presence through unexpected sounds. Are visual phenomena anyway, So twenty seven hundred dollars.

Who do you think writes these claws?

I want to meet that person.

I'm telling you. During the Writer's Guild strike there were more than ever of these.

That's so interesting you solved it, that is, so we have wondered the same thing.

I feel like these things have gotten so popular the last few years. Ross I think you solved it.

That's incredibly interesting.

Out of work writers.

I love the excessive description because normally people like they haven't done their own research. That's usually our job is to like fill in the spaces and find the details. But I love it when someone gives you like a fully fleshed out, like Hollywood story about full backstory, full Backstorre. And it's always dolls.

Yeah, I say, keep them coming. I think it's fun.

I love I kind of love Mandy. I'm not gonna lie.

Well twenty seven hundred.

Let's start a gofund me. We'll get her.

In the we get her in the museum.

There's your next documentary, Mandy the strip doll. Hey can I play some EVPs? Yes? Time for EVP.

Or ev plase.

Okay, So what I do? I go to YouTube dot com. I'll find me some EVPs and I'm gonna play you too, and I want you to tell me what you hear, and then we're gonna guess the right answer being what the person that posted it believes it's saying.

Because I'll give you some options here.


The first one was posted by Rocky raccoon eighty six and it's at a seventeenth century property that is in Warwick in the UK. What is this ghost saying?

Oh, it is kind of weird.

It's windy out, there's leaves rustling, and.

It's a whisper. Let me play it again.

You're better at this sennight that I can.

I'm almost there again.

Any guesses?

Got it?

What is it?

What I hear? Is I think this is private property?


Wait it again?

Private property?

That's pretty good. Well, here's some options.

Is it A I am dead? Probably? Is it B? Thanks private property? Is it C hi, I'm proud of you? Or D I did not order the braccally, Okay, I'm gonna play it again. It's one of those.

Definitely, I think it was B.

Yeah, private property. So they think it's saying thanks private property. Of my opinion, I think it's saying, Hi, this is private property.

You're gonna need to get off. You don't need to go.

I don't like the broccoli one personally.

Broccoli one good too.

I did not order the broccoli.

The ghost is setting the boundary in the scenario.

It's bost setting the boundary. The ops even they know.

Okay, here's the one more. This one is from Haunted Joe Horton. The location is unknown. What is this ghost saying? Okay, a lot of background noise. It's kind of a whisper. I'm gonna guess a little girl. I'm gonna play it again.

It's so it's like I can hear it, but it seems like it's farther, like far away from the microphone.

We get one more.

It is it whisper?

I can tell you what I hear?

What do you hear?

I'm so scared right now.

Oh yeah, Oh, I'm so scared right now.

I could hear that.

Yeah, let me play it.

Yeah, that sounds like to me.

Well, here's some options. Is it A she's very loud? Is it B?

Did you hear that?

Is it? C?

She's here in the house? Or D Shakira is in town?

Okay, we hear it one more time.

Yes, I like shakiras in town. Personally, I can I can hear that now that I've now that I've got that option. But I think I think C was what it feels like to me. She's in the house.

Yeah, you know, you guys should do this professionally because that is two for two. She's here in the house.

Oh yeah, yeah, it's very clear. That's really that's a good.

One, a really good one.

Well, you too, I could talk to you for literally hours and hours. Please, at the very least tell us some of the stuff that you want people to check out, because there's so much of it.

Well, as you know, we just recently released a feature length documentary. It's called The Unbinding. It's about an item that we've referred to as the Chrone. We've told the story on a previous episode of your podcast. People should check that out.

The Unbinding sort of gives the back half of the story that we haven't told publicly, so it's you get a little bit of resolution in terms of the crone her song, which.

Is a rare thing. She's very rare.

Yeah, I will say me personally, it's the best paranormal investigation I've ever seen on camera that has been caught on camera, because you know, we don't always get to I mean, I don't even know very many scenarios that are like cases that are like this where there's a beginning, middle, and end. Right, you are seeing and it's documented over years, and you're seeing footage of unexplained phenomena captured and you know, usually you see on TV shows and stuff, a couple of days that are spent at one locate like this is a intense study with a lot of different as you guys always do, like with Hell You're and everything, you do a lot of different approaches trying to, you know, figure this all out. And I just think it's incredible and anyone that's a fan of paranormal should check it out.

Thank you.

I'm so flattered. That means a lot.

It does well.

If you want to check it out Planet weird dot tv, you can find it there. You can find pretty much anything we do there. We're working on the second season of the Haunted Objects podcast. Yes we don't have a release date yet, but it'll be out soon, very soon.

And we are also in the midst of filming Hell You're Three, so that is also coming. I know people don't believe us when we say it anymore, but we.

Really are film really are.

We watch foot we watch footage.

It's incredible and it made us fry. It's so good. It's the best thing we've made, so so good. Planet weird dot tv.

You guys, well, I'm so happy that you came on.

We love you, love you, Thank you so much.

I love you guys, adopt me.

Okay fine, thank you so much to Greg and Dana Newkirk. Hey, I want to tell you again I will be doing a show on the second of May in Los Angeles stand up comedy not about ghosts, and that will be at Largo at the Cornet Theater for Netflix is a joke the Comedy Festival, and I will be headlining along with some of my favorite comedian friends. So please check that out. You can get the tickets in the link in my Instagram bio. And also, please keep spreading the word about the show rated five stars wherever you can do that at Apple Podcasts and however you listen to it, and you know, a nice review always makes my day too. I love you all, both living and dead. But if I didn't ask you to haunt me, don't haunt me. Hey by, this has been an exactly right production. Want to share your paranormal experience on the podcast. I read stories out loud and sometimes I'll even call you, so email me at ghosted by Roz at gmail dot com. You can send a DM or voice message to the show's Instagram at ghosted by Roz. Give us a follow while you're there and follow me Roz on Instagram at roz Hernandez and on TikTok and Twitter at it's Roz Hernandez. My senior producer is the startling Jiha Lee. Associate producer is the alarming Christina Chamberlain. This episode was mixed and sound designed by the eerie Edson Choi. My guest booker is the petrifying Patrick Kuttner. Additional production support from the hair raising Hannah Kyle Krichten. My theme music is by the spine chilling Brendan Lynch Salomon. Artwork by the spooky Vanessa Lilac. Photography by the terrifying Elizabeth Karen. Executive produced by the chilling Karen Kilgareth, the Spooky Georgia Hart Start, and the frightening Danielle Kramer.

Ghosted! by Roz Hernandez

Light a candle and pop some popcorn because things are going to get freaky. On Ghosted! by Roz Herna 
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