
Doug Benson Is a Ghost Ally

Published Mar 17, 2025, 7:01 AM

Roz waves maniacally across the cosmos to welcome out of this world comedian, actor, and podcast host, Doug Benson! Auras intermingle as they discuss a London ghost with an itch to scratch, a recent Bigfoot sighting in South Carolina, and the cursed Hollywood film script, "The Incomparable Atuk."

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What's that at the spooky Hey, Judy, I'm pretty sure it's dead. He's coming this way. Wait a minute, said nandas Pase. Hey boo, it's me Roz and welcome to Ghosted by ros Hernandez, the podcast where I talk to people that I like about the paranormal. Oh my god, Doug Benson is on the show. One of my favorite comedians. Truly, he kills me. We'll get to that in a moment, but before that, Oh my god, I got an email from Rachel. Rachel says Rosie, gorgeous, goooul you Rachel. I grew up in the Bay Area and was so excited to hear you talk about the Haunted Toys r US. Oh my god. If you don't know what we're talking about, go back listen to the recent episode with rosebud Baker where we talk about the Haunted Toys r US that has turned into an RAI. Okay, back to Rachel. In the mid nineties, when I was a small creepy child, my mom and I tried to visit all the places listed in the Haunted Houses of California book that I got at the Winchester Mystery House gift shop. Oh my God, if you've never been, where is that San Jose up north in California? Best gift shop ever? And in that book was the Sunny Veil Toys r Us. I remember asking the cashier at Toys r Us if she thought that the store was haunted, and she turned pale. She dropped her voice and asked us seriously if we were from the X Files. I was eight years old and not a fictional FBI agent. For the record, Eventually we found a janitor at the toys arrest who was willing to talk or looking for an excuse to stop mopping. He solemnly nodded his head and gestured down another aisle. The janitor said, he's there. Now. When you walk through, every hair on the back of your arms will stand straight. But if I leave him alone and he leaves me alone, that's that. Of course, I go back down that aisle, and sure enough, there's a cold spot, and every hair on the back of my arm stand straight up. It's proven haunted. Clink the ghost gabbl ras. Oh, I got it right here. You're great and a delight. My wife and I were just watching the Netflix documentary Outstanding. Oh I'm in that and you saw me. Oh, this is so nice in here. Oh, I can't wait to see you. Are you gonna come to the Twin Cities anytime soon? Hey, funny you say that, Rachel. I actually am. I'm gonna be in Minneapolis in May. All those dates are on my Instagram. I am going to so many cities, not talking about ghosts, though I bet ghosts will probably come up, but you know, basically just talking about silly gay stuff. But Alice, you come on down too. It's for gay people and allies and it's just silly, not for children. And yeah, I'm doing all these cities in May, July, and August. Look at the dates on my Instagram at roz Hernandez. Oh. Another place that you can look is a new little web page I've started called Roshernandez tour dot Com. Okay, here we go, Doug Benson. Time on with the show, Doug Benson.

Yes, hi present.

I'm obsessed with your ghost where.

It's you know something I didn't have to like pull this out of the back of the closet to come beyond ghosted. I really wear this stuff with some frequency. I also have a hoodie sweater that's got the ghost A nice white ghost right in the center, and I almost wore that, and I would have been too warm.

What's the company Ghostly Goods. Ghostly Goods.

Yeah, and they are a fledgling cannabis company in Florida where they won't legalize it. So in the meantime, he's making cool apparel for his company that can't really move forward until Florida gets their act together.

You don't smoke weed, dude.

I do all kinds of I bibe it in many ways, but yes, smoking is one of them, but.

It's not it's not legal in Florida. So how do you how do people so people? That means people don't do it in Florida.

No, they just do it anyway. It's crazy, Like it's wild the places that you think about, Like I was just reading today about how Pennsylvania won't legalize but all the states around them have so like if you're living in Philadelphia, you just go to New Jersey to get your weed and then come back.

And so old school at this point. Yeah, living in LA it's like people are just smoking weed everywhere.

Yeah, and you know in both markets seem to be working. You know, like there's stores that are seem to be making money, but people still have their other ways to get it, you know, because the stores are expensive, right right, very pricey.

You kind of look like you're in like a paranormal investigation group when you first showed up. That's what I loved.

I should have been I should have some sort of like device, some sort of detecting device.

Because for anyone not watching you're you have a hat with a ghost on and a jacket with a ghost It.

Do look like I work for like a ghost exterminator company.

Have you ever experienced a ghost?

I have not, to the best of my recollection.

Do you believe in it?

It may have happened to me where I was blackout drunk one time or two, but I do believe in go because, first of all, there's no reason to not believe in ghosts that I can think of, because some people have seen them, and everything around us to me is a strange miracle that like, why are there? Why are there? People say, how could there be ghosts? They say, how can there be people? How'd that happen?

Okay, I mean.

Then there should also potentially be ghosts, but I've never personally experienced it. And whenever you know this doesn't happen a lot. But whatever. I'm somewhere there where somebody says, don't stay at that hotel it's haunted, don't go in that bar, it's haunted. Whenever people call things haunted, I just that's where you know, I'm gonna go check it out. But you know, oftentimes like during business hours, so it's like by the light of day. So what's gonna happen?

What's a what's the place you've been that's you know, like the Driscoll Hotel in Austin.

They won't stop about how haunted that thing is, you know, all the people that like that sort of thing, and uh, you know, and I've been into the bar there. I haven't I haven't stayed in a room there. But every time I go to south By Southwest, somebody that's staying in that hotel will be like, yeah, there was a weird there's weird bumping, right, you know, I heard noises, right, And I'm like, you've stayed at hotels where you don't hear noises. I know.

That that is when I need to check out. Thanks for reminding me of that, because I'm really into going to hotels that are haunted. I don't like to sleep at them. If you tell me it's haunted, there's no way amual sleep. But I like to go poke my head around. Sure, I get a little nosy.

Yeah, And they're probably an older hotel, so you don't have to have a key to go up in the elevator and stuff, so you could just go walk the halls.

So okay, what about I want to know your thoughts about other things. Okay, like UFOs.

Again, never experienced one, but certainly not against the idea. Not I'm not scarrett of aliens because in my experience, they've had plenty of time to really make a show of it, like to really do something big and bad, right, and it hasn't happened, So I can't put too much concern into it.

Right, And that's the thing. At this point, it's like I feel like so much crazy shit happens. That is so I mean, I never would have thought that the world would have closed down because of a disease the way it did with COVID, Like who knows what will ever happen. So if a UFO came down, I feel like we'd all be like if you would have done this twenty years ago, we would have really given you the reaction you want. But right now we're just like, okay, great, yeah.

Now there's other TV programs we'd rather watch.

Yeah, exactly. Are you a psychedelic person? Interesting?

Never never mess with any I'm quite other than alcohol and uh weed, I'm pretty straight, you know straight? You know, No, I haven't. I haven't even tried most of the drugs. And I only like one time I got to find out how momentarily awesome morphine can be because I went, you know, because it was in the hospital with a kidney stone, and they gave me.

Oh uh.

That was pretty I mean, I'm not hooked on it or anything, but I could see the appeal.

Yeah, oh I got a kidney stone. But we talk often on this show about psychedelics, people doing psychedelics and they, you know, the things that they report seeing. Is that just drugs or is there something to it a little supernatural?

I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. But I was thinking that between ghosts and UFOs when somebody said, if someone said to me I saw a ghost, I just pretty much believe that they saw a ghost. But with a UFO, you immediately go, are you sure it wasn't a frisbee or a or you know, or just a regular plane or helicopter or you know, you know what I mean. There's so many plausible explanations for when people think they see a UFO, right, but when they see it, when they say they saw a ghosts is there a strong breeze, like you know what.

The very pale person that's not a ghost?

Yeah, because a breeze in and of itself could be seem like a ghost if it like.

That's true, or just like knocking or you know, sounds that you hear. They can all be explained away. But like my thing with UFOs is, I don't know anything that's up in the sky is so to me. I guess it's like I don't know what all that. I guess somebody can explain to you what every little drone and satellite. I don't know all that shit is. Listen. I went on this UFO tour a couple of years ago in Sedona. I've talked about this before, but as time has gone on, I've talked to more people about this tour and people are like, those aren't UFOs, Like those are some kind of elon musk thing up there. Or like I don't know something something that's not a UFO. I'm like, I just paid this woman to show me that stuff because we like went up we had like these binoculars that see at nighttime, and I was very convinced that those are UFOs. But because I'm a dumb dumb I don't know anything else.

She really is just scamming everybody, or do you think she believes it and she's just the silly pants.

Well, the thing that I always come back to with this woman, so I go on this tour. I tell her, like, I have this podcast we talk about aliens, and I would love to have you on the show. This is after she had already told me that she's been abducted multiple times, she's been up there, they know her. She was very like she's known up there, okay, according to her, So I'm like, I gotta have this lady on my podcast. She gave me her card, she gave me her number, she gave me her email. I tried multiple times. I think she finally went up there and she's never I think she's up there exactly where she wants to be. Because you know what else, the tour doesn't exist anymore. Last time I was there, I was trying to find the tour. I couldn't find it. So she's up there. In my opinion, she.

Got that big ride, but she.

I think that was her honestly, her goal the whole time, and it worked out. So I'm actually really happy for her. You know, since we were talking about like how you can explain away different things, I want to tell you about this famous story. And this is an old story from England and so you no could just be hearsay, but apparently there are newspaper articles about it. It's the story of scratching Fanny of Cocklane.

I'll just run with some of the weirdest names over there.

So this story takes place on cock Lane, which is a narrow street that dates back to the twelve hundreds. Are you kidding me? And oh, by the way, I got all this information from Historic London Tours dot com. Okay, So in seventeen fifty nine there was a lone shark named William Kent that moves into an apartment on Cocklane with a woman named Fanny Lines. L Yes, Fanny Lines. She's the sister of William Kent's former wife. I don't know what her name was, and why is she out of the picture. Well, she died during childbirth, but so can in law prevented him from marrying her sister. But the two of them were in love. There was this man named Richard Parsons who offered his lodging rooms on Coch Lane to the couple, and so they move in and strange sounds and ghost sightings had already been reported before they even got there. And Kent and Fanny they did not stick around because Fanny got pregnant. They're like, we can't have a child here. It's haunted. So they move off, and then a couple of weeks later, Fanny got smallpox and she died.


Also the guy that rented the house to them, this Parsons guy, he was he had debt that he needed to pay to the man Kent, and he ended up getting sued a whole thing whatever. Okay, So anyway to the ghost stuff. So Fannylines is now dead. The apartment where they were living all of a sudden starts being haunted and they think it's Fanny. Fanny is scratching like crazy. They're hearing scratching noises from Fanny Lines. They did seances. They had local ministers. The daughter of the man who lived there. She was eleven years old and she was like the center of all this, and they would do this thing where they'd say knock once for yes, twice for no, and from that they were able to conclude that it was indeed Fanny. She says that she was poisoned by the man Kent. So it says the earlier scratchings and ghost sightings were determined to be Fanny's sister. So when Fanny was still alive, Fanny, I'm gonna call her Fanny Senior, Big Fanny. So big Fanny, the original sister was haunting because she was trying to warn Fanny, just so you know that man's going to poison you. Okay. So this is all coming from these knock once for yes. But at this time in history people were taking that kind of stuff seriously. So this became a big news story. And you know, I have a lot of respect for this man, the man that ran the place. He was in debt. He just got sued. He decided he's going to start charging people to come to come listen to Fanny scratching. So all kinds of people were coming, even the Duke of York himself showed up to hear scratching Fanny. Of course, a lot of people are skeptical of this, and blah blah blah. Basically turns out it was the little girl. She was just scratching a piece of wood, so there was no ghosts.

Sounds like, but she'd have to do it like, especially once the tourists started coming through.

Yes places, everyone she was scratching away and knocking on a block of wood that she had under her sheets in her bed, and god, people were dumb back then was.

The girl behind the whole thing? Was her idea?



It was highly speculated it was her dad, because her dad was got sued by the man Kent okay, the man who was married to Fanny and Fanny senior. Okay, okay, So Kent was a loan shark, gave some money to this man and his eleven year old daughter. Then he didn't pay the money back, got suits. Now he's like really in debt. So his idea for how to make money back is to say that the loan shark poisoned his wife and now she's scratching my daughter's bed and charge people to come see it.

In a different time, that guy could have been like a filmmaker or a producer.

Oh, nowadays, this would be a TikTok.

Put all that together to just make it happen. Bring a child into it.

This would be a TikTok nowadays. Like somebody being like, there's a scratch in my house and it won't go away, and then like Part seventeen as them being like, and now I'm finding out that it's the wife who was poisoned, Like, please this this this scam has been going on for years. So basically he was found guilty of making this whole thing up. They let the They let the eleven year old girl free because they said she was under the influence of her father. And he was found guilty of conspiracy. Even his wife was included in this and three other people and he was punished three days in the pillory and then two years in prison.

What oh okay for scratching. I thought the pillary was going to be the worst part.

Oh no, it got worse, But I don't the pillary.

So everybody in town could see the person that like we've kept you know, they're going to jail, so they have to suffer for a few days in front of everybody. Oh my god, is that how that works?

It says pillary is a wooden or metal framework that's used to publicly humiliate. Oh, it's that thing where you put your arms through and your head through.

That's like fun to do when you're like visiting a western.

And you take a photo. Yeah, but they fully had him in there, and I'm sure there were people walking by going I'll give you something to scratch. Hey, scratch my fanny.

I think you could spin on him and stuff.

Oh that sounds fun. We need to bring that back.

Yeah, that's crazy. So there's mud in your eye.

But I just think that that feels extreme.

It does. Like when you said three days of that. I was like, okay, well, if you can get through those three days alive, then I guess it's over. But then then then prison.

Then you have to go to prison for conspiracy. But also it's like that's slam dirt. You can't say somebody poisoned his wife to death. She died of smallpox, by the way, but he's like her ghost is telling me that she's poisoned. He poisoned her. That's sketchy.

It's funny that they got so much trouble for essentially, like anybody just sets up a haunted house, it says, you know, come through here, it's haunted. And when it isn't, why aren't they being arrested?

You know what, that's a great idea, that's how great.

Nobody's suing that wasn't really haunted.

Yeah, those people, that's faulty advertising.

I think maybe Disney killed somebody in the haunted mansion when it was being constructed to.

You know, they say there's real ghosts in there.

Why wouldn't they be If I was a ghost, that's where I go. There's always a party going on.

And that was absolutely and I'm sure.

Birthday, which I don't understand that concept.

You can like pop out and nobody would know the difference. And you're just like you could just be yourself, let your freak flag fly. Why not?

I've never seen that ghost before, Daddy. That ghost over there is new.

Can I show you a haunted doll?


Please, it's time for the dolls are living? Okay, Doug Benson. Here's what I do is I go to eBay dot com and I type in the words haunted doll. Now, this is a big market Okay. There's thousands of haunted dolls for sale, and they all come with little biographies. They're very differently priced. There's there's a haunted doll for anyone. I'd like you to meet Mildred, who is going for fifty three dollars and ten cents. Geehaw, can you show us this haunted doll? You got it? Ras there, she Joe.

It would be such a jump scare.

Whoa she is silly.

I always think of like kind of maybe a little scary looking doll, but this one is she looks scared.

Yeah, this is a doll that kind of has her eyes crossed and like a poudy lower lip, and she looks like something's definitely wrong. Something is not right with this doll.

I don't know what her terrible haircut.

Her hair is a mess. She absolutely got that supercuts by one geting free and took the free one.

I think that face is pretty much maybe the moment she saw that haircut, and.

Then she just froze like that forever. Yeah. So here's the bio. It says meat Mildred. She's a down to earth spirit with a real relatable vibe. She's a bit frumpy and sometimes comes off as a debbie downer, but deep down she just craves genuine friendship and a place to belong. Mildred's spirit hails from a simpler time when she worked a modest job at a local store, always willing to lend a hand whenever life got her down. Blah blah blah. Let's get to the good stuff here. Here's some of the stuff you can you'll witness if you if you buy her. Occasional soft size and gentle grumbling like she's musing about old times, Subtle movements that hint she might be looking around for someone to talk to, and a quiet, lingering aura of wistfulness that fills the room during those calm moments. She does the best in a relaxed, no fuss environment. She responds to a cozy corner, a quiet conversation, or simply sharing your day with her. Yeah, that's pretty much about her. This is definitely one that people listening go to ghosted by Roz on Instagram to take a look at her and her bangs. Doug, can I play you some ghost voices? Yes, it's time for EVP or ev pase have you ever heard the term EVP?

I don't think so.

Electronic Voice Phenomena show that's SPU. This is EVP okay, So basically, it's anytime somebody captures a ghost speaking a recording of it, honestly, with your ghost uniform on today. This is the kind of thing that you seem like you would be capturing, Okay, ghost saying something. So I've got two of them for you. This first one is from a YouTube channel called m T Paranormal Life. What is it saying? I don't know where this is. It's somewhere somewhere outside. They captured this ghost speaking.

If somebody figured out.

The words, it's so clear you can't tell.

I think, did I hear? Shut up? Is that in there?


Shut up, you bitch.

Shut up, bitch, you bitch. Listen. That's not a bad guy. I gotta hear it. I think you were born for this job, just for the top you want. They did not think it was shut up, bitch, you bitch? Did they think it was a There are demons? B you are awful, so awful. See I want waffles please? Or d Robert F. Kennedy Junior. Okay, it's one of those. I mean it's you think it's b you are awful, so awful.

I don't know they.

Believe it is.

I don't hear that.

They think it's a there are demons.

Let's hear it again. With that in mind, I can't sell.

That's exactly what I hear too. Now, okay, here's one more. This one is from Paranormal Adventures. Uk h, what is it saying, Doug? I don't know where this is from either? Where are these? Okay? Here we go. It's a British castle, probably a castle. Okay, this one's different. It's a little bit more whispery.

Oh, I see sounds like a seal flapping around in a grotto.

Did they think it was a Oh? Look at her, that diva? Do they think it was b I'm about to be fainting. See, don't look here painting or d it's me Fanny lines.

I'm back. I'm gonna go and see because it's such weird, strange sentence structure.

Don't look here painting. That is what they thought. Okay, wait a sc let's listen for that now.

I heard painting that time. Yeah, but there's something there's another noise going on this way.

Well yeah, yeah, yeah, no, there's definitely a seal flopping around a grotto, and then there's don't look now painting. It's also happening.

Here it again? Please all right?

Yes, it's like that movie Andre Is that what it was called? The Seal movie from the nineties. Yeah, that's happening while somebody's whispering about a painting. Let's do another thing here, o quark, What about Bigfoot? What do you think?

I wish I wish there was a big I wish we'd find him, learn his likes and dislikes.

Well, he clearly doesn't like to be bothered.

If he is. No, I'm kind of happy that. I'm happy with the idea that there's a Bigfoot who's gotten away with not being caught. That's or you've seen for a long period of time.

If that's true, that's to commit to that and just give the people just enough, just a little, you know, not too much.

Wow, he shaves for the summer. Who knows.

That's interesting and that's a new theory.

He walks, he walks abongst us. Yeah, he probably.

Well apparently in here's an article from November of this past year. Uh, he was seen in South Carolina. It says here, according to a new report. This is from UH the State, which is not the company group The the State dot com is a local news source. Okay. So it says, according to a new report, the urban legend also called Sasquatch was seen on November second. Now, there was a big football game going on. It's between football USC's forty four and twenty home game win over Texas A and M. It says. The report makes no mention of Bigfoot wearing any game cocks apparel. I think that's a local joke, a little hilarious, yeah, commentary. So anyway, it says a witness that refers to himself as j M identified himself as a police officer. He reported the sighting on November six to Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, which was founded in nineteen ninety five. Okay. Now, this organization's founder, whose name is Matthew Moneymaker, he did a follow up investigation and found that the report was indeed credible.

Oh okay.

He's also Moneymaker is also a co host of the show Finding Bigfoot. Okay. So basically the story is that the witness says that he was deer hunting and he was sitting in a ground blind is that a hunting thing? I don't know.

I guess like a almost.

Like a where you're hiding so that you could.

Yeah, like when you're like a trench in the battlefield kind of thing.

I don't like that. He heard a loud, deep toned grunt and a stomp at the same time. Not a grunt. I don't like grunts. He turned around and he saw an approximately seven to seven point five foot tall, brown human life shape through all of the brush. It had long brown hair, ape like face, and long arms. I'm a police officer and had no clue what to make of it, he says. At this point, as much as I didn't want to admit it, I'm convinced I saw bigfoot. That's the thing with all these stories. Anytime it's a cop, it's like, well, this person's a cop, they wouldn't lie. Something that I think they're relying on with the story is the fact that the guy's a cop, because we get that with ghost stories too. All the time. The cops came and they said they also saw the thing, and it's like, okay, well there cops, Like the cops never lied, like whatever. Not to get political, but yeah, so bigfoot.

There sworn to, you know, be honest. When they see anything unusual, anything paranormal or Bigfoot.

Like definite off the clock shooting.

They protect and serve, and serve. They protect us from Bigfoot and serve Bigfoot hot lunch every day. I keep if Bigfoot's not out there, then what are the police protecting us from? So they work. They're in cahoots. The police and Bigfoot are working together to keep us scared.

Big Foot. There we go, Doug, Yes, just a couple of rapid fire questions and then I'll let you out of here.

Drink first.

I'm just curious your thoughts on a couple of different paranormal phenomenal Maybe it'll inspire. Maybe you go, oh, actually I have a story. Maybe not no pressure psychics. Mm.

I think most of them are running some scam, But again I don't. Sometimes it's pretty amazing the things psychics will say. But you know, I've never personally had an amazing psychic experience.

Have you been to psychics?

I've tried it a couple of times. You know, I get a carnival or like Hollywood Boulevard or something like that, you know, getting my palm red, you know, and sometimes you also just meet somebody, especially in La who says they know how to read palms or do tarot cards, so you mess with that. But that all just seems like, you know, just sort of guesswork, right.

What about Ouiji boards?

I haven't had too much success with a Wiji board. I haven't ever really felt like I connected with something. But people do seem sure love to put their hand on there and push it around, like especially in a movie where they're like they'll put their hands on and they're going hy e s. Yeah, you know, like really quick, like to me, if it's real, it's just gonna be very subtle little movements. Yeah, but again it's a bunch of people with their hands on it that all have different agendas.

Where are you from? My gun?

San Diego?

Okay, so did you did you grow up with any local urban legends or anything like that? Ooh, there's like a scary road in San Diego area that I can't remember the story of, but it's like a scary road where like there's like creatures come out at night. I don't know one of those things.

There's this one street by my high school in uh the El cahoone part of San Diego where there's like this old motel and it was just sort of they put this freeway in and it just sort of became like it's it's a little area that was kind of secluded, but we'd walk by it sometimes to get to the high school. But everybody would always talk about how it appeared to be like there was a noose hanging from a tree outside of this hotel. So everybody had their own version of what was going on with that. But I always just felt like maybe it was just a branch or a piece of rope that that kind of looked like a noose, Okay, but still just the idea of it is pretty, uh, pretty scary.

That is spooky. I know a lot of well see some of the iconic haunted places in San Diego. So there's the Whaley House. You ever been there? Whaley House is in like old town.

That sounds right.

It's been a minute since I've been there, but I feel like it's one of those places where all the people that dress their dressed like in the time period. Oh yeah, and yeah, and they like give you like guided tours.

It sounds familiar. It just sounds like something I wouldn't have been into the older I got and I don't know if high school. Do you think they went on field trips to this place, like a field trip, Yes, I might have. I definitely went to like all the museums in San Diego on field trips. And every Halloween the Prehistoric Museum would do a haunted museum where you walk through the whole thing, but the whole thing is already all caveman statues, so you turn off all the lights. Now you got a haunted you know, a haunted house slash museum. But I always thought that was such a weird thing to do in a museum, is to take these pieces that are supposed to be like educational or artifacts and then just go, yeah, but just this is scary. If the lights are.

Off, throw them in the pillory.

Yeah, I think I've been pillaried. I think they had one like in Williamsburg or something when I went on a field trip to Washington, d C. I think they had because they have the people churning butter and stuff like what you were just saying, say about the Wailey House.

I'm obsessed with that kind of thing.

So wild.

And then do you like see the person on their break, like on their phone, or like smoking a cigarette.

Always smoking a cigarette.

Well, Doug, that's it, that's it. That was it, quick and easy. Yeah, where do people find you? What's going on?

Do you?

Guys? I feel like you do like a bajillion different things.

I do have a bunch of shows they do locally in LA but also out on the road. Benson Movie Interruption, Douglas Movies, and Douglavesmovies. Dot com is where all of my dates are, so they can just go there and see all the things I'm up to.

Wait, here's the question. What about when people say a movie is cursed? That's true? You know, people say that about some of these.

Things they do, they say it about. You know, I've seen lots of things be you know, people say their cursed, you know, for you know, one reason or another. But like one that springs to mind is the the Poltergeist films. Yes, like somebody from each Poltergeist film dies, but all under different circumstances. So you can either say that that's the curse is spreading the wealth, or you could say that it's just a unfortunate coincidence. Do you know.

My favorite one is it's been a minute since I've talked about this on the pod A Tuk a Tuk a t Uk Do.

You know about this is a movie?

It was a movie script. It was a kind of like a fish shot of water comedy film script. I always get this a little bit confused, but essentially it was written for I want to say, John Belushi or John Candy.

So both of those sound legit.

It was written for one of them, and it was a supposed to be that he was like an indigenous person from like Alaska, and then he comes to America and it's like he's trying to you know, it's a typical like eighties comedy or whatever.

Yeah, like Robin Williams in Moscow on the Hudson.

Very that so any and they say that anybody that was offered the role died.

Oh so that's why both those guys did die.

There's a whole long list of them that they say, and even the guy that wrote it has done interviews about it before to confirm, but like tons of people and to the point where I think they just kind of shelfed it. But it was like very strange.

I mean those were you know, Lucy and Candy lived lived life pretty hard. So if every other actor they went after it for that role had the same energy. I could see why they were all young.


Well, on that note, what a fun, fun finish.

Thanks for joining me. There's a there's a movie script I would like for you to read. Oh no, thank you so much to Doug Benson. What a delight. Hey, you're following us right on the on social media at ghosted by Raz on Instagram. We gotta get those numbers up, honey, we gotta we gotta get some views on these gorgeous clips. You know, we're also posting these on YouTube, not necessarily the day that they drop, but if you subscribe to exactly Writes a YouTube channel, you can see you'll be notified when the video versions of these episodes are posted. And uh yeah, we would love for you to watch. Sometimes I even put on makeup, all right. I love you all, both living and dad. But if I didn't ask you to haunt me, don't haunt me. Came on. This has been an exactly right production. Want to share your paranormal experience on the podcast. I read stories out loud and sometimes I'll even call you, So email me at ghosted by Roz at gmail dot com. You can send a DM or voice message to the show's Instagram at ghosted by Roz. Give us a follow while you're there, and follow me Roz on Instagram at roz Hernandez and on TikTok and Twitter at It's Roz Hernandez. My senior producer is the startling Jiha Lee. Associate producer is the alarming Christina Chamberlain. This episode was mixed and sound designed by the eerie Edson Choi. My guest booker is the petrifying Patrick Kuttner. Edition production support from the hair raising Hannah Kyle Krichten. My theme music is by the spine chilling Brendan Lynch Salomon. Artwork by the Spooky Vanessa Lilac. Photography by the terrifying Elizabeth Karen. Executive produced by the Chilling Karen Kilgareth, the Spooky Georgia Hard Start, and the Frightening Danielle Kramer.

Ghosted! by Roz Hernandez

Light a candle and pop some popcorn because things are going to get freaky. On Ghosted! by Roz Herna 
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