A hush falls over the Ghosted! newsroom as Roz welcomes back the LEGENDARY co-host of My Favorite Murder, Georgia Hardstark! With ghoulish gravitas, the two deliver headlines from the precipice of the paranormal—a woman's soulmate was predicted via Etsy portrait, Romanian witches refused to be taxed and sent curses instead, and a Canadian woman demanded a $50,000 refund from her psychic.
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What's that at the bed spooky? Hey Judy, I'm really sure it's dead. It's coming this way. Wait a minute, I said, nandaz plase, Hey boo, it's me Roz and welcome to Ghosted by Roz Hernandez, the podcast where I talk to people that I like about the paranormal. Oh my god, George's back. Georgia Hartstark, who, of course you all know as one of the hosts of My favorite Murder, the podcast that is so legendary, so truly iconic, it even launched an amazing podcast network exactly right Media. She's my boss. She and Karen, they're my bosses, and just so good at podcasting, I mean, so easy to talk to, so fun, so funny. And we're gonna talk a lot today about psychics, so that will be coming at you shortly. But before we get to that, let me read you a ghost story. This one's from a listener named Nicole with a New York City story. Nicole writes, I tried getting an EVP and ended up hearing my own voice in real life. So this isn't a ghost story, per say, but a weird can't explain it story from when I lived in Upper Manhattan inwood to be exact, in a pre war building. So I am used to a lot of noise, voices, music, both outside the apartment and in the building. Of the non spooky persuasion. My husband had an old book called Speaking to the Dead, a sort of manual to try and catch EVPs. He hadn't actually read it, but thought it looked interesting. One late afternoon, I was home by myself, and I gave it a look. Since I didn't have a tape recorder, I used a phone recorder. I kept myself open to the possibility of the paranormal. I asked a few open ended questions. I waited politely for answers, and then listened to the recording. Just many minutes of dead air, nothing the experiment again and again heard nothing. Disappointed in my nothing but white noise. Catch I lay down in our bedroom, and within seconds I heard a voice right in my ear say hello, But not just any voice, it was my voice. I jumped right up, had a mini panic attack, and left the apartment. It was a clear as day, not ghostly at all sound. Ten years later, I still can recall myself asking hello in a way like I was answering a phone call and concerned about who was on the other line. What does that mean? Is that dead me from the future trying to contact old me? A ghost mimicking my voice? My current theory is my mind was playing tricks on me. After listening to ten minutes of white noise. However, I was freaked out enough to never try to get an EVP ever again. And I had no other spooky incidents in that apartment. I have not heard voices either before or since then, a weird one off experience. That's freaky. The thought of ghost you from the future being like, did you ring? Were you trying to call me? I'm so sorry I was not near the phone, but now I am or something. I don't know what, but very scary and annoying that it happened when you weren't recording. God these ghosts. Oh and before we get to Georgia Hartstark, I just wanted to tell you once again that I am rapidly releasing tour dates of me doing stand up comedy. So find those dates on my Instagram in my link tree. You'll find it. Just go to Instagram, uh and type in at Raz Hernandez and somewhere somehow on there you'll find you'll find some places. And if you're like, okay, I'm not seeing a place that's within like an hour drive of me, comment it very nicely, you know, don't go hey, I'll come here. Do and just be like, hey, babe, I love you and I'd love to see you by any chance? Are you considering coming to this place? Just do one of those and maybe I will. Okay, let's talk to Georgia Hardstark on with the show.
Georgia by Georgia. Hi, Ros, you're back. I'm back. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. I was like so excited to be invited back.
Are you kidding me? Georgia, not get off.
I tried really hard to get haunted by a ghost. I was open to it this whole time.
Oh, you don't got nothing.
They're not interested in me.
I'm a boring subject, I think because I'm like, let's do this, and they're like, why would we bother?
I don't feel that way.
You don't think so.
I think that ghost probably would love you. You just I don't know. Maybe you're just not going to places that have ghosts.
I know, Adam, I don't know, like my house should be haunted. If it's gonna be if anything's gonna be haunted, my house should be haunted. But yeah it's not, which is good. I like love my house for.
That, But I think, see what you want to live in a house that's haunted, not actively yet, but to know.
Like there's a spirit on the other side who's like living their own life while I live mine and once in a while our wires get pleasantly crossed.
Yeah, I don't.
You can't. You can't think you can't.
But that's the thing you can't control. When when is that gonna eat? Are we going to be cross of wires when I'm taking a shower? Right, because I don't want I don't want that.
Right. It already happened.
And I think I told about this on the last time I was here, about how they just started blasting Elton John one night.
I do remember that, and that was unpleasant. So maybe they were like, she doesn't know what she wants.
And that was in the place you're currently in, right, and so that was it.
Yeah, But I mean, yeah.
Looking back, how do you feel about that? As more time has passed, do you are you still convinced it was a ghost?
And I can like. That's the problem. I think that's why they are not interested in me. Is I can explain anything away very logically, am I will?
So they're like, you're no fun.
I'm not like my young sense of awe and curiosity is fucking dead.
So no Georgia. Yeah, I know. To me, it's like it's the same way I feel about like Aliens where I go. I already know what this, what's going on here? Yeah, when I think about, oh, there could be another place, I'm like such a fairy tale, like I'm so aerial and the little mermaids, like, there's this other place. Take me there, and I love last Yeah, the other side where they have what you McCall it's the polter gay.
You're like, that's an openness to it that they love good.
I would assume.
I don't know. They seem to love it every time I don't have cameras rolling right.
Of course, like they're shy, camera shy.
Yeah, it's real frustrating about me. So no ghost stories, sense, no psychic stories.
No, like no, it's so it's so bland. It's okay, Bland.
It's okay because here's the good news. Yeah, you know, I consider myself sort of a reporter of sorts, only with the most important news.
These are the news stories that I that they come across my desk, and I would like to elevate them with my platform because they are pertinent to our topic of this podcast. Paranormals type stuff.
I love it.
We don't get them enough.
Every once in a while one sneaks in, and it's usually a pretty trashy news source.
That's why I'm like wondering.
I'm wondering if like, by the end of this, I'll be like I believe now.
This is it.
Have you been to a psychic ever?
No, I've done Tarot. I've been to Tarot reader. You know.
One guy stopped me in a parking lot once and told me that I was going to be This is like twenty years ago. Stopped me in a parking lot and was like, can I read your palm or something. I'm like sure because I was in my twenties and like hopeful. And he said that I was going to be in the forefront of the men's makeup industry.
Yeah, it was so specific, and I think I had been I had just dropped out of beauty school. And I had been trying to get into a makeup school and he fucking just told me that randomly.
So was that Did you take it to heart where you're like, oh that that means something?
Yeah, I definitely, I mean it didn't happen, but like maybe maybe that was. I don't think you're destined for one thing, so maybe in a different some different choices, or if I had more money or whatever, it was like I would have gone.
Into that, into men's makeup.
Sure, I mean, well maybe maybe that's what you need to do. That's my Yeah, that's a new venture you could get into, is my liner makeup?
Yeah, guyliner needs like something new.
There needs to be Guy lipliner. Yes, and that has not been seen yet. So maybe psychic was right. He just didn't tell you when.
Well, I got a news story about a psychic. I actually have two news stories about a psychic. But well, let's just look at one and we'll see how we feel. Okay, So this first one, now it was I believe it was posted by multiple sources. But here's one from the stupid New York Post. Okay, it says a psychic medium drew my soulmate. Then I met an exact match. Okay, So a woman says she met her fiance after she paid a psychic medium on Etsy Wo to draw her soulmate. The woman named Nicole. She's thirty one. She realized she had been settling for the wrong men. After spending her twenties single or in toxic relationships. She went to therapy and started manifesting her husband the practice of thinking, yeah, we know what manifesting is.
They're like people that read this right, not no, right. They think that that's like two woke for them to.
Yeah, exactly. So she paid this woman to do what she calls a soulmate drawing, which is a portrait she uses her intuition to create that depicted this woman's future husband.
Which is great.
I love that on Etsy of all places too, Like feels so like pure because it's Etsy.
It's not like OnlyFans that she got her from.
I know, not that anything wrong with that, but like it just feels like a little like crafty.
Yeah, well edsy feels a little bit more mom and pop yeah shop kind.
Of feel I love that. And she met the dude that looks like.
Well, let's see her, it says she predicted that Nicole would meet this man between nine and thirteen months from the time that she got the reading or the drawing, and that it would be a man that was Mediterranean. Nine months later, she met a Portuguese native named Vitor on TikTok, and the pair saw each other in person a month and a half later and hit it off. She knew she'd met her husband straight away, and the pair have now celebrated two years together and they got engaged in May of twenty twenty four.
Oh my god, this makes me believe in love.
I know not, but I don't. I'm really mad that they don't have this lady's at sea totally or whoever? Actually, I don't know if it was a lady whoever.
Gets a link like, let's get some links in here.
I know it talks a whole lot about Nicole. She's a social media strategist. Was this part of her strategy to get her social media going?
Good question?
She's originally from Long Island. She said, he's very kind, he has strong features. It says it was ninety percent accurate the drawing. Wow.
See, I believe this because it made her more open to something that maybe she wouldn't have been, you know, like it made her look and try in a way that maybe she wouldn't have been if she had just no idea, No, no one told her like parameters.
You know what I mean.
Yeah, it's like, I don't know the psychic thing. It's just like a tool that I think is awesome.
But I love that she is.
That well, it's like manifesting is like kind of like hope. Yeah, so okay, let me make sure it has never mentioned who this psychic is, because I'm not even kidding you about how much you cost. I'm about to hop on my Etsy page right now.
I wonder if that's like a thing that we just didn't know about.
It's a great deal. I mean, this is a great what do you call it? Review? Or yeah, something for this lady's business.
It's only they'd put a link.
Yeah, I'm not seeing the link enough, it says. In November twenty twenty one, Nicole saw a TikTok video of a psychic medium offering soulmate drawings. So that's where she got it. So it was TikTok to Etsy. Nicole then got a DM from Vitor, who was launching a coffee card business card. What is no, that's what it says, coffee card death.
I can't even imagine what that would be cart. Maybe they I'm gonna go with cart and it was a misspelling or.
Type get it together, New York Post, can we please? She was living in Portugal at the time. She told him I had a three weeks sol low trip coming up to Greece, so I might come back with a Greek boyfriend. Or that's what she told the psychic. Anyway she met him that happened. Is it paranormal? I don't know.
Do you think that it meant like it changed something in her brain that made her more open or susceptible to like something.
I can see that.
I can absolutely see that being a thing. I mean, it's kind of like like when you said the word tool. It made me think of like crystals for example. Yeah, which I'm always like, they don't work, they're just pretty. But I do believe, like, Okay, I might, I might talk a lot of shit like that, but if I'm going to a place where they're like people say, there's demons crawling around this abandoned building, you better believe I'm grabbing my tourmaline. Sure, yeah, I'm grabbing all of them.
It's the same thing of like, I don't know if I believe in ghosts, but I'm not bringing that doll that you say is haunted home with me, you know what I mean. Like, I've one hundred percent don't believe that, but don't I'm not touching it either.
Right, I don't want to find out the hard way. But so I think that there is there is something to kind of planting a seed in your mind that, oh, I'm going to meet this man because this woman said so, Now, maybe that did that make her, I don't know, take offers more seriously from men because she's like, it's going to I don't know.
Or like also she was saying it's not going to happen for at least nine months, and it's like she kind of gave this person a window of nine months to stop fucking worrying about it and to focus on herself. Yeah, you know, and so maybe by the time she met this guy, who hope is great for her, she was like ready and open for an actually healthy relation.
That's a good way to, yeah, to go about this. She said, I actually only saw the drawing around five to six months later. We had spoken about it prior, but I never saw it until then. But to say the drawing looked uncanny, well, I think my first words were, damn, that does look like me. Oh sorry, that's what he said. This is he didn't see Okay, and he laughed, he says, But I think it just reinforced Nicole that I was her soulmate and she was mine. Oh I hate them because there's no link to this lady at Etsy.
It's it's problematic.
Yeah, I don't. I don't appreciate that at all.
Maybe like she went to the site to like thank her, and that site never existed. The ets systor never exists over there.
I'm really going to Etsy right now when I'm typing in soul Mate drawing. What is all this shit?
Is it a lot?
Oh my god? Like all these people are offering.
Holy shit, it's a whole industry.
I have no clue soul May drawing, soul May drawing, okay, but which one was the lady? Okay? Because I need these are cheap too, These are like, oh my god, some of them are two dollars, six dollars, fourteen dollars value your art. I don't want a two dollars. Husband, I want to invest.
I want to feel Yeah.
I want to feel good about it. Okay, wait, I want this lady she's got black lipstick on.
What is she? Right? Let's hear her description of herself or her story? Okay?
Or is she Ai? Is this a real person?
Look? Probably Ai? It's a cool goth looking which I like. Actually, she kind of looks like you if you were super goth.
That's why I like. I wonder if you know what, there's probably people making Aai soul may Ai drawing.
I bet it's even more accurate that way.
Greetings, I am I a y Ai. This person's name is I a skilled tarot reader with a deep connection to the energies of love and destiny. Using my intuitive abilities, I provide detailed insights into your romantic future, including the first letters of your soulmates name and surname, their career, where they live, and how and where you will meet. Okay, at the very least, I want to know, do it because you know, here's the thing. If you tell me that my husband is going to be I don't know what's a job, like an engineer. He's going to be an engineer? Well, then I can start posting on my social media who's an engineer?
Because just so you know, you're supposed to fall in love with me.
Okay, I'm gonna here's what's going to happen. I'm going to give you are you single?
Right now? Because I don't want to be like stepping on anyone's.
No no, no one's toast.
I'm going to go I'm going to do initials, job and what else ever else, and you're going to do this for you and then next year and if that happens, then I'm going to come back here and feel like I'm fucking psychic.
Yeah, and you better charge more than two dollars.
I would, And I think you should also do this on exactly. Wright Stein Is get the sketch. We'll see who's more correct.
How about that I should get like fifteen of these because they're all like two dollars.
If they're all the same, that.
Would be good. Okay, Okay, who are you thinking really, channel now? Don't just pull it out?
Okay, Okay, job.
I wanted to say engineer, but it's too boring for you, like you need someone necessarily. But there's a lot of different kinds of engineers. And they're very smart, very smart.
I keep feeling like I want to be with a creative.
Yeah that's right, but sometimes it's like the creative needs this, the like not boring but like straight laced person.
No I know, well I am a miss piggy seeking a Kermit.
Yeah, oh my god, not exactly. Yes, all right, so what about a restaurant tour?
Oh? You know, because miss Smith.
Because Kermit worked at uh the sig Na Nainen at the restaurant.
Oh so let's do a restaurant tour.
So that's fun, right, And you've got to take you out all beautiful clubs and restaurants in all these places.
And you can always give me free food.
Free food leftover, or a chef. What do you think of chef? I wouldn't want day a chef. The hours are fucking.
Care I never have, okay, but I love the idea.
Okay, So restaurants initials are see.
L, see L okay. You know it's so crazy. I look down and it's you got a tax stress career.
Life, see L. I'm channeling something not the.
Right thing career life, which is this This psychic can tell your psychics. Career life is what your partners, are your your soulmates, career lives.
Let's just do it. Let's just do in the restaurant industry.
And restaurant industry. See l and this person can tell me where and how we're going to meet.
I think that's bullshit. That's one step beyond for me. Like somehow that that's too much.
I don't know that's too much.
Well, do not want to meet some of the restaurant industry. I'm probably wrong, you know that.
No, I'm very open.
I'm who the fuck.
Knows well either one if either of those is true. Yeah, me and my brand new husband are going to get officiate. Get you a nice gift, thank you for our wedding. Okay, now here's another story. So in Romania a couple of years ago, the witches started getting text for the first time and they got mad about that. And you don't want to make witches mad.
Especially in Romania. That seems like hardcore witches.
Yes, well, people take that stuff pretty seriously there. So they put a hex on on some politicians.
They did they think's going to happen.
I will say, though, like my immediate thought is like that is showing respect for their livelihood. To be like, we take this serious enough and we think this is so legitimate.
Yes, And that was some of the controversy because some of the witches were like, they felt that way. Oh, we finally made it. You know, we're viewed as like a real job. But a lot of them did not feel that way. That's fair, and they it says this is from CBS News.
This was back.
Oh it was a long time, twenty eleven.
Okay, I wonder, yeah, but see if all they're all dead, all the people who got curses on them.
I know. I tried looking up a follow up on this. But the angry witches they dumped poison poisonous man Drake into the Danube River, okay, which was their way of putting some kind of hecks.
All right. At least it was a and their coffee.
Yes, right, They weren't forcing them to drink it.
That would be murder held poisoning.
That's called murder. So this one witch that they talked to said, I will fight into my last breath for this bill to not be passed. Why this is so interesting is because they were starting to say, you're gonna get fined if you give someone a bad reading.
Oh, well, how do they what's a bad reading means.
Well, and so this one witch that they interviewed, she says, people don't always provide their real identities, their birth dates, their any of their personal details. Sometimes they're lying. So she's like, what am I supposed to do?
And like who's who deems it bad? Is it? Like? After a year? Like nothing happened that you said was gonna happen?
I think pretty much now. Listen, the government was just trying. They were they had some bills to pay, so they were they decided to go to the witches it's and hoping that maybe they'll because it's.
A big industry death and taxes and curses those are.
It's a very big industry there.
So when I was little, my mom went to a psychic and came home and was like, this was amazing. She knew everything, She knew this and that she gave me this reading and she told me what was going to happen. She was so amazed by it that she told all her friends to go, and one of her friends went and the psychic told her literally the exact same thing, and my mom was so upset.
She was crying. Oh they you know she had the psychic had taped. But what if they had like the same.
I mean they're both like, yeah, middle aged ladies from Irvine. Like maybe that's the thing.
So just like a little blurb to sum up what happened here. This is from a website taxfitness dot com. In twenty eleven, Romania started taxing witches, astrologers, and fortune tellers. So the whole party, everybody, everybody's paying their taxes. Now, these pre obviously obscure professions were not listed in the Romanian labor code, so people working these jobs paid zero tax. This was known as the witch's tax. Under the new law, these three professionals now had to pay sixteen percent income tax, oh and make contributions to health and pension programs.
I can see being pissed off about that.
Like other self employed people. Honestly, I know, listen and I don't want to make any witches mad, but never as somebody that wears razzle, dazzle and ex silly for a living. I have to pay tax.
You have to pay taxes coming up on stage and to ten. So I mean I do think I know what you mean. It sounds a little medieval almost, but it's like, it doesn't sound like a current day problem because you think it would just be like, yeah, fucking everyone gets taxed.
Yeah, well up until twenty eleven. Crazy time twenty eleven. Take me back, though, say, let's bump the kasha and let's party.
It was so cute.
It says, it wasn't a significant revenue raiser for the Romanian government. Witches, astrologers, and fortune tellers typically only received seven to ten dollars per consultation.
Sixteen percent of that. That's a lot.
Yeah, that is pretty high. Sucks man. Well, it says the introduction at the witch's tax divided the witch's community because some of them sawid as positive, some of it not so much. And the angry, which I just love the thought of, Like the angry witches. But if you are a witch, don't be angry at me, please. Other witches are angry about the charges and the government red tape. I read some other one that was like talking about some like dog poop spell. These these ladies or whoever got crazy with it. Now it doesn't seem like it worked, but you know what they are now legit respectfully.
Yeah, we're on board with that, all right.
I got one more for you. These are all psychic things, Okay. Today's theme is definitely psychics if you haven't been able.
To figure that out.
This one is from a Canadian news source. It's from CTV News's c A Sure, and it says Whitby woman wants refund after giving Psychic over fifty thousand dollars to help her fall in love.
No, see, this is why you have to post that Etsy lady. Two bucks. That's all it fucking takes.
If they would have told this woman that, do you know how much money she would have saved?
At what point was she like, okay, like this is enough, or was she just like I'm already in for twenty kept going?
She kept going.
She says Psychic promised her that she could help her start a romantic relationship with a man from her gym.
I mean a therapist would cost way less than that ANAGIN membership.
Loves two things, that's all you really need.
Joanne Wallin. She tells c TV News to Ronto that she began visiting the Psychic in the fall of twenty thirteen after separating from her husband. She says that she made a habit of visiting psychics over the years, and she found it to be fun and entertaining. This time, she said that she told the psychic she was interested in starting a new romance with a man she had noticed at her fitness club. She said, Oh, that fellow over there doing the zoomba, he looks exactly like my type. Yeah, so she says, yes, there is a man, I like it my gym when the psychic aster if there is anyone, and she said, I can bring this man closer to you for five hundred and fifty dollars. No, even that is way too much.
Absolutely, like light a candle for fifty bucks and move on. You know what I mean exactly which I have done. I'm saying it's totally fine. What's the most you think you should spend for like that kind of thing.
Now here's the thing I will say about this. I believe, as a single person that if you really do want to be dating and looking for people, you should invest like you shouldn't be You shouldn't feel like a loser to invest by like paying for premium apps.
Oh like dating apps?
Yeah, I agree, I think like absolutely because you'll waste so much time and it shows you more options depending on what the rhythms.
All fucking weird, right, and it offers you like.
Well, see, I pay for I've paid for all of the apps smart now have I found me one to know? But that just might be my personality. But I am able to with the premium apps set my matches to other countries now in case I might want an exit strategy.
You want a long distance relationship though, absolutely you're into that.
Oh my god, yeah, yeah, okay.
I'm so needy and so like codependent that I need someone within poking distance at all times.
And I'm a phone caller, so I'm like, I'm completely fine with if we can talk. I mean, I currently have one gentleman that I've been speaking to for a while out who lives in another country. Oh and we speak on like an app on the phone version of it.
I must be so nice to like have that to look forward to at the end of the day, like it is.
He doesn't seem to like it very much.
But move here or you move there?
Well, I literally told him last night, can you please just ask me to marry?
Yeah, get that green card.
I'm staying here and I'm fighting anyway. So first it started with the five hundred and fifty dollars. Okay, So then she paid the money. But then after over, you know, the next few months, the psychic wanted more. She's like, okay, okay, the five hundred and fifty listen. It brought him closer to you. I promised you. He wants a certain point. You have to take responsibility for this. But anyway, so she transferred twelve thousand to fifteen thousand dollars to this woman. But the woman said, the psychic said, no, I.
Want cash, What the fuck?
So she started dropping off loads and loads of cash at this woman's house. She said that she also was asked to buy old bars at Costco.
When does it end.
I didn't know they sold gold bars at Costco which were to be used in the in ceremonies with candles that they were ceremonies by the way, shopping ceremonies. This isn't like a psychic, like this is a wit yeah, which I would say witchcraft for sure.
So yeah.
She ended up giving her fifty thousand, two hundred and thirty two dollars over the course of about a year, and the romance never happened. She says, I said to her, if everything is going so great. Why isn't anything happening. I'm paying you thousands and thousands of dollars and I'm getting nothing. And she says she now believes she was misled, you think, and she wants her money back.
I think she should have it back.
This happened in twenty thirteen, though, She says, I was so trapped in it mentally because I was so scared. And that's the thing. It's like, so praying off of Yeah, you know a lot of times this kind of thing happens with people that like lost a loved one and they give all this money to a psychic to connect the two totally.
So it's like, you're not thinking with your rational brain and you're thinking with your emotions.
And are you kidding me? The amount of money I'm throwing at all these different apps, I ain't being rational. So CTV showed up at the psychics.
Did they put a link on her to her?
Etsyvace says the door was locked, but the psychic, who identified herself as Julia, answered the phone. Says, we told her, the psychic that this woman felt misled into paying fifty thousand dollars and she watched the money back. Julia told CTV News that she had provided the woman with services that she was willing to pay for, and the romance didn't happen because she didn't follow her instructions.
Right, That is so gas lady. I know, but I could see. I see arguments on both sides.
She's like, she didn't complete the work, right, that's the problem.
What have worked?
Everything she wanted? I gave her. She wanted different services, and that's what I gave her.
Oh my god, I mean, oh my god. That's sad.
Though, well maybe now this will make the guy notice her says.
However, when contacted by CTV News, Julia said she was willing to give the woman her money back. Oh that's nice, she said. She is not happy, she is not satisfied, so I'm giving her money back. The woman said she met with the psychic and a payment plan was arranged, but so far she's only received two thousand back and she's very concerned about getting the rest.
Shit might a candle.
That's sad, but it's just very interesting that this is coming out now and this story happened in twenty thirteen. But yeah, yeah, now all right, that's sad. So there's a story and now here's something that is a great investment in your money.
A psychic doll.
Psychic doll, well, a haunted doll.
Okay, maybe it's psych it's yeah, if you can only talk, it's time for the.
Dolls are living. Okay, So we've got a haunted eBay doll here. This one I don't believe has a name, but it's you know, it's a demon. It's going for thirty dollars currently, jeeha. Can you please show us the haunted doll?
You got it?
Ros, here's the thirty dollars demon doll bargain price.
Luscio's beautiful hair.
She's got incredible hair curls. Can we see full body the second picture? She definitely has like a big iron drag queen wig with bangs, which I.
It's a Miss piggywig if we could go back.
Is Miss Piggy pretty lure? Like I totally sell my soul for that hair. Yeah, I'd be possessed by a demon for that hair.
Oh, for sure, she's got she went real heavy on the blush. She's missing a shoe, totally missing a shoe, but that just shows that she does stuff.
She moves around nice eyebrowns, she has a couple of little flowers in her hair.
What is going on?
She has so her forehead is cracked and there's dried.
Glue all over it. Not glamorous, but that is part of this bio. What do you think of the orange lipstick? Are you like bright orange lipstick? Never a big fan of bright orange lipstick to me? That ends up looking like, Oh, I got some cheesy puffs that I couldn't stop snack.
And I licked my fingers. Yeah, h look at me now.
So for thirty dollars, it says this doll once belonged to my friend who was a beginner's spellcaster and accidentally summoned a demon stearing one of his rituals. He cut his hand and a few drops of blood spilled on the floor. The doll was nearby on the shelf, and at that moment she suddenly fell and cracked her porcelain head. He tried to fix her with eposy glue, but the cracks remain. From that day, strange things began to happen. My friend said he felt like something was attacking him. He was constantly terrified, had terrifying nightmares, and found deep scratches on his body. He was seeing shadows moving around his home and feeling a heavy energy in the air. The doll didn't just sit still. It moved on its own now oft in changing positions or hearing in different places.
Oh my god.
The more frightened he became, the more active the dolls seemed to get.
When I got the doll, I investigated it using a ghost box. The spirit inside is a very aggressive During sessions, I heard guttural sounds and the word damned spoken clearly. If the spirit feels threatened, the doll gives off a strong chemical like smell, similar to blach, similar to epoxy glue. Well, yeah, this doll is not just haunted.
Why would anyone ross?
Why would anyone buy this? Why would anyone think that someone would want to buy people buy this?
Well, it says this doll is not just haunted, it's a vessel or something demonic. Selling it at a low price is due to the crack and the forehead.
That's nice of them, but that's part of the lore. Up charge for a fucking I self made crack in the forehead. Come on, I mean, it does look terrible.
But yeah, so that's a demon doll. Why would somebody want this? People like loneliness, you know, I don't know.
You think with all the vintage stuff I buy and antiqun a demon somewhere have it?
Like crystal dishes do they have demons? And then I have a lot of like why not little like you know, trashy crystal dishes?
Do those get haunted?
I have seen everything on eBay haunted. I've seen multiple different food sources, Like I've seen like a kN of root beer that's haunted.
Oh my god, yeah, it's an up charge.
It would be kind of cool to have like a shelf of like all your haunted things that you collected that, like someone else said, was haunted. I walked into someone's house and they had that, I'd be like, that's pretty fucking cool.
It's cool.
Yeah, it's maybe cool at someone else. If I'm just visiting, I might be into that.
Yeah I'm not doing that.
Yeah, And then my cat would knock them all off the fucking shelf and I'd be like.
Yeah, no, and then you're screwed, and you've got to get out the epopsy and don't you dare bleed because it'll Because that's what happened with this one.
It like fell threw itself from the shelf and like wiggled over. Can I play some ghost of voices? Oh yeah, I love this.
It's time for EVP or ev plicse. Okay, Georgia, you've done this before. So I go to YouTube. I find electronic voice phenomenal. Okay, aka when a ghost to speaking captured on a recording?
Okay, got two of them for you.
Play it for you, give you an ABC option, and I want to know what you think the ghosts decay?
Okay, Oh my god, I love this so much. All right.
This one was posted by doctor Carol Polio.
A doctor, a real doc, doctor Polio.
Doctor Carol Polio.
I had an allergy doctor named doctor it Chiese. That's that is that true?
It was it cheese, but it was itchies I swear to God he's itches better.
Okay, let me hear for this doctor Carol Polio. Okay, she's a doctor's doctor that also spends her time capturing ghosts speaking and posting them on YouTube.
It makes me think she's legit. She has the doctor and from her name, but.
She has a lot of these online. Some of them are pretty good. Okay, not go live this is that a place called the Burton Ingram House, which is in Delaware. What's this ghost saying? Georgia hard start?
Okay, okay, when we're time, Okay, so what are the options?
Because I have no fucking clue. Oh oh, I know what it is. What I don't want to say it? Say it? It might be right? Kill her?
They want to kill doctor Polio.
Does that sound? Is that right? Kill her?
That is not what they thought?
Okay, what she doctor Polio thought? Ok what do they think she think?
Did she think it was a Kevin Hart B it'll hurt C get her?
Yeah, I think get her?
Or or d you little flirt play order?
I'm gonna I don't kill her? Do you hear that?
I kind of do hear it. But doctor Carol Polio believes it was B it'll hurt Yeah, I can now let me know that. Here we go, Yeah, yeah, yeah, I also hear Kevin Hart or whatever. Okay, here's one more.
I see Kevin Hart people.
This one was posted by the Paranormal Investigation Society of Tennessee.
I've got Tennessee's so fucking hanted, I'm sure.
But they're also known as pissed ghost p I s T. Paranormal Investigation Society of Tennessee.
That's fun.
The channels seriously, And this is at a place called Mount Olivet Cemetery in Nashville.
Yea haunted.
What's this one saying? Yeah, child whisper. I'm sorry, but a child whispering.
Is so scary and unacceptable.
No, but even a living child whispering, like beak up. If I was taking a nap and my friend's child was like, wake.
Up that child.
I hate to say I might hit the child by accident. No, it's such a reflat.
Yeah, you're not responsible for what happens when a child whispers.
A you go something. I mean, honestly, I want to say macaroni, but that's not right.
I'm children love macaroni conrone.
Okay, what are the options?
Is it a call reddit?
Got it?
Call Reddit?
Call Reddit?
We got some juicy Oh she's from the past when you couldn't go online back.
In those days? Was it b call Wendy, Call Wendy, see come right in? Or d kombucha? Okay, here we go.
Come yeah, come something something in is come right in. That's exactly what they thought. See come right in, Come right I don't think that's right, but I can't figure out what it is expecting, like come ready, yeah, ready, come and get it.
If you're gonna come here, you better.
Come ready, come on, like I was told to show up here, come video camera ready.
Listen. You showed up here at your studio and you did everything that has earned you the title of a legend, very icon of the podcasting genre.
Oh my god, thank you. Same to you, Razer Nanda. I'm aspiring, but you're the no, You're the real deal.
You and thank you. I'm sorry, thank you, I got us go well. Thank you so much for being a guest.
Thanks for having me again.
Always you want to tell the people.
I will try to meet a ghost, and when I do, I'll call you and I'll be right here and I'll tell you all about it. Yay, thank you, come right.
Thank you so much to Georgia Heart's Dark And that was the Ghosted News Desk. I love you all, both living and dead. But if I didn't ask you to haunt me, don't haunt me, gay back. This has been an exactly right production. Want to share your paranormal experience on the podcast. I read stories out loud and sometimes I'll even call you, so email me at ghosted by Roz at gmail dot com. You can send a DM or voice message to the show's Instagram at ghosted by Roz. Give us a follow while you're there, and follow me Roz on Instagram at Roz Hernandez and on TikTok and Twitter at It's Roz Hernandez. My senior producer is the Startling Jiha Lee. Associate producer is the alarming Christina Chamberlain. This episode was mixed and sound designed by the Eerie Edson Choi. My guest booker is the petrifying Patrick Kuttner. Additional production support from the hair Raising Hannah Kyle Crichton. My theme music is by the spine Chilling Brendan Lynch Salomon. Artwork by the s Booky Vanessa Lilac. Photography by the Terrifying Elizabeth Karen. Executive produced by the Chilling Karen Kilgareth the Spookky Georgia Hard Start, and the Frightening Danielle Kramer.