Mark Willard and Former NFL OL Ephraim Salaam react to all the biggest games and storylines of Week 12 in the NFL! The guys wonder if the Commanders peaked too early after losing to a banged up Cowboys team. The guys discuss the shape of the AFC South as the Texans continue to disappoint. Mark and Ephraim discuss the 49ers huge loss to the Packers and determine how much injuries can be fairly blamed for poor performances. Mark has words of wisdom for Malik Nabers after the rookie WR expressed frustration for not getting the ball enough. Plus, the Chiefs are simply the most annoying team in the league!
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They don't do a lot of documentaries about this stuff anymore. They used to do a lot. But those of you who might be new to this, there's a certain thing that we used to know was gonna happen, usually with child stars, Ephraim. It was kind of a thing if you got on a TV show where you got something cooking, and you were eight years old or eleven years old or fourteen years old, you know, I know you watched different strokes. You watch different strokes, didn't you? Of course, of course, and you know tragically where many of those child stars lives are going to go. It becomes very difficult for them to deal with the money, with the attention, the fame, all of those things. It's a lot for a young person. So when they get in their late teens in their twenties, whole lot of problems because they peaked too soon. And I give you the Washington Commanders from We've been on them all year and I'm not gonna leave them in the dust yet either. But first of all, that was a really really, really really fun last four minutes of football today. And if you had any fantasy players on the Commanders there at the end, or if you had Dallas's special teams and defense. Congratulations on winning your game today. However, that is a carcass of a football team that came into Washington today and beat the Commanders. And I'm getting pretty comfortable with the idea that the Philadelphia Eagles of the class.
Of the nfcas yeah, you know, and you know, as much as it pains me to agree with that, because I did pick them to win that conference. I'm in the division meaning the Commanders, and looked like a genius for the first six seven weeks of the season, maybe even eight. But reality is reality, and teams have now adjusted to Jayden Daniels and I mentioned it and talked about it a little bit last week about a rookie wall. No matter how much success you're having, at a certain point, it's gonna jump on your back. And that could be because teams are now more prepared for you, and they're trying to force you to do the things that you don't want to do and take away things you want to do, which is part of the game. This is what it's built on. This is why coaches get paid what they get paid, and so on and so forth. Losing at home to the Dallas Cowboys. The type of dumpster fire they are is may be hard for them to recover from that, because that's a game you needed to win, you should have won, and you let that one go with a backup quarterback and it just you know, it seems to be falling apart now for Washington, which is crazy. You know, you lose three in a row and now the world is different.
Oh hell yeah, oh hell yeah. And don't forget what happened. Two weeks prior to this three game losing streak. They were able to grind out a win against the New York Giants. That's a different dumpster filer and we'll get there in a second. But the week before that was your hair against the Bears, so easily will be five. It should be five like you won that game. But maybe we should have known. And by the way, Jaden Daniels, don't forget now Jade and Daniels got hurt against Carolina on Sunday, October twentieth, and the fear was that he wouldn't play against Caleb Williams in a matchup between one and two the very next week, with the Bears coming to town. He gutted it out. He deserves credit for that, but that has not been the same football player from the moment that injury happened. They are two and three since then. In one of those wins came on a Hail Mary to give them eighteen points at home against the Bears. You can see it all over this team. I still give you credit for your take because they're still seven and five. They're still way better than we thought they were gonna be. But they may be also what I kind of was thinking at the beginning of the year, which is maybe still a year away. Although maybe this is about Jayden, maybe he is just still hurt. I know, he finally started to look good when it became a fire drill at the end of this game. But by the same token, that is not a team that you you should have been playing with.
At all, and so you stumped them out and then get that over in the first quarter in the first half.
So I don't know where this is going.
Man, Well you know what, but look this is it's like the twilight Zone. There's a lot of crazy football energy going on this weekend. You know, hell yeah, It's is one of those weeks that everybody scratching their heads like what is what's in the water, what's going on?
Well, and the Commanders themselves a from are the ones who are going to bring the NFC into the twilight zone in my opinion, because those three teams in the NFC North are going to the playoffs. They're all going, yes, okay, so there's two of your wild cards right there, go ahead and give the Eagles. I don't know if they'll win to night, but let's say the Eagles win the East because they think they will. And now at the top of the NFC South there are two teams and then the entire NFC West are all sitting either at six and five or five and six. And if Washington keeps losing football games, you're gonna bring all of those teams to the party, all of them, because in that group you're gonna have two division winners and everybody else four other football teams will be vine with the Commanders for that last spot. And it kind of felt like things were coming into focus. And I'd argue now because of the way the Commanders are playing, it's very much not in focus.
Yeah, it's they needed this one. They needed this one to just take a breath, you know, try to right the ships, so to speak. Not getting it definitely puts the pressure. Like they were playing with house money. Yeah, and now now everything you've won you've given back. So every bet you take, now, every meaning every game you play, you're using your own money. And when you lose, you're losing your own money. Right, they fronted you, They fronted you a nice little stack coming into the casino. Now there's no more house money, man, It's it's yours. And this thing is gonna be interesting coming down, especially for a rookie quarterback. Like I've always said this and it happened to me too. Early success is a mother to deal with. I'm telling you early success is for young people. Early success is almost worse than the struggle because it skews your view of what's happening and what's going on and that whatever that world is you're in excus it a little bit you feel like oh right, like oh I dig this. There should be a level of there should always be a level of concern, our trepidation when it comes to young people and playing in these you know, professional athletes you know start like you if you're if you're if you are an actor and you land your first movie role and you win an oscar? What is that going to do to your career?
It's gonna put in a tough spot. I mean, think about it. If you had a twelve week old baby, you probably wouldn't even take that baby outside yet. Jayden Daniels in NFL terms, is a twelve week old baby. We've seen him for twelve weeks and tucked into twelve weeks, I'd argue, in fact, after nine weeks, he's already carrying a word that he's not ready to carry, and that's expectations. Can't you can't do that that early? In my opinion, it's too early to start expecting things of somebody at that position, expecting wins, expecting playoff appearances, expecting him to be able to go on the road and do things when it gets cold late in the season. I'm not saying he can't do it, but I think what you're talking about is he had such a rapid rise to expectations that the at least the relative fall was inevitable.
Yes, yes, and and you have to it'd be great were they jumped out to such a huge look. There were seven and five they've lost three games in a row. Like, they're seven and five now losing three games in a row, right, that's after nine games, you're seven and two. That is a dangerous place to be for young people, for a young quarterback, because it gives you a false sense of arrival, right when people start having conversations about not only being the rookie of the year, but he's in the MVP, Like who's the wins the last time a rookie one MVP of the league. Like all of these things start to happen, you're he's Lamar Jackson LTE or a mini Lamar, and you know it's being that closely compared to a two time NFL MVP and one of the you know, best athletes you'll ever see anywhere. It is a lot. Also, carrying a team on your back, a team that didn't have any aspirations of competing at the level you were when you were seven and two.
That's a lot, man, It's a lot. It's a lot.
And they were actually at that position.
They won seven games in eight weeks and the only loss that they had in there was on the road against Baltimore. Going head to head against the quarterback that a lot of people compare him to and by the way, showed well lost that game. Leg Yeah, yeah, they scored. They didn't just win. They were scoring a lot of points. And by the way, like, I don't think Jayden Daniels played a bad game today. No, I don't think that's what happened at all.
No, no, no, no, I don't know.
Special teams made this score look all wonky. But at the end of the day, Dallas is currently not a football team that is capable of coming into someone else's building and putting up a fight against the playoff team. Not capable. But somehow they did today. And so if the alarms weren't already going off for the Washington Commanders, I would argue they are.
You can reason your way through losing to Pittsburgh and Philadelphia and back to back weeks. Not this one, not this one.
This is so yeah.
Now the NFC is all wide open. Hope everybody's doing good? Is We're getting to Thanksgiving week, Week twelve in the NFL. We've got the Sunday night game between the Eagles and the Rams getting started here shortly. We're broadcasting live from the tirerack dot Com Studios tirec dot com will help you get there an unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road hazard protection in over ten thousand recommended installers. Tirec dot com the way tire buying should be. What's interesting though about those cowboys? Good lord, they are not the biggest dumpster fire in their own division somehow, and we will discuss that and wait till you hear what came out of that locker room. Coming up next on Fox Sports Radio.
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Okay, this is live intheti rag dot com Studios. That is he from Salam. I am Mark Weller. Good Sunday evening to you wherever you may be. And let's get the Thanksgiving week started. Write and wish each and every one of you happiness and joy and family time. And I hope that belly is full on on Thursday night. Hell, I hope it's out. It's full every night this week. You know, let let it loose a little bit. Let's let's do this. So, speaking of let it loose, I mean, if if it was wasn't enough to just be bad, If it wasn't enough to literally get yourself to a point where you are releasing you're starting forty million dollars quarterback two years after you signed him to that contract. If that wasn't enough. You want to hear an early first round draft pick just huck an entire organization under the bus in his twelfth week as a professional, because we have that. If you want to hear.
It, I'd love to hear that.
All right, So Malik Neighbors, what uh why didn't you go out there and have more of an effect on the game? Take it away, maleak.
Go there for a second quarter.
Don't get the ball, start getting targets a dam I mean, can't do that. Targeting the ball is thirty zero to them? You do?
Why in the first half are they not looking at you?
I don't know how the day is about that?
Oh today, nay no, I come up to ask me what plays I want? That was done? I don't know.
I hope, I hope everybody was able to gather the gum chewing it that that that was happening, And yep, and it looked exactly like you think it looked. Shades on inside, just absolutely. And I love Malik Neighbors. This is a talented kid. But you want to talk about lacking awareness of what's going on around you. Tommy DeVito is your quarterback. You just released a forty million dollar quarterback to the world because things are so out of pocket. And this guy's like, I don't know why they're not throwing the ball. Well, I do, Malik, because everything's a mess, right, Because everything's a mess, and you you don't have an NFL quarterback in your building. That's why. So maybe I don't know, be aware of that when the microphones come out.
They don't know. Man. You know, the one thing that is athletes, especially young athletes, you don't it's a job. So most of these young guys are very emotional. I mean, he's obviously the best player on that team offensively, and so he doesn't know how to be professional. Yet when it comes to media, not a lot of people do. It's very difficult. You're sheltered in college, right, Like there's a lot of handheld holding and stuff like that. That's why guys tweet and delete all the time, right, post and delete because you don't have the bandwidth to express yourself. In a proper way. They haven't learned the etiquette yet. Frustration becomes frustration. Inter frustration becomes outward frustration, and so that type of language and that type of energy can be misconstrued right like, it's oh, he's selfish, it's all about him. It's what we get it. I understand as a former player, I get your frustrating. You are the best. There is no one to get you the ball. Who's going to throw you the ball? Yeah, you're wide open? Uh so.
Right right, Devino's helmet is on backwards right now, Malik like he just got hit by eight linemen and there aren't even that many linemen.
It's well, you look, and I get it, man, I've been frustrated. I know what that feels like. And he's going to be a tremendous talent. Yes, his frustrations today have no bearing on the type of player, teammate, leader he will be. Young players experience things in HD are as. My thirteen year old loves four D right, four D experience actually four K no, no, four D four dimensional? Right? When you go see something, Mary, when you go see something in four D, the seeds move, the smells, the sounds, the atmosphere. So when a young player feels like things aren't going his way, he gets all the senses involved, right, the emotion of it, the smell of it, the look of it, the sound of it. So they begin to last shout in four D. Mary, So it's what four K is to just Yeah, I mean that's that's TV. No, but nobody even watches a K and above now, but.
Four K is not like a wrong thing.
No, but go see go see a movie in four D and you know what exactly what what I'm talking about?
I don't need four DS. That's there's like, my goodness, what am I? Is this chair gonna spin around?
It's unbelievable. We went saw twisters, twisters and four D. Well, I'll tell you what. That popcorn will be out of that bucket if you don't mind it in four.
DNA climb out of the bucket. It's gonna he's gonna enter into your mouth by itself.
No, it's all you fumbled, man. He didn't fumble the ball.
Mm hmmm, yep, yep, be sure did. Yeah. So the Eagles rams are on the opening drive and we're going hot knife through butter and Kiren Williams just fumbled, and the Eagles now have it at their own about seventeen eighteen yard line. Looks like that's where they're gonna take over. Although keep an eye on the fact that and I didn't catch. I know one of the defenders was Darius Slay. I did not catch who the other defender was. But the Eagles had two defenders collide and they both left the field on the previous play. And so, uh well, uh well, uh well, actually okay, they're saying he was down. They're saying, yeah, I don't know, but the Rams still have the ball, and Nick Sirianni is yelling, that's weird. He tried to throw the red hanky and the Rams try to run a play before the red hanky was down. And now we're yelling and there's saliva flying out of Sirianni's mouth. And we'll see what happens. We'll keep you up to date. And Steve de Seger's gonna be here literally sixty seconds. Oh no, he's not, Steve, Just go ahead.
I mean, you you can't crack the door. You can't crack the door. I was like, been at the control man.
Well, well, so she's flustered and I'm trying to give step to Sega a little runway here. This man deserves an entrance.
It's like I was waiting for it, and then yeah, I thought you were just lazy.
Sunday sometimes like show up at a party and Steve's already there, like you gotta like the party lights go off. Yeah, there's a carpet. He walks in. Fail Malik neighbors shades Hi Steve known.
As she had a chance to say, the party doesn't start until he's there.
No, I wasn't.
Yeah, party's on now.
The play that you referenced is under review, so they're in the media timeout three minutes into tonight Sunday night football game with the Rams hosting the Eagles, And yeah, it's a great first drive for the Rams so far, even Matthew Stafford with the fifteen yard scramble down the middle to get him across midfield. And then the next play, which was the Kira and Williams twenty seven yard run. It was two defenders injured on the same play, Darius Slay and Red Blankenship for the Eagles. So we'll see where this stands as far as possession opening minutes and scoreless in this game. Meanwhile, Detroit has won nine games in a row ten and one record. They were up at Indianapolis seven to six late first half, twenty four to six. The final Kansas City is ten and one, thirty to twenty seven. The final at Carolina, Yes, the game was close. Yes, they won it again, this time on a thirty one yard field goal on the final play by Spencer Schrader Patrick Mahomes three touchdown passes. Minnesota is nine and two after an overtime victory at Chicago thirty to twenty seven. Sam Darnold three hundred thirty yards passing and two short tds. Chicago has lost.
Five in a row.
Miami led New England thirty one to nothing after three quarters thirty four to fifteen the final to a tongue of I Loa four touchdown passes. Tampa Bay ended a four game losing streak, winning thirty to seven at the Giants, who have lost six in a row. Dallas ended a five game losing streak, winning at one Washington thirty four to twenty six. Commanders kicker Austin Seibert missed both of his extra point kicks, including one that would have tied the game. With twenty one seconds left, Tennessee was two and eight, but gotta win at Houston thirty two to twenty seven with nine points in the last ten minutes. Will Levis, who was sacked eight times in this game Los nonetheless throws the go ahead seventy yard touchdown pass. So the guy had a fumble, he had a pick six, He also had two touchdown tosses, and he winds up winning the game.
You're not kidding with the whole bad loss.
Ap Literally before this segment said, you know, out of all the teams that have done these things, these negative things in the same game in the Super Bowl era. So we're going back over fifty five years of NFL games. What was the record regular season in playoffs when a team gets sacked at least eight times and throws a pick six?
It was fifty one and two.
Actually, when you get that on the other side, and the Texans now seven and five. We had three late afternoon games. Denver sends the Las Vegas Raiders to a seventh straight loss. Twenty nine nineteen. Will Lutts five for five on field goals. He hit from fifty three and fifty four yards out. Seattle beat Arizona sixteen to six. Arizona's four game winning streak is over, and it was Green Bay over San Francisco or whatever's left of San Francisco thirty eight to ten. Josh Jacobs three touchdown runs one hundred and six yards. Just last week, Christian McCaffrey for the Niners had his fifty seventh career game with at least one hundred yards from scrimmage, most for any active player today eleven carries thirty one yards and three catches for thirty seven, and Deebo Samuel has at least in the past often had one hundred yards or more from scrimmage in a game. In fact, playoffs included for the Niners, Samuel has done that well. He did that nine times in one season in twenty twenty one, since then eight times total in forty four games since twenty twenty one. Today, one catch, no carries, and the final note on this one eleven first downs with the backup quarterback. That ties the fewest in a Niners game under Kyle Shanahan. You may recall the NFC title game when they had no quarterback a couple of years ago.
That was also eleven first downs in the game for San Francisco.
It is Philadelphia with the ball by the way, early first quarter. They are at the Rams scoreless. And I must note that in women's college hoops today at UCLA, fifth rank Bruins beat number one South Carolina seventy sixty two. That ends South Carolina's forty three game winning streak.
Back to you, that's a doozy there at the end. Steve Desagrin or the party as we call him, and will be with us all night. Thank you, Steve.
Steve, Steve is fine.
Okay, we'll have another party in an hour. And that's Mark Weatherdney from salamithtirat dot com Studios. Okay, a lot going on in a lot to react that Steve just gave us. But before we depart the New York Giants conversation, because we kind of did the Melik neighbors part, let's get the view from ten thousand feet also on the organization as a whole, especially as the Eagles take the field, and no doubt that means that we're about to watch Saquon Barkley go out there and do a bunch of stuff. We'll see what he does tonight. Is he gonna hurdle someone backwards or whatever. I don't know if I can remember in recent memory watching an NFL team in the playoffs and then within I guess it's about twenty two calendar months more consecutive bad decisions made than what the New York Giants had done from the moment they won that playoff game in Minnesota a couple of seasons ago. That was twenty two months ago. And I think maybe drafting Melik Neighbors, because as I said, I'm very high on him, we all are. I think outside of that, I don't know that I can point to really any good thing that they've done.
Nope, I was looking, I was, Yeah, couldn't find it.
And the Headliners are signing Daniel Jones to a huge deal and letting Saquon Barkley walk out the door because they thought Devin Singletary would be fine.
That's bad management.
I mean, like they got to change the name of the Hard Knocks episodes to really Hard Knocks, Like somebody needs to knock really hard on the brains of that organization. Like it's incredible what they've done. What a mess.
Yeah, Hey, that's what you call fumbling the bag, because that for quarterback is will be on a new team on Wednesday morning.
Yeah, yep. And you think you think he's got anything to offer someone?
I do think in a backup capacity. I mean, did we not just watch uh the veto try to play quarterback? Have we not seen some horrific backup quarterbacks? So just having the experience that he's had as a starter gives him a leg up, right, because that means he's played a lot of football. Now, granted most of it wasn't great, but there's experience there, and when the pressure is off of you, like there is no pressure for Daniel Jones anymore. He will be in a backup capacity. So all you us do just come out and play. There's no pressure. You just go out there and play. We've seen guys rebound from horrific starts, the Geno's, the Donald's, like the Mayfield's. We've seen guys when there's no pressure whatsoever. There's no pressure on Sam Donald this year. There was no pressure on Geno a year ago. They're just like, oh, you're you're really playing as free as you can possibly be. So say Daniel Jones signs with I don't know who San Francisco, Okay, and they decide not to go with Alan. If Brock is still out, you just go out there and play. Just go ahead, just go enjoy yourself, I.
Mean, well and luck. Being an overpaid and underperforming player in New York. New York is the worst thing in sports. So you're right, there's absolutely nowhere he could go that's not going to feel like he's sitting in a hot tub. The Niners were on the list that all the reporters threw out there today as potential landing spots. I don't know how quickly they would even think about getting him up to speed. As of right now, they're saying that brock Purty they think is going to be ready next Sunday, But then again, they admitted they thought he was going to be ready this Sunday. And I think that there is under the covers, there might be a little concern there because what I'm sort of reading is that the MRI and what he's feeling are not matching. And when somebody had reconstructive elbow surgery not that long ago, that's a flag. Yes, that's a red flag.
That is a red flag.
I mean, this guy going into contract extension time.
The funny thing is I'll tell you he's still gonna get paid. But I'll tell you not if he's hurt. Not if there's something degenerative going on, that's a different story. You're right. But what I will say is this is, I mean, this is a perfect situation for Daniel Jones, more so in sports than any other thing in the world. Maybe relationships, but sports in my opinion of relationships. That's why I was equate them together. One man's trash is another man's treasure. That's just what it is. Without the pressures, the scrutiny, the media, just relentless bombardments. Daniel Jones is gonna find himself. Okay, He's gonna find himself. Okay, wherever he decides to land.
I'm gonna get you that. I'm gonna get you that list. A list was put out today of the teams that are reportedly prepared to express interest in uh in Daniel Jones. And and we could talk through that a little bit. Coming up next with Epram Salam, Mark Weer. This is Fox Sports Radio.
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Radio, Okay, Tyrorack dot Com Studios with Ephraim Salaam. I'm Mark Willard, the Eagles got after that fumble, an opening drive for them, field goal Rams now coming back the other way and they are in Eagles territory again. We'll keep you up to date. First down, high red zone, twenty five yard line for the Rams, who absolutely can still be a part of this big jumbled NFC last wildcard mess, especially if the Washington Commanders keep losing football games like they did today. All Right, I'm gonna throw at you like a multiple choice question for Daniel Jones. My quick research tells me, and it's not my research, but the reporters are saying that that these four teams who could be considered contenders, some of them definitely are some of them? Maybe are these four teams or would you like to pick the field? The four teams are the Vikings, the Ravens, the forty nine ers, and the Dolphins, and then there's the field. If you were Daniel Jones.
What are you doing? I'm taking those four?
Okay? Which one though?
I'm taking the Dolphins?
Miami Dolphins.
Why and thank you for the music? Yes, you don't want to like phone a friend or you don't want to do any of that.
Stuff, Noka, because given that forty nine ers, Baltimore, Miami or what was the other one? Minnesota, Minnesota? Out of all of those, Yeah, the quarterback that has a history of getting hurt. I don't want to be too disparaging, but once you know, everybody reacts it to concussions differently, and two has been concussied and not even been hit. So it's one of those situations where if I'm Daniel Jones with those weapons that they have out there, and the chance is that I may be in a position to, you know, step in and revitalize my career there if he goes to Baltimore, what the offense isn't it's not set up for him?
No, And right, like that's I would remove that one immediately.
Yeah, like that, like, you don't want to step into that shoe, you That's not the wrong shoes to ever be stepping in.
I'd rather go to Las Vegas, yeah, and just broke his collar bad.
Yeah, Like that's not what you want. You don't want to step into that arena in the aura, in the universe of Lamar Jackson because there is nothing you can do to almost make that make sense or make that a fruitful situation. Right, So San Francisco is trending down.
Trending down, but their quarterback is already hurt.
Yeah, but what you don't want to do is you don't want to be thrust at the helm of a team that's trending because there's very excuse me, there's very little upside in terms of if he is hurt for a long period of time, you got to come in and they're bringing you in to play. Now they have the toughest schedule out of the four remaining. Is that what you want to do? You want to step into that that firing squad. Oh no, no, no, Now, this is an opportunity for you to breede life back into a dying career. So definitely not Baltimore. We know that. Take that out the equation. San Francisco's got to They have a lot of issues. They're getting old really fast. And Miami is my number one. Miami. I mean it's in my It's Miami, right, And you actually have offensive weapons across the board. You got a bevy of running backs, you got some receivers, you got all the things. A quarterback. You got a tight end. A quarterback would would fill warm and cozy.
With well, and I like I know this. You know, I know you're a big fan. And for years we've talked about how under Kyle Shanahan, just about every quarterback he's ever had has performed at his absolute best. However, that Dolphin system is very much the same system Mike McDaniel was under Kyle Shanahan just three years ago in San Francisco. And so like, I'm gonna give you the nod that either one of them, for example, would be very very quarterback friendly. You're you're you're in warm weather environments with weapons and a play caller that should put you in your best position.
Yeah, but you know, looking at the uh the upcoming games, the Dolphins have the package. On Thursday Thanksgiving, sure they have the Jets. Then they have the Texans, the forty nine Ers, the Browns, and the Jets. God forbid, something happened to Tua in that run. I would love to step in and be a part of that.
I get, I guess the only the only I'm not disagreeing with you, But if I'm going no, I'm not because I get it. I think what you're saying makes sense. But if I if I'm Daniel Jones agent, I'm right now working real hard to get information on brock Party's shoulder.
That makes sense.
Yeah, I would rather instead of like, I get everything you're saying about Miami, but you're still going there just kind of hoping, not hoping for, but you get it, waiting for a toul injury. We're in San Francisco. It may have already happened.
That's the only thing, that's the only caveat that I would throw out.
And what was the fourth team? Do we talk what I keep forgetting the four?
Minnesota, Minnesota, the Vikings, the Vikings, and they don't they don't have like Nick Mullins as their backup. You know, Sam Donald did limp off today. He came back. But you know, the other option would be to find someone that's not a contender but could give you. Yeah, but you don't want Eddy playing time right away.
You don't want Eddy. The end the story you want is and Daniel Jones joins the team and uh, you know, after an unfortunate incident with whoever whoever, they're in the playoffs.
Yep, yep, no, I get that. That makes all the sense in the world. All right, coming up next, we need to talk about you Texans. Brother, let's do it.
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Here we go. Sunday Night watch Party is on seven to three RAMS and the Eagles about to punt. Keep you up to date. Talk through the rest were broadcasted live from the tire rack dot com studios. Tire rack dot com will help you get there an on that selection, fast free shipping, free road azer protection and over ten thousand recommended installers. Ty rack dot com the way tire buying should be. I don't know how many of you watched this football game. It was not quite as topsy turvy as the last five minutes of Washington in Dallas, but my goodness, it was very topsy turvy. A lot of lead changes, a lot of weird situations coming down the stretch, including obviously a twenty eight yard field goal attempt to tie with two minutes ago, that with one of the best kickers in the game just straight polled. And even with that, there was a chance to do some things. But if you watch closely the Houston Texans against the Tennessee Titans today, Ephraim, I come away from that, if I'm a Texans fan, very very concerned about some things that are starting to show themselves. A team that is seven to five, a team that will probably limp its way to its division championship because there's not a whole lot going on elsewhere in that division. Even with the loss, there are two games ahead of the Colts. The Titans and Jags are really not a factor. So I think they're gonna host a playoff game, but are they gonna win it? Like this is a team in the last handful of weeks has dropped a game to the Jets. They've now dropped a game to the Titans. CJ. Stroud is making untimely turnovers. I mean, and just I left that one today really scratching my head. What did you see?
You know what I'm having a problem with, and you're seeing it more and more in the league. I'm having a real problem with pocket presence for quarterbacks. Okay, what I mean is, you don't have to be the most athletic to have great pocket presence, asks Tom Brady, asks Peyton Manning, you know, Drew Brees, any of it. You don't have to be Lamar, you don't have to be Jaden. You don't have to be you know, Jalen hurts Josh Allen to have pocket presence. When you're in the pocket and you scramble into a sack. It drives me crazy as a former office of linemen. When I'm doing my job, I'm doing my job based on where you are supposed to be right now. Of course, I don't know where other pressure is coming from or anything like that. I'm just trying to lock my side down. But when you roll, and I'm not saying open up and roll, I'm saying spin out and roll. That is the most dangerous thing you can do. Now. A lot of quarterbacks have they do it because you can get away with that in college. You can be under pressure and roll out left or right in college and get away with it nine eight out of the ten times. In the NFL, that's more of a three out of ten because the moment you do it one time and it's on film, defensive coordinators and defensive line coaches are going to have something to bait you into doing that. So what would becomes extreme pressure in the A and B gap, and all the end is doing is working his way wide upfield to keep contained. If you so, if you show a knack to escaping the pressure rolling to either side, that puts that offensive tackle and an almost an unsurmountable situation. I watched it over and over.
C J.
Stroud does it a lot. Caleb Williams does it a lot like you. I was watching CJ. Stroud run around Caleb Williams, I'm like, bruh, way to where are y'all going?
You know who does it a lot? And I had this on my mind all weekend because I watched it done in college a lot. But the Colorado game should do with Sanders refuses to throw the ball away, so he'll just roll and he's going to bring that bad habit to the NFL. And brother, when I tell you that's a good way to get your lights turned out.
Well, I mean this is the stuff that never shows up. But did you see the did you see the play in overtime where on I think second down and eight, Caleb Williams ran around for what felt.
Like an hour.
Yeah, and then turn around and we're gonna go over here, We're gonna go over there, and then you just start running backwards and the next thing you know, you get tackled for one million yard loss and you lose the game because your field position is just absolutely torpedoed in an overtime scenario. The Bears had so many amazing things happened down the stretch, and some of them were Caleb's throws. That throw to DJ Moore to end regulation after they got them on sidekick was incredible, just an absolute that's where you see the number one pick. But that decision making, Man, I'm with you all away.
I see it. I see it so much. It's bothering me. It's it's really bothering me because I'm like, what are you? Where are you going? Where are you going? That's all growth, It's a maturation process, right, It's all great.
You gotta learn.
Somebody's got to be like, hey man, you're athletic, but not that athletic. These guys that are chasing you are real athletes, yeap. And they're hunting and they will bait you into doing something because they know that's something that you do a lot. It's all one big game. It's a chess game. And you feeling like you can get the ad, You're not getting it. Man. You turn, Ope, Nope, not that way. You turn back the other way, not that way you turn. You turn, You're thirty yards behind the line of scrimmage. That's how you lose football games. Yep. And that's the you know, I see that C. J. Straw is doing it more this year than he did.
I know.
His offensive line is not very good. The offensive line actually got worse than last year. And they were piecemelling that thing. And so as Saquon Barkley gingerly, uh yep, walks off. Oh that's a growing three time.
Out for Barkley.
Yeah, growing man.
And he's walking, you know, he's walking kind of the way you walk to the bathroom in the middle of the night when you don't want to stub your toe. You just kind of each step, you know, like I can't see anything. The lights aren't on. And uh, I mean you tell me for a running back. If I'm the Eagles, I'm gonna be real careful about playing.
Oh you got he done. He gotta go back. He gotta go shower up. He gotta go shower up.
That's a big deal.
Yeah, we're gonna jump on this early.
That's a real, real, real big deal.
That's a real big deal. We gotta shower up.
We're gonna go ahead and sit you down for a second.
Well, spotlight then on Jalen Hurts because you know that's the I mean, the Eagles do such a good job of using that run to open up the pass. If a defense now doesn't have to worry about Saquon, I think this is sort of the This is the light that a lot of Eagle fans were seeing Jalen Hurts in earlier in the year, when when there was a lot of frustration, a lot of people were off his wagon. Their record is calming everybody down. But I'm pretty interested to see what he looks like. If Saquan's not coming back.
Well, I mean it's on him now. And just like that, the next play after Saquon was out, he scrambled for the first down. You gotta do that.
You have to.
You have to pick up that slack. But yeah, that just back to the quarterbacks and in the Houston and c J. Stroud of it all. Number one, the the picts you can't throw those interceptions, not not at that spot, not not then. But then the pocket awareness every play is not going to be there. How can you minimize the negative effect of a play a bad play, not you know, not enhance it. And I'm telling you I didn't mean to get on college. But I was watching that Colorado game like everybody was, and I'm like, where are you going? What are you doing? That is a bad habit. For the first pick in the draft to come to the NFL with that is a bad habit. Sometimes plays aren't going to be there, But when you can make every throw, you don't care how far away from the line of scrimmage or your receiver or your back you are, because you know you can make every throw.
I also, and I know this might not be the play you were talking about, but everybody saw one of the dirtiest hits.
Oh that was out of control that in football game. And I'm somebody didn't get get ejected out of the game because if I was off of the linemen and I saw that, Oh brother, we got some we I'm not gonna I'm done. I'm done. I'm done for to day, Like I mean, this is I'm done for today.
But that was so man and millions of dollars on the lot.
That was a hatred hit. For whatever reason. He had no business going low like that. He had so much to and the fact that they didn't call that it makes you scratch your head a little bit like what's going on here?
Hard to watch.
I know a lot of people don't like Dion and Colorado and what they represent, what they stand for. For me, they represent growth, change, teetering on, trying to do something no one thought was possible. And you may not like the packages in but the results of the results. But that play right there was the single most dirtiest play I've seen.
In long time, long time. Uncomfortable to watch, really uncomfortable to watch.
Who Yeah, no doubt it, malicious.
It I'm thankful. I guess that it didn't didn't seem to lead to something worse. Okay, from the Texans to the team I think right now is maybe the sneakiest good team in the entire league, and maybe that we've seen in some time. We'll get to that coming up next with Ephrom Salama, Mark Willard, and this is Fox Sports Radio.
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All right right now, Mark Willardy, slaminthetire rank dot Com studios, and a reminder that rapid radios are the official communication device of Fox Sports Radio. In an emergency, you want Rapid Radios instant push to talk walkie talkies for clear national LTE coverage and one touch communication peace of mind for connecting with family in an emergency. Go to Rapid Radios dot com now for up to sixty percent off and free shipping, which this time of year, those are two words that we like to see go together. Free shipping. I'm in. I don't know where it's gonna go next, but say one Barkley came back in the game before that drive ended in a field goal. I gather you're a little surprised by that. That's why, Well, there you go, and we'll see. You know, halftime is looming. He may get the bike or something like that, but you probably got to keep that thing warm or else. I would gather that you're with a muscular situation like that. You're you're risking further injury by going out, aren't you don't you think? Yeah, yeah, all right, Rams up seven to six and their drive is just stalled, so they're gonna be kicking it back to the Eagles here in just a second. Okay, going through everything that's going on, the Denver Broncos are seven and five. Talk about laying in the weeds, just laying in the weeds, like these rookie quarterbacks get so much discussion, not this one. And I know they're in third place. But let's take a look at the AFC right now, which feels all top heavy, and everything we all know about the Bills, we all know about the Chiefs, the Texans are probably gonna win their division, and no one else is coming from that division. And then this grapple at the top of the North, which got more interesting with the Thursday night loss. But Pitts and Baltimore are doing their thing, and I think we all believe those are both playoff teams, and so that leaves room for two more playoff teams, and the Chargers are probably one of them, and then that leaves one more. And right now you've got a pretty good little lead for that spot for the for the Denver Broncos, and bo Nix is he's interesting, like he has had a lot of growth from week one until now. I did not have on my BINGO card this year even thinking about the Denver Broncos. But here we are.
Yeah, I shared that sentiment with you, But what I will say is that defense, boys, That Denver Bronco defense is the real deal. And Sean Payton is Sean Payton. Obviously, if he trusted respects you as a quarterback, it's a symbiotic relationship. It's you know, it's he's in carrots. If he doesn't, it's oil in water. And so bow Nick's has earned the trust of Sean Payton. I mean, you allowed a young man and you know, throw the ball forty four forty two times and he's slain. He look he could play it in college. We talked about him in length coming out of school and how well he played, and just it goes to show you being the being in the right fit, the right fit for a quarterback is paramount. And he's not you know, blowing you away and number and stats or anything like that. But he is playing extremely well right completing right at sixty percent of his passes. So it's it's one of those situations where you know, he's he's learning, he's learning, and everything is trending up for him, and they will they may find themselves and in a real position here to make some noise.
His line today was pretty uh, that's a pretty spicy line. Yeah, yeah, you want seventy three yards, two touchdowns, no interceptions. He can run, but he usually chooses not to. For a rookie, I really like that aspect of him. I don't know, you were talking earlier about pocket presence, and I feel like bo certainly, when compared to what we saw at the beginning of the year, he's got a little bit.
Oh yeah, yeah, he does. And that's the thing that I really like that when young quarterbacks are aware of their surroundings in terms of everything is going to take off and go, and the way you manage department the pocket, excuse me, has everything to do with the level of success you'll have in any game or any season. If you have a hard time managing that, then there's going to be a long road because teams are gonna throw things at you all the time. Their job, especially for young quarterbacks, is to put as much pressure and make you uncomfortable as much as they can. And if you don't allow that to throw you off kilter, and you have a better opportunity and a better chance to be successful. Sometimes you gotta take off and run, sometimes you gotta go, but sometimes you just have to step here, step there, little movement, you know, he was sacked one time today and he didn't rush one rush for five yards, right, Like, so throwing the ball forty two times, being sacked one time and having one rush for five yards, the numbers speak for them. It shows you that his pocket presence is is favorable just based on the numbers. Right, that's a lot of passes forty two with the Max Crosby out there coming off the edge and you not just taking off and running as Jalen Hurts takes off and runs sideways to the sideline and the loss of I don't know what was at five six.
Game to half a yard?
Didn't he didn't?
Yeah, he did something like that. It's pretty close. Two minute warning, seven six rams, Eagles on the move, sakuon Barkley is okay, he's back in. He looks good.
You know what that injury that Barkley injured, like, you know what that made me feel like what it made me feel like watching him like limp tug at the little growing area walk off the field. It made me feel like when on Sundays the Chargers play at home and we start our show with someone else behind the magical window, in the magical glass that is held down and owned by our very own Stephen m the Seger.
Well that will happen one last time this season. If you heard this week, they have for the first time in the NFL flexed a Sunday game to a Thursday night. So to all of you people that had Broncos Chargers tickets for December and thinking you were going on a weekend, sorry, it's five o'clock on a Thursday. Good luck, everything's about TV. Can we just say that for the five thousandth time the fans.
Well, they're not They're not a lot of cars in the Anglewood area, so that's right. Not usually a lot of people, and.
Nobody's working that day anyway, So fine. Yea.
By the way, you were talking about bo Nicks. Only once in history had a rookie beaten the Raiders twice in the season, well since the merger, so we're going back to nineteen seventy. Bo Nicks, of course has done that, and Las Vegas now in recent years has lost eight straight to rookie starting quarterbacks. The Raiders have the worst running game in the league seventy five yards per game as a team, and Zamir White and Alexander Madison were out today and quarterback Gardner Minshew left with a broken collar bone, reportedly done for the year. Denver wins at Las Vegas twenty nine nineteen. The Raiders have lost seven straight. Seattle sixteen to six over Arizona that ends the Cardinals four game winning streak. They're each six and five. San Francisco's five and six after losing thirty eight to ten at Green Bay. Josh Jacob's three touchdown runs one hundred and six yards. Packers now six and oh this season against teams with a five hundred record or worse. To the Sunday night game, in LA two minute warning late first half, the Rams leads seven to six over the Eagles. Eagles had settled for field goals twice, including after forcing a fumble on the first drive of the night. They went the other way twelve plays, eighty yards and over seven minute drive the first Eagles drive of the evening, and they settled for a twenty one yard field goal.
So Philly with the ball driving again.
They're down to the twenty five of the Rams, but down for the moment seven to six under two minutes to go first half. Philly has a six game winning streak on the line. Detroit won its ninth straight game twenty four to six at Indianapolis. Kansas City's now ten to one. After winning at Carolina on a thirty one yard field goal on the final play thirty to twenty seven. Minnesota won in overtime thirty to twenty seven at Chicago, which has lost five in a row. Miami over New England thirty four to fifteen wins on the road for Dallas, Tampa Bay, and Tennessee, which won thirty two to twenty seven at Houston. Joe Mixon of the Texans fourteen carries just twenty two yards. Tomorrow night, the Chargers will be hosting.
Baltimore in Harbowl, as it's known in the NBA.
Tonight, the Cleveland Cavaliers, with a sixteen to one record, are leading early fourth quarter ninety eight to ninety against the Raptors. Miami has beaten Dallas in overtime wins for Indiana, Boston, and the Clippers with James Harden won at Philadelphia won twenty five.
To ninety nine.
Yes, there was a lot of booing in this game, but he gets the w and twenty three points, and the Clippers have won five straight and Joellmbiid.
And Paul George were each out again.
With the.
College hoops in the Bahamas, Georgia beat number twenty two Saint John's Women's college basketball Number five UCLA defeated number one South Carolina seventy seven sixty two, ending a forty three game winning streak. South Carolina had also won thirty three straight on the road. And guys in women's golf today at the Tour Championship, a record setting first place check of four million dollars that's as much as Live Golf gives out. This was the biggest prize in the history of women's golf, a larger check than the winner shares in three of the four men's majors championships this year. So to congratulate the winner, it's Geno Thitikoul who takes it. Who was dominant over the weekend in the seventeenth and eighteenth holes. It came down to the eighteenth Today, the person who finished second gets a one million dollar runner up check. Difference on the final it's three million dollars. People Also, the winner had already clinched a million dollar bonus throughout the week based on how A players scored on a designated hole. So in the end, it's a five million dollar week for a twenty one year old golfer from Thailand.
Congratulations back to you oo for her.
That's a good week. Yeah, I'm into it, very very good, Steve. Thank you, Live tie rack dot com Studios. Mark willard E from Salaam Eagles on the Move, keep you up to date as we close in on halftime with the Rams leading this one seven to six. And can I do something in the business that we call forward promote? I think next hour at some point, I would love to explore the noise that you made when Steve mentioned the NBA stars sitting out. You made it. You made it, and I think that every NBA fan right now is making that noise. And I think that we should scream about the NBA for a couple of minutes because I think that that would be interesting. Okay, all right, we should do that. I'd like to scream about this though for a second and heading toward asking you the question whether or not injuries can ever be used as an excuse or reason by an NFL team for the way they're playing, because injuries happened to every team, and you've got plenty of good teams out there that are playing well and they've lost major players. The Chiefs, their receiving Corps, Aiden Hutchinson with the Lions, just to name a few. But I'd love to get to that. But I want to start it by saying, miss, I hate backup quarterback football. It is the worst thing to watch, and so Thanksgiving a portion of it. I want to encourage everybody this year on Thanksgiving around one thirty Pacific and around four thirty Eastern, I'd like to encourage all of you to do something that doesn't always happen on Thanksgiving, and that is speak to your family. That's the time to ask questions. That's when you want to sit down and ask the kids, how's school. If you're going to do a family picture, that's the time to do it. Pacific four thirty in the East because that's when Cooper Rush will play Tommy DeVito and I'm out. I'm out. And I know Cooper Rush actually had a decent game today at won A Football Games, So that that like, maybe that punches a little hole in my theory. But when you watch the forty nine Ers lose by twenty eight at Green Bay, when you watch the New York Giants not just lose thirty to seven, but be down twenty three to nothing at halftime. When you see stuff like this, just remember next August, don't worry about who your backup quarterback is, because whoever it is, ninety nine percent chance it's not good enough. If you lose your quarterback, you're dead. And I know Nick Foles and Brock Purdy, I know, I know the stories, but like.
That's so rare outliers.
I cannot stand watching backup quarterback football.
It just ruins the whole.
Thame, Yeah, because then it becomes, you know, second rate football. You got tremendous talent everywhere else, like my league neighbors who can't get the ball because you know, the quarterback is not a NFL quarterback, and so it's it's it's it's it's hard to watch, man.
I mean that that.
Number is still going to be a big number.
Listen, listen to these numbers. Okay, three, twelve, ten and ten. Okay, you can add that all up. That equals thirty five. That's how many points the Dolphins scored in four weeks while Tua was out Thirty five points in four games. How score today since he's come back twenty seven, twenty seven, twenty three, thirty four, thirty four.
Dad, Like, so.
That's where the fifty to sixty million comes in. Yes, that's why. That's why.
And you may not like it, but it's not your money.
So man, I don't know how his shoulder feels, and I don't really know or care exactly what brock perty is worth. But as you said earlier, he gonna get paid. And he's gonna get paid.
Yeah, he's gonna get paid.
It's look man, and and and Brandon Allen wasn't even that bad today, so bad in so many ways, but still still.
Yeah, you Brendan Ala did a yeoman's job. But you wanna, you really wanna, you know, you really want to have a starting quarterback at the Helm. It's very different. Like you can have flashes, right, you can get a Gardner Minshew in Jacksonville when Trevor Lawrence gets hurt, and he can have the mustache and people can love him. And you can get a Matt Flynn in Green Bay and he can have one game for the record books with seven NFL touchdowns and however many yards, Like you can get that, but can you get consistency, and can you get wins? Can you get leadership out of your quarterback? And it's hard enough to find a starting quarterback let alone. That's why, that's why quarterbacks who have started like Daniel Jones will be able to work for the next fifteen years.
Right, just from the experience alone, just.
From for the next fifteen years, Daniel Jones will be able to have a job and make good money. Sure two three four million dollars a year being a backup quarterback aks Gary Kubiek. Right, he did it for twelve years.
Right, And actually I've always said it south to me is a great thing.
It's the greatest job you.
Make. You make like in today's NFL, I don't know, five million, seven million dollars a year. No one's gonna hit you. You largely just stand there and help. And the fans think you're great.
The fans are always like, try that guy, No, I'm good. This hat that's great. And and and boy of all the people on Monday morning, all football team, who feels who wakes up feeling the.
Best back up quarterback?
They're like, man, I'm not too sore today, all right? That leads to the next question though, can you use injuries as an excuse when you underperform? Let's get to that coming up next with e from Salam.
Mark with it.
This is Fox Sports Radio.
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.
Radio, okay, live inthetie rack dot com studios. It is almost halftime. The Eagles right now up thirteen to seven and trying to see if they can get themselves into field goal range. But for the buzzer, it's it's not looking good. So it looks like it'll probably be a six point lead for the Eagles heading into the break. We'll keep you up to date. Mark Willy from Salams. So glad you're with us, all right, So what's the line for you? And obviously you know damn well. This question is inspired by the San Francisco forty nine ers who today played without the people that we've known. They're not playing with the Brandon Aiyuks, the Talanoa Hufongas of the world. I could go on Sharvarius Ward, who's dealing with just an awful family situation. Then you get the words starting on like Thursday Friday, that there'll be no Brock party, there'll be no Nick Bosa. We wake up too, there'll be no Trent Williams. And then you go on and watch a football game where I'm like, h the people who are there are just brutally missing tackles, the quarterbacks a backup. So I'm not really gonna hold him to a standard. He gonna start a football game in three years. But the interception he threw went right through Deebo Samuel's hands. I think they committed a penalty on special teams just about every time they kind of kick. They had twelve men on the field two plays in a row. So what does an observer of that high profile football team do when someone goes, well.
The injuries, Well you shake your head. Everybody get let everybody getting paid.
Effort is effort, no matter what your talent level is. Effort is effort. And so there are situations where you know, effort, lack of focus, it's just a downward Now you can go into it. You can limp into a game feeling sorry for yourself. And that's what I look, that's what I saw today from the forty nine ers.
Wow, that's a statement right there.
Yeah, well we don't have and we don't have and yeah we get it, we get it. But it wouldn't be the first time a team won a game missing key pieces and elements.
It wouldn't wouldn't be the first time that that or I mean two years ago that organization lost two quarterbacks. Yeah, actually they lost three if you want to count what happened to toy in the title game. They lost three and then that was that was finally the last draw.
You you gotta go out there and you gotta play in a must win game. You gotta find out. You got to find a way to win. They needed that game. It's overfam, you think, Yeah, I think it's overformed.
Now they are. Listen, I think you're probably right.
The schedule doesn't lend to whatever it is you're about to say it doesn't.
But I also know that this is the NFL, and weird stuff happens, and they're a game out of first place in their division.
Yeah, they got to win the games. Sure, sure, sure, sure, bout.
Right now. Adam Schefter says optimism that he will play next Sunday. Don't know, don't know, but he came close to playing today.
He didn't.
You're right, listen, I'm not sitting here telling you they can, But I when you're a game out of first place, it's hard to say your season's over.
No, they needed that win today, They needed it.
Is it within the rules that they beat Buffalo on Sunday Night Football during our show next week and are tied for the lead in the division? Is that within the rules?
Yes? Won't do it though probably not. They're not going to beat Buffalo.
Probably not. Probably not. Well, that's kind of what I'm getting at. Like that football team, and we've seen it from others before too, that football team is really really kind of stuck in terms of like the injuries that they've suffered, McCaffrey out the whole year, whatever, all of these things they are a chapter in their story. But the problem is is that there's so many other things happening on the football field that are so wrong and so disappointing. Plus prior to today, they're five and five, but they outplayed the opponent in three of their five losses and just coughed them up in the end. So how can you blame injuries. It's like you had the people who were there were good enough to win the game, you just didn't.
They've slip walked through the through the first whole season, half of the season, and they don't the injury. The injury bug is in the is not going to allow them to wake up. That's the problem. They've slept, walked through this, ready to hit the button and get serious, but the injury bug is not gonna allow that to happen. There's blood in the water, and every one of these teams that they're getting ready to play knows that there's blood in the water. And that's a problem.
Pretty significant. Pin in the balloon, man. It was this calendar year that they had a ten point lead in the second half of the Super Bowl, and right now they're.
A mess yep woof, it can go quick.
Life happens fast, brother, it goes quick. Life comes at you real real fast. All right, Mark we Ady from salam We will have that NBA conversation. But coming up next, the most annoying team I think I've ever seen in the NFL.
You're listening to sports, you.
Know, Steve de Seger literally just said it. Kansas City Chiefs win on the last play of the game. How many times is that this year? How many times? How many times have they won on the last play of the game? Beat the Chiefs field goal walk off right yep. Beat the Denver Broncos with a block field goal last play of the game. Beat Carolina Panthers today field goal last play of the game. Beat the Bucks in overtime thirty to twenty four, last play of the game. Everything still rings true. They have two double digit wins all year long, and the Kansas City Chiefs are ten and one. Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the most annoying football team I've ever watched in my entire life. I'll explain we're broadcasting live tirech dot com studios. Tyraq dot com will help you get there on that selection fast free shipping, free road has a protection over ten thousand recommended installers. Tirac dot com the way tire buying should be. Please understand that that comment is done with the utmost respect. They're good. They're very good. They're champions. They show it every week. They get everybody's best shot. Whatever's going on with the level of their competition. They find a way to win, and they deserve to be totally complimented for that. But they are this generation's new England Patriots. And I am a forty nine er fan therefore, we're sick of them. We're sick of the Kansas City Chiefs. And I would be much happier with my Sunday life if they would just go pummel someone, beat someone by twenty one the way we think you're gonna beat them, instead of flirting with us every week. My poor daughter has like built her whole life anti Chiefs. She's just annoyed what that she's done with the Chiefs. And they sit there every week and tease her Ephraim. They make her think they're gonna lose, then they don't lose. Very frustrating. It's very very frustrating to watch that team play FORBA.
But if you were against them, if you're a gambler, then you'd be making a mint yep, betting against them, against him, betting against him.
And it's been like that for about three years. Crazy man, yep, crazy, that's the one sure thing it gabbling.
Chiefs opponent plus the points yep.
They will not cover.
Actually, now that you say that, I just gave you to no, I like, I trust you. I just actually wonder what they're Their official stat line against the spread this year is four to six and one.
Mm hmm.
They have actually covered the spread. They covered against Baltimore in the opener. Uh, they covered against somehow they covered against the Falcons when they only won by five. Must have been about a four and a half point favor. Yeah, they covered with their thirteen point went over the Saints. They covered with their ten point went over the Niners. They were actually dogs going into that game. One, two, three, four, Five weeks in a row, the Chiefs have not covered the spread and they are four and one in those five weeks. Very very frustrating. That's it right there, man, Ryan, Ryan just hit us and said they are zero and four against the spread this year when they are favored by a touchdown or more.
There you go, Ryan knows Man, tell your daugh to perk up, start making some money.
What's she all right?
You know you gotta use it. You gotta use it to your advantage by doing what putting a little put a little little cheese on the side.
Teacher, how to lose her money that she doesn't know how to make in the first place. Whose money do you think she's betting? If she bet?
Hey? Man, yeah, teacher, now let her know now, yeah, get her started on those habits.
You're funny. You're funny. But anyway, I don't know how to head into the AFC playoffs this year because I already did it last year. I already stood I stood on a on a on a stack of truth. That growing looks real Yeah, it looks real good, looks real good. All right, Well, Eagles are up by two scores, so there's that ask one way to start off the second half. So I already did this last year. I stood on a stack of truth and I screamed, Oh the Chiefs. That's great, They're gonna win that division. That's fine. They're not going through the playoffs this year. That team is not going to the super Bowl this year. I said it over and over. I still don't know what the hell Baltimore was doing that day, but they did it. They did it. They went to Buffalo, and they went to Baltimore, and then they went to Vegas and they are champions again. And I don't know what to do with these AFC playoffs because I feel even stronger about what I'm feeling this year than I did last year. But I've learned my lesson and I think they're going to have home field advantage this time. Potentially, at least unless they end up playing Buffalo. Buffalo is the one that has a shot at them.
Yeah, this thing is looks like it's playing out like it's always played out. Best player, best quarterback in the game, arguably the best head coach in the game, arguably the best defensive coordinator in the game. It's hard to beat that, and the second or third best defensive lineman in the game. Yep, Like it's really hard. It's hard to combat that, Like Patrick Mahomes covers up for so much lack of weapons outside whatever it is. Running game not like it should be, but they've never really relied on the running game. When Patrico was healthy, they relied on those tough yards. But I mean, you got Patrick Mahomes. You don't ever feel like, as he's proven that you out of a game.
Ever. Well, I actually argue that this one might have been the most discouraging one of them all, because what have you and I have been saying, Oh, you're long. This team does it with defense, and they're not asking Patrick ma Homes to go out and throw for almost three hundred yards in three touchdown passes, But seemingly when they do ask him to do that, he's fine, and he does it, and he does it without any of his original receivers. Like the Kansas City Chiefs are literally the embodiment of whatever whatever would be is, like basically someone trolling the forty nine ers on social media. Yes, not only have they beaten them in both of the Super Bowls they went to, but here are the forty nine ers going, oh god, but the injuries and the Chiefs are like, well, so we lost our whole receiving corps and our running back.
Now I will say that.
And we're ten and one, and when our awesome defense lets Bryce Young carve them up, no problem. We have the answer to that too. Noah Gray was the leading receiver. Noah Noah Gray. Huh. I don't know. I don't know what anybody can do with this team.
Fall back and just watch greatness, man, That's what it is. Fall back and watch greatness. It's hard to beat the best quarterback in the game with the best coach in the game. That's just a tough, overhead, uphill battle. Man. It's just not a lot of people who can who can surpass that. Oh, you gotta remember the reps are on their side too.
I forgot.
I forgot for all those conspiracy, all.
The false starts that they're allowed.
There. It is h once quiet game, America's pastime has turned into ambitious, blatant, maniacal cheating. How can one team survive the backlash of paining referees?
That's pretty good, man, that's pretty good. Unscripted vo trailer for the movie that we're unfortunately.
Why we're watching it every weekend we're watching it.
I mean, do you actually feel the way it sounds like you do? Like if I make you put your chip in the circle of one AFC team, is that what you're doing? Yeah?
Why wouldn't? How how could you not? What have they shown to make you doubt it?
I think that one if someone were to answer that question to you today, they would say, we just watched them play the Buffalo Bills last week and they got they got out classed. Okay, but what Buffalo is gonna be It is probably gonna be one of the one of the teams there in the end as well.
Okay. How many times have they beaten Kansas City in the regular season?
A lot?
Ah, So, so when I asked you to go, it's.
The funniest thing you've ever done that this show.
Oh yes, So when I ask you, what have they shown you to doubt them, you can't use that because that's all that always happens.
Well, that's fair, it's fair.
They had them beat with thirteen seconds left in a football game. Yep, don't tell me any now, you nothing. So if you don't put that coin on him, good luck for you.
Yeah, I hear you.
Just going off the facts, man, just going off the facts.
It's fair. I totally get it with me from Salama. Mark Willard will follow along as the Rams are trying to try to battle back trailing the Philadelphia Eagles in this football game. We'll keep you up to date there. Steve de Sega will be along in about fifteen minutes. But coming up next, I want to explore a noise that Ephram made about forty five minutes ago. Steve de Sega referenced NBA Stars missing games and there was an audible ugh. And we would like to discuss it because it seems to me that there is evidence everywhere that people all around this nation have had it up to here with the National Basketball Association. So let's discuss next on Fox Sports Radio.
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Live okay live ty rak dot com studios, and also shortly after the show the podcast goes up. If you missed any of today's show, you got to check out the podcast. Just search Fox Sports Radio wherever you get your podcast. Be sure to follow, rate and review again. All you have to do is search Fox Sports Radio wherever you get your podcasts. You see the show posted right after we get off the air. It's Mark Worthy from Salam Week twelve, National Football League. Much more to get to on that, including by the way, I don't know what stop set, depending on what station you're listening on or smart speaker or an app or whatever. Everybody hears different things during the breaks. But we were just listening to Daniel Jones press conference where he essentially apologized to everybody for his play. That was one of the weirder press conferences I've ever heard. Yeah, dude, you don't need to do that.
He doesn't know.
Man, Why are you like I take full accountability? You didn't commit a crime at all.
You're not you didn't sign yourself to the contract.
No, somebody offered you a crap ton of money. You did the only thing a human being is supposed to do. Grab a pen, go out there, do your best. They did not put anything around you. They took Saquon Barkley from you. You're not that great, but like that's not a crime. There are a lot of quarterbacks in the ED I have a remote control that aren't that great.
And you maybe not as bad as an art show told me something once. He said, You're never as good as you think you are, and you never as bad as they say you are.
I love that.
I love that right, Like that'll keep you in the perspective of reality. Don't double down on the highs and don't buy into the lows.
You have another quarterback in the same stadium who's playing worse and then goes to press conferences afterward to be like, nah, everything around me is bad. Let's fire the coach and the general manager. I don't even like the owner.
The Jets would be a better team with Daniel Jones.
Go get me my favorite receiver, run along. I mean, are you kidding me? If anybody needs to apologize, it's the other New York quarterback. People are losing jobs right and left, and the next morning the story comes out. I'd still luck to play somewhere next year.
But not here.
Oh my god, we just fired everyone for you and acquired your handpicked receiver. Now you want to I'm sorry, what leave? Oh man? You want to talk about quarterbacks offending people? You all got the wrong New York quarterback. My word, he didn't have anything to apologize.
I don't think so, I really don't. I really don't.
And that's all I have to say about that. How do you feel about the NBA right now? Bud?
You know what I I You know, I'm an NBA guy.
Loved love it. You love it people. People need to know this. You absolutely love it.
I do too, locked in, you know what I mean. I'm a basketball player by nature who just happened to be really good at football. So that's just what it is.
And so.
I can't, for the life of me wrap my head around fifty million dollars a year players not being ready for the beginning of the season, especially in a year of the Olympics. So that would be like Lebron and ad not playing, not being ready at the beginning of the year because they played in the Olympics and whatever happened, you know, so that whole Joel embiid thing. I'm like, brother, I can't do it, man, I can't do it when your own team calls you out and they were more mad at how it leaked than what was being said. Yep, would further let me know everything I needed to know about what's going on over there.
I love that point. I love that point.
You mean to tell me you guys are upset because someone told on you.
Shades of the Golden State Warriors when Draymond Green punched Jordan Poole. Yes, their and their biggest concern was how they hell did that video get out? And guess what, they almost never want a road game the whole day.
They did not rebound for.
Me because they hated each other. And I'll never listen to anyone tell me different.
Yeah, it's it. It's it's cancerous. This is the this is last year's league MVP, the leader of your team, and he can't lead. Like I tell my kids all the time that I uh coach. No one leads from the back. No one is going to follow you if you're behind everyone. That's just a fact. If you consider yourself a leader and want to be a leader, it doesn't matter how many points you can score. It doesn't matter how much money you make. It's actions, it's your effort, it's were running sprints. If your last you're not a leader. No one's going to follow the guy behind them. If you do, then you're ridiculous. Yep, right, Like I wouldn't follow a guy if we're if we're climbing a mountain and the guide can't keep up with us, Oh we got I'm coming down, man, we gotta get somebody else. Were about to die. This dude about to if I'm jumping out of a plane, you know, with a parachute and all of that. And the guy that's supposed to be instructing us keeps asking me what this cord is for.
We gotta land up.
We gotta go back. We gotta go back to the We gotta go back man. We Hey, man, hey, I want to go. I want to get down. I wanna climb down. Let me take me on down land this thing. So I I this whole notion of I come from an era where leaders led, They played all the games, they worked the hardest, They sacrifice the more, the most. That's that's the leader to me. That's a leader to me. And so I can't subscribe to the James Harden way of leading, the jowl and B way of leading, the uh Kawhi Paul George way of leading. I can't buy into. I cannot tap into that. Tremendously talented individuals. Look at someone who has less physical prowess than everyone I just named, and he is beyond the leader. And that's NICOLEA Yokichen.
He has the highest basketball IQ in the NBA. And that's why he averages a double dubt. I'm in a triple double mm hmm.
Like he.
The flow of the game runs through him. He is, without a doubt the leader. And it's not even a situation where you know he he there's nothing extra, it's no, it's no extra in that you gonna get it all. It's so much in the original serving. You don't need extra, like thirty after the hour when we're on right, no matter what we're talking about. This little extra drop that we give you, Hey man, that's MVP, and that's one Steven E the saca.
Hey running back might be getting some MVP votes.
This year, Shaid Lord, this man is out of control.
Eagles has scored again. They're up twenty seven to fourteen at the Rams.
Third quarter.
Quick note on the Chiefs. You started this hour talking about all the close wins this year. In fact, Kansas City is the first team in NFL history to have eight wins their first eleven games of the season buy seven points or less eight times already they have won by seven points or less, including today on the field goal last play to win at Carolina thirty two twenty seven. So that's a ten to one record for the Chiefs. Now, the Philadelphia Eagles on the first play from scrimmage in the second half at LA tonight got a Saquon Barkley seventy yard touchdown run. He's now at sixteen carries, one hundred and fifty two yards. We still have about six minutes left third quarter. It's twenty seven to fourteen Eagles over the Rams. As the Eagles go for a seventh straight win. Can I mention that Saquon Barkley's at about thirteen hundred yards rushing this year already. This is only game number eleven for the team. This is the first time in a decade. Somebody's had this many yards rushing at this point of the season since DeMarco Murray Cowboys in twenty fourteen. But that long TD run to start the second half, he reached a top speed according to next Gen Stats of over twenty one miles an hour.
On the play, man's getting on the freeway. He's merging onto the freeway.
That is the fifth play he's had this season, reaching at least twenty one miles an hour as a ball carrier, most in the NA this year.
And the actual play it was a run up the middle.
If you look at the replay, literally nine Rams are in the area. Statistically that had an expected gain of four yards. He went seventy to the house. Philadelphia leads twenty seven to fourteen against the Rams, who might be falling to five and six on the season. Green Bay over San Francisco Niners are now five and six thirty eight ten the final Josh Jacob's three touchdown runs one yard each. He finished with one hundred and six yards rushing. The backup quarterback who had to start for San Francisco today, Brandon Allen one touchdown, one interception, one fumble, twelve drives for the offense only eleven first downs. In fact, this great stat from AP in the Bay Area. Since Kyle Shanahan has been forty nine Ers coach, what's the record when he has the regular quarterback brock Perty or Jimmy Garoppolo starting, And what's the record for the Niners when any body Ell starts. The answer is, when the regular guy starts, it's an almost seven hundred winning percentage sixty and twenty six game started by any other QB nine and thirty one and the hard backups absolutely, And you couldn't be more right talking earlier in the show about how much we all hate watching backup quarterbacks play NFL football every time, and everybody needs to do this, by the way, everybody, if you're a football fan of the NFL, anytime you hear somebody complain about the rules that protect the quarterbacks, all you have to say, I've seen games when the backups play and it's not entertaining. This is an entertainment product. Today's game at Green Bay was not entertaining. And by the way, that great graphic funding put up that San Francisco had fifteen miss tackles in the first half, which was the most for anybody this year. So the five and six record for the Niners. Guess who's on Sunday Night Football next weekend. During the show, San Francisco at Buffalo. Will brock Purty be back from the sore shoulder. San Francisco still has to play Detroit's in a Monday night game. Toward the end of the year. They're going to be hosting the Rams, by the way, in a Thursday night game mid December. This season is not over, and I don't think anybody wants to win that division anyway. Seattle be to Arizona sixteen to six. The final each team six and five. Denver handed Vegas a seventh straight loss twenty nine to nineteen. Tomorrow night, it's Baltimore at the Chargers. College hoops Kennesau State upset number twenty four Rutgers seventy nine seventy seven.
Who is this you ask?
In the state of Georgia. This was Kennesaw State's first ever home game against a ranked opponent in the history of the program, and they held on to win. Women's college hoops Number five Ucla beat number one South Carolina seventy seven sixty two. It's UCLA women's first ever victory against a number one in hoops had been twenty Back to you, money man.
Perfection, absolute perfection, And yeah, a good rant on backup quarterbacks. I mean they try to promote them when they come in. Remember for a minute when the Dolphins were playing Skylar Thompson or whatever his name is, and they're like, Okay, that didn't work. But now we've got Snoop Huntley. Way do you see this? And Tyreek Hill and Jalen Wallle nobody knows this. They actually went to Europe for a month and didn't even play on the Dolphins, and nobody even knew because they were absolutely rendered useless during that entire time. And they and toa comes back and they look like they look like a team that could make a push for a playoff spot.
So he's not worth that money?
Well, when you go from watchable to not watchable, yes he is. He's actually underpaid. I would argue the amount of money that comes in on an NFL game and an NFL weekend. You tell me that two is not underpaid.
Definitely, I mean right, yeah, it's boy. I hope Brock is okay man, because those games will be rendered unwatchable complete.
Yeah, yeah, because Steve. Steve's right, everybody's going to be either five and six or six and five in the NFC West, and it's the NFL stuff. Weird stuff happens every week. The Cowboys won a football game today on the road against the team of the winning record. You know, So all right, Uh, before we move on from the NBA, I just wanted to get this with regard to, you know, teams kind of just sleep walking through all this. They're doing this NBA Cup thing.
Oh I love it.
I know, I know you love it, but I will still argue that not enough is being offered there for the fan. If you're excited by the fact that the eighth guy in the bench might make a half million dollars, great, be excited. I'm not here to take your excitement. I get you, But do something for us. Make it matter in the standings. That's all I ask. Get, That's all I ask. And while we're making things matter in the standings, if you really want to add intrigue to all of this, as people just weave their way to being a top ten seed with thirty five wins at the end of the year, I think there's a really easy way to create a wild card vibe that would actually create urgency for the regular season. If you don't have a winning record, you don't get to go to the playoffs.
I love that. You'll have to eat the East will be eliminated.
There are four teams in the East with a winning record right now. So my proposal would be this, because they're not going to give up playoff games. So my proposal would be this, if you are a top ten seed in the East, but you don't have a winning record, you can be jumped by a Western Conference team with a winning record.
Then the whole playoffs will.
Be absolutely you know what, you have plenty of money for long plane flights. Let's play you get jumped by a team with a winning record, and you only get in once all of the teams with a winning record are in the playoffs.
Okay, so now it's now you do away with conferences, right, and now it's just a a tournament.
Well, because I'm keeping the conferences.
But you can't.
You can, yes, you can. Basically, if you're in the West and you don't make it, but you have a winning record, you get to hop over and displace the team.
Yeah, but you can't. You can't You can't represent the East in the conference champions because that's now that's wonky. Now to your point, No, to your point, you just make it like a real tournament type situation. Right. You got to remember these are best of you know, seven games, So you eliminate conference championships and then it just falls on the NBA Championship.
You could do that too, but I think that this is entertainment and and and it'd be a hell of a lot more fun. If the Atlanta Hawks are sitting here at seven and ten, they're like, oh, we're the seventh seed. How about that, Spurs just jumped you.
How about this? If you have a record under five hundred in the playoffs, all right, going leading up to the playoffs, you start at a old one deficit in the in the.
In the.
In the plays in the playoffs or something like that.
I mean, I'm open to all of this. Or how about you play all your games on the road.
Oh you don't get any if you're that's even better, Yeah, if you I know.
The problem with that is now, if you're the one, two, or three seed in the East, you're automatically getting like the series is being given to you. And in the Western Conference, which is harder to achieve the one, two or three seed. You don't get that at No. That's why I'm saying, man, if you don't get a winning record, get out of here. I just go. You're out. You didn't qualify. It's like a bowl game. You don't have a five hundred record, you're not invited here. I agree, Yeah, all right, now we can go back to the football here at the end in the tyrack dot Com studios, Mark Witherardy from Salam Fox Sports Radio.
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.
All right, Eagles up two scores and the Rams just missed a field goal. So the Eagles up thirteen, and now they've got the ball. Tyrack dot Com Studios playing and span your standing by Mark Witherty from Salaam Harbowl tomorrow night. Who's the better coach, Jim or job?
John? Why he didn't get it to have a break.
He didn't get to have a break.
Yeah, he didn't get to have a break. He had to stay and he didn't leave and go weather the storm in college and then come back.
M hm. I agree with you, and I think there's a reason for that, because that wasn't just like, I don't think Jim set out for a break.
Yeah, I'm just metaphorically saying.
Sure, sure, sure, But there's a reason. There's a reason that Jim always hops.
Yes, he wears people out.
He wears people out. And let me tell you something. For people who are listening who don't know what that means, I like, there are friends of mine in the forty nine ers organization who still aren't over it.
Damn those Khakis, I mean.
And when I say they're not over it, you might be like, they're not over what? And I just mean it that. I just mean being around Jim. Being around Jim left such an impression on them that if you bring up his name, the energy in the room just tightens up right away. They're still sitting there, going that freaking guy. So he wins football games, damn it, Jim, I don't have any more patience. You know, he wins football games. He obviously knows what he's doing, but he has not been able to do it in a sustainable way in one spot and John has. And I think that's the X factor in that conversation.
That makes sense. But you know, I love the they're both terrific coaches. Yeah, and I love Jim coming back to the NFL, so we can have these matchups absolutely.
You know, the last time they coached against one another was in the Super how about that phenomenal game. Phenomenal football game. And so I would expect an unbelievable matching of the wits again tomorrow night. Who do you like in this one?
By the way, I like uh. I like Baltimore because they have to.
They aren't a little bit more of a position, that's true.
So I think the urgency on that side, I will lend lend to them, you know, doing what they need to do. I'll tell you what though, Charge is playing well though?
What's that now?
Charge is playing well?
Yeah? And I know which team has the better defense? Yes, and there are not many Ravens games where I say that about the other team. But that that that, that's a fact. Now. And if you're at home and you have the better defense, by the way, and you're getting points, I don't know, I think I could make an argument that that's a pretty good bet tomorrow. That's a pretty good argument.
Pretty good, pretty good, pretty good.
Pretty good. I would argue the Chargers would be favored in this game if it hadn't been for the fourth quarter against the Bengals last week. Yes, because they were stuffing that offense and then all of a sudden, Joe Burrow and Jamar Chase caught their rhythm and the next thing, you know, a twenty one point lead gone. And I think that that leads into the way people are assessing this game tomorrow night.
It's gonna be fun. I know that then, like a good old family rivalry.
No doubt, no doubt, good opportunity for Herbert and obviously the MVP candidacy, if Lamar Jackson can grow or shrink or what have you with a standalone audience tomorrow night. So very very much looking forward to that. Hey, happy Thanksgiving, man, Yeah, what are your plans? Are you hosting or driving?
I think we're driving, but I think we're doing a friends Giving this year.
Okay, okay, By the way, that was the most man answer I've ever heard in my life. Like what are you doing for Thanksgiving? You're like, I don't know.
I just show up, man, Happy Thanksgiving.
Every if I can spend your next Happy Thanksgiving, I