Monse Bolanos and Kerry Rhodes talk about Rick Pitino’s postgame comments and why it’s odd to question his coaching, the massive extensions handed out to Ja’Marr Chase and Tee Higgins and if the Bengals can still build a competitive roster, the crew gives out their Master’s menus, the coaching carousel starts spinning in college basketball, FSR NBA Insider Mark Medina stops by, trying to determine when the Aaron Rodgers decision will finally come, and more!
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Hello, everybody, Happy Sunday. Thank you for joining us.
We're excited to get going because there is a lot to discuss, my friend, so much going on, but it's all good stuff that we're going to get into, and we are broadcasting live from the tyrek dot com studios. Tyrek dot com will help you get there an unmatched selection, fast free shipping, free road hazard protection, and over ten thousand recommended installers. Tyrek dot com the way tire buying should be. Carrie and I are going to be You're hanging out with you for the next three hours. And we've obviously got a lot of college troops that we're.
Going to get into. Yeah, that's right, Thank you, Chris.
We've got a little NBA on the dock. We've got a little NFL on the dock.
We've got easy as one, two, three, four, carry on all of it. We are ready to get going. So let's start with what I want to talk about the most.
Obviously, Rick Patino, Saint John's that Arkansas game.
I texted you, yes you did.
That was a bad game, or I said that was not a great game. That was not a great game in so many different ways.
Yeah, I mean, that's Saint.
John's m wall year. Though they played right, play ugly. Brand of basketball is tough. They rebound the ball, they get out in transition and score first. Halves are slow for them usually, which was the same m yesterday. And they fall back cutit the two down and late in the second half, but just didn't have enough offense to win that game. And you gotta give Cali Perry a lot of credit with that Arkansas team.
Absolutely absolutely.
We know, like you said, Saint John's EMO, they may not shoot the ball, well, we already expected that.
I don't know if they were expecting to shoot the ball so badly in this game. Not that Arkansas was shooting any much better. I mean, from the three, didn't they go for like four for forty one combined?
Yes, it was.
It was ugly.
It was ugly and not yet nobody was surprised, I guess about that. But the second half, the officiating, I was just so over it. I was like, can we just play this game? I felt like in the first half they let them great, they were physical, and then we get to the second half and I was like, why are we just blowing the whistle all of a sudden, can we have this game actually just play, let the players decide this.
Out come, not you guys. Yea. And they hated that just because of the first half was not like that.
It was very physical, and I think that was the part of I mean that first half everybody could have filed out, that's how physical it was.
And they.
Did retched it down a little bit and tried to control the game a little bit because it was getting super physical, so they had to do.
A little bit of it.
But yeah, you never want the referees to the outcome.
They went too hard into it, and maybe you're right that that's probably what they were trying to control.
But at that point it was like.
You know what if they all fell out, they all fell out, Like I feel like that's what they thought. But it was at one point I was like, nobody wants to win this game. Arkansas doesn't want to win this game. Down at the end, they were missing free throws, they had a weird possessions.
And then I was like, but you know who really doesn't want to win this game? It seems like Saint.
John's Yeah, like yeah, when your star player r J. Lewis is three for seventeen. You're not going to win the game. So let's just we can say all the stuff. It was very physical. I think it could have gone a lot of ways as the game unfolded. But if your star players three for seventeen and he's continuing to shoot the ball at that rate, you're probably not gonna win.
But it wasn't even just his shooting carrier. Yeah, he did not seem like he was into it. There was a point in the second half with where remember one of his teammates, the guy I think he's the center, grabbed.
Him and kind of like shook him.
That's fo Yeah, yeah, thank you, thank you, yes, such and shook him like, get your head into this game.
We can't win without you.
And the crazy thing, I'm sorry. The thing about Patino and the way that he coaches. You know, I know him, well, he doesn't, he doesn't know. I'm saying just just because of you, because I know you love me. I love him, yes, But the way that he coaches is he's not worried about your your misshots. And I know that if you play hard and you're into the game and your emotions in the game, he's fine with you missing shots. If you continue to play hard and what you're saying is accurate. Like r J Lewis looked like something was.
Yeah, like he didn't want to be there, like he didn't want to play.
And the big story was in the final five minutes he was not in the game, when the game was not out of hand, the game they could have still won.
And we do have sound on that. Yes, Chris set that up for us. Please.
You had RJ on the bench, you know, for a pretty long stretch at the end. Was that just because he just wasn't making him or was there something more to it?
I played thirty minutes. It's a long time, so he was tired. No, played thirty minutes, and I went with other people. You already know the answers, Roger, you're asking leading questions. You already know it, So don't ask leading questions. You already know why he didn't play.
Was there one play with ARJ that made you sit him the last five minutes?
You know he was three for seventeen. You know he was oh for three, So you're answering your own I'm not going to knock one of my players.
That's my coach, that's my coach.
I exactly. So many people criticized Rick Petino on social media for how he hammed all those questions, and some people said, you ride and die with your best player, Ryan and die with your best player.
But I don't know.
I mean, listen, I would like to think that if I was a coach, I would ride and die with my best player, But.
In reality, I've never coached.
I've never coached to that level, let alone have the experience that Rick Patino has.
So maybe, guys, just maybe he knew what he was doing.
Yeah, and he's coaching to win. He's not coaching for you to be appeased at his decisions, right, Like in that moment, he wasn't producing at the level that he usually does, and he was actually hurting their team. He was he was taking bad shots.
Bad shots.
It's not about being aggressive, it's about taking high quality aggressive shots. Those shots weren't even competitive shots. He was just throwing the ball up at the rim, trying to hope they go win.
Hoping for something a foul.
Maybe there was an airball right that he in the like second in the second half before he was benched, and like he benched him earlier too, he just put him back out there. Yeah, but it just again, it wasn't just the bad shooting. You had your teammates that looked like they were fighting tooth and nail in every possession. But then you have your star player who is having a bad game but seems to be mentally having a bad game, not just shooting wise, because like you said, you can bring other things to the table even if you're having a bad shot, if you're out there hustling and your teammates feel like you're trying.
But when you have the teammate what's his name, Edge of four, thank you?
When you have him shake you like a child, like knock it off, get in here.
That says so much.
And I I obviously, yes, I love Rick Patino, but I feel like the the criticism that he has received as to how he has handled those questions really unfair. And I would want my coach to say, it's like, you know, the answers, guys, he was having a bad game. Yeah, like you want me to You want me to trash my player even more when you already know, did you guys?
Watch Yes, And that's what they're obviously they're reaching for. That that one comment that get buried young kid, and Rick is season. He's done this for a long time, and you know, to what what is he going to accomplish in that moment by saying the answer that you want.
By saying anything that you want trendy, that you want the video to go viral because he said this, like that's what you're looking for, and you're like perfectly said, carry, what is I gonna do? They already lost a game. It's not like they're gonna have another game and come back and it's over. It's over, So why why make him do that? And I get the questions the reporters have to ask, absolutely, but there wasn't more to it aside from what we all saw, which he was just having a bad game beyond the bad shooting.
That's it, and that's it. Like, I mean, I had to put you on the spot.
Did you ever have a game like that, like where you were mentally out of it for some reason?
I mean there's a lot of reasons. I mean, my first game as a starter as a rookie, we're playing in Kansas. Oh my god, you asked the question.
I got it.
I'm starting as a rookie against the vaunted Kansas City Chiefs at that time, they're really good offensively. That's the Trent Green Priest Holmes, Larry Johnson, Dante Hall. It was crazy. The whole their whole starting offensive line were Pro bowlers. It was crazy. And so you're in there, Chief Chiefs, Kingdom is going crazy. It's loud. I played really well in the preseason thinking it's going to be easy.
Sure this, I did this, I could do it again.
I was in Game one just running around like like a chicken with my head cut off. And it's just because in some of those moments when it's highly contested and you're in a new environment. Saint John's was in a new environment. I mean, the tournament's a big deal. It's different, and so you're placed in that you can have all the success you want, but nobody knows how a team or individ is going to handle those moments. And that's what it was to me. It was just like the lights were a little bright. I mean, you know, I wasn't terrible, but I didn't play up to my standards at all. And it was to the point where after the game I actually asked some my coach. I was like, am I still starting next week? Like it was literally bad like like that because you feel that intensity and so I did not play well, and so yes, there are moments when that happened. And so for that kid, it happened in.
The worst time, worst time, the worst time, and it's it's kind of just like, is there anything As we've talked about last week with Rick Patino, that like he knows how to speak to the team and light a fire up your ass when you're not you're not hustling and playing. But it seems like there was nothing that could have been said. I'm sure I can only imagine his.
Speech at halftime, right.
It was crazy, you.
Know, I wish I would have been there, fly on the wall, right, and there was nothing.
He just seems so out of it, sitting on the sideline, not a reaction when the game was close. So it was like the whole time, I just was like, no, this this dude is having a mental uh you know, a mental episode episode.
Yeah, you know, like just could not shake it. You can see his face, You could see it in his face.
It was blank, it was emotionless, nothing was there. It was like a deer in headlights.
And I wonder, you know, there was a lot of not a lot of attension on this game, right, and not not because of the players, but because of the coaches.
And so it's like, I wonder if these players.
Felt the extra pressure when the pressure was more on the coaches, on Caliperi and.
On Patino, you know, rivalries.
It's like, yeah, we like each other, but we don't like each other, Like we respect each other, but we don't. We're not friends here, you guys, which is the way it should be, By the way, that's how we want to hear it. If you guys are friends and they have, you know, a glass of wine, I don't want to know. I'd rather pretend that you guys hate each other because that just makes the story better.
I know, they're like, we're Italian, and we're Italian, then we wear suits. That's it.
That's it, that's it, that's it.
So I feel like these poor guys, especially like Lewis, Yeah, that he just probably was came in very nervous and just never never was able to shake it off.
I mean you get put in situations where you say, like the intensity, I guess, the the information that was given, you know, given to us. What's more about Cali Perry and yes, and Patina right, but as a player, the relationship they have with Patino, you can tell what's a strong one. So I'm sure they wanted to win for him, for him, and so that extra in the extra things.
Yeah, you And it's like I'm disappointing, you know, like this is for you, Like you just said, they probably were playing more for him than they were playing for themselves.
And it must be it must be so hard. I feel bad for him. Hopefully he can just shake it off.
And it's like, you know, the season is over, there's nothing we can do about it. But now let's give credit to Arkansas and Cali Perry, right, like, there you go. That's because that is one side of it. But the other side is good for them. They found a way to win. They found they executed in the moments when it mattered the most at the end, even though the second half was ugly in all.
Different ways, they found a way to do it when it mattered in the final what two minutes.
Yeah, No, they played well enough. I mean they got up by double digits in that second half. Obviously Saint John's was going to make a run. I mean, they weren't quit and then that's what happened. I think Arkansas. The other thing that people aren't talking about with Arkansas, they're missing their leading score, right, so they're in. They've made the Sweet sixteen minus their start on their star player, right, and so they have a lot left in the tank as well. And so you talk about color Party and the job he's done going to Arkansas in year one bringing in transfers, and you know, the whole thing with that story, it's just it's been remarkable, man. And I they're not a great shooting team. They remind me of Saint John's of the SEC, and so I just think the better Saint John's won that game.
Yeah, where do you have Arkansas now?
Like they're not in my bracket? I had a Saint John's winning.
Oh, I had Saint John's way, So you know that bracket.
No, So now they take on third seed Texas Tech.
Yeah, they can win that game.
They can win that, right, they can win that game.
Texas Tech hasn't done anything where I'm like, oh, they're going to dominate.
Tennis Tech can. They are really good. They got topping they got Toping's younger brothers.
Who played really younger brothers yeah, yes.
And so they have they have players. Arkansas is just like a wildcard. Though they remind me of like they remind me of Houston in the past, Like Houston was great defensively athletic, but just couldn't score enough. And that would be the only reason that Arkansas will lose. They they don't have enough scoring. But if the leading scorer comes back in scores, maybe they make a deep run.
But also if you play a team who's just not shooting well, which is these are all one off games.
That's what it is. Yeah, and that's why you know it's been I don't. I know you love.
These college hoops games, but like, there haven't there hasn't been a Cinderella story.
There hasn't been major upsets.
It's been kind of just the teams a few like surprises with McNeese and Clemson.
But that hurt me.
That one hurt me too, man Like Robot, I also had high point beating Purdue.
I think I did too. And you know why though, an another thing with this you gotta stick to your gun. Sometimes. I didn't think they were gonna be no Purdue in theory, but they were coming in hot. The story was great, around, and I'm like, I'm gonna take high Point.
How didn't lost since February or so exactly?
Yes, beautiful campus, Like, oh, everybody's gonna come to this campus now. No, they're not. Purdue beat the breaks off.
Yes, No, is just a well oiled machine.
And even though they're not flashy because they didn't do much, it's just high Point could not stop the pick and roll.
They couldn't stop the big man.
It was very what Purdue did was very simple to win, very fundamental basketball, nothing crazy.
And you made a great point. I think that's the other part of this tournament, like the intensity, the emotions are so high.
M hmm.
The team that can come in with that workmanlike attitude and just like we're gonna we're gonna stick to our game plan, we're gonna do things that we're really good at and be under control. Those are the teams that are gonna win.
Yeah, And I feel like you're right, that's exactly what we have been seeing.
I'm sad, Rick Patino.
I know I'm just sad, but you know, give it up to Arkansas and Caliperry. Uh. I'm excited to see what they do because even though We've just talked about that. There hasn't been anybody that's riding a high. Nobody has done that. Really, this is what we thought High Point was gonna do that. Arkansas might be on a high right now, Like I feel.
Like beating Saint John's.
Now they're like, oh we beat them with so much attention on it.
Ye, watch what we do next.
And the good point about what you're saying, yes they could. I actually liked that this was the game that got them to the Sweet sixteen because if it was a game before, it could be a letdown.
Now they have a week to actually regroup, momentum, move on to the next week.
Yeah, yeah, they have momentum.
Yes, Uh, there's definitely a team in the NFL that has momentums. Oh maybe when you sign two of your best receive your best receiver and another one, all of a sudden, you feel a little bit comfortable.
And that's what we're going to get into next. Don't go anywhere.
I'm Monci, that's Carrie, and you're listening to Fox Sports Sunday.
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports radio dot Com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to listen live.
I really like this song.
This used to be on like Monday night football, bouncing out after like an injury or something all the time.
It's so good. I just want to rock out now. Hi, everybody, Fox Sports Sunday.
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So good luck to you listeners. I hope you win that, all right. So a story that happened not too long ago.
Cincinnati Bengals, a team that has a reputation of being.
Cheap, cheap, cheap gates.
Cheap gates, Yeah, decided we don't want to be cheap right now.
Yeah, we want to pay.
We're going to break the bank.
We're going to break the bank. We're going to pay.
Our top receivers a lot of the in it all Jamar Chase one hundred and sixty one million over four years, Ta Higgins one hundred and fifteen million, something that many people did not expect, especially both of them, right, It was like, you can't, you're assigned both. But again, they have a reputation of being cheap, so I feel like that was a big reason as to why. Obviously, you know, the question with the Bengals this past season was never their offense.
It was their defense. Yes, who could not stop anyone?
They still exactly exactly they can't. But Carrie, I just looked at I was like, I'm pretty sure out of their eight losses last year, seven of them came within one score. They were there, despite the defense doing nothing for them.
They were there.
The only one that was more than one one score game was against the Eagles that they lost.
I was the only one.
The rest all within six, seven points, three points, whatever. Doing this extension, I feel like makes sense. But no, you don't think it makes sense, Okay, tell me.
I mean, it's just we just saw the formula that they had last year. We're gonna score a lot of points and the defense can't stop a nose bleed. So we're gonna be close, we're gonna be exciting, but we're not going to be a team that can make a deep run. And they're still that team right now. And so yes, I'm happy to be logical. I'm happy those guys. I'm happy those guys got paid. That's not what's not what it's about. Yeah, as a GM, as an owner of a team, as a head coach, your plan has to be what's going to make our team the best team. This doesn't make their team the best team. This makes their offense a really good offense, an excellent offense. But we already saw that. Yeah, so if that formula didn't work last year. What are we going to do to improve that? That's not dumping all the money that we have. We're already cash poor as an organization. We're going to dump all our money into two players, three players.
Three players. Yeah, obviously still getting.
You're not You're not going to win that way, but you're going to be exciting and we'll watch your games because I'll be one wanting to know how many yards you throw for.
So if you're and I hear what you're saying, you're being very logical from the GM perspective of it. But if you're if you're a fan, if you're a fan of the Bengals and they have not done anything to show you that they want to keep star players, isn't this the first sign to showing the fans like, hey, we do want to build something.
Well, they could have kept two star players and a star player on the defensive as well.
Trade I.
Hear what you're saying, and you're right, like we're trying to show our fans that we will go out and keep our homegrown talent exactly, But are you going to be the team that's going to be the homegrown team that gets it done and wins it all. Not with this current construction of.
Theirs, but if they did again one score games in seven of their eight losses.
A little bit of tweaky, little, a little bit. I don't know. I don't know the answers.
If I knew, I would be a GM or a coach or something an answer, what would you do?
I feel like.
This is just again, this is a franchise that does not have a great reputation. We've seen Joe Burrow get sacked a thousand times in a season and he gets back up. Like they just have such a bad reputation that I feel like this is them being like, hey, we're gonna we're gonna change things around. Yes, we didn't win last year, and it was obviously because of the defense, So you're wondering, why are we focusing on offense? But it's like we're trying to baby steps, and I feel like they look at it like there were there were games the Ravens game they lost by three, they were one field goal, one extra two minutes away, Yes, you know, And I feel like that's that's what I would kind of be holding on too, And maybe that's the problem that they're expecting to score the same and that's gonna be really hard.
And you know what's gonna happen. You're gonna you're gonna go into the season with the expectations that you're the best offense in the league.
And they really are and maybe they might be, and.
Maybe so, but you're gonna be pressing to score every time you get the ball. And when you press the score every time you get the ball, you make mistakes. And so to see them come into the year banking on outscoring people, it's gonna put so much unwanted, unwarranted, unwarranted, I guess, pressure on them to be perfect on that side of the ball, and that's not that's not a safe, safe place to be in.
On the other side, you know, Chas and Higgins both wanted to get paid. So doesn't this actually bring them a bit of relief going into the season.
Now they don't have to don't have to worry about it. All they can do is play, go out and show off.
Sure, so I'm crazy to think that that they're going to be as successful of an offense is what.
You're not No, you're not crazy. I mean I think that's it's a logical. That's a logical thing as well. You brought back your star two star receiver and your star quarterback and they put up astronomical numbers last year, and so why wouldn't they do it again? Each year is its own year, though it is, and so that's the that's the difference. Right Like now you're coming into it with everybody feeling relaxed and calm that we've all gotten paid.
There's no animosity, there's no hold out, that's none of that stuff that comes into the energy of what the Bengals are trying to bring to the season. But under their head coach, I was name, I can't think his name at.
The moment, Zach Taylor.
Thank you under Zach Taylor right now, in the years that he's been there, they've been a historically slow starting team anyway, So it doesn't matter about the people they're bringing back. Those guys have already been there. They going to do to switch their mentality as a team to be able to win games offensively. Already know what's gonna happen. They're really good. They have to find a way to get stops, and if they can't do that, it does I'm just telling you, it does not matter.
They're just gonna win all the games forty three to thirty eight, Like they're gonna score and then Joe Burrow is gonna get last touchout. I feel like our producer Bo Benson has thoughts on this for sure.
Yeah, I mean I kind of also just generally, like Cary, I think we talked about this a couple of weeks ago when like Dan was doing show when this news came out, Like I it feels like they wanted to replace t Higgins so they didn't have to pay him because they they've been looking for that number two I receiver like Jermaine Burton who didn't work out. So it does kind of feel like they're now stuck in this loop because they're not gonna be able to adequately replace like the probably nine or ten starters they need to on defense to actually feel a good defense next year because they don't have the manpower in their scouting department to find those players in the draft. You said that, So they're paying all this money to these three guys now, so they can't afford to bring anybody else in really, so they're kind of screwed. But also I don't know if you saw on Mike Florio is not the greatest journalist in the world in my book, but he does nail contract stuff, and he had the real details out for Higgins contract, and I think he kind of got screwed here in Shade in terms of getting a better deal for Jamar Chase, because really, it's a one year deal for thirty seven million dollars. Why not just play on the tag and then sign a bigger deal somewhere else next year. It doesn't make any sense. Like, I know, you can't be cut by an NFL team for being injured. I know that's not legal, but teams lie all the time, so they would just find another excuse if something happened. So I just I don't know. I've been curious to hear what an NFL player thinks about the contract he got and the constructure.
Yeah, the contracts all tricky. I mean, at the end of the day, like fans and people see that astronomical number, yep, whatever the big number is doesn't really matter. It just matters about the guarantee that comes in. And so when the guarantee comes in, whatever you see there, that's the actual number. That's the number, because they can always they can always trade you or release you or whatever. So both made a great point. I mean, the playing under the tag another year. Obviously, you don't want that.
You want to he didn't want that.
You want to ultimately maximize your number. It's just it's a it's a tricky game though, Yes it is. I think they have the same agent, right m Chase and Higgins. Yes, so I think maybe that would be something that I would try to avoid in the future, is not having the same agent that plays as your teammates, as my teammate, that plays the same position, that's.
Better than me, as good as T.
Higgins is, like Jamar Chase is probably top one. Yeah, I just feel like he kind of got screwed over there.
I don't know, yeah, I don't know.
If you guys saw that, the Bengals released like a social media video of all the people saying like after they signed both of them. It was all the reporters, all the social media people personalities are like, all they're not gonna pay both of them, they can't do it, and it's like all the people telling them you were wrong, Yeah, we actually did do it.
I hate this trend from teams. I know. I know they love to stunt on people like that, but like this is this is just the most insane one because then I'm like, all right, now, are you gonna do another video, how we're all gonna be talking about how you can't pay anyone in your damn defense, or that you're gonna be slamming into the cap on like some other way, or like what are you even doing with your spending on your offense? Like I it's it's I hate these like little like very easy victory.
Of eh, we told you so, we told just oh shut up.
I think it's fine as long as they do a hype video next year when they lose another eight games by one score because they can't.
Like I wouldn't mind this if this was like about something during the season they're not gonna win this game or whatever, but like we're this is literally just about oh, you can't sign both of them.
That's the hill. We're going to like have our social media team.
You're not paying a social media team, you better make video of everything.
You better be constantly producing. If I'm gonna pay my social media team anythings.
I'll tell you what they should have made the video about, Like Sonic the hedgehog. Right, Sonic collects a lot of coins right as he goes rings the ring other coins the same same as he as he kind of as he kind of maticulates through you know, through the journey or that board of that game. Right, Yeah, if he gets hit, what happens all the coins? All they're saying, I'm just saying, like, hey, be grateful, be grateful, don't be that guy.
Don't be that guy.
Be humble, be humble.
Martin Weiss is humble every.
Day depends on this conversation.
Martin, what's going on?
Just real quick about the social media. It's an odd time to do a victory lap because you didn't win anything like.
That's the just they haven't want anything.
Let him win, let them, Let them do this, they have nothing else, Let them do it.
It's also so too.
Did you edit up to people saying not that you can't do it, but that is just a bad idea.
No, they definitely didn't put that in the video. They definitely did not.
All right, let's get to March Madness. A three seat Kentucky with a six to five lead over six seed Illinois with just over sixteen. Then it's left in the first half on the men's side of things.
On the women's side of things, end of the.
Third quarter, Baylor and Old Miss tied forty eight apiece, so that'll be starting.
That's a five to four matchup in the second round there.
Earlier today we saw Florida beat Yukon seventy seven to seventy five.
Held on there.
Yukon, the defending national champions. Two times defending national champions. Bounds did not make it to the sweet sixteen. Florida will be joined in the sweet sixteen by Duke, who beat Baylor pounded.
Them earlier today.
Tyrese Proctor led Duke and scoring twenty five for him seven for eight from three. Cooper Flag had eighteen points nineteen knobs are eighteen points, nine rebounds. Texas fired basketball coach Rodney Terry. He led the Longhold wins the lead eight in twenty twenty three after taking over midseason for Chris Beard. Went to the NCLIT Tournament in each of the last two seasons. Texas lost to Xavier in the first four or on Wednesday, eighty six to eighty.
Sean Miller is the new head coach at Texas. He was the one that just beat them. He was the coach at Xavier, so I guess it is if you can beat them, joined them.
You know, most of the time that phrase is flipped, but not for Sean Miller.
Congratulations on a new job.
On the women's side of things, One seed South Carolina be nineteen Indiana sixty four to fifty three.
Two seeded Duke held.
On against ten seed Oregon in a thriller fifty nine to fifty three. Kansas State and Notre Dame both advanced and the women's Sweet sixteen as well. And in the NBA, the Pistons are going to eventually beat the Pelicans. The last forty five seconds of this game have taken forever. Ron Holland had a twenty five point night and the Cleveland Cavaliers have a one hundred and two to eighty one lead over the Utah Jazz with six minutes and forty seconds. Cleveland in this game has shot nine for forty three from three. That's twenty percent and they have a twenty point lead.
Show Thanks to you, guys.
Thanks marn you're listening to Fox Sports Sunday and Monty Bilanos alongside former All Pro safety Kerry Rhads. Martin just mentioned a game that I want to get your thoughts on that happened today.
It's over Yukon.
Yeah, almost almost till the end.
They were there.
They were there, and you know.
You could say a couple a couple offensive rebounds that went in Florida's favor, But like Yukon was there. Are you more like good job, Yukon, or are you more like Florida?
How did you let how did you get this close?
No, Yukon played harder. Yukon out executed Florida for pretty much that whole game. They just couldn't make shots, enough shots to win.
I mean, Dan really did a hell of a job in his game, and he was getting these guys wide open shots. He was sweating like he was playing in the game. He was so locked in and his team reflected that. And Florida just has a better team and they have the best player maybe in the country. I mean, you know, I'm a Cooper flag guy, but Walter Clayton Junior, who hit those that thing, is one of I mean, he's he's an All American Number one, but he can be the best player on the floor as well. And those two shots down the cluts, I.
Was like, that was a perfect shot.
You knew it was going in before it went in, and I was like, whoa, that's that? That was That was an impressive moment for him.
Uh yeah, Yukon. I mean, Dan Hurley, like you said, did everything he could, everything he could he could coached all the way.
It was a tie game at halftime, so it wasn't like, oh, they were in and out.
No, they were in it the whole game. They gave them everything they could.
And that first half Yukon should have been up ten.
Seriously, if they made some of the shots that they can make, it could be a different game. This could be a different outcome. But that that's the thing about March. We talk about it, like the thing about Florida. I we talked about it before. I told you you liked that. They are the scariest team outside of Duke in my opinion. Yes, And they almost lost and they could have lost, and Yukon just showed their championship medal.
It was.
It was a really good game.
It was a really good game, and I was I was surprised at how close it was the whole time and even at the end, because You're right, Florida looked better. Like at the end, they looked better, but you looked at the score and you were like man one and then Yukon hits the three.
As the time expires, it's like, oh yeah, you make that one. Like, oh yeah, you made that one.
If you had ninety more seconds, who knows, you know, Like Michael Jordan said, I didn't lose.
I never lost a game. I just ran out of time. I feel like Dan Hurley and Kon we didn't lose. We just ran out of time. They were so close.
But yes, Florida the eye test, Florida looked like the better team.
It's just Yukon and you know what, right, And the other thing about those games again, anybody can lose, and that's the the I guess, the lure of March right in March madness.
Mm hm.
But a close game like this for Florida, the fact that they won it could bowl well for them as the time to move on as well.
Absolutely absolutely well, guys, we are wrapping up our first hour here. But on the other side of this, I want to vent to you, Carrie about my experience at improv.
I have a I have a lot of comments and a lot of questions, and I want your opinion because you're an actor, So don't go anywhere. This is Fox Sports Sunday. It is Fox Sports Sunday.
I am Oncie Belanos alongside former All Pro safety carry Roads, hanging out with you, and just like in acting and in improv I'm gonna keep you on your toes. I'm actually gonna switch things up. That's normal and all. That's how we're acting works. You gotta be ready for anything. We're actually gonna see what's on our menu. So Scotti Scheffler's Master's menu just came out, and so if you win the Masters the next year, you get to provide dinner for everybody.
It's an awesome thing.
His dinner is cheeseburger sliders as an appetizer, along with firecracker shrimp and meatball and ravioli bites.
That's the Those are the appetizers.
Then the main entree is Texas style chili or that's next, followed by either Cowboy Rabbi or blackened redfish. His dessert a warm chocolate chip skillet cookie with ice cream.
I'm with you, so we are all gonna quickly Martin, if you want to jump in. Even though we're putting you on the spot. You can on what your menu would be. My menu, guys, I.
Know I don't eat meat. Don't worry. I'm gonna have meat for you at my master's wonner. I got you, I got you. It's just no, I won't eat it. You can eat it. I won't eat it.
But my appetizers would be I would start with fried macaroni and cheeseballs, jackfruit sliders. Jackfruit looks like mef almost, and so that would I would have jackfruit sliders you can do like a barbecue or not. And then I would also have mini grilled cheese sandwiches with a little bit of tomato soup on the side. That would be Those are my appetizers. My main dish would I miss the most since I don't eat meat anymore, Prime rib.
I would have prime rib for you guys. And then the non eaters, non meat eaters, I.
Would do a like palmodoro pasta full of tomatoes and veggies, a palmadoro. And I'm actually gonna steal Scottie Scheffler's dessert because a cookie with ice cream is what.
I want every single day. That would be my master's menu.
Well, I don't care about any of all that stuff as far as setting the menu. But I'm going to say for my dessert have to be the hot molten lava case okay, Okay, a little side of vanilla ice curb.
Okay, love that.
If you like vanilla bean, we can.
You can, we can play with that, okay.
So I'll start with dessert. For the main the main meal, it'll be a filet. Okay, I'm gonna do the filet medium. Okay, you have no choice. You can't cook it. You can't cook it.
No, no more than that.
It's gonna be a medium medium medium rare. Okay. Well yeah, yeah, I'm just gonna stepping down. Yeah yeah, you can't go over that.
So we do that smart with with a little a little side of polento or mass potatoes.
Yeah, you like beings.
The dish appetizer would be I'm uh, I like I like this. I like the shrimp tower. So I could do like a little shrimp tower for for for the appetizer, and then a nice little casar salad as well. I'm a little class little.
Green there, Okay, I like that. Bo Benson, our producer, what's on your menu?
Pretty simple? In and out truck, very easy. I just won the Masters. It was eighteen million dollars per last year. I can't afford the internet truck. That is what you're getting, is the innut.
Truck getting And you know no one would be mad.
I wouldn't be mad. You knew how bad I wanted the internet truck at my wedding.
Why didn't you do it? You don't like fun, you didn't win the Masters, you don't want.
That's what it was. Our technical producer, Chris, what's on your menu?
I mean, I could have just gone completely Japanese on this, but I'm gonna try to do a nice I like cooking a lot, so I put too much thought into this. So on the appetizers, we've got nice Greek spinacopada, the spinach and feta, you know, pie a octopus and olive platter. Third option kcha pirie, which is like Georgian like cheese bread with with egg. First course, you want either a seafood gumbo or a caesar salad made the original way, made the original way. For the main courses, I've gotten a vegetarian option on here, so let's go what's up with your season?
Are you Antoby or no?
Absolutely, achovies go in the saw.
You're always going to have them in there anyway.
So duck larrange is the first option French that duck larne short ribs using a dressing. I've made this for coffee grounds with Ancho and Ancho Chile. Come on with either of those, with polenta, fruit salad, cream, spinach, or the vegetarian option, a nice margarita, pizza.
Oh yeah, nwer dessert.
I'm stealing this for There is a sushi bar down on Palace Verdes called Bashi on teranea resort. They have a bread pudding with whisky whiskey, miso, butter and vanilla bean gelado. It is the best dessert you will have in your life period.
All right, he really put a lot of thought.
Martin Wisse, what's on your menu?
I don't have anything nearly as descriptive as there's too many adjectives in Chris A lot, sure.
For sure. I got things potatoes, tomatoes.
Lamb rampick is there you go? Pains greens that'd be on my master's menu.
Not why not? Guys? That's pretty good, But I want to say maybe bow Winds.
Keeping it real simple, really easy.
No one. George and cheese bread?
No, yeah, I could do that.
Does when you say Georgie and cheese bread do you mean this? I hated Georgia out of country.
In Georgia, the country in Georgia.
Did you know how many people space, how many people here knew there was a country named Georgia. I know that everybody.
Everybody was just the first time I heard, like ten years ago, shocked.
You know, the first time I heard of that, I was like, that's a lie. It's like a different like you're lying, that's not real.
I wish other sports did something like this, you know, like the Master's Menu, because I think that's really awesome.
That's cool.
And when the super Bowl should be allowed to run like a restaurant.
I got another. I got another trip effect. You got to talk about Caesar Sally. You know where it was invented?
Wow, I didn't want to know that.
Yes, yes, there was an Italian down there who ran a restaurant during prohibition.
Wow. The more you know, don't go anywhere because we're just getting started here on Fox Sports Sunday.
I'm mon, hello, everybody, it is Fox. While Sunday I am on Cie Belanya's alongside my buddy and former All bro safd Carrey Roads, hanging out with you on this very busy day in college hoops. And that's where we're gonna get started. We are broadcasting live from the tyrek dot com studios. Tyrek dot com will help you get there and unmatched selection that's free shipping, free road hazard protection, and over ten thousand recommended installers. Tyrek dot com The way Tyrebine should be. Game is gonna come up in about ten minutes. Alabama Crimson Tie taking on Saint Mary's Gails.
I think is what that is? The Gails.
This game, you know, I think may give Alabama a hard time, Like Alabama played Robert Morris and I don't know what you saw, but I I was like Alabama, I thought was going to have their way with Robert Morris and that's not the game I saw.
No, that's not the game I saw.
Robert Morris did a really good job giving them a hard time, and Alabama wins it. They pull it off, but like they at one point were losing in the second half. Desperation when you put in an injured player who hasn't played, just to get a spark going like that was a desperate move and just to show you how Alabama must have felt in that moment.
We're gonna we're gonna play you. Yeah, you're hurt, but get in there. Can you breathe? Can you walk? Get in there? And they pull it off. They pull it off.
So now they're gonna take on Saint Mary's, who I feel like is going to give them kind of the same problems that they may be faced with. Robert Morris. Robert Morris outrebounded them in the game. And Saint Mary's has two seven footers. They're a tall team. I feel like when they their normal starting lineup has both seven footers and then the next guy is like six eight sixty nine. They are a tall team, right, and they do the fundamentals. They're gonna make it difficult. They rather you take a hard shot and they get the rebound. More than anything, They're gonna put a hand up. They're long, they're tall, and they're long, and I just feel like this is not a great time for Alabama to be facing this team.
No, Saint Mary's does. They do a really good job of doing the fundamentals correctly. They are tall, they defend really well, and I think they defend well because they have the big guys back there to back them up. But the thing about Alabama is they're such a dynamic team there. If they're not the top scoring team in the country, they're two or three, they score a lot of points. And the thing about Alabama is they're a wildcard coming into this whole tournament anyway. Them at their best they can win it all. Them at their worst, they can lose in the first round, which they almost did, and so you get to see both of those things. But I think the way that Saint Mary's plays actually lends to Alabama's favor. So okay, the way that you know, they usually like to come out and pressure a little bit and force those guys into the big centers. But Alabama has guys that are really good in that mid range game. They have Sears, the point guard who's won the top point guards in the country. They bring guys up the bench that can score in that middle as well, and so they don't have to they don't have to shoot the three or get to the bucket to score. They can score in the mid range. And so I think this game actually sits well for Alabama in my opinion.
Okay, so you.
Think Alabama's gonna avoid getting in there, you think they're gonna come in shooting the mid range, then that's gonna be their focus.
They can, yes, I mean, they have guys that can break you down and like I said, not have to get all the way to the cup to finis to be effective. That Mark Seiars, that's one of the best voters volte games in the country. So I think this game is gonna go bow well for them, especially if Grant Nelson's plan.
Robert Mark Sears and against Robert Morris like ended with the double double, but he's scored most of his points in the second half. He had a slow going and so you're right, maybe that's not how it starts for him this time around. And maybe that game is the reason where I feel like this is gonna be a tough game just because of how they played against Robert Morris.
And that's only one game and it's all different, and they're different, as.
We've said, they're all different.
So you don't see any issues seem you think it's just gonna be a.
Yeah, I think Alabama wins by ten at least Alabama. And I also, I just don't think Saint Mary's can score it no with Alabama.
Yeah, and they're not.
I mean they can be streaky, but you can't rely on that from the three. They can be streaky, but you're right, that's not what they're trying to do. They're just trying to out rebound you and get the easier shot.
And Saint Mary's what they also do a good job of is making you play at their pace. Yes, Alabama is not going to play at their pace. They will push the ball because that's who they are. Yeah, and so it's gonna be a it's content styles, yes, it is.
I can see why people think it's interesting because I mean the spread is only five and a half, so people think it's gonna be close.
It's gonna be yeah, But I just.
Think Alabama's going to impose their will.
With the pace. Well, in a few minutes, this game is about to start.
There really is so much surrounding the college tournament because there's so many stories And the next one that I want to bring up to you is Kansas and Bill salf Oh.
Yeah, you got a controversial take here, don't you.
I Okay, so I like.
You were you were bounced out as a preseason number one. Okay, Uh, You've been there a long time, and I'm just wondering, like, are you in the hot seat at this point because you haven't delivered?
And what have you done for me lately?
Right? And I'm all about you know, if you've been together for so many years, there should be a little bit of loyalty there.
But now I think with NIL things and the transfer portal, things change and are moving constantly, evolving constantly. So is your leash on a coach because of the transfer portal and the NIL longer or shorter? Like do you give them more time to figure it out? Or is it actually the opposite? No, now it's less time.
No, you're right with the take of the NIL being a motivator and and I guess gms or schools or them being able to pull pull the plug quicker. But with Bill self, he has the key to that to that school. There's no way he's he's on the short lease. I mean he's I mean.
But he's been there so long, so it's like the leashes isn't sure?
I just now, you know, is this I think overall in the college game, yes, because we've seen we've seen teams with Louisville, for for instance, terrible the last three years with the coach they had there. And you bring Pat Kelsey in in year one and he brings in his guys through the transfer portal and they're second. They're in the ACENC championship game and in the tournament. So the turnaround could be quick.
It can't, right, And listen, Pat Kelsey though like doesn't have a great ncable A record, No, he hasn't won one. He's five, yes, And so like with Louisville, how how long do you think his leash is?
Because he did turn it around in one year? But if you're the ultimate goal is is.
This tournament championship to Louisville, right, So how how long is his.
I mean the coach before it was only three.
It's only three, so we're gonna say maybe, yeah, it's short. And I do feel like that's my opinion that the leashes now are short because of the like there is no building anymore.
Like you you have.
A season and then your next season is gonna probably look completely different and that's crazy.
You're right, No, the lease is short. It's just not for self. But he's just done too much that that organization he's gonna leave on his own term.
And it's probably the way it should be.
It's probably the way it should be, but it's just now, you know, you want to win now, and if it's it's year to year and everything, it's just everything is constantly moving and evolving a nil. Like you know, I it's not that I was ever against it, but it does add so many different problems.
Now when it comes to being a coach, you.
Talk about the NIL and the advantage that it's going to have. Like just take for instance, in the last segment, we were talking about Sean Miller going to Texas.
Shawn Miller.
Yeah, him going to Texas is such a brilliant move. He's such a great coach. And the fact that the SEC has the money that they have him at Texas, you better watch out. That team is gonna be really good. I'm telling you.
I mean, that's that's messy. Though, You're gonna go coach the team that you're just eliminated.
He's looking like this, Yeah, I can I can use him.
I can use him. He knows what he's doing right.
Yeah, that type of thing.
I can imagine being a coach with what you just said, Like you're constantly thinking ahead. Like as much as in the moment you have to be to coach this game, you are also thinking ahead.
And if there is a player that you're just like, oh, keep an eye him, write his name down, write his name down. That's oh, I would hate it.
It's too much work.
No, it's way, way, way, way too much work.
We are coming to you life from the Tyrek dot Com studios on Monty Bilianas is Carry Roads, former All Pro safety. We got college hoops. But on the other side, we're gonna talk a little n B A, So don't go anywhere Fox Sports Sunday. I am Montie Bolognas alongside former All Pro safety Carry Roads, hanging out with you on this very busy back basketball day. Lots of college hoops, NBA doing a little bit of everything. Uh, you know, Carrie, the Clippers are on a five game winning streak, and I just.
Got to tell you this.
About like three weeks ago, Bo Benson tweeted something against Kawhi Leonard and I understood at the moment why Bo tweeted that, because Kawhi was not doing well. He seemed to struggle and like you almost felt like, man, he just doesn't have it anymore. Ever, since Bo talks smack on Kawhi Leonard, all of a sudden, Kawhi is back baby.
So Bo initiated the claw is Yes, this is.
All thanks to Bow. Like what Bow was right, welcome, yes, no, thank you. Bo was absolutely ready. He just kind of was like he's done like that.
I tweeted Kawhi Leonard in twenty twenty five with a gift of a washing machine because he was short on everything.
In games, which but again, things are different and thanks to Bob Benson. I'm gonna give him credit because I really felt like it was from that tweet on. But in reality, the Clippers are looking great and I can't wait to talk to our buddy Mark Medina about the Clippers.
Mark, are you there, Mansa, Yes, I am at in Twitter about to see Clippers thunder. I gotta hear your prediction. Are you willing to go out on a women saying they're gonna be the thunder tonight?
So let me tell you, I am leaning yes more and more to know they're definitely gonna give them a run for their money.
The Clippers are playing so good.
Right now, Mark, And I know I'm a fan, so I know I I obviously want them to play really good, but they look like they're clicking. Kawhi Leonard he lost weight, and at the start of the season or when he started playing again, it looked like he just didn't have control of his body anymore. Like I'm sure he was told, hey, lose weight because of your knees, because you don't have any this is gonna help you.
But now he looks like in control of his body and he looks like back to the claw the Kawhi.
And you know what, Yes, Clippers will beat the thunder today.
Yes, Wow, heard.
It, Mark. They're going to be the Clippers? Are they going to be the thunder?
Okay, I'm not gonna buy that optimism because the Penders are playing really well.
Yeah, I validate. I do validate everything they said about the Clippers. And I'm about to say something I don't think we've ever talked about with Kawhi Leonard ever since he joined them in twenty nineteen, that he's no longer under any minutes restrictions or load management anything like that. So I do think that every Clipper fan, even if they want to admit it or not, they gotta have some caution that something could happen at any point. But this shouldn't be any better for them because less than two weeks before the playoffs start. There's no sign that he's wearing down. He's elevating his play, He's at his peak. And the other thing is Norm Palace playing a high level of the zoo Bots. Yep, this game featured a lot more James Hardens than all start player, so things are clicking all cylinders for them to be a tough playoff out.
What's the latest with Tyleru?
Before we fully move on from the Clippers, because we want to ask you about other teams.
Not just my team.
Tyleru back pain has missed several games now even though the Clippers are winning.
But what is the latest with Tyleru?
Yeah, Brian Shaw has been the head coach right now and he has been staying that Tyler's in day to day.
You know that.
I don't know if he's going to continue to coach tonight, but b Shaw was saying that Tylo's, you know, in touch with them throughout the day. You know, via text even like during the game, he's giving feedback and so he's you know, almost being kind of a shadow coach. But Brian Shaw, he's an experienced assistant. He's been with the Lakers before, He's had head coaching experience with the Denver Nuggets, So you know, I think it is a testament to his experience. But as well as the fact that the Clippers are healthy, that they're able to you know, hit the ground running anyone without Tolu on the sidelines.
The crazy thing about right now, Mark, it's it's such a weird time in the NBA season because a lot of teams have already wrapped up certain things, and you have some teams that are fighting for their lives. And also you want to go into the you know, to the postseason with some some type of chemistry and some type of you know, good I guess good energy hading towards the playoffs. Like where do you sit with that? Do you go out and try to win every game down the stretch and play your guys regular minutes or do you you side to health? Do you side to like what's your what's your impression of what needs to happen for teams outstretching.
It's a really good question. There's no easy answers because everyone is trying to make sure they at least get the playing. But I think generally, you know, I've asked this question these last few weeks. It's a very good one that you post about how they value home core versus everything else. The Lakers, the Grizzlies, the Nuggets, all their head coaches have said to me, it's how more than anything else. And so I think the feeling is the seedings are so sub could change every day anyway that it almost is meaningless that they get a game because it could change the next day. They got a prioritized health moving forward, and that explains why the Lakers took their time with Lebron James until he came back last night against the Bulls on Saturday, why the Nuggets have been taking their time with the Kolok and Jamal Murray, Steph Curry with the Warriors. There when you rank the variables, it's always health, team chemistry and home court advantage is probably fourth or fifth on that list.
Well, a team that can't really worry about health is the Phoenix Suns, Like they have to play every game like.
It's their last game.
They're in it right now, they're the ten seed. But it's like, I feel like the Sun's anybody who faces them cannot fear the Suns. No, Like, what do we might as well let the maps in at this point?
Hey, come on, yeah, well I hear what you're saying, Montre, but the maths are terrible.
Mark, watch your mouth now, I'm I'm a Mavericks fan.
I can. I'll send you a sympathy card.
Off now.
I'm with you on the Sons. I mean, look, we saw this past week they beat the Cavaliers because Kevin Durant had forty two points. That could always happen, but it's not sustainable over a seven game series. And you know, when I asked Mike Bodholzer when the Suns were in town last week in LA about you know, the to do list on what they got to fix before the playoffs, it was like everything and anything. The biggest thing was defensively, And yes, that's the obvious answer, but they don't have good defensive personnel. Mason Plumbley is a great backup five, but they don't have a good starting five. They have a lot of great offensive talent, but even that hasn't been fully utilized. And the way you said about health, it's still an issue Bradley Beale not being fully healthy. Kevin Durant is healthy, but he was dealing with injuries at the beginning of the season. That you know, they are I think what represents peak play teams. They can be a tough out and anything can happen in a single game, but once they get to the first round, it's gonna be a quick exit.
Yeah, Mark, There's been a couple of incidents with Bud and Kevin Durant, Like what's going on with that relationship. It's just crazy to see. I mean, I know Kevin wants to win. I know he's an emotional player, but I hadn't really seen Bud get into it with players like that, so I'd want to know what's going on there.
Yeah, Well, for what it's for, Mike Bullenholzer says, this is normal stuff. He says, Kevin Durant obviously a great player, but you know he's just trying to challenge everyone and they do the same to him. You know, I do buy that to a tee. Like for all the stuff about Kevin Durant's future and the fact that the Sun's trying to trade him, trade him, you even circle, you know, go back earlier when he was with Golden State and his exit there. He's always productive on the floor, he's always professional. But even when and even though I do validate Kevin Durant saying, look, I've had great interactions after a blowout, a blow up, you know, where they're just talking tactics and all that. All that stuff's true, but it seems like the frustration is really getting the best of them and doesn't just reflect any sort of disagreements with Mike bornholz Er. I think it also reflects, obviously the sun struggles and the fact that they're a team that should be a Western Conference contender instead of a team that's barely making the play In short of it.
You were listening to Fox, so I was going to say Fox Football. No, it's Fox Sports Sunday. I'm Antivalanas. This is Carrie Rose. We're talking to NBA insider Mark Medina. Mark.
There have been some sort of on social media, some people are thinking that Ja Morant's.
Injury seems suspicious. Is there more to that?
Is there are there issues that we don't know about with Ja Morant and the Grizzlies. Who are you know, fifth in the Western Conference right now and he's missed four games.
Yeah, well, always humbled with the fact that NBA teams don't exactly share transparency with injury report. But for what it's worth, the Grizzlies have said that John Moran stay today. They haven't given timeline, but you know, they've really lauded him as a good leader this year, both on and off the court. I think that's notable considering the well documented Instagram live video incidents of the molding the gun, you know, to a man. People around the organization have said that he's had a positive influence, not just with his play, but the joy, the improved maturity. So yeah, but that has said, it still should be concerning because he's missed a handful of games. Even though they expect that he'll be fully healthy for the playoffs, He's had had several injuries this season that you do wonder if any of this will be behind him once he actually returns.
Let's let's talk about one more time out East. The top seeded than Cavaliers. They've been dominating the regular season until late here, they've lost four in a row and I think they won today, but to break that streak. But is there any concern with Cleveland going into the playoffs.
Yeah, it's an interesting one because they represent the latest example of a dominant regular season team that may or may not have success in the postseason. And the Cavaliers are very well aware of it. Now. While they would say that yeah, they're not a finished product, they still want to hire things out. They feel pretty good going into the playoffs because with the exception of this four game losing streak they had this past week, they only had I believe three consecutive losing streaks the entire season. Otherwise they were going on fifteen game winning streaks, sixteen game winning streaks, twelve game winning streaks. They have three All Stars, they're playing well as a team. They all get along, but they are very well aware. You look at the twenty eighteams Houston Rockets, the twenty sixteen Golden State Warriors to Phoenix Suns, two thousand and seven Dallas great regular season teams that had underachieving playoff performances, and so all of that is the fact that injuries came to bite them at the worst time. So we had to do with the fact that hey, it's the playoffs. They're playing a good team, but they are very well aware they don't want to burn themselves out in the regular season because it's all about the playoffs.
Mark the Houston Rockets, they've won nine in a row. What is it that they're doing that's different is that the only.
Bred Van Vliet is a difference, But he represents one of many things. The main thing is he Mayadoka the head coach. He's really gotten them to be a really good defensive team. So Fred VanVleet, great veteran, great feisty point guard. Albert Szagoon has really stepped up his game defensively as a big time center. He's no longer seen as you know, this really skilled European player, but that could get beaten up. He's really good. I think guys like you know, Jalen Green and Jabari Smith junior, they've improved as defenders. There's an added layer of toughness for this team. And I think the point the identity shift because before Evendoka got there two years ago, they're seen as a team that's very young and talented, but it's an AA to AAU two. They're just trying to get their numbers and go home. Doesn't lead a winning basketball. So complete identity shift because of the coach at Church, But.
Do you think like they can actually do damage in the playoffs? Like I know, defensively they're awesome and that's what's carrying them.
But you've got to score.
Especially against teams that are everyone is hitting threes, everyone's shooting.
I feel like they have to score. Can they win with just being a strong defensive team?
Yeah, dependsally they match up with. I don't think that they're going to get overwhelmed with quote unquote an experience. But I think it's gonna break it down this way. If they wind up facing the Lakers or the Warriors in the first round the playoffs, both of those teams are going to steamroll them because both those teams make dramatic trade deadline moves. The Lakers had Luca Dacic, the Warriors game j Imman. But where both of those teams have championship equity and depth. But I think that this is a team that is built for the long run that if they fall short this season, they have a good young core in place and a break future that they can make a deeper playoff plush next season.
Right, last one for me, Steph Curry.
Luckily that fall wasn't as bad because it looked bad. I really, I was like, he's down and he's in pain, and he might be out. I think he's traveling with the team. Are you at all worried about his injury?
Well, you never know, but the Warriors aren't worried. They said that he didn't have any structural damage. You mentioned about traveling with the team. As of yesterday, he was back in the Bay Area, but he is planning to join the team in Miami for their game tomorrow. He's going to get evaluated on Monday. That doesn't mean he's going to come back right away, but that at least provide clarity. Okay, you're now queered for whatever work you do to return. So with that, the Warriors haven't ruled him out for any time of him return at some point on their week long road trip. So that's, you know, a sigh of relief because it's step Curve.
Yes, yes, of course, Mark, thank you so much.
Make sure if you want to follow Mark on Twitter, Mark g Underscore Medina. We love him here great NBA Insider. I appreciate you coming on the show. We love you, Thank you talk about Dallas.
Well Stick, I love you.
I love you all too, and just so it's equal hatred towards me. I think I'm gonna wind up seeing a thunder winds.
That's not gonna happen. Listen, You're gonna text me and be like you were right, Clippers. I can't wait for that text. Mark, thank you, have a good one, enjoy the game.
Thank you for shiate y'all.
No, the Clippers are going to win, you guys, I'm telling you they're gonna win. They're gonna win.
You know. You can stream this show and all of our Fox Sports Radio shows Live twenty four to seven and the new un improved iHeartRadio app. Just search Fox Sports Radio in the app to stream USLID and one of the newest features in the app is that you can select Fox Sports Radio as one of your presets like in the car. Yes, just like the preselets on a radio dial. So be sure to preset Fox Sports Radio in the iHeartRadio app and it will always pop up at the.
Top of your screen, making it easy for you. Guys. Well, let's check in with Martin Wiss and see what's going on.
Lots of scores, tons of scores. It seems everybody is playing right now.
Everybody, everybody.
So let's start in men's college basketball with the two seed the Alabama Crimson Tide with an eighteen to thirteen lead over the seven seed Saint Mary's Gales, as Monsey nailed earlier today, ten minutes and fifteen seconds left in the first half. There at the half between the three seed Kentucky Wildcats and sixteed Illinois lion and I fighting Alana, it's thirty seven to thirty two Kentucky and the lead women's college basketball tournament in the second round in Birmingham, sevent seed Louisville and two seed TCU. Two seed TCU with a twenty six to seventeen lead over the Louisville Cardinals just under eight minutes left in the second quarter.
There results earlier.
Today from the men's side of the tournament, we saw the one seed survive against Yukon seventy seven to seventy five. Florida advances to the tweet sixteen. They'll be joined there by Duke, who beat Baylor eighty nine to sixty six earlier. Today, Tyree's Proctor seven from eight for three twenty five points.
Cooper Flagg had eighteen points and nine rebounds.
You know what's sick about that?
Mind seat, I just bet the forty five checonds ago. I was just talking about, you know, Louisville women basketball. Yeah, no, nothing up from the Cardinals alumb here Duke Tyree's proctor, septh Ete, I'm.
Saying I did. He's a duke Fair.
I'm a Duke Fair, but I'll talk about the Louisville.
But yes, he's been on top of the Louisville game. He has been on the women's.
Side, all right.
Good to know, Good to know, Speaking of women's side of the tournament. Second round results, South Carolina beat Indiana sixty four to two fifty three, and Duke beat Oregon fifty nine to fifty three.
So Notre Dame, Old Miss South Carolina.
Duke, Kansas State all advancing to the Sweet sixteen NBA results.
The Pistons beat the Pelicans one.
Thirty six to one thirty round Holland at twenty six points. The Cavaliers beat the Jazz one twenty to ninety one, and at the end of.
The first quarter for both of these games.
All four of these games are just about it at the end of the first quarter because the NBA tips.
All of them at the same freaking time for some reason.
The Atlanta Hawks lead to seventy six or thirty five to twenty four.
The Hornets lead the Heat twenty six to twenty, the.
Spurs doubling up the Raptors thirty two to sixteen, and at the end, well, that's actually got a minute thirty left in the first quarter. With thirteen seconds left in the first quarter, Boston leeds Portland by ten thirty four.
Back to you guys.
Thanks Marian, don't go too far, carry my knee your help as we head into easy as a.
One, two, three four.
Yeah, you got lifelines all around you. Mary our technical producer, Bo Benson, our producer.
And main Waie.
So, I don't know if I made this too hard or too easy.
We're gonna find I don't know this is I don't usually run this. It's usually Dan buyers.
So I've got call of hoops questions, I got NBA, but we're actually gonna start with soccer.
And an over under. I feel like you can do this, but we're saying the over under is eight and a half eight and a half, eight and a half.
I'm not gonna give you ten like Dandas because I don't Again, I don't know if I did, if I made.
This too hard or too easy, but we're gonna find out.
Okay, give me one of two countries who have hosted the Women's FIFA World Cup twice.
One of two countries who hosted the FIFA.
World the Women's FIFA World Cup.
I'm gonna need help, and I'm going to go to bowl first, because I think bowl would uh.
I think, given that we're actually good at it, I would think the United States has hosted more than once.
Uh huh.
I'll take that all right, show me us that is correct, Good job, my man, man So, USA and China are the only two countries that have hosted twice.
The rest of the countries.
Sweden, Germany, Canada, France, Australia and New Zealand and Brazil have hosted once. But US is trying to put in a third bid for twenty thirty one, alongside.
Mexico out here uh huh doing two.
But they're also entertaining the idea of maybe even having games even though if they're the host having games in Costa Rica, so you know, I'm really happy about that and in the Caribbean, so we'll see what happens.
But yes, good job bo. See there we go. We knew.
Next question here, name two of the three schools that have had the most one seeds in the tournament. So in their history, the schools that have had the most number one seeds two out of the three, two.
Out of the three.
We go Duke. Okay, this is all time?
Yes, all time. Okay, that's two out of the three.
UCLA okay, So as are those your final answers?
Do you want to use a lifeline?
I mean it can also be Kansas. Nay, I'll go Duke in Kentucky.
You're gonna go Duke and Kentucky. Are those your final answers?
Okay, show me Duke.
That's correct fifteen times that it's been the number one seed in the NCAA tournament.
And is it Kentucky? Oh? It u CLA is not in the top four.
Kentucky is actually fourth, so you weren't that off. Kansas is tied with Duke at third with fifteen. North Carolina has the most.
They do eighteen Wow eighteen.
So h u, s LA's tricky because they won so many years in the set like the in that the seventies, sixties that I think the sixties sixty seventies time so.
So close, so close.
No, we'll finish this on the other side though, so we don't have to rush you through this. You're listening to Fox Sports Sunday. I'm Antipollaia's and carry rhads don't go anywhere, all right, Mary, what's up?
Everybody happy Sunday?
It's Fox Sports Sunday, and we are getting it here.
I am Anti.
Belaias alongside former All Pro safety Carry Road.
You almost did.
Throw your shoulder out of place, says Mary's getting us into it.
We appreciate it, girl. Uh uh, that's right. All right, Let's get back to it.
See if Carrie can end up winning this easy as one, two, three, four. You've gotten two points so far, two.
Points so far. But you've got this.
You've got this.
I believe in you. I believe in you.
Okay, and you still have lifelines, Mark, Mary is still available for you if you need them, Okay. Name three of the four longest Sweet sixteen streaks.
In the tournament.
What teams have the longest streaks when it comes to reaching the Sweet sixteen.
I'll say perdues one.
Okay, ooh, so it's consecutive.
You get what I'm saying, Like in consecutive years. He's like, that's not helping.
Is this all time?
Yeah? Okay, oh, all time? All times?
So since the tournament expanded to sixty whatever in Yeah, so all time the longest streaks.
Okay, that changes it.
Okay, that's fine. Nothing nothing is confirmed.
Okay, wow sweet sixteens.
I mean I'll.
Say I would say Duke, Duke has it. I'd say Duke has to be one of them. Okay, I mean I would probably have to say, you put you on C in there, North Carolina. Mary says North Carolina. So I'll put North Carolina in there.
There's a lot of teams that's consecutively gotten.
And he said, yeah, three of the four. So is that Duke North Carolina? Anyone more? Does it? Prdue? No? He changed his mind once. He said all time.
I have to change it, but I know recently they would be there.
You got anything?
Mark didn't Purdue lose the first game of the tournament, like famously as a one seater or two seasons.
Not like in a short streak. But yes they have, and that's why I was tricky.
I would say.
So you have right now, you have North Carolina up there, you have Duke up there.
Uh do you l A?
You so there's a lot of teams you can.
Though, Okay, I'll say U to LA because I'm not one hundred percent sure I'm going to say, don't.
Win college basketball the whole seventies.
I said that last time. I'm talking about the ones and that that was wrong.
Not talk about consecutives consecutive streaks, yes.
CLA, and I'll take consecutive streaks over nine and a half for U c LA.
They ran the whole seventies.
I know, I know why didn't have that many number one.
In the seventies. Was there sixty teams?
No, it since they made it sixty four?
Oh oh yeah, no, no they were for they would, Yes, it was that long in seven it was that many teams.
Are you sure about that?
You're about to get me wrong again because I say, usually I would think the number ones as well, but it's not so. But I'll do it because you said it, Mark, all right.
So I don't want I don't want to trick you, but I because of the logic. I'm gonna tell you no, this is I just I His logic might be right, but it's not in this situation.
So that's why I just I don't want it to be unfair. He might be right when it goes to like you know.
What, I'm what about Misigan state. They made this seek sixteen a lot, but they make this.
Let me let me, you know what, let me give you a specific year. How about that?
And then you guys maybe can because I don't want I don't want to. I don't want to screw you over. Yeah, so let me let me just pick let me okay, so let's okay, the longest streak to the Sweet sixteen since nineteen eighty five, since nineteen eighty five, let's do it like that.
Okay, that changes every So yeah, yeah, okay.
That changes everything.
If that's the case, North down the Kansas.
So we're gonna we wanna stick with North Carolina.
Uh huh oh, you know I'm throwing there who they just lost yesterday?
I'm again Zagga.
I was in the second tack.
Because Zagga is always they always, that's their story. They get to the sweets scene and they lose. Let's they have Adam Morrison, which was like eighty years ago, so I'll go there.
So you say, who you take out of that top three.
Then, so well he's put Duke unc and Gonzaga and the Gonzaga all.
Right, yeah, okay, all right, show me Duke. That is correct, nine given given nine most recently from nineteen ninety eight to two thousand and six.
All right, show me Gonzaga. Let's say maryn was.
On it and Mary marriage.
Yeah, he's talking about that. They just lost.
If they would have won, they would have had ten years in a row. So now ends at nine with Duke. So yeah, Martin was right on that, Martin.
And show me North Carolina. Alright, guys, well a lot I thought.
Yeah, So North Carolina streak was from nineteen eighty five to nineteen ninety three. The Gonzaga was right. Now, then the next team is once again Duke. All of those were nine Duke, then again with seven from nineteen eighty six to nineteen eighty two.
So a good job, guys, you go.
Welcome way to workshop.
It guys, yes, yes, And I wasn't trying to trick you so that's why I was like trying to be specific.
No, of course, thank you. I'm glad what Martin said.
All right, last one, here, give me four of the top scores in the NBA this.
Season, four of the top scores, four of the five top scores in the NBA this season, Shay m.
Yiannis h.
I'm trying to think of the team, so weird like to think of it. I know, I say, Jason Tatum, Okay, who else we got?
You got bo I would throw Donnovan Mitchell in there.
You throw Mitchell, Yeah, the Mitch.
We need four, right, yes, four of the five? Correct?
You said you said Shay, You said Jannis Jokic.
He said Tatum and Tatum, Joki and Nicole.
That's five. So who do you want to take out?
So got the four to five? So does Mitchell score more than Yokics? Al right, let's go Yokis. Then say Mitchell.
Okay, we're taking Mitchell out.
Okay, show me sg a shake, geljes Alexander leading this year? Yes, thirty two point nine, Show me Yannis that's right in second, right behind him.
Thirty point two.
Show me Nikola Jokic he's third twenty nine point one, and show me Jason Tatum that is right, even though Jason Tatum is fifth. But I gave you four of the five Edwards, Anthony Edwards is right. Yeahs Anthony Edwards twenty seven point five, Tatum twenty seven point one.
You did it. Yeah, good job guy, you did it. And I'm glad it wasn't too hard. No, I just want to thank you everybody.
Uh, you know, it's it's always a collaborative effort when it comes to these things, whenever you win anything.
Yes, I just want to thank all of you guys.
It was.
It was a collective effort.
It was well, it really was. When I had no.
Idea, I know, I know it was. He was like, I know he doesn't know, but it's easy.
I know it.
I know you didn't know, but it was like, I'm not trying to trick you, like Dan says, not trying to trick you. So both came and clutch on that one. Yes, Uhan, Martin, Mary, all of you guys really helped out. All right, good job, Carrie.
Make at that easy as one, two, three, four, It really really is.
Well we've got one more hour and Carrie and I still.
Have more college troops to discuss, more NFL to discuss.
Carry Remember we talked about Aaron Rodgers last week. Uh huh, We're gonna talk about it. I have so many thoughts again.
I know you made me see your side of things last week. You changed my perspective, but.
Now I don't. I think I'm going back to it. I don't know.
I don't know, but stay tuned because we're gonna We're gonna dive right on in. This is Fox Sports Sunday.
What's up? Everybody Happy Sunday.
Thanks for hanging out with U, Sion Monti Blanyas alongside former All Pro safety Carry Roads. And we are just watching a lot of hoops, man, a lot. Like my brain is fried a little bit from all the hoops happening, not just college oops, both men's and women's tournaments. But NBA is just numbers everywhere. Number Like I'm looking at a screen and there's numbers everywhere, score time, other games going on, seeds, Like, my brain is fried when it comes to numbers. After this, nobody asked me what one plus one is.
Because I E seven exactly right.
That's how I feel right now, That's how I feel right now, but it is March madness and we only get to experience it for a few weeks, so we're gonna enjoy it, even though it's absolutely madness. As we were watching two seed Alabama on top of seven seed Saint Mary's Carry, and I in the last hour kind of did a little preview on this game because Alabama's performance against Robert Morris wasn't anything spectacular, and you know, I was concerned for Alabama facing this team who.
Is tall, who likes to outrebound you. And you said, I don't see there being.
A problem, even though there is a major contrast in their style of play.
Yeah, but you said you didn't see a problem, and right now, Carrie Rhoades, there is not a problem. I'll hit you with the lead.
Courso not so fast, my friend. I know, I know, I know because a lot of people wanted to make this game that and it still could be. It's only the first half, but of course I saw this game being a game, and right now it's twelve but another half to play, another.
Half to play.
But you know, and we said it during the break that maybe like this feeling of I don't know how that's gonna handle this is because primarily how they performed again Robert Morris. Had that not happened, maybe I wouldn't even be wondering about this game. But here they are. Crimson Tide is up. Just like you said, no issues. There are issues.
With Air Rodgers still carrying.
Remember last week we sat here and I was like, this guy asking for what he wants?
How much money? How many years? And what have you done for me lately except get old and older and get hurt.
And then you were like, listen, when you're when you're the best, you want to get paid and the teams eventually don't have to give in, is what you ultimately said.
And you made me realize that you're right. I guess the teams don't have to give in even if he's.
Wanting this money.
Okay, you're right.
You made me slightly change my mind. Now here we are with the latest Air Rodgers saga. The Vikings don't want him, but he clearly wants the Vikings because he is holding out waiting I don't know for what, hoping that maybe the Vikings changed their mind. But he met with the Steelers and the report was that the Steelers and Aaron Rodgers have had like parameters around a deal for a bit, but he has not agreed to anything, and the Giants technically are still in the mix.
But Aaron Rodgers.
Holds, you know, the cards to his future. He's the one who was gonna make the decision ultimately right again, So the Steelers, I just I don't see how Aaron fits in with the Steelers in the sense that I think of the Steelers as a well oiled machine right ran by Mike Tomlin, who are really good defensively. But I see them as a quote unquote like older team and I feel like, you know, like.
Cam Hayward is gonna be like, bro, what shut up gonna I'm not gonna go do this. I lost to go with you.
And I feel like Aaron with a younger team would probably have more of what he wants, which is power.
Okay, That's that's just me.
You know.
I think Aaron wants power.
I think he thinks he deserves the power because of the success that he has had over the course of his career, you know. And some people say he's the best quarterback they've ever seen, like just talent wise, right, And so I I get that, but I don't. I don't see the I don't see the fit. Not that I think he fits better with the Giants, because I was like giants, right, right, right, So I get the intrigue, but I don't know how like the Steelers would want him, and then how he would want this, you know what I'm saying, Like how they're both even interested.
I'm confused by all of that. Let's tell us the power word for respect, okay, because there's a level of respect that is deserved, sure, okay, and he has that.
Can it be both though? Because of power? Power and respect.
I don't think he wants power. I think he wants respect. I think he's in the state now where you either love him or you hate him, yes, right, I don't think there's any in between, correct, And so that's what I think the dynamic is for him. And it seems like he's been going out of his way, like the last year and a half two years to gain that respect back from people or want that demand that or whatever, like on his own terms. He doesn't do the normal media stuff. He does the Pat the Pat Show, right, So like he's just wanting to I think change the narrative of what he I don't. I don't want to say power. I want to say respect. And I'm not saying you're wrong or not, but like that. And then the second part of that is what's the steerers? Other option? Bring Russell Wilson back. We already saw that.
We saw that the steers on his page. Let's check car.
But that's the thing, like, do you want to go back down that route again where there's been reports that him and Arthur and him and Arthur Smith don't really fit together as a unit, him and Russell Wilson. So bring in somebody again. Hasn't played his best the last couple of years, obviously because of injury. I wouldn't say it's because of its declient of play. So bring him in on the one year deal. And with the weapons that they just brought in. You brought in DK Metcalf, you still got pickings, you got fire, moved that tight end m hm. You got to you going to try to run the ball there and play action and know Eric and do that well. He doesn't make a lot of mistakes, so he fits that culture really well. As far as he's not. He's a quarterback that doesn't turn the ball over. He can still make throws, I believe in my mind, so yeah, I would wait him out over Russell Wilson absolutely well.
Russell Wilson's Instagram says Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback and number three. There you go, and his profile picture is still him in a Steelers uniform.
But he's been on vocation.
No no, no, he has a story yet plug it you No, no, no, he's posting. He's on.
He is here and he is not removing the Steelers And you're rights this, that's not the better option. We saw Russell Wilson last year and there wasn't much magic to it, you know, like, and the.
Steelers were pretty good despite not having really an offense.
It made the playoffs, made the.
Playoffs with the team that had no no real offense. Yes, it was like the defense was driving was their driving force, and it has been for years.
That's usually how it is. And you might be right. I just the respect thing.
I get that, like Aaron Rodgers probably does feel that he deserves the respect I am. The thing that I'm disagreeing with you is what you just said of like him wanting people to change their opinion of him.
I feel like he doesn't care about he does, you think.
So that's the thing. There is a layer to that where I would want to walk I would want to walk around and like nothing bothers me at all. Sure, that's that's just I think it's hum of nature to the point when you've been in the public eye like he has for so long, you want to feel like nothing that the things that people say doesn't affect you. Yes, they do, of course, if you hear it enough. That's with anything in life. If you hear something over and over again, that becomes your identity to people. Yes, not necessarily you, but if you hear it enough, it can affect you as well.
And so yeah, I would say that, But he puts himself like he's the one putting himself in front of the media on the Pat McAfee show and doing all of these things, and so that's that's my thing. It's like, I have a hard time believing that because he keeps putting himself in that position for people to criticize, for people to have opinions on what he said, what he did, He's putting himself in that position. And so that's why I'm like, I don't I agree with you that to appoint everyone cares, even if you say you don't care. So yes, to a point, he does care. I just don't think he cares really that much. And maybe I'm wrong just because I feel like he does it to himself a lot. Sure, and in recent years more so than ever, Like yeah.
No, I mean yes, starting in twenty twenty, it was it's it's like a downfall.
Yeah, you know it.
Was a downfall with that, yes for sure. But there's yeah, there's this. There's so many layers to this and we can talk about it for a long time because I you know, obviously I do know him a little bit deep, a little deeply.
I know him.
I haven't known him for a while. We were in the same draft class, so I know him for a long time. That's crazy. If we were in the same draft class and he's still playing, yeah, like here you're going, yeah, like bring it, It's like, that's it's crazy. Think about how long he's been in the public's eye and you talk about the just the levels of growth, demise, hatred, love, like all this wrapped up in twenty years.
I mean it's just it's hard, like, how can we get away from trying to bury someone and give them flowers at the same time, like you know, like there's a layer that's that's like a layer there.
Absolutely, And I feel like the rumors, which I don't know because I don't know him personally, is that he doesn't have a good relationship with his family.
That adds to it, right, like just the type of person.
He is, But a lot of us don't have crystal clear situations with our families. But he's in the public eye.
He's in the absolutely and his brother also in the public eye married to a bachelorette. Like none of that, you know, helps the situation. And we literally have seen, you know. I feel like Kyrie Irving is a perfect example, right, Like Kyrie Irving turned his whole image around.
Yes, good for him.
Like I am, I can't believe that I had the Kyrie Irving we see today with the MAVs all of a sudden, like there are only positive things to be said about him by his teammates around him.
And what you're saying right now is the perfect example of why he should go to Pittsburgh.
Because you think that can happen there.
What you just said earlier, what you said about the organization stable machine, well, or machine. There's a pecking order. Yes, you go into that situation, you have the fall in line. If you don't, you're not. They are okay, and so could he changes He would have to four people there.
Yeah, and he would have to because I agree. I think if he does go there, he knows there is a pecking order and he's only going to be able to do so much White taking so long. That's why No, he's I mean, is that what it is? Or is it that he's waiting for Minnesota to change their mind.
No, Minnesota's not changing their mind.
No, they're not. But I don't.
But Minnesota also, like, what's Minnesota doing? I don't because you do need another quarterback?
Did they bring in another backup? But not yet? Not yet, but they want to. That's what they said, that they want a veteran quarterback to help JJ McCarthy. The Tannehill I heard that news Ryan Tannehill.
I thought they were trying to Did they bring him in or were there some stuff about Tannehill coming in?
Have you heard it? Have you heard anything about Tannehill going to the Vikings have a backup?
There was a rumor about them. I think it was Jordan Schultzer porter that there's a rumor that think it signed Tana Hill.
I mean, but do you want to sign? I get, I get, I mean, just it's.
A good backup if you're Rogers, why not just wait, wait through the draft, wait through training camp. Like Matthew Stafford is almost forty, right, Like that could go sideways, right. I don't know the I don't know the rush for him.
But with okay, the personality that is Aaron Rodgers, that would be a pride thing to just wait.
He would not want to, but you could easily spin it in your own head to be like, I'm waiting for the right situation for me.
Sure, sure be the hero.
And he also like it would lead to doing what we're doing right now talking about Aaron Rodgers on National Radio.
Yeah, you're saying, like, wait it out, and possibly there's always gonna be an injury.
So you're saying the savior in a situation.
I get the I get the thought process behind like, oh, he wants to go to the Vikings because JJ McCarthy is a rookie that hasn't done anything yet, and he's also already had two knee surgeries, so who knows anything? Could happen. You don't want it to. But like I can see his point, but I just I don't know. I he needs to he needs to make a decision, either sign somewhere or tell everybody you're just gonna wait and see what happens.
I mean, but he is.
Lucky that there aren't many options.
That that's why the Steelers and the Giants are kind of just like, all right.
Yeah, we'll wait this out because we don't really have anything. Russell Wilson's like, I'm waiting too. I don't know what he's thinking.
It feels like there's a market of quarterbacks that are all waiting for Rogers to make his choice.
Seems that way, Like that's a dominant blacko.
You have Cousins. I'm sure a team would probably trade a seven for Cousins at this point.
Like, oh, I did see that too.
The Viking's talking about bringing Cousins back as a backup or it's so funny.
I saw that as well.
But I wasn't sure if that was just a ridiculous rumor that someone made up, because yeah, I did see I did.
See that one.
He probably still has a house there, Monci.
Probably still has a house there. I would love that if he did come back because that would be hilarious. So what is your gut, Sadi right now on this Sunday?
Yeah, I think my guts I mean when it comes to that situation. But Aaron Rodgers and why he's taking so long to the side. I mean, yes, it seems like Pittsburgh has a few little ingredients to you know, possibly steal be in the mix in that division. But then you think about that division. Yeah, him going to play quarterback in that division, he still be the third best quarterback in that division. So it's not like it's a given that they would win and so be successful. So I can also see that being.
A reason why he wouldn't want to go back as well. Yeah.
Interesting, but last year, you know, talking about the Bengals right earlier in the show. Now, the Bengals offensively like they were so close defensively, one stop away really on eight of their losses, all one score games. But yet the Steelers, I feel like they're the same, just opposite. It's like you were already successful without an offense, Yes, and you would think bringing Aaron Rodgers would be that push, an actual push, you know, And so I feel like, yes, Rogers, you won't be top two quarterback in your division. You wouldn't be, but your team would be pretty good.
They should be.
They shouldn't like they should be, they should be.
I just don't see how Aaron Rodgers would come in and mess that up, Like if he goes there, obviously you have all agreed to the pecking order to Mike Tomlin as a coach, and you are here and this is this is the game plan, and.
You've agreed to it.
If he agrees to it, I feel like that's the most desirable destination right.
Now for him.
I agree, Yeah, I agree.
It's like, why are we wait? Why are you making people wait?
Nothing better is going to come around, unless it's money, because remember he wanted more money, want more money, money, wanted more years.
It could be it could be more years. Probably it could be an extra year there that he's trying to get.
And so like, would you give him like two years comfortably? Like if you're the Steelers, would you give him two years?
Both says.
We desperately need to reframe the conversation and understand that guys like Tom Brady and Lebron James are outliars, extreme outliers. Yes, Rogers is what forty one forty he'll be forty one coming off still still tore his achilles at an advanced age, elderly for an athlete.
Forty one will be forty two into something.
Yeah, like he might just be done.
He might just be done.
We are he I mean Cleopatra was alive closer to when he last won his last and then you know him being a good quarterbacks in perspective, he might just be done, Like it's possible, and maybe he's just gonna do all this and retire.
Who knows, he could retire. But I just don't. I don't see it, just him as an individual to go out the way that he's had these last two years and people doubting just his physical capabilities. I just don't see it. Both, but he could, I hear you.
So you're saying a stubborn dude probably doesn't want to go out this way.
We all are absolutely athletes too.
Oh yeah, another athlete as well.
I I hear you.
And so that's what I'm saying, Like that that's stubborn, that type of stern personal have you want to how do you want to look at it? It's like I still don't see how it fits with Steelers, Like, I just don't see it Liven though, even though I do think like that's their best option.
I just like don't see how It's like.
You're gonna put put you two, We're gonna put you two together, but you're not gonna like it, but.
You're gonna do it.
Maybe it's time for Pittsburgh to you know, be forward thinking and trade up for Suar Sanders or something like that, rather than go down the road of signing Rogers.
Well, again, that takes more movie guts. Yeah, it takes guts, but it also puts into positions to not finish above five hundred, which they don't take a liking to.
That may that that that mays I.
Mean, yeah, but that's gonna have to happen eventually. Yeah, I've I've argued forever that, like, I would rather be the Steelers, and as an NFL fan, I'd rather watch a team like the Steelers than be subjected to like I'm sorry with the Jets or something like that, Like give me ten wins and a loss in the playoffs than four wins and being sold. Absolutely, the next guy is the guy that's gonna get you over there, Like there's value in being competitive every single year.
There is, there is, And that's probably one of the selling points for Aaron Rodgers because I agree, I think he's competitive, and I think he doesn't want to go out this way. But what if bo Is is right that it's like he just might be done and he It's hard, it's a hard thing to accept.
I mean, I said this last week.
Bo I was like, all he's done is gotten older and gotten hurt.
So what are what are we holding on to?
Which is what happens?
Which is what happened.
And not everybody gets to go out like Peyton Manning unfortunately, Like that's very rare that you get to go out on top somewhere. Yes, like even Brady, Like Brady came back for next year when he probably shouldn't have, probably just won that last ring with Tampa and then called it a career.
Yeah, but he wanted to try one more. Why because he had just won? Because he had just won.
So that's what it's like. I don't know, I don't know, it's it's I I just don't see them living in harmony or playing in harmony, and I feel like they're gonna win, but we're gonna see him shove someone.
Just like no.
That's why I didn't say someone, because it's like, it's not gonna be tomblin. It's gonna be like, you know, yeah, it's gonna be like George Picktts because he's a younger one or something like that.
I don't know. I'm very curious to see where.
Aaron Rodgers ends up, if he ends up anywhere at the start of the season, or maybe he waits it out.
It might be done, he might be done. Who who knows? Who knows? Cavaliers are not done.
They want today, but I think the Cavaliers have some issues heading into the playoffs and Carrie, we'll get into that on the other side.
Don't go anywhere.
This is Fox Sports Sunday, Fox Sports Sunday.
I am Antie Blanya's alongside former All bro safety carry Roads.
He's just grooving over here, grooming, did it?
I don't know this song? Should I know? This song?
So in love?
Is that?
What it is? Party?
By Beyonce.
Album four? What is I mean? Four? Is that? Was it four?
It was titled four?
Which one's four? I need an image.
I need to talk to is the one. She's in the Boo the Beyonce.
She's in the Boo Beyonce four. Hold on you guys. I'm literally I'm just like, what do you?
There's two versions, okay, the one where j Cole was like sucks and then there's the like og version with are two thousand?
Yeah, no, I that's the one. You're a bad girl and your girl bad?
Is that it?
But so I think j Cole starts his verse off with you a Bad Girl and then the Andre.
Yeah, that album does have one of my favorite Beyonce songs, Love on Top.
That is one of my favorite Yeah, love Love on Top.
All right, let's get back to sports and uh, no more Beyonce, because.
I could talk Beyonce for hours. But let's let's try a little NBA now, Carrie.
Uh, the Cavaliers say they they won today against the Jazz, if that matters, but a four game losing streak after a sixteen game winning streak, yeah, and a losing streak. The Clippers, uh beat them, and I gotta mention that yeah, yeah, yeah, Clippers beat them, but in this losing streak and again they want today, so they beat the Jazz. And they're They're still the number one seed in the East. That's not gonna change.
Their lead is far enough.
Okay see though, I think has officially taken the best record in the league because they had the best record for a while now.
I think, okay see does during those losses.
As I was watching the Calves, I mean Donovan Mitchell, it's it's just if Donovan Mitchell is having a bad game, the Cavaliers are gonna lose m.
And you know likes because I got you, yeah, like.
Watching that, I was as I, man, this guy's not shooting while that sucks. Darius Garland does his job, but then who's the next scorer? Who's the next consistent scorer if one of those two is having a bad shooting.
But is it? I don't know. I don't watch them when to know, I do know that that team is they are really versatile. And they added DeAndre Hunter at the at the All Star break, at the trade trade deadline, so he bolsters there. You know that that that that bench unit a little bit. I know Max Shrews is the start and starting guard as well. He scored some points. Even even the big center Jared Jared Campbell is a thank you, Jared Allen. Very they're consistent. None of those guys like scare me though, none of them, not even Donovan Mitchell. I agree because in the playoffs we've seen Donovan Mitchell can get here sometimes, but a lot of times when the games really matter, he doesn't. He he doesn't have that special thing.
Yeah whatever.
Yeah, No, it's something about that team that doesn't scare me. And I'm sure it doesn't scare Boston in in in the East, even though they're.
Number one seed.
I don't think it matters, but I don't want to discredit how good they've been. I don't know what's contributed to the slide right now, but I would probably I would probably attribute that to just probably they're shooting. They're streaky as well, and I think that's the NBA nowadays as well. If you don't you hit a cold streak, you can lose games.
Yeah, I in my opinion, you're not wrong about that.
I don't think the Calves shoot a ton of threes, But when they're shooting, it's because they're shooting it well, right, Like they're not gonna shoot it if they're not shooting well. Losing to the Suns recently again the Suns u Loso the Sons, like I get it. Kevin's around dropped like forty. But in that game Donovan Mitchell went two for eighteen.
Stop shooting, stop two for eight put them on the bench like RJ no, but facilitate.
Other things right like two of eighteen, Darius Garland and I one eight of sixteen. Ok, Max Strewz only took five shots. I just every time I see it, it's like, if Darius Garland and Donovan Mitchell don't drop yeah, fifty sixty points together, I feel like the Calves struggle and I going into the playoffs, It's like, you should be fine tuning your team right now, but instead I feel like they're realizing, huh in a seven game series, if we get cold, which is with anybody, but when you guys, if one of you, if one of you gets cold, who's the I just don't know who the next one is? Where I feel like, and I'm using my Clippers because I watch most Clipper games, so it's a little bit different.
But like James.
Harden Kawhi, Norman Powell, Derek Jones, Junior aviza Via is amazing.
He's our real MVP. But you know one is down, I know that.
There's another one that can come in and help the situation. And then we just got what is Bogdanovich. Bogie Bogdanovic also has been has been scoring. And so if when I look at the Cavs, like you said, I'm not scared of them. If I'm anyone in the East, I'm not scared of them.
You know, they remind me of they remind me of the Atlanta Hawks. Remember they had Jeff Tige and Jeff t that squad. I think there the one seed out East, like for oh Cayle.
Core over all those yeah.
Yeah, sounds right, Al Horford.
Really good players, correct.
None of those guys want to get you over to the hamp That's what they remind me of.
And I feel like we kind of hit on this last time. Maybe we talked about the Calves, not that we didn't say that they weren't scary, but that I look at them and I'm just like, yeah, like, you're a good team, but.
There's a lot good out there. There's just a lot of good out there.
And you've won and you have a great record, but going getting this close to the postseason and then you have this losing streak.
I feel like it's bad juju almost. It is like, this is not the time when you should be having the slump.
If this slump would have happened in January, it's a different conversation.
Or happened to slump And you're not playing all your guys, but they're playing their guys because you're playing your guys.
It's just I don't know if if I'm the Calves, I you got to figure things out quickly, quickly because playoffs literally start.
What I feel like, there's ten games left in the season.
Yeah, it's got a couple of weeks, a.
Couple of weeks and we're there.
Yeah, Well, let's chick in with maritin they see what he thinks maybe of the Calves and their struggles even though they won today, Mark, what do you.
Think of the Cabs.
I think that everybody's playing for second behind Boston.
Yeah, that's not very compelling.
You're not wrong, You're not wrong.
It's like the reality of it is.
It's like, you know, they're not quite David, but Boston is definitely Goliath.
Yeah, absolutely absolutely.
Men's college basketball right now, Kentucky has kind of let this one become more interesting than it.
Needed to be, seventy six to sixty eight.
With the minute left on the clock, Illinois has been on a run the last about five minutes the show mark Pope finally stopping the clock. Here second fifteen minutes left in the second half between Alabama and Saint Mary's, the two seed Crimson Tide with a fifty one to forty one lead over the seven seed Saint Mary's, and just under eight minutes left between Colorado State and Maryland the twelve seed ram with a twenty four to sixteen lead over the four seed Terrapins. On the women's side of things, with nearing the end of the third quarter, TCU has a sixty nine to fifty.
One lead over Louisville.
Earlier today we saw South Carolina beat Indiana to have all of these two advances of Sweet sixteen. So South Carolina beat Indiana sixty four to fifty three. Old Miss beat Baylor sixty nine to sixty three. Duke over Oregon fifty nine to fifty three. Notre Dames mac Michigan seventy six to fifty five. In Kansas State in overtime beat Kentucky eighty to seventy nine. On the men's side of the bracket once he, Floridas survived seventy seven to seventy five against eight seed Yukon. This Yukon's first loss in March Madness since twenty twenty two. Duke advanced to the Sweet sixteen, beating Baylor eighty nine to sixty six. Tyrech Procter seven for eight from three led the team in scoring with twenty five. Cooper Flag added eighteen and nine. Rodney Terry has been fired as Texas head basketball coach. Texas lost Xavier in the first four on win eighty six to eighty. Sean Miller, the new head coach at Texas, used to be the coach at Xavier, so he beat Texas and now is going to be their new head coach. And in the NBA, the Pistons beat the Pelicans one thirty six to one thirty and the Cavaliers beat the.
Jazz one twenty to ninety one.
Games in action right now, there's a ton of them in the third quarter for the next few that I read off, but it's the third quarter twenty point lead for the Hawks over the seventy six ers eighty six to six.
Eighty six to sixty eight.
Miami has an eighty three to sixty three lead for again third quarter. There the Raptor Spurs eighty two, Raptors fifty four with five minutes in the third quarter. And the closest game in the third quarter right now in Boston, of course, Goliath ninety four to eighty four to the Trailblazers two minutes left in the third quarter. Denver in Houston's tied twenty seven apiece at the end of their first quarter.
Back to you.
Guys, Rockets and Nuggets tied alright, Rockets, okayay, Nicola are still not playing.
I think so, maybe that makes sense. Oh huh yeah. One.
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Yeah, but you can't win. I can't win, though, No, you can play. Well, how is your bracket doing?
It is not that great? Actually it's not that great.
It's all right, neither is mine.
But uh, let's get a little carry on. Oh all right, carry roads.
I'm gonna tell you some things that you're gonna say.
Whether you carry on and agree or maybe you're not so into it, all right, right, carry on or off. The idea that Russell Wilson may have played his last snap as a.
Starter, I'm carrying on.
On carrying one.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, No, it's Russell Wilson has school. I think he's squeezed all the juice out of his starting orange and I think it's time. I think he would be a really good mentor to you guys that are coming in. And if he, you know, kind of falls in line with that and he's okay with that, I think it'd be a good look for him.
Yeah. I agree with you on that one. Okay, carry on.
Or off that the Knicks, the New York Knicks recent struggles go beyond missing Jalen Brunson.
I'm going to carry on with that one as well, all right.
Yeah, yeah, you know, like we we look at the Knicks and we joked last season the villain the Villanova Knicks, Right, you know, it's all fun and dandy. You've got your brothers there, You've gone to war with them in college for a long time. So that playful attitude, that joy that comes around that team that we saw last year, it was fun. Yes, at this point, it's a little irritating now, and so it seems like there may be something brewing underneath there.
I'm not sure.
I don't have any insight on it, but it feels like something is a little awry.
I agree.
I don't know what it is, but I agree. It's like you're not just missing your best player. There's there's something off here and you could see it. And now maybe because Brunson is missing, we see it even more.
But I am so with you, all right, carry on or off. Stephen A.
Smith saying that he was wrong about Brownie James after his one game against the Milwaukee Bucks.
Oh, I'm off that one. I'm off that one. Stephen a stick to your guns man. If you're gonna talk about something and you're gonna be about something, be about it, not just talk about it. It goes together to marriage. Don't start trying to suck up to Lebron. At this point. You've done what you've done. You said what you said. Stand on it. We call that ten toes down.
Stand on it.
Yeah, he did not do it.
He did not. Such a baby. Such a baby.
It was soft.
It was soft, all right? Last wee here? Carry on or off Apple.
TV making a documentary on the World Series that literally just happened yesterday.
I'm off it. You sure.
Carry on on.
I know, Bo, I'm a Yankee fan. I don't want to see any more of what happened last year. It wasn't pretty. We had one little eke of light that we had a chance. It was going out the game too. I'm done. I don't want to see anything else.
Bo, you want to see it just happened, might as well just watch the games.
I still watch Bats from the World series.
Say we don't need a documentary, but I.
Could get high Apple production values on this one and I'm assuming they like talk to the Yankees during the series.
Wow, this documentary so I can see somebody's pain.
Yeah, absolutely, you want to.
Say someone's paying Yeah. I just think it's too soon. I just think it's way too soon.
Too soon to see an ass whooping again.
But that's what I'm saying. We could just watch the ass whooping. It just happened.
Listen, but again, Apple.
You feel me?
Did it?
I want to see I want to see ass who from every angle.
I think it would have been better if you gave me some time away for like, literally not even a year later.
We just this just happened. I feel like it's Wow.
Why dog got? Why are y'all so mean right now?
They want to see belt the butts right now?
That's crazy carrying.
The next documentary is inside the Luka Doncic Trades Stop Now.
I would watch that.
I would watch that because I hope it would give me more information and help me out.
Martin's like, I don't care.
I don't even have my headphone, not because I don't care.
I'm here for ass whoopings. So I want to hear the behind the scenes conversation about you know what we're gonna do.
Yes, we're gonna go whoop their ass and we just got our asses kicked.
Whatever, you guys, whatever, it's too soon, it's too soon, whatever, We'll wrap it up on the other side, don't go anywhere.
Fox Sports Sunday. All right, Mary, did you like that? Do you like that? We just got y'all.
Were like you guys didn't even have your headphones in there. You heard it like with clockwork.
It was.
This is a great one. Fox Sports Sunday.
I'm Manzy Belaanya's alongside former Opro Safety carry Roads. If you've been with us for the entire three hours, we appreciate it.
Thank you so much. We hope you had a fun time just like we did. We still are. Carrie's putting on the dance moves right now because it is a good song.
Yeah, I'm standing up like Monzi now the rest of the show.
I know, I I do stand up most of the show. I like that.
I'm out of breath now, but let's go.
That's right, that's right, all right.
Before we wrap up, I'm gonna tell you about my improv experience.
That's right, Carrie, because I got questions and you guys too. You guys can jump in may but okay.
So I went to see a friend do improv. I don't like improv. I did it in high school because I was an actor or whatever.
But it's like, you're not funny. Most people are not funny and I don't.
I don't know, like who thinks they're funny, but it's like I feel like most people aren't. And so I went to this improv I won't say where anything to support my friend.
It was like troops. So one troop came out and they did a thing, and then another troop came out. My thing here is like why can I can I boo people in improv?
Like I boo Lebron James? Can I boo someone doing improv if they suck?
Theoretically you can because it's part of improv.
I see what you're saying, because let me tell you, these people were not good, And I was like, what do I Why am I?
I don't want to and I don't want to sit and do this anymore. I paid to be entertained, and I I was not.
And that's the part that's hard.
Yes, I paid, by the way, I told yes, master.
Should be paying you because they're practicing.
Yes, and it wasn't. My friend was like, hey, I can just put you on the list.
I was like, you know, I don't mind supporting the theater, like I can pay, but I did pay. And I sat there and then like the the host came out and was like, everyone, get up on your seat, out of your seats, get up, cheer.
They're the cheer for these people. And I was like, why am I cheering for these people? I didn't get up out of my seat. Was that rude? I stayed sitting down. I was like, no, I don't need it.
If you make me laugh, i'll stand up and clap for you. But you want me to stand up and clap for these people when they haven't done anything.
That's the thing. You paid for that experience, Yes, so you want. And that's the thing about improv stand up comedy in general. You're paying to your paying for your laughs. And so if they're not good, they're not good.
They're not good.
That's why I bring back the apollo or they were booming. They were boom if you people off.
But I know if I would have bude, I would have been given death stairs and I probably would have been asked to leave, when in reality it's like, y'all, you are not good. And I paid for this and I was very like again, I only went because my friend went and he was great.
He was. I chuckled a few times. I chuckled a few times. But yeah, like it's hard. Being funny is very difficult to do.
It's one of the hardest things.
One and I can't do it like I you know, I have. I've had friends that have done stand up comedy and it's such an impressive thing. Stand Up comedy is different than improv, like going up there and trying, you know, Like it's different than improv. I can go to a stand up show and like enjoy people telling me jokes. Improv is different, but they're both very difficult, and I just am like, I can't believe so many people do this and think that they're funny.
Yes, because people think they're funny around the dinner table and it's not the same.
That's so true.
Your family and your friends laugh at you, and you think I can do this for a living.
Yeah, I mean if if if you're laughing at me, monsie, I can go.
I can go to the laugh factory and make people laugh that paid their money, pay their.
Money, and in reality, no, you can.
So for those of you that aren't funny, congratulations, it's very difficult.
To Why did the chicken cross the road to get to the other side to go home?
Afterwards? We got a couple more minutes left. Yeah you like that?
Yes, you laughed?
Oh my god, Parker.
Pooh pookag No, he did have a good joke that I laughed like you genuinely laughed. It was really good. It's it was an all joke, but it was so funny goodness. But he said it on the air.
Oh yeah, definitely Top ten jokes guys.
Okay, so we're gonna put together an improv troop is what you're telling you to do it, and then we're gonna go and have people pay to see us.
I'm down.
Hew, no worse idea.
But Ryan Berschinger will.
Do it, and then you consider in the audience you can him for sure do it.
I think Sam would do it too.
I think Sam would do it, absolutely he would, and he would.
Probably write a script out and plan it.
And it's like, no, it's improv, Sam, you can't actually plan it.
Make not fun anymore?
Right, Oh, guys, thank you so much for joining us on Fox Sports Sunday. I am Monsi Bilanos alongside former All pro safety Carry Roads. We'll see you next time.