Chris Plank and Arnie Spanier open the show reacting to all the action from the first two rounds of the NCAA Tournament! They give their thoughts on Coach Cal taking down Rick Pitino, the uncharacteristic lack of upsets to this point, and more! They react live as Arnie's Arizona Wildcats take down Oregon and advance to the next round. They also start peeking ahead to the NBA playoffs, debating whether anyone in the West has a shot at taking down the Thunder.
Later, the guys react to massive new contract extensions for Ja'Marr Chase and Tee Higgins, discussing whether they see a scenario where this decision turns into a Super Bowl for the Bengals. They also give their thoughts on the latest in the Aaron Rodgers saga, which, despite a recent meeting between him and the Steelers, seems to have no end in sight. Plus, how much did Bronny's 17-point night affect his NBA outlook?
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio radio.
Oh, let's go, stinking gys, go big boy, look, bear down, let's go. Let's go. Wait what bear down? Do you want me to read the text you sent me in the first ten minutes of the game? What text? This game is over? I was hacked seventeen to three. At that point I started to text you back. I was driving. I was like, you know what, They're gonna be fine. They're gonna be fine. You're over.
It was over by that. I was so in the PAM like, this game's over. I go, it's done. I can't believe we're five minutes into the game and it's already over.
What we talk about tonight, this game is over five minutes in.
I wasn't gonna work tonight. I was you're gonna take tonight off. I was gonna have one of tonight. I was gonna have like one of the listeners filling for me.
You didn't have your any Saturday shows to help fill the void or anything during the week, so there was no I mean no way you were taking tonight off. As we come to you live from the ti iraq dot Com Studios, tire rack dot Com, will help you get there an unmatched selection fast fast, free shipping, free road Haaszard protection and over ten thousand recommended installers, tire rack Dot Colm the way tire buying should be all right. So we're getting ready to start the second half.
I got ten thousand dollars on this kind of not really well kind of How.
Would you explain the kind of? Because you have both them and New York you are to win the title.
Yeah, fifty dollars parlay to pay ten thousand, but if I would have waited a couple of months, it would have paid off fifty eight thousand.
Why don't you just tell them that you meant to wait.
Thinking about doing that? It's really your fault too.
Why is it my fault? Because I tell you that you never gamble on games, but you you rushed me in the making the bet instead of letting me take my time. I knew bet well, if you take your time anymore than you do on actually making bets, you'll never bet on a game. Welcome back, by the way, Before we get in to the forty two to thirty eight lead for Arizona, the half to marry mac good averbach Ian roddy is running the show, and you just heard Steve Sager. He'll be on updates all night long because not only do we have this game going on tonight, we have the Michigan State game coming down the wire between Michigan State and Mexico. Yeah, they're up sixty eight fifty eight, thirty two to go. We've got a couple NBA games that are lingering to as you just turned into Sager's update, Thunder and Clippers are coming out in the home straight. Clippers just took the lead in that game. Everything else is a final today. But where do you want to start? Do you want to start with the tournament in general? Or do you want to start with your wild hat? I want to start the second half.
Well, I'm supposed to work Friday, and Arizona's playing in Newark on Thursday, so I'm trying to debate on what I'm going to do for crime.
Well, they got to win. Yeah, that's true, they do have to win. Oh you're in Friday. Yeah, I have them in Friday. Look at you giving yourself shifts and not sharing with your boy. Thanks appreciate it.
So I have to have to figure out am I gonna go drive five hours the game.
Drive anywhere. You never go anywhere.
It's only five hours. It's only five hours.
Arnie again, Mary and help. I mean you say this all the time. This thing is only it's not the New York Nicks.
He might he might, I think he might actually go off. You see this dude put his jaw on the line how many times?
And when he's lost? That's the problem.
Can I get a press job? The tickets are pricey? Can I get a press.
Why are you asking us? Like you aren't the owner?
Like, yeah, you ride the station.
Yeah yeah, I would have been a press pass. I mean they're like five hundred bucks.
If I if I wanted to get a press pass is free here. They don't charge you for a press pass. Here's the problem with the press pass is they don't the n C A A And then where is it? Next week?
For me? Okay Newark? Now? And again you need them to win. They're up five to start the second half, but they will not give you a pass on the second week, and only if you didn't cover them during the first week. Oh that's not fair. Come on now, now, if you were to ask the boss, like our real boss got Shapiro or you know, whomever is in charge. I don't know if it would be Dan Byer or someone that would be in charge of the credentialing over over here on Fox Sports Radio, then they might be able to help you out. But I think you're gonna have to buy a ticket, Arnie. If you're very now, that sounds confident. Are you feeling good about things right now?
I was feeling good when we were up by five hours three We turned it over right. I'm just so nervous, man. We just never we never finished things out. Don't talk to me this first hour?
Can you do that?
Or what?
Sure? I mean we can. There's all kinds of highlights, and.
I know the boss does it on purpose to put me on every time Arizona plays, because he goes, hey, can you start work tonight at like nineve. I'm like, come on, man, you're just doing that to test me, to see if I'm gonna watch Arizona for crying out lady.
Why would he want you to start at ninety forty.
Because that's when Arizona was tipping off.
Oh okay, so you think that purposeful?
They were like, okay, all right, well my feet is delayed I'm watching on the intro webs, but I got you guys down are up three right now, So I'm very nervous. So how do you handle it when you're because this isn't the first time you've done this, right, they played when when you're.
Football and stuff like that. But this is the NCAA tournament, you know, this is this is the big, the whole big mcgilla here, you know, the big mcgilla.
Yeah. Well, I mean, do you want you want to just take the hour off and Ian and Mary and Steve and I can talk all things tournament. I mean, it's up to you. It's your call.
No, No, I could work. I've done this before. I'm a I'm a professional. I mean, it's gonna come down to the wire and we'll turn the ball over and I'll be all upset and be aggravated.
That's what's gonna happen. That's really good of you, Arnie. Thanks for sticking it out. Yeah, I appreciate your fighting through it here tonight, You're welcome. But listen, I talked about this.
I know, like LeVar Arrington who got sprayed by a skunk like in the afternoon and couldn't show up to work the next morning.
Have you ever been sprayed by a skunk before? I'm just saying, please, come on now, have you ever been sprayed by a skunk before? Yeah? I think I have. Well, I will tell you this much. If you did, you would know it's okay to take a little bit of time away from work to do that. In fact, I don't think anybody wants you around if that's the case, if he gets sprayed by skunk, even if you are remote working. I actually agree with you on something that I haven't even looked at your rundown yet, so I know this is going to be a take. This tournament has been terrible. There's not enough close games. We haven't had any pretty close.
You're very close because I did call that, remember saying I didn't feel the madness, and sure enough, and that's exactly what happened. It's not just me now. Ever since the game started, we have that. We've had one buzzer beater and one upset. Otherwise that's it. It's it's been very mundane.
I mean, you don't think Arkansas's an upset moving on and knocking off the two seed.
I mean, okay, it's a it's an upset, Yes, but I mean still Arkansas is.
A big name team.
We don't, you know, say, oh my goodness, you know it wasn't like it was a mid major or anything like that. Why have you have you enjoyed this tournament? Have you been like, yeah, it is. I mean, you can't make a case for it, Chris.
Nope, you can't. And I would challenge any well, you know what I shout out time here on the show, Arnie, our buddy Shady Sean is retired from the program. And we love Shady Sean for twenty apparently his birthday's April twentieth, I assume, but he can't stand college sports, never understood it. I'm a lifelong, diehard college football fan. I think the NCAA Tournament is one of the greatest weeks in sports. But for this week, I kind of agree with them. This This has been at times really hard to watch. And there's just there hasn't been a lot of competitive games. I mean even the competitive games like Michigan and Texas. A and M was a very competitive game. It was a fun game, but then with like five minutes to go, like A and M stopped playing and it was a twelve point game, right, it's just like, WHOA, what are we doing here? I probably threw away all my notes, but it was in the first two days, the largest margin of victory ever. And you know what they're saying. You know what the narrative is.
Why they're saying nil, Well, that the nil exactly because they're saying, now there's a bigger difference between the haves and the have nots. I don't think I necessarily agree with that, Chris.
If I agree with that, either no, and I don't agree with that. I just I think that we've had so many years where you've had so many upsets that eventually levels itself out.
Yeah, but don't just back to the nil though. Don't kids go up and down? I mean, sure, there'ss that leave mid majors and want to play with the big boys. I get that, But then there's guys who are on you know, major conferences that don't get off the bench and saying, you know, enough is enough. I'll go play with a mid major and get a bunch of play in time and see if I could make the NCAA tournament that way.
You know, I think there's something else that hasn't been talked about too terribly much. Last year, I'm trying to take off the top of my head. You had in North Carolina State who even though they were an ACC team, their run started with the ACC Tournament, and then yet Oakland out of the well were they the mid con or whatever, the Rising League wherever they are right now? But all these COVID extra eligibility players have graduated out. So, I mean Oakland's great player is was a dude that had been in college for like six years last year.
Right, It's funny their best player is now a starter on Arizona. But for Oakland from last year he transferred.
Oh, I mean, well, they had they had the other I know you're talking about, but they had the older guy too. Yeah, they had old Townsend, not the guy I was about, the old the guy that'd been there like for five or six years. You have a lot of these dudes talking.
About thank you, thank you, Oh the guy that get supped three pointers.
That's right, right, right, But again, these these dudes have graduated on and these these mid majors have really fought and and lost a lot of guys, Like, for instance, you're talking about Arizona has one of the stars from Oakland. I don't think people realize the leveling that happens when that takes place. You know, all these I mean, even look at some of the teams that made big runs last year. They were veteran heavy teams. They had tons of dudes that have been in college for four or five years, and that makes a difference. So I think that's part of it this year. I don't think it's necessarily nil. I think you're always going to have Cinderella's and make a run. But you know, you just have a year where there wasn't upper echelon of college basketball, and there's kind of a middle of the road and then there's everyone else.
Yeah, and one other thing. And we've talked about this for football too. Today's games ridiculous. I mean here it is about two three o'clock in the afternoon. I saw one game and the second game as started, and that's it. I have to have six games like the five, six, seven o'clock window. What are you doing to me after two days of NonStop games, you're giving me something like this. I thought they took away all the momentum, even if they didn't have much momentum.
Can I push back on that? For Justice. Sure, go ahead. Don't you want to see every game? Of course? Well, this is the payoff that you get. They's just it's spread out like this, right, I mean, is that what you're complaining about?
First three games were all CBS, CBS, CBS, so we had to wait, you know, for each game finish.
It was right, that's my point. You get to see every single game now. And I mean you and I back in the day would have to wait for Greg Gumble to shift to another game, right, And now I think that's part of it. I mean, we always would have the Oprah window, right, There was that time in the afternoon where all right, we're not gonna get a game for a while because everyone's watching Oprah. But I don't know, dude, it's just I hear what you're saying. I understand. I don't disagree, but this is kind of our prize for wanting to be able to see every single game is that they are gonna be spread out and you are gonna have to deal with Hey, if a game is bad, you're kind of stuck with it for a while.
And I don't think what I was about to say, there's no ramifications of it being boring and having no buzzer beaters. There's it's not like they're gonna lose any money or anything like that.
Chris Well, and I was it was funny because I was doing my show on Friday night and as is the first to the first round and wrapped up. Literally in my mind, all I could hear you saying is this sucks because there's been no buzzer beaters. But we only had four one possession games in the first round. Four that was it. And really what maybe the Vanderbilt Saint Mary's game where Vandy had a shot to tie it, if if maybe Clemson scored more than thirteen points in the first half, that would have been a better game down the stretch for me. The Baylor first round game, the eight nine game, which was, oh gosh, you b blanking on the Baylor had in the Mississippi State Does that sound right? They had the they had a shot near the end of Mississippi State to potentially win that, but that was it. I mean, they're just there. There hasn't been a lot of juice in this tournament.
Right well, there has and for that and I think a lot of people have said that too on Twitter I've seen people say this, this has been boring and there's no excitement. But people have noticed that there's been no buzzer beaters and there's been a lack of upsets. I know there's been the one upset. I mean, we're talking more about that team's at mcneese's manager than we are the team there. That was. That was fun, That was a good storyline, you know that.
But I can't get enough of that manager story. I don't know why, Arnie. Every single time it pops on, I'm like, oh, here comes to the nerd and I just I can't get enough. I can't get enough of them. Man, I know his about all the player's names, but I know is that could name one guy on the McNee roster. I know, I know Will. I know their head coach, and I know him here. And that's really about it.
You know.
This is also I think and agree or disagree with me, but a final thought on the tournament before we get a break. Yeah, I feel like there's been so much with the coaching moves you had. I mean as soon as I mean even before McNee State played their game. Aren't McNee Sorry, Will Wade was the head coach in North Carolina State. I mean the VCU coach had the Virginia job as soon as the game was over.
It was coach Don Miller had the Texas job before.
But I don't think he's gonna get the Texas job. No, Sean Miller, I don't think he's gonna get the Texas job. I thought he already got the Texas job. Did they already hire him? Yeah? No, Are you serious? Yes, that's what they settled for.
Oh my gosh. And you want to know why. I know he knew he had the job.
Why is that?
There was a maybe I maybe it was I fell for it. But there was a meme of him right talking to a guy in a Texas Jersey.
Oh what's there? Really?
Pay me shocked? I thought, I honestly thought Texas would drag this out a little bit but and try to go get Bill self or or maybe a bigger name. But hey, Sean Miller was cooking before he got caught up in the What was that was that? The Adidas controversy? Wow, that's finalized. Oh that you had him, You had you had the VCU guy, you had the Drake guy. They all and maybe the Maryland coach. With the way that he's talking, I feel like even the coaches are basically and will Wade. Kudos to him on his honesty because he basically said, yeah, I told these guys that my goal is to bring them to Power five school whenever they come here with me when I leave. I mean, what are we even doing on that front? I dig it. You know that he's honest about it. But doesn't that take a little bit of the luster from it? What that that a coach is basically saying, Hey, let's win so we can leave this place and go somewhere else.
Yeah, well it does. But at the time, you know, you that's the way the rules are. That's the way it is. So you you know, you have to.
Go out and play.
You got to go ahead and get your next job, otherwise somebody else is going to take it out from underneath you.
I still can't believe that Texas hired Sean Miller. How about that? All right? Well, when we come back to the Tirack dot Com studios, we'll keep you updated on Arizona and Oregon with let's see where are we? I got fourteen eighteen fifty six fifty two Arizona.
Yeah, we had an eleven point lead. They cut it down the four.
I don't know. Arizona's one of our sorry. Oregon is one of those teams that, honestly, Arnie, with them being in the Big Ten, the Big Ten played on weird nights this year. They had Tuesday games, they had Friday games, they had Monday or excuse me, Sunday games only kind of played on where I don't feel like I had a good handle on the Big Ten. I don't even know what to expect from Oregon here tonight, but it's been a good one. We'll keep you updated all night long. Instant reaction here with Arnie and Plank on Fox Sports Radio.
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All right, it's Arnie in Plank Company. You live from the tire Ac dot com studio. It's been a good game so far.
It's been a good game if you're you know, if.
You're rooting interest. I have no rooting interest, so yeah, it's fun for me. I think my brackets are already done.
Real you're ahead of No, you're behind me like about three or four points.
Oh that's it. Oh well, I feel good.
It's still look you know you still got a long way to go.
So much. Well, I really my my upsets missed is what killed me. Sixty lot of them. That's yeah, sixty three fifty seven. By the way, Arizona leads with eleven zh three to go in the game. No, not really, it's just the ones I picked didn't happen. I fell in love with u CE San Diego because all the smart college basketball people. I hadn't seen UC San Diego this year outside of their conference championship game, but everyone who was smart about college basketball, Oh, u CE San Diego. Hey beat VCU. VCU was a team. And then of course their coach leaves and takes the Virginia job. Should have known better, Oh VCU, look out, VC is incredible. Hey get beaten? Not BYU is going to the Sweet sixteen. How about that coaching little trio there right the BYU coach. Well, let's go back here. The Kentucky coach, cayl Party leaves for Arkansas. Arkansas makes the Sweet sixteen. The BYU coach leaves for Kentucky Mark Mark Pope and Kentucky makes the Sweet sixteen, and then BYU gets oh who what's their freaking basketball coach's name, and just completely uh skipped my mind of Kevin Young, Kevin Young, Kevin Young takes the BYU job. Boom, they go to the Sweet sixteen. Not bad, right, Everything kind of worked out in that uuuching weave. They were my sleeper in this tournament. I liked them a lot.
They're really good team. Oh yeah, they're a good team.
I did not I thought that they now they beat the snot out of Kansas earlier this year, but i'd kinda I wasn't really impressed with when I saw him. But then you realize it's one of those rare teams that you kind of dig a little bit and you think, ooh, that guy was good at X place, and this guy was good there, and this guy's been a on for a couple of years. Did you see CBS Sports did a list of the teams that they feel like have the most nil money for basketball because nothing's official, right, nothing's reported, nobody knows what's real and what is it right right? B y b Yu was in the top five of that list. How did they get the money? I don't know. I don't know much want of winning basketball right now. But on Friday Night show, I tried to come up with the top five moments from the first round of the NCAA Tournament. I had to kind of stop at three because really, when when you think about it, though, right when you when you think about the big moments from the first round. Now we're we're on to the sweet sixteen. We're waiting for one team to finish it up. But Arnie, you go back to the first two days, what was the great moment? Was it Alabama getting pushed by Bob Morris? I mean, what what was it from the first two right? Yeah?
And the way they did it and then they had to hang on though still was anti climactic. You knew they were going to win the game, even though they won it by two.
Yeah. I had a tough time and I think, again, I'm not trying to be an overall hater, but I mean the Yukon game against Florida was fantastic today.
Yeah, that was a good game.
I mean the Houston Gonzaga game was okay last night. Everything.
I think people are disappointed because we watch for the upsets. We watched for the mid majors and you know how they do and stuff like that. That's what this tournament's about. And we didn't get any of that this year. So that's the problem.
No, In fact, it's the first time since twenty seventeen that the top four seeds advanced in every single region. And in fact, ye, well, but it's only the sixth time in the history that well, you sit here bitching about it and I'm trying to give you more I'm trying to give you more am for it, and you just want to dump all over me. But it's only the sixth time since the tournament expanded in what eighty four that it's actually happened this way. So it's as pretty wild. That's pretty wild. But we have a pretty decent one brewin here tonight, so let's get caught up on it. Steve de Seger is in the house with everything that's trending in the world of sports.
What's going on, Steve, Hello, And we do have the tip times for the Sweet sixteen games out tonight. But first off, we got to end the second round of the NCAA Men's Tournament. Arizona is leading Oregon sixty five fifty seven with about ten minutes to go. Arizona was down nineteen to four in the first five and a half minutes of this one. In that region, the top two seeds advanced Duke over Baylor eighty nine sixty six. Blue Devils led by seventeen at the half. Two seed Alabama over Saint Mary's eighty to sixty six. Maryland on a game winner at the buzzer eliminated Colorado State seventy two to seventy one, the winner from freshman Derreck Queen Bank shot from the side no travel, they say. One seed in the region Florida over Yukon to start the day seventy seven to seventy one. Florida will play Maryland in the Sweet sixteen in San Francisco.
Kentucky eliminated Illinois eighty four to seventy five. Kentucky against Tennessee in the Sweet sixteen. Friday, Old Miss ninety one seventy eight winners against three seed Iowa State. Tonight Michigan. Michigan State two seeds survives in advances seventy one sixty three over New Mexico, even though the Lobos had led at the half. So these are the tip times for Thursday night, when the Sweet Sixteen begins. Very first game will be BYU Alabama seven pm Eastern time from New Jersey. The late game in New Jersey is the Arizona winner against Duke, So that'll be about nine to forty five Eastern.
Okay, I'm going then, I'm going, let's go. I'm going, Well, you're working. It's no working Friday. I'm not working Thursday. Right, the game's Thursday, isn't it the Sea.
It's correct, let's go.
So this game that still has ten minutes to go against Oregon, that one's over.
You're saying, don't don't do that same third this is your words you yeah.
Okay, Well, the games in San Francisco Thursday will start with Maryland, Florida at about seven thirty Eastern. The late game will start after ten pm Eastern from the Bay Area, Arkansas against Texas Tech. The Friday schedule, Michigan State is first from Atlanta. The Sweet sixteen matchup Spartans against Old Miss at about seven pm Eastern time. The late game in Atlanta will be Auburn against Michigan. Yes, there is still a chance that the regional final is Michigan State against Michigan. With the trip to the Final four on the line, it is once again necessary for the Spartans to beat Old Miss Friday and then Michigan beat Auburn. Of course, you know we had in the same gym this weekend, the Florida fans and the Duke fans. Some people say that'll be the final in Atlanta, will have the Spartans and Wolverines fans in there together. That's the double header, Michigan State the first game, Michigan the late game against Auburn on Friday. Meanwhile, in Indy, Purdue is there not far from campus and they're not a one seed, they're a four seed that gets to play.
Yeah, that's fair.
I won't say a home game. But in Indianapolis, Indiana, that's the late game on Friday night against one seed Houston, starting after ten pm Eastern time. The early game in India on Friday is Kentucky Tennessee, who, of course have met a couple of times this season, and Kentucky beat them both times in the regular season. In the NBA's late game final seconds, Oklahoma City is at the line with a one point lead against the Clippers three seconds to go. It's one to one to one hundred. Shay Gilgess Alexander with twenty five points. Okay, she has shot forty percent from the floor and still might win this game. Denver got thirty nine points from Jamal Murray in a victory at Houston, won sixteen to one eleven. Houston had won nine straight. Miami got forty two points from Andrew Wiggins in a win over Charlie at one twenty two to one oh five. Boston won ats fifth in a row. Cleveland back in the win column. NHL Vegas four to two over Tampa Bay. Kyle Larson was the NASCAR winner at Homestead Miami after a late pass of Alex Bowman, who finished second. Bowman had started from the poll. Larson won Friday's Truck Series race there and finished fourth in Saturday's Infinity event and won the Cup Series event today. Ryan Blaney had a race high one hundred and twenty four laps, but finished thirty six that of the thirty seven cars after engine trouble. He was third at the time of the problem, so his third DNF in the last three weeks did not finish. NASCAR's on FS one again the next three Sundays also and an update, Clippers have been fouled with one second left, but they're down three against Oklahoma City Kawhi Leonard going to the line down one oh three to one hundred?
Is he gonna try the intentional miss? How can you not? How's it going, Steve? I don't I don't have this feed. I'm locked out tonight.
He made the first one. Yeah, it's only on a local TV channel for LA. It's not on some tre smart.
And of course they say it's on NBA TV, but I always get blacked out. We're supposed to have every Thunder game. But I am calling my cable provider tonight to find out why I am not getting this.
Well, you're at it.
Also called them to find out how come I couldn't see my CBI tournament games today? Here it started in Florida. They got four games back to back to back to back. I missed Army over Elon.
What is it's funny? I was. I was trying to get scores. I was driving today so and I was listening a lot.
I was trying to miss the second free throw, missed it, but Clippers lose by two oh it was only the second left.
Well that that ruins one streak. The thunder are trying to break the record for the most double digit wins in the history of an NBA season. They have forty five. The record is fifty.
It's another twenty point game for Sga. He finished with twenty six.
It's your MVP. Uh. This is by the way, he's getting a little bit dicey Arnie. How you feel Arizona's getting cold right now? It's killing me. Six sixty eight, sixty four. I've got seven thirty eight to go on my feed. Correct, and Oregon has the basketball? What's this forty year old dan they've got in the middle? Who is that?
Don't say Oregon in front of Kelvin Samson. I'm sure he'll correct the I.
That brought me so much joy because so many people that want to say Gonzaga, and literally the easiest way to remember it is going going, gone, yeah Zags, right, Gonzaga. So just that that's easy.
Update on the women's hoops Number one, UCLA was tied at the half at Pauley Pavilion against Richmond second round tournament game.
Uh huh.
UCLA is now up twenty two end of the third.
Carter Arnie in his rundown has only ten Roman numerals. Tonight he really nailed it in wow uh And one of his ten was about Julie Watkins injury. That was number seven.
I think I was going to rip the coach for she was limping around, hurt real bad and they.
Were a collision.
She got her wrist banged.
And and puts her puts her back in the game.
Yeah, and it was such a close game yesterday.
They were up by forty at the time.
The final score was USC seventy one to twenty five over UNC Greensborough. The opposing team shot thirteen percent from the floor.
Did you see the Yukon score?
Yeah? They pt you to buy sixty.
Nine one o three thirty four.
Yeah, yeah you could. You could live bet that they were like minus eighty or something.
I'm not kidding around the Duke.
Game a couple of days ago.
It was eighty six twenty five final and the losing team Lehigh. This is an NCAA tournament game. Yeah, they scored twenty five points and had thirty turnovers. Oh my god, more turnovers than points in a national tournament game.
And it's and it's wild. Steve and Arnie. I know you probably don't care about this, but one of the great kind of campaigns in women's basketball is is it's more wide open than it's ever been before. Yes, and then you see those first round of games, you're like, are we talking about the same sports?
So maybe not expand the tournament so soon? So Yukon second game and this is at home. By the way, first two rounds you get home games for some of the teams. It's Yukon tomorrow night against South Dakota State and the late game as USC hosting Mississippi State tomorrow.
Should be fun. All right there, Thanks Steve. A couple of quick tweets to get to our ex submissions whichever way you want to look at it. At stink Genius one. That's Rnie's handle. I'm at Plank Show. This was it was a pretty good point for mister Nobody. He was talking about the where did this thing go? The the money for BYU and how they're able to have because I wasn't aware of the Marriott family right and their involvement with the with the Cougars, But I guess, I guess you know it's funny. Here you go. This is what? Oh this was tiger Man in Utah. He writes, b YU will always have a strong nil. The Marriott family, Ryan Smith, owner of the Jazz and the Utah Hockey Club, et cetera, make sure we will always be fine. The alumni base is also extraordinary. I had no idea. Yeah, I had no idea either, but that now makes sense. Overnight, Joe writes, PS, aren't he Most of your real fans are listening on the app tonight because so many sports radio stations are carrying your Wildcats.
Okay, let's do it. Let's figure row you up by four. I'm very nervous. No, you're gonna be fine. I think you're going.
Don't do that to me. Don't do that to me. Well, you tried, you, you tweeted the game was over after the first essential quarter. And apparently Oregon can't make free throws.
I know Oregon's missing a lot right now, Oh my goodness, but Arizona's missed a lot of foul shots also as it.
Let's see here right now they are. Arizona is seven of fifteen from the free throw line. Arizona is eight of twelve. Oregon i mean, what did I say?
You said Arizona twice?
Oh I did. I'm well, but maybe you're just gonna double up and be bad. Oregon seven to fifteen team from the free throw line at forty six percent. Arizona is eight of twelve, So you're not that bad. You're running around what you are for this?
Only a three point lead with seven and a half left?
How you handling it? Are you gonna be okay?
I'm not gonna be okay on this one.
I'm gonna have a sports nervous breakdown if Arizona loses this game. I'm I just especially because they had an eleven point lead in the in the second half, which is absolutely crazy.
Well, I just this is one of those games when you just from watching it, I'm curious how one team has it necessarily just blown away the other because every time I look up Arnie, I see like a loose ball and it's like rolling around and someone's grabbing it. Like, for instance, Oregon just got a turnover and they go down there they miss a shot that Arizona goes down looks like a pro team. I mean, it's just it's so weird. The back and forth in this game right now, seventy sixty five Arizona with six forty to go. So we'll let Arnie watch in piece for a couple of minutes, and when we come back, we'll go all in on the early text and tweets to the show. Hit us up on Twitter, stinking genius one. I'm at Plank show. Everyone go follow us right here at Fox Sports Radio.
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.
All right on you. You're starting to feel a little better. Seven point lead with two twenty seven to go.
You're ahead of me. I have in seventy five seventy so you're ahead of me.
Well, you're about to get a bucket. Make it an right? Is that what you're doing? No, I've got it on my I think I'm on.
I just got the bucket now seventy seven that's on my phone.
If I look up on my TV, I'm still watching seventy five. I got three different things.
I'm watching it. You so badly want to be ahead of everything. That's what I love about it. Let's hit some tweets here while we watch the closing moments of Arnie's Arizona Wildcats.
Move on.
Uh, don't you're doing your best to try to jinx me.
I know you are.
I mean, no, do you think I should drive the five hours on Esday?
Listen? We do this every single.
Yeah, but the game's real late ten o'clock at night.
I won't get the better one in the morning. Get a hotel.
I know I get a hotel. But did I gotta get up at what ten o'clock in the morning because I gotta drive the five hours back to Vermont to do the show Friday night?
Well, I mean your show's not until ten oul o'clock. Yeah, are you gonna walk there from it? I mean, what are you doing?
It's not that hard. I think this bit's getting old because you never go and you're not gonna go.
I'm gonna go this time. I think I'm gonna go. But they played Duke. That's the only thing. They collaborate us the first time.
It's a good team. Hey. A reminder that the Fox Sports Radio Bracket Challenge is ongoing and it's brought to you by Tractor Supply. Tractor Supply knows that a winning season takes practice, teamwork, and a can do attitude. Thankfully, when you have a neighbor like Tractor supply. Teamwork comes easy. Whether you're caring for pets, chickens, or a few acres. Our team members will help you succeed season after season. Supply for life out here and be sure to check out check out Tractor Supplies. Fox Sports Radio Bracket Challenge Fox sports Radio dot Com is where you can find it. See how our hosts are doing with their picks and who the top ranked listeners are. The listener with the best bracket foxsports Radio dot Com will win twenty five hundred dollars worth of a gift card to Tractor Supply. Pretty cool, all right. To the tweets, Jason writes, this week is my favorite time of the year, Sweet sixteen and MLB Opening Day. Life is good. Let me ask you a question.
I know people don't watch this as much as the super Bowl, but they make it sound like they.
Enjoy this more than the super Bowl.
You know what I mean? Say that again, They they don't watch the first week as much.
Our ratings are as I right as.
The super Bowl, but it seems like people enjoy it more than the super Bowl. At least they feel like they do.
Yeah. Well, and again you saw the numbers. It was the most watched first round of the NCAA tournament ever, and yet they don't even sniff like an NFL regular season games numbers. Right, So whenever you say, hey, it's the Super Bowl has bigger numbers, people are more excited about it. But it seems like people are people will watch it more, but people seem more excited about this. I don't really have a good answer for you, because I think you're right. Yeah, it's just and you got more people involved because you got sixty four fan bases and then the gamblers and then that.
You know, you don't It's kind of like playoff baseball. Remember when you were a kid used to have those like new games and sneaking the little transistor radio just to hear the game and see what was going on.
Arnie, I'm old enough to remember that. Back in the day, we had day World Series games. I mean, that's how old I am. The Cardinals, the Cardinals and the Brewers during the day while we were at school. Missus Ben Venudo brought out the projector so we can watch it at movie time. But yeah, no, no, this is a great week. Here. Here's a pretty good one, this one from Overnight Joe, who's on fire tonight. Remember the days when CBS showed all the games. I would show up for work at twelve thirty and Letterman was on. One night we had a game delayed by a broken backboard and then overtime. The new staff was mad because we never went off the never went on the air until one am. I like this format better. We get to see all the games. That's the big difference now before compared to what it was before.
We get to see all the games, which is but you still have them staggered a little bit. It's not like you're you know.
You're every game has a dedicated channel. Then sorry, sorry, trying to make that. Claire Charney Preller rights, it's not even the lack of upsets. It's the lack of many competitive games, so many double digit market margins, plus all these cheap foul calls have made this tournament very blah.
I don't know about the cheap foul calls, but you know he's right about that. There's just a lack of competitiveness. And people really missed the buzzer beaters. People really love that stuff. They love the mid majors. That's what this tournament is founded on. And we didn't have any of that. That's but again, people upset. I would also say, oh, that was a big three. I would also say that you're the same person that if you had a Sweet sixteen game between New Mexico and say VCU, you would be poed because you.
Didn't have any blue bloods. Right, So you're getting mad that you don't have any upsets, but you would be mad if you had to watch Saint Peter's George one one. Though.
We needed more than one than just McNees. We needed a Yet you just want to complain. Oh, by the way, what no you could see on Twitter?
Those everybody? That's fine? Well do you think people are on Twitter are happy about everything? You're gonna start using that as your gauge.
They're the happiest people in the world.
Are I'm not against you, but I don't feel like it asked me. Oh my gosh, she's so terrible. They gotta change this, you gotta do this. It's just Hey, we've had a lot of favorite twin but this is what you eventually want. Yeah, you want to see the best play the best in the Sweet Sixteen.
I was thinking, if there's anything that we may have to change or do something differently, because this is really really put a damper on things. I really have been I've remembered watching a tournament like this where I've been so bummed out about it. To be honest, hold on.
Hold on here, you're talking about going to watch your team play in person next week. We just take overall in the overall grand scheme of things, you're going to have a one two, three four setting and arguably one of the most difficult regions in the Midwest. Yeah, John Calipari lead Arkansas to the Sweet sixteen. Like, what are you even talking about that? You're so depressed, and I mean, you've almost changed my opinion by how much you're dumping on this thing tonight. Listen. It's we haven't had a lot of upsets, but you're setting up to get what you want. You're getting good teams playing in the Sweet sixteen.
I needed the appetizers. I needed the upsets in the first round. Chris is what I needed.
All right. Well, we'll keep an eye on this Oregon Arizona game as it comes down the stretch. De Saga will have an update coming up in moments. Right here on Fox Sports Radio.
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We had a we had a seven point lead and a fast break where we had the al donk. Two guys press into each other. We don't make the bucket. They come back, they hit the three, and now it's a two point game with like forty nine seconds left.
Hey, listen as somebody who's done. I did a show on Friday night. I've heard the promo from Colin Coward a thousand times, Arnie, this is why he picked Arizona. Moments like this, Your guys like Caleb Love, who have been in college for one hundred years, why are they not putting a walk up back in the game.
I know he has four fouls, but you've kept him out for such a long time.
I was back in.
Is he in now?
Yeah? He's back in now? Well, I mean he's forty nine seconds left. Well, this is for somebody who spent most of this show complaining about march madness in the NCAA tournament. You've got yourself the moment you've wanted. Right, of course, it comes down to my game. I knew this was going to happen, but we had this game put away. This is what kills me about being an Arizona fan. I'm really gonna have a sports nervous breakdown, and I hate that you're gonna see ahead of me because I don't want to. No, no, I turn it off. I turn it off. I'm gonna wait because I know how you are about that, and this is your team, and if they melt down, I don't want to be the one to tell you about it, but I will say this much. Oregon's gonna have the basketball back with forty five seconds left. I just saw that. I just saw that. I was trying to wait. I was trying, all right, I'm watching my feet. I got forty five point five seconds left. Eighty seventy eight organ basketball? Is that what you've got? Did it really go off?
I can't play? I guess, well, well, you know what's gonna happen is we're gonna have eight thousand replays of this, so this game might get over by the time our show is over. Can I pose that complaint? Just reviewing everything and all the timeouts? Oh yeah, that's off you guys. Yeah, all the all the replays and the complaints. I mean, my gosh, man, it's just we've taken the end of college basketball games and we've dragged them out and made them never ending. Dude, watch the bottom line yet. I know, I know, but isn't there a point where something as obvious as that, it's like, yeah, we see it, Okay, let's go instead of sitting there for like ten minutes and everyone getting to see the back of your head or your bold spot or what as I go, let's go. Come on, we know he tapped it out of bounds. There's forty five seconds left. Let's get this thing rolling here.
I bet you we have like a ninety percent chance of winning when we were on that fast break. I just can't believe we're gonna look here, We're gonna choke this thing away. Really, it's it's it's it's just eating me up alive. And I gotta be and I gotta be working while this thing is going.
What was the score at that point? I don't eighty seventy three, two minutes to go. Eighty seventy three, two minutes to go, Caleb blove HiT's at three. You're at eighty eight point eight percent to win the game. How can we choke that away? And that's the high? Well, you're it's not over yet, you guys. Don't let him shoot the three.
Okay, I'm playing coach here was I know better than everybody else.
That's right. Don't let him shoot the three. I don't want him. I don't want him to get it inside to their beast. That's what I don't want. Oh my gosh, they almost turned over the inbounds.
You are ahead of me, Yeah, you're you're like about a couple of seconds ahead of me.
Okay, well do you want me to stop you watch it?
I do? Yeah?
Okay, you're killing me. You're destroyed.
I don't.
We gotta do something good happen. Then that would have been fine. But when you say almost, then you get me all excited.
And well they Oregon tried to do the where they were inbounding on the sideline near their own basket, and they tried to throw it in for some reason the link to the court and it hit off there. There was a collision between which one of those Oregon guards is that? Is that Brandon Angels?
Are they reviewing this one too?
Is that?
Of course they are. They review everything in college basketball. See what I told you, Everything feels like it has to be reviewed. I've been impressed with Oregon tonight, Like I told you earlier, even if they lose this game, this is a team that I hadn't really seen a lot of this year. You know, I'm not the Aaron torres Is or the Dug gott Leaves where I watch every single game of college basketball night in a night out. Football kind of distracts me a lot. I'm a big I love diamond sports, so that will will shift my focus whenever baseball and softball starts. But Arnie, I mean, win or lose, They've they've shown well for themselves tonight. I think I think Oregon's look pretty good. They know, I hate asking you that, knowing they're going up against your team, By no, they are.
They've played well down the stretch, even though it hasn't been against some quality teams. But when they've played quality teams they've played, well, this might be off. I think it's off Oregon. I'm gonna have to say off Oregon. If I was the referee too, Bet, I'm not, you.
Know, I think that's clearly off your guy. But we'll see. They've they've got the uh, they've got the fight going on. Excuse me, the explanation going on. It'll stay Oregon ball, of course it will. David up and just tweeted, I'm going to drive to the arena and break the replay monitor myself.
I mean, I feel like Danny Hurley when he goes. I hope they don't blank you over Baylor like they did us. What he said, Yeah, that's what he said when he was walking off the court.
How did he feel like they got hosed in that game? I feel like you feel like they got hosed.
No, there was one call that was a little lifty, but that was I think with like three minutes left, and there might have been one call within under a minute.
But that's about it all right. So Arizona's got the basketball back. I don't think they need to do anything here but just run it out. Eighty seventy eight. Oregon took a terrible shot. So there's twenty five point nine seconds left. Your boy, Awaka got the rebound, so he was back in the game.
He was back in the game. See at least the coach is listening to me. Now, you know that's right, And I mean, that's horrible freetholds.
That's a terrible shot, man, that's what you're gonna put up in that moment. Oh gosh, if I'm an Oregon fan, I'm insanely angry right now. Oh they're not even in the bonus yet. No, Oh my gosh, they've got inbound the basketball with twenty five foul nine left.
Well, the next foul will be one and one.
Okay, so there you go. They got the foul, so they're in the one and one. Now Oregon will shoot the free throws and we'll see if they can ice this game away. Two free throws in its ball game?
Oh stop, you know there's still too much time left.
How could you say that two free throws would make it a four point game seventy two or eighty two seventy eight, right with? I mean, what that's ball game? If you make two free throws here and they foul, the best free throw shooter on the team in Caleb loff even though no, I don't think. Oh then it fell Love. Who they get Bradley? Oh well, Love's walking around like he's the one that got fault.
Oh maybe then maybe they got it before he got rid of.
Do you even know your own team?
Yeah, come on, Arnie, Caleb Glove's number one, Bradley was zero. I thought they fouled zero.
Yeah. Well, I'm just saying what I'm when I'm watching. By the way, there's a part of me for so many games that you've ruined. Yeah, for so many games that you've ruined. I just wonder. Oh my gosh, he missed it. You gotta be kidding me. Did he really miss it? He hasn't even suit yet. Oh so he hasn't shot a free throw yet. Tonight Bradley is five for twelve from the floor in the game. He swishes it. It's a three point game with twenty one point six second slept, which means as long as he makes this, I mean, you're in really good shape. You're in really good shape. Oh he's talking too, he's letting everyone know about it. I like, I like him. Who's this dude?
Oh my goodness, I just peaked a head, did you?
Yeah? Ball game?
No, he misses the second one and they make a layup.
Well, I mean that would make it a one point game. Why did you do that to yourself? I can't think. I couldn't help myself. I couldn't help myself. I had the look of the computer. Well, but they make the layup and there's only like four second slept Oh, I'm sorry. Ten point six, ten point six slaft eighty one to eighty. Arizona is impacting the basketball. So Arnie, you're the beast, because I would be the same way if my team was playing.
I can't anymore.
You have a game cast, right, that's a little bit ahead of things that you're keeping an eye on, right, But yet you don't want to look at it because you want to be able to watch it live exactly what's happening.
But I couldn't help myself. I figure, Okay, they go up by four.
I'm trying to do everything I can to not spoil this for you tonight. Can you go and spoil it yourself?
If I'm coach Lloyd, I'm saying, don't even bother try to cross half court.
It's only ten point six seconds left.
So if you have to eat the ten seconds, throw it with like one second left and just let it go over something. If ten seconds will be point six left. So I'm not too worried that that's I don't think your math is mathing right now. What there's If there's a ten point six left, they're gonna foul you as soon as you inbound it.
That's true.
Unless they try to go for the steal.
They're gonna fa I mean, I'm sure they might, but they're gonna try. What are you gonna got to get.
It to our best files. We got to get the ball to Caleb Love. He's got to go ahead and shoot the foul shots?
Were you surprised at Oregon didn't try to shoot the three there?
They were going with the first thing? It was he was on he was like running downhill. They say, so he got the quick way up. I understand that's still ten seconds.
Still ten points, ten point six left. Arizona has guys falling down all over the place, but we'll go to the free throw.
Line and they don't call anything.
They got some dude that looked like they just pulled him out of a high school game to come shoot the free throws for him.
So that guy's a transfer from I can't remember the school, like one of those small mid major ones.
I like, how you you have so much respect for the other college basketball programs. You know, one of those smaller schools like Campbell or something like that, Anthony del Orso, yeah, Campbell or something like that. Is that where you got him from?
I think.
So biggest moment, biggest moment ever for him.
You're never in at the end of the game like that, So we'll see what he's got.
Well it is. It is interesting. He is from Campbell, by the way.
Okay, so there you go.
I was right on that. Yeah, so, uh, you want to peek ahead or you I did. They're he makes both, so we got a foul. We got a foul. You gotta don't let them shoot the three. Please don't let them shoot the three. They're a bad foul.
Shooting team to begin with, so as soon as they get over a half court you foul them and hopefully time runs out and we'll see what happens.
But don't let them shoot the three, and they're out of they're out of timeouts to Oregon's out of timeouts. So that's one thing to keep in mind here. So eighty three to eighty nine point eight seconds left in the game, and uh, they foul them before before he even gets across half court. So five point seven, lap boy? Do you do the old try to make one and miss the second? Here?
No, there's still enough time for them to foul area, but they have no timeouts, so you're gonna have a bad heave.
You might have to do that.
I wouldn't. I would still try to make two. What do you think?
Yeah? I would too. I would too, at least that's that's my philosophy. He makes the first, so five point seven left, eighty three eighty one. I know you've already peaked ahead. And he makes the second. So it's eighty three eighty two. Yeah, I just saw that he made the second, right, made that? So this is this has been arguably the best game as long as the reps don't have to go to the monitor again of March Madness. So far, both teams are out of timeouts. Is that right? Yeah? Both teams out of timeouts. It's eighty three eighty two. There is five point seven seconds left. Let's watch the inbounds here. I know you've already looked ahead. They bring back in your boy.
Del ro Yeah, but yeah, they got it in. That's that's the toughest part too. Arizona just is so bad on the inbounds. It's it's not even funny. I don't know who they filed, but they filed somebody. So we'll see the two file shots.
They got it. Oh, they got del Orso again, so he'll go to the free throw line to shoot two more. And here's the thing, Okay, even if like he missed, is one of these they've got, they don't have a time out. So you've got to go the link of the court.
You can get four point four it, Yeah, you can get past half court.
Wait, did they just put more time on the clock or is that a CBS mistake because they just put five point two back on.
Right instead of I'm sure they did because they're like, oh, we can't have them win. It's Arnie's team. Better put another second back on the clock.
That just can't be right.
They have I see five point two?
Also, all right, all right, one one clock has it at four, the other has it at five point two. And I mean basically, you make both of these, you're forcing them to finally have to hit a three pointer. Right, You're you're forcing them to finally have to shoot a three. You gotta fight, you gotta foul them. You'll have to go ahead and do that. Well, if it's a two point game, the three point game. Oh okay, I see what you're saying now, absolutely, boy, we are really taking our sweet time between these free throws, aren't we.
Oh they're killing me.
All right? So five point two left.
I don't know why they added more time. He didn't look like they should have added more time any Yeah.
I and and it's like nobody made a stink about it at all. How about this kid? How about del Orso coming off the bench at the end and hitting two four, four huge free throws. Man always loved that kid. You didn't even know who he was. Actually, he was.
Doing a lot of bench time because he's so bad defensively, but he's our best three points show.
Oh wow, he threw up one from half court and got fouled. Are they going to try to say that he was fouling in the act of shooting?
If they do that, I'm literally gonna get sick right now.
No, No, they're not. Okay, he'll go to the I. He knew he was getting fouled, and so he did the NBA thing where he threw the ball out. Yeah, yeah, you know, Okay, they got it on the ground.
Yeah, he's gonna have to try to make the first to miss the second.
You know that, right if they if they would have called that, would you have lost your mind? Or what if they would have all that and a shooting foul?
I would have quit And that made the sacred to the rest of the show.
Oh my god, that was absolutely unbelievable. Yeah, I would have I would have quit.
I would have said, no, I would have you know what I would have said, You know, I'm quitting sports.
I'm gonna do politics. Oh I'm gonna fill in for Kway Travis. By the way, the actual miss worked. It worked, but nobody from Oregon was there to rebound it. Right. He banked it off the back of the back because you know, you got hit the rim on that.
You're supposed to try to hit the back of the rim and make it pop back up.
And that hit the backboard and the front of the rim and fell right into the hands of Caleb Love. And now Arizona will be able to ice this game, and Arnie can breathe a little bit easier. Now.
Well he's got a hit two, though he still has to hit two. You don't know there's gonna be a miracle or anything like that.
Let's see Love has twenty seven points tonight. For the free throw line, he is three of three, makes the first one and make it eighty six, eighty three.
One more and then I'm going to Newark. My friend gonna drive down on a Thursday. Should I go or not?
Yes, I'm gonna tell you you should go, but I know you're not going to. So it's like wasted time.
Get our producer to get me a president.
And it's the fact that you keep presenting it like all right, I'm going, I'm going.
They should going, and there shouldt me.
A press pass and I'll go get me a I get tickets are expensive that it's.
Gonna be okay, give you a press pass. What are you gonna do because you can't just go and sit there and watch the game. I'll bring Are you gonna get some audio for guys?
Or you bring a laptop with me and pretend like I'm working like all the other reporters.
Well they write an article that goes online or goes in a newspaper, or what are.
The TV guys really do? What are the TV guys really do?
That guy almost hit that half court shot would have mattered eighty seven, eighty three, Arizona wins. They'll move on to the Sweet sixteen for a showdown against Duke.
Who's gonna beat Duke?
By the way, who's calling the game? Who'd he go over and dab up? Was that Jalen Reight?
I think Jalen was on it. Okay, so congratulations. Yeah, but I'm just saying, if you're sitting here saying, hey, give me a press pass, well my question to you is like what what what are you gonna do?
Like, you don't really have to work to get a press pass.
You know that, and I know that. Stop it, let's tell you. Let's pull the curtain back.
And so the people understand half the people that have press passes don't really work.
Well, who what? I never had that happen for me. I've never got a press pass to just go sit and watch a game and not have to be responsible for getting audio or doing a call in or doing something. Now yeah serious, Now, yes, that's the whole purpose.
I used to do my show from like the arena for the stadium, and then the Yeah.
You're doing your show there, Arnie. That's why. Because your show is there, you're providing nothing. If you're going just to watch this game, that's my point, right, Well, I'm just going there.
But then when the show's over, I would just sit there and watch the game. I wouldn't like take off.
But but you've been But you were responsible for talking about the game leading up to the game. Maybe if it was a maybe help us sell tickets for the game, you served a purpose, right, I guess you could say your purpose would be to get ready for the show tonight. But you can't just sit there and yell the whole game.
I just I'm just worried to like if I if the game starts late at like ten o'clock, it's out over to like one in the morning, I gotta get up at like what time do we have to head back if it's a five and a half hour drive to be good?
If you leave it like noon, I think you're new. Okay, Yeah, I think you'll be fine. I mean it's just I think you're but we got a break. But Ian Mary. Doesn't it sound like he's trying to talk himself out of this before? But I just drove. I drove six and a half hours to get to this show one time tonight. Come on, dude, can do this. I was in Columbia, Missouri, just six six and a half hour drive, especially with some moron Jack knives is semi in the middle of the road. We say, thought there, guys, be safe, Olky, all right when we come back. Instant reaction. Arizona moving on, they knock off Oregon. The Sweet sixteen is set and we'll break it all down next the first to get to do it right here on Fox Sports Radio. So do you think you're using reverse psychology here? You didn't pick Arizona because you feel like that might actually help them get there?
Absolutely? That's I mean, the only reason they're this far is because of that.
You think that if you would have picked him, they'd be gone already?
Absolutely? Absolutely?
Well, congratulations.
A dozen years I've been picking games, I've been picking Arizona.
They never won.
I've been doing a George Costanza doing opposite.
You think they're gonna be duke?
Yes? No, maybe, of course we're gonna beat Duke. What are you kid me?
Yeah, I mean you picked him right.
Picking them to beat Duke. But I'm not picking them. By not picking them, I'm picking them. Do you understand?
I think that makes sense. I think somewhere you know and I have nothing They're going to win.
But the only way I could pick them is by not picking them. I was horrified to hear Charles Barkley and Colin Coward going with their sleeper, going with Arizona. I'm like, stop it that he's trolling me. Colin's just trolling me on purpose because of that.
You think? So you think that? Yeah, you know? Big Greg and Iowa brings up a really good point because my thought on the tournament is, I'm with you. It has not been the most compelling, exciting tournament, but it's been the most watched tournament we've ever had. And you've got good matchups set up in the sweet sixteen, you have all the essential outside of Saint John's, all the higher seeded teams are there. But Big Greg and Iowa writes, I've listened to Arnie over the years, and I figured out that if he doesn't have anything to complain about, he is more happy than normal. So is this a product of you not having something to compete?
This is actually a real cause here. And remember, Chris, forget about picking games. I told you before it started, I wasn't feeling the madness. I wasn't feeling the big upsets. I wasn't feeling the mid majors.
Wait, I wasn't feeling the big upsets. But you picked six of them in the first round.
But well, the funny thing is I could never predict if there's gonna be buzzer beaters or not.
You know what I mean.
You can't You can't predict that type of stuff. But I mean, I just I just didn't feel that there was any madness coming in the matchups too. And maybe it was those cities. I complained about the cities too, and you shut me down on that too, Chris.
The cities that were you had like one guy that supported you, the cities that are hosting the regionals about.
Having in Lexington why it's a great basketball area, because they were giving an unfear advantage I believe to uh Kentucky.
No to Louisville, and a lot of that turnout.
Yeah, exactly. They add this one up in uh A, Seattle, unfin advantage to Oregon.
How did that turn out? That doesn't turn out good?
I just here. I feel like I'm with Big Greg and Ilah. I think you're trying to find things to complain about. I'm not the one when complaining about this. Every you know that ever know that, everybody, I'm I'm with you. But I think you're like, oh, it's the worst ever. Now, I'm so sad about it. It's like, well, yes, you're you're now getting what you want. You got what you want. Everyone wants the good teams to still be there in the sweet sixteen, and they're all there, all of them. There is one team that isn't there, and it's Saint John's. And I don't think many people really knew all that much about Saint John's to begin with. In the UH in the South seed, you have the one, the two, and the five of the six. The four got knocked out, so did the three. The three was Iowa State with one of their best players hurt. The four was A and M who was a boor all season. Thankfully, Texas or Arkansas gives you a double digit seed because you have the one, three in the four in the set in the West. In the Midwest, you have one two three four and uh, let's say, b yu bet Wisconsin. But you have the one two four six in the In the East, I mean, you got good teams, man, So I say give it a second. Gonna be okay, you didn't get your upsets. We had what one buzzer beater so far. But it's just it hasn't played out that way. Doesn't mean it's and more people are watching. What does that say to you? The highest rated tournament we've ever had.
I'm shocked about that. I thought that maybe, but again, people don't know that there's not gonna be buzzer beaters, so they're.
Tuning in any way, you know what I mean. So it doesn't that doesn't affect the ratings to begin with. Well, but they stayed so I mean, it's it's not like they watched like, oh my gosh, there wasn't a buzzer beater. They only won by five. I'm out of here. You know, it's just you get you get one tournament. I mean, what buzzer beater do you remember from last year?
Well, I haven't bad time what happened this year? But we have we had the one buzzer beater, and that was it. So we didn't we didn't get any It's not going to be when they put together a montage of big plays, there will be a lot of that, that's for sure.
Well, Steve Seger has all the updates. Buzzer beaters are not including a buzzer beater today. Here's what's trendy, what's going on. Steve.
By the way, when we look at ratings, keep in mind that there's out of home viewing included.
That was not used very true years past.
But we did have the buzzer beater for Maryland to eliminate Colorado State.
That's what you lead with.
Yes, we had one buzzer beater.
That's what you You don't leave with the Arizona.
Again, proof that Arnie does not.
Get the producer.
We'll be sending an email to human resources.
Go ahead, human resources.
It's just all Arnie has to do is actually speak to prove that he has no power here and things work.
Send an email to human resources because Desager didn't lead with Arizona.
That's great, Okay, Yeah, anyway, Marilyn at the buzzer beat Colorado State seventy two to seventy one terps against Florida and the Sweet sixteen Thursday night in San Francisco. One seed in the region, Florida beat Yukon seventy seven seventy five. In the East Region, the top two seeds advanced both Duke and Alabama. Arizona took the Lake game to finish the second round.
Let's do it right, Yeah, okay?
Eighty seven eighty three Wildcats over Oregon, Caleb Love twenty nine points.
Oregon led nineteen to four after the first five and a half minutes of this one. And I thought somebody on this show said the game is over.
Oh ver, I'd never said that. I tweeted that. I never said that though, never never uttered those words.
First first minute of the show, he said he was hacked. Now he says he wrote, but he didn't actually speak it, so it didn't count. Kentucky and Ole miss each one.
That means I picked them. When I said the game was over, it meant they were coming back to win. What are you to know?
I don't understand that.
Nobody understands that two seed Michigan State was tied second half with New Mexico, but eventually put them away. Seventy one sixty three, and the report in Austin is the Texas new head coach is going to be Sean Miller of Xavier. That's not official. What is official is Rodney Terry was fired today. One seed on the women's side, UCLA effect top overall seed, was tied at the half at Pauley Pavilion against Richmond. UCLA eventually beat him eighty four to sixty seven. The NBA's late game went to Oklahoma City, which won at six straight game one o three, one oh one over the Clippers in La. Clips had won five straight. Denver got thirty nine points from Jamal Murray in a win at Houston, won sixteen to one eleven. Nikola jokicch of the Nuggets with the bad ankle, was out again for a fourth straight game, and he's likely out Monday. The team says Yoki should return during their upcoming homestand Denver just beat a Houston team that had won nine straight. At Atlanta, Trey Young twenty eight points twelve assists. Hawks led by twenty three to start the fourth quarter and beat Philly one thirty two to one nineteen at Miami forty two points for Andrew Wiggins of the Heat. He was sixteen of twenty one shooting from the floor. The Heat beat Charlotte one twenty two to one oh five. San Antonio, an easy winner at Toronto, won twenty three eighty nine Devin Bassel twenty five points. He was eleven of fourteen shooting victories for Detroit. For Boston, which is won five in a row, and Cleveland back in the wing column. NHL late game to La seven to two over Boston. Kyle Larson the NASCAR winner at Homestead Miami. Alex Bowman finished second Nascars on FS one again the next three Sundays as well, and the IndyCar Race went to Alex Polot. He took the lead with ten laps to go, so he's now won the season's first two races. IndyCar Series is off until mid April. All seventeen IndyCar races this season are on Fox TV, including the Indy five hundred in late May. The season ends in late August, and US men's soccer lost in La tonight to Canada two to one, and it lost Friday to Panama. The United States is going to be co hosting the World Cup in just over a year. By the way, Mexico and late penalty kick in La won two to one against Panama.
Back to you nice.
All right, thanks Steve.
Hey, by way, I got a good gambling story for you if you want sure, I'm always done for a good gambling shit.
It was Saturday early.
It was like Saturday at like one o'clock in the afternoon, and I texted Bernie and Brian No because you know I I'm the women's basketball expert.
You know that, right, that's right?
And I said, you should bet Vermont straight up at thirty to one to beat NC State at thirty to one odds. So Bernie bets it, Brian No bets it. The score was like tied at halftime. Okay, Vermont actually had a four point lead right before the half. It was like a four point game to start the fourth quarter.
Do you get to cast your bets when it's at halftime? They lost by twenty.
Dude, Yeah, they lost by twenty the fourth quarter. But to got your money's worth? If you have thirty to one odds, how about that?
Uh? Didn't you lost your money? How do you get your moneys? Wait? Hold on, I'm sorry. I was gonna get to the tweets. But let me understand how you giving gambling advice to Brian Noen, to Bernie to bet Vermont straight up? Yeah, straight up?
Are one odds though thirty to one odds.
But they lost.
But you got to run for your money, did you not?
I don't think you understand how gambling works.
Because did you understand how something were you want.
To rush and not the win?
Hey, it was a win, but it was Hey in the fourth quarter. You want a chance to win. That's all you can ask for going into the fourth quarter. What more do you want a win? You're supposed to give winner. That's why it's thirty to one.
Boy, This guy that looks like a thumb with glasses on that says, keep schooling plank. He must have gone to your head because you think that giving someone advice and telling them, hey, it's a good game going to the fourth quarter, wasn't it and they lose their money, that's a good thing.
Looks like a thumb is the most obscure look. He looks like a thumb that put glasses on. He's like, oh, you keep scholing plank. Shut up, dude, because that's what you're standing behind. This is your God, you want to brag because you gave them a bet that lost because it had long odds. Hey, I told everybody to take Siui over Houston.
I Ui scored the first of the game.
He also did take Vermont plus twenty and a half too, but to cover his bet. But thank goodness he won that. Otherwise you'd have a double loser this.
Yeah, because you told him to take him straight up.
Yeah, I didn't bet the thirty to one straight up.
If I would have given you you con plus sixty, you would have taken that every single day right from the women's tournament. No, I don't know if I would have told you I'm going to give you Arkansas State plus sixty against you conye, like yeah, of course in a blues and by are winning by sixty nine in that.
Game four what No, it was one O three thirty four. Yes, I thought it was more than that. I thought they had won by like almost one hundred. Geez, well, I mean that's pretty close. It's closer than your bet. But so that that's your gambling story that you gave a wrong pick. I mean, could you imagine if you had thirty to one odds and you'd bet one thousand dollars and you have thirty thousand dollars riding on just one quarter. By the way, my loss, my my ten thousand dollars is still going with Arizona parlay to the New York Knicks. Now, do you want to be partners? Do you want to buy into that parlay or what?
No? I do not, because I bet you do, Duke, I bet you do. I'm telling you right now, I do not.
We're not getting smoked by Duke.
By the way, Okay, good luck with that. Just right, Please go to Jersey for the games, Arnie. I'll meet you there and buy you a beer there.
You gotta make you know. I looked up tickets and there are about they're like three hundred bucks for a ticket.
Right, that's pretty normal unfortunately anymore in the sports world. And the game does tip off at like nine to forty, So that's if you've brought that up a few times, right.
And I could get a hotel, which is like walking distance. There's a Marriotte, but.
Well, and I'm sure those I'm sure those prices are gonna be jacked up too because of the tournament being there.
It's two hundred and fifty Bucks a night for the marry out. But there's other ones right down the street for like one hundred, one hundred and fifty.
Well, you've done the research, I say the next step is to just go ahead and book it.
I don't like driving the five hours in fifteen minutes.
Now we're already seeing this devolved. Now it's just.
Let me explain something to you that you drive, Chris, that's a long time. Imagine. I gotta get up. I gotta leave it like ten am.
I get you.
You know you're gonna make some stops. You can want to get something to gotta go to the bathroom. There's next thing.
You know.
It's like four in the afternoon. You gotta come back, take a nap before the show.
You know, five a five hour trip should be a one stop trip. Tops. You're fine, dude, you.
Want to do it for the bathroom, that's it.
That's it. You go for two and a half hours, Pete.
I have a couple of forra turny brothers that live on the East Coast, like Yo, Bob and Resin that they may go. So I'll have to see if they'll go. If they go, then I'll meet them.
Eric Wrights, these NonStop reviews give teams extra timeouts. My favorite team lost an n c A game on a three where a team had no timeouts and the other team got a free sixty second time out to set up a play.
That is a problem. I always wondered about that, Chris. I've seen that before.
That is brilliant.
That is a point to review it. And you can just like yell review and they'll do it.
Then oh, I mean you throw enough of a fit and they'll talk themselves into going over and look at that, and I think, absolutely, man, yeah, it's I don't know how you feel about it. I get it that we're we're kind of on and everything stinks with the NCAA tournament because of the way the games have gone so far this year. But I mean, come on, I mean all of us have to agree they've got to address the incessant reviews of the endgames. Because I'm with you, I wanted to get it right. But there's also this point where you're like, oh my gosh, come on, and you know what's bad is then you can't correct this. I don't think there's anything you can do to correct this.
It's like if somebody goes over your back and totally fouls you, right, but they don't call a foul and the ball goes out of bounds and then they look at it through a microscope and they see that you went off you. Well, you can't go back and call a foul on the other guy.
Now they can't. So that bothers me the most. You know, that is a broken part of the review system.
Yeah, absolutely, because the refrees are like, they gotta let it go, you know what I mean. They're like, okay, your ball, let's just play on. I can't call can't call foul on everything that's right, So I'm not gonna call on over the back.
But all right, we got a lot of good tweets to get to. They're coming up. The Sager's got his notes from the NCAA tournament and a lot of sound including the call of the buzzer beater Today's fantastic. It's all coming up on a busy night with Arnie and Plank on Fox Sports Radio. Hey, befoard to Sager, jumps in here. I want to tell you about my friend's attractor Supply. I love tractor Supply, and they know that a winning season takes practice, teamwork, and a can do attitude. Thankfully, when you have a neighbor like Tractor Supply, teamwork comes easy. Whether you're caring for pets, chickens like I am, or a few acres like I am. Our team members will help you succeed season after season. Tractor Supply for Life out here and be sure to check out the Tractor Supply Fox Sports Radio Bracket Challenge Fox sports radio dot com. See how our hosts are doing with their picks and who the top ranked listeners are. The listener with the best bracket at foxsports Radio dot Com will win twenty five hundred dollars gift card WHOA at Tractor Supply.
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They got great stuff.
We had an update on Mookie bets bets health tonight before we get to the March madness stuff. The Dodgers were opening the annual exhibition series against the Angels this evening, and the Dodgers short stuff.
He is now.
Mooki Bets was a late scratch. Remember, he missed all four games the Dodgers played overseas recently in Tokyo, the two exhibitions plus the two wins against the Cubs, and the problem is still the effects of the illness. The actual game tonight, for what it's worth, Dodgers beat former closer Kenlee. Jansen actually got a couple runs off him in the seventh to take the lead and eventually seven to won the final. But Mooki Bets spoke with David Vasse, the local Dodger radio reporter, and said, every time I've eaten, I've thrown up. I'm scared to eat. He said he started spring training at one hundred and seventy five pounds and now weighs only one point fifty. Wow, he said, when he was in Tokyo, he got two leaders of IVY. Of course, he was sent home early before the Dodgers finished that two game series with the Cubs. Bets has only been able to digest smoothie since not feeling well. Symptoms have improved, except for not being able to hold down solid food. He started new medication, but Bets said he was scratched from the game tonight because he had to lose his lunch again and he still hasn't been able to eat solid food since two days before the team left for Tokyo.
That's crazy.
And the regular season opens this Thursday with the Tigers at Dodger Stadium. Now to college hoops, we.
Had tony sandwich, No Muszard'll.
Do a ginger ale.
That will do it.
Anything that's in the yarny diet, Yeah, sure, they'll do it. With Colorado State losing at the Buzzer in March Madness tonight, it means for the first time in almost twenty years, we don't have someone seated eleventh or worse still in the tournament at the Sweet sixteen level. So also it means, by the way, it's entirely major conference teams that are still alive, which has never happened in the Sweet sixteen since it officially began in nineteen seventy five. Before then, the tournament was so small some teams used to actually have their first game as a Sweet sixteen game. Of course, that meant you've got a great opponent.
First off.
There was no facing, no offense but Grand Canyon or whomever in the first round.
No baloney teams back then.
Speaking of baloney again, the Big East. With Connecticut being out, the Big East is out. And since the Big East was created about nineteen eighty, about half of the NCAA titles either went to a Big East club or an ACC team. And keep in mind, Duke is the only ACAC team left.
And there's that.
But Cooper Flag is on the Duke Blue Devils and they did advance today. And did you see the team photo they showed during the Duke telecast of his high school team Montford Academy in Florida last year? It was Cooper Flag on that team. A guy for Baylor that he was playing against today, Robert Wright.
And also the guy who hit the game winner for Maryland tonight was on that team, Derek.
Queen from Baltimore.
Yes, they were a perfect thirty three and zero and ranke number one in the country. Maryland won the game seventy two to seventy one, as Colorado State had just made a three pointer for the lead with about five seconds to go. Rams had led by twelve in the first half, but the game winner at the buzzer from the freshman Queen Bank shot from the side. He had seventeen points. The rest of his team shot nine of fifty from the floor.
They're saying he traveled.
I didn't think so.
Some people were saying three steps twice on later telecast, Gene's Territory made sure to say no, no, that's not a travel fin So Maryland against Florida in San Francisco, that's the first of the two games Thursday in the Bay. Are so about thirty seven thirty Eastern.
Gay Steph Steve. All Right, when we come back to the tyrack dot com studios, I've got three non hoops stories to talk about, two from the NFL, one from the NBA, and then we'll get your tweets. Plus, Arnie's got great picks, like, hey, take a team straight up so they'll lose by twenty congratch the Arizona Wildcat. They're moving on. We're talking about it all night right here on Fox Sports Radio.
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio Radio.
We're cooking Hour three Power Hour, coming to you live from the type. Yes, of course, having a watch along in the final few moments of the Arizona Oregon game helps speed things up. As always, our show is coming to you live, as all of Fox Sports Radio is, from the tyrack dot com studios. Tym will help you get there and unmatched a selection fast, free shipping, free road hazard protection in over ten thousand recommended installers tire rack dot com. The way tired buying should be. Uh so if you gifted you by the way. Oh the Tommy Lloyd quote from out top game.
Lloyd got a text from Steve Kerr after the game saying, what the hell was that? Three on one?
Yeah? What was that?
How come I don't have Curr's number and Tommy Lloyd's number? How Come I can't tweet coach Lloyd after a game like that and say what the hell was that?
Coach? You can, I mean, don't you have connections? You can make this happen. You're already spaniard for goodness sakes, you're living legend. You're one of the most popular Arizona lums. Why do you not have these? I don't know.
I haven't talked to Steve in a long time, too long long.
You make it seem like you're best friends, so you should be in the pod. Was the last time you talked to him? Maybe even pre cell phone days?
No, it was his cell phone I know when he then he hit some like clutch shot in the championship.
And gosh, that was pre cell phone Arnie. That was stearing the bulls run.
Yeah, so he he came on this show and he goes. First thing he says was, how are your New York Nicks looking?
There go see that shows he knows you. This has been one of my biggest frustrations. I know the bit has kind of died, but the fact that you haven't been able to get Steve Kerr on this program a little bit disappointing. Now the words had him on, Well how Willard get him on? And you didn't?
Well because he works in San Francisco.
Oh okay, yeah, well just got to go name job. Just go let him know who you are. I don't know if he likes me.
Maybe he doesn't like me? Could be this second?
Well, wasn't he jealous of you because you were better at basketball than him?
Yes? I was better than in basketball. It really should have been both of us playing for the Bulls. Think about that, two guys from the same high school. What a great story that would have been.
All right, well let's move on, shall we? Gosh, you take away all my dreams speaking of things that Arnie loves that haven't happened enough in the NCAA tournament, before we move on to my two NFL and one NBA question I have for tonight. This was the call on the Westwood one radio network, the buzzer beater, the winner for Maryland. Wait for it, I promise it's here. Hate Maryland is one. Maryland is going to the Sweet sixteen. Maybe I should try that again when I actually have it turned up. That might help a little bit. My gosh, me and audio tonight have just not been very good friends. Wait for two queens, rippling left, fixed, step down the lane runner for the wind baked in hate. Hate Maryland is won.
Maryland is going to the Sweet sixteen.
So I've watched this thing like but thank you Westwood won NCAA radio network. I've watched this thing like a thousand times. What's the drama about it? What are they trying to say he did?
Tried to say he traveled. I didn't see it at all, to be honest with you. Matter of fact, I didn't even say, oh, did he travel yet?
It again, I was just watching it before I played the cut. It was like, right, no, so I thought.
And by the way, did you know that Maryland in their last four losses have all come on buzzer beaters? Have you seen?
Well there was that heat from half court the Michigan State beat him on a while back, right, and then there was.
The one the Michigan game where they went in the Big Ten Championship. I believe all right, Well what the semis?
Maybe was the semis sweet great emption? Yeah, it's a semi finals because Michigan went on and won it. How about that. That's a good way to bounce back. I think if you get to the sweet sixteen, it's a successful season, all right, That to me is a success. Hey, we made the sweet sixteen. Now, if your preseason one or two or three, and you've been there all season long, then maybe there's different goals. But I don't know. Even if Arizona loses to Duke Carney, I think given where they wore, it's a great season. Obviously it is for Arkansas, right, even if they come up short. But I mean certain schools like Duke Well Florida Florida. Everyone's picked him to win. So maybe if they don't end up making the final four, it's a disappointment. But for the text for the arkansass hell, I think for Kentucky even as you know, starstruck as their fans are with championships, right, I think that you look in most of the teams here and it's like, hey, getting to this point in the season, it is a major season. If you don't feel that way though about Arizona, though, do you?
Well, No, I do feel like it's been a success. Like I said, I we won our first two games. If we lose the Duke, they're the better team. We already lost with them once they're mating that point.
If we beat them, then everybody's talking about what a big.
Upset that is. Cooper Flag and I told.
You you have a choice of going back to Duke or you knew that the Wizards were going to draft you. What would you do if.
I knew that the Wizards would have the number one pick and they were gonna draft me, what would I do? Oh my gosh, why that is back to school?
I would I definitely would go back to school. I didn't even know that was quite a question for you to ponder like that. I thought, for sure, you're going out because it's still the NBA and you're still gonna get.
Paid hell of cash and it's not like some great team is going to end up with the number one pick in the draft next year.
No, but I would have been if you looked at all the other loser teams Charlotte, Utah, New Orleans, San Antonio, I would have been okay going to any one of those teams, Brooklyn, Philadelphia. I just don't think I would have wanted to go to the Wizards.
I guess technically, like the Bulls could end up getting the top pick in the draft, right, so that would be that would be bad. Be in Chicago, Dallas, Oklahoma City has an unprotected lottery pick from somebody this year, that would be pretty cool. But you're saying if it's well, hold on, when is the date by the time you have to pull out of the draft. It's before they actually do the lottery, isn't it.
Right, So you can't hold the team's hostage, is what you know you're doing.
It's still tough if you're going to go number one overall, right, I mean, even if it is the Wizards, don't you have to think long and hard about it.
Well, I guess you have to look at it mathematically and say, well, the chances are sixty three percent I'm going to go to the Wizards or whatever it is.
Well, but here's the other thing too. You're still I'm sorry, I don't care what report you have out there. You're not making as much in college as you're going to make as the number one. Do you want to raft?
Do you want to go through your first five years in the NBA winning you know what, thirty or forty games?
And who knows? You may have to stay there.
If you're the face of the team and they give you all this money, you may have to stay there your whole career.
Well, I mean that's relative, isn't it, Because eventually, at some point, I mean even the Kevin Garnett's left Minnesota, Yes, the Durants left Oklahoma City. I mean, no one stays anywhere forever anymore. That's a great question. I would have to think long and hard. But and keep in mind he did get hurt this year too. Yeah, so we're coming back. So you don't want to get in a situation where you start getting beat up because you don't think. You don't think teams are going to try to get a little bit more physical. Today you got poked in the eye.
Now, I know that doesn't sound like a big deal, but who knows if it wasn't more serious to lose vision or something and takes them like a couple of weeks to get his vision back, or gets it to be twenty twenty, stuff like that.
You never know when that So what would what would be your advice to him?
If I knew that I was going to the Wizards, No, no, no, you don't know.
You're you're you're couching this with Hey, I know this is going to We just don't know because you got to make this disa. I don't know.
I would tell him to go to the NBA. If I knew he was going to the Wizards one hundred, I would tell him to go back to school. If we're doing mathematically, and there's less than a fifty percent chance that he goes to the Wizards. As they roll the dice, go out there, let's see what happens. I'll I'll roll the dice.
See if I end up going somewhere else I like it.
See see if you know they'll put the a couple of the cards in the freezer before taking it out.
You know what I mean? Well, I've already theorized that they've done that for the Spurs. I don't know why. I think they're already set up the Spurs, right. I think they want Wim Binya. They think Winn bin Yama is going to be a star. They realize he can't do it himself, so they let him get Stephen Cassel last year, and now they're gonna let him get Cooper Flax so they can just have this ultimate team.
How crazy would that be? Would that just be sick? Oh?
And you add to Aaron Fox in the mixture. I completely forgot.
About it, right exactly?
I have. Okay, Well, since you brought up an NBA story, let me bring you two NFL stories before we go all in on the tournament. In your texts and tweets the rest of the way. Why does Aaron Rodgers not have a team yet?
Is he not? I thought it's because he wasn't wanted.
Everybody keeps telling me it's because he's thinking it over and he wants to go to the best position. I don't think he's wanted in the teams that do want him, not giving him a sweet deal or something that he thinks is a sweet deal. That's what I think of those thing.
Am I wrong on that or what?
I don't know. I don't know if there's a right or wrong answer right now, because I feel like every single report that's been attached to this has either been incorrect or like premature. And I don't know why. I'm like on Team Aaron Rodgers on this one. For some reason, you keep seeing these reports. People were like, Oh, who's he trying to drag this out? Well, I don't necessarily know that he is. I think the Vikings showed interest, and I think he wanted to go play for Minnesota, and I think whenever and played for Kenny Meagle in a system.
Who did he meet with? Was it Minnesota or was it with Pittsburgh.
Well, he's met with Pittsburgh reportedly, if Minnesota made the announcement this week that they're moving on with JJ McCarthy, if you go they were out of that. If you go to a team and you meet.
With them for whatever it was, five or six hours, and you leave without a deal, that's a problem. There's something that went wrong, seriously wrong. And it happens all the time.
I don't know why you're saying that it happens all the time at free agency.
Well, one, because it was late in the process. It's all Zawyer and Rodgers, and you know it's a quarterback situation. So I would have said, let's get it done. Why am I overthinking that?
One? I don't think you are. I just I mean Adam Schefter. Adam Schefter reported that they had a six hour meeting on Friday, called in mostly a positive visit and that the two sides will stay in touch. But I would also say that, you know, I don't necessarily know if that means that Aaron Rodgers is for sure going to play next year, nor did the Steelers want him. And the Steelers have met with basically all the quarterbacks in the draft, too, especially the guy's like Jalen Milroe. You know, I think Jackson Dart would be a really good fit if he's there for Petsburgh.
The other option he has is wait till spring training, or not spring training, wait till that happen. Yeah, and or wait till the preseason games and see if anybody gets hurt, and they'll see what situation he's gonna go to.
Yeah, that's fair point too. I just there's a part of me and I've I've started to come to this conclusion, which means it's gonna be wrong and he'll sign with someone Tuesday. So just I'm couching it with that. I think he's done. I don't think he's gonna play football again.
So you don't think he's gonna sign with the Pistols.
I don't think. So there's you think something went wrong in the six hours. I don't necessarily know about that. I just don't know if Pittsburgh heard what they would want to hear. In other words, if you're if you're gonna spend what Aaron Rodgers is going to require you to spend, you want to hear a guy that's bought in, that's ready to go, right.
Chris, If you were a single and you went on a date, and you had an all day date and you picked up the girl and you had breakfast, and you had lunch, and you went out to dinner, and you went to a game and you had the best time. And then you never saw her again because she she ghosted you. I'd say something happened in that one day that she didn't like, and she's not something went wrong, Chris.
Sure, but they haven't ghosted each other yet. They just met on Friday at Sunday, Arnie. I mean they they said they could have stay in touch with each other, with each other. That was forty eight hours essentially. Yeah, it sounds like you're ghosting me when you're not getting.
Anything done right away.
Okay, okay, So that's number number two. Does Jamis to the Giants do anything for you at all?
Uh? For Jamis?
It does not for me? If I'm a Giants fan, it is. You're a Giants fan. Don't you claim to be a Giants fan?
Well, it just it's not gonna make you any better. It's not the situation you want to be. There was so many other, you know, situations you could have gone and you still can with that draft pick.
So maybe that's what Sure to do. I think they're gonna draft Shador Sanders. I think that that's what's happening. I think cam Word's gonna go one and Sanders is gonna go through it.
Can I just say one thing about Shador Sanders by the way, Sure for all the people that are upset, like in some conspiracy theory against Sadrew Sanders, and why are people talking about him? And why do you want them to get dropped in the draft? This happens every year. Stop acting like we're picking on one kid, because this happens every year to multiple kids. All these bogus stories come out because they want the kid to drop or or for whatever reason. And it goes on every year, and we're actually like, oh my god, we're shocked. Why are they saying this stuff about your door Sanders. He's arrogant, he's cocky because they want him to drop. That's why don't take it so personal. It's not that big of a deal.
I know what you're talking about. I know you're talking about Ryan Clark's comments, aren't you. Yes, exactly. It's like what we get in this position year and year out, and we'll pick one guy to white horse for it's like I'm here to offends you when no one else will, and we'll pick one guy to beat down. But it's not like it's anything new and it has Listen, he's got a very very famous pops and he's got a very well known last day. And I'll tell you this much from being around him at some media days. He's kind of prickly dude. He's not the smoothest customer with the media and how he treats people. And that's just how it is.
Do you remember when the whole Manny thing was going down with the Chargers and everything like that.
Oh, yeah, Manning, not Manny. I just first many many were hers yea Eli Manning.
Yeah, And and people were destroying him, you know that right, and people like the memory he was getting crushed, I mean absolutely destroyed in the media, and you know, to say that, oh, it never goes on anywhere else, or we don't criticize other people, or you know, other people would that that famous fathers that's just the lie, that's just bogus.
You know.
I also think that there is too many people have podcasts and TV shows. Now, yes, that's part of it, and we run out of hot takes. It's like, geez, man, what more do we have to be mad about here today? So yeah, I'm with you hundred percent, Arnie.
The podcasts are smoking and they're drinking and they don't know, they don't know what the hell they're doing in next thing? Get did I really say that?
Right? Exactly? Well, I was feeling pretty good whenever I was doing that podcast exactly. All right, we gotta get a break before we do, so, I want to tell you about the good folks at Tractor Supply. They know that a winning season takes practice, teamwork, and a can do attitude. Thankfully, when you have a neighborhood a neighbor like Tractor Supply, teamwork comes easy. Whether you're caring for pats chickens, or a few acres or uh maybe something more. Our team members are there to help you succeed season after season. Tractor Supply for life out here, and be sure to check out the Tractor Supply Fox Sports Radio Bracket Challenge at Fox Sports Radio dot com. See how our hosts are doing with their picks and who the top ranked listeners are. Listener with the best bracket Foxsports Radio dot Com will win a twenty five hundred dollars gift card to Tractor Supply. Your tweets x texts are next right here on Fox Sports Radio. Are you gonna let us snow on Twitter if you're going to go to this game or not?
Yeah? I really am leaning toward it. By the way, Arizona Basketball, that was our largest comeback in NCAA tournament history, fifteen points. It was also the second largest comeback in the round of thirty two in tournament history.
The second largest comeback. I'm back in the round of thirty in the second round in NCAA tournament history. That can't be right. I'm reading it verbatim. Can't be right. You're telling me that based on when they were down with teen points fifteenth No way, dude. Come on, there had to be someone that came back from like twenty in the second round, you know what I mean? No fact. You never know though. Hey, sometimes those games that we well, we always complained about having closer games, right, maybe we've just had a bunch of close games that I've completely forgotten about. Kudos. Way to set the records here tonight. By the way, have you seen these ais that Nature Boys put together?
The one that has me looking like a short, fat guy.
Yes, I don't think it's very good. I don't think that's very good. AI. Now my AI makes me look like jd Vance kind of Have you seen that one with a beard? Oh? I did? Yes, I like that one. Maybe I'm truly the I didn't know that was a fake one.
I thought that was really you.
Let's go to h Yeah, I know I'm a little bit a little bit skinnier than that. Not much, not much. It's pretty much dead on. All right, let's go to the tweets tonight. Josh hits on a topic we haven't touched on yet. He writes, didn't see the game, but you guys see where coach Charley went off about the refs in the Florida game. Does he have a point? I don't know. What did you think I listened to that game? I didn't. I've watched the highlights. I listened to the whole game. I didn't think that it was as one sided as he made it seem.
Does he have a point in what? Like they got the screwed over on everything?
Yeah, Like I told you, there was one they couldn't review because you know, the first thing to do is take your figure twirling around when you but you can't review everything, and you only have until it's like the last two minutes. You know what I mean?
Hey, uh Ian, this this says Dan Hurley CBS post game Raw. Can does he cuss in this? Do you want to Can we play this or not? I don't want to play anything. If he's like dropping bomb Beflorida had thirty four follows, I think you're good too, thinks. Okay, let's listen to this and see Mary's got the dumb button justin exactly see what he has to say.
The emotions on your face. I know this was a difficult one. You guys had him. You fought so hard, mucked it up. You said, you asked the question what happened down the stretch?
Yeah, I mean they showed their quality. I mean, uh, you know, I thought we played with tremendous honor. I thought we played with the heart of a championship program and the program that's gone back to back, and uh, you know, for for a team to uh you know, to and you know what we what we really wanted to do, they were gonna have to put us down. And uh, you know, obviously a or the opponent like that, there's honor and in the way we went out.
You mentioned that tournament streak. What you guys have been able to do? What did you tell your team in there?
Just love him?
I mean, just love him. Uh. You know, this year has been, uh, it's been a real battle. We've battled and uh you know, we've we've had the ballot in battle and battle and uh, you know at times, Uh, you know, I don't think we liked each other a whole lot with some of the things we had to go through together. But uh, I don't think I'll ever love a team more uh than how hard they fought for what we were trying to accomplish and for the honor they played with today.
If he said honor again, I was gonna throw something at this point, right now, on this stage, twenty second day of March.
Right decision or wrong decision to not take the Laker job since they have Luca.
Now, oh, it's a good point.
I think Broad retires, you still have Luca for all those years when we're well, Bron retires, you didn't know where the Lakers were going.
And I'm sure that's true into his mind.
Oh absolutely, probably said who's going to be around when Lebron's gone. I don't know what I'm gonna do. So but now that there was Luca, who knows what he would I'm not sure.
I'm not sure what he would have done. At this moment, I would still say no. And the only reason is because if I was that was a lot of money. No, I wouldn't have taken the Lakers job. My my theory, I don't. I don't think that his act would go overwhel in the NBA. I just I don't think you can coach.
Like I agree with you.
I agree with you, and I'm starting to wonder if it's wearing thin in the college game too, right. I mean, you see how he's acted this year, and I know, listen, I know every Yukon fan will go to the mattresses for him. I would too, But even y'all got to admit at some point, you're like, dude, chill out, calm down a little bit, and I think you're I still think he made the right choice to stay, but it's fair. It's a fair question to ask. I like this one. If they put that high school kid on the free throw line all game, Arnie, they just might beat Duke. That's my man, Warren, Dude, where did they pull that guy out of They bring him off the bench. He'd played what like six minutes and he hits every big free throw.
Yeah he well he's never even done that before. Really, at the end of the game, he's just left him on the bench. He's our best three point shooter, but defensively he really takes a hit. He starts for us, plays about fifteen minutes a game, and they bring him the other guys off the bench so the other guys don't get in the foul trouble. But that was some clutch three. He had what four in a row?
Six six six row? No, no, no, four in a row. You're right. I'm sorry.
That saved the game for us. That was Brendon right, so big ones.
I think we need a copy of the nca Basketball for Dummies book to figure out what is going on in the tournaments. But with nil, you'd think team chemistry would improve due to players staying longer with a decent income. Familiarity is key in my opinion. But they're not staying. They're not staying at the same place. Is the problem.
Well, one guy today has been the four schools. You either want to go to a bigger program or you.
Want to get more money.
So it gives you two choices to leave, no real incentive to state. And if a coach leaves, well then you're certainly going to be gone or going with the coach.
So there's oh, absolutely reasons. Oh absolutely you are. If a coach goes somewhere, you're going with them.
Who's the one that brought the whole Division two with him? That was the one at mcnee's right, No, no, no, Drake, the Drake coach. Yeah, Ben McCollum. Are we saying that Division two players are on the same pars Division one?
Well, I mean, keep in mind, this was a Missouri Valley team that made the tournament as a with a ten C eleven seed whatever they were, and they pulled off an upset against a Missouri team who had spent a lot of money on nil. Aren't so. I mean, you can look at it how you want, but it's a fair question to ask, right, are we missing on some of these guys or is it just you know, like the Indiana situation in football.
You're definitely missing out on these guys because not everybody can go to a top notch program. Some don't have the grades. Some maybe just you know, they came in a different way. They didn't have the right people behind them. Who knows what each person's story is. You know, it just doesn't work out that everybody goes to you what And by the way, there's coaches out. There was a Patino that said, I don't even go for I school kids anymore.
I know that's right.
I just go to the portal.
I'm just go to the portal, spend a little money, get a little bit more experience. But we got tons of text. We' get to him in a bit. I want to Saga to be able to get his update in here because we got a lot to recap here as we had on the home stretch with Arnie and Plank. What's going on?
Steve well Yukon was eliminated and from three point range today they were eight for twenty nine.
That might have had something to do with the loss.
I don't know. I bet the refs.
Florida beat Connecticut seventy seven to seventy five, Gators all American Walter Clayton twenty three points, including thirteen points in the last eight minutes of the game.
Florida will play Maryland in.
The Sweet sixteen in San Francisco Thursday, seven thirty pm Eastern. You see the Gators head coach Todd Golden coached the University of San Francisco before he went to Florida, was an assistant at USF as well. He played at Saint Mary's in.
The Bay Area.
Going back to the Bay Area for Thursday Sweet sixteen against the Terps as Maryland won seventy two to seventy one over Colorado State on a game winner at the buzzer by freshman Derek Queen. Colorado State had just made a three pointer for the lead with about five seconds left. Duke and Alabama, top two seeds in the East Region, advanced Duke over Baylor eighty nine sixty six. Blue devel shot sixty four percent from the floor. In fact, Tyreees Proctor nine of ten shooting for his twenty five points. Blue Devil's led by seventeen at the half. That game was in nearby Raleigh, North Carolina. Duke in the Sweet statee s against Arizona in New Jersey.
Yeah, not a backyard anymore.
Now, welcome to New.
Because I've always gotten great attendance in the New York area. Remember they would always play an early season game somewhere around New York as well. I'll be curious to see the divide on the fans for that one. Arizona won the late game to end the second round of the tournament, beating Oregon tonight eighty seven to eighty three. That fifteen point deficit was in the first five and a half minutes tonight when Oregon led nineteen to four. Alabama eliminated Saint Mary's eighty to sixty six. Alabama plays BYU on Thursday in New Jersey in the Sweet sixteen. That'll be the first game seven pm at Eastern time. To the Midwest region. Kentucky eliminated Illinois eighty four to seventy five. Kentucky will face Tennessee at the Sweet sixteen Friday in Indianapolis, seven thirty pm Eastern. Kentucky beat them both times during the season. Also in Indy, not far from campus, Perdue against one seed Houston. Nice draw on the bracket four per two. My goodness, four seed is getting something of an advantage there in Indianapolis. Ole miss over Iowa State, a three seed is out ninety one seventy eights. Mississippi shot fifty eight percent from the floor, including fifty eight percent from three point range.
So Friday, in the.
Sweet sixteen, Mississippi against Michigan State seven pm Eastern Time in Atlanta. Two seed Michigan State advanced over New Mexico. The game was tied which just over seven minutes left. Spartans won at seventy one sixty three. Texas new head coach could be Sean Miller from Xavier. It's not official. Rodney Terry was fired today. In the NIT tournament, Oklahoma State won at SMU. The CBI attorney opened in Daytona Beach. The New Crown Basketball Tournament in Las Vegas starts in just over a week. In women's second round action at the NCAA's one seed South Carolina trailed at the half but one against Indiana and number one UCLA was tied at the half tonight but beat Richmond. Kyle Larson was the NASCAR winner at Homestead Miami, ally Lex Bowman finished second. The IndyCar race went to Alex Poulow. Victor Hovelin the golf winner in Florida by one strokeover Justin Thomas Dodger. Shortstop Mookie Betts was scratched from the lineup tonight as the Dodgers eventually won their exhibition against the Angels, but Betts is still feeling the effects of illness. Dodger first baseman Freddie Freeman did return tonight after a rib injury. He, like Betts, had missed the games last week in Japan. The Oriel shortstop Gunner Henderson will go on the IL. He's missed almost a month with an intercostal strain. The Mariners released outfielder Mitch Hanniker. He still owed about fifteen million dollars. Red's closer Alexis Diaz will go on the injured list. Tampa Bay pitcher Shane McClanahan will start the season on IL with a triceps injury. And by the way, the Rays are moving to the Yankee spring training facility. Fought to play their home games this season after hurricane damage to Tropicana Field. The late NBA game went to Oklahoma City, which is one six in a row. It has a record of fifty nine and twelve after edging the Clippers one o three, one oh one, and this was a Clips team that had won five in a row. Cleveland is fifty seven and fourteen, back in the win column after an easy victory at Utah, Cavs had lost four straight. Boston won a's fifth in a row. Miami got forty two points from Andrew Wiggins and beat Charlotte. Denver got thirty nine from Jamal Murray and one at Houston. Steph Curry, after a recent fall, has a pelvic contusion and reportedly will at least join Golden State on the road this week. Tuesday, the Warriors. Jimmy Butler is back in Miami. Demantus Sabonis of Sacramento was upgraded to questionable for Monday after a sprained ankle. He did practice today. Anthony Edwards of Minnesota questionable for Monday with a thumb injury.
Back to you, Hey, thanks Steve, have a great week, buddy, Great stuff tonight. That's Steve Seger. Did you hear this story from Amari Williams. It's about a minute long. This was from the post game. Amary Williams had a big night for Kentucky and I guess he has a new serial that helped feel him tonight. Give this Give this a list as we lost players.
He always catch our heads high and you know, when you have someone like that lead in the way, it's definitely easy to just go out there and you know, fight as a team. And that's that's why we.
Had So that's actually not the real answer on.
Bis. Oh yeah, yeah, I had weed a Bix this morning.
If you know, tell the whole story please, I mean, Mari Williams guys is ten rebounds, eight point six assists, one turnover, three blocks. Okay, incredible energy on the floor. Go ahead, We're working on anil deal right now.
So on Friday I had full pieces of toads for breakfast and they thought that wasn't enough.
So what was it yesterday? What do you usually eat?
Yeah, he asked me what I usually eat growing up? And I had something called weed a Bix, which is from England.
And if you had wed to bix, will you raise your hand? Have you had Weeda bix? By the way, you know what the hell that is?
So it's like it's like shredded wheat, and me saying this is crazy because my parents always forced me to eat it growing up. So well, Baran did a good job of, you know, finding an international store out here in Milwaukee, and and he got me wet the Bix. I had about three of them this morning. Coach Pope joined me too and Brandon Garrison and yeah, I feel like that helped my performance today for sure.
Weeda Bix.
There's so many companies that can benefit with these nil deals. Just if they're just you know, use their brain. They can totally sure and they're playing up. Look at these coaches helping them play up.
That's great. And there's so many different angles. So now, Mary, you're usually our international correspondent on this kind of stuff. Have you ever heard of Weaeda Big Serial.
It's crazy because I just looked it up. I didn't realize that. But I actually did eat this, growing really really did.
I do not remember.
I vaguely remember eating this, but I.
Like mush or something like that.
It's uh, it's like it's like you pour like hot milk over it and then like it like basically like mus.
It looks terrible. It looks like gun nature valley, granola bar.
You put it in like hot, you have hot milks soft and.
Right it's called mush and then you can't serves more like that's what you see.
I see someone beans on it right here.
That's but no it's actually like, I'm not gonna lie. I was really good.
I remember eating when I was They would serve it in a lot of like, uh, you know, adoption.
I thought you just said you hadn't heard of it.
Well, now that you're explaining it to you called it. We called it much and you could. You could make a bunch of it and you'd serve it to a lot of kids.
That's why I remembered it very cool. Well, weed a bis so many different options you have there. You could go with the weed a bix right for the Lexington, uh, smoke shops. I mean you got so many options here. Good luck, guys, they're going to sell a lot of that cri cereal and Lexington tonight. I got a couple of tweets here for you before we get a break and you get your picks. You ready, Yeah, John Wrights? What is more delusional Arnie actually thinking he can truck down to Newark and see his wildcats Thursday from good seats for near nothing or Arizona actually beating Duke, which.
Delusial with Arizona beating Duke?
But how much? My what do you mean? Form near near nothing? It's gonna well, you keep trying to get a press pass for this game, is right.
It's gonna cost if I want to buy a ticket, it's gonna cost me three hundred dollars though, and then I gotta get a ticket a does Marriott. That's another three hundred dollars. Got six hundred dollars.
Just go say you're gonna be a stringer. I mean, I've been trying to lay this out to you, say well, you know, hey, boss man, I'm gonna go be a stringer for us. And then when you go down there, you uh, you walk around like, oh I didn't get any cell signal or oh the s ID wouldn't give me someone in your set. By the way, Scott, if you're hearing this, I would never do that, you know, trying to set things up for Arnie.
You know what's coming up in two weeks, so I thought i'd do it now. It's early birthday present to me. It's my birthday.
Oh that's right, your birthday. My birthday's pretty close to each other. Mary and I birthday are what's your present that you for yourself?
No, God, we're God forbid close, not even God forbid. It was giving me a compliment before the show which you said, I really got to be careful about who I marry after you know, knowing you that is.
Yeah, he said something so crazy.
Really, yeah, gotta watch yourself, Arnie, Man, you're gonna really, you're gonna turn Mary on you. Well, what's your present that you want? Then you got to you left this o the Arizona Games. Well, there you go, there's your present.
Just do you want me to call and get your tickets? You want me to? You want me to make that your birthday president with the press pass? Sure you want me to call and get you not? Well, I think that'd be pretty bad.
I think I could probably call over to the arena and get the press pass myself.
I just don't think you'd go. I think that you'd be like, well, he didn't have to pay for anything for the press press. I feel like I need to buy the tickets to make sure that you go. That's kind of where I stand right now.
I've looked. You know, they're selling quickly too. I wish see the duke there. Yeah, yeah, that's the problem. All the dookies want to come up to New Jersey.
Tennis data writes this snooz. The snooze fest that is March madness. Is it ruined forever by Nils by the way, forever?
We just had one off year? Was that great either?
But yeah, and we should also mention like the teams in power conferences don't have great innil. I mean, listen, I'm a Sooner fan through and through, and we're not very Nil is good for football and I's not where it needs to be from basketball.
Because he's getting a million dollars, they.
Thank you, uh. And then Joe Judges Berner, whom I like, who, by the way, is a great content creator for us Areny He tags us and everything and I'm grateful for it. Man Hurley is an embarrassment to the profession. Acts like a child who had his trains taken away from him every forty minutes, every game, every second, and he's grinching about the reps in the tunnel. Florida misses twelve free throws and his team couldn't take advantage. The difference actor is stale and old and everyone is sick of it.
Yeah, the difference was only in a plus three for Florida, and free throws made, not free throws attempted, So you can't really complain about that, and it is getting old. I felt bad for him today on the podium breaking down. You can tell he's so emotional. You can't continue like this.
You can't. You can't be a life like that. No, you can't. You can't have that much emotional every year. You're just going to destroy yourself.
You'll get an ulcer before you know it.
Didn't realize how long we had gone. We got to get a break. We're cutting into the time for Arnie's picks, which are next right here on Fox Sports Radio. Do you know anyone on any of the teams? Could you get like a family ticket or anything? Could you try to make that happen?
Or no, I could call Arizona and say do you know who I am?
Final segment for us here on Fox Sports Radio. It was great to have Mary back tonight. Awesome is always from Ian by the way, we cooked it that ten o'clock hour because the game was going on. Todd Freman will return next week here on the Arni and Playing Show and de Seg're awesome on updates, as well as the millions and millions of editors behind the scenes racking audio making sure we have all the highlights we need, all right, we got to hustle a bit, so Arnie, I'm sure you got a lot of good picks to get to. So take it away, stinking g Let's get.
Right at it. We'll go to Thursday's games. We'll have BYU playing Alabama. Alabama is a four and a half point favorite. I've been on BYU to go to the Elite eight. I had them beating Alabama. I'm gonna stick with it. I'll take the four and a half. Should get more points. That's really respectable for by you only getting four and a half. But I'll take the four and a half. Give me Maryland plus the six and a half. Again, it's Florida could win today. I think they continue the run. Even if they lose. That's still way too many points. I'll take the six and a half. Chris, what was the line on the Arizona Duke game when the game ended and it first came out.
Oh I this is your world, Arnie.
It was eight, right, I'm pretty sure it was eight.
What is it down to ten already? Let's see Jimmy Chapine. That means a lot of money caping right away. Shapiro, Shapiro from uh what is this battleline? Dot ag sent it to us and it had Duke at nine. Okay it was it was eight and a half or eight it was up. It's up to nine and a half right now. You know I'm taking my Arizona wild Cats to go ahead and win the game out right. Don't want the points, don't need the points. Would you take the points you picked against them in the bracket and now the week before the game you're gonna pick them and put that mush on them? What are you doing? Man, I'm picking them.
I'm picking I believe, believe, believe, And I'm taking Texas Tech minus five and a half against Arkansas.
How about that?
Like that's that's kind of a big number there, but I'll lay it there. Moving on to the other games on Friday, give me Michigan State minus the two and a half again against Mississippi. I'm all over Tennessee minus four and a half against Kentucky.
That should be a fun game.
Give me Auburn laying the seven and a half against Michigan, And I'm taking Houston minus the seven and a half against Purdue. So there you have my pick, stew of them as your please, no longer strictly for entertainment purposes only.
It's it's been a mes in c A tournament so far. But I felt like today gave us two of our best moments. The finish of the Arizona Oregon game. I thought thender was good, yeah, and the Maryland buzzer beater was great. We saw Danny Hurley go bye bye. So that means we're gonna have ANUE champion for the first time. And well, let's see. Let's see, so Yukon won the last two. Then what Kansas Baylor, So we're gonna have a new champ for the first time in about five years here as far as the NCAA Championships concerned.
Right, still got my money my tenth thout riding too.
Are you gonna be okay if that comes to an end next week? Yeah, it probably will come to me. We'll have a great week and enjoy. Let me let me gett me follow up on that. So with how about this, We're gonna have a new national champion for the first time since twenty fifteen because since then sixteen Novs seventeen North Carolina, eighteen Nov. And nineteen Virginia didn't have the Tournament in twenty Baylor in twenty one, Kansas in twenty two, back to back Yukon only duke look out they wanted in fifteen. We're gonna have a new champ, big Ben Malors Next on Fox Sports