Unpacking The Chaos From MAFS Temptation Week!

Published Mar 24, 2025, 9:31 PM

Josh Fox from the MAFS Funny Podcast came in last week and told us there would be some shocking twists coming up on MAFS and he wasn't lying. With the reveal that contestants would be able to meet their "Plan B" matches, find out fell for temptation and all the fallout it caused.

This is the Fitting and Whipper with Kate Richie podcast.

Married at First. So just when you feel I mean, we've been speaking about this all week. Josh Fox, friend of ours, He's got the Maths Funny podcast, he said last week that prepare yourself for this temptation challenge that they have, right, Okay, So basically what it is is we're at the end of the experiments. The final vows are just around the corner wheel. Majority of these couples, well let's say ninety five percent of them, they're all on there for fame. They're not sticking together. Actually, Ree and Jeff look pretty tight. And so the temptation challenge was they were told us a couple that there's one more challenge left before the final vows. Then they had to go off into their own separate rooms, their individual rooms. Then they received another letter saying that there's other people that you were actually compatible with that we didn't choose to marry. For you to marry on the show, you have an opportunity now as a temptation to meet these people. Are you prepared to do it?


Now, it's very similar to rate the others, rate the other brides and grooms.

You know that.

Exercise that they do, we're the best one first, and or that kind of thing, and we get angry every year because there's always one guy that doesn't put his bride at number one. You wouldn't you think you'd learn your lesson from that experiment not to go into the temptation challenge and do this. And Rie and Jeff they're tight, so you know what. They instantly looked at the card and went, nah, I'm not doing it. I don't need I've found my love. I don't need to meet someone else that I'm compatible with. I'll just stay in my room and watch television.

Jeff, Jeff would have loved snuck a look. Jeff didn't take off to the bathroom, just.

Quickly have a small peak no into Paul and Corina. Karna Karna is, I mean, she's she's gotta bead on her shoulders and she's a great girl. She's instantly gone, I'm not doing the temptation challenge. I you know, Paul's the man for me. I love Paul. Then Paul steps up and goes, yea, why not let's have a bit of a crack at this goes and meets this girl, and they don't hit it off. The girl actually questions Paul, why are you here, and he said, oh, I just wanted to see what you look like, and you know, it's just part of the whole experiment, and I just wanted to be here.

I want to make sure my decisions right.

Then Paul goes back to the room where Karna is and Karina doesn't know that he's accepted the challenge, the temptation challenge. This is the most awkward on the most awkward television you've ever heard in your life. So this goes for a minute. Now Paul comes back into the room and he's all on. He goes, oh, I missed you, How are you? How was the experiment? Outed?

You go?

And then this is the worst case of backtracking I've ever heard in my life. For a whole minute, have I listened to this? So I've got good news.

Yeah, women, no, I did, I did. I did, but no, but like, don't worry. It was I went out of curiosity because I was just curious. I wanted to know who is this person? And I may God literally when I got there, well, I want people still run away. And then honestly, I was like, what I was like, this is a joke. Was so purely like literally babe, like I know it sounds crazy, like purely out of just curiosity. I was just so curious. I was like literally sitting there thinking, what the why have I decided to come here?

Like what the hell?

As soon as I met her first of all, physically, what the hell? Like literally Barbie Doll, I was like, Okay, this was the most uncomfortable thing ever, yucky, like I said, like, there was no just so that there was no like Sae. I didn't go with like any sort of second thought or thinking, oh maybe this is going to be better. Like literally, I was just curious, who is this person? Like to be curious, I know, and if she pissed off, I get it. And to be honest, I'm actually caught pissed off on myself because I'm like, why have I gone? Honestly, just so you know, it was embarrassed.

I'm actually embarrassed, and I'm sorry.

I just wanted to know that person why When I was sitting there, it just just so you know, it just made me realize how much I like you, how much I like a relationship. And I was like, oh my god, I literally just wanted to run away and then come back home.

I was like, is that a truck reversing or was that him on life support?

That is a truck reverse. It was the most awkward minute of television I've ever seen in my life.

Oh my god, where's that guy from? Where's the accent from? I don't know, I haven't seen the show.

Jor Hello, Hi?

What did you want to say? Have you seen that?


It was pretty bad. He's he's backpedaling hard.

Yeah, it was. It was horrible. Let's go to Leanie now in an angle part? Have you been loving the temptation experimentally? Anie?

Before I say my comment, can I just remind you that I'm the Leani that you called me last year when I went to the Mass dinner party one of your one of your your people that it was Leanni, remember you, Kate and you've all had that joke about Leani Leanni? Leanni? How you say your name from Camden?

That's me?

Oh, that's you LEI. Are you in a relationship Leanie?

I am? Would you believe his name is Paul yep? And yeah, I've been watching it very heavily, going, oh, this guy's just not ready.

Do you think if you were handed an envelope with a chance happen to meet the man of your dreams, you would open that envelope.

I'd open it to read what level of the task was, and then I'd throw it away.

Would really Yeah, you're you're not talking about the pool that's on the show. You get your own pool.

Have you?

I've got my own, Paul.

Okay, I thought you were talking about the pool that you were talking about on the show.

Do you think there's any couples that will last? Like, is there anything anyone you think is really solid?


One d per Look, I actually think definitely ree They're gonna laugh, But I'm actually I'm batting for Daves. I think that, yeah, they've had their their little tumble, but because they were so genuine from the start, I honestly reckon that they'll go over distance.

All right, Thanks for your thoughts, Leannie.

That's leaning. It's real water cools.

I wish I was around a water polo right now to.

Talk about big enough on the throler at your tom I'd probably stab it with a knife.

But there the conversation when they get to work.

What would you do if you were handed an envelope and told the woman of your dreams could be in this enve light. Well, what would you say to yer? You would backpedal, and you would back I would.

Reverse, all right.

Apparently Paul is French. In case you're wondering where that accent is from, right, yes, so you can rest easy there where I.

Was panicking, man, I didn't know what was going on. It's Whipper with Kate Ritchie is a Nova podcast walk great shows like this. Download the Nova Player by the app Store or Google Play.


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