Embarrassing Minute's Silence Blunder!

Published Mar 28, 2025, 1:00 AM

That awkward moment where you pay tribute to a recently deceased player...only for him to call in and tell you he's still alive. Yikes. Fitzy tells us a tragically sweet story of a man whose memory resets every 7 seconds and gets to continually meet his wife again and of course it can't be a Friday without Riddle Time!

Whip with Kate Rickie podcast.

It he shits you ever with katech You welcome to the podcast.

Do you know what you know? The minutes? How powerful is the minute?

So when you celebrate somebody's life, the whole stadium is dead quiet. You wait for that full minute before you then start cheering for your team.

But it is, it's it's quite powerful, man. I. This is one of the.

Most powerful minute silences you'll ever hear about. I've got an unbelievable story.

It will blow your mind. In the podcast.

This is the Fits and Whipper with Kate Richie podcast.

This is possibly my favorite story of the week.

Ryan James, let's talk politics for the moment, because I think Albo is going to visit the Governor General today and call an election for May three. It's rumored from page of the paper today, a federal election May three.

May three. You immediately go what have I got on May through?

Don't you think about that weekend and go, oh god.

I'm a big fan of the paper.

You've got to prevote, Yeah, you've got it.

Unless you're really committed to the hot dog pre vote well.

If you if you're if you're lining.

Up to vote you're kidding yourself. Sort yourself out a little bit earlier than that. It makes nothing better than rocking up to a primary school and then realizing that there's no line.

Straight in, straight out. You're Dan and Daston.

Sure, what's interesting.

There's a local election in my area too, in the east, but also in Moss Bezalie Steglers. She's fired up again, so the promo posters are up everywhere. What I didn't realize and I bummed into Roe Knox in our area. Her posters posters are everywhere, Roeknox, Yeah.

And I said to it. The first thing I said.

This was when we went to Wolf for Ward the other day, the charity event in Willemloo. I got out of the Uber ready to go and I saw Roeknox. I don't I don't think I've ever met it before. She was getting a campaign and her signs out of the back of the car, and I went, oh, Roeknox.

I make a joke about.

You to my wife when we see your posters where I say, oh, you're still voting for Row and she said yes, and I go still knocks.

Still not still not anyway. I don't think. I don't think Roe got.

The joke, and then it was kind of this awkward Oh well, okay, well, good luck with the campaign, all right, take it easy, I better go raise money for.

Well, you don't want to drop a row or a Knox into anyone's drink, No, you do not.

Anyway, I didn't realize that they could just go and put these posters on anyone's house. You know, when you see them on the front gate or the front fence of somebody, I assume they've knocked on the door and said, hey, are you called if I whacked the campaign poster up.

No, they've just kicked them on anywhere.

No, they don't.

Well you came an That's what I thought. It's exactly what I thought. The woman that owns this house said the Zarie Staggle poster went.

Up the other day.

I didn't even know it was going up. So let me take it to a moment yesterday. This is awesome fits.

You know.

I should let the news story describe it, but I can't help but think in Mossman.

Three ladies well dressed, very well.

Dressed, Ryan James, and you hear the brand of the lipstick used in this very very aggressive attack have gone out for lunch, they've had a couple of drinks and then this has happened and.

The election chaos has started. In Mossman.

This afternoon, three women walking along Comedy Street have been caught using lipstick to draw piggies on a poster promoting til MP Zarlie Steggle.

You let me do that?

Why do you let me do it?

It does do piggy gns on a nose, piggy things on her nose. So one lady is angry at the other that she's let me use the Chanell lipstick to draw a pig face on Zaris.

Oh my god, thank you to not sum it up.

It sums up Mossman, doesn't it?

Do it?

Inter Still a big thank you to the Ring company who make ring cameras, because they're everywhere. And whether it's an Amazon delivery man accidentally farting on the doorstep or it's three Mossman old ducks who have had too much sharder over lunchtime and a dozen natural.

They've had a big day at the borner drawing a stagle. They do sound a bit like true and pre.

It's definitely true and for a big lunch this is the Fitzi and Whipper with Cape Ritchie Podcast.

Sorry to do this, guys, but I'm bringing the show down a little bit here.

This is unfortunately. Oh it's the real time.

If you think that's how you bring the show down, Jess, then you can get out.

Do you have some sort of sad music for me?

I thought't worry about that. I was thinking of funeral music.

If you do have something in there, jest, because we're celebrating the life of Petco Genchiev. Pet coo Play is a Bulgarian footballer and he plays for the top division side Arto Kadzali Sunday. Unfortunately, the team had to all hold hands and there was a minute silence before the game for Petco and his life.

I saw this and it was like a full stadium. Everyone was really moves.

What happened? Well?

He passed away also, they thought because Petco was at home watching the game, Petco's his phone went crazy. Everyone thought he was dead. He had a news service ring him an hour later. I said, Petco, we thought you were gone.

Are you okay? He said yes.

When I heard the terrible news, I poured myself a brandy to celebrate my life.

So the club, celebrated, celebrated his life.

With a minute silence while he popped himself a brandy and watched it on television at times.

How does this happen? How did they get the news that he was dead?

Well, I I don't know, but you know what, I think there would be a lot of people out there that would love to be in this position and say, can I escape my life by just going along with it and saying that I'm dead and start a new one.

He could have moved to Sydney. Can we talk about Fits? The great story?

And I'm going to give you the headline, and then I want everybody else to fill in the pieces because I don't have enough of the story in front of me right now because this is live radio. But the guy who created the Nobel Peace Prize, right, help me out here if.

You know the story?

He they thought he died Fits and he was also the creator of the atomic bomb maybe or nuclear weapons. So what happened was they thought he died and they ran on the front page of the paper like mass murderer has died.

What was the front page? What was the headline? Time?

Merchant of death, Merchant of death?

Right? God?

But he hadn't died, it was a mistaken identity. So then he realized all his life's work would be remembered as merchant of Death. So he was able to see what everyone thought of him and what his name would mean forever.

He was given a previous.

Yes, so he said, almos to God. I didn't realize that this is what I was perceived as.

So then he said, he changed his ways and created the Nobel Peace Prize.

And I think his last name was Nobel, Is that right.

Tommy Alfred Nobel?


Is amazing.

He then thought, if I could be known for anything, guys, I don't want to be a merchant of death?

What about it? In peace? Guyst's let a few dubs go?

So you're telling me he invented something that could take out an entire country.

And he thought the way that he could redeem himself was to hand out an award.

You know, it's not too bad.

Clever way of switching things around.

A bit with a Whitchie podcast.

Johnny Hapaat is narrowly a avoided jail yesterday because his license has been disqualified. Police describe him as a repeat traffic offender. Hopper is not too good behind the wheel. He's had his his license suspended from driving for thirteen times in the past, thirteen times.

That this is what this is the weird bit though.

In twenty twenty four he had eleven camera detected driving offenses to his driving effective That was just in twenty twenty four alone, and he's had his license suspended thirteen times before that.

Oh my god.

So his barrister has told the court that Hoppawhity owned four cars and many of those offenses were committed by some of his eleven children.

Yeez, it's not me, it's the kids borrowing the car.

Can't drive?

Can So the and the man Mundine provided Hoppawadi a written reference so he didn't have to go to jail, and obviously the judge's gone, okay, no worries.

But hopp It, don't get behind the wheel.

He's one hundred hours of community service and you would think that he'd be quite grateful that he doesn't have to go into the CLI. Then Hopper just steps outside the court and there's all the reporters there. He just can't help himself. Hopper fifty one years of age. He got a couple of questions, have a listen to this.

Are you looking forward to the one hundred hours of community work?


I love the couny work.

That's all I do. Well, you're aspect of purposes.

Can't drive your bumfenis? I can't wash? I can't drive to your mum's house? Now, can't drive your bums?


Good care? Just got for a mum joke?

You know what, You've avoided jail just so. Look, I'm grateful.

And you know I'm the wrong thing. I know what the laws are.

Community service?

You know?

Do you reckon? You'll break the law again. Oh well, I can't drive to your mum's house.

Now, we'll drive you.

Like like, you know, like not needed like you know what. Maybe you get into the car with your mates. You can probably drop it, but not there.

Leave your fingers out of this. What happened? Thanks buddy.

This is the Fits and Whipper with Cape Richie podcast.

I'm still the thing. We're on.

It's time for sixty second starts.

Fine, still standing.

Now Mary in Mountain and you Saucy minx. What's on this weekend?

Mary? Oh?



Oh not too much, not too much just.


Oh yes, marry Mary. Quite contrary I've always gotten that, very.

Predictable, very mery. What about Mary, Mary? Why you're buging? You get that?

My favorite song is Crown Mary.

Oh yes, yeah, yeah, Merry, keep on winning.

All right?

One hundred dollars grabs. You're up against Christy, so one. You're going first, Mary, you get one wrong? Power goes over to Chrissy, whoever has the power. At the end of sixty seconds, hundred dollars richer, Here we go, Mary, You sixty.

Second starts now In.

Finding Nemo, Mary, which character says, just keep swimming.

It's too long, Mary, It's story over to Chrissy. Chrissy.

King Street is the main road through what suburb? King Street is the main road through what suburb?

Chrissy? Not you Marry Urry Hill. No, it's newtown.

Let's go over to Mary, Mary, but a piston shotgun are which singers songs?


George? Is too long?

Too long as George, Let's go what is the square root of one hundred and forty four Chrissy twelve yep? Who is the most followed female on Instagram?

Too long?

Too long? Selena? Game is Mary? My bad habits lead to you?


Whose lyrics English singer with red hair.

Yes, missus treshbar was from Matilda is famous for eating.

What doesn't matter virgin Mary's got it.

Congratulation, Thank you so much.

You guys are friends happening.

Mary said to you, Mary, congratulations, So you just get the one looking to congratulation. A lot of people get more than that.

Good but not great.

So with the congratulations you Mary for giving.

Me a go, well done, You've got one hundred dollars. Congratulations on Monday?

What a feeling like?

Can I just interrupt you for a second. I know that this is not my show, and I'm just a guess, probably overstayed my welcome. Let's say it. I feel like one hundred dollars isn't enough for this competition. I'm just going to say it.

Okay, Mary, you've got two hundred dollars. Does that work? Chrissy.

I feel like over the weekend, can we speak to the powers that be and just get a little bit more cash for this because one hundred dollars, seriously, in this cost of living, that's nothing.

So true, Tommy Chris, He's made a really good point.

Yeah, on Monday, we do I'm still standing from somebody's front lawn.

You bet I want it to be five hundred dollars less.

That's a smart Assmark.

No, you called it Chrissy, and then I just dug it straight in Tommy, and we've locked in five hundred dollars. We can come to your house on Monday.

This is the fitsy and with with Kate Richie podcast.

All right to tell me celebrate guys, because that is the anthem for the weekend. We know that it's just around the corner, and I've got three cracking reels.

You get ready to play along, guys.

I'm ready.

This is a good one.


Lose me once, I'll come back stronger. Lose me twice, I'll leave you forever. What am I a fart? Yeah? Lose me once or come back stronger. Lose me twice, I'll leave you forever.

We've all been through this. I think about twenty six times. Is it thirty two?

Lose me once, come back stronger?

What do you think, Jesse? How many times does it happened to us?

I think it's thirty two, but it's happening to my kid right now, and it is terrible as a bearer.

Yes, yes, how many old teeth you got in your gob I don't know. Okay, what has a tongue but never says a words?

How dare you? Chris? She's not afraid of a quick riddle.

She's not afraid of its thirty two teeth correct educational.

If you if you were a teacher playing for the school, the entire school to the zoo.

I'll be winning.

You were TUESD teeth.

Oh my god, this is good.

That's your special category.

Thank you. What is a three letter word that starts with gas?

Three letter word that starts with gus? Gush?

No? What is it? Can I fire? No?

Perhaps car Thomas, Mandy and mascot Welcome to the show.

Mandy, morning God Friday.

All the way from Yorkshire. Have you got a riddle for us? Mandy?

I have right. I make noise yet you don't see men make it? I alarm for good yet sometimes where I have a companion?

What am I confused?

You are? Mandy?

Is it wind?


Is it a vinyl record?


Because you can see it?

Could you go again with your riddle?

Mandy, bra I make noise yet you don't see me make it? I alarm for good yet sometimes wet I have a companion.

I alarm for good?

Is that hang on a minute?

Is it standard in the past? Thank you, Mandy, have a great weekend.

You're told of you by This is the Fier with Cape Richie podcast.

Do you want to hear a fascinating story?

I love fascinating stories.

It's unbelievable.

A guy caught by the name of Clive Wearing so back in nineteen eighty five, he was a musicologist, right, unbelievable ecologists, a musicologist studies music, Yes, studies music, and unbelievable on the piano. In nineteen eighty five he was diagnosed with a type of herpes.

Which attacked his brain.

Right, So basically what happened to attacked his brain and he's been living in like a bad groundhog Day for the since nineteen eighty five.

It's the worst.

It's the worst recorded case of amnesia ever. So he got this virus and it attacked a part of the brain.

That forms new memories. So the result now is he has a.

Memory span that's like this, it's it's the span of a Snapchat story.

That's what his life is.

Every seven to thirty seconds, he resets like.

It's new, like it's new, Oh my god, I's never seen before.

So essentially, it's like hitting the reset button in your brain and you've got no idea what you were just doing. So it makes every moment feel like he's just woken up for the first time. So he's married. He's married to a beautiful lady called Deborah. Yeah, and when he's this is this is the funny thing about it. Though he can still play the piano perfectly with right so he's never forgotten that and whenever, and he still remembers Deborah and she's the love of his life. But it's like he's coming out of a coma every time, and when he sees her it's.

Like seeing her for the first time. Every time.

They did a documentary on him, and they followed his wife and she rocked up to his house because he gets care now, and she rocks up to the house. She knocks on the door, and this is his reaction when he opens the door. Ah, it's like you've said it for the very first time, and he's like, oh.

My god, where have you been.

So he there was a diary that he put together, and in the diary, it was like he was waking up from a coma each time.

He would write down.

She urged him, write down what you're feeling, and he would write, you know, one minute, I am awake for the first time, and then two minutes later he would write down, this illness has been like death till now I am awake and all since his work.

That was two minutes later.

So they did this documentary and his wife, Deborah's explaining his memory span and she sort of quizzes him about it at the end of it.

Have a listen the.

Sentence he is in. He will probably have forgotten the sentence before you ask him a question and he'll give you an answer, But while he's giving me the answer, he's all already forgotten the question. That's how short it is. I'm going to see your kids tomorrow. You children, Do you know what they're up to?


Guess what you think they're up to?

Were They haven't got.

Her level last time?

I was confident, So I don't know what possible.

It's a bit rough by her to play a guessing game with him. If he's a goldfish, how fascinating.

Because you're right seeing her for the first time would be beautiful, don't get me wrong, but it would be extremely frustrating for him, But it sounds like he know, he's obviously aware of his condition. He hasn't forgotten about his condition every seven seconds. But imagine is they see the excitement when she arrives at the door and then you go into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. You walk in and then you can't believe she's in the land room.

Well, he sits on the couch and then all of a sudden he resets again, whip and it's like he's seen humans for the first time.

He was asked about it. Listen to this.

I've never seen a human being, never had a dream or thought. The brain has been totally inactive. Damn. Note the same, no thoughts at all.

Then in the documentary, right in the documentary's wife goes out and makes a cup of tea. She comes back into the room, and this is his reaction.

Again. It's sad but beautiful.

It is sad but beautiful.

And I mean she can only do that three or four times, and then she has to leave him because she's just totally sicking.

I've done this, mate, We've been doing this since nine and eighty five. Although I mean there's things i'd like to experience for the first time again, Like if you were to, I don't know, I'd love to watch Gladiator for the first time again.

All the movies have been new.

Number one, really, that's your number one.

Maybe it would be food, Like if you were to tried dumpling for the first time, that experience, you could have one every seven seconds.

You wouldn't believe what was going on in mouth.

I reckon if you were Clive wearing and there was and then Lisa rocked up at the door, or a pork dumpling, I reckon, you'd go for the dumpling and play that last grab again.

This would be your reaction.

And when the dumpling rocks are.

That's a busy mean I'd have a mixed basket of eight. I'll start with a pro.

Seven seconds.

This is the Fits and Whip with Kate Richie Podcast and Sharon.

We haven't heard from it for a while. Friend of the show Fits, We Love the Man.

Is he still on tour? Is his world tour as it wounder?

Yeah, No, he's not on tour.

He's been writing new music, which is exciting because he's just starting to leak a little bit of it. Now and showcase some of the songs that will be on the new album.

This was great.

He's been on Jimmy Fallon and he was talking about how he was about the court case. If you remember Fits, there was an issue with the song that he wrote.

Tommy remind me of dicking.

Out loud, being similar to Marvin Mum.

I remember the story Fits where he got up on the stand in cord and played several different songs which were exactly like this song we're listening to right now. So it was to do with that same beat. Anyway, he's got new music out. He's been on Jimmy Fallon and he's talking about how one of the songs came to light.

So I switched my phone off twenty fifteen and left it in a box. And then when I went through that lawsuit, I got my phone out again and had to go through like all the voice notes and the pictures and all that stuff, and I switched it on and it was like going into a tome machine. Like the first text was my friend that had passed away the year before. The second text was like an argument with an ex girlfriend. The third text was a family member I hadn't spoken to.

Him ten years.

Vortext was another mate that died, and that day I wrote in my notes like I found my old phone today and then finished this as a song.

How good is that? Have a listened to the song?

I found my own phone today in a box that I had hidden. Who are you nostalgia trying to leave me a straight Maybe I'll come like some rows. I charged the battery again. Combinations because my pastcorde had changed, opened up and suffered million names now a one.

Whoever they've gone.

Conversations with my dad, friends, messages from all my access I kind of think that this worst best left.

They're in the past where it belongs.

I feel an overwhelming sadness of all the friends.

I do not have left, seeing I'm a family, the ass fracture.

Growing up and a fun male phone today.

I mean, he's amazing at telling a story and putting putting it into music, has a lot of great ass are.

What a gift, What an absolute gift to me?

And begin, you know, to find an old phone, but then to articulate that it's it's unbelievable.

That's sort of that man.

And this is the Fits and Whipper with Kate Richie podcast.

Let's talk about dog breeds. There's a I didn't know that.

I know people collect cars, but there's a guy over in India that collects dogs.

He's got one hundred and fifty different breeds at home.

Oh my god, who's picking up the pool out the back of that joint?


Tell me about it, suck.

He is just infatuated with dogs and different breeds to the point.

He's a very wealthy man himself.

His name is S. S.

Fish, fifty one years of age, and he has just paid eight million dollars for a katabomb A Kami, a rare wolf dog, which is a cross between a wolf and a Caucasian shepherd.

Geez, say that dog breed again, mate.

It is a katabomb A Kami.

What is a Caucasian shepherd? That sounds very like I know a German shepherd. Is it the same thing?

Well, it must be, but it's the I think it's the first dog that has been bred with a wolf.

You know, it's not often you get this on Google. It says it looks like there aren't many great matches for your search. I don't know what it is.

That's very rare. I know what that is?

Just don't spell it out.

It reminds me of have you seen an.

Isle of Dogs?


Oh my god, it's a Wes Anderson film. It's so gorgeous. And I reckon this what's his name? Such just such a his his house would look like the Isle of Dogs.

Why is this dog so expensive? Well it is.

I think it's the wolf element that's in there, which you've got. You'd have to watch as it gets older.

So the breeder has waited.

It's eight months old, it stands thirty inches tool seventy five kilos, and he's waited for the perfect time, put it up for auction, and he's got a big dog, and he's got eight million dollars for it. So I don't know if you'd have it around the kids, because I mean, I suppose a wolf at some stage has the instinct to kill fend for itself, doesn't it?

Yes, And it would be howling at the moon. You can't breed that out. Also, let's face it, eight million dollars that is exactly what people were paying for a kaboodle in Lockdown.

Is a Nova podcast shows like this.

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Fitzy & Wippa with Kate Ritchie

Sydney radio’s Ryan ‘Fitzy’ Fitzgerald and Michael ‘Wippa’ Wipfli are joined on Nova 96.9 in breakfa 
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