It has split the team but I am hoping that photographer got paid a little extra for the therapy needed afterwards. A recent survey in the UK showed 1 in 5 people hide food from their partners in bed and we had to find out if any of our listeners are sneaky eaters. Speaking of eaters, we heard a hot take from Matt Preston which has lead Fitzy to ask, has he lost it? We also got some more suggestions for our excursion and don't stop sending in your ideas to our socials @fitzywippakate!
He with Kate podcast.
Welcome to the podcast, guys, think back to your wedding day fits and how.
Special it was.
Some which one huh well, not the Australian one, not.
The yes, well, I can't remember any of the local one, not the pouquet one, ended up in jail?
You were anyone.
I don't know how many people you married that night, No, the one where you married BJ And it was a respectful, beautiful event, wasn't it.
It is. I think it's one that you'll never forget.
Never forget. I loved it.
One bride has done something which has torn people apart, quite literally. She has She's posed in a particular way for their wedding photos and I don't think anybody expected to see that when they checked out the pics, and I think it would probably be more appropriate.
For an only fans page.
You're going to hear more about exactly what she did and what position she did it in on the podcast.
This is the Fitting In with Her with Kate Richie podcast.
Guys, we've been talking about school excursions. We were talking about ones that we went on, some disasters.
We got some calls yesterday too.
I went to the Melbourne botanical gardens and they have a butterfly enclosure there. I was looking around, I saw some like really up high, and then all of a sudden, these massive amount of butterflies just come right at me. Scared me so much I started crying and I had to leave the enclosure.
Went on a preschool excursion to Taronga Zoo. Yeah, and we sat down to eat our lunch, and a bin chicken team and stole my lunch and I was screaming hysterically. I went on my first two night care.
Was about forty of us that went, and out of the forty of us, sixteen of them came down with the vomiting buzz o God.
Who struggled with that's purestorious? I really struggled with it. Want your suggestions for school excursions? What can we do?
Natalie and Campbelltown got an idea? Where should we go?
Look the old school candor are trips.
That was always a big one when we were growing up, Cryston.
I don't know if Clockington Green is still there.
The mini houses, so that was amazing.
Do you know what old jail was always good as well, mate, Tommy, can we get into Long Bay maybe? Just go meete a few of the guys and let.
Everyone out of silver Water for a couple of hours.
Clear it out for you.
Just ask them to wait in the playground down by.
Yeah, there's that's a beautiful walking on the water there too. Shane and Camden. Where should we head on an excursion? Shane?
Oh that's Australia, Bunny.
I mean, Shane's on the top of Mount Everest at the moment on his school excursion.
Tommy keep two or three.
I don't mind that, Tommy.
You would I don't think you would leave love.
We know. Yeah, that's oh my god. You guys second home.
He's Asle thirty two. Come through, Jess and Engerdeen. You got a suggestion?
Yeah, I reckon the nit Factory would be great. Imagine the goodie bag.
Oh yeah, just a biscuit fest Cabrey's down in Tasmania, isn't it, Because don't you get the off cuts of the of the of the chocolate on your way out? Do they do that at Arnott's? Do you know if they getting on the way out, Jess, surely there'll be.
Some breakage that they could give away.
The people from Tip Top contacted us yesterday.
We're talking about the bread.
Yeah, offering you a personalized tour of the tip top factory.
I would love to see that.
We take some sowing lind seed with us or anything that.
Cross buns or anything like that like that into christ Eastern Craik. Hello, you've got another suggestion for us.
Ye're goody boys.
I've been to work at the Zeitz City Zoo at Eastern Creek. Last year we had Taylor Swift out for the Oldman Excursion. She loved it so much she came twice. Yeah, so what I'm thinking, don't we Why don't we put on the older excursion for a school. We'll open up the doors and can bring all the kids in, get them behind the scenes, meet the animals, go through an education program, throw on ice cream in their hands, get them a slucky just give.
Them a good day.
Chris, you would do a whole school if you would like a lock in for one school, Chris, lock in whole school.
I've never been to school, and you know, one year it gets to go and you don't want to open the doors and bring old school.
That would be the world's largest school excursion. That could be a world.
Record in a time.
How many. How many does it old, Chris? How many could you get through for a tour?
We could do with them.
Oh this is massive. So we can open this up to any school in Sydney.
If any kids, if any kids are misbehaving and just throw them to the crocodiles or the lines.
Chris. The safety is in number one par there at Sydney. That would be good, Tommy get Chris's.
Yeah, why don't we chat off air? Chris?
But I be great?
What about why don't we do a shout out now? Just to keep it going? If you are listening in your teacher and you want to take the entire school, like, shut down the school for the day. We're all going to the zoo. That's not bad, m Tommy. They could pop into our studios and get a tour of the morning Zoo.
What sort of a workplace is this, teachers, dms, If you want to go to the zoo.
This is the Fitz and Whipper with Cape Ritchie podcast. This is an interesting one and where we're all trying to get into a little bit of real estate. But it's fascinating real estate did a story yesterday. He's a look at some of the nation's most notorious gangs and what has become of their gathering places. And this is your chance to get your hands on.
Them and bike his headquarters.
So get your hands on some of these amazing places. The first one is the Hell's Angels in Petersham, Hell's Angels Cubhouse in Sydney. Sydney's in a Inner West was firebombs multiple times before police force disclosure in twenty thirteen. If it's been on and off the rental market over the years since, so you could move in, Records indicated the latest rent was listed at thirty thousand dollars a year. It's understood the building is currently being used as a polate studio. I mean if you want to go in there to get on the reformers and not worry about the fire bombs. Back in two thousand and seven and two thousand and nine, a nearby tattoo parlor was sprayed with bullets the same night. Sure says here it's got six bedrooms, but no beds in them because sleeping is overrated and at current real estate dot Com dot a ustimate's price, the property between two point five and three point one seven million dollars now yours guys, and it's.
Great to know that you could be doing the downward dog in pilates next to Thumper, who used to be the head of the Hell's Angels, you know, to feel like home for him.
Why don't you and the family go and have a look at this beautiful place that the Gypsy Jokers used to own in Horsley Park. A Horsey Park property once used by the Gypsy Jokers which came out of the spotlight in twenty eighteen where Bikis were alleged to have six with an our packer. There remains shrouded in mystery.
Should not do be at an alpacker or any other type of animal.
They got in very early. It was last traded for two hundred and fifteen thousand dollars but worth a lot more now.
Is the el packer still there? Or did I take off with the ghost?
The Olpecker's gone? Banditos in Molong now my Long's four hours west of Sydney just passed Orange Okay, a one time bandido's clubhouse in Region New Southwest has changed hands for six hundred and seventy thousand dollars. There was a raid there in twenty nineteen, they uncovered firearms, ammunition and illegal puppy farm on the remote eight hectar property. It's got a modernized kitchen with funnels, blenders, strainers, propane cylinders, laboratory beakers and glass wear for you.
Okay, tho's different sort of kitchens to what I used to.
You would think if you bought one of these properties, like somewhere, there'd be cash buried on the property. Like if they've got what they got eight hectares, that's a big bit of dirt. There's gotta be cash buried in paddock number three.
I would to find gray. Actually I remember this one. The Hell's Angels had one in Haymarket. Do you remember where the civic video was is? It's above there? So it was used as a headquarters for the Hell's Angels. Yep, they also what have they got here? There was a civic video store and an Asian massage parlor upstairs. And they also says here had a beautiful two bedroom initiations shared plenty of places to tie up the new recruits. So there's some beautiful places up for grabs now.
And just for the record too, if there's any bikes listening, and they think Fitzy's having a bit of a laugh at them.
I don't have a problem with you guys. I think you're all great guys. Whatever.
Clubby mind part of them, not really part of taking the PM of this.
The bike is.
Sixty six bears f Street in rose Bay.
Everybody they're city and with a with Cake Riitchie podcast.
There's been and uproar about a twenty two year old woman. She's got married.
Now this is exciting because she's there with all the groomsmen and the bridal party.
But when it.
Came time to have the wedding photos, and you know, that's a frustrating time of a wedding, especially for the bride and groom and the bridal party, because they've got all their loved ones, all their family and friends in one room for one special day, and then you go away with the photographer to take photos.
For an hour like it's a punish in your.
Day, eats the wors It really is.
One lady's decided to have a little bit of fun with their wedding photos as the photographer handed down three two one, everybody smile, she's done a everybody lift your dress just me maybe, So she's flashing her bridle underwear to the camera. Now, this was this is one shot that you're looking at, and that's the whole bridal party.
So the guys are involved from that moment.
They then said, okay, we're just going to take the bride'smaids and the bride for a few more photos.
Three two one. She's done it again, She's lifted the.
Skirt and I'm fine with it. It's her wedding.
I just there's there's a maybe I'm a bit of a traditionalist, but there's a day for a wedding and then there's a day for a hen's party and every other party.
Come on, no.
One needs to see your jutsy on your wedding day.
There's photos of me on my wedding with There may have been a couple of little Jat's crackers, the old have you have you go see my new jeans joke. Yeah, okay, they looked at I may have done that at the HaLow Turf of Vdelaide Oval and and that was and it was for photos. It was for us afterwards. I mean we all took everyone took their tops off and had a kick on the oval. At the end of the night, I.
Mean to me when it comes to wedding photos. This is something you look back on and this is something that you print your frame, you hang.
It on the wall, you give it to the in laws. And then here she is at.
One stage she just gets the posey out what do you call it, like a bouquet and just holds it over her jutsy as.
You you had massive problems with your photography. You refuse to pay her. That was that was a big one. That's why you know what I love about your brain? Your brain has got He had.
A problem with the photographer. Yes, that did happen. Now I'll just make up what the problem will This is the Fitz and Whipper with Cape Ritchie podcast.
This is a fair bit of controversy surrounding the twenty thirty two Games in Brazi the Olympics down Under.
Well, it's I think we should change the name from Brisbane to gout gout, the gout gout Games in twenty thirty two.
It's not about idea, that's what we should call gout gout. Bring it home, Son the triple whack?
Whoa wow? What what? What what I said? Gott?
Well, it's well, Bruce mcaveiny said gougout the other day, and if he's comfortable with it, I think we all are, aren't we?
Well with Bruce is calling him goutgout? I mean, Bruce basically owns sport in Australia.
So I'm going with Bruce. I'm so excited, not his dad.
Do you know what. I'm a massive athletics fan. I love athletics now never been I've never seen an Olympic event and I was so stupid in the year two thousand, we decided to go on a footy trip to Cancun, Mexico while the Olympics were on. I was hanging out at Congo Bongo where I could when I could have been watching Kathy Freeman in one of the most amazing moments in Australian history.
But I mean Congo Bonga. If you said to where would you have preferred to be on that night?
Do you remember the movie The Mask with Jim Carey and he and he picks up Cameron Diaz in that club. That's Congo Bongo.
Kidding me, That's why we went there because of the Mask. Because of the Mask.
We were hoping to pick up Cameron Diaz and Unfortunately we ended up drinking just these horror served by Rob Horrible cocktails and Kathy Freeman on this television in Congo Bonga. It was the worst art of my life.
Somebody is yeah.
Because I shouldn't beat Congo bongo fits. What's interesting too with some of the suggested events. I mean, if you look at break dancing, it was an exhibition event and we fell in love with Raygun.
Now I think that's coming back.
No, look, that might not be coming back, but the door will always be opened for more different types of events that could be introduced.
To the Olympics.
And I would like to formally submit one today, Tom if we could stations the buffet challenge. Who considered the buffo for long?
Now? I'd love to see the hugmuncher at the Olympics.
I mean, that was you trying to break that record of the amount of hugs in one minute.
I don't think hugging had been an Olympics sport. There's no skill to it.
Yes there is.
I'm going to move those arms very quickly, Ash, can you hear me in the newsroom. I believe today they are going to be releasing some announcements regarding the Brisbane Olympics.
Is that correct?
Yeah, so the infrastructure blue brick, right, So the Bruceman Olympics will be released today. So Queensland Cabinet signed off on that overnight, so we'll be getting all those decas.
I'm thinking, wow, well that's fascinating. World on't the infrastructure blue because.
This is the big issue, because it's how the whole Olympics will be put together. And here's where the world has already started panicking because the rowing race for the Olympics could be held six hundred and thirty kilometers north of Brisbane at the Fitzroy River.
What is fine?
What is the Fitzroy River known for giant saltwater crocodiles. Now this is great for the Australian reputation, do you agree?
Yeah, Look, but I mean we might see some world records broken because no one will wick into.
The water and you had a big salty coming out at the back of your boat.
You're moving, you are hot, and I would suggest we sort of adopt this theme for many of the events.
If you got one hundred on a pack a while goes out, you know what.
I mean, it's not bad.
If we're in the pool from do you.
Reckon put the marathon on Fraser Island?
Well you could, This is what I mean. Don't feed them, run from them. Good luck everybody, you're off.
It's not a bad idea.
Fire it up and make it really Australian.
Well you could. You could incorporate the marathon with the javelin on Fraser Island. So you're running around with a javelin to defend yourself with.
Dingo stick and then you can do a showy if you win or what it was it do a beer bong if you win with your with your dingo stick.
That's a that's a great idea.
They might discuss it in the Blueprint today.
Blueprints Today, so Ash keep us up to speed with any wide animals to the Olympics.
As soon as the infrastructure blueprint comes in. Can you give me an idiot?
This is the Fitting and Whip with Kate Richie podcast.
Let's talk about names. Oh Jesse, you pulled that down quietly.
Parents are going to creative links to make their kids' names stand out by putting unconventional spins on classics. Denise Robertson has just posted on social media how proud she is that they've welcomed James into the world. James, you would say, is quite a conventional name, isn't it?
Well, James, can I to James be a girl? Someone has a kid called James. It's a girl who lively?
Is it?
Yeah? You could on. My middle name's James, and that's been passed down from my father, my grandfather. My son's middle name is James. James is it's around. But a few people had to comment as James was spelt j A y him z.
J A y m Z get out, now, go and get your coat and get out.
Don't do that to a kid.
The z has been used quite a bit because there's also a lot of people have been commenting and said es May is another one that they've changed to e z m a y very old name. Another one said I have got My daughter is at school and one of her best friends is Lily spelled l I L l e I g H Lily. So Liz, I don't want to ask this morning, how are people changing the spelling of conventional names.
James is an absolute crime, Like I'm assuming it's a boy. Is it that kid has to live with that his entire life? Okay, can you just sorry, it's j A M E.
S is it?
Sorry, it's j Y m Z.
If you're going to go with a conventional name, you'd stick with your original spelling. Wouldn't you need to add letters?
And why do you need a twenty twenty five spin on it? It's been successful for so many years because of the name that it is.
The original James would be absolutely furious.
As another game.
I mean, Adam and Eve, you're not changing they're the they're the they're the real ogre. You're not changing the spelling of that.
We're You're not going to do that. A darm a dormen of a domino of Dannielle. Welcome to the show. Talking about the unconventional spelling of different people's names.
What do you got so, danny l.
But it's the a double m I and then a hyphen e double elie like it's two names.
And well, yeah, did you did you ever sit down with mum and dad and have a conversation over that, Danielle?
Well, I did. Neither of them could get me a good enough Really my mom nay pyphonated. But I am born on New Year's Day, so maybe they could have been something else in.
Right one of Danny mum wanted el or New Year's Eve.
I just gone with a hyphen. So how do you go explaining it to people? Danny l does it? Get it? Confusing it?
I don't have to spell it all the time, but surprisingly a lot of people don't know what a hyphen is, so I usually have to say it's like a takeaway sign.
That is amazing, Danny and Elle, thank you for your call.
Christine Bexley, Hello, bye guy by the morning.
My grandson's name is ties On?
What ties on? Tyson?
Is that how you pronounced see why Mike ties On? So do you have to pronounce it ties on? Or is it tyson?
The school used.
To write tyson from down all the time.
It's actually ties On ties.
Ties On o Ti ties On in the jungle? Yeah, yeah, Oh.
My god, he's going to He's going to have trouble when he gets a bit older. Explaining that Christine, it's going to be out there. Does he he doesn't copy it at all yet?
Does he?
Is he okay with it?
Everyone that gives him a Christmas cards still rights Tithon?
Could you imagine if you're the father of the girl who starts darting ties on, and.
My daughter said, I want to do a different.
It's fair. I certainly have ties one on when when he's going through his partying phase. I spose our ties one.
On, Christine, thank you, but you know what you do.
People do want to stand out sometimes, and I suppose that is standing out. It's unfortunately the kid then has to clean up the mess by explaining to everyone why his name is spelt Ta why z right on ties on?
This is the fits In with Her with Kate Richie podcast.
This headline has absolutely shocked me in thirteen twenty four ten, I honestly don't believe anybody does this.
I think Tommy doesn't look like this anymore.
Article that's the headline, or you have to try and find the mencap in this picture of rabbits.
Some of those other great news articles.
This article goes on to say that more than one in five people admit to hiding food from their partners in bed hide.
It under the pillow.
This one woman says she'll on occasions hide a sandwich under a pillow so she can eat it in bed at night watching TV.
But some people hide sausage rolls isn't your partner next year?
No, he's not in there. Chocolate bars, crisp and peanuts.
Well if you're if you're in there by yourself, why you're hiding it.
Well, that's the thing. She said. She feels embarrassed if he's to walk in and she's eating. Oh gotcha. So she doesn't want to get caught. This is Carolina.
But if Simon wanders in and she's halfway through a sausage roll, spilling crumbs all over the bed, so.
She said, she gets a fit embarrassed, sneaky eating.
We caught one of them, snee We caught one of Hughey's mates the other day. They've always was swimming in the pool and one of them wasn't there and I started a freak out, gun where is he? And I went upstairs that he was in the kitchen and I busted him going through. He found some Haig's chocolates in the pantry. He was just having a crack. Just he was so embarrassed.
Awesome, if anybody or you know of anybody stealing food and sneaking it into the bedroom, hiding under a pillow, even eating in bed, Tommy, you'd do.
A bit of that, wouldn't you wouldn't mind a bit of cheese and cragery.
No, I've eaten a pizza in bed once before, did you?
Yeah it's disgusting.
Yeah, oh no, the pizza is lovely. The aroma would have been I mean, just hiding food under your pillow. It would stink afterwards. And yeah it was it a meat lovers to Yeah it actually was.
Yes, yes it was a beat lovers and not my greatest moment.
No, what stage of life were you at? Absolute blowout town last week?
So the I see, I think Ash would do something like this.
Don't you eatn bed? Have you ever hidden food in bed?
Definitely not?
And if I got into bed and found a sausage roll hidden under pillow next to me, I'd be very concerned.
You would have done this before.
I've never eaten in bed cookies.
No, I've eating cookies in bed?
Come on, what nobody told us the story before you do it? And in Parramatta, Hello, Hi, how are you going?
And are you telling me that your part of loves to eating bird? Is that right?
He does?
Oh my god? How does this play out?
Is it nighttime? Is it when there's a movie on or he just takes some snacks to bed.
He takes snacks to bed, and usually when I'm feeding my daughter.
Right, And what's the grossest thing that he's eating in front of you in the bed, because I mean there's a hot You wouldn't take hot food in there, Anne, would you?
Yes, he does. He actually makes tuna and it's got to be chilli tuna and needle him up so they're not even whole.
What is going on?
And so you're feeding the bub He thinks he deserves to be fed as well, so stuffs his face in bed. Yes, but what time of the day are we had, Anne, I'm so confused.
Well are all times of the day?
To be honest, He's got a big mouth and he loves to eat.
Do you remember when you went through you tuna phase whip and you were bringing your little can into the office.
I don't like tuna and I don't eat tuna.
That was tuning, nice tuning.
That was.
Thank you. And that's weird. Ashes and Castlehill Hello Ash.
Hey guys. So my name is in fact knife eater, and I notoriously get up at about two o'clock in the morning sneak into the cupboard and grab a packet of chips and then sneak back into my walk in and sit down in munch on the chips. I actually developed a condition called bloodiness because of my name. What's it called bludginess?
So you don't know you're doing it, ash, Honestly.
I don't.
I just I get up and sleep and I grab the chip so I go back in and I just start eating them.
I think you've used that that excuse a few times too.
Told you about that friend of mine who's a sleep eater. Then she would wake up. There's just chicken carcass on the bit.
Oh chicken in the middle.
Unfortunately they had chicks. It was alive as well. Unfortunately everywhere eggs.
Emma and Marston Park am, Hey, guys, how are we good? How far have you taken this?
We have snacks, straws next to us full of food. This area in the bedroom most definitely. We put our shows on. We've got masks on and we are.
So what are you eating? Popcorn in bed?
Or popcorn?
Chips? We've got noodles like we'll bring up make some megoring or some trim minut noodles.
That's a joke. The aroma would be horrible, and you cannot eat hot food in mea.
You shouldn't all be munching in bed.
You like take the tapes away and we clean up after ourselves. We don't make a mess. Yeah, just eat like well, like you're on the couch. We just eat and then we take the fruit away.
You have the idea of like consuming something like a sausage roll or snacks or popcorn and then just switching in the light.
A couple of hours though, And also a sausage roll would make a craziness.
Oh yeah, everywhere. Sausage rolls are actually one of the worst meals to have in the car because it just goes everywhere into your lap.
Yeah, horrible.
Thanks Fitzy, great chat.
I appreciate it.
This is the Fits and Whip with Kate Richie podcast.
One of our greatest gifts that we've had on this show. We love getting him on. Matt Preston. We always love the big fella coming in. But he has officially lost the plot. I'm saying it right now, so you know Matt Matt Well, Matt actually writes quite a bit for Delicious magazine, and he's got quite a few cookbooks. His cookbooks are very, very popular. But he's lost the plot, guys, because the latest article that he's brought out is Bogan food has never been hotter, and TikTok America and the air fryer are to blame. He's given his best recipes using spam, the artificial hams spam. I didn't know that spam was used in your suburban Chinese fried rice that you get, you know, the little pieces of ham. But there's spam.
Yeah, I can imagine that. I mean there used to be ads that they ran and you would say, like you can cut it four ways, and then you could slice.
It and put it in a hamburger, and they go, spamburger, spamburger.
Oh yus, spamburger. Here's one chewy spam bite. Slice spam into matchsticks and toss in a mix of goa ja jang, which is Korean red pepper paste, a splash of vinegar and white sugar. Cooking the air fire on high until blistered and crispy burn at the edges.
Yuck, Preston.
I mean, if Spam's going to come to you and say, hey, is there any times we could do a deal, you might have to point it out and just go.
This book and cooking idea was sponsored, paid for, and supported by spam.
Waight up, he's taken the p o'd abelesi. Now, why don't you make some of your own sugar spams jerky? Slice spam thinly, Slice the spam thinly and toss in sugar and parsley, grill on both sides, or bake in the air fry at one hundred and eighty degrees for fifteen minutes or until a little crispy and gnally.
But what spam jerky? Come on, Preston, what has he done? And they are most of the meals to be done in the air fry, Like I said, So it's an air fry spam combination book.
Well, you've got to rub on barbecue spice, rub garlic powder, onion powder, dried oregana, paprika. This is just to make it taste.
What is spam?
It's it's artificial ham.
What's artificial ham? Well, it's is it just condensed meats?
Like to me, it'd be like what's in sausages or some of those condensed meats where it's literally just the leftovers.
Literally literally it's like dog is it? Dog?
Cartilage, tom or is that of chicken or something.
Unsolicited, unwarranted, and often irrelevant messages sent in bulk via.
Tech the edible version.
My apology.
I've misunderstood this entire break, so.
You thought he was doing a cool on when you get served emails you don't want tom You just said.
This does have three Russian brides, which is weird. So he knows a lot about you.
Shouldn't put them in the Oh my God, It's Whip with Kate Ritchie is a Nova podcast walk great shows like this.
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