Aussie Schools Are Officially Introducing Dedicated Vaping Areas  

Published Jan 1, 2025, 6:00 PM

Playgrounds are out – vaping corners are in. We tackle the bizarre rise of schools creating “vaping zones” and ask: Are we helping, or just making things worse? Parents, you’re going to want to hear this. 

It fits in with k podcast.

An unusual pitch for how to decrease teenagers vaping in New South Wales has been heard by a government inquiry doctor Colin Mendelssohn.

He knows your stuff, Carl, but he's come out.

This is an interesting one because he's saying that at schools, if you want to wing kids off the vaping, you've got to find vaping areas that they can do it. So a designated outdoor vaping area that shoodents that are suffering from.

Withdrawals, because this is what they'll go through. They'll have withdrawals.

It's not as easy as just get off the vapes. You just can't get off the vapes cap.

Vaping for.

But that's what you've got to commit to, the withdrawals. If you commit to the smoking, you've got to commit to the withdrawals to get out the other side.

Yeah, but you know what if there's a vaping area at a school, as if the other kids aren't going to get stuck into those kids that are just vaping from the outside. I suppose it's not going to be like a fenced off area.

It could be like in the airports where.

It's Yeah, it would be, but you have to you have to register for the area. So you have to you have to register through the school. Saying I'm trying to get off vaping. I don't want to vape anymore. So can I have a quick little sack over here during lunchtime and I can slowly wean my self off?

Is the argument that if you have a designated area and time to do it, that like in class, you won't have it in your pocket or hoodie and do it all day.

Snk it up your sleeve, man. I need to get a very.

Good friend on the show, Robert Crashcratic. He's one of the best sports journalists this country has ever produced, and he's a good friend of mine. He joins us now, Crash, welcome to the show.

Buddy, whipper Cake. Nice a bit, nice start to the day to join you.

It's for coming on, buddy. It's honor to have you on the show.

It's an interesting topic. Is that the vaping one? It really is?

It is?

And Crash, I want to know that they're thinking about having designated vaping.

You is here at school, But Crash, you told me a story. You had a different thing at.

Your high school growing up can you tell the guys what happened at your school?

Yeah, well it was at Frawley College and we were allowed to smoke back in the eighties in our last year because the teachers were sick of picking up cigarette butts out of the urinals and they said, all right, there's no warehouse smoked there. So fifty, my best mate, used to arrive at school. I sat beside him. You had a packet, a bench and an Edges extra moldige pocket top pocket. Every day you could see it in the classroom. But we developed the mannerisms too of smokers. I was an asthmatic. What a idiot? In the sad time I went smoke and I always remember going taking a big drawback of God chemistry sucks.

Like you a carry packer.

You said to me that you actually hated smoking, but because it was legal at school and everyone.

Did it, you just peer pressure. You just smoked.

Oh well you did, and honestly my head used to I remember having one before an English exam. In my head was just spinning because I was an asthmatic with small lungs. Think you what was I thinking? What an idiot? It's funny, how cape the more you have the more you want. When they said you could smoke at the warehouse, a few of us said, we spoke in class as well, and they said, they said, are you answer? We thought, oh god, you're so straighting one eighty not letting us do that. You know.

So the combination of nicotine and ventilin is just beautiful, isn't it?

Oh yeah, no, wonder my marks were so poor. It was an interesting time. But I guess at one relevant point wise, none of my mates had smoked at school smoked after school. It was almost as if the novelty had passed through them. And I thought of that when you were talking about the vaping and the vaping areas. I've heard people say to you, I bet you that started a lot of people up on the wrong foot at school smoking. Actually, believe it or not, it went the other one.

Yeah, right, Chras, you're off the darts now, aren't you?

No more?

Open for crash credding?

Now? I haven't had one for about forty years, but I've got to say this though, Yeah, it was they were back in the eighties. Like where you were sitting now in a studio, there would be three people smoking at any given time. How I sit in the newsroom at work where at any given time, with no windows, there would have been twenty five of them.

I know it's hilarious. I've told that story too. I think back at Channel seven in the day. You know the cameraman even doing the news would be before they go to the news that they go live for the news, but they put their cigarette out on the on the camera.

I went live, Oh my gosh.

And the last bastion was Shane Warren who at every cricket ground in Australia, Warnie had his little smoking area where he'd sneak into a room and someone had give him a weekend and they could take in their warning and away go for a little secret path world crash.

Thanks for coming on the show, Lay.

Buddy glad you sits in with her with cap Rinchie podcast.

We absolutely adore this man.

Tickets to Will Anderson's biggest Australian tour in Fight.

I'm really looking forward to this. This is a huge tour.

Will Legitimate are available at comedy dot com dot au. He is hitting the road, he's popped up and he's in the studio.

Wellen, thank you, It's true.

The biggest Well it's very easy to say that when you haven't started right. It's a good promise to be able to make at the start of the tour. I mean it could all go pair of shape.

It might not happen right. But mean the amount of seats in the arena or does it mean the amount of places you go?

I mean anything?

How many?

I mean I I can watch that Tom Hanks movie before we go whatevery night that might do.

I don't know.

Listen to some Biggie Smalls. I don't know what it means big and means I'll be at my top weight. I don't know what it means.

With are you going out of the country will?

Yeah, the idea is actually fits that so basically, like because obviously there was some stuff that went on that meant it was very hard to tour, but also I have a lot of other jobs, and that just means it's really hard to put in place like and so a year will go by and I never got to anywhere that people that I was going to get to, And so what I've decided to do this is a very sensible thing. I'm going to do a tour over two years instead of one new show every single year. So basically I'm doing Australia and then next year I'm going to take the show international.

Are you at the rolling stone stage of your life now, Will, where you just you know, only weekends you perform, you perform between every two weeks and you have a bit of time off in between that start.

Having children, just randomly rolling our kids. This this hates of the life.

If you've done many sort of country gigs where maybe people aren't as familiar with your work, you mean.

Different countries or just country Australia. Part of Australia thinks not familiar with my work over the last twenty five years. You can't have missed me. The main feedback I get is there's a little too much of me. They don't know who I am all.

If you had people that go bloody Will Anderson wasn't a year last year. These country folks that are trying to wash the dust down the back of the throat, I don't know about that bloody Will Anderson black mane.

I am country. I don't know what you're like. IF's that you can even do that voice in front of me, because that's classes what you did. I'll come on, yeah, straight off and Dennison two hundred and fifty people dairy farm into the studio.

Have you yeah?

Have you do that in front of me?

That is pig farmer, Anderson's no pigs, mate cow.

I tried and uts as well.


That's the ute master, isn't it.


Oh yeah, I mean like the old country areas are the same to you. Guys can't go to the city and you're just like, oh, pigs are cow pigs, sheeper goats, Tim Worth the same place as Dead Song. Lisson's out of the city.

That's where we're well, do you go back there?

For you to this is it's so funny that you asked week because I actually don't go so basically so Dennison's two fifty people. So there's not our local venue that really suits the cost that it might take me to go down there.


I stayed at Mum and dads. That's that's a lost leader. Even if you get the entire area, it's not really one that you can financially fit into the schedule. But the nearest big town is Sale. I went to school in Sale and sell the sales about twelve thousand people, and they have a venue and I used to go to sale, and of course my shows would sell very well in sale, and I stopped going to sale. And the reason I stopped going to sale is that I discovered something very unusual, which is that in anywhere else in Australia or the world, if someone doesn't like something that I do, they can hit me up. I'm available on social media and they'll tell me that they didn't like something I did or something I said. But when I do gigs in sale, they tell mum and dad, Dad. Suddenly we're getting all a lot of director if you're down the news agency or whatever and someone had just been like, you know, your son said this that they're like, could you please come back?

All right?

Well, legitimate is you can get tickets now at comedy dot com.

DoD are you.

We love you to death, Willanas, We know how busy you are. Thank you very much for coming.

Thanks Buddy, good to see you. And with a with Kate Richie podcast, I want to.

Talk about that time that you've gone into a real big barnie with your parents and you decided to leave home. What a what a great Song's a great track? Justidi great song from per YEP good pick up.

They've got a new album coming out, do they. Yeah, well keV lead singer. He's also Bob Evans great Love. So this is not leaving home. But we've all.

Had a big fight with our parents. Did you run away from home? What did you do when you spat it with your parents? Thirteen twenty fourteen. Remember everyone goes into the running for first class of fifty car as well. But this is a guy called Andre's Canto. This is in Spain. He was fourteen years of age when he got into a minor argument with his parents.

Do you know what it was over?

It says here got into an altercation sparked after his mum and dad told him that he wasn't allowed to walk into the local village wearing a tracksuit.

Mate, If you love your Deodora, you know, mate?

Yeah, But I mean you take it pretty seriously when you're in your early teens like that. It's all to do with your reputation out there in the world.

You got a new triple strip and you just want to show it off in town.

Yeah, even if it's one hundred degrees you'll wear your new puffer jacket. Nebini.

Yeah, that's what I were all couder Lines jumper to an underage party.


It was thirty six degrees, but I could not take that jumper off.

Because you were awesome and you were sweaty underneath.

It was passion that night. Don't worry about that anyway.

Infuriated by this demand, Andreas stayed at home instead and vented his frustration by saying to his dad, well, you know what, stuff this, I'm not living with you, guys. I'm going to dig a hole in the back and I'm going to live in the backyard. And his dad goes, go for it, that's what you want to do, So he grabbed a garden home and started whacking the ground in the backyarden.

Six years later, Andreas has moved.

Into his new underground home that he has dug out in his parents' backyard.

What's a stubborn little turd?

Has he been digging for six years?

He's now twenty one years of age, just over six years twenty one years of age.

He's an actor, and he said to his.

Dad, I'm going to stay here, but I'm living out in the backyard. He's actually got a mate who brought in a pneumatic drill. They spent up to fourteen hours a week digging almost ten feet into the earth into the parents' garden. Then he got a Pulley system that he bought for cheap. He put together for himself because he was going it's taking too long just using buckets.


All together the project has cost him a grand total of seventy three.

Dollars not single, are you mate?

He's he's now thinking about expanding at further Kate. He's going to put another two rooms in there, a heating system, he's going to put Wi Fi in there, and a music system.

This is the best.

I mean, if you're out and about and you meet a guy who says, do you want to come home and see my bunker? I mean you're not waiting long.

I don't know if you say you're out of that, because it means she's safe.

I'm and digging all day. Why don't you come home?

At least Mum and dad didn't have to worry about him going down the street. And he's tracks it anymore because he didn't have time. He didn't have done to go anywhere.

Did he dig in his trackxit? You don't want to keep dirty?

Kim's giving a skill from Bondai junkson tell us you had a blue with your parents?

What I have?

And Kim, Hi, guys, how are you? I decided that me and my friends decided that we would run away from home after getting spilled from school.

Yeah right, how did that go to?

It went well?

For a couple of days. We got keys to a friend's holiday house and knuck away, ran away. The principles thought it was a great idea to just tell us to tell our parents, which obviously we didn't do.

Jumped on a.

Train the next day and elect it out of Sydney. And then yeah, three days later, knocked up, knock on the door, and in the parents came all over Red Rover.

Can we see the days of mobile phones and tracking your kids and stuff like that? Did they not know where you were?

Yeah? No, no, no, I'm about your age.

Oh we're right in the old day. Drag me into this.

Kim, Please, do you know what I don't know? You're much younger.

You know, we're seventy eight babies, aren't we or something like that. Look, I need to ask Kim. What I'm most intrigued with is what did you do to get expelled? Yeah?

You know, as you do.

With that.

We decided to smoke.

Some no the old dragon on the premises, well, on the premises of the camp.

Yeah, we just yeah, I thought it was kim. You know what.

I think every kid has threatened their parents that they were going to run away. I remember going. I'm saying, you know, I'm out of here, and I packed a puzzle and I got some cheese from the fridge and an apple and put.

It And you went down to the holiday house over in the French rivieria just to get away from them.

Yeah, that's rather got the chauff to take me to the chauffeur to take me to the jet immediately.

Yeah, you went off to your mind.

We're wheels up. Half an hour later said stuff, I'm out of here.

I'm going to Ibtha to live to one of their holiday houses over there.

You're an idiot, You're an idiot, all right? What happened? Did you have a blow up with your pair?

It's how did you get back at them, Jessica in Preston, you had a serious spat with your aldis.

Yes, that's true.

What happened, jess talk through it?

Well, they would have me Coriander and I really don't like it. So I decided to pack my bags and walk all along a kilometer street and just wait there and two a couple of hours when.

I came back.

I mean, you really dug your foot in. If you've said I'll tell you what if you're going to make meet that Coriander, I'm out of here.

Do you know what, Jess? I agree with you. Coriander is horrible. It's horrible.

It needs to be in the right dish, doesn't it.

Jess barn me. It's big in bar me. But I just can't have it in there. I'm sorry. A lot of people look at me. Funny all right? Louise in Penrith, what doubt? What went down with your parents? Louise?

Hello, louisas don't tell me Louise is out of the picture. I was waiting to hear this story.

Is she there, Louise? Not your sister?

Is it we?

No? No? She She's had a couple of barneyes with my family.

Is she ever left home?

About She had a planned twenty first, She had a really big twenty first. But the thing is with Louise. Her birthday is on the first of January. Now before the lunch that we had planned on the first of jan She went out that night on Year's Eve and Dad found her just rocking in the corner. One day.

Was Louise the one that wanted to kiss Matt de Great? The other one wasn't Kate.

Kate never wanted to kiss Matt de Grout. She's with a guy that looks a bit like Matt Degree and they have two kids. But no, she would never have kissed Matt Degroo. She wanted to kiss Tom at one stage, and I was okay, very much. Oh, hang on, we got Adam and Stan Hope, here we go.

Hey, how you going?

What's going on?


Hey? Yeah? I just so it was cool because I am I got in told for my parents on the way to school. My mum was coming home from school from work and she saw my friend smoking at and I got in trouble, even though I don't catch the train to school.

Yeah, oh what they blamed you for your mate having a dart at him?

Pretty much.


So I got home that afternoon and my mom was in a bad mood of course, and then and I was like, what was wrong? And she was aborting me and then had a massive argument. She accused me of smoking and doing drugs and I was like, I wasn't even at thetation and I catched a busy at the school and friends run away and we had a massive argument, and she talked to me for about a week.

You're still on the gaspers now at him.

Never did you didn't leave home or anything at him, or you just had a big argument to leave.

I had a massive argument, and I was like a point, you know, coming home and getting in trouble for doing nothing. And then my friends were the one smoking, and yeah, I was like I'm getting out of place. But I didn't end up running away obviously, but it's.

A really good story.

It's seen.

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