Besides our current jobs, we discuss what else we would do for work.
Put your hairs together and we're going to start the party.
I'm ready to party.
The Elvis Duran After Party.
Here we go, it's the After Party Podcast. We got a full house, we got Scotti, b Hi, Snotty. How you doing there?
You there's Gandhi, and there's Danielle and Nate, and I see Garrett and Scary.
You know, the other day we're talking to our new interns saying, hey, you know, what are you studying? What's your dream job going to be when you get out of college. I think it's a great question. I think we're all still looking for our dream job that's going to happen eventually. Is it too late for our dream job? So let's say they pulled the plug on us today, but we still wanted to work.
What would your but what would your dream job be? What? What would you love to do? Have you thought about this, Gandi, because I know you were talking about this earlier.
Yeah, I mean, well, first of all, I feel like we're so lucky because I this is my dream job. This is absolutely what I would want to wake up and do every morning, and it's awesome. So I wouldn't be super depressed if it ended. I think I'd like to just be happy that it ever existed, but I would like to get into something that would be helpful to the environment or to the world, and obviously to myself as well. So I think I would like to go to China and be one of the baby panda cuddlers. And have you guys seen them? It looks like the greatest job on the planet.
You just cuddle with a panda.
Yes, you just cuddle them because they're very clingy and they're kind of dumb. They fall off of things, so you have to keep an eye on them, and they start to just attach to you and they grab your leg when you walk away. All they need is to just be held and cuddled and play with and you're helping repopulate these pandas amazing.
Okay, all right, there's the dream job for Gandhi. What about you, Scotty? Have you thought about this your dream job? What would it be?
Either something in the grocery field or a letter carrier?
Okay, both great jobs. But but what exactly specifically is it in the grocery.
Well, I mean it depends. Is it in that I have to support my family with or just something that I want to do.
The question was dream job, quest? Dream job? Dream job?
God, you're so happy to be doing it every day.
I mean, I gotta be honest.
I envy the letter carriers of the US Postal Service that would just walking around the neighborhood all day delivering stuff.
I would love to do that. You know our good friend Kimberdy Kim Kim, her husband Andrew, is a carrier.
You know, if I would have done it back when I was eighteen, I'd.
Be about ready to retire now, so benefit Yeah, right there you go. All right, what about you, Nate? Your dream job would be what you know?
Here's the thing. We talked about this a while ago on the show. I think I need some time to figure out what that is. Does that make sense to anybody? Yes, I'm so wrapped up in this and the life I have here, I don't know what I would enjoy.
Your pipeline, See that's a pipe dream. I'm really nice going to go to the pipeline.
And I used to the joke We're gonna move to Alaska, shoot up Heroine and work on the pipeline.
Would I think God's point? I mean something outdoors I think would really intrigue me. I love being outside, so yeah, maybe something maybe a park ranger.
Yeah, I can see you leading bird watches it's burning.
I'm sorry, he's got kaki pants leading, yes, birding.
I don't think he has the patients because I remember my mom and dad went burning and my dad's like, what are we waiting for? My Mom's like, just wait, they're gonna come. He goes, Oh, we're really sitting here waiting this long.
These things.
Hell yeah, okay, maybe not burning for you, And maybe maybe a park ranger thing would be.
Kind of cool. You get to drive around and make sure.
The park is safe and people are safe and the animals are protected and trees aren't burning. I mean that's a very important job. Hell yeah, we love our parks.
All right, Very good, Daniel. What's your dream job? So?
I either want to work at Disney or Universal as a character or a villain or a princess, or you know, be the one that is in the first room you come into in the Haunted Mansion and I tell everyone, come in, move.
In everyone, you know, I can only say it.
I'll take Broadway too, So any of those three I'll be very happy.
You want to be in character somewhere.
You have to be in characters.
Okay, yes, thank you. I think you'd be excellent. Yeah I do. What about you, Garrett, your dream job right in a movie? You can do that right now if you want. I kind of kind of am a little bit. So see some of the crap they put out there. That's something I do have a it's a crap idea.
I know it's crap, but I think I think that's that's what we'll sell it because it's not winning any awards. I know that.
But they made Winnie the Pooh, Honey and Blood or whatever. Yeah, I do it.
There used to be a guy that would come into Walkers. Remember we used to have lunch at Walkers all the time. He would sit at the bar with his laptop every single day. He wrote a couple of winning things, didn't he like?
A movie or two? And what was that that Nate? That guy at that bar that wrote that movie? Yeah, I know he wrote big. He wrote some big stuff right there at the bar at Walkers. Spielberg Hero some big things. What about you, Scary? What's your dream job?
This sounds kind of far fetched, but if we're going for the dreams. I'm gonna have to say, I want to travel and eat. Those are my two favorite things. I want to be a travel blogger or a food critic. That's good a toss up between the two, but you know, I don't know if I'll ever do it.
You definitely have a passion for both of those. I do. We all do, though. We all have a passion for traveling and eating.
And I get so sad that I look at Google Maps all the time and I'm like, look at all these places on Earth and look at all the how many of them I haven't been to?
So yeah, I want to check off some boxes. Were you the last one? Elvis? What about you? You know what?
I want to be a part of something. Okay, I know that sounds like very broad. For instance, I would love to be in the restaurant business. But I don't want to be in the business part. I just want to be the host I want to I just want to walk around, make sure everyone's okay.
You would be fantastic. That's all I want to do. Is everything going okay?
Is it okay?
But you know I would love that.
I would love just to walk around and just joke around with people and make sure that they're happy. Hospital I don't want to have to do, you know, I don't yeah, hospitality, some kind of hospital with a whole customers like me, I want to want that pot. I don't want that. No, no, no, I just want to be like the first person you see when you.
Walk at a elvess. I'm so glad to have you here. What are you ordering? I love that and that's it. That's all I do.
I don't want to know you don't want to want to do accounting or order that food, like, hey, what else you got?
You know, you don't have to deal with those people.
One time, speaking of walkers, I was there having lunch and the host was missing, shouldn't come in or something, and so everyone working there was like doing double jobs and things. I said, I tell you what. The next people who come through the door, I'm gonna grab some some menus. I'm gonna seat them. Okay, So this couple comes in and they sit down and give them some menus, and they start fucking bitching at me as soon as they sit down. I'm like, God, I never want to do this ever again. How do they put up with that every day? So that was a very short lived career hosting at a restaurant.
Never again.
I don't see how people put up with nasty people every day.
I feel like you're kind of transitioning into this though, because it seems like that's what you do at Almah I do.
I walk around, make sure it was okay. But but I don't have to do any work. I don't work. I don't like I don't know anything about it.
I don't know how about ordering food, you know, all that kind of stuff and managing people.
I don't see you going to a restaurant depot on the weekend, Na, not at all.
That's not me anyway. So I want to be a part of something, something I don't know what it is.
Yes, okay, I got a movie idea for you. Okay, well that's it. I'm so glad we have these, uh these dreams.
Let's let's let's not ever ever forget about your dreams. So you need to be working on your dream there, Nate.
Okay, I'm just thinking there might be a new something for me at Dark Universe and at the New Universal Epic Universe, because they're gonna need like a bride of Frankenstein. They're gonna need like.
You know what I mean, Like they're gonna need these.
Yeah, I'm getting excited.
We'll be down there this weekend. While I'm there, go talk to them, and there you go, your dream job. Never forget about your dreams. Let's get out of here. Have a good day, guys.
The Elvis Dran after party