Straight Nate cannot wake up today! Is something wrong or does he just need a nap?
Get your heads together, and we're gonna start to party and start.
Part I'm reading a party, the Elvis Duran After Party.
Here we go, it's the after party, it's the podcast. Let's get go in. We got a room full. We've got Danielle, We've got Scottie b and Nate and Gandhi and Scarry and Garrett. Let's talk about it. I tell you one of the storylines on the White Lotus. The three girlfriends who grew up together. They're best friends. They've been bestie since they were kids. So they're traveling together, of course, to Thailand, and we talked about this several weeks ago. They'll be having drinks and then if one gets up to go to the bathroom, the other two start dishing and doing the tea on the one that got up and left.
Ah, horrible.
This happened yesterday. We're all sitting around a fire pit. They were about eight of us, and every time one of them would leave to go inside into the bathroom, they started talking about him. I'm like, what are you doing?
You never leave you just.
Exactly I'm gonna hold it. I'm not gonna go pee, I'm gonna sit right here because I don't. I don't want them dishing about me. I don't think it means we don't like each other, but there was some high level of nasty gossip going on. You know.
I try not to leave the room here because I have the same fear they're gonna start talking about me.
Yes, we do it, your face, We do it right in front of you. You never hear it. He's oblivious. We will be talking about him, and he's right here. It doesn't hear it, Okay, he'll just.
Be smiling and nodding, staring at his Hello.
That is true. You talk about me in front of me. I'd rather that. I'd rather you guys dish it right in front. But rather than have that, what we do. Our point is you don't hear it. Huh did you say something exactly? Don't know. Yeah, I just think that's kind of a funny dynamic in a group of people. How you tear You tear people up and they come back Hi, that bitch insane.
I feel like you, if you do that to your friends, you're not really that good of friends with them. Yeah, Like I can't, I mean, my best friends, I can't picture them getting up from a table. Then me being like, let me tell you about this bitch.
Do you guys have group chats where one person is excluded and that person gets talked in the group chat?
Do you do that to me? So you leave the chat?
Leave chats?
But you know me, I don't give a flying fuck. Would you say, I don't care, but I don't know. Gandhi, You're the type of person we wouldn't talk about behind your back because we say everything out loud.
I appreciate that I say everything out loud too.
For the most part, some people you have to walk on eggshells with and you don't want to say something to hurt their feelings. You're not that kind of person. I don't think any of us really are within this circle.
I don't feel like when anybody walks out of the room here, anybody really says anything. I mean, unless I'm not in the room at the time.
That's the only time there seems to be an energy in a case to everything we say in this room. And if someone leaves, it just keeps going and it doesn't change, and they come back, they exit and merge back in as if nothing happened. But I'm gonna keep an eye on this. Tell you what next time someone leaves the room and everyone else starts talking about you, I'm gonna let you know there, I feel better about myself.
Is that crap starty too? Though? The person who's like, oh, let me tell you it's so and so said.
Absolutely, I'm telling the queen of crap talking. Garrett just left. Let's talk about just walk out of the room. Garrett left the room just now, let's talk about him? No mean say, I don't.
Know, damn that Garrett and his diabetes.
Nothing here? You're back, well, Elvis, God, he talked about you. God he made fun of your diabetes.
I did laughed at it.
And you know what I had to go get. I had to go get my controller from my diabetes. God, it feels awful now.
See I would have I would have went with Scotty on the diabetes joke.
But you know, Jarre's the second most famous diabetic. I know who's the worst? Wild Brimley. You don't know, Wilford Brimley. You know what about Nick Jonas, Big the big d Garrett. You just keep going down the list. You know Jonas? You know me? No put it that way? Okay, yeah, dead his dead on we're looking at famous diabat.
Halle Berry, Tom Hanks, Brett Michaels, Randy Jackson, Brett Michaels, I know, Pauladine, that makes sense.
Where the hell am I? Toms? Tom Hanks? Wait what what?
Sharton Stone, Selma Hiak, Billy Jean King, Shery Shepherd, Oh my god, let's just go a.
Great company, Garrett, I got work to do.
These are all the good diabetic or no, the bad diabetic?
Which they all type one, the type one, type one versus type two.
Yes, yeah, what's the really fun diabetic? They're no diabetes. So Nate hasn't been able to wake up today. A matter of fact, he's still asleep. Have you guys ever had this happen.
Yes, I feel like I'm dreaming right now, and it's the weirdest feeling. Yeah, it's I just feel like I haven't woken up. Have I been lucid? Not really, No, not at all.
You're very sleepy.
You're fine, You're you seem together from our perspective, but you do look you're like you're very sleepy. Yeah, this has happened to me. One other time.
I remember driving to work five years ago and I was in the car and I just realized felt like I.
Was dreaming, and I said, you should not be on the road right now. This does not feel normal.
This was that wasn't pre you know, heart a stroke or anything right post stroke. So I don't know, I feel like this is a syndrome. I looked it up and it happens very rarely to people.
Really, what does it say? I looked it up two years ago.
I can't remember what exactly I searched, but it was something when I looked it up. It's it's your brain is still in that sleep mode, but your body is moving.
It's but why, but how? I don't know. I okay, remember it could be drug induced sometimes not in your case maybe, But remember when I first started doing that, you know, the GOV shots and whatever they were Olympics. You were out of it and we were in Miami and if you guys, it was like it wasn't happening. We were doing the show and I was giving one word answers.
You were like a zombie.
I was that thing like they do in the movies, or they grab you by your shirt collar. Guy, snap out of it.
I would suggest you not.
You were talking about you behind your back then. Yeah, okay, Well because we were concerned and we were like.
I don't know what has to be, but it didn't register. I know, I know, I knew it was happening to me, and I was out of it. And that's why I had to switch to a different drug now, GOVI one and I'm fine out. I was also losing sight in one of my eyeballs. Oh, I did terrifying pepto bus yesterday. Do you think that's not going to do that? That's black poops. You're good, it makes you poot black.
Did you sleep last night?
I did. I was so tired yesterday that I fell asleep on top of my bed and my shower towel at like eight thirty. And I'm praying my daughter didn't walk in.
Yeah, everything head down, NASPA need to see that little girl. Daddy loves you.
Maybe, Nate, maybe you slept really well last night because you just your body is telling you something. I mean, you should always listen to what your body's telling you. Yeah, Gandhi scared the hell out of me, she said.
The last time she felt really tired and sleepy, she had kidney failure.
What don't poop poo that I mean, maybe you should go see it a dog.
I would go.
You have some medical stuff going on already, so whenever something would be wrong with me, i'd go.
Get a check.
Yeah, if I'm out of it tomorrow, I will definitely see somebody because I just can't wake f up to if.
We were quiet right now, could you shut your eyes and fall asleep in me?
I feel like, okay, let's try. I can't even really explain. Let's bring it down. Let's bring it down. Let's see how you do. That's not gonna happen. Scary is gonna fall first, Okay, this is not working. That makes pretty exciting podcast people falling asleep That day.
That I felt like that, I came in here. It was right after our vacation and I just couldn't wake up. I was really tired. I was trying to drink water. I fell asleep in Garrett's car on the way home, which has never happened, and I was like, yeah, something's wrong. We just go to the doctor. And then that's when you know. I went to the hospital.
So I got a question, is it really rude to fall asleep on a long drive home with somebody.
Like, yeah, I'll tell you why I was.
I was coming back from dinner on Friday night with a friend of mine, our buddy Sal, my friend Sal, and he basically was like, he drove the one hour drive down the shore to this restaurant, and on the way back, five minutes into the drive, I just fell asleep.
But he didn't wake me up, and I felt bad. I'm like, you should have woken me up. I'd love that he should have checked you. No, that is mood to fall asleep. Is it okay?
What is? What is? I think?
Tell them or maybe ask? I always say, do you mind if I close my eyes for a little bit.
It also depends on who's driving. I would love it if you fell asleep. No one is ever allowed to fall to sleep in my car, exactly that. No, you need to stay awake and keep me happy, entertain the driver, kiss the chef. But also, you know, I always like having another set of eyes on the road with me. It makes it It makes it right safer because I missed things sometimes. Hey, did you ever see that video? He's driving, his wife's in the seat next to him, and they're pulling up behind one of those those car carriers and the car in the back of it is facing them. He starts going really fastward. He goes she woke up and freaked the fuck out, and she's like, oh my god, it look like a head on collision.
I love that.
Find that video if you haven't seen it.
That's what should happen. Scary can't help though. He's out of control. He'll fall asleep at dinner when the sleep gets scary.
Yamas, they call me Sepones.
No, they really do. I don't know why or how.
Maybe I just lack of sleep in my life, but I can sleep on a dime, and you know that. I think it's the brain waves are different, right, But I did. I do think it's rude and obnoxious. I didn't want to be the guy that did that, and I apologize to my brain.
A lot of quality footage of you inas I did it was so good.
Well, if he has no internal dialogue to keep him awake, i'd probably.
There's no voices in his head, just white noise in the background something like that. Anyway, Nate, take care of yourself, please, you know, get you don't get some sleep. Maybe that is what you need for whatever reason, but your body is talking to you. Never ignore your body. Let's get out here a nice podcast, Let's run for the hills. We'll see you next time.
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