Today we discuss our President's Week vacations, and why Leilani still came to the building, we breakdown whether or not we'd do well on 'Survivor', share which songs we can't stop listening to, and why Steph owns a Jeff Probst T-shirt. Dylan shares why you should always go to the dentist. Plus, we share our favorite show, and tackle which streaming platform is the best and why Ben thinks Hulu is the best.
If there's anything I should change or anything else you need, please let me know!
Guess what we gave the in terms of podcast Wait we did?
Whose idea was this? The Duran clan.
I'm Dylan, I'm Leilani, I'm Stephanie, I'm Ben and where?
How is everyone's Monday at work going?
So amazing? Hey? I mean I think we should bring talk about the guests that came in. We should well, for all listeners with no video, what's what are you wearing today? So unfortunate.
I'm actually wearing a shirt right now with Jeff Probe's, the host of Survivors, all over it five times, different fonds, different colors, different hats and attire.
And he did notice it and he.
Loved it, which I was. I was over the moon today. He even asked for a photo and asked for a hug.
That's wonderful.
Oh, go ahead, I was gonna say, I gotta ask how long have you owned this shirt?
Yeah? Yeah? This is actually kind of funny.
Okay, So I recently got into my influencer era and I've been trying to like get deals on TikTok shop and like all this, and finally this brand sent the shirt to me and I was like, wait, I'm going to request it so I can have it in time for the premiere of season forty eight, And it came like last week.
I'm like, thank goodness, I could wear it for Jeff Days National Jeff Day.
Perfect timing. Honestly, Yeah, what's tea with your TikTok Because you're always talking about making your tiktokka. I've tried to find it. I can't find it.
Oh that's how I want it.
I've tried to worked.
Yeah, I know.
I've tried to like disconnect all the contacts and everything so that no one I know can see it, but like everyone else, every stranger can watch if they want.
Should I plug it? Like, I don't know if that's weird, tell it? Okay?
It's at too many gigs on TikTok And basically I just talk about reality TV different products. I'm using whatever it's like all over the place. And I went viral for my video about the Survivor board game that they just came out with. Oh right, and it is my top selling item on TikTok shop, which Jeff did talk outside.
Is it actually fun to play? Have you done it? I love it? And I don't like have three.
To eight friends to play with so my friend and I did play it just us too, and I amended the rules a little bit and it ended up working. So it's a very easy game to like adapt to your circumstances.
Here's my question. Do you guys think you do good on Survivor if you have ever had to go on?
Strategically yes, But in terms of like the food, I cannot do, Like I don't even like regular food, like right now as I'm like just chilling here in America, like with all my options, I cannot do just rice. Just I hate coconut water and that's what they drink, like I need my plain water.
Actually kind of forgot about that part. Yeah, yeah, and I get so hungry.
No same, I would like twist my ankle and like not eat, and then I'd like say fuck you to everyone on the cast and then get Also some of the challenges no, no jumping, No the mud swimming, no mud.
No, I don't like bugs. Sorry. I honestly I think I'm being one of those first contestants to write off the show. I'm gonna be one of those someone's like legacy Pole when you're trying to randomly name Survivor people they'd be like, oh that one, Yeah, that would be me on the show.
I can't I can't do Nope.
Sure someone at my school, like I was in our newspaper department for a few months, and there used to be like a group that would go back and forth, like naming people and they would draft their own survivor like groups like who they love the most and put it.
Into chat GPTM, like build their own Survivor show. I did the Love for Survivor who goes top apparently at university, pretending she tells him to thoughts and.
I was like, what are you talking about? What?
Never heard that? Oh my god, Well on that topic, what's everyone watching?
I finally started Yellow Jackets.
Oh everyone's telling you.
I haven't seen the third season. Halfway through the second everyone in their mom was like, Leilani, this is the show for you, Like you're gonna love it. I thought thought it'd be more gay. I would I thought it would be more gay. It's only one gay couple. Apparently a second one happens later.
But I've never watched, and everyone tells me to.
It's like I'm watching because I'm like, I just want to know what happens. But I'm just like, there's just a lot of like things that every character does that I'm just like, why do you have to like skip over this? I want to see when they start eating people like.
Me if I'm wrong. But isn't it giving like Lord of the Flies? Yea, like Lost Tea.
It's like the in the nineties, like a soccer team, like their plane goes down in the woods. But it's not like I thought to be more Lord of the Flies where it's like and then like women like fighting, there's infighting. They're all teenagers. No, it's like witches, like there's like a supernatural like element to the island or it's not. It's like just a bunch of woods, like it's on an island.
Either interesting interesting twist. Honestly, I would not. Yeah, the whole description sounds Lord of the Flies like to a tea.
Right yeah, Like one of them starts a cult once she survives, Like she starts a cult in the real world, like right, crazy? And what platform are you watching it on? Was it Netflix?
It's on Paramount Plus?
Watch What I Survivor?
Okay, t but paramun Plus. I'm sorry to Survivor. I love it the most, but paramum plus is single handedly the worst streaming service.
Yes, it has like drag Race and Survivor and like.
Children not even because this is more drag Race's fault. But if you want to watch the current season, you can't watch it on paramunt Plus. You can only watch it on live TV or.
Like Verbo or not Verbo, what's two B or I don't even know Freeby or whatever to be but paramom Plus.
If you think they're going to keep track of what episodes you're on, they're not. They are like, it's so fucky, it's so bad.
I just bought it like last week so I could watch all of the Challenge and to watch season two of Big Brother.
Oh, doctor will Oh it's perfect for Big Brother though.
Love Yeah, I mean the stuff that they have, like you need it, but everything else I can't. Who is the best one? Sorry my parents got.
Rid of but I'm not. I'm not. Like I got an email where it was like we're changing the user agreement and like now you have ads.
I was like, oh, I bought without sorry, I could do it.
How much is that?
Literally? Eighteen dollars a month? Yeah, which is like not.
To I feel like eighteen dollars a month is like, that's like a meal a month. It's like one less day of.
A meal that I watched a lot on Hulu?
Really, did you tell me Lies?
No, I'm watching Desperate Housewives.
Okay, you can't say that you watch all of Hulu and don't watch Timmy Lies.
Okay, but like Kardashians, Desperate Housewives.
The Bearsler, Oh, I don't watch that. I love the Bear. I like the Bear a lot. How do you feel about Peacock Fierce? Which one's that one? I do like Peacock. My parents finally bought it, so I finally have a day so underrated? I have that genuin Land one ninety nine. It's wait, what.
I did not know that exists? The ads are only a minute long, so it's not about it.
So the other Okay, I'm still ready to fight Peacock. I'm on THEIG wrestling fans. So when they moved all of the wrestling stuff on there, it got so hard to search everything based on when they had their own app and network. Oh year too, everywhere outside the US had it. But now they're moving all the Netflix and only thing that sucks with that is Netflix?
Is that cool? Thing where it's like, oh, you're not on your home internet for thirty days fwix, I got locked out and it's like my own family's account and I like, literally k yeah exactly.
My family pays for like five accounts and my simms, Like, I don't know why we pay for all these because we can't use all of them.
Yeah, it's evil. Yeah, you literally can't get in. It's so aggregated. Maybe in Netflix so much, Thank you so much for that.
Here's my hot take, bring back normal TV.
Yes, there's like that's the t on YouTube TV. It's like normal cable.
Yes, or like there was another app that's that one of the free v's or the two b's or whatever where it's like they just have channels and I can just go like boop and it will play forever. In theory, yeah, like.
You need to get into.
YouTube TV or even like Roku.
Yeah, the Roku channel, the Roku channel and Charlie Pooth show just saying have you.
Not watched it?
No? I'm not.
He has like every single amazing guess you could ever think of.
Wasn't he a guest Lake here once?
Yeah? Of course he was the show. He's on the wall The Wall, The Wall my.
Favorite Cholling Lou by the way. The Wall.
There's actually show.
There's a show called The Wall is. One of the worst game shows you've ever seen. Were jumping through So all the Wall is it's plink o where they just put a bunch of like they it will start off with just seven green balls at the top.
They just give you money and.
Wait, I've seen this. It has the guy from who hosts the Walking Dead after show or something. I didn't know what he was talking dead No, I can't remember his name. It's not coming to me now. But it's like they just drop balls and like depending on where the balls just happen to land is how much money you get. And then like you play in pairs and the second one like goes into another room and I've seen them and has to like guess how much money you're gonna win and if they're higher or lower, you like lose it all. Yeah, And like you watch these people like have a million bucks and then lose a million bucks in like one go and then they're like sobbing on the ground and their wife comes out like how much we win, baby, and he's like nothing, We're going on empty, and.
It's the most dramatic story in between, Like every time they'll answer, they'll like hold hands and be like, you know how far.
We've come here?
Yes, if you want drama in like the worst type of game show setting it is.
The wall is at the end of it.
It's just the wall. But it's just like pinball.
There's no crowd. It's just three people in a wall.
Oh yeah, there's no crowd too. It's like a like a COVID baby show. Okay. It was like one of the ones where they were like, we can't have an audience, we can have like three people in a.
Room, like the Circle. Yeah, which one's The Circle is great? It's the one where you try to catfish people.
And then they came out with the anonymous I think it's called and like Cody CALFIORI was like promoing it. So then I watched a little bit and I was like, I don't know if I could do this.
A lot of the game shows, I'm I they like, y'all lost me at the Squid Game one. No, I love that one. Really. I'm like, I also have never watched squid Game, but I can't imagine watching squid Game being like I want to try it now.
Well I don't actually like I didn't enjoy the first like the original squad Game hot take, but I did really like the reality version. Okay yeah yeah.
Is it teams or like everyone against each other.
It's very individualistic and you all get the number and like you are the number and that's kind of that.
But no one dies, well like fake die, like oh murder, Yeah, but like they're not actually that. I like, just vote it out. Yeah, they're gone.
Speaking of niche shows, have you guys seen Moment of Truth? Okay, so it's this reality show that's only like I've only found it on YouTube and like segments and it was because I mean.
This is also kind of like tape.
But Cody co used to and with Kelsey used to like review it and like basically just like give reactions as the show was going on, and they would pick a few episodes, and then they even interviewed the host, Mark L.
Wahlberg, which I love him.
He also has Temptation Island and it's just so much drama because they ask you all these questions and you have to answer them like based on like the lie detector tests. So it's like what you think the test is gonna reveal about you, like if you lied or not.
It's like it'll be like like, are you happy with yourself? And she'd be like yeah, and they'll be like, actually hate yourself. You're out And then all this money.
And it's like the questions get progressively worse and worse. It's like, have you ever stolen money from your job? And she's like yeah, and then they'll be like, Okay, that's correct. So when you did that, did you only use it to get your boyfriend out of jail and not tell your parents? And the parents are like sitting right there and they're like what. So it's like it's a whole thing.
Yeah, that's good.
It's like the most unhint show I've ever seen.
Yeah, sounds great. I gotta I gotta pull this up on the way back now.
Mm hmmm.
So, actually, here's a question for everyone.
How was everyone's vacation break away from uh? I guess I know some people still were coming in, but like, how was it for presidents?
We get in some time to No one told me y'all weren't in the office. I walk in on Thursday. I'm like, somewhat will show up. No one showed up, and then I like text Josh. I'm like, hey, like what should I be doing today? Silence? No, Yeah, it was down here, Like I texted y'all. I was like like, where the hell is everyone? And then I email Andrew my like like intern wrap up for the week. He was like, oh, I'm so sorry, like sorry, it was a ghost town. We'll be back next week. I was like, no, what, Like the way I figured out everyone was on vacation, like because I don't like go into the live room. I was like they were talking on the show and then they were like, yeah, our office is in Tribeca and I was like what then I and then I had to google. I was like when was Elvis Durant in Tribeca? Twenty twenty two is when they moved. So no one told me y'all were on vacation. But I had a nice time, like making hellic coffee and walking around. I like stared at the window like I had fun.
Was actually so dead here that I went over to the breakfast club area and they asked me to switch to that for fifteen minutes, and I was like, wait, but I actually have to do some work, so I just sat over there while there was like two people there work.
Yeah, I obviously we had Monday off for the present time. And then like Tuesday, late afternoon or night, something was said like somewhere that like tipped me off as if like I might not have to come in Wednesdays. And I texted Abby. I was like, hey, like, am I supposed to come in? She was like no, it's fine. I was like okay, And then I was going to be a remote on Friday regardless.
So you go, well, did you guys do anything with the Monday off?
My Monday was a good old visit to the dentist office.
You and all your appointments.
Oh, yeah, no, it's been it's been a hell a couple of weeks.
So because it was President's Day and not I'm two hours away from where I grew up and everything where I go to, like high school and all that, so that's where my general dentist was.
So I woke up at six.
In the morning to take a train all the way home to go to this general dentist just basically be told exactly what I kind of knew, which was, yeah, you have this going on in your race, you need to go see an Endo Dantis and then came to find out that no one likes my insurance. Apparently that was a grand old time, but that was only for Monday. Thankfully I was home get the rest with some family. But other than that, it's just been calling every a dentist apparently imaginable on Long Island. And thankfully, thankfully we were alive. We're finally good, good, we're not dying.
Hey, you're getting that root canal.
Sadly home was there, but I'm finally Yeah. The next week, hopefully I can put this all behind me, and hopefully I don't have to keep missing time because I feel like I've missed so much time and I feel bad because it sucks, and I don't like doing this so.
Well, you know, at least we're gotting it done, doing the right thing, the responsible thing with your teeth. This is why you go to the dentist, ladies and gentlemen.
Yeah, I knew to be a fun a dentist. I don't have one.
I got one, but.
I went to Woodstock over the Valentine's Day weekend. Me and my girlfriend did a cabin getaway. It was fun, wasn't it Like snowy. Well it was okay. So Woodstock got like four or five inches of snow and then like three days of rain, so it was like every time you stepped into the snow, it was like crembrew let and nobody yet again me falling flat on my ass all the time. No one salts up there. So I was like, we had like set aside time to like go hiking, but we were like, we shouldn't go hiking in the in the snow, like we'll get lost and we'll die. So we were like, let's just walk around the Woodstock town. Like there's so many like cute little shops.
Both me and my girlfriend fell flat on our ass, was like every twenty minutes. No, it was like salt nowhere to be seen. People were shoveling and then it would rain and then it would all mean nothing. But it was really gorgeous. It was like there it was like winter wonderland. Like it was cold, but there were like deer running around. It was cute. I had a lot of fun.
I'm so jealous.
I love that you went out of town right.
Well, yeah, but I went home for a darkest point man.
Fun but which is also like a whole other thing. Why is it impossible to like see a doctor? So it's like a routine physical mind. Jill literally scheduled it in August and like the first available one with like February cru I was like, okay on Friday, what time is it? Literally not in the morning, gaspings if we don't get here yeah, like hours before.
It was just gonna say that actually actually yeah, more practically done it Like I'm here at seven.
We've been here for hours?
Yeah, yeah, no, I've been like everything in my life just feels like I'm like eight am, Like that's such an average star time. Like I like asked somebody to like get breakfast at eight, and they're like, what the hell is wrong with you? I was like, it's not that early.
It really a shift, Like I feel like this is the first time in a long time like consistently woken up early because.
I never had to same, I'm making my personality now, wait when do you guys go to bed?
If I am coming here in the morning, I try to be in bed like starting to close my eyes at like ten stretch, But I.
Wow, same unless Traders is on and then it's like eleven, Okay, yeah, I'm around eleven.
It was twelve when we tried to watch it. Ok.
Well yeah, that's a different story.
But like when I'm just watching it at home and then making my little content and then I just submit and done.
Then I go to beout up like eleven.
But Ben and I did go to Alan Cummings Club to watch it.
Oh and wait, is Thatt the oh what is it called club? Coming? Yes, yep. I was like, there's coming in there somewhere. But that's it. That's it. I've got a show there once. It's cute in there. Yeah. Oh we wouldn't know.
Yeah, we wouldn't know it's in there because they were a capacity.
We waited in this line that wrapped around the whole side of the street, and we're just like, yeah.
We get it, Like okay, well did they have like the screen up to like project it or oh we don't know.
Well I believe that's what it looks like.
Yeah we think so, oh yeah, we're so salty about that.
So we tried to get in and wait.
But also we were there early.
I was there when you were Yeah that much. I went It was like maybe eight o'clock. Keep in mind, Trader Traders is on at nine thirty. Ah, so Celia laughing as long as if she wasn't supposed.
To be there, you were supposed to I was sleeping.
Sleep but yeah. So first we got there and well I thought there first it was like so early. I was like, let me see if I can just like get in early and like try to like got close up, got a good spot rank and there was like a show going on live music cute and find I know they did that. I'm like, Hi, I'm trying to get in and they're like, do a tecap.
I was like, to what the gig?
They're like, there's this show going on. I was like no, I'm just like early for the Traders. They're like, oh, you're gonna have to come back. We won't let anyone in until nine. I was like I can't just like stay, it's just like no, So then leave. We come back at like eight thirty, eight forty five to try and get.
I think it was like eight forty five, which we should have done like eight thirty.
Okay, Well we tried to get in line at like eight forty five. This just wasn't gonna happen, damn though.
And we waited, and we even waited as we knew the show was going on. Yeah, just and then we heard screams after someone was murdered, and we're like, great, we're missing it.
Let's go watch this with air pods at the same bar that we came from. So that's what we did.
And we were trying to make friends with like the two women in front of us, and they didn't not give a fuck about that. Yeah, because Dolores is on the show and met her last week because she came into the studio. So we're like chatting with the girls in front of us. We're like, oh my god, yeah, we like just like met Dolores recently.
And they were like, oh, they're like the one with the brown hair. What do you mean, why are you standing out here in the cold if you don't even know who Dolores is?
Yeah, messed up fake fans.
Clupcoming is a wild place though. There's like a mural of like like low key leather daddies in like this really like cute little art style. It's like quite a gay bar, and like the bartenders were really nice. I mean fork found in the kitchen and like going in there, I was like like even though we didn't a show, no one charged tickets, and it was like at the bar like old gay men, and then like the pit was like college age n y U kids. It was wild wild bar.
Yeah. Hard to get to as well, Yeah, really inconvenient, just like pretty way East.
Village right yeah, and I'm coming from the Bronx. Then it's like the whole added layer of the Metro North, which that's easy, but.
Then you have to walk from wherever.
Yeah, So what is everybody's favorite song of the week?
Here we go.
I need, I need just like first on the pops into your head if you were to open your.
Free heart radio app or radio app you.
Apple Music or Spotify, I want to sound cool or mine's completely like like random.
But my go to recently has been heavy as a Crown by Lincoln Park. So I'm a big like rock slash pop punk fan with a lot of my stuff.
And although like I.
Love Chester, it's uh and it's hard for me to like say this Lincoln Park, not because it's not. It's just like it's two different eras that it's been to me. But I really love one. There's like a really good female rock singer or something it's like when you hit the vocals with like the drums and everything, it's it's like you fouric almost so genuinely, like, I've just listened to this song and it's like it keeps popping back up. But I've also had like a ton of songs stuck in my head because we went to karaoke for one of my friends'.
Birthdays this past week.
So like I've had that, I've had Beyonce's like Texas Hold Them Like has been stuck in my head because of Elvis. I now have Chapel Romee like in Pony Club has been stuck in my head for like the last two weeks because of this show. So yeah, Heavy is a crown for sure.
I think mine would have to be a band I really like called Big Fun from La There. I think they dropped a new album, I forget if it's an album or an EP, and they have a song called Lost in the Sauce. It's kind of fun love that title. Pretty title, Lost in Sauce, you know.
Yeah, definitely.
I was gonna say Baby by Madison Beer because I've just been loving her recently really good. But Tate did just drop the new album and I love Signs.
Yes, that's probably the best one.
Yeah, what about You?
My go to song this week has been headlocked by Image and Heap.
Of course I love that Apple.
Ending right now. It's just so good though.
That album is so good, Yeah, so good.
But also the Tate McCrae album I have been listening to even though I'm like not, I try to convince myself that I don't like her, but.
Like I do, why wouldn't you want to like her?
I don't know, like every like the first time I listened to her song, Like, if it's like a new song, I'll listen to it. I'll be my god it come back to the next day and be like, okay, so yeah, I listen to that album. It was good.
Do you have a favorite from the album?
Sports Car and Signs? Probably Revolving Doors good to m.
I have like Lokia Trader's point to go back to. But it's not about the show. It's about a person on the show.
Okay, so anyway, I live, No, I know it's so good, but anyway, okay, does everyone know Gabby Windy?
I put like from Bachelorette, Bachelor, Traders, all of them. She's everywhere, even on TikTok Okay.
So I was just told, which I don't get a lot of comparisons, but I was told that I look like her pre filler.
I don't know what she looks like pre filler.
How do we How would I is it to google.
Pre filler about a person like pre filler?
I'd say, like more so on the Bachelorette, she didn't have as much as he does.
Now? Is that this is especially? Yeah? Okay, like it's like the head shape, the shape, not the mouse Like she's got like a larger mouse than you do. Okay, well, okay, face size comparison.
You know, I'm lokey seeing it.
Also, the haircuts, at least in this photo.
Yeah, I can see it. I see it.
I was living for it.
Speaking of Gobby, like, I need her to make it far in this show.
I need her to come on the show.
I need her to come on the show.
Yeah. Do we get guests? How do we get guests on?
Do they request on this show?
Celia's like, you guys are lucky that we even let you record.
No, Yeah, get someone from the other show.
You know, you think Elvis would take the time out of his day to talk to us. That's a no.
I need them to have one of the real Househives of New York on talking about the reason one only because I'm like keeping up with it currently we also, do you watch New York? No, never a fucking mind. I was just gonna say that they're starting a new Bravo show making it in Manhattan, which is like the kids of the Bravo shows of the Housewives and Brooks Marx is going on. Who I love?
I don't know who that is.
Meredith Mark's son. She's a Salt Lake City housewife.
I tried to get into that and I couldn't, Like I can't get into the shows.
Oh yeah, I had to take a break. Who's stressing me out?
Yeah? Right? What is the appeal of a housewife show?
The fighting, the fighting, the drama?
What do they all do? Like that's the part that I can't get tired? Ye, Like, I don't they have Some of them have jobs, but like are they like I work for philanthropic like nonprofit or no?
Like some of them actually like do shit like oh gag, Johnna Lyons is like big in like the Fashion World, Loki and what else do they do? Meredith Mars owns a clothing store and jewelry store. Yeah, and some of them don't do anything, but they don't need to because that's their job.
How do they get found for the shows? Like how do they cast those casts? Oh?
That casting is crazy. They just must go hamd to like figure out the social circles.
Because one of my mom's friends was just going to be recruited for it and then she said no.
Like, how do you like do they They're like, we think you will be a drama queen, Like we want you.
I would assume it's because she has like she's a restaurant owner, so like they could know where from that, because other than that, I don't know why she would be known.
So yeah, and then she is like Jersey like thick accent right into it Italian.
So yeah, how do they pick the cities like Salt Lake City?
Well, Salt Lake City is known for its Mormon community, right?
Are they all Mormons on the show?
No, But if you watch Secret Lives and Mormon Wives not even know exists.
I've heard of that one. Actually.
Huh. Well, it seems like we have a lot to watch listen to.
Oh jeez, yeah.
Well I'm Ben My instagram is ben Fi First Belt p F E I F E R with an extra R at the end.
I'm Stephanie and my instagram is Steph Lane with two e's and an underscore.
I'm Leilani and my instagram is Leilani j pTau.
And I am Dylan and my instagram is Dylan two two two one.
And we're the Duran Clan Hi. Come back next week for more