Easy Email Marketing with Yael KeonEasy Email Marketing with Yael Keon

Not ads to the inbox

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Ever thought to yourself that you don’t want to do email marketing because they are just ads to the inbox?

You know those “daily deals” promotions that you can’t seem to get rid of…

Hopefully the answer to that question is “no, I know there is so much more to it than that”.

But if the answer is yes or if you just are curious about learning more about the real potential of email marketing then this episode is for you. I chat about:

  • How selling isn’t a bad thing
  • Email marketing being just a marketing tool that you get to use any way you want
  • Why sometimes worrying about selling or being annoying is often an excuse just not to even look at the potential
  • 7 different ways you can use email marketing that are NOT ads to the inbox

I admit I get a bit ranty at the beginning but, as always, I find talking logical examples is the best way to combat negative beliefs so exploring those 7 ways will give you some amazing ideas of how you can use email marketing in a way that feels good to you.

Finally, I’ve offered a FREE, downloadable gift (that you don’t even need to enter your email address for). You can grab your permission slip to send those emails at yaelkeon.com/permission .


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  1. Easy Email Marketing with Yael Keon

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Easy Email Marketing with Yael Keon

Easy Email Marketing with Yael Keon is the go to podcast for all things email marketing & automation 
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