Can you climb the career ladder and have kids?

Published Mar 17, 2025, 4:19 PM

After an event examining the links between professional ambition and a ticking biological clock attracted crowds, we explored competing life goals with Professional Tribes’ Mucha Nyandoro, Dr. Partha Das from Orchid Fertility Care and entrepreneur Zohare Haider.

With 15-20% of children globally now meet the criteria for some form of neurodiversity, we talked to Bloom World Academy principal John Bell and parents Maya Omeiri and Nitya Iyer about why we should be celebrating our differences instead of fearing them.
Dr Alison Burrows was on hand to break down the causes – and solutions – to rising stress in our classrooms. 

And Rennie Sanger from Haus & Haus answered all your enquiries on off-plan investment.