Wounds are... well, gross! Joy and Rob talk about Quinn's very realistic gunshot wound, and Joy shares a story about an injury that involved superglue. Rob is shocked by the darker side of Victoria this season, and Joy remembers feeling emotional while filming a particular scene with Sophia, as she felt disconnected from the cast.
Plus, Rob and Joy reveal which OTH character they would bring back for another season.
First of all, you don't know me. We all about that high school drama, girl drama girl, all about them.
High school queens.
We'll take you for a ride.
And our comic girl cheering for the right teams, drama queens, Jaylie's go off girl fashion, but your tough girl, you could sit with us.
Girl drama, Queen drama, Queens drama, Queens drama drama, Queens drama, queens.
All right, what's up? Joy?
All right? All right, all right, that wasn't my best McConaughey, how's yours?
Uh, probably worse, So let's stick with yours. I would hate to turn people off of the episode six seconds and so we'll just save it for a different time.
Yeah, no problem, no problem. Well hey everybody, Hey, I'm good. How are you? How was your day? We're doing this one a little later tonight, so you guys are catching us at the end of our days. Here.
Yeah, a little exhausted, a little punch here, a little slap happy. We'll see.
How was everything with the kids today? Was it like a nice, easy, smooth, chill day or was it like a mannic, wild, crazy day.
I have a three and a half year old. There is it's just varying shades of anarchy. And today was it was like Gong Show. Oh no, yeah, yeah, how was your day?
My day was actually pretty chill. I just organized from top to bottom. I decided to start spring cleaning a little early. I've I have always been a bit of a messy, messy brain, messy person. And I look around and suddenly and I see piles everywhere, and I'm like, oh my god, I can't live like this and I can't get anything done like this. So I just decided to take the week and I'm going from the back of my house to the front, and I'm every Bobby pin, every sticker, every post it note, every ticket from that train in London from four years ago that's in the bottom of that purse in the back of the cloth. Like, everything is getting cleaned. And then you know, in the meantime, it takes some time to watch one Tree Hill.
Oh yeah, great segue. Welcome in everybody. This week we have season eight, episode five, Nobody Taught Us to Quit Air date October twelfth, twenty ten. Synopsis reads. As Clay is discharged from the hospital, Nathan contemplates walking away from the NBA. Meanwhile, Brook and Victoria disagree on how to handle the company's financial problems, and Chase discovers a secret about Alex directed by the one and only James Lafferty. And it was written.
And it was it was written by a room of writers.
That's right, took a village.
Well what did you think? What do you think of this episode?
I really enjoyed it.
Yeah, me too.
I I'd loved the start with. It was so perfect that Jamie wanted to see Quinn's gunshot wound. Also shout out to Rocky because that thing looked so real.
So so grossross and so real. It was really really real. Yeah that was fun and ouzy. Yeah, I love this. We just keep up with this narrative of the well the literal narration of the story happening, which is how One Tree Hill always starts. I love whenever they bring that in because this nostalgia is big. And I like Haley writing her letters to Lucas keeping him in the loop. I wonder do you think they did that just to like maintain the nostalgia or do you think they were like trying to get Chad back and like trying to build it. Maybe they were like talking to him and trying to build up like audience love, and then it just didn't pan out.
I don't think so, because if you remember in season towards the end of season seven when Dan had his talk, there was that really crappy line he had where he's like, we should bring Lucas on for a guest. God knows he's not doing anything.
Oh that's right. Yeah, No, they definitely were not trying to know.
I think it's a two birds unfortunate thing right where it's something. It's it's something for the audience because it's connective tissue to Lucas someone they're all missing. And then it is also a pretty clever way of just doing a little exposition.
Yeah, it is emotional exposition.
Etching everybody up. Yeah. And what she was saying actually was really cool. I liked that what they had me right talking about how yeah hard it is to see how many people out there are hurting, but how heartened she is by the fact that people keep reaching out for help as she's working at this crisis hotline's it is nice to to It was nice for me to think about that because I think a lot of us just kind of suffer in silence. I know I do. I'm like, it's not I'm the last person to reach out when I'm feeling depressed or having a hard time. It is so painful to pick up the phone and call someone because I just don't want to be a burden. And I always which is so weird, because I never ever think that if a friend is having a hard time and calls me, I'm never.
Like, oh god, yeah, you're flattering.
You're kind of busy right now.
No, I'm like, oh, thank you, let's talk. I want to be here. I want to matter to you and help you and do something meaningful with my life. And if I can show up for you, that's amazing And how can I help?
So I don't know why I have such a hard time reaching out. Are you Have you like evolved to this place, rob where you can just pick up the phone when you're having a hard time. Is it easier?
I mean, it's still a thousand pound phone, but I have my The time between discomfort and reaching out is continually getting shorter and shorter, but I still I still do the same thing because it's old behavior that whole like, I don't want to be a bother yeah, when just like you said, it's like when a friend reaches out to me, it's they're giving me an opportunity to show up for them and show them that I care about them. So I'm like, dude, I'm here, what's you know what I mean? And so I'm getting better. But suffering silence was sadly kind of my mantra during the show because this was pre therapy and stuff and I was just struggling and it was like I don't want to be in a position yea, yeah yeah, So yeah, I did the same as you.
I'm glad things like this crisis hotline exist. I didn't even really know it that it did until we started filming this episode and I was like, crisis hotlines, this is the thing you can do. I mean, I knew there were numbers you could call if you were in serious mental health like self destructive mode, but I didn't realize it was just someplace you could call if you were feeling lonely and needed somebody to talk to. And I love that even just the opening, just our show is introducing this to people as something that is a possibility if you aren't yet comfortable call and your friends or feel like you don't have anybody close enough that you could pick up a phone.
And call call somebody like Hayley James.
Yeah, it's really sweet.
It is a nice way to kind of spread awareness and also normalize it. Yeah, you know, because again, if you know grew up like most of us, I think there was a there was a stigma to asking for help. You know, it's considered weak whatever that means, you know. So it was nice that our show was sort of putting it on the map. But going back to the gunshot wound, I love you had some really funny moments this episode, and I love when the show gives you opportunities to be funny because you always just crush it. And I love that you come in the bathroom and Quinn's like no, no, no, it's gross, and you're like, trick, I'm a mom, I've seen much much worse, like please get over yourself. And she pulls off the bandage and you see that pussy wound and you immediately are like nope, I'm out hard pass and you just walk out of the room and Jamie's.
Like, aw so gross, God so great. I can't I cannot I feel I mean, are you okay with wounds and blood and stuff, like can you manage to if you're you know, if your kid falls down and you just you take a needle and stitch something or super glue or like, are you good with that? Ah?
I listen like a needle, like having to stitch my kid up. No, But that's just because I have no medical training. I'm okay like around blood and wounds and stuff. I think, if anything, I'm a little more sheepish when they're my own.
Oh oh.
When it's one of my people, I can kind of be just like detach like a mechanic, like, okay, yeah, that's a lot of blood, Like cool, I'm gonna help you. We're gonna fix you know what I mean. Yeah, Whereas if it's me, I can get a little squeamer's like ooh, that's I'm seeing much farther into my tissue than I would care to right now? Is that bone? I'm gonna pass out? You know? How about you?
It does depend with my daughter. I'm very calm under pressure or like anything I can handle. You know. What's actually worse for me is if someone describes a wound, If someone is talking to me about an injury, my stomach immediately lurches into my throat. Yeah, I mean in an emergency situation, I think I can detach. I'm trying to think of any time when I've been now it doesn't gross me out, and my own stuff I didn't. Oh my gosh. I had contractors working on my house and maybe we're doing some floors and a floor vent got left open. But it was like on the far side of the room. And when I say open, you know the floor vents are. It's just a hole cut in the wood, but then it has the Usually it has that metal thing over the top of it, so they didn't have the metal thing on it. But it was like far away on the other side of the room by a window. And I didn't really go in that room very often, so it really wasn't a big deal except that the I don't know if she was jumping on the trampoline in the next room, but anyway, the curtain rod fell down, so I went to go fix it, and so the curtain was covering the hole and I didn't see that it was open. Oh no, is your stomach larching into your throat? So I step into this hole, but it's right on the edge of the curtain, so it's not like the curtain was going to protect my foot. And as I step into this hole, the freshly sliced wood freshly slices into my foot and I felt it and it was one of those super sharp cuts that you know it's going to hurt like a mother in about thirty seconds, maybe twenty, but you've got a very short window of time before all of the nerves start kicking it. And I looked down at this thing, and it is down this cut has got to be at least an inch and a half down into and you know, your foot's kind of there's not a lot of meat there, so it's it's on the side of my foot and it's a it's about an inch long and then probably an inch and a half deep into my foot. So I looked at it. It was a perfectly clean slice, and I could pull the sides of my foot apart and you could see right down into my muscle, and like, I'm not sure how I was, like, Okay, what am I going to do? Short window of time. I hobbled very quickly into the kitchen where I have my medicine cabinet, and uh, I grabbed a little bit of super glue, and I stuck that thing back together and I put a band aid on it, and I just slept it alone. Wait, I pretended like it didn't appen.
You used household super glue on yeah, wound.
Yeah, that's what you do.
Yeah. I dated an army ranger once and he told me that that's just what they do. They just they have super glue and they just like deal with their wounds with super clue. And I thought that was the craziest thing when I heard it. But in that moment, I was like, Okay, I'm gonna do it because it didn't look dirty. There was no saw dust, there was nothing in it that I thought I need to clean this out. I'm just gonna close this thing up and I hope it goes away, which is probably a very dumb of me. But it turned out okay. I just didn't look at it, didn't take the band aid off for about four days, and it healed.
You just hoped and prayed for the best. What's so funny about this moment is I have to imagine that with the listeners, I'm curious what the ratio is of people who gasped because they thought, like me, that you can't put super glue in an open, uncleaned wound, and also the people who already knew that, So grow us a comment. Let us know just where you were on that, because you just kind of blew my mind that that's even and it's a possibility.
So hey, if you're if you're in the wilderness, I don't know if you're a big camping guy, but keep some super glue on you, I guess.
So man, Wow, okay, anyway, wow got on, We got off the rails. So it took you and I about forty seconds of talking about the episode before we went on a ten minute diatribe about injuries and wild.
It's my fault every time. I'm so sorry. I feel I just feel like I can talk to you, Rob, That's it. I just I feel like I can tell you anything.
That's why I wasn't trying to wrap you up. I wanted to know where that story went. And you know, it got us the super glue.
It sure did. Well. No super glue for Quinn's wound. That that thing is gnarly and it's going to take some time to recover. But I did really like seeing Quinn and Clay happy. I liked seeing them, like seeing him up and about getting I mean getting ready to get out of the hospital. H you guys got all dressed up, which is so cute.
Yeah. Did you find it funny that there was hospital staff mixed in with some of the friends outside the hospital?
Okay, I wasn't sure. If you want to talk about the end, Yes, I did think. I did think that was really strange. Look, I loved the line. First of all, if we're going to talk about the hospital stuff, I loved the line that you said, they wheeled us into this place, we're walking out, they will us in we're walking out. So good, so strong. I feel like that's actually something I could use in life. But yes, I did think it was really funny that hospital staff was there clapping. Also the handful of confetti that Jackson throws that turned into an unending overhead release that just kept going like we're at Madison Square Garden as everyone hugs play. It was very It was cute but funny.
Wait, so I didn't notice that? Did we not see anyone else with confetti in their hand?
No? Oh, that I mean not that I noticed.
Because it looked like a couple of confetti. Cannons went off, it sure did. I remember shooting it, and I think you even see it in the shot where I'm like, my hand is up and I'm actually squinting because I'm genuinely like, I this is far too much confetti.
You just see the one thing, just Jackson, little Jackson with his hands, he just yeah, drops one big thing and it just keeps going and going and going, like one of those birthday candles that you can't blow up.
That's so funny. Well, yeah, the hospital staff out there, I thought to myself, it's I wonder if they realized having four cast members, if they just thought it wasn't enough. But I just I was laughing, thinking like it would be so cool if we panned out and then you saw like a patient in distress in one of the windows, and there was just no medical staff there because they were downstairs cheering for us.
I love the way your brain works. It's great.
I just told myself, it's Tree Hill, it's a small hospital. Maybe it's a slow day and they're very excited for us. But I thought, in real life, I mean, I guess, dude, we don't need to go off on a tangent whatever it's it was sweet.
It was sweet, But you did really get dressed up. This was beyond just looking nice. I mean you were really Quinn in that dress and you in that suit. That was a big deal.
My first thought was, that's so much clothing to put on when you're that injured.
Yes, yes, that's kind of what I was thinking too.
Yeah, to me, that feels like it's your Lululemon jumpsuit all day. Yeah, it's a tracksuit, that's it. You know, it's sweats and it's a it's a sweatshirt. So the fact it was done up I appreciate. Maybe he was all hopped up on, you know, goofballs and pain meds, but that's a lot of clothing to put on when you are just barely past death.
I mean, I think he's just it's just, uh, this is mental fortitude, right, He's like, I'm going to prove I'm not only am I going to walk out of here, I'm going to walk out of here in a three piece suit. I'm gonna make sure that I'm sending the message that I'm ready to roll but quite ambitious, and then walking back into the house.
So what I really wanted. I really desperately want a version of that scene where we go back in the house and we're just like okay, and then we walk into the bedroom and there is still just smeared blood stains all over the carpet, and we're just like Nathan tried his best. He should have got professionals a little call back to the previous episode when he just gets down his hands knees with one sponge and a bucket.
We needed you directing this episode, Oh my gosh. Well no, James did a great job, but we needed we needed you directing a comedy version of this episode that they actually would have let you.
Yes, yes, it's the gag real version.
The gag reel version.
Yeah, so I for effort Nate, hmm, yeah.
I mean he really clearly that carpet had been replaced, the fact that they go back into the same I don't think i'd go back into the same bedroom. I couldn't just go right back into my bedroom and go to sleep. I would have a really hard time with that. I don't know.
Yeah, I don't disagree with you.
Does Quinn not have a home? Quinn came into tree Hill and stayed with Nathan and Haley, and then she was like, I'm getting divorced. I'm gonna move in with my boyfriend. She just doesn't have a house.
I think that's right, all right.
I was gonna say, you guys could go to her place, but I don't think we've seen her place.
Going with the hole like they wheeled us in, we're walking out. It's there is sort of a bravery and like I'm not going to be a victim a mentality. Yeah, that kind of tracks with I'm going home, get back up on the horse. I'm choosing my life. Yep. I'm not going to be intimidated. I'm not going to change it. So you know all that I kind of get and don't bump on the through line of what's next I thought was woven through this episode so well.
Oh yeah, I loved that.
It was great man, such such good connective tissue for everyone's stories. I love that we're seeing more of Lee mm hmm. It's been a very nice, welcome change.
Trying to find himself, trying to figure out for himself what's next.
This was fun, Yes, and that the first scene with James excuse me, with Nathan and Mouth at Rivercourt was great.
It was like sweet friendship. And then they let Lee do comedy for basically the rest of the episode, and he's so dang funny.
He's so he always shows up, He's him.
Mouth's loneliness was so much fun to watch. I mean when when Julian comes over and and and I think mouth hos line. He goes, hey, uh, would you like a soda or a beer? And he goes, no, I'm good. And he goes do you have any soda or beer? And and then Julian goes, no, I just want to, you know, we can do his documentary and he's insistent that they started immediately. And then he's like, okay, I just want to get your day to day stuff. And he comes.
Out talk about a three piece suit.
With his hair slicked back, acting just like such a Wall Street dude, broo cool, and all the while like it's so good and it's so cheesy. And then the end of it, he drops a pack of Kondo and goes, oops, Magnum condoms. That's embarrassing, Julie. It's like, what y trauma have you recently had? Like what? He turns around in the tag still on the suit.
Oh god, it's so good. It felt like a sitcom. It was so fun. And what's really great about it is the idea of that Julian was that Mouth knew that his life was so boring that he was going to have to do something, so he goes all out for Julian. Julian's like, no, man, I promise, I just want your everyday life. And then when he gets it, and Mouth is just sitting on the couch picking up his toelent and you know, almost ordering something really stupid on QBC, and Julian's like, actually.
Yeah, this.
Is really bad.
And then the next scene where Julian's he's packing up his equipment and Mouth goes like, hey, man, I'm sure you can't stay any longer, and it's Austin killed it. He starts to speak, he goes the thing is and then there's a knock at the door, and without skipping it beat, he goes, thank God and just rushes to the door.
He's so good man.
I just I love watching our friends do great work, you know, like I just want to cheer them on. I also, speaking of what you said at the beginning with Nathan and Mouth, there is a maturity that we're seeing happen with Nathan right now, and I love just him being intentional talk. I mean, talk about relying on your friends and reaching out to people. Nathan showing up to sit down and talk with Mouth and just encourage him. It feels like something that we don't see again, we don't see modeled a lot for men on television, especially at that time. And just to see two guys sitting there really genuinely encouraging each other without it being like, oh, we're being emotional, this is awkward. It was so cool. It's like, all right, good on us.
Especially for a teenage show. Yeah, you know, it's one thing if they there were probably some shows doing it with like thirty forty fifty year old guys, but yeah, our show was young and cool, so yeah, it wasn't very commonplace. But yeah, Nathan's journey lately this whole season has been awesome. Yeah, talk about a guy finding himself, discovering himself and hitting his stride and it looks good on him.
It sure does. It's a good season. I also we should talk about the opening credits on this one. I'm I'm not sure who the band was. I really appreciate that they were trying to just do something different. You know, somebody hands you a song and they're like, do your own spin on it. You know it's not gonna work every time.
You can't.
You can't net the ball every single time. But what this highlighted for me, Rob silently laughing behind the mike. What this highlighted for me is how good Gavin is, how good this song is, because the song does work in a lot of different contexts, and then it highlights how good his version of it is too, and how exactly right it is for our show. And not just this particular band's version, but all of the versions that we're seeing this season. I appreciate different things about all of them. It's nice, but every single one of them just reminds me, Yeah, we got Gavin de grag guys, like his version just really hammers it home.
I was smiling and laughing because the way you started that was the drama Queen's version of Oh Bless his Heart. The way you're like, I appreciate that they took a different crack at it. I was like, Oh, here we go, enjoy talk some shit. You have an opinion on.
This, I do. I'm sorry, Look, I don't get it right every time either, So yes, you do and who am I kidding? Yeah? But so anyway, just a reiteration of how much we love GABT. We should bring Gavin on this podcast True Time.
Don't you think Gavin's watched the show?
I actually don't know. I should ask him if he's watched the show.
He's going to start and.
Talk to him in ages. Yeah, he guests starred on it, but I don't know if he ever sat down to actually watch it. He doesn't seem to me like someone who enjoys sitting down and watching himself on television. I feel like Gavin keeps his head down, but I don't know. Maybe I'll reach out. I haven't. It would be fun to have him on.
Speaking of keeping your head down. Should we discuss the prison of it all?
Please? Let's discuss the prison of the prison hair of it all?
Okay, let's get ahead of ourselves, because I have a specific hair question for you. At the end of the episode, when Victoria, they just do one shot they cut to Victoria watching it in the big House. Yeah, and she has a different hairstyle where it's essentially like they took all of her hair and then just flipped it all back.
Oh yeah, the helmet, it's like a helmet.
So is that a was that a look? Is that supposed to be a prison thing? Because it was the only time we've ever seen it, and I immediately was like, what the hell is that?
It might have been or I don't know, Daphne is she might have just run her hands through her hair before the take and been like, I just want it out of my face. I just want it out of the way. As long as it's just out, it's fine. It is kind of like it's like a Dynasty pompadour look. Yeah, I think it looked great on her, but it's definitely more of like a Robert Palmer girl eighties. So I don't know if they did that on purpose or if she just ran Either way, whatever she did, she just manages to look fabulous all the time. But okay, if we're going to talk about this and the prison stuff before we get into the character detail, did you notice that brook So she comes to prison to talk to Victoria, then she leaves, she talks to somebody else I can't remember what it was, who says, you really need to go say all these things to Victoria so she goes and then it's like immediately she's just there sitting back down, same outfit. I guess it's all in one day, but it just felt really strange. It felt it felt like we just shot both scenes at the same time, which we did, and I don't know. I was a little confused. I thought maybe like time had gone by, but just seems like it's so hard to drive all the way to prison. Like the prison's not just like Entrey Hill, right, It's got to be kind of far out of town. It's like she's in the state penitentiary, isn't she.
I didn't notice it, okay, it it would have been funny if she was like, I want to put on my most pissed off outfit. She's just spite changing.
Yeah. It was like leather jacket, like diamond earrings, hair slicked back. SI, okay, go Brooke.
I had this question as I watched that first scene where Victoria really just comes down super hard on her and takes it so intense, real real, like crummy shots at her, like beyond disappointment. She says some things that are just straight up cruel.
For me having come late to this party, I felt like it was way out of character, and I found myself going, so like, has this whole thing been an act?
Or wait?
Where is this?
Everyone? Is? This? Who she was? Seasons one through six?
Well, she wasn't in the show until season Wait when did she come on? Was it five? I didn't realize she was on so long before you. So yes, okay Victoria five. Okay, so she's just before you. So the whole arc when she first comes in is just what a nightmare she is, how difficult her relationship is with Brooke because they I mean, they have no relationship because she's always been on the road or dismissive of hers Brooke was left to fend for herself, and Victoria is conniving and always doing some kind of underhanded thing and you can never trust her, and she's like the Dan Scott. So the fact that Victoria and Brooke have gotten to where they were when you joined the show and then progressed in that way, it's been this massive redemptive arc to watch Brooke and her mom find a relationship and to watch a woman who was really hardened and manipulative to trust and soften and find the parts of herself that are vulnerable and want the best of her daughter and admit that she's that she wants to be a mom and not resent Brook for making her a mom. So it's yes, to answer your question, there have always been like she was talking about how I never wanted to get pregnant, you know, I had to have you, and like it was really horrible below the belt stuff, and so yeah, it's been a big redemptive arc. But now to see Victoria's all the clause, all the insecurities just making the worst of her come out in this moment in prison, it's so devastating because you think, oh, she's come so far. Did she really come so far? And it's just old habits die hard and the insecurity reflexes are causing her to self protect or was all of it still some form of manipulation or like building a false identity of like, well, okay, I can I can find my value as a quote unquote good human. I can redeem myself if I'm a good mother, And by being a good mother that means sacrificing myself for the company. But if Brooke foils that plan and takes the company away, then her sacrifices for nothing. In her mind so then that would affect her identity. I guess was my armchair psychology version of it. But it was sad. It was really sad to see all that come out. Yeah, I mean, okay, So if you haven't seen that part of Victoria at all, were you completely thrown for a loop?
Partially not entirely, because I've obviously like gleaned enough from like comments made and just conversations that we've had around the show that she was a terrible mom. It was It wasn't like I was having an issue because it didn't make sense to me. It's like, listen, like you said, her plan just got upended, she's in prison, it could be going terribly. We haven't like there's a million reasons why she would be spread thin and just snap. It was more for me that I was sad because I have been loving watching her and Brooke like start over and form this beautiful thing, and it just made me go, oh, you're you're damaging that so bad right now, And it makes me question like if it's all been sincere so long.
So much effort put into building and repairing this relationship, and she just throws it all away the second that her I mean it's pretty high stakes. She's in prison and she thought she was making a sacrifice that was going to pay off on the other end, and it didn't. She just has to suffer the consequences of her actions with no payoff.
Oh yeah. It's also though you're in prison, you have nothing to do except think, so you would you would assume that after she walked away and she had a chance to cool down, though, she would be like, shoot, yeah, yeah, I gotta walk some of those things way back. Yeah.
Well, she's clearly been not self reflective during her time in prison. She's got her assistant, a Dell, and she's been making all of her plans for how to move the company forward. So now what is she going to do? Oh Victoria, I.
Loved the runner throughout the episode of Nathan avoiding talking about things, and yeah, it's so great that Jamie such the wise owl. I love that the show constantly makes him sort of the wise owl, like from the mouth of Babes. Because first of all, there's the bit where it's actually in the same conversation when Nathan hasn't told Clay and Jamie essentially goes, of course, you haven't, like you avoid things and He's like, what, No, I don't. That's the beginning of the runner. But then there's this incredible line that Jamie has where he says, I wish you were a Bobcat and I know you do too, And I figure, if you're not playing, you must really think it's for the best. And if I can understand that, Clay will too, so wisdom and perspective from him. So it was a very sweet moment between the two. But then it's this awesome thing where Julian shows up at the house as Nathan's leaving. There's also the exchange about it's a bag, it's a man, perse so sachel or whatever, which I have to say though even in that moment I didn't even really mind, even though it's like so obvious. They just tried to do everything they could to make Julian like not a sexy leading man and they failed. But I liked that their banter has gotten way less pointed and much more more playful. Yes, because they were in the driveway, which reminded me of when they were in the driveway last season for the camping episode, and out of nowhere, Nathan is just a.
Jer why is he? He was so rude to him. I can't remember what we decided, but I know I remember us talking about this, like what the heck, dude, why do you why?
Yeah? Whereas now? And this one I went, okay, there, these are just two. These are two pals giving each other grief. Yeah, like this is great, but I love it because Nathan goes Juicy Clay and he goes, yeah, yeah, I was just there and he goes, you didn't tell him about my decision, did you? And he says, uh no, Jamie told me that you have avoid talking about things. And Nathan has a callback to his previous scene with Jamie where he goes, I'm totally going to take his PlayStation because he says something to Jamie like if you do this, I'll take away your PlayStation or whatever. But like it's this great thing. And then it's Nathan again being self aware and actually caring, so he starts kind of crowdsourcing. He goes to Haley and he's like, hey, do I avoid things?
And at first Haley's like, no, I don't think so, and he's like yeah the Clay thing, You're like, oh no, you're absolutely avoiding that.
Side note the crossbody bag. What people don't know is that our creator had a real issue with girls wearing purses across their bodies for some reason, and we got like an official note, like a ban on crossbody purses for all the girls. So you'll notice at some point we all stop wearing our purses over our shoulders. I guess it wasn't sexy.
That is a weird thing to have a strong take on, don't you thinks I do?
I agree, Yeah, desperately clawing for control. I remember once we were walking through the scene we all had our purses on and said somebody probably script you. I don't know if somebody came up and was like, so we've been asked for you to take your purses off your shoulder and put it on your other shoulder. We're like like, switch sides. Is it bad for camera? And they're like no, like not across your body because this is a wardrobe issue, is it? Why? This is how everyone this is how we were person like every go look at every single girl on this college campus, and they're like, no, it's a coming from the top down. Oh my god, okay, fine whatever.
Yeah that's an odd one. Yeah, that's one of those ones where you just shake your.
Head and shake your head. So anyway, Julian's crossbody purse made me a bag whatever made me maybe think what a.
Double standard that the women on the show couldn't do it, but Julian, who they were trying to make into a woman could.
He only made it look better.
I know, man, I did so did.
But yes, I love Nathan crowdsourcing the feedback again, more maturity for him. I thought that was great. And I also loved how he really comes through at the end and puts an interview on Mouth's website knowing that Math is having a hard time and he's just trying to figure out his way, and Nathan's like, come on, man, let me help you out.
One thing our show did really well is friends helping friends and talking each other through it and really showing how valuable it is to have a community around you of people and everybody serves a different role in different ways. You need a community, You need people around you who are going to lift you up, and we did that really well.
I thought, yeah, I agree. I think we just had this conversation a couple of episodes ago, right, I kind of said, oh, I've realized this is this is just a show about friendship. Yeah, that's just the crux of the show. It's just friendship. And it's getting cooler because now that characters are maturing or getting to see really meaningful, deep relationships and friendships between the characters. Speaking of which, when Nathan goes to the hospital, she breaks the news to Clay. This was also so relatable because how many times in your own life have you been so nervous to have to say something to someone and you let it eat you up inside and you imagine every way could go wrong, and then you share whatever it is you have to share with them and you are met with the opposite and it's like, yeah, love or warmth or understanding, and it's like, oh, why did I wait so long to do that?
Yes, many many times. And the maturity that Clay has earned in this experience as well of perspective, and maybe he would have responded, I mean, you'll have to tell me. Maybe he would have responded that way no matter what. But he didn't even take a second. There wasn't one moment where Clay was like thought of himself and of what was going to go down now that Nathan's not I mean you the choice that you made to just have him immediately be empathetic with what Nathan must have been going through. It showed so much maturity for Clay of the perspective that happens when you go through something really difficult. He just it puts everything into perspective. And I loved seeing that and the fact that you guys are now.
Going to go into business together and that he wants to be an agent.
I was like, yay, standing up and cheering, Yes, go Nathan. I want to see this next leg in his life and the two of you guys together. Finally we're going to get you back the way that you were when you first showed up on the show and everything was fast and moving and happy and good and craving that from the two of you. Need more more buddy comedy from you too.
Yeah, I'm so excited to see where that goes. And back to that moment though, I love yes because I remember thinking that this was this was a great opportunity to see how much Clay cared about Nathan, like the man, not the client. So yeah, the choice to not take a beat and the first words are Nate tells him, and Clay says I'm sorry, Nate, that's got to be really hard for you. Yeah, which was just so kind, you know that. Yeah, there was zero business involved. And then he goes on to say, your health comes first, your family comes first. And I was like, oh, man, that's a good friend right there. That's a dude who cares about you. Yeah, because the truth is he just did lose a big chunk of money, A big chunk of money.
Yeah, but he's so dropped into his body, which I think is also something that happens when you go through a really intense traumatic experience and you come out on the other side of it. There's a there's a weight to your understanding of what's valuable, what's the most valuable thing in life? And it's just right at the that's on the tip of his tongue. He's ready with that guttural weighted empathy.
Clay's like, listen, buddy, I was just eating pudding with a ghost. Okay, I don't care. I only want you to be healthy and happy. It's like, what dude, ghost pudding?
Ghost putting? Wait when you Okay, he walks in and you you were doing something with your hand, were you eating? Were you you were trying to feed yourself with your hand? Right? Are you right or left handed?
In real life? I'm right handed? Oh okay, I also so obviously I think I played Clay right handed, which is why it's such a struggle for him because we go on to see him struggling doing all the stuff. But yeah, I remember how Yeah, everything he does with his right is super impacted.
Yeah, random question. Sorry, I just wondered when I was when we were watching.
Could you imagine if I was if I was left handed? But I just felt like Clay should be right handed, and I taught myself to write right handed just for the role.
So uh, it's so like who does that kind of stuff? Like Christian Bale, Joaquin Phoenix, like these guys who do super super mepid.
Stuff, Like yeah, I'm the Daniel day Lewis of mediocre acting. So I trained my body to write right handed. It's like you never saw the character write right handed. Well, I wanted to be ready in case we did.
I can drive ambidexterously, but I can't write ambidextrously.
Joy, please tell the listeners what that means. Ambidextrous both hands and we all know the word ambidextris. Tell tell us all, because I'm curious, what does it mean that you can drive ambidextrously.
Well, I learned on a stick ship, so I'm okay, I'm used to using both feet. I guess it's you know, once you learn how to ride a bike like it never goes away. So that's the way I learned how to drive. And then I obviously haven't automatic now because I don't drive a car from nine to day far. But I uh, I don't know. I just drive with both feet sometimes put my foot, my left foot on the brake, my right foot on the.
Cat This is this is exactly what happens when we record it. No, it's just that you were the first person in history to rather than go, oh, I can drive, I can drive a manual or automatic, to actually say I can drive ambidextrously. I would love for you to go to the into the DMV or next job you have where they ask if you can drive a stick if you just went yes, I am an ambidextrous driver. Just watch them stand there quietly trying to decode what it is you're saying.
Well, other good friendship stuff. Brooke and Hayley under the bridge. I remember shooting this scene. I love this. Both of my scenes with Sophia in this episode I really loved. I remember, if I'm looking at my notes now, it felt, oh yeah, it did feel a little rash and expositional. I remember that, like I got there, I sat down, we said the things, and then I leave, And I did wish that we had had time to just dry it out a little bit more. But I was so happy to see the two of them just spending a little time connecting, even though Haley was rushing around everywhere like mothering everyone in this whole episode, as she tends to do. That felt really good. And also when she goes over to close over bros. And sees her sitting down on the ground, and I really remember that scene. I wish Sophia was here because I wonder what she remembers about that scene. I don't know why I remember it so well. I don't know if she and I were like in a fight and then we had to shoot that scene, or if we were like just really disconnected. There was something going on, and I remember sitting down and shooting that scene, and like I remember having to go to a place of like, you know, what I love her, I love her and reach into that place and do the scene from there and in that moment feeling so much love for her and so connected to her, and so like, this is what I want our friendship to be like. And there was So I was in so much turmoil in my personal life, and I had such a disconnect with so many people and really complicated issues with friendship across the board with anybody that wasn't in this weird group with me. So this scene, for some reason, every time I see it when I think about Sofa and I shooting episodes of win Tree Hill, this is one of the top like three that come up for me that I deeply remember sitting down and having this moment of like, oh, I want to be friends with her like this. So it made me kind of emotional watching that one.
Is this the scene where she has a little speech about all her success and hard work was just about getting her mom to love her and be proud of her. Yeah, Oh I was so good man, Yeah, so relatable, so vulnerable. It was great. And then is it I think it's later in the episode. I believe it's later that you guys hang out again where you give her the advice where you say, like, don't focus on your work, focus on your life.
Yeah, that's that's the scene I'm talking about. Sitting in it closed over bros. Okay, yeah, yeah, and it's it's so nice. It's so great to see Sophia does this so well, the emotional arc of her character. You know, she could flat back and forth between comedy and and very serious drama pretty quickly. And she wasn't doing a ton of comedy in this episode, but it felt like that she's the smirks and all the little like realities of life are on the surface.
Boh wait, she did have a great small piece of comedy. This is another one of those moments where you killed me and then she comes in shortly after and is an assassin with one look. It's when the two of you, Yeah, I think it's just the two of you go to trick and you walk up in me as there and she goes, guys, guys, guys, be honest with me. Oh yeah, look at them. Are they sleeping together? Talking about Alex and Chase who are in the background. And the look on your face when she starts to like go back and watch this, because before she like even really gets into it. It's you have this look on your face that is so damn funny, and then you look and they're obviously like sleeping together, and you're like, no, no, I don't think so. And while you're doing that, watch Sophia's.
Oh yeah, I was watching her face. I didn't see mine that I will go back. Look that's it was great. She was an assassin. Absolutely.
It was so good because she's like, I'm on board, A'm on board, and then she hears the horrible lie coming out of your mouth and has zero poker face about it. He's just like, what do you reize? Oh? It was so good.
Speaking of Chase and oh my god, Alex, she's like, what is her name? Chase and Alex. Uh. This was kind of a big deal that he finds this script in the bar where she's like, did she take this job as a bartender and start dating him because she's doing research for her role.
That was such a a clever detail to add. Yes, because if it had just been any movie, all right, yeah, she's an actress who's popular, like it's it's inevitable, right, But the fact she was playing a bartender who is having a romance with the bar manager. It did make you go, oh, this is way too similar to what you're doing right now.
Yes, I wonder how he's gonna handle this, because that is what I like about Chase is I feel like he's actually Chase feels reliable to me as somebody with a backbone that's not easy to manipulate. Like. He seems like a character that is so settled in himself that this girl, I don't know, if he finds out that this actually is what she's doing and she tries to kind of weasel out of it, I don't think he's gonna I don't think he's gonna stick around. I don't know.
Well, I think what we see is when he so fast forward to the end of the episode, he goes to her hotel and he's like, hey, what the hell is this? Yeah, she's like, ah, it's a script and I he basically just goes, how long have you known? And she wasn't being forthright with him, And what's cool is that he does He's just like, I'm out, Yeah, thanks, I'm not going to wait around for you. This doesn't feel good. I'm gone. But then the next bit of her the last piece we see of her is her leaving her hotel room, and it made me laugh because of two things. One, she's been in tree Hill for months and the only piece of luggage we see her leaving with is a carry on side suitcase.
Yeah, and all the times Millie's gone to her closet and just been like rifling through the hundreds of.
Clothes, yes, and that's that's super nipicky because you could say Bell hop already came and took every big bag, So that's that's whatever. But it still is funny that like she's now I'm leaving town with what I came with, and it's like, you've been here for half a year. But then the better part is as she's walking out, you see that she left the framed photo excuse me, the framed movie poster of herself on the hotel wall.
What how do you notice these things?
Just saw? You gotta go because here's like, it's the most hilarious thing because it actually says so much more about her character and it's so interesting that like, what is the kind of person that hangs up framed things in a hotel room?
Mm hmmmm.
Let alone, it's a giant, full size movie poster of yourself.
Yeah, no pictures of her family, there's no pictures of anybody meaningful to her.
And she doesn't even think like, ah, I'm gonna take it with me, or I'm gonna at least pull the poster oute. She's like, no, I'm gonna leave the framed poster of myself on the hotel wall.
Someone want to see that.
They fuddle the housekeeping staff.
No, it's a gift for the next guest. They're going to enjoy looking at her because she's who she.
Yeah, I could see that being her thinking. But yeah, that made me laugh. I was like, oh my, I had never really thought about it while she was still living there, but the fact that she was saying goodbye to the room and leaving it on the wall just killed me.
That's so good. Wow. Well, there was so much about so much in this episode that felt like it was about healing, you know, Nathan moving on to a new phase, and Quinn and Clay healing and moving on into the next, into the next thing. You know, what happens next, what's next? Brooke in Victoria, Brooke, the company's disappearing, but she's healed in her heart in a way It's like she's cleansed herself of all of the guilt and the concern and the things that went wrong. So that feels really good. Mouth healing from his depression and just feeling like he's in a rut. I love that too. Yeah, and go ahead, what were we gonna say?
I love that Jamie is worried about his dad and he says to Haley, he says, is dad gonna be okay? Because last time he wasn't okay? And Haley has that great line where she says, he is because last time basketball left your dad and this time your dad is leaving basketball. And then there's like a couple little lines and then you, yeh a perfect button. You go, I can't guarantee Chester won't start drinking, and then you guys laugh and the scene ends, and I was like, oh, perfect, perfect joke at the end of.
That's so cute. I loved it. I'm so it's good. I was happy with this episode.
Okay, one last question for you. Did you notice when it's towards the very very end, there's a quick quick scene of not much of a scene. It's just sort of like a vignette part of a vignette where Nathan and Jamie are outside playing catch and it pans up to Haley in the window watching them. Did you notice how pregnant you looked in that shot?
I didn't. I maybe it was the angle, but it was odd because you looked super pregnant.
Interesting. I wonder if we shot that later, like it could have like we could have shot that, you know, as a pick up a couple of weeks later or something, because I was definitely growing.
I think you're, yeah, maybe you do like a little belly rub on it, but it's like it's nothing you've done up to that point. So anyways, I just thought it was aucus. I was like, did we shoot this at a different time because Haley looks considerably more pregnant.
We might have It is kind of fun watching myself pregnant on TV. That's fun to see like little Maria growing, so exciting.
Honorable mention.
Yeah, I guess mouth like Lee Norris just had so much fun with his material. I was really I really enjoyed watching him play. You know, he's always fun. What about you?
Lee was great? I'll give mine to There's a really funny moment, unintentionally funny when Brooke has realized she's like, you know, gonna be losing a lot of her money in the business, and she's going through her dream wedding book and she's removing pages. Yeah, and it's so funny to me that her life is so long pineapple cake and red velvet cupcakes. And I just found myself laughing, going, those have got to be the two cheapest components of your wedding, Yes, for sure. Why are those the two that are going? I just thought it was so so funny that like, that's what the riders picked as opposed to like so long vineyard destination.
Yes, flowers from Para's shipped in from Paris.
Yeah, oysters from New England whatever it is. Instead, it was like so long the two things I can make in my kitchen.
I love that you noticed stuff like this. Great sood Okay, Well, we have a listener question from Steph real quick. Steph wants to know if you could bring any one real character back for one season, who would it be.
And why you know who I would bring back? C Yes, Quentin because every time I see Robbie it's an immediate love fest, which is funny because we never had anything together so the first time we crossed paths, like we didn't know each other, but I had seen his work and I thought it was great, and so I came in hot like dude, you're great, and he matched my energy. So now we only see each other like at conventions, but every single time he's just so warm and kind and has such great energy that I would have loved to have gotten to actually play and work with him.
Yeah, I can actually see the two of you getting along really well. He's he's like you, very dropped into his body, very astute, notices everything, doesn't comment on everything, but just you can tell he's noticing it all, and he also doesn't. One of my favorite things about Robbie is that he doesn't let he in his conversation. He calls people up to an elevated way of communicating. Somebody's throwing out an offhand comment that just sounds like rhetoric, or if it sounds like they're exaggerating or whatever, he is so great at just mirroring it back like really, oh that oh interesting, Like why do you say that in particular? And it's not like a poking or a goating, it's really like a say what you mean? Like don't just go around talking like mean what you say and say what you mean. I love it. It's one of my favorite things about him, aside from the fact that he's just jovial and one of those like glass half full all the time kind of people, but can also really drop into a deep conversation anyway, it doesn't surprise me that you guys get along so well, and I miss him and I would definitely bring you back. And my second place for that would be Michayla McManus because I just love having her around too. She's so great.
Another one we had nothing together and we did a convention in Wilmington last year and it was one of those these moments are so funny, right, Like I get on the plane at Lax and you know how you kind of have like actor radar, Like anytime you're flying to Vancouver, you can just tell that one person with the baseball hat super low. You're like, all right, what sure are they on? Fly to will No? We fly from like like La to wherever the connecting flight is and I'm like, oh, I wonder if that's that's someone, Like I wonder who that is? And then on the puddle jumper into Wilmington. We're literally seated next to each other and it's Mikayla. Oh and we've never like properly caught up, but we had like this one and a half hour flight, and she was so lovely and wonderful, exactly like you said. I found myself going like, damn it, I would love to be your friend and to have like gotten a chance to work with you.
Yeah. I agree, she's just so fantastic. Well, maybe in an their life, let's spin a wheel. Folks most likely.
To get caught sneaking into a concert?
Yeah? Probably Hillary.
It just immediately felt like a Hilary story.
Yeah, that sounds about right. Would she just would would Hillary just be the sneaking in person, or would she actually get caught?
Oh, she would get caught, but then she would be Hillary and the security w'd be like, you're awesome, get in here, and now they have Thanksgivings together. It be like one of us.
Sounds about right. That sounds about right. Okay, Friends, next episode, Season eight, episode six, Not afraid. We'll see you next week, and we have stuff with us next week too. We'll see it then.
Hey, thanks for listening. Don't forget to leave us a review.
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