Hi Mrs. Davis! • EP504 with Daphne Zuniga

Published May 22, 2023, 4:00 AM

Daphne joins the Drama Queens for an episode recap and it turns out you can capture the magic the second time around! Hilarie, Sophia and Joy discuss the best of bitchy lines, Nate 2.0 and an angry neighbor that derailed filming! 

Plus, find out what happens when scripted life and real life collide. 

First of all, you don't know me.

All about that high school drama Girl Drama Girl, all about them.

High school queens, We'll take you for a ride.

And our comic girl shared for the right teams.

Drama Queens, Jaylie's Up Girl Fashion, which your tough girl, you could sit with us, Girl Drama, Queens Drama, Queise Drama, Queens Drama, Drahna Queens Drama, Queens Ladies.

We still have our Queen with us.

Daphney's Aniga is here to help us walk through Season five, episode four, It's all Right, Ma, I'm Only Bleeding, which aired in January twenty second of two thousand and eight.

Daphney, will you read the synopsis for us?

Peyton has her hands full when the lead singer of a band she just signed turns out to be problematic.

Peyton asked Haley.

To come help her work with them, which reignites Haley's love for music and gets her back in the studio. Nathan is struggling to get through to Quentin. Brook has her grand close over Bros. Boutique, which Peyton and Lucas attend together and try to get back to being just friends. Meanwhile, Marvin's relationship with his boss grows.

Heated, oh, even more heated.

The director Danis Cook and the writer was Adele kim.

Oh Jennison Adele.

Oh, that was a good combo. I loved those two.

I love a combo of these women and of these women on this zoom.

Yes, when was the last time you watched an episode of One treeal Defane?

It had been a while. I mean I watched this twenty years. Maybe it's been a while. I think i'd seen one since then.

I'm not sure when though, But you know, to be honest, I'm not crazy about looking at myself.

But but I.

Yeah, And it's it's as much as I remember loving working with you guys.

Every time I would watch it in the past, I'd just.

Be like, gosh, it's such a wi.


I used to tell me, just bring me some humor.

Let's make sure that like she's you know, a little tipsy in the scene or something I always wanted that comes later after this scene she warms up to that more humor.

No, but you sell it though, like it's it's almost like a compliment. Like you know, those shitty restaurants down in North Carolina, like Dirty Dix or those restaurants that you go.

To with the intention of being insulted by the.

Wait staff, and it's like it's so you and your friends can all laugh about it together after the fact. That's what it feels like. It's like Peyton's figured that out. That's why Peyton is always laughing when Victoria is saying horrible things to her, because she knows the formula.

She's like, this woman's gonna tell me how.

Terrible I am, and Brooke and I are gonna get together later and have a laugh.

Like it's it's a rite.

Of passage that everyone in Tree Hills should go for us.

Yeah, when we started watching episodes back for the first time. When we first started doing this, there were so many things coming at us because we none of us had seen the show in so long. And was there anything that stood out to you about about the show itself, about like I see why this was a hit or something that surprised you.

I don't know. Was there anything that just struck you? Yeah, A couple of things.

Two things main the main two things that stand out at me is.

How good you all are. You're just, I mean all of you are so everyone. I mean, you guys you're and your fan base is aren't prove it. You're so good, each of you in your I mean, you're all very different. But that's what I really looked at. I was like, you're so solid, you're so good. And the and the and the lines. You know, they're smart, they're ahead of their years. So I remember when I first you know, as I'm watching going, I I.

Get why people are still into.

It because you know, the characters really do kind of like say what's up and truth and keep dealing with stuff, and there's so much flying at them and they're just smart.

They're smarter than.

Then they should be, really and I think then I think, but I think that's the key to like, you know, you want to keep watching what's going to happen next?

So what's going to happen next? You know what I mean?

It keeps going for sure. Yeah, So that's what I saw. I mean, all the regulars are so strong. I can't you know, Joy, I just noticed, like you're so natural with.

You you always have like a prop or your behavior.

You're thrown off lines to Nanny Carre and I'm like, how can Nanny carry you know, you just toss it off you're very natural. I know you've been doing it since you were little, you know, all of you, and I mean you had to sell stuff too, so you know you.

Have to sell that.

You're facing me and you have to you help me sell Victoria. Yes, for sure, because the way that you receive it and when we cut to your close up and your side of it, you helped the audience go Okay, I but I'm scared of her, but she's my mom.

There's a complexity to you.

There is emotion there, and you really help sell it. And you know, I know you guys like how I played it, but some of those lines were hard, and so yeah, you guys helped sell it.

That was my favorite part of this episode was the storyline being able to watch because we've only seen Victoria come in in these small little moments with quips and a few things to say, but here we really get It's the full Victoria, It's the full experience. I loved seeing that. That's what I loved about this episode.

Only a woman could have written this episode like Adele Limb for you at home who don't know is an incredible writers. She were crazy rich, Asian and the last dragon like she is a just force. And I worked with her on Lethal Weapon where she wrote these kind of lines for me. I got to be Victoria on that show, and so she is so good at bitch lines, like just so good at it and really teed you up to just steal all our hearts and our fear.

That's great And the.

Way that you can write someone to be an archetypal bitch, or you can write someone to be boiling under the surface. And what I love is that there are a lot of women on our show who've been put in this almost camp version of bitchiness. And you came in so strong and you did so much with these moments that they'd given us before the reveal that everyone knew they had to step up their game for you, and what they begin to give you an eye, even how early in the episode when I'm begging you to understand why I want to have this store, and you pivot and it's the first time we see Victoria be kind and gentle, and you say I want what's best for you, and you touch my face like that felt like water in the desert. And then Brooke doesn't know, but the audience sees because of Millicent and Victoria's lines to Midicine. The Victoria is designing this failure and oh, it's just such a rich world for us as a cast of women, and we didn't always get that, and so to see it is like, oh, it's delicious.

I forgot that she designs the failure. So I was like just being so nice so early on. This is only episode four.

Oh you know, And yeah, no, I loved.

I loved h I love that part of it that you do. Like you say, Hillary, we see the different sides to her. You see, you have to you have to either has to be like reprieved from just where. But it doesn't last long and it usually.

Is just to hook you.

Like I think when I say to.

To Peyton, just some of those looks and she zips up that.

Dress and she goes, don't you you know yah, don't you dare think you're gonna blah blah blah blah blah.

The only reason she's here is because of you, loser, Yeah, loser. When Victoria tells Peyton Swier to get your act together is so real. How old are you twenty one by now?

Why aren't you running your own company? Except that she is Peyton is running her own company, and that's what I would love to talk about, because this is her first foray into really dealing with a first band that she signed.

It's a big deal, you guys.

This is It's one of my face behind the scenes One Tree Hill stories because here.

We getting Oh god, you're gonna tell it.

So in real life, like I wanted to produce bands, I wanted a record label. In real life, I'd come from MTV. I was like, yes, this is happening.

And so I have to give just a little bit of backstory.

And for those of you who don't like it, when we go off on Tangent, we're doing it today.

You can sulk it.

It's our show. We will Tangent if we want to.

It is August and little tiny teenage Hillary Burton gets dropped off in New York City at college right and it becomes very clear right away. At Fordham it is eight girls to one boy in this school, and so there's a talent show as a part of orientation in this dude who I had been in the same group as him the whole time, gets up and he sings.

His name is Tom Stewart.

He is very talented and we are also like oil and water, like we do not get along, but he's so talented and so akat.

We start making out. It's awesome. Everyone in the dorm is jealous. They're like, how'd she bag him?

And so that lasts until, you know, three weeks into school and I'm literally crying on this boy's dorm floor because I'm like, I haven't made it yet.

I've been in New York for three weeks. I haven't made it yet.

And then I get scouted by MTV the very next day, and so I start doing all this stuff with TRL and he's like, you've changed, and I get pissed because I'm like, you've known me three weeks, how have I changed?

And so Tom and I break up.

But it was a very lovely little romances. Cut to all these years later, and we have Kevin Fetterline on the show, and we know that he is lip syncing these songs because he is not a singer. And so Hillary Burton, the actress, hears this song that he's singing in the recording studio and I think to myself, I think to myself, that's a catchy song. I'm gonna go look up the real singer. So I send a little email and I'm like, who's the band.

That sings this?

And I get the response It's a band called Radio America. So I get on the Google machine and I look up Radio America and they had just released a music video and I'm like, oh, fantastic, I can't wait to watch this. And it's like grainy and very early two thousands edgy Brooklyn vibe and it turns to the lead singer and it.

Is dumb snooer no way. I knew I liked that voice.

I knew I liked that voice, and so I'm so like, I'm I keep I'm like, is he going to reach out to me?

Should I reach out to him?


What do I do? And so finally, when the episode aired, I reach out through Facebook and.

I'm like, hey, uh, your song was great. I'm happier on the show. And he was so lovely. He's like my publicist really wanted to like like use the fact that we dated as a thing to like try to get more attention on the song. And I wouldn't let her because I know your relationship and he was so lovely. But I definitely made out with that voice that is singing Kevin fetterliin sog.

What a small world. It's so weird. It's just such a weird thing to be like, oh yeah, I'll sign that band. No, I will not. Oh my god, he's fun, dude, that's awesome. But that's the world of One Tree Hill folks, where you never know. I mean, you've kissed.

Everybody in Wilmington, kissed everybody in Wilmington, and it turns out even the ones who weren't in wilbyt kissed.

I've kissed literally everyone. I loved it.

You working on this band also brought for me as a viewer one of my favorite scenes in the episode, which you know, we talk about how special it is when you just get to see friends being friends, but this scene with Peyton and Haley sitting by the pool eating a snack, Nathan's doing a physical therapy and you guys are just talking about how to figure it out and you ask for help, which, for whatever reason, we don't really do a lot. We don't model that on TV very often.

Yeah, it's more dramatic to cry in a closet, yeah, or to be like I want your.

Help and then someone says, well, I'm going to help you anyway and Nathan, But like, I just loved how sweet that moment was. It gave such a again, such a backstory, and because Peyton says I need help with something. It also it opens up this whole new world for Haley and by the end of the episode she's playing the piano again.

I loved that and right on the heels of Haley talking about why can't I have also soll my own things? Yes, it's so it's so fun I mean, I guess she better in the middle of it. But it was also funny to me to hear a twenty one year old be like, I know I'm a wife and a mother and a teacher, but can I also have like a big career and can I Also I'm like, no, you can't, you can't.

You cannot have it all.

Calm down, pick something and stick with it for a while and then do something else afterwards.

For me, it was really cool to see you guys work together in that because knowing joy and how musical you are.

Yeah, that was funny.

It was like, you know, just so cool to see you like say, look, I know you don't see it, but I know where the gold is in this and it's this one the shy girl, and they do Kate sing and.

Was that her song? Yeah? That was her, It must have been.

Yeah, just reminded me again how freaking talented she is too. Yeah, I think just I loved all that. I love that stuff with you guys. And then even in the sound booth with that classic of like we can't hear, we don't know that.

Yeah. I love what he did too. Kevin was so great.

I mean, I don't I don't know if he made that choice or if he was directed to do that, but it was hilarious him like being big and taking all the faces and yelling.

By Yeah, he had so much fun with that.

Which is always so nice to see a guest star feel free to play and be goofy.

Yeah. Well, and remember how nervous he was about calling us bitches, like he really wanted to quantify that, like he did not think we were bitches, and this was words on paper.

Oh that's cool.

He used to slap my ass in it in a scene later like in you know, if it's the next episode of the one afterward, but he smacks me on yeah trick and I and he was he was so nervous about it, and he was so like, is this okay?

I'm so sorry, Like, oh, I hate making you feel this way. I'm like, it's okay, it's in the page.

I'm fine.

Do you think he knew what an bol he was being cast to play probab?

I got a call from his manager like, we got you a job. You're rock star? Yeahol.

Didn't he come up as a dancer?

Yeah? I think so. Yeah.

I wonder if he was kind of like, I mean, it seems cool and I know the show is like a hit, but why yeah, I know, like knowing that he doesn't sing, I'm like, I wonder if that was weird for him. Maybe not.

It is one of the stranger pieces of casting on our show that absolutely works because that mohawk that he has that's like so weird, and every bit of it just it screams this puzzle piece doesn't fit, so that it is magical when Haley finds the right thing. And I love that notion of like going home and bringing the people you love into the thing that you love. Like we've all done that, We've all gone home and been like, hey, best friend, can you help me with social media?


Best friend, can you help me with this movie? You know, who have you guys pulled in in real life to help you with this new life that we created for ourselves.

Oh my gosh, Well that's I mean, there's so many creative projects that because we're in a creative space, especially when I was in LA But you know, there's so much creativity there and here in Nashville there is. And I think that's just a natural byproduct of having relationships in a creative community that you'll just bring people in. But I still check in with my high school best friend Jenny, and you guys met her on the tour and will like run ideas by her and just you know how, she just lives a completely different life than I do. So it's nice to just hear things from a different perspective that's so outside of the bubble that I can live in. Sometimes. Yeah, I don't know, that's my answer.

What about you, guys, I mean I don't have I'm not close to I moved around a lot as a kid, as I told you a little bit.

Then stay close with the five hundred people in Vermont, Daphney. That's great. Same weird.

Yeah, I mean I turned seventeen and graduated, and I was out of there.

But I did make a very good friend there, thank God.

And in hindsight, I'm so glad I lived there during those years and in nature and with the small and my graduating class was one hundred and twenty nine people, but.

I don't know any of them anymore.

But if the people currently count, I mean, I'm constantly. I just sent the script that I wrote a hundred years ago to a friend of mine today, I'm like, read it.

Let me know what you think.

She's You know, Joy, I remember you were shooting. You did a short.

I think that a friend of yours was directing or something, and we did a scene or something.

I remember, you know, together, And I just love that.

Because you know, at heart were playful.

You know, every time David watches something, he's like, God, what you guys do is fun.


Of course he knows the behind the scenes stuff too, because he's we've been together fifteen years and he knows it's like a lot of hard stuff too, But he's like, God, can you believe you're grown ups and this is your job?

Yeahan, So we have that playfulness that we had as a kid, and so I love it when I can just drop the worry, drop the hustle, let.

Go of the like your career.

Just trust for just trust the universe trusts things for like, I don't know, a couple of days, so you can just go play and then I'll just you know, be playful with my grown up friends.

Yeah, that I've known for a long time here in LA I.

Mean I've been here since I was seventeen, so I do have a lot of friends here that are like that.

You know, Yeah, it's important.

Yeah, it's interesting. It's like so many of my closest friends who you know, I think maybe we found each other because we all were a bit in these weird ways. Like I've always found it hard to be the person who always has to leave for a job. And you know, we left our job and then I you know, everybody did in their own ways, but like I went and I did this other job, and then it's like, well, do I try to stay present with all these people who just scattered in the wind as often as I want to, or do I stay present in this job I have to do now ten months a year, And like I always kind of feel like I'm failing in one direction or the other, and then there's home, and then there's family, and then they're like how do you juggle all these balls right? And for me, it's like if I love you, I love you forever forever, Like you're in I could talk to you once a week or once a year, it doesn't matter, Like tell me what you need, where you need me to be, I'll be there. And I think what's been helpful, like in all of our friendships and in the friendships I have with friends who have merged art and activism, is that we're all kind of nomadic, so we all get it. And it's me a long time to find people who got it and who didn't resent it. And this feels like such a sweet season of life, you know, this last ten years in particular, because everybody kind of ebbs and flows together and shows up for each other. And you know, even when we decided to do this podcast, like I called Kenny and was like, hey, can you come and direct a music video? He was like, day yeah, And like, you know, Kenny was my whatever the girl's version of a best man is, he was my like he was my man, a man or I don't know, you know, like ye it's my dude, Like he stood next to me at my wedding, And what a cool thing to have somebody who you can call and go, you want to go do a weird photo shoot at one am on sunset and he'll call me and ask me that and I'm like yeah, And then I'm like, hey, can you make a video for a podcast? And he's like yeah. Like anything that we want to do, we do. And it's it is really special when you get to, I think, experience that with your friends. And now we're in this moment where we're dreaming about like going to make a feature and what that would look like, and that I just can't wait for that nice well.

I love That's like one of my favorite scenes in the episode is when everyone is a close over bros getting ready for Brooks big thing, and you know, Millicent comments, She's.

Like, your friends like showed up also.

But that sense of like, yeah, we haven't all been together in a very long time, but that doesn't stop us from showing up.


And I think in the real world and in a world that's as busy as this one, is the people that you can just pick right back up with regardless of times that's so meaningful. Yeah, and we got to model that in this episode.

And also make them work.

We all paint on us, we're dirty trying to put everything together.

I also love that Daphney puts the button on the end of that sweet moment, everyone's like, wow, your friends, and Millicin gets vulnerable and says, I don't have real in New York and you walk up and go, she's very frumpy.

We should fire her. Yeah, totally. What if she looks like a slavic something? What's the bag woman Favella, isn't it? Yeah? I love It's so good. Well, that's it.

It's so we see brute Brooks like gaping mother wound. Yeah, this whole episode is about mother wounds, because we start with Brooks gaping mother wound, Peyton going to visit her dead mother's grave, and then the episode ends with Haley seeing this picture that Jamie has drawn of him in the arms of another woman, and that is a different kind of mother wound. And so all of these like very big feelings about motherhood are wrapped up in this story.

Even the cougar gets thrown in there. Yeah, the cougar. Yeah.

It's also when you do come back to this town, to a small town like this, you know, you don't get to yes, your friends rally for you.


All those other old old feelings show up. You know. I don't know about you guys.

My mother still lives back East, and when I go visit, it's.

Like, Breeze, you don't live here anymore.

You know, you're your own woman, You have your own life.

You can't afford to leave. You're not stuck, you know, like I just.

Have to breathe through it all if I you know, I'm going to put a.

Limit, maybe four or five days, pops, because when you.

Do, you know, come back to this small town.

I mean all the ghosts are there too, obviously for your character, yeah, Hillary, and you know anyway, So I just feel like I just feel like that when you're saying all her friends rally. I mean it's just like for for Victorious, like what's that saying?

Shooting ducks in a pond? Like you're like us band? That was my first line.

I think maybe my with with Lucas, Like I've never even met him, you know what I mean?

Were you?


Yeah, like how many of them I gotta knock over?

Just loved it, listen. I wish you would have seen Nathan with the long hair. That's the Victoria commentary that I would have Nail with.

The long hair.

Is that like Becky with the good Becky with the good hair, we have the same haircut. I just kept looking at that scene like we're with His hair was longer, but I was like, wow, we're twins, and I actually make fun of his hair.

And then scene we got messages from fans because last episode we asked. We were like, god, Nathan looks like someone when he shaves his beard and we can't figure out who he looks like.

And I got a message from a fan.

They're like, Hillary, he looks like the end of Beauty and the Beast when the Beast turns into a man.

Oh yes, D's like huge blue eyes.

And oh my god, oh Victorious commentary on that hair just would have been.

It would have been fabulous.

You know.

I feel like a service, a public service that the writers of Victoria the character can do for what fans and audiences. Just like if you're in life, you know, you can just come up with a Victoria to deal with something.

Because she doesn't apologize.

She does she does the least ever until towards the end when she kind of sees obviously when she can for to let the shell down. You know, episodes to come, years to come.

You need an app like an insult generator that's all victoria based.

Yes, yes, like you have those daily affirmation apps, but you do like you do your daily dose of victoria. It just says a rude thing to you every day.

Oh my gosh, I kind of want that app. I really want that app, and.

We should make it and not let anyone do it. They can't steal our idea, our idea.

Because you know, when you're feeling insecure and apologetic, you know, I don't know if I can take up space in the world world, and what if they're right and they're right and he's right.

And it's like you have a hard.

Time setting your boundaries right, Like the therapist is going you need healthy boundaries, that's okay, and.

You're like, oh, that sounds exhausting. Just coming.

I'll tell you a boundary, you know what I mean, and just pull up your victoria.

You're having a hard time with a boundary. This should be your boundary. Get over yourself and be like, okay, I love.

It speaking of someone with lots of boundaries. So Quentin is night and what do we think of Hayley, who was like, I need to save this kid.

Actually, I don't need to save this kid. Nathan, what are you doing?

You need to do it?

Yeah exactly. She's like, duh, you need a project.

I have too many projects. Get out of the house.

Can't help me.

This is a smart woman who understands how to get her man into a zone that he needs to be in in a really loving and encouraging way.

And it's great.

And then he shows up with a haircut on the real Court, looking great, feeling good, and and then he convinces Lucas to like.

It's great, it all works? Does it? Scared for them?

I really need to understand why after all these episodes the writers had Hayley make fun of Nathan's haircut, and then Nathan goes and gets a haircut for Quentin. Like the reveal is when he's at the River Court.

An a sexy moment between husband and w I'm so.

Sorry that is a reveal James that range Rower looking like Clark. You can't and nobody sees it except for a kid who tells me he.

Has a missed opportunity. That's awesome. Bumbled the ball there.

Haley should have said, you are you whatever? You're bringing the mullet back? Yeah, And then he should have been like, give me a second and come back into the kitchen with a pair of scissors. And she should have given him a haircut on the edge of the bathtub and would.

Have been sexy.

Oh yeah, you need a little sexiness. Yes, what another missed opportunity.

I was going to say, I did love that line that between he and quin about what team.

Do you have?

He goes to insult him, what team do you want?

And he knows he doesn't, and then Nathan says, oh, I'll tell you, and then he goes to what's that line where he just says like, you know, I can't walk, I have nothing, I have this and that and if you can't read a book, then welcome to my team.

I just thought that was so good. Like, what episode did you watch? Is always just another episode? Was that in this episode? Did I miss it? You? Guys?

I could have stopped watching. I'm sorry, Daphne, you are so good.

She's like, actually in five point fifteen, we're going to oh sorry, we'll get there. Okay, well that's telling.

Yeah, but there is something to say about the fact that, like, when you feel isolated, sometimes the only person who can get through to you is someone who has also been in that position. You know, that is the person you know, I've been open about like Moira Kelly telling me you should leave this show, you should go, because she'd also been in positions. You have to have someone who's been there before, so that you know that the path out is manageable, you know, yea, And Nathan's giving him a path out of this very ugly corner he's put himself in. Although that scene where he put Chad on his heels in that office was delicious.

I don't know.

How to navigate that. If a kid was talking to me that way, I die. Yeah, what would you do?

I don't know. And think about it. It's the second time we've seen Quentin do this. He did it to Haley. Yeah, when you think that this youngster absolutely has to stop. He's a youngster, right past where you assume the line is going to be, like he's a high school kid. Yeah, he's a child, and he crosses the line with Haley. He crosses the line with Lucas and even with Nathan. But what's interesting is that Nathan is the first person who says it's not going to get you anywhere. It's not a battle between who's going to win. And he says it's going to damage your relationships. And I thought that was an interesting peek into Quentin' psyche because he said relationships. Who needs a relationship when and you go, oh, this kid doesn't have experiences of trust in his life, got it?

Well, he can't if he's behaving that way, because that's what kids do when they they don't have they haven't been given boundaries, like they push. They push because they want to know where the boundaries are, and if nobody ever puts any up, then they just keep put they can. And then it makes sense he would get to school and just start trying to push everything over, like does anybody care enough about me to say no and still love me anyway? I mean, that's like the foundation of whatever kid is looking for all the time when they just are pushing, pushing, pushing, So it's it's really very to I thought it was very telling and it's super authentic and accurate to what a lot of kids go through.

I think it was really calm of Nathan too. My favorite line in that little change at the River Court was when Quintin was like, yeah, and lucky for you, I quit the team because I was about to break your scoring record. And rather than be like, no, you weren't, Nathan's like all right, well let's see if we can change that.

Yeah, Like, I'd love for you to break my record. Wouldn't that be wonderful? Come on, kid, let's do it. Yeah.

It was a very adult way to handle that kind of antagonism.

I'm scrolling through my notes and this has nothing to do with anything, but I want to talk about this. Okay, you and that cube bartender flirting were a vibe girl, and and the I have the whole thing of like, oh yeah, because it comes on the heels of Victoria eviscerating Lucas and Peyton being like yeah, been there, Welcome to the club, kid, and then we get to have this cute moment and it's like an oh an oh, and it's so fun at the bar. And I love that Carol put us in really similar dresses, like yeah, yours had a low front, mine had a low back, but they both were like swirly yours in like green and dark green and mine and shades of purple.

And that was the day we did that famous photo shoot.

Yes, you feel like you're watching like the Bobs Twins go on an adventure and then you're flirting with a dude we've never seen before, and they have Lucas walk up to Peyton and he's instantly jealous, and I was like, I get it. I want to know more about what she's talking.

To that guy about. Who is that guy? What's the vibe?

Did Hillary kiss him after work? I don't know. I need to know.

Like I bought it.

I bought it from the walk up and it it was a reminder of how fresh but like it was fresh to see you as someone knew. It felt fun.

Yeah, I love like what's happening in this season and I can tell that, like, you know, twenty four to twenty five year old Hillary Burton was also having fun. And I remember this this scene, you know, I remember feeling really defensive of Lindsay because we had that fun exchange at the beginning and it was like, I've dup, you're a cool girl. I'm gonna be a cool girl too. We'll be cool girls together and then it's like she's daring me to go out with her boyfrien friend and we all know how this is gonna go.

But Peyton has to be honorable. And so when Luke does this like, you know, lame, he's not good enough for you stuff. I hated that.

I mean, if you didn't watch the episode and you're listening to this, this is the moment when Peyton is flirting with the bartender and like having a finally free moment to herself and he has to ruin it.

He walks in it. He has to. He walks up. He's like, oh, let's go.

She says, you know, I'm kind of enjoying this moment. Selsey letter bye bye. Yeah, and he leans in and goes he's not good enough for you.

He doesn't even just lean in.

He pulls her back and embraces her right in her ear. I honestly was like, oh my god, is he going to kiss her? Like I didn't know what was coming.

It was so intimate, and it like felt like I felt bad for the actor that was playing the bartender like all of that.

Yeah, I did too.

We'd all been together for long enough that like it just felt real and kind of strange.

And so when we were.

Shooting that in particular, you know, all the all of Karen's cafe is windows, and so we had to shoot that at night. And the woman who lived across the street from Close Over Bros.

Hated us. She hated us.

And so as we're doing the scene where I have to go out the front door and be like, don't do that, right, she starts putting on like mariachi music and like lasting crazy music at two or three o'clock in the morning because she's so pissed that we're filming. And there's some fan video online of Chad and I just like dancing in the street because we can't film, we can't do anything.

Oh my gosh, she's just making it go longer. I mean, that's it. We'll stay all night, babe, we're here.

She didn't even realize she was shooting herself in the butt. Here's the thing. Did anybody track this part? Because I wrote it down my notes. Lindsay does the thing you mentioned? Hillary? She says, you know you'd never do that, like you'd be a terrible person. I'm not doing it. I'm counting on it. You have your whole thing, and it's funny, funny, funny, ha ha ha. But the opener, because guys, we usually skip the recap, like, duh, we're watching an episode a week. We know what happened last week, we had a computer glitch. This week, we couldn't skip the recap. At the end of the recap, Lucas's voiceover says something about, while I have the quote written downe, what if the things we were looking for were in tree Hill all along? And as Lucas is reading that part of his little voiceover monologue, it cuts to Peyton on the river court. So they open the episode with a teaser about how he's been looking for her all along, and then Lindsay's like, you wouldn't be that terrible of a person to hit on my boyfriend. And when I told you to go to an event with him, and then he does that thing to you, he hugs you. No, nope, nope, you know there is drama coming.

And I like that Peyton doesn't go home from the event, you know, like she goes home, she sees Brooke crying and never makes it about herself.

She's not like Lucas did a weird It's just like you know what. He doesn't even register, like, I'm so over him, I'm not even gonna mention him.

Yeah pass, I mean you guys, I have to say, though, it seems very realistic that he or a guy like in his position would do that.

I mean, I've heard that with I'm sure something.

Like that, like he's not good enough for you and he's not, which just doesn't mean come back to me. It just means I'm gonna, you know, keep some kind of control over you, or just like put that in.

Your ear exactly. Yeah. Yeah, but it's so common.

It's so common. That's what's so infuriating. I think that's why we're all so like, because it's been done to us.

We all experience that.

Because you're so clearly marking your territory.

Yes, Victoria would say, like, I know, what's your point?

Neither are you exactly? Neither were you? Who is? Who isous?

I would have loved it if Peyton would a run back in Victoria, get down.

Here, get him, yes, yeah him, get him.

Yeah. I know you hate me, but hate him more.

Here's what he did to me.

I think we also have to talk about how incredible it is to get Kate Vogel and to have these scenes where you get to see her singing and like belting these songs. And I was laughing that we gave Mia the Rachel Lee Cook treatment. Like we put this girl who looks like Angelina Jolie in a hoodie and we were like, oh, she's so awkward and very secure. She started belting like a freaking legend at the piano.

I totally forgot that's how Mia came to us. The combination of you and Kate is so great.

Yeah, it's nice to see that mentor relationship.

But also history repeating itself.

You know, the life in a small town is about cycles and watching Haley take Mia the way she should have been mentored instead of Chris Keller, you know, ruining her relationship. God, if Haley had just had a Haley, Yeah, it would have been man.

Adele's so smart.

What a mar I thought you met the singer Adele. I'm like, did she have a Haley? No, Adele Limb Sorry, the writer a writer so smart. It's just so smart to tie all that in.

Yeah, we're going, oh, another woman who belts at the piano like a legend. Of course, Well, enjoy I have a question for you, because there's that beat where you before the true mentor relationship starts at the beginning, when you first walk in and you and you catch her, Haley catches me a singing at the piano in her little hoodie, and you're looking all cute and emo, and she's so afraid that Jason Kevin Feederline's gonna find out, and she runs off, and you do the thing where like as she runs out of the room, we can see Haley having an idea. I'm like, do you remember if that was one of those times that you got the parentheses under Mia exits and then off Haley scheming like, did you have that kind of thing in the script? I'm sure it was wheels turning?

Yeah, wheels.

They loved a wheels turning, didn't They loved a wheels turning? Wheels turned so many times on this show, didn't.

We used to sing the Journey song the wheel in this guy he's on turning.

I feel like the ad department definitely would sing that song making fun of us.

The only song we heard all the time on set, mostly because I would sing it was turn around You never know then, like I just couldn't help it. Every single time somebody said turn around, it was like my brain was screaming until I let it out for like even the little tiniest moment. I'm sorry to all of you who had to live with that for so long.

It was a delight. I mean, sure, you just.

Voiced what the rest of us were thinking. Bib.


I think Kate's introduction is great. It struck me how young she is, like as young as we all were.

What was she seventeen eighteen?

I thought she was nineteen, but we were not twenty one. We were all older by twenty four.

We were all like twenty five by now.

Yeah, she was definitely young. I think she was nineteen.

And I love that she really struck that emo vibe of like the really like glossy bla black bang across the face. Like we've had enough emo bands on the show, and Peyton is like the least emo looking emo girl, because there was a uniform, you were sweat bands on your wrist, you had that glossy bang that hung down over your face, you had the eyeliner, and there's just there was the hoodie sweatshirt and Kate is finally the right representation for that that lovely little subculture.

I still listen to the Emo station on Sirius Radio.

I know you do, Daphne, did you ever have an Emo phase or like any kind of.

Specific music phase. I'm just writing this down, I go. Should I say this, You're gonna sound really old and out.

Of its characters. Okay, so listen, Like remember like the James Taylor like emotional folk rock vibe all right, now, put some like bass guitars on that and a bunch of boys with terrible haircuts, and that was emo. No, that's grund grunge. Grunge was Nirvana. But but that the emo came out of the grunge thing.

It was way more like eighties glam rock. These boys had so much hair product and so much like stage production, but they were it was like play acting punk rock, but instead they were just talking about girls dumping them all.

Yeah. It was like deeply emotional rock music, like like Daphne, follow Boy is like a very emo famous band Emo.

Okay, so it means emotional, but like, yes, it's short for that.


Well my era was James Taylor, the og.

Yeah, I mean, I mean, you know you couldn't improve upon that. It was so simple and pear down. It's just so pristinely perfect and spoke from the emotion that we all related to.

So simple. But I gotta say, listening.

To you guys talk, I mean, when I hear that kind of music, I get.

So tired of these boys saying the same thing.

In another way, it's kind of like I love country music, but you know that whole thing, like the truck songs.

Like yeah, the cowboy and the truck.

Yeah, I'm gonna take you down a dirt road and we're gonna, you know whatever.

The it's like, how many ways can you say one thing?

It's just one thing you're saying.

It's there's nothing out there.

You know, I would prefer if you helped me with the mental labor of grocery shopping and playing in the house and.

Washer have a fun.

It's just so funny talk about the repetition.

But you know, and speaking of that, well, never mind, I think it was another episode.

I watched like.

Three of those these Oh my god, guy, but I just it was so I mean, I guess, not analyzing everything. I just really every time, I you know, I really get why the fans are still strong. You know, I really do like other than you guys have made this wonderful. You parlayed what you were and grown in front of in the public into this version of yourself. You know, you've grown up into this and it's so rich and you have so much to offer. I also, I get it, like so watching and I was like, you know, David went off and did something, and he.

Comes back and goes, are you still watching him? Like wait, who is that guy? Wait? There?

And I'm literally thinking, Oh, if I were an audience, if I were the fan of audience, I would just totally just totally get it because you guys, you know, I know you behind the scenes, but you really showed up and brought it to the screen.

I mean you really did.

It's and then knowing you now knowing you more, uh, it's it was just I had so much fun watching it, that's all.

And again, everyone's so good.

Okay, wait to have a question because I wanted to ask you this anyway, But now knowing that you've peeked ahead.

Do you.

I mean, god, there's just so much coming for Victoria. Do you have a favorite storyline or moment for her? When you look back on the years that you did the show with us a Victoria line.

I mean, listen, I did five years, so there's so much to come, you know.

With with.

There's just so much to come, including becoming a grandmother.

You don't do a little freaking twins.

But this the just right ahead, a few episodes ahead. I loved when she's like, Okay, you're not going to leave town.

I'm staying.

And there's like in the bar and the trick, there's just all that fun.

Oh that's right, you're like sexy dancing.

Yeah, you guys have you guys have all this drama and there's yes, it's it was fun in there.

I love that.

Again, I loved I loved her strength, but I also love to bring humor to it. So when they would give me funny stuff, I just I just ate it up. I just loved it because she gets to me both well.

Speaking of that, like cougar energy, we need to we need to assess the mouth and his boss storyline.

How are we feeling about that?

I feel like we avoid it because it's like I don't necessarily know how to feel about it.

You know, the only person who makes me feel okay about it, Yes, kills Yes, because he's so funny.

His joy like his bliss. The mouth is like hooking up with the boss.

Those scenes are so fun to watch Antoine, But I don't know.

The mouth and the.

Boss seems make me feel very uncomfortable.

Mm hmmm, yeah, I don't.

I don't have anything about them. I just wait for them to be over because I'm uncomfortable too.

Like he's doing a great job. The actors are great. It's not their fault. I've hated it.

And there were some specific lines in this one about like there was stuff where it was like, oh, I'm hooking up with the boss, and now she's going to put me on TV, and is that the lesson that we're trying to pass along? But when mouth goes and is like I saw you on a date with someone else, and this grown woman said, my personal life is my personal life, but I'm here are I? And that other guy was boring?

Like I just really liked how she did that because she wasn't wrong, like her personal life is her personal life, and I like that she asserted that, like I don't.

Owe you anything. I appreciated that moment, but that's about all I appreciate it.

I did like Antoine's lines yeah.

You need to ask for a raise.

Yeah, you need to the claw marks, Oh my god, those were aggressive.

Too much.

Yeah, it's such a weird storyline, but we saw a glimmer of mouth and Millie, which was excitement.

The first meat, the meat cute in the store. Oh so sweet. Lisa is such a joy to watch.

Yeah, yeah, she's real dropped in God, I just.

I remember feeling when she showed up. I was like, oh, everything just got better because she's so much fun as an actor. She's so wonderful as a person. I mean, just so great, And I don't know, there were so many happy stories that came out of are show in these years, like Mikayla and her husband, Lisa and her husband, like you know, Lee and his wife, like so just so many things were blossoming, and it just felt like such a special, sparkly moment. And interestingly, as as our characters got to get back to friendships, and you know, obviously, Daphne, you came in as an initial foil, but we forged a great friendship like so many of us who'd been there for so long, We're having these experiences of friendships. And then there were folks coming in who we just loved immediately. And then who also found this sort of new joy in their lives, like this happiness it. I don't know, it's just a really I look back on season five really fondly.

I loved it when Melicent likes late mouth.

I just was like, Oh, they're just perfect, you know, perfect. And I agree about there was a softness.

Her character was just you know, sweet, and there.

Was just a softness. It was really fun for me to work with her. Balanced out the energy that I had to play, even though I was throwing darts at her. Yeah. And plus she's just so nice, you know on the camera when there was a cut, she was so funny.

You know, we just had so sweet.

Remember how excited we were when we found out she was a real Disney princess.

Yes, I was gonna do I just look what this is the coolest thing you could tell us lariol or something. Jasmine, Jasmine and Bell and Bell. That's right. God, she's so cool, She's so cool, so perfect.

Man, Just that that bright and bubbly energy. There's nothing you can do to squash it. Yes, her coming up with that little check with a paper check. Remember before Venmo, we had check.

Books Oh yeah, my god, it makes me want to cry. That did make me cry that moment. With as much as Victoria is the badgering Milicent in this episode, Milicent being willing to stand in front of Victoria, not just in front of Brook, but with Victoria watching and say I believe in you. It's so bold and it's so kind, and oh, I just loved it.

We got a lot of information about her too, because it shows us that even though she's eager to please and wants to do hard work and wants to kind of float under the radar and she's just trying to get by, we got the information that she's not a pushover. Yeah, which I think is really interesting.

M Right.

She brought that check in front of Y'll buy.

It to have all those typical characteristics of somebody who you would think would kind of be a doormat. Yeah, if we're using that phrase, But she's not, she's not at all. She's actually she's very confident. Yeah, it's cool.

Did we miss anything. I'm going through my notes.

I was going to say, we have some really important things happening on paper in this episode. Millicent hands me that check. Yes, and then Haley finds the Jamie and Mom drawing that turns out to be Nanny Carey, Like.

I don't know if it's that, because I was watching, I was like, yeah, so what, like that's of course the kid's going to make a drawing of somebody who's become important in their life. That's not a big deal. But I guess it's when it's your first kid. I was like, actually, the first time Maria ever did a drawing, and like, wasn't about me or her dad, I was it was like a nanny or something like that. I definitely felt a little pang of like, other people matter.

I want to be the only one who matters. I know, you got to just yeah.

But I also think the interesting thing is right, Haley has been sacrificing her self for her family, yeah, and loves her family obviously, and you know, has been in our support system. But in the first moment that Nathan starts to show up again, and in the first moment that she gets some help and she thanks someone for giving her space to find her individuality again, that space is being filled by someone else. And by the way, that's not a bad thing. Kids deserve community, but it is new and this idea that like, wait, I've spent one week in the studio and now my kid is drawing pictures of someone else, Like how do you process that? How do you divest from your own ego as a parent and say okay, this is okay? And for us knowing where the Nanny Carey story goes, I'm like, oh god, it's like death by a thousand cuts, like it's starting. And I don't know. I think it got to me in perhaps a more intense way because I know who Nanny Carey is going to be. But it really did make me think about it. And you said it earlier, Joy, You were like, you just can't have it all. Yeah, And I've heard so many women I respect say, look, you can through your life, but you can't have it all at the same time. No, you know, everything is about balance and juggling. And you know, Hayley's getting some of herself back after this period of immense sacrifice and putting herself last, and she's feeling it. And I thought, I just thought it.

Was cool that scene where you were thinking, Carrie. All I could think about was that scene and The Godfather where he.

Knows he knows his brother's betrayed.

Him, and he goes and like kisses him in front of everyone, and it is like, like it felt like because the same way that Peyton read into the Lindsay stuff, I can feel Nanny Carey be like, what do you mean, thank you? I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing this for my boys. That's right, Like you could just start to feel like the ikiness creeping.

I'm excited to see where it goes. You guys, I can't wait to see when Nanny Carey gets crazy. I can't wait to see what Daphne saw prepping for this in the next three episodes.

Well yeah, wait, so do Victoria and the Nanny ever cross paths?

No, And you know I knew, you know, Tory DeVito played my daughter and Beautiful People, and as serios we did probably I don't know, eight years earlier or six years earlier.

That's crazy.

Yeah, So we wanted to have scenes together, that's all. We would see each other, you know all We're like.

Yeah, but isn't that interesting that you guys had worked together before? So many people from our show have come in and out of jobs together. And then we left North Carolina and I started working in Chicago, and then Tory came to work with me and right, yeah, they were on these sister shows. Tory and I shared a whole universe there.

That's so wild.

Yeah, it is a small world, it really is.

It's so cool. We just keep finding each other.

All right.

This is from Kim.

She says, I was wondering if the location of the River Court had already had a basketball court or if production created the court.

Is it still there or when was it taken down? Oh, this is a.

I don't know. Actually, no, they built it.

We built it.

They had had lunch downtown. There's like a whole story about this. The producers had been on a scout and they had lunch downtown and they were like, what we want to do is be able to see this town. And so what we need is to find a basketball court over there. And they were doing a scout over there, They're like, we need to find a place here that can look back in that direction.

And then somebody had the bright idea like it's just asphalt, Like why aren't we just put it?

But the whole story goes that Martin Lawrence was shooting a movie in Wilmington and base camp was in that empty.

Is that where it was, yes, by.

The battleship, and Martin Lawrence on this big budget movie was like, I need a basketball court outside my trailer so I can lak out, and they pulled the basketball court for him.

Wait is that real?

I don't know if it's real or an urban legend, but until today, this moment is real. I have always thought we were playing basketball on a court that was poured for Martin Lawrence before we ever got there, and they were like, actually, there's there's this random assphalt like by the river there we need to used to be a movie base camp.

Doesn't any I know Martin Lawrence? Does anyone know anyone?

Because yeah, there's good enough.

Somebody knows the right answer to this, because I remember hearing stories about that Martin Lawrence movie because they had just they had wrapped not long before we started, and that was like a.

Big deal Black Night, Black Knight. Yeah, it was the medieval one. Yes. I want to be powerful enough just to be like, build me a basketball court, make me that.

To be like, you know what, we're working sixteen hours a day and I need to sweat, So me and the care we're going to play basketball at lunch for it's great.

Or a spa or make a spa.

I would like that.

Yeah, a spa trailer please.

Right, the girls have different ideas.

Yeah, it's been pulled up though, right. We had to pull it up after our show.

Yeah, they broke it up well.

Because the land was sold and so then it was dug up. And there was actually a big thing where you could contribute to like a Wilmington Public Parks project or something and buy a piece of the river court. And I did because I was like I want a piece of it, and I never got it. I got an email being like, we're so sorry. The site like got overloaded and many more pieces of this asphalt than were possible to have.

We're so and.

Hopefully you don't want, you know, to reneg your donation to the city. And I was like, whatever, you can keep my money, but I really wanted my piece of assphalt.

Give me my rock. Was it Sofia?

Was it like a form letter that went out to all them things like if they didn't know who they were talking to.

Yeah, it was just like an auto reply.

And I was like, oh, dear customer, yeah, exactly.

Like I don't I don't mean to ask for special treatment, but ca can.

I have I do have a personal attachment to a court, but I do believe aren't there condos there now?

No, they're trying to build there, and it's it's super problematic because there's indigenously that's there, and there is historically black owned lands that's there, and so development on that side of the river is super problematic. So I know that there's some advocacy groups that are trying to keep building from happening there. So if you're a one Tree Hill fan and you also want to get involved with some advocacy, look up those groups because I'm sure they would love your help in trying to preserve the space that was the River Court.

It is a special little chunkle property.

Give the land back to the people who are supposed to own it and let them decide.

No, oh, somebody else.

Just a little piece of app okay land I have no claim to.

That's hilarious.

I just wanted it was like a four x four little square. Yeah, I'm sad I didn't get one, but it's okay. I love the city of Wilmington anyway.

I got a piece of the Berlin Wall. You got your stands. Don't even know and literally I'm not joking.

I'm not saying that to Yeah.

I was nineteen eighty seven or eight or I think seven in November and we went there and we chipped the wall.

So just for those who don't, to the fan, two people your age know that there.

Was a wall. Oh my god, I remember that like it was yesterday. Yeah.

And the East and West Berlin were totally different.


I remember you telling me that story early into us, hanging out on set, and I was like, this is the coolest person I've ever met. And you talked to me about how is the holes were getting chipped. There was a soldier on the other side and he waved at you. Oh, and I don't remember if you told me that you realized he was a soldier because you saw his medals, or if he handed one to you.

So he had a pin right here. He was all in green khaki green, And did he give it to you? Yes? I know it. Yes, I can't believe this came up with us. That's so funny.

Oh my god, Daphnie, that affected me so much much.


Yeah, I said, so are you You're on East Berlin, he said, And I said so. But the wall is down. So do you need that pen? And he said no, and I said, can I have it? I still have it, soup and ear. Well, he just took it off and he went like this through the wall and see.

You'll unless you ask for what you want, yeah, you may never get it.

There's the lesson, ask for what you want.

Yeah, so this is why I'm pushing you to go get your piece of Ass's.

Fault, like, you better call up that city comptroller.

You guys, what's our honorable mention?


Yeah, Daphne, you stole the show. Obviously still the show. Those outfits, the.

Hair, those outfits in those one liners.

Oh do we even talk about there?


I have a silly fashion question.

By the way, I loved her hair like it was like helmet hair like soap.

Didn't move and I loved it.

You know, all of it was great, the outfits.

But that T shirt that Nathan was wearing, what's the backwards nineteen?

It said nineteen but it was reversed.

You guys didn't see this. You're so happy.

I clocked it too, And I was like they bought that at the mall, Like someone went to the mall and bought.

For sure the fans were gonna say.

Dust like a big band or something, so it was just hold maybe wow.

Okay, well, if you guys know out there, somebody tell.

Us nineteen It was backwards.

It was so weird it looked like the shirt was inside out. Yeah.

I don't care about Nathan's hot topic shirt. I care about Victoria's saint John Kashmir.

Hello you die.

This is the season of the women, and Victoria is leveling us all up.

Oh my god, major honorable mention.

All right, let's been a wheel, Daphne. We're doing most likely too.

So did you have superlatives at your school that had twelve kids in it?

And Vermont?

Did I like, most likely to succeed?

Yes, that's looking at all that. What did you win? Do you want me to brag?


Yes, okay, and yet cutest, most likely to most talented, most likely to I think mine was actually most likely to go to Broadway instead of Hollywood.

And there's time.

You have so much time.

I think you're going to win this one too. Somebody read it out.

Guys, our wheel landed on most likely to host SNL.

That's so, Daphne, Yeah, totally you daf.

Yeah, daph you would kill.

The Melrose Place skits, the Spaceball skits, like the list goes on. You'd have so many classic iconic films and TV shows to spoof.

Wait have you hosted?

I didn't from Melrose Heather did it, and Laura did it.

But I have to say I was pretty honored when they when I was portrayed on SNL as Joe in Melur's Place.

I forget who did it, but they were like all in black and just like just.

Laid that on and like.

Picked a bad boyfriend. I mean, because that's what my part really was. Basically, did SNL ever spoof One Tree Hill?

Yeah? They made fun of Chat a couple of times.

Okay, Yeah, so in real life, Daphne would host Saturday Night Live?

Who? Yes, Well, what character on the show is most.

Likely to host Saturday Night Live? Book Davis, She's the most famous?

Yeah, Brooke or Mouth, I mean Mouth if he becomes a bigger TV personality and like he's a sportscaster and then he's on the news and then I don't know.

Would Mouth have become the actual TAO.

Or Chris Keller could have hosted SNL. I feel like Chris Keller could have kept going the musical act that like wicks up and is like I'm out of here. Oh my god, what.

If because it would have been so humiliating for her. If we go with Hillary's idea and Brook hosts SL in the book Chris Keller.

Musical act, I'm in for that episode. I want to see it that.

We should have done that on the show.

Yeah, that would have been fun.

Like Victoria should have gotten Brooke on SNL. Chris Keller could have been booked and just opened the door to his dressing room and his elvis out going.

Well we oh it's so cringey, cringey but funny.

I love it. Oh, it's been so great having you, Daphne. Thank you for joining us for this afternoon.

You guys, this is so fun. Next episode you've already watched. Are we going to be happy next week? It's all good, it's all good.

Come on, you're either just take drink your white wine, spritzer, podcorn.

Don't take it so seriously. It's so much fun. Don't take it so seriously.

Yeah, it's fun to cringe too. You guys like the cringe every now and then, which is good. So there's some Yeah, good, especially with the nanny Carey Steph, Miss Haley.

Can't wait, I can't wait. I'm so excited. All right, what do we got next week?

All right, friends, next week we have season five, Episode five. I forgot to remember to forget you guys.

This has been great. Hey, thanks for listening.

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