This week, Chris and Karen invite comedian Joe Wengert to talk about defective bounce houses, sparkling water rankings and more!
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Are you leaving?
I you wanna way back home? Either way, we want to be there.
Doesn't matter how much baggage you claim and give us time and aid, termino and gage. We want to send you off in style.
We wanna welcome you back home.
Tell us all about it. We scared her? Was it fine? Mal porn? Do you need to ride? Do you need to ride? Do you need to ride?
Do you need to ride?
Do you need to ride? Do your need do you ride?
Ride with Karen and Chris? Welcome to Do you need a ride? This is Chris Fairbanks and this is Karen Coilgariff. We are leaving my house. That's right.
Change changing it up on this bright spring.
Beautiful, gorgeous day.
Just a wonderful day.
Pig. It's seventy five again everyone.
I mean the at least because I think when I looked early, well this was the valley though it was eighty three.
It's been in the eighties. I guess I missed my chance to go snowboarding.
Yeah, that's over. Wave, it's over. No, wait a second. On Thursday it goes down to like sixty one degrees.
Or that's great, yep, I still have my sweaters on a hangar.
Don't throw anything away yet.
No, No, every year I throw away all th sweaters and start over.
Don't do it.
This is the route I jog. When if I do jog up to and run right here, suddenly is a lesion park where you left your pumpkin.
I why is there funking right there?
Yeah, this is the route. Sometimes I'll jog with a gourd yep and once that hill's done, I can just I put down my extra vegetable weight. Yeah, and then I go up this hillside.
Here, come back, saute it on the right day.
I come back and yes, I make a soup. But this that green hill I love running up there and it looks like Ireland.
I indeed, I was going to tell you that I am so excited, but I know this is going to change because the weather. I got to go to my closet and take off my ug boots I've been wearing for four months, and then.
I was going to have an intervention.
I mean, it's pretty, but I literally out loud said we're back, baby, to my flip flops that I wear every other month of the year. I was so excited. I'm just like with the worst pedicure of all time. I'm still doing it because it's hot enough where you can't figure out how hot you're.
Going to be, right, Yeah, I got real close the other day. Not flip flops, but I almost got those like pink and blue Nike like running trail sandals. Okay, like the their comment if I show if I did buy them, I'm still looking at them. I go and look at them, and I haven't pulled the trigger. You know how you sometimes visit clothing, sure I know?
Or like is this me? Or am I being weird?
Yeah? Do they even like me?
Yeah? Are we feeling the same thing here?
But that I think will be my first open toad, so I'll have to prepare my toes aren't presentation ready yet, but I will get a pedicure.
Can I just ask real quick?
They're not that bad. If I showed you them, then you'd be like, oh, they're fine. Come on?
Are they flip flop shaped or are they like Teeva strappy?
Shit, they are Teeva strappy, but which I've been a They are Teva strappy and but you know what, what kind of a Teeva strappy guy? I've just been denying it. Yeah, and i've, i've I'm a sock person. As you know, my first words were, look, dad, no socks?
Is that true?
Yes? My parents thought I would never talk because I had convulsions as a baby, and they were like, well, I guess we have a special kid that won't be that emote his emotions with words. And then one day I saw a man wearing sandals and I said, look, dad, no socks. Wow says that was where my first words, and it was a whole sentence.
You were saving it all up.
I looked at comma, I paused, no socks. And comedy timing, Yes, yes, I was all about timing from the beginning, even even with my birth one am great timing. But I mean that is also you did a joke I did. I think that you did with a lot of stories. Though. I wonder if my dad's embellishing them to make them better stories, because I hear.
Them and he he does love you a lot, so he might be just like, this is how hilarious you were.
From day one?
Yeah, and really you just kind of made a sound.
Yeah sucks sacks. I just sit but yeah, I might go get those Nike running sandals. We'll see.
Yeah, let's let's see.
Let's see, but that's more of a river. I do like to have footwear that you can just jump in the water in, if that comes to.
Really important in La because so much full water, bodies of water surrounded by uh, cement embankments.
But the La River is an actual, naturally occurring river. They just somehow lifted up the water and laid a cement foundation put it back down.
Do you think that helicopters it is a man made river?
Actually, no, apparently the La River was here before us. Really, they just re routed it with cement. Okay, some people use sand bags, beavers chew on trees. La poor cement. I'd like to take away. Let's take it all.
Okay, okay, let's take it all up.
Let's no one cares, I mean truly. If anything, it just starts a fun conversation like, hey, I actually worked for the La Conservancy.
Where the fuck are you getting this? Or Chris is right, yes, he's actually quoting me directly.
It is the La River is a real river. Okay that I've looked up because it's hard to believe. But there are sections right along here where what is that the five where you can see there's like an island and you'll say a crane or something like by that that bridge with a giant white witch finger.
Right, they're working on all of that.
Yeah, oh are they?
Yeah, getting all the like kind of trying to make it a real river front. Yeah, but is real city.
That's where I did the tiny boat race about a year ago, where yeah, it was really it was really fun. I always forget Los Angeles has beautiful outdoors the uh spots spots, but you gotta go seek them out. I did.
Yeah, they're not coming to you.
No, that's the thing about the outdoors. You gotta go get it. T shirt idea. I get it. I went two days ago, drove all the way up the mountains of Malibu, you know that area between the one oh one and Malibu, Like there's all those it's quite a drive up the Windy Hill. But there's a fire station, the station Camp eight I think it's called, and these firemen all lived there like it's a barracks, and they were of course situated right in the middle. The entire camp was surrounded by singed trees like they were there in their cafeteria where I did stand up with Lachlan Patterson really. Yeah, it was so fun. It was middle of the day, in between shifts.
A noonar at a firehouse is many female comics dream come true.
It was they were Yeah, they were all sweet, very young firemen. I couldn't I'm they all looked like they were twenty. Yeah, and maybe it's like a training facility and that's why they were younger. But they were so nice and they were so excited to have something going on. Yeah, and it was it was really fun. They gave me a T shirt. But then afterwards, just driving down it was beautiful and then I started seeing what we're not allowed to see because the fireman, the guy the captain drove us like, gave us a little escort down on the Malibu side because it was quicker, and Lachlan had a massage to get to I did mention that many times on stage we have to go. Lachland has a massage. And it was just so crazy to actually see the fire damage, like that whole thing of like beautiful house untouched one melted steel. All you nine to eleven conspiracy theorists out there, fire does indeed melt steal, yeah, just like weird metal frameworks. And then house, and none of those cars have been moved. All the power lines along the pch that should be buried, and now's our chance to not put them on poles. They just put poles up again. And all the cars, Porschas exotic cars still sitting there. Yeah, and all these.
Because it's totally shut down, like they nobody can go there. I feel like that people even live there. It's all completely closed off down.
I felt like I shouldn't be here, And all the National Guard guys in giant assault vehicles were just like staring at me, like what are you doing here? And then I, you know, I could my winning. I wink and smile and then they smile.
Back and they go, sure, come on in, even though the people that live here can't be here. Yes, but what a smile.
There was no they let people leave though. They just thought, what that guy lives up here, he has an eight accord with dents.
And and then you're like, it's called generational wealth.
Yes, sorry, you don't know the Fairbanks name.
That's your problem.
Ever heard of Fairbanks? The Vice President to Roosevelt.
This the fucking town in Alaska.
Where I'm going when in April I'm doing shows in Alaska and they are booking it as he's a relative of the guy that named our city. Because it is true.
Is it?
Yeah, it's a theory. My grandma always told me that I was related to the vice president that named Fairbanks, Alaska. But she also said all Fairbanks are related through some questionable mayflower settling in I think Minnesota. So if there's a Fairbanks, chances are I am related to them. So but that I have not done any DNA work. I have not questioned my grandmother. She's no longer with us. It would require a shovel and lawbreaking. But yeah, I.
But yeah, I just thought you're gonna say psychic and you went with me even better choice in a tone of voices.
If someone's gonna make you do it the second you say a shovel.
Hey, I'd like to find out who my extended family is, but I need a shovel.
And uh yeah.
But I'm very excited to be in Alaska and that's cool.
Yeah you heard it here, Hey, Alaska, all of northern Canada.
It is northern uh, northern uh Alaska that I'm doing. But yeah, if you're in Canada, jump on.
A rubber trip, please that's all I'm saying.
I miss you. You can keep her catch up flavored chips at home, though, you know, and I make little slight jabs. You got it.
That's the kind of push pull of talking to your audience.
Yes, I exactly, I'm a real Don Records. Yeah, we both love your chocolate. But those catchup flavored potato chips. Goddamn it. I mean, why do I eat the whole bag? These are gross? Oh my god. And then it's empty.
Yeah, that's that's chips though, that's chips for you.
That's chips for you, folks.
Yeah, I have three or four ruffles and I'm like, that's too many, and that's too much sodium. And then the bag's empty. Yeah, it doesn't help.
No, know those things. It does not. It does not.
That's chips and how chips work.
I've been trying to I got los Apparently I need to eat less salt, uh huh, And so I got some low sodium salt. I've been watching I went, I've been to it. I went to IT class the other day and the guy who gave me dietary stuff to do. Also, it's just a full body workout with kettle bells and stuff. Okay, and he looks so much like oh the kid for that hosted extra that's from say by.
The bell Oho Mario lope Key.
And he actually has an accent. I'm not sure where he's from. He's got he speaks Spanish, and he looks so much like him that I know he's heard it his whole life. And so of course I'm not going to say, you know who you look like, but he is shaped the same, he's got the same face, just didn't have those dimples.
And then favorite part the last class I took with him, he was wearing an extra no T shirt.
Could Mario Lopo's be doing so badly that he needs to give individual workout tips?
It's good?
I mean, oh that was my chance. I have so many questions Mario quick Q. What was Screech really like? Did he ever try and stab you with a pen? I? Uh? I just like that. He obviously was conscious of it because he had a shirt that said extra extra extra. But yeah, it's so funny when people embrace who they look like and go so far as to have wardrobe to let people know, hey, I get it.
Yeah, why not? I mean, I'm sure he hears it all the time. Yeah, you can't get away from it.
And that's the kind of thing. You know who you look like. If it's someone that's universally good looking, it's safe to say it. Yeah, it's not like I'm saying, you know who you look like? You look like Wellem Dafoe. Your very expressive face.
You have an expressive, frightening yes face.
There was an interview where he said, I have a rubbery face I can make. I can look really scary if I want to, and I do it all the time. That's my little secret.
That's hilarious.
I also saw a thing where, you know, so there's always influencers on the street in like New York interviewing.
People have like, what's your best advice for a blah blah blah. Yeah, they fucking stopped Willem Defoe and he actually stopped and he was kind of like, I gotta go, but they were like, do you have any advice for a person who's blah blah blah? And then he goes, actually, no, there is no advice. Go through it, and he gave this lovely kind of.
It's so good.
But I mean also because at first you're like, oh, he's the celebrity. That's like, no, I'm not talking to you. But it wasn't that. It was like he's he have somewhere to be Hi. I didn't have a stop sign, right, No.
He was just being impatient.
Yeah, he's a roll through. I'm sure that's his Hollywood stop because he lives nearby.
Yeah, when you're in your own immediate neighborhood and someone affects your routine, yeah, it's irritating. Yeah, it will. H he did have a haircut like a well known hate mongero.
Yeah, he did look a lot like Steven Miller.
Right, I set him up, you knock him down?
Boom, Fuck you dude.
We have a guest. We're at their house, very excited.
Yes, this guy's great.
He's great. I'm gonna wait on the name until he's out on the streets, but i'll give you a hint. First name, Joe.
You know him from if you've ever gone to UCB and gone to the ASCAT improv show or the whatever the other ones are. Harald's right, there's one man named one.
There's Armando, there's iLiads, all of it. The short form, there's long form. But I think our guest today was one of the.
There's only the occupation of nurse only.
Yes, there's a geographical location of Playboy mansion only. There's a lot of short form.
Long forms.
And he was a teacher, I believe at the UCB. He's grown a beard. He's just locking up shop and walking this way.
Get ready, get ready, we're about to podcast.
What if I just drove away? As he walks up, that's him.
I haven't seen him in a long time. He looks like the same person. You know today's guest from cruise ships, clubs and colleges across the country. Oh it is It is a weird handle. Uh yeah, it's like you just it's hard.
Context clears you got it.
My wife has an ionic fine. Oh yeah, come up. The inside handle just pops out immediately.
Hello, you're hearing this shoving voice of today's guest, Joe Winger.
Everyway right, Joe, Joe, I'm getting rid of this car, So just don't just reserve your judges.
No, I'm not, of course.
I got her a sticker for the back that says I bought it before we knew he was crazy, but someone stole it. In a defiant political defiance.
I put it across the the band. I wasn't it was nighttime when I put it on because I was so excited to have it, and then put it across what was essentially the bottom of the trunk, so I was like, there it is, and then realize that when you open the trunk, it just split the whole.
Thing and happened.
Yeah, that seem always got to watch your seems. Joe, How are you?
What's going on?
I'm good? How are you? Guys? We're great, I have I'm coming here with tasks. If you want me to tell you the task now, so that we're doing it, let's do it the right way. I've already failed. I think you should go up this next street to the right. Yeah, go through the lights here and then make your immediate right okay, and we'll drive along with hill.
Are we doing something in your ally? Get the garbage?
This is a car wash that's still under construction, so I can get away with a lot of stuff in.
This app.
That looks cool.
I it's it used to be a really nice, like classic, old looking car wash, and then they tore it down and I was like, oh, I wonder what's going to be in there, and now it's just another car wash, except it's new and it looks like.
Shit, Yeah, there's weird uh arching poles. I haven't seen new car wash technology, but that that was it.
This is my neighbor Paul. Watch out because he has had an accident on this bike.
Okay, yeah, I give Paul a nice birth.
He's very old and he should not be riding the bike. I don't think. I just realized your window with them can't hear me?
Now? We could yell it right at him. That's a that's one of those electronic assists bikes. That thing goes. Probably should I just keep driving, driving straight?
Yeah, I'm just gonna drive release Oh whoa, Oh sorry that's too slow.
You can Oh my god. This episode is just going to be directions.
What secret could I yell at him here that he'd be like? How did he know that? Should I just scream as a dress at him?
You could say Jack didn't want to do the renovation on your house because you were giving too many notes. Okay, that's perfect.
We got this guy Jack, who day is really good at eighty US and stuff, and then this man and his wife wanted to get stuff done, and then they were given too many notes and he told them no. But then he was just at my house for every day for a year.
Oh that's great.
Yeah, you can make a left here.
Actually, are you in any relation to the uh Wayne Guard Cooling and Hating.
Yeah, they're very popular units, and you were talking about home renovation. I thought maybe your family are they?
Is that a nationwide company?
I yeah, I just remember that being on a unit at a rental.
That's your safety net, would you if you ever want to leave Los Angeles?
I know that there's a Winger Dairy Farms in central Pennsylvania, which I've been told I'm not related to, but I feel like I gotta be. Probably.
Yeah, we we were just talking about this. Apparently I'm related to all fairbanks that exist. That's according to my grandma. As far as there was just a guy that landed here and had a lot of sex, I think, no brag, no brag. I'm not saying I had a lot of it. I'm just you know, derivative of it.
So I thought I would use the podcast today to return Well, well, we had a birthday party for my daughter this Sunday. Hello, and she turned six, so it was a bunch of six and around six year old kids. So there were multiple water bottles left behind. So we're going to drive around and return the water bottle, okay, And I've given the parents a heads up and they're okay with this, and I'll say the full address and the names of each kid and I won't.
Do that and then uh government names please of children.
Now, I've listened to a few episodes of the show. I love it it. Do people ever just get out and and and run up a driveway? Is that okay? You want me to just sort of chuck these online? No, we did.
You totally can and w cut unless something crazy happens, then we'll all run out there like a reporter.
So make a right here. I'm sorry, Karen, absolutely no notice, so paranoid, like, well, I better not say the name of the street because some weird person is going to go. I want to figure out where Joe's daughter's friends parents live.
They're just like, I need a new water bottle.
Now, these folks also have a tesla and they're having the same issue that you're going through. And we went away with them for Presidents a weekend, so that can be the thing we look for. It's like, to the right here one of these houses. When we were driving up into the there's one. This is it? This is right here? Now? Which one is Julian's water pop? That's the real question.
I love that. Do they have little names on them?
Well, one of them doesn't. And that's the most irresponsible kid we're dealing with today, Lloyd.
But of course it's Lloyd. Lloyd.
I'm blaming the kid here because I've met the parents and they seem great. Now, you you got to unmike me. Okay, this is my one and only time on the show. That's all right.
I love I love it.
I have stuff. I have drinks in here for you too, juice box, it's left.
Over apple juice. Oh, there's a button on the handle that if you.
Press it will open, like, yeah, it's up where you're index finger with me.
I feel like I am pressing it.
I think it's Oh it's different than I Just grab your leg, push.
Your thumb down, and push out at the same time.
Oh no, it's not working.
Okay, sorry, it's locked.
That's very funny.
Trying to make me look like a sorry works every time.
Just because I drive a nineteen eighty seven Plymouth Reliance. I haven't been in that car for a reason than that. Okay, so I'm gonna press it, and this.
Time it will totally hurt. Yeah, I'm so sorry.
It's not work. You got him again.
It's unlucky.
This is something we do on the show. Huh, why don't you get out and try it? Yes?
Oh my god.
And then we're gonna do this at every house.
I feel like I'm gonna learn it, I think, so, oh, there we go.
Okay, I did it and I didn't yank.
But you have to get back in on your own.
We'll never see him again.
This is the funniest far end of all time.
Yeah, it's so second only to Matt Walsh going to lens crafters on the show.
Oh yeah, that was a good one.
That was a great one.
And didn't he try and get some horse feed or something?
Yeah? Was I think chicken feed or right goat feed backyard animal feed?
What I might do.
While he's in there, I might switch spots with him since I'm not getting out. It really is. But yeah, the button's really not working. It's only working from the outside. Wait a second, I wonder if I have some sort of child safety thing. Yes, did that drop off? Gojo?
He's in there. Julian is in there, and I did hear me out? Mom, Joe is here with my water bottle. And then I yelled I'm doing a podcast, which I have to imagine he doesn't understand.
Yeah, yeah, kids don't there six year olds.
Look, I have the child safety locks on. That's all on me, and I swear to god I've never had that on before.
Apologies, No, I'm sorry.
I'm relieved.
This is a weird way of finding out. But you're the first adult guest we've ever had.
We just realized this is a grammar school podcast.
Well, I don't know if you guys are in Eagle Rock a lot. This is gonna be an annoying left urn, but we want to.
Go left, okay.
I also don't want to make any judgments on you. As a drive, my ability.
Is to get across the stell lanes of traffic.
I'll do whatever I can do to get to a light. But I would never I've lived here for eight years. I've never made this.
I mean, let's see what we can do.
Yeah, Karen has a she's she's calm and careful, but she gets it done and she knows how to drive and talk at the same time. Well, I'm on your side, but you've had that was pretty easy. There wasn't a lot of traffic.
Wasn't bad at all.
I'm sorry that seemed like an attack.
I get in the right lane up here when you can. This is gonna be quick, and then I only have eleven other chores after we do this, and then we have a normal conference.
Then we can talk once we get it done.
Joe, when did you I'm mixed right after this, when did you record a Comedy Central half hour? I feel like I was there.
I want to say it was twenty thirteen. Okay, I was twenty fourteen.
I was not there. I just remember your cat report card joke.
Oh yes, I really loved that place. They were great.
What what was it?
It was like a it was a cat like a boarding place in Pasadena called the Best Little Cat House in Pasadena, and they would give you a report card about like what your cat got into and what they didn't get into, the which, of course, like he wasn't getting into anything, like he was just like having stressed diarrhea, that he's in a weird place.
Yeah, he thought he'd been given away, did they? That's oh fucking terrible parkhole.
Yeah, you can pull over here.
That was actually eerie, like when you just see a balloon dangling. Something bad happened.
I do you think we should loop around now? Okay, and then that'll be the least.
Time of me, like turn it around or you know what.
Yeah, turn it around, turn the car, Turn this goddamn car around. Yeah.
There was a place in my hometown in Montana called Cats on Broadway and it had like film reels and a cat with a top hat on a sign with a cane like a performance but it was a vet.
That's so good.
But I think that they liked showbiz there.
Oh yeah, doesn't you just want to make yourself stand out. I mean, I'm sure they're going to get some clients just out of curiosity. It's right here, would be great.
Yeah, your cat has a bladder affection. But good news, here's this new headshots.
I'm gonna pull over here just so I can get out of this the way of this car.
This is a very tight streak that we're on right now. Apologize just.
Well it's not told.
Okaya, Look at this house, a nice retaining wall and beautiful foliage.
This is a gorgeous home.
Tell them I like the home.
I just want everybody to know that I did it on the first try. That time, I didn't fully take my seat belt.
Because you're so excited to open that door.
I like, didn't take it off at all.
I think it's amazing that all of its kids little friends live in the area.
I know, like, isn't that a part of having kids?
As you're not you're definitely dissuading your child from liking somebody in Alhambra.
I think it was for riding a bike across town reasons, but my parents like, maybe keep it in the neighborhood.
Yeah, it just the lessons your chance of getting killed on them.
Yeah yeah, because back then there was nothing they could do. Just someone will come and snatch up. I remember my mom saying, any van a verd eye contact.
Stay away from vans.
Here's your first I should give me my first pepper spray at a very young age. I was ready. He's back.
Uh did you get into a fight.
No? I got nothing that time.
And they're in there too, really because I texted them, really, and these kids like me. So I don't understand what.
Seems like something happened at the party.
Everybody rand I.
Saw them this morning at Joe at a school drop off. They did see me. They created a nickname for me. They were also on this holiday last week and they started calling me joke ding and they were happy to chant Joe dinka at me. Make a right. Here are the children?
The children, Okay, what's the origin of dinka?
I don't I don't know. I think they think it's a word for poop, but it's not, and I don't want to correct them.
Right wow, well, I mean, let them have their fun?
What children these days?
What did you do at the party?
Was the we did three things, which is which is too many?
And it we had a live rabbits, which I think live rabbits that's enough. We didn't need to have anything else after that. But we had six live rabbits and we had a rabbit lady set up a pen.
I love that.
It was cute. The kids really liked it. I didn't really deal with the rabbits at all because we had the we had a bracelet station. I should have led with that. That's the most boring one.
Oh, beads, put your name on a bracelet.
You make, you make your own bracelets.
Great, and the kids weren't excited about that.
The kids were excited. Oh okay again would have been enough. Oh I see. And then we had these live rabbits. But then we also got a bounce house. And every one of these things has to have a bounce house. Yeah, but this was this had a new just keep going straight, this hasn't was a new like innovative bounce house that I haven't seen before, where it was like a snow globe and there were balloons inside of it and there was air that was making the balloons sort of bounce around in all different directions.
I would have fun in that today.
That sounds incredible.
It looks incredible, which why when we saw it on the website, we rented it without reading any reviews. And they came up with this idea. But they have not figured out the technology yet for them.
So the way it worked was there were two chambers to the bounce house. There was the initial chamber that and it was all you have to unzip and then get in the chamber. And then that had a separate sealed door that you had to unzip to get into the main balloon chain.
Really, so there's like a muck room.
There was into that.
There was a muckroom leading into the main thing.
Okay, take off your shoes, because they do have to take off their shoes. Is that where the kids left their shoes.
The shoes were being left outside the initial chamber. To understand the point of the first chamber, except I think they thought we got to figure out a way to keep the balloons in the main thing.
Okay, yeah, the whole thing is hooked.
Up to a generator, and in order to keep it both inflated and to keep the balloons moving in snow globe motion, you have to keep both doors sealed at all times. Now, the problem with this is no oxygen. No, there's plenty of oxygens. There's too much oxygen. The problem is you've got over We also, we're insane. We should have invited at this point, now she's six, you should invite like twelve kids to the birthday party. We had forty.
Kids, no kidding, forty six year old.
Forty six year olds, all of their siblings, all of their parents.
Are the rabbits still alive. Kids love the heavily pet.
These rabbits will never be the same, I think, and I say I think because I wasn't over there with the rabbits. I was with this snow globe. Because the forty kids are not all going, let's all in a uniform and calm manner get into the snow globe at the same time, and then remain in there until we've all agreed to get out, which is constant. I'm going in, I'm going out. I don't like this, he bit me. I brought a food in I wasn't supposed to. It was just NonStop, and five minutes before the party started, my daughter Sally was like, can I go in there? And she went in there, and then my wife Holly went to get her out. And the second you unzip this thing, the entire thing deflates. After all the balloons shoot out all over. No, it's just very very poorly designed.
What if there's still kids in there?
It sort of collapses And the first couple of times they all yelled, but then that started to be fun for them because the more chaos that is happening with the bounce house, the kids like that. The parents don't like that.
No, No, well, because there's a deposit and everything, what if it's leaking's.
And it's also like a one big giant plastic bag that they're playing right.
Yeah. It was also like today it was unseasonably warm for February, so it was eighty five degrees. So these trades were just getting cooked in there. And right before they all showed up, I had the realization of like, oh, I'm going to have to just stand here for three hours and zip and unzip this thing for three hours. I've got callous on my finger out and these kids would have come out and they would go, it's too windy and it's too hot in there, and it was like, well, you know what, go home. Noah, I don't want to be doing this anymore.
I'm an usher right now wearing a red vest, seating children and a giant globe that's insane.
No, you can't handle the inflated snow globes and get out.
I still haven't done it, but I'm going to write them the nastiest review that I've ever written anything, because I feel like it is my responsibility to now let other parents know to never rent this thing. Yeah, and the guy came and he threw it up and he put instructions on it, and there were eight steps to the instructions and I was like, that seems like too many, and so I waited for him to come at the end of the night. Also, kids were like popping balloons, and I was like, stop popping the balloons, guys. When this man showed up at the end of the night, he took out a big needle and he popped every.
Single Oh did the kids see that? And then look at you?
Uh no, because he was three hours late for coming to put the thing down. Also, another thing I got a problem with here get that in there. So I, in a non confrontational way, which is my nature, I was like, hey, can you explain to me how this thing was supposed to work because I don't think I was doing it right. And he started to explain it to me and he was like, you have to keep each zipper open twelve inches and I was like, okay, so I guess there's a constant airflow. But I was like, but then how do you get the kid in there? Make a left here? No, I'm sorry, don't make a left here. At the next time, you can make.
A left Okay.
I was like, how do I get a kid in there? I can't, Like, they're all bigger than twelve inches. And then he was like, yeah, this thing is crazy. Was his only.
That this thing is crazy?
Wow, that's no, that is it's like this thing shouldn't have been approved by the government.
So you you would recommend just your standard green castle shaped bounce house.
Right here is good. I mean I would recommend trying to like just convince your kid that maybe they just want to go to the movies with one other kid is the main thing.
The forty kids like, I'm sane.
Well, and that was all on us, and that's because of some void or something that my wife and I are trying to fill. I think it's because we've been doing this renovation for a long time and we've been excited for people to be at our house. The house so oh thank you.
Yeah, that very very it's very clean and beautiful.
But we meant it to be. We just let it become our thing and not her thing, and so we do. We have a very like severe. Our former nanny was there and she's very no nonsense. She's from Eritrea or Eritrea. I always I am afraid. I'm saying it wrong and she was just like, Joe, this is too many people. Right. I was like, this is a wedding and I was like I here, right, Zodi.
But don't you think your daughter you said your daughter's name is Sally. Yes, that's such a good name. Don't you think she will always That'll be like a real peak moment because there was nothing not to do, like it was just go, go go.
Yeah, you'd think that it'll be, like I promised, lifelong memory because I remember my lame party is where it's just some candy not in a pinata because they didn't know you had to do that part. Yeah, and it was one of my favorite memories.
Well, when I was there zipping and unzipping this thing time, that's what I told myself was going to happen.
But then another aspect of the party was it was it was my melody thing. My melody is a character in the Hello Kitty universe.
We got her a bunch of these milar balloons, like fifty dollars stupid, yeah they were, and we had him tied to the gate and then at the end of the party, I untied them to the gate and instead of bringing them in the house because I'm an adult. I handed them to a six year old and she immediately left it and I snapped into it. I was like, it's that's it, they're gone, Say goodbye, they're gone, because they like that raising into the sky.
Well that was a balloon, probably it was one.
It was. It was upsetting on every single level the thing, and she just was immediately started bawling and she just kept looking up at the sky, going they're so far.
Away, yeah, yeah, going.
I can't even see that. And she just cried for the rest of the night.
Oh. I think that's a good ending though, because then she gets it all out of her system. She's work, cannot sugar out, working out all the I like this, right, She's kind of like, get the emotions out, get the cord is all out, just.
Get the full reset right there. That's the new tradition. We're gonna release the balloon.
The stones, but each year they get more beautiful.
That was a heartbreaking, a perfect moment to tell that little girl, you know, one day we all.
Die, well, and it's going to be your fault because you let go of the handle of something and then you kill us all.
Something like that.
Yeah, that's a good lesson. It's a good thing to know now.
Foundation delay.
It was very cute. It was cute because there was a moment where she looked at me like, you'll be able to do something for this, and it's like, nope. I know you think I'm tall, but I'm not even average height and these things are now five hundred feet in the air.
You should have just put your hands up and been like not me and just walk into the house. Leave her alone with it.
I'm going to return the final water bottle.
What is there a name on it? Yes, this is Jony's Okay, good, the best one. That's so fun.
I kind of feel like Joe Winger might be the most naturally funny person I've ever been around. Oh yeah, that in the way that it's like the pacing of his voice, it's like the way he speaks.
Yes, there he started telling that story, And for a moment I'm like, does he have a band's house bit that he does right, because uh yeah, that kind of timing training early UCB. He does stand up, he does, he did it all and it's filtered into his normal speaking.
But also he's clearly from like the Midwest, or something.
I love these houses.
Yes, yeah, it's such a nice neighborhood. All everything over here I.
Really like because they're all look at the little cottagy.
I know, they're just like it's like people taking care of their little house.
Yeah, these are the kind of house. That's the kind of house I always expected to live in. Well, work on it too, I made. I'm trying.
I'm doing.
Okay, Well, come on, I should be a homeowner by now.
Well no, not in this not the way that, not this trajectory.
No, not in this city at least, But I could own that house anywhere else in the country for real. Yeah, it's I just like it did that kid know what a podcast was?
Nobody was home there, but I forgot my other friend, Eliza's living in their back house. Oh, so I did see her and then I explained to her what I was doing. Great story, right, Okay, Now do you guys want to drink? I did bring.
Juice, juice juice.
Oh. I should have brought juice boxes. We do have plenty of those. I only this is another indicative of how too much we did too much with this party. I have like every type of bubbly water that Oh you've ever imagined. I've got raspberry nectarine Waterloo. I've got BlackBerry lemon Waterloo. I have a couple of different spin drifts.
I want a spin drift. Do you have the grapefruit?
I do have the grape Oh yes, Now are you sure? Because there are other often you can have six drinks? What am I saying? I'm trying to get rid of this.
I jumped the gun.
Why would I limit you to the one? You can have this whole bag.
I like, there's a small percentage of juice in the spin drift, and it's real juice.
It is such a treat, especially if you've been depriving yourself and you only have been doing just you know, like a Lacroix all day. Now, a little bit of juice. It's just enough juice juice you're living. Yeah, you're living with that.
You're borderline frustrated that it's not fifteen percent.
I let it sit out for hours. I try to drink just the water off the top, so then at the end I got straight juice.
I love you fruit in the bottom water.
I hate to argue you boys, but I don't like spin drift, and I think it's because the first one I ever had was a lemon flavor, and I thought I was having like a lemonade drink, and so when it actually hit my mouth, it was like I was being pranked.
We all remember the disappointment of our first spin drift, but after having Lacroix, yeah, all of mine. Now I'm very thirsty and very excited. I'm sorry I'm demanding that.
No, no, I'm it's great, and I'll make sure to not offer Karen the lemon spin drift that I have here.
Absolutely right? Or should I have it again and reassess?
No, so cold.
I did too much ice in the cooler, I think days ago.
Now this is just enough fun.
So these were solid blocks of spin drift ice until very recently.
I keep doing this thing because I'm worried that it's not going to be cold enough. So I put some drinks in, and then I put a layer of ice, and then I put more drinks, and then I put ice on top of that, and some of them end up just like encased in a tomb of ice. Yeah, and that that's not what anybody wants.
There's a disturbance here, some cop cars, some neighbors are out Karen and I have a habit of We just asked what's going on and if we can help.
Yeah, okay, great, I know CPR.
Yeah, I've got narkan.
And let me pull out a torso and she just shows them she does CPR.
There is there does seem to be another neighbor who has a tire that he's bringing out, which is weird.
Yeah, we noticed that the if LAPD is there, that means someone got hurt, because that's the only yeah member, they don't They won't do anything unless someone got hurt and they have to call it.
Oh right, yes, otherwise that's all they'd be doing is going constantly.
They when I got a terrible wreck where I was trapped in the car, I couldn't open the doors. They just said, is your leg or arm broken? And I said no, I don't think so. They're like, good luck.
They hung see you on the flip side.
Of the flip side, Jack, That's what they said.
I was like, that's too jive, Joe. Will you pick the beverage for me?
Yes, we also have San Pellegrino's. We've got tangerine and wild strawberry, dark Morello cherry and pomegranate. These flavors are getting too weird. Blood orange and black raspberry.
I love blood, I love raspberries.
And then I've also got Ramune. If you want Une is a Japanese soda, you probably don't want this. You're driving the car. There's a little marble in the top, and you have to push the marble in to then drink the soda. We never had got one of these at h Mart or something.
Were you trying to impress the six year olds with that?
Yeah? But this was another thing I didn't sign off and this. My wife did this and she got it. They had these at Costco too, and you can get a twelve pack of them, Melon, strawberry, lighty or original flavor. We only had a twelve As I've already mentioned, we had forty kids at this thing, so one of them discovered it and then they all I don't even know how these ones are left, because I did. They were like they were starting to battle each other for these. Do you want to drink too? You sure is?
When you say marble, is it like a bobo ball or something?
I'm gonna I'm gonna have one of these.
Yeah, it sounds like a choking hazard.
You push down the marble and stays in there.
The marble stays in there. I'm gonna try Alan because it sounds seems the grossest.
I'll try one of those too, unless would.
You like original strawberry? Or am I saying light?
Light? Is that how you pronounce it?
I think so.
I think that sounds right to me. It's certainly how it's spelled.
Chris. I'm going to pass you the original, and I think that's where you should start. And then I feel like you can help Karen open it because I think.
It is and there are instructions. What is this about? Bunce house eight steps?
Zip me into that drink?
Plase I When I lived in Venice, Zach Galafanakas lived near us. This was a long time ago. He was just a comic and not famous, and he had a bounce house at a party just as a joke, like, oh there is a pubble there. I don't know what it like?
Keeps it from all coming out at one time?
Oh wow? Is that it looks like a band? Roll on though?
So that the cap you have to take this little plunger off the cap and then here I'll let you use my plunger. You use this to push in the so funny.
Do you have to buy that separately?
It's well. One of the kids lost one, and I was like, now this is done.
Oh that was real hard.
I'm not exactly where I'm saying. This is not a driving around. Why would bring them?
I thought, you just cracked this bottle.
There's no child that has the arm strength.
Look at that though, That's cool, That is cool.
Yeah, then the marble kind of rolls around in the top and it serves no other function, and that that's fun.
Where I would I would worry. I would worry some kid to try and swallow the marble, open it up and can't come out.
But look look at the little pinch holder. That's great classy.
I went into this bounce house at this party, though, and I wanted to show people I can do a backflip, and I my foot ripped in the seam. I ripped a hole in this thing and it started to deflate, and I'm like, okay, I gotta tell somebody that's happened. And right then, uh, some comics started shooting fireworks and hit the bounce house with a bottle rocket and then it starts, and they to this day took the blame. I didn't say anything. I know that I ripped the bounce house. I'm the reason it deflated and it did to play it on people. It went down fast and uh and still to this day, I gotta tell him the one I'm the one that sunk the bounce house.
It's so funny.
I forgot about that.
That that was.
Uh yeah, I keep little secrets about my crimes.
This strength tastes a little bit like bubble gum, which is not unpleasant.
Yes, it's it's it truly is. It's like own flavor that I can't quite place.
Mm hmm. It's the original you say.
That's yeah, that that is. That is very popular, I guess in Japan, and like then, there's also candies I love that are supposed to be that flavor. Like you can get a high chew sort of thing that's oh yeah, un a flavor, but it doesn't taste anything like.
It's very bubblegummy.
Mm hmmm. I like it.
Yeah, but I thought you said it was strawberry or maybe that was like your guests or whatever. So I'm like I was getting ready for that kind of fruit flavor, but then it's like it's a little faker of a flavor and I enjoy it.
Yeah, we've also got a strawberry one in here. Oh, I don't know if it means it's just strawberry or it's strawberry remune with the like, oh strawberry.
This is gonna be one of those episodes where I have to pull over her in the bathroom again. Yeah.
Sorry, Absolutely, we're gonna get it all done on this episode.
What else is going on? Yeah? In your world?
Work otherwise travel.
I just went to Sequoia National Park.
Big trees, big.
Trees, as big as you can imagine. I've been there before, so it was, you know, I was like, I've kind of seen the trees.
Is there a tree there you can drive through?
There is? We didn't make it up to the barry, and it snowed right before we went, So the first day that we were there, we stayed in Three Rivers, which is right outside the park, and the first day we drove into the park, there was like a really long line to get in. So we were like, oh, yeah, this is the hot ticket. Everybody's doing this today. We discovered when we got up to the gate from a ranger that because of the snow, you could not get up to the trees, so we could only go as far as to the features which are right before the trees, which are rock features, which is a big step down.
That's all about the trees. No one goes to Sequoia Park for the rocks.
We went and spent our day at Tunnel Rock, which is kind of a rock that you can walk through, and then the second one was called Hospital Rock, and I still don't know why it's called that.
That's a rock with doctors in it.
There was like like a red coloring on one side of it, and I was like, maybe a lot of people like fall and bleed on this rock.
There are a lot of injuries in this rock. It's very unsteady ground. The lawsuits.
The second day you could get up to the trees and then driving past those features like nobody was there. But the first day we went, I mean Hospital Rock was hop It hasn't seen that much action in a long time because.
Usually the trees are taking everyone.
It's trees and if you go up that far then you're starting to have snow and stuff too, which which is why we went because it was like a bunch of la kids that had not really seen snow before.
And how long is that drive to Secoia.
It's like three and a half four hours.
Oh wow.
We made it extra scary for us because we took an electric car and we thought we timed out the mileage right, and it was a little bit tighter than we thought it was. And then we were kind of like in the middle of nowhere, and when we got there, they had the wrong charger for the Hyundai Ironic, so then we plugged it into the house and it just I was like, I hope that over three days we get enough charge to get home. Yeah, that's mine to make it to like Baker's fee.
I really want one, and I like those ionics, but I'm apprehensive. It's so scary to me that you have to map out is that just when you go somewhere, you have to check every three hundred miles if there is.
A You're getting constant updates on the screen. But I'm always afraid of like, like what if I make a wrong turn? Like we were, like we left after school, so it was kind of late and it was dark and we were in the mountains.
Right, and what if some other warring government that shuts down all of our communication.
That's another thing. But I feel like I'll have a bigger fish to fry, That's right, right, a lot of things. I'm gonna be glad. I got all these juice boxes.
You're not You're not gonna be sad. You can't do a vacation.
Like all these people out there with no bracelets. But here I am like a king. Did you make yourself any bracelets or other people?
No? It was so I mean, I go, my kid is sick. So I now know I'm not naive to think I'm going to have any fun at the party. But this was like a new level of it because I felt this responsibility to be the bounce house attendant the entire yea oh yeah. So I didn't talk to many, and then I tried to, like I didn't do any other activities, but I tried to, like in order to talk to people, be like, hey, can you tell everybody that I'm not being rude? I just can't talk to them because they come stand right here by the bounce house. And so then eventually I had like a little like people would come over and check in on me and and take don't give me a little break.
I do that at parties where I'm like, this is my station. I'm going to be dealing with me music. I did that on my birthday. But then eventually I loosen up and okay, let's follow them. What's going on?
Yeah, sure, you don't need help.
I can run up several stories with a hoes.
I live in a corner of Eagle Rock that's like kind of right in between La and Glendale, So when we do get a brush fire there, they both show up sometimes, and I have a false sense of security that I'm in like the safest pot spot that I could possibly Yeah, because there's like double fire trucks every time something.
Did you have to leave your house during them fires?
I didn't have to. My in laws live in Pasadena, so they and and they're old, so it felt like we should get them and the kid away. So we went to We didn't go to Palm Springs, went to Cathedral City, which.
Is sure oh close to how is it comparatively not good?
Yea, the Cathedrals, I don't really know. I was like, I don't think so, I was just like so focused on trying to I only had one shirt. You know what I mean. We had two dogs with us in a hotel room, so I didn't really get to like see the sites. The whole time, I was like, how am I going to make sure that these dogs are now going to get along and all that sort of stuff. But it was a nice resort that we said they were live ducks on the grounds.
I mean, that's a free party for kids.
My daughter had a great time. Her friend Julian, who's was we mentioned earlier, because he left his water bottled at my house, also in Palm Springs, so they came over to play one day and they were like chasing ducks around on this golf course and they were swimming in the pool and at one point they like, un ironically, Julian said, this is so fun. I hope the fires never go. You don't understand the magnitude of what's appen.
I don't know.
Yeah, all fires mean is ducks and like kind of like canceling plans it like I bet you Julian's like me, where it's like, we love a nice canceled plan.
We love it when things go a little awry.
Man. It was early dismissal. Everybody came home from school yeah, you're not, you know, no homework, Like, yes, you can have chips for dinner again. Everything was all topsy turvy in a fun way for Yeah.
Yeah, when I was a kid, I remember it being so fun when Mount Saint Helen's blew.
Because it was.
Four inches of ash. I'm like, it's snowing.
No school, Yeah, chaos is possible, that's great.
I'm actually those I'm familiar with ducks on golf courses and they can be aggressive, they will chase you.
Yeah, these guys were very mellow in a way where I was like, they must be dealing with this all the time between the golfers and the hotel.
Yeah. Gas, Yeah, the young ducks that get mad. The old ones are like people. They're actually really comfortable, Like.
Do you have bread? That's pretty much what I'm here for.
They definitely have had some water features closer to the golf part of the hotel that were meant for the ducks, and then there's a pool for the paying humans, and they kept coming over into the pool every day and I was like that I'm kind of on the duck side here of like, you're not going to tell me which body of water I'm allowed to use here.
I love chlorine.
I like it lounge.
They were very emboldened, and I saw one go up to the bar and order some calamari, and so I think they must have a deal where they're just like allowed to do.
He's snapping his feathers.
Put it on my tab, please.
The d tab is five million dollars.
When he handed over the money for a second, his feathers turned to fingers. That's I always like that in a cartoon. Yeah, have you been doing stand up? I know that's one of the things.
You know. I pretty much like stopped because of life and because of like with I'm usually like writing on a show. I feel like so exhausted by the end of the day from that, I don't feel that desire to do it. But I during the strike, I was contacted by I have a friend who like does an improv show that he tours with, and it's always a different group of people in him friend, no different friend. I am proud of Ben Schwartz. Good guess though, man, I wish I was doing Ben Schwartz's improvuct. This guy's names Casey Fay, and he was doing the Omaha Comedy Festival and He basically was like they were like, do you know anybody who also does stand up who would be able to do a stand up set? And they gave him my name and then they were like, great, you're gonna do an hour of stand up?
Oh wow.
And I had not done stand up at this point in fifty seven years, so I was like, oh no. But it was during the writers strike where I was had all this downtime suddenly, so I was like, fuck it, I'm gonna do it. I think someone involved in the comedy festival came to their senses and they were like, we're actually not gonna have you do an hour of stand up, and I was like co headlining one night where I had to do a thirty minute set, which is still quite a bit. Yeah yeah, but I really got into like I was like doing open mics again. Yeah, that's great, trying to generate material, and I really had fun doing it. And then immediately once I once work came back, I stopped doing right.
Yeah, it's easy to I just make myself do it because it's kind of my livelihood. But I totally understand not doing it, and I think about making that decision all the time, and something like a writing job would do it, but you are good at at it, and so I assume you enjoy it.
I really love it when I do get to do it, and it is it's I'm always so amazed by. I feel like I can go away from improv and come back to improv and it's kind of like maybe you're a little rusty, but you can still do it. And it's like you just can't do that with stand up at all. Like the first couple of times I tried to do it again, I was like, I don't I'm not even sure I know how to talk anymore. Like this is absolutely the hardest thing that I've ever done, and I feel like I'm immediately back to zero, and.
There's nothing worse than sorry, but there's nothing worse than.
That that feeling of this is the thing I've done for whatever ten fifteen plus years, and suddenly I'm either not like I always defined it as I'm not good at this anymore, as opposed to just I'm out of practice and a little I'm resisting. How this actually works is I have to eat shit eight times and then I'll be okay. But instead I was like I got up to the fifth time, and I was like, maybe this isn't Maybe I just can't do it anymore because it's so painful when you don't do well.
Really, it's really hard if you've ever done well at all. It's like it didn't feel as hard when I was starting, and I was as bad, if not worse, but I didn't know what it felt like to do good yet, right. And I remember like talking to a friend as I was like ramping up to do this, and he was like, well, why don't you ask like Nick if you can get on his show or whatever, like other friends of ours who have like stand up shows. And I was like, A, I don't want to do that to those audiences. But me, that's like the scariest thing I've could. Like It's one thing to like go to an open mic in each shit again, but I'm like, I don't want to go to like Largo and be like I don't know or what I'm saying.
I feel that way a Largo and I do stand up all the time. It's not that it's a difficult crowd or it just seems like the stakes are higher. I want to do well, mainly because they pay decent money to see those shows.
Yeah, but I always want to.
Do well because the other people on the show, you're just like, you know, want to hold your own and or it just feels like that's that's how I got taught.
Is like the stand up chip of popularity, Like directly it.
Relates to playing here, It'll be easier.
You would you ever do like Nick Kroll's show there?
And well after I had spent a couple months and I felt like I was starting to have material I did, I was like, hey, can I do this? It was like the weekend right before I had to go do this show. Oh right, yeah, and he was like yes, of course. And I think that I had a good time there because I was by far the least famous person on the show, so by default he had to put me up first. Make it right here, and he does a really great job of warming up the crowd, and then I'm the first person to go out there, so they're like so excited to see anybody that I felt like I had a good.
Set when when you feel like they and.
Then I would make this first left here if you can get all the way over.
Oh the fancy innovative car wash, look at it solar panel that looks. Is there amaze for children up top?
That yeah, you can just drop me off here and let me get my zipping gloves, because now I've learned the lesson.
Only forty at a time. Please.
The kids love going to the car wash and getting zipped into a big tube on the roof.
Would you ever do like you do some voices on big Mouth that if you went into them, people would know them right, Like, do you ever resort to that?
Or do you would you rather just be like, oh, I've.
Never tried it. I mean, all of my characters are such tertiary characters that I'm too afraid that I'd be like, hey, guys, you ready to hear from lump humping, And they're gonna be.
Like, here's something I did on comedy bang man. Okay, okay, yeah, that would be you're setting yourself up so much. Of course I knew that was the answer.
The best kind of interview. That's what I thought you were going to say.
This is not your house?
Is it?
Where are we right there?
It's one it's one over.
I do not take a chace that one street over?
No, No, it's that that's it there? You mean, just not this house?
This right, not this I sore the door? Did Was there a lot of shopping that went into choosing the front door? It's a beautiful door.
Uh No, not at all, or at least I wasn't really involved in it. I I kind of have terrible taste. So anything with our house is directly a response, Uh, my wife's choice. I trust her with it. When we started dating, I just lived in like an apartment that was just all blank walls, and like, I had five thousand CDs at that point.
So yeah, she just sort of selling point.
The situation from there and was like, I'm just not going to ask you about any of this stuff.
You take your CD tower and you go into the other room. I'll take care of the rest of this.
We I have an office in the back here. Now we have these cabinets that I can't bring myself to get rid of the CDs for some reason, and so we have these cabinets that are just now closed and if you open them, there's just five thousands.
That's great.
I don't play them anymore because I could, right, but I'm just waiting for long for My friend Ben texted me recently, was like, I'm starting to come back.
Oh, CDs are coming back like cassettes.
I wish we weren't. At the end, I would try to figure out a way to bring up him one more time.
Yeah, but he but he was like, yeah, they're start like, I guess kids are starting to have nostalgia for specifically those.
Yeah, I of course they will. That's what the cassette thing's about anyway. It's not that it's so fun that there's a ribbon with two wheels. It's having control and putting a thing in you get.
There's liner notes with them sometimes, yeah, artwork, you know, it's like all that stuff is gone.
I still love the smell of a cassette jacket. Oh yeah, yeah, you have unfolded Ah dire straits my first ever day.
I wish this. This felt like it was fifteen minutes long. I wish we could keep doing this.
It's because I made you guys do something. Yours smart.
You're great, very distracted. You're great on this podcast and great at telling a story while giving precise turn to.
The directions were incredible. You were like flowing back and forth. You didn't ever lose your spot.
Yeah, it was very nervous. I was the whole time, because I was like, was I supposed to tell you ahead of time that we were going to do this? Now these extra directions, we don't care you.
We all know that chaos works.
Well, I'm really impressed because the fact that you're driving in a conversation less so for you, Chrispy, I couldn't do it.
No, you're I really had trouble with it. I Karen would ask me a question, I'm like, I don't know.
I have to trying to put and we were we.
Used to go to the airport and I would be all stressed out, and uh yeah, we stopped doing that, but Karen's a better multitask or so.
The airport episodes sound like they would be the hardest thing.
Yeah, it was pre pre uh uber left days. Yeah.
Well, do you guys want twelve pounds of Hello Panda chocolate cookies? Twelve bags? I'm sorry, not twelve.
I will take another beverage for the rest.
It's great.
I do want one of those little marble likeys.
Okay, so I got melon left or lighty, leachy or strawberry.
Isn't that a recording artist?
Yeah, okay, thank you, I'll have a leachy leple.
Okay, great, and you're sure you don't want anything at least, then.
Just try one. Just try it.
Yeah, you want to try one of these weird ones.
I'll do it.
My marble's gone.
Wait a minute. It eventually it dissolves, eventually, does it?
I guess I should know this before.
What's the form?
I don't remember this part of it, but I immediately was like, yep, that always happens.
And you're definitely not choking on that marble dissolves, like.
And I you know when they execute someone.
Yeah that's right, yeah, gas chamber style.
Well this was such a treat and you helped me do it.
Chure right, it's totally done unless you have like plugs or anything you want people.
To Yeah, what's coming up?
I have a show that I'm making right now. That's an animated show about my old cat that we actually mentioned before.
Yeah, yeah, that's the name of the cat and the thing.
But I can't say anything else about it. And because it's animation or no idea, it's a it's a fun thing in my life proper, Like, when's the show coming out? I'm like, I don't know. Yeah, if the joke still makes.
Sense, right in the future.
Yeah, but that's that's what's that's what I'm that's exciting.
I'm going to watch the ship out of it.
Thank you.
Yeah, we support you entirely.
Yeah, this was a treat guys. Thank you so much.
For so fun.
Yeah, congrats on the house renovation.
Yes, it looks absolutely gorgeous.
To tell your wife thank you, and your little dog that's looking waiting for you to get out of this car.
It's so confused. He has extreme separation anxiety.
Why did you leave with my water bottle?
He's like, get back here with those cookies.
He's like, I don't know that. People.
Thank you, Joe, good to see you.
Good to see you. You've been listen Do you need a ride? Or did you have a closing statement?
Great great guests, good times, great oldies.
You've been listening to Do you need to ride? Great oldies? De wyn Yere. This has been an exactly right production.
Our senior producer is Analise Nelson.
Mixed by Edson Choy, Our.
Talent booker is Patrick Cottner.
Theme song by Karen Kilgarriff.
Artwork by Chris Fairbanks.
Follow the show on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook at dinar podcast.
That's d y n ar podcast. For more information, go to exactly rightmedia dot com.
Thank you, Oh, you're welcome.