Sarah and Gordon hide away inside the safety of the Allen Memorial Library, but soon realize it may not be the sanctuary they thought it was.
Consumed is a production of iHeart Podcasts and Grimm and Mild from Aaron Maky. Headphones recommended. Listener discretion advised.
Maybe I didn't know you got Monsoon's in an upstate New he I'm sure.
Oh fine by me? Better than the alternative. If this was three degrees cold, there would be snowed in for god knows how long?
Damn it? What snowed in in a library? And an idea like New England Town. I mean, come on, it's like instant rom com. Can you imagine if only.
If only there wasn't a mass murderer possibly running around said library?
Yeah that part? Who do we think that could have been?
Honestly, I have no idea. It's Danville and the only theft reported since I've been here was against the New York Giants in two thousand and eight.
Is that a sports reference?
And he has layers?
Who are you just the guy worried about history in this creaky old building speaking of we shouldn't make sure all the doors.
Are locked and windows like that one?
Yeah, you want to help me?
Absolutely not?
No, I'm not gonna get Agatha Christie next to actual copies of Agatha Christie Books.
I don't think we can use Agatha as an example anymore. Oh was she canceled only since nineteen seventeen?
What really?
When the day comes that you have dependable internet again, wherever that may be? Sam me a postcard first, but then Google, and then there were none?
Ooh the Internet. Oh to dream, the impossible dream.
Now, they said Avantes, He's totally fine.
Technically it's from Mana la Mancha.
And technically it's still raining. I'm gonna go to the second and third floor and make sure sure all the doors.
Are locked, and I'll be right here.
Will you at least check the doors and windows down here? That's so a thirty total, So all kidding aside, I could really use your help to make sure that this place doesn't flood.
What's in it for me.
Besides us surviving the night considering everything that's going on.
Yeah, that's boring. At this point.
You are the impossible dream. Okay, I'll show you some original playbells from nineteen sixties Broadway productions.
Deal, you're extremely weird, Sorry, can't hear you? Busy working lost underneath the blanket of gray clouds as they pummel Danville with torrential downpour are intrepid reporter Sarah Elizabeth Simmons continues in her quest for answers to the story of the century, But first she must close these old, rusty windows. We're run the risk of not getting to see the original playbill from nineteen sixty five's Man of La Mancha, book by Deal Wasserman, who also wrote the players of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, which is kind of how I'm feeling right now. Ah old computer, probably barely a few years younger than Man of Lamaga more ancient books. What does this even say? Rita's barbarorum? If only I could google? Huh, this is my email account.
It says last loggin was at seven thirty five yesterday. But hold on, I was in the bruders truck at seven thirty So not only did he get online, but he opened my email and never told me.
Motherfucker. Oh fuck, okay, okay, keep it together, fuck no daser, fuck fucked in fuck fuck it's okay, you got this, Yes, motherfucker. I'll stab you with this letter opener if you try anything, Hello Gordon, If you can get online with this tank, so can I.
A funk off.
Come on, we call this one a hard reset.
Yes, no, you just need to get online before Jesus are you.
Wearing socks better? I come bearing gifts in honor of your deservants. Love.
It's Wasserman Lee and Darien.
But whatever I have procured from the chateau they upstairs kitchen, this fine bottle of them on a.
Bic Malbick Mabick from.
Uh Argentina, Argentina. This is the echo game, Echo.
Game maybe, but Don Quixote is from Spain. Do I really have to have this conversation with you?
Why do I feel like servants and how he felt during the Spanish Inquisition for starters?
Because they call it the Spanish Inquisition, not the Argentinian And second, you're referencing the musical now and not the book. But you're definitely driving me crazy.
I'm sorry, Oh it's okay, I'm you.
Know what, Let's just crack open that bottle.
Shit what I don't have a bottle opener?
You don't have a bottle opener.
I was convinced oll Mabick was from Spain. Do you think i'd drink on the regular. Let's see what we can find in these drawers.
Hey, is this the phone charger? I think so like one that could fit a flip phone. I mean maybe, fuck yes. Now let's hope it turns on.
The old ones need to charge up before they turn on. But it looks like it's working. And shit, hold on what, I'm sorry?
I did know Aaron. Oh, she was one of the dozen or so Daniel Anderson scholars a program run by the town that awards a stipend to students. In an interim position in the library, I'm sorry, I didn't know. It's okay, really just a glorified phone answer your shift that the students just used to check their social media on at the circulation desk.
I get it, and thank you for alleviating some.
Of my fears some of Wait, did you think I, like I.
Had anything to do with Well, to be honest, I don't know, Vicente. You changed your name, moved to a small technology list town in the middle of nowhere, and, on top of all of the shit going on, failed to mention not only that you knew the victims, but one worked here.
Like you said, it's a small town. Everyone knows everyone in some kind of way.
Does everyone know there's a fucking mini cave behind a shelf of books in a church tern library? Right? Does everyone know that it Arrean's phone was hidden there?
I told you I had to know.
I checked the computer, Gordon.
I you feel like you're holding that wine opener like a dagger.
The computer what it's a dial up when you left?
It finally worked, but you were gone, and I'm sure even if it says last logging, you will find all your emails unopened because I'm not an asshole, and I shut it down before it even loaded to the welcome screen. We have no internet, no Wi Fi, but landlines still seem to somewhat work, and occasionally they'll let us buffer a single photo if you wait like twenty minutes.
Okay, okay, what I believe you?
You do because it's feeling a big galilean.
What galilean dude got a pretty rough Hou's arrested with servants and unlimited resources. Joan of ARC got roasted in the middle of the street.
Fair But the point stands, I would.
Never I'm telling you that I believe you. I always did. It's just nice to have reassurance. So it's okay, you're the first person I haven't run from since I can remember.
Even though I didn't know where Malbot came from. You get a pass and besides, most Argentinians think they're European.
Anyway, I'll take your room for it. You okay, Yeah, I'm just hoping that phone charges up so we can keep looking for answers. But thank you for asking.
So running away, huh, I feel like I can relate, But I want to know about your journey, which part I started at the top. We're not really going anywhere anytime soon, and this European Argentina and wine isn't going to drink itself.
I remember when I was eleven years old and it was take your daughter to work day. I was all excited to go see where my dad worked. He was an industrial engineer at Merman Hiller.
No Way. The furniture place, the chair place.
A very one. We had one in every room and spent more time sleeping in those than I did in my own bed. So the morning came and I got up extra early. I had the best outfit picked, you know, something that screamed cool but also hip enough to work in teak and chrome one day. So I get dressed and I'm running downstairs and I see my mom at the table and no one else where's dad. I asked that since I didn't see my sister anywhere, I put it all together before my mom could lie to me in an attempt to feel better. But she tried something like Alex needed some extra credit for a project about CEOs and it just made sense to go in with dad or whatever bullshit she was selling that used every phrase, but we all like Alex better than you.
Well, yeah, did you call out your sister?
Call out Alex? That would have been like trying to tell the Pope to wear less white or employless philes.
Ooh, we were on a roll.
Shit, I keep forgetting. This used to be a church.
It's okay, the church won't forget. Then what happened, Well.
That was the distinctive moment that made me realize two things. One, my family cared more about appearances and whatever made them look best. Alex was older, the honor student, already looking at scholarships from all the IVY leagues, flew in lacrosse and cardigans, and my father rolling into work with a success story. It would only improve the Simmons stock, which led to number two. I had to get the fuck out of there and make it a mission to always seek out the truth, no matter the cost. I let myself be lied to that day, and I vowed to never let it happen again that.
Day when you were eleven. Yeah, I was sill, occasionally peeing in the bed if I saw a scary movie cover.
We'll have to unpack that later. But yeah, the only thing I did take from my family was the stubbornness, and it's lasted me these last couple of decades.
That's why you came back. Yeah, I think so, and really why you've left.
I suppose I have left everywhere else when someone threatened to take away my choice of chasing the story like previous dudes. Yeah, you'd be surprised how unconsciously conniving a partner can be if they feel threatened by anything else besides them offering happiness and opportunity. Actually, I'm surprised at saying that out loud for the first time.
Oh, no surprise. There. For the record, I wished you a bombvoyage.
Or my dear Vicinde. How they can always make it about themselves.
Damn it, I'm kidding, but this is me time copy Sergeant more Wine, ma'am just poor petty officer. Yeah, I guess the opposite of being told you're a kid genius even though or not is being ignored for a sibling. Shit, that's a fucking bummer. Sorry, you've been trying to run from that shadow.
Fucking permanent DNA solar eclipse.
What happened to your dad?
He Willie lowmaned himself minus the insurance money.
Fuck, I am so sorry.
He worked for forty years, never said more than was necessary. It gave us a roof and clothes when we were all off to college. He was retired and he decided to go a little too fast for the first time in his life. Unfortunately, that was a little too fast around a tight corner off a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean in a rented convertible BMW silver lining. Forensick said, it was instant. I feel like he lived his life like he was in the Truman Show. Knew the truth but said, fuck it, I'll just play along. And that's why I won't. That's why I need this. I want to get these answers. I want to find out why break this story, find out why no one outside of the Danville area has heard of it. Any of these murders and disappearances. That's why I came back.
Okay, but you also like kind of came back from me, right, all right?
Well, yeah, who else is going to teach you basic history? It's wide, But tell me the speed of light? Einstein?
Oh that's a low blow, and it's Romer, not Einstein.
We've said much worse than this. So this really was a church and they just converted it to a library.
Yeah, makes sense, But they also never built another church in town.
I was gonna ask. It's like they traded the promise of salvation for prize of knowledge and history or a.
Curse of knowledge, depending on who writes the history.
That fucking draft. It's like getting dumped in a freezer. It's coming from the little tunnel, isn't it.
So I read that during Prohibition Danville may have been a little bit of a stopover for deliveries from Canada down to Boston and New York. Oh yeah, and hidden rooms and mini tunnels like this were pretty common. Who's going to check a library for booze? And even if they did, who's gonna find this? Did anyone ever get caught hiding alcohol?
That's a great question. Let's look at the Danvil Harald.
Nineteen twenty two, nineteen thirty.
And nineteen thirty to nineteen forty. Prohibation was nineteen twenty to nineteen thirty three. So we'd have to cover a shit on a ground.
Yeah, that seems like it would take a bit of time.
But there's one thing we could check. Yep, keywords, keywords. Each compendium has an index with keywords and page numbers.
No shit, they had indexes back then.
Oh yeah, they had them in the fifteenth century, called them concordances. But the first dude to be known as a professional indexer was Sam Askoff.
Professional indexer, not.
Just professional, no, no, he was literally known as the Prince of Indexers, like Dewey Before Dewey, who never mind, you.
Know what, I take it back, I'll never make fun of you for not knowing where malback is from. Prince of Indexers. Really, that's an actual person.
I'm a librarian. If I didn't know Ace Coff, cleave Cutter, Dewey and so many more, they've come snatched my card and drown me in laid fees.
This is amazing. Okay, well, let's get into these indexes.
Baby, deal what's first.
Let's check prohibition.
Okay, Book one. Prohibition is mentioned three hundred and twenty seven times.
Book two looks like fifty two times. It's still too much to come through. We need to cross reference. Oh yes, jinx exactly, Book two two hundred and fifty.
Mentions, Book one fuck four hundred mentions.
That's not gonna work.
Damn it.
Yeah, long shot.
But kidnapping ooh, nothing in book one?
Sit the same?
What about broader?
Something like disappearances? Disappearance brilliant? Okay, Book one is manageable forty four disappearances and book.
Two is seventy three. Wait, let's say if any of these are on the same pages as the prohibition ones. Let me take a pic.
Book one index for prohibition.
And book two. Now, let's go to the book one, index for disappearance and first.
Hit boom, page one. Twenty five April first, nineteen.
Twenty Ottawa Senators win the Stanley Cup after the disappearance of any offense from the Seattle Metropolitans.
Didn't even know that was a hockey team.
This will take too long, but we have no choice.
What if we went back and forth earliest latest, I like it.
So let's check any in book one that are in nineteen twenty nine.
Checking ooh, got one October twenty fifth, nineteen twenty nine.
I'm sorry, October yeah, nineteen twenty nine. Oh wow, yeah, that's the day after Black Thursday, October twenty fourth, the Wall Street crash of nineteen twenty nine.
All these articles on the front page are about that largest sell off Thomas Lamont, Morgan Bank Chase, YadA, YadA. Here maybe on page two m.
More banking stuff. Wait a minute, what's this? Danville resident Frank Shaw declared deceased after disappearance on September twenty third.
Frank Shaw as in touch Shaw, frank Shaw fuck. And of course it's buried at the bottom.
Buried nineteen twenty nine. Yeah, holy shit, nineteen twenty nine, nineteen ninety one, twenty twenty two. Gordon grabbed the nineteen sixty dan Villa issues.
Luckily those indexes have been digitized on our local hard driven r on.
It just cross reference disappearance in September and October. Bet you'll find something.
On October nineteenth about a disappearance on.
Dember twenty third.
Way, how did you do?
Thirty one years it's a gap of thirty one years. Whatever's happening now also happened in nineteen ninety one, in nineteen sixty, in nineteen twenty nine. And I bet if we look at eighteen ninety eight or eighteen sixty seven, we'll start to see who is being a raised from Danville's history.
Wow, God, Oh is that Aaron's phone? Oh? God, Oh God?
May you mean by easy cause?
Consumed Episode eight, The Bottle, written by Carlos Folia and Alessandra Hara del Castillo. Editing and sound design by Noami Griffin, starring Rachel Rosenbloom and Arturo Castro, and directed by Alexander Williams, Assistant director Trevor Young. Casting by Sunday Bowling CSA and Meg Mormon CSA. Production coordinator Wayna Calderon. Music by Carlos Scolia. Consumed the season one score, available now on Apple Music, Spotify, or wherever music is streamed. Executive producers Aaron Mankey, Carlos Folia, Matt Frederick and Alexander Williams. Supervising producers Trevor Young and Josh Thain. Producers Noami Griffin, j and Rima Ilkali. Recorded at this is Sound Design Studios Burbank, California, engineered by Ross erroneou east Side Studios, Austin, Texas engineered by Austin Sisler and Aras Creative and Sound Ohi, California engineered by Ken Aros. Consumed was created by Carlos Folia, inspired by the novel by Aaron Manky. Consumed is the newest chapter in the Bridgewater universe. To learn more and catch up, visit Grimandmild dot com Slash Bridgewater. Learn more about Consumed at grimandmil dot com Slash Consumed, and find more podcasts from iHeartRadio by visiting the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.