The break that Sarah and Gordon have been looking for is found hiding in plain sight. But the truth they uncover is even more terrifying than they could have imagined.
Consumed is a production of iHeart Podcasts and Grimm and Mild from Aaron Maky. Headphones Recommended Listener discretion advised.
It's happening. That's what the voice on the phone said. Means someone already knew got to call a couple.
Of days ago. Wouldn't say who it was, though, that proves it aliens not.
Exactly the scientific method.
Who also know about the thirty one years?
That's not what it said.
But there's something unnatural going on here, and you know it it was you.
Wasn't it what you bastards called me? Didn't you know? That's an outrageous accusation.
No, the only thing at rageous is you expecting me to believe your bedtime stories.
And besides, we're here. You can get out now. I swear it wasn't us.
We're not making this up. Call me again when you're not too absorbed in your story to see the facts. But for no, get out. Yeah, yeah, we got it. Oh, there's one step forward, two step back with that one.
It's really so hard to believe that there's something bigger at play here.
I don't blame her. We did sound kind of kooky, and by we I mean.
You come on. Please don't tell me I'm losing you to the dark side.
No, you are losing me to common sense. Is there a pattern? Sure? But does correlation equal causation? You're damn sure it doesn't. I already got that test question wrong once.
What if I told you I knew something that was prove? Oh?
Yeah? Like what?
How I sometimes hear things in that library when there's no one else there, So the wind no, I mean whispers, right.
And sometimes I see dead.
People And.
It's all right not to know the answers.
So we'll come to you when you least expected.
God, damn it, kid, where are you?
Nice to see you finally?
Remember you have a job. Sorry, boss, I was.
Just doesn't matter.
Grab those markers.
We're going to have to divvy up this map to set up search grids, and I need you to get started on volunteers.
What's this about.
It's about the child we allow to go missing under our watch or don't tell me you've already forgotten being fooled.
However it happened.
It happened, and that's not going to change. So now it's our job to fix it.
We need to get central in on this ivery.
Could be hard even worse out there.
Something happened to that kid.
I know it, I can feel it, Sheriff.
I'm telling you what. Avery's fine. He's with his family. Oh that's what I've been trying to say, Sheriff. Avery went right on home after his escape. The kid's fine department.
Can I help you?
He went straight home.
Yeah, hit out by the shed for a bit. I guess he was embarrassed or something, but he came out pretty quick.
And you're sure that's what happened.
Yeah, just came.
From there, so he didn't go into the woods.
Why would you think that thought?
I saw traces there must have been in my head, I suppose. So why didn't you bring him back?
Kid's been through a lot. Thought it better he'd be with family for the time being.
You know, doesn't seem like that was your choice to make.
Yeah, but with all the stuff that went down with Rama, I felt like there wasn't enough to hold.
Him that stuff right.
Well, I'll be sure to straighten it all out when I stopped by.
To check on every sounds good, boss. I'm sure they're expecting you.
Hey, quick question, how much longer do we have to do this? Please?
Don't make me make the chicken sound. It's not my best impression.
I'm not scared so much as wondering when something's going to rush down this tunnel and a viceratus.
No, biggie, there is something up with these tunnels, and I'm not stopping until I figure out what that is, unless you want to fess up and admit it was you who left Aaron's phone.
There, tuche. Hey, I think we already took this turn.
Oh yeah, did the whispers tell you that?
That's how we're doing this?
Doing what you said? You hear magical whispers? Then, okay, you hear magical whispers?
Pretty sure I didn't use the word magical. Now I'm starting to think it doesn't matter what word I use, because you wouldn't believed me. Anyways.
Let me tell you what my options look like. Either one, you do hear voices in your head, in which case you need immediate psychiatric care, or two you're lying to me again, which wouldn't be out of character, except this time I must look gullible enough to buy this sixth sense. I hear dead people bullshit?
Hey, can you slow down?
And there goes our light?
There can you at least hear me out.
Well, I'm not gagging you am I thanky?
I'm gonna put up in that I'm waiting. It sound like I've always heard them, So you.
Were normal once. That's comforting.
It started in January of this year. At first I thought it was just a wind, you know, old buildings, creepy sounds. It's in the ballpark.
So what made you change your mind?
When the wind stops sounding like the weather and more like someone was inside? Because then came the nightmares. I spent hours on end in that library, wide awake in bed, unable and unwilling to go to sleep because I was so genuinely terrified of what I'd say. What was it on a good night? The worst memories of my life? But on a bad night, Oh, those were things even my imagination couldn't conjure.
You should take an edible before bed might take the edge off.
I know this all sounds crazy. I mean, hell, there's a reason I didn't lead with HI. My name is Gordon. I'm haunted.
It doesn't just sound crazy, it sounds impossible.
So what about all the bizarro murders going on in this town? Two weeks ago? I would have said that was impossible. Can't you just believe me, Gordon?
You were asking me to believe a lot.
Yeah, but it's me. Do you know when the first time I had an actual good night's sleep was in a long time?
I don't.
It was the day I met you, when I saw you standing there under the nave, surrounded by all those books, and it just felt right. That night I just slept. No monsters beneath the bed, no shadows in the closet, only rest.
That's not the creepiest pickup line I've ever heard, But I'm a creepy doesn't cut it.
You want the story, right? What if this is part of it? What do you mean there's something I need to show you?
Wow? A book in a library? How mind blowing?
Not just any book, okay. This is a transcribed copy of the journals kept by the Jesuit priests who were originally settled in the area.
So an antique diary, bingo, but darker.
These aren't just records of prayers in daily life. These texts go into detail about the conquering process. And yes, I'm saying conquering in quotes.
How bad was it?
According to this, not bad at all. The priests were Mother Teresa, while the native Algonquin tribe essentially played the role of lemmings in one widely misconceived mass cliff diving.
Video from the White Wilderness.
Dark Yes, and a very fitting name for our current subject. These so called settlers pushed this tribe to the brink of extension in ways that they cannot even be called human. See here, Well, that.
Just says the food supplies were redistributed.
Which is code for look right here.
What is this hunting log?
I wish no. This is a log of the refuse, the hundreds, if not thousands of heads of cattle skin for their hides and left to boil in the sun. It's every bit of food they made to rot and fester for the sole purpose of starving out the native inhabitants of this land.
Gordon, that's horrible, But I still don't understand what any of this has to do with you hearing voices.
This is just a tip of the Titanic singing iceberg and all that ice that they couldn't see on the water, aka the brunt of it. None of that is recorded, trust me, I've looked, But that doesn't mean it didn't happen. And how do I know that?
The whispers?
Well, let's just say that once I stopped trying to shut them out and actually listen instead, those creepy ass nightmares didn't seem all that bad by comparison. Dare I ask, what do you think happens when you corral human beings as if they're animals and then starve them to the brink, leaving them no other way to survive except for each other.
Gosh Jesus, that's what you've been hearing.
Could be worse. I could hear traumatizing voices and be lactose intolerant. But I'm not.
Okay say everything you're telling me is true.
Ooh, progress, I like it.
Then what the hell are you still doing here?
I don't say it's complicated.
Remember when you asked me why I wasn't at the Boston Public Library, or, better yet, the Benecke.
Oh that bit of foreplay.
Anywhere else, I'm just another super sexy librarian, But here I get a chance to do this journal. Your feelings, not mine, theirs, and not feelings. It's their history, their stories, not everything's black and white and blood and gloom. They deserve to be remembered for more. Pardon this? Would you figure it out of the thirty one year pattern? You know what was the first thing I thought of?
What if I'm not the first to hear these voices in the library.
Either you're talking predecessors.
I'm talking employment records.
Hit me with it. Who is here before you?
Old man Cahill? But it says here he wasn't hired until ninety three.
That's too late. What about the one before him?
Ninety one ninety one? Howard Gillies, He was on from sixty seven until uh February of ninety one, a twenty four year veteran of the job. And he didn't even pick up his last check, just left.
Yeah, because he probably high tailed it out of here after he started hearing voices, which is what you should have done.
Oh why would you punch my arm? Wait? Does this mean you believe me? Because if so, the pain was worth it.
I believe you're a martyr for putting yourself through this.
Gillies left, and I'm sure, however far back this goes, they all left too. So sure it's no benecky. But if I don't fit the bill, then who will.
You vexed me, Gordon, you vexed me.
Besides, if I wasn't here, then you might have had to do this whole two hander thing with old man Khill, and I doubt you'd have the same rapport and definitely not the same sexual attention. I hope.
Oh you don't know my tastes.
I know me.
I did not wake up this morning prepared to deal with forces beyond my understanding.
Please I call that breakfast.
You realize this doesn't just open the floodgates, this is the whole deluge.
Then I guess I'll grab the raincoats.
Okay, you said this was an Algonquin tribe, right, Any chance those whispers of yours ever mentioned an old legend about the wind to Go?
You mean slender Man with andlers?
No, that would be the One to Go two thousand and one movie. I'm talking about the cannibalistic and endlessly famished monster found in folklore of the Algonquin speaking First Nations.
Are you telling me that's what's been running around out there ripping people apart?
I'm saying it fits the pattern and the history. Jesus, where the fuck?
Sorry? I got it? Anderson Memorial Library, How may I help you?
How may I help you?
Okay? Thanks? Max?
What that was, Sheriff Allan? Yeah, no, I got that. What I want to know is have you had a working phone here the entire time?
Calling it a working phone is an overreach. I have as much control over that phone working as I do over my cholesterol when I eat at Shaw's.
That's concerning. But fine, What did she want?
Said? Avery's fine? Supposedly unless she's gonna go check in on him at home. But I don't know. Something felt off.
If you're done with that, then I really need to make a call.
Sheriff Allen. I thought we'd be seeing you Jack, Come in, Come in. We're just having a little family dinner to celebrate our son's homecoming.
Heard about that that he'd been hiding out in the shed.
Kids. You know how it is. I remember hiding in my father's attic for hours after I broke his window playing ball. Please take a seat.
I'm fine, thank you. I don't see Avery.
He's upstairs getting ready. Rema should be bringing him down. You're welcome to join us for our meal if you'd like.
I already eat.
Oh, but I promise my pow roast will make you forget about any meal you've had before.
Rema, Sheriff Avery close behind almost though.
I can pour you some lemonade while we wait. Sure would love to hear how the investigation is going. Soothe a lot of nerves around town.
I'm only here check on Avery the table set?
Does he always take this long?
He might be resting. It's been a tough couple of days.
You mind if I go check?
Rather? You didn't? And why is that?
Here's the food? Ready? Avery?
If Alan's here to see you, what do you say?
Hey, Avery, how are you feeling fine? Your prison breaks? Sit you?
Well? It's a joke. Oh right, Can I have a moment?
I was hoping to ask you a few questions? Is that necessary right now?
Like I said, the kids had a rough day.
It won't take long, Avery, Dad, would you like to speak in private?
I don't.
I promise you can talk to me.
And he will, but not tonight. Avery, go sit down, yes, sir? Now, if that's everything, like to enjoy one final meal in peace with my son, Rema, show the sheriff out.
What does final mean?
Please, Sheriff just go. He'll tell you whatever you need to hear tomorrow. Okay, tomorrow, I promise, come on, come on.
Again. I told you that phone has a will of its own.
Try pulling that cable a little higher and remember, lift with your legs.
Yeah, I'm the issue here, right. How important is this call?
Well, it might just save her lives, so pray for signal. Oh yeah, oh it's your daddy.
Now, okay, please don't sexualize my telephone.
I think he's going through.
Hello, Professor Bradshaw, Yeah, the one and the same.
Listen. I'm sorry, but I told Vippin to put an the syllabus that I can't take calls after hours. I have office hours.
No, no, no, this is Sarah, Sarah Simmons. We spoke about a month ago regarding my story on the Succubus of Streatham Hill.
Oh oh, how, but I'm so sorry. I thought you were one of my students, right, you had the tale of the local demonic paramour. I was thinking after we met that that is aptly the Latin linguistic rig.
Yes, yes, it's going great, very feisty, but that's actually not why I'm calling. Oh, Professor Bradshaw, what can you tell me about windigoes?
You're changing your subject matter.
One could say that.
Well, I guess considering the area you're in, it doesn't really surprise me. How So, when you study folklore for as long as I have, you start to pick up on these lower specific hotspots. So if someone goes missing, there it's a whin to go, but forty miles east it's a witch, and forty miles self it's a I don't know something else. It's so on and so on.
You know, So there have been sightings, Well, it's the northern wilderness.
I could hop on social media and find you a siting of pretty much anything.
But with When to.
Goes, it's not as simple as just you know, seeing a shadow in the woods. And why is that Well, because it could be a shadow with the ravenous monster just out of sight, or it could be your neighbor who's developed an insatiable craving for human flesh. Because when to Goes appear either in physical form or as a malevolent spirit capable of possessing men. It depends on which branch of lore you find the most appealing.
So how would you know which one you're dealing with?
Well, if not.
By sight, then I suppose by cause the spirit form is attracted to those overcome by selfishness and greed, hence the result of man consuming man, or rather the unwilling sacrifice of one for the survival.
Of the other. And say someone suspected there was a when to go? How would said someone go about killing it?
And the more detailed of better, Sarah, is this still for your story?
No, of course, But as a student of folklore, you, of all people, must understand the importance of presenting hope alongside the horror.
Yeah, if you frame it that way.
So the juicy bits you were saying.
That's the simple part. You either burn the creature to its core or dismember.
It with silver. Oh? Is that all?
That's what they say? Legends do mix and mingle over time, and some accounts claim that the creature is only vulnerable after a meal, but others warn against believing that. But there is one thing that is consistent across the lore.
Please do tell I'll take anything.
At this point.
The when to go strikes the hardest.
Come the season of starvation, and when exactly is that? A date would be helpful?
Well? When do animals migrate when the fields dry up?
Are you telling me that winter is coming?
I promise you. Winter was feared in New England long before there was any talk of night walkers going around, and with the dread of their own food supplies, dwindling came the even.
Scarier Hello, Hey, can you hear me? Professor?
When grow stronger? When it snows?
Well, what do you say?
Do you want the good news or the eyelide? There is no good news?
The first? Okay, fire and silver. That's a pretty run of the mill monstercule.
Yeah for Buffy, maybe never a struggling journalist in a winded librarian.
Hey, I'm not that one, Gordon.
We are barely halfway to the police station.
Yeah, you might need to carry me.
Hey didn't you say Shaws was closed tonight?
It's supposed to be.
Then, why are all the lights still on?
Oh? Duck?
Did they see us?
I can barely see us.
Okay, Seal Team six training, go? What we're crawling?
Is this?
Is this really necessary?
About to find out? Can you see inside?
I could if you would just screech over? Oh my god.
Okay, I've never seen a sacrificial altar before, but I'm one hundred percent sure that is one.
So many things make sense. Now, Holy shit, here's that jack, the one's sharpening that knife. Yeah, that's him.
They're gonna kill someone, They're gonna feed the creature. What the hell is with that chanting? Got a chorus in there or what?
I don't think that's coming from in there? And it gets worse?
How could it possibly be any worse?
WOSI Professor Bradshaw said about the snow.
Something about the whend to go striking hardest from snows.
I just felt the plate on the back of my neck.
Consumed. Episode ten, The Whispers written by Carlos Folia and Alessandra Hara del Castillo. Editing and sound design by Noahmy Griffin. Starring Rachel Rosenbloom and Arturo Castro, with Ruth Connell, Sam Rod, Genevieve Padalaki, Benjamin Stockholm, Charlie David Newell, Mike Korich, Anna east Fairweather, Junior A labby Alma Martinez, Tracy Martin, Laura Shine, George Vincent, and Rafael Corkil guest starring Misha Collins as Jeremy Bradshaw. Directed by Alexander Williams, Assistant director Trevor Young. Casting by Sunday Bowling CSA and Meg Mormon CSA. Production coordinator Wayna Calderon. Music by Carlos Folia Consumed the season one score available now on Apple Music, Spotify, or wherever music is streamed. Executive producers Aaron Manky, Carlos Folia, Matt Frederick and Alexander Williams. Supervising producers Trevor Young and Josh Thain. Producers Jesse Funk and Rima Ilkali. Recorded at This Is Sound Design Studios, Burbank, California, engineered by Ross Arono, east Side Studios, Austin, Texas, engineered by Austin Sisler and Aros Creative In Sound Ohi, California, engineered by Ken Aros. Consumed was created by Carlos Folia, inspired by the novel by Aaron Manky. Consumed is the newest chapter in the Bridgewater universe. To learn more and catch up, visit Grimandmild dot com Slash Bridgewater. Learn more about Consumed at grimmanmile dot com, Flash Consumed and find more podcasts from iHeartRadio by visiting the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.