11 | The One for the Rest

Published Apr 3, 2024, 7:01 AM

Welcome to Shaw’s Diner! Serving the residents of Danville for decades. 

M HM consumed as a production of iHeart Podcasts and Grimm and Mild from Aaron Maky. Headphones recommended. Listener discretion advised.

Didn't never think I missed the Lifetime channel.

But when your alternative is toing freaking peaks perspective as a hell of a drug?

Jesus do they have that tape on loop?


So things aren't creepy enough already, Sarah?

What that chanty? Not her recording?

Oh no, yeah, welcome to the club.

Oh shit, is that Shaw and Mike McDonald.

I think they're all headed to the back. Wait, don't move, what do talk?

Okay, we're what just happened?

I thought I saw someone spot us and that's our cue to go to go in.

You've got to be kidding me?

Does it sound like I'm kidding this way? Follow me?

Yes, Gordon, help the new a girl in town. Gordon. Sounds like she'll have a drag you into the little jaws of the wolf.

Oh it's not budget.

That's what lock means.

Yeah, locked, not welded. Sometimes you can use a little ELP grease.

What is it?

Oh no, don't tackle the.

Door, Detta.

Yes, please announce the murders called this that we've intruded in their inner sanctum. I'm sure they won't mind.

Or better yet, let's get this done before they realize.

Let's whisper before they what the hell is this?

Okay, future Sarah, in case you're still alive, to transcribe this at a later date.

This is fucking terrifying.

This is not my idea of redecorating.

What plastic sheets on the floor doesn't do it for you.

It's so last fall.

Sure fire away to avoid spills, and by spills, of course, we're talking about the blood of the innocent.

Oh my god, is that what these glasses are for? You say glasses, I say, Jalice, potato potato. Speaking of food, what do you think this is for? Future Sarah? What Gordon is referring to would be the dostener So place Matt set out on the diner bar. I'm talking fork, sknives, napkins, tablecloths, but no plates. Oh don't forget the cannibals. Yeah, all three billion of them. Don't worry, I'm getting there.

I think it's part of the ritual. What was that it sucked away? But I think it's a fire extinguisher.

At least they're practicing fire safety.

I don't think so.

Look, that's a lot of gasoline, Sarah.

I think we need to go, not.

Until we figure out what's going on here.


It's pretty obvious and we are not savior.

This story isn't finished until we.

Hear something. Jack, it's not time yet. There, you're not supposed to be here.

We need to call Sheriff Allen.

I'll get the phone. Please, please, please, please, This is not a time for the signal to fail.

Murphy's law.

You take that back?


Hello? Nice? Just the voice I wanted to hear.

Tell her about the altar at Shaw's. There was a whole sacrificial altar setup. I'm talking real temple of doom shit, and Mike and Shaw and Jack were there, and there were candles everywhere.

And they essentially dextered the whole floor.

But there was also what the hell are you talking about? We're talking about ritual sacrifice that the people of this town have been privy to for years, and you need to get down there to stop it.

I don't even know where to start.

What's this? Do you have any silver?


We think? It's a when to go, And when we spoke to a professor of folklore, he told us it required an unwilling sacrifice.

But it's weak to silver and fire. We hope, what digg a monster that may be behind this? And are you asking me to believe in monsters now? Whether you believe in them or not? The monsters are already down there and it's Shaw and Mike and Jack and whoever else is going through with this unholy sacrifice?

Was there a body?


Or a captive? Not that we could say? What about any blood? Well not yet. So you expect me to go in there and arrest these men based on nothing. No, I want you to go in there based on what you've already heard, but still refuse to believe because it is happening again. And excuse me if we didn't get a chance to see us in Miami the place hell, we had to break in through the back just to get a peek. Then Mss Simmons, it sounds like the only crime committed here was prespassing by yourself and Gordon, O God, are you so afraid to do your job wrong again that you're not even gonna try? And you wonder why nobody wants to talk to you reporters. Sheriff Sheriff Hello, hello, that one?

Well shit, now what I don't know?

We go back?


Great? Why don't you grab your taser? Oh Wade, that's right. We're helpless.

We have to do something. And Sheriff allansuris and so what else?

What's that sh.

It's inside?

Did it follow us?

Does it matter?

We need to get to that door.

It's too late.


What the fuck?




Now can you tell boy wonder here to put the weapon down?

Gordon? You were gonna beat up a When to go with war and peace?

I'm sorry? Can you think of a thicker book?

We'll have to talk about Bruce later. Avery, what happened to you?

This flesh wound?

A lot of flesh wounds?

Actually, oh shit, you're the sacrifice, aren't you?


No, no, no, you don't understand.

Why are you here? We need to get you to the sheriff.

No, okay, Sheriff Allen was at my house today and she couldn't do anything. I am not going there.


Why are you here?

I saw you both there at the diner before before it all went wrong?


What happened?

I wasn't supposed to be like that. No one was supposed to get hurt.


Hey, whatever happened, none of that is your fault. Okay, if they were willing to sacrifice your life, but they are My dad would never do that.

Hey, man, I know it's hard to understand right now, but.

God, you're still treating me like a child, don't you get it. I wasn't the sacrifice.

I was the lure.

They wanted to kill it.

They had a whole.

Plan, gas cans, chains, silver, But that thing, it wasn't supposed to be that strong.

It's just snow, isn't it?

What The wind to go strikes the hardest come the season of starvation. It's not the same creature it was a day ago.

Hey, at least you got out safe.

Mike didn't the thing. Some kids teeth into his neck, and no matter how hard we pulled, it was like it had already started hitting him.

Oh my god.

But Mike was still breathing. So because he was still breathing, he could still scream. All I could do was run.

Hey. I hate to be crass, but isn't this our window with you know that other thing? The professor said, how was.

The weakest After a kill.

You want to go after that thing.

It's not a sure.

Bet, but it might be our only chance.

It doesn't matter anyways.

We have no idea where it went.

I do.

When I hid, I saw it go into the woods. It was headed for the ruins.

Of the old colonial dreams.

It got Mike, It got Mike, it dragged him off. Shaw snapped the fuck out of it, and it got Avery. No it didn't. You don't fucking know that. Where is again? Huh?

That monster barreled out through everything?


That's enough?

What are we gonna do?

We try again? We haven't failed until we try again. Can somebody shut that shit off?

It's broken, Jack, There's no turning it off.

There's always a way rama.

Where the fuck is my son? And as if setting us centuries old popilentity of flame wasn't enough, we also have to hike there. Oh damn battery?

Okay, where was I complaining?


The trials and tribulations of our quest to kill a weend ago halfway through what we assume will be our total trek, directed northwest at approximately eleven twenty three PM, about to stake our entire survival on lore that may or may not be correct, because how do you fact check a legend?

You don't, you guess.

And then jump and currently searching for any signs of a tremendous beast striking a bloody carcass through the dark and misty woods. Can't imagine that'll be too hard to miss.

We're trying to stop a murder machine, and that's what you care about recording it?

You mean documenting what may be the only confirmed supernatural phenomenon in the world on this scale and its subsequent demise. Yeah, it's pretty up there in terms of my priorities. People fucking died and keeping quiet about it won't bring them back. Publishing this story telling the tale of how they died and why?

Better yet?

Right, what that's gonna make Watergate look like? And no offense the dan vilcazette I.

Used to read that, Oh is that all? How selfless of you?


Look at this haphazard concoction of flamm of liquids I'm holding in my hand, and tell me I'm not being selfless. I am putting my life on the line to kill this thing, armed essentially with what I used to drink in college. So if I get a little out of it, so be it even Gandhi had to eat?



Have you forgotten about the man's entire hunger strike storyline? Kind of known for it?

Do you hear that?

Hear what.

The crickets they're all gone means.

We're close, Rima, I'm gonna get him back.

You don't even know if he's alive, Avery is he has to be.

You told me to wait, and I did. You told me to trust you, and I did. When you told me that you'd keep my son safe, you did not look.

We underestimated how strong the creature would be.

What a beautiful way of saying you were wrong. Why didn't you just do what our fathers did and what their fathers did.

You need to put an end to these killings once and for all. You know that I will not allow Avery to carry the same burden that I did.

Then where where is he to carry it?

Jesus, Reama, put the gun down.

You wanted to end this, but it's ending us.

Not there, That's where the drains open up, Ready as.

I'll ever be, Jesus.

Why is it getting harder to climb? Is that water supposed to go down? Why is the top of the hill the mouneyist.

Uh, Sarah, Yeah, I don't think what's supposed to stain red?

Oh God, I guess we found the blood trail and it's sticky and that's late. Oh future, Sarah, if you still exist, I hope one day you forget what I'm seeing down the strain because it ain't pretty.

Rama, Rama, put the gun away, Honey, you don't know what you're doing.

I know that peace requires a sacrifice.

What's to say?

It's not too late, please, Rama, I could shoot any one of you and it'll all be okay.

You know that's not right.

You are you?

Or you are you?

Oh God? Why shouldn't die?

I can give you a reason.

Put the gun down, Rema.


How long until it wakes up.

Your guess is as good as mine.

Can you see it?

It's too dark and too deep. Hell, if I'm getting any closer, Gordon got the stuff If.

By stuff you mean a lighter or rag and a bottle of brandy. Yeah, left the silver bullets behind.

Is this gonna kill it?

We'll find out pretty quick. But first we need to close this grate, otherwise it's getting out.

You want to deep fry it.

I'm talking extra Crispy, help me pull this lever?

Pull the lever crunk? Really now, I can't help who I am?

Whatever? Just grab it?

What was that?

Oh my god, Mike's still alive.

We have to go get him.

We can't.

No, he's down there and we have to go get him.

Oh God.

If it wasn't up before, it is now. You're not gonna shoot me, Sheriff.

I will if you force me to.

You don't know what they did, how they use my son's life to play their arrogant little game.

Raima, that's not what we shut up.

Why do you think our ancestors always obeyed?

Why do you think you were stronger than that?

I'm smarder than them, You narcissistic, egotistical man.


I know you'll do anything to protect your son.

Then where is he?

But you don't have to do this?

And what would you know, Sheriff.

This isn't even your town.

Why did it have to be an ancient rusty grate that's too heavy?

That's not the problem. It's stuck and unless we get it unstuck before.

What are you Gordon? Get the fuck out of there right now.

If we don't close this right now, it's the same as giving that thing and express ticket to our throats.

Guys, it's getting closer.

The great stuck on debris. The only way to close it is from the inside. And if I can just hang on it from here, maybe I can know.

No, no, we can close it from the outside. Gordon, take my hand.

Guys, it's closer. I got this almost there.

Gordon, You're not gonna make it. This isn't noble, it's dumb.

Just a little more.

Oh god, damn it. You think I'm letting you pull up? Prince Charming?

Move over.

I thought this was dumb, then I guess so am I now push?


No, drop back out.

I'm taking a step closer, all right, doubt Rema, I need you to give me that gun. They deserve this.

I told them that we should leave.

But no, what was it that you called this place?

That's not what is your goddamn birthright?


Good, come on pull.

We're not giving birth here.

Almost there yet.

To say, guys, but.

Yeah, we need to get the fuck out of here. Lift don't mind if.

I do, great, ready bullto ready.

Not to hurry all or anything, but now.

Can we get missus bridges her Meds and someone please change out the bed pans in one oh three.

I think Missus Milligan will be glad to hear it's over.

After thirty one years. I think any closure is welcome.

Excuse me, yes, back so soon. They're not done with the books.

Actually, we were hoping to talk to missus Milligan.

Do you think we could go in?

Missus Milligan passed away last night?

Oh I'm sorry to hear that we're cleaning out her room now.

Really, I'm so sorry.

Wait, is that Rudy? What's he doing? Back so soon?


The town's I guy.

Guy lost his son all those years ago. Oh no, his wife they were married fifty three years this far now, if you excuse me.

I think he'll want to know.

Let's find out.

What do you think that was?



Consumed Episode eleven, The One for the Rest, written by Carlos Folia and Alessandra Hara del Castillo, editing and sound design by Rima Ilkali, Starring Rachel Rosenbloom and Arturo Castro, with Ruth Connell, Sam Rod, Genevieve Padalaki, Benjamin Stockholm, Charlie, David Newell, Mike Korich, Anna East Fairweather Junior A Lobby, Alma Martinez, Tracy Martin, Laura Shine, George Vincent, and Rafael Corkill. Directed by Alexander Williams, Assistant director Trevor Young, Casting by Sunday Bowling CSA and Meg Mormon CSA. Production Coordinator Wayna Calderon. Music by Carlos Folia. Consumed The season one score available now on Apple Music, Spotify, or wherever music is streamed. Executive producers Aaron Mankey, Carlos Folia, S, Matt Frederick and Alexander Williams. Supervising producers Trevor Young and Josh Thain. Producers Noami Griffin, Jesse Funk, and rima Ilkeale. Recorded at This Is Sound Design Studios, Burbank, California, engineered by Ross erroneut east Side Studios, Austin, Texas engineered by Austin Sisler and Aros Creative In Sound Ohi, California, engineered by Ken Aros. Consumed was created by Carlos Folia, inspired by the novel by Aaron Manky. Consumed is the newest chapter in the Bridgewater universe. To learn more and catch up, visit Grimandmild dot com slash Bridgewater Learn more about Consumed at grimanmil dot com, slash Consumed and find more podcasts from iHeartRadio by visiting the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.

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When struggling journalist Sarah Simmons finds herself stranded in an idyllic New Hampshire town, he 
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