7 | Until Proven Guilty

Published Mar 6, 2024, 8:01 AM

An unlikely ally helps Sarah and Gordon as they dig deeper into the past. But with every clue comes yet another question—and more lies.

Consumed is a production of iHeart Podcasts and grimm and Mild from Aaron Maky. Headphones recommended listener discretion advised.

Sureff, if you could join second, Miss Simmons, Albert, did you check the cameras?

What if I could? But they ain't been up since the power outage.

You're telling me we haven't had video for two months.

We have a sign in sheet, lovely, so.

We can see if her detaining signed himself out.

Sureff, if I could, just did he at least.

Mention anything about where he might be headed? Just said he had to pay, as we've already established. Yes, thank you, pleece Sheriff.

It's important.

Ah, yes, Miss Simmons almost forgot you were there, despite the constant reminders. You need to take a look at what's on this phone your dead phone.

Sure, I have an urt to sit in a way.

It's not as if I have more pressing matters to attend to, something like, oh, I don't know a missing minor in.

The finger fan of the diner boss the finger?

How could I forget the finger?


Albert? Here to please, you were saying, Miss Simmons, you don't need to be rude about it.

Why don't you take a note from mister Morale's and go wait patiently over there. I'm sure you wouldn't mind, seeing as you two are on such friendly terms already.

See he's even waving. Just chill him that this is exactly what I need to talk to you. All right, Albert.

Let's bring up Avery's records.

There's got to be some clue about where he'd go to feel safe. And why don't you take a drive to the brooders, but do not go inside, and under no circumstances.

Alert the parents.

Trace the steps back there and see if you can find any signs of Avery.

Planting space over here. I can scooch no need, or you can take the furtest possible seat. That works too.

Oh and now that you're not seeing anything, is this because of the Star Trek thing, because hey, I am willing to put the work in I will watch.

No, it's not about Star Trek, which you should watch regardless.

This is about me not speaking to suspected murderers.

Okay, Sarah, you're acting really weird.

I'm acting weird me really.

An hour ago we were completely fine. Then I step out of the shower and it's like you got left over. It gone, but moosh close on the floor.

No explanation. Why do you think I came looking for you to the police station? I was worried? Mm hm okay, seriously, what's wrong?

I'm pretty sure we don't have a carbon monoxide league, so we can't be that ooh though I did take the batteries out to stop the be being so oh, don't tell me.

Are you afraid of commitment?

Yes, but that's not the point. This, this is what's wrong.

A Nokia phone, Well, there's no shame in downgrading. Could be worse.

It's Aaron's phone.

Okay, so why do you have it?


I don't have it.

You have it. It's literally in your hand. I don't know what to tell you.

I am not playing games here, Gordon.

Yeah, not on a Nokia. You're not ooh unless wait, remember snake, I.

Found this in your pull tuck behind that creepy little hidden compartment that you said was just a janitor's closet.

It is apparently not more like a trophy case.

Ah, I get it now, this is why you're being weird.

Well that's a little reductive. I prefer the term survival instinct.

So you think what that I killed Aaron and then kept a damny piece of evidence in the place where I both work and live.

Will never said you were smart about it.

I'm gonna lie, I'm a bit offended by that. Not that you think I'm a murderer, but do you think I'm a dumb murderer?

I'm sorry? Is this funny to you?


I mean?

No, not funny. No, I'm wrong. Answer, I'm serious? Face on him? Sorry?

So, then, how do you explain Aaron's found being in your wall?

I'm as curious as you are.

Where is he? Where is my son? Missus Bruder?

I can assure you we have everything under control.

Do you really so you know where my son is?

No, because then he'd be here behind those bars where I left him.

I guess I don't need to ask where you came across this information.

Sorry, boss, He's still her kid, right?

Can I get you some water?


You can tell me what you're doing to make sure that he's safe.

If I may be frank with you, missus Bruder, it's not exactly every safety we're worried about.

What does that mean?

It means we have a potentially violent on the loose in a town that's already terrorized, and my duty is to its people. So we can't afford to be wasting valuable time arguing when we could be searching.

If he'thn't violent, excuse.

Me, He's never heard anyone, nor would he ever hurt anyone.

I mean, he still looks away when he gets shot, can't stand the sight of blood.

That's not what you told me before I lied. Wouldn't you would I impede.

A police investigation into two active murders in the town where I and my neighbors live.

No, missus Browder, I most certainly would not.

He didn't kill that girl.

He was trying to help her, wasn't he, Sarah, I don't think now is That's.

What I've been trying to tell you. That's what was on her phone. Miss Simmons.

Once again, your feedback, while unnecessary, is also are you recording this?

Yeah? Unless I heard there isn't any law against that's it.

Both of you out of my station and in case your mic to pick it up.

That wasn't a request yep.

Heading out on YouTube.

Yeah, don't do anything stupid, but waite if you would listen.

Wow, that was quite the mama. Head move. I can't say I approve, but I respect the hustle.

Really, or are you mad?

Your little scapegoat isn't here to take the blame anymore?

Oh so now I've framed Avery too.

I don't know, did you?


I gotta say I'm having a bit of a hard time keeping up with all these crimes I supposedly committed, especially when I barely know the evidence against me.

Phone wall, secret compartment, and General's shadiness about said compartment.

Do I at least get to explain myself. Isn't due process kind of a big part of the whole process.

I'm not a court.

You are the court of public opinion?


Please? Sarah? Do you really think I could have done these things?


What else am I supposed to think?

Okay, you said you wanted to show the share of what was on the phone, right, Well, I think I have a charger back of the library.

We can get it back on and go from there.

Oh yeah, you may follow you back to the large building where no one will hear me scream.

That's only if you scream from your throat, not from your diaphragm.

Oh thanks for the tip. Also not helping come on.

All I want is a chance to explain. Show me where you founded. Please.

Yeah, well I was last seen with you. Keep that in mind, So that's a yes. And I have a taser that's great, a.

Painful one, I don't doubt it.

Viprotech vts nine eight nine, three hundred million volts straight to the nervous system.

How incredibly specific. I'll make sure to remember that while I'm incapacitated walk.

Oh no, no, no, you're going in front because you hate to.

See me go, but you'll love to watch me leave.

Nah, it's so I have a better aim.

Hi, Kevin, thank you, Albert, you can go now right?



Is this really necessary?

You lied to the police and possibly falsified evidence, So yes, I believe it is.

How much trouble am I in, Well, it depends on how honest you are.

Starting now, you're making me wonder whether I need a lawyer or present for this. Of course, it's certainly your prerogative, and legally there's nothing I can do to stop you from requesting one. But then again, the more time we spend trying to contact the main office and requesting for them to assign someone, and then waiting for that lawyer to arrive. It's all time that could be better spent, don't you agree?

And you put it that way?

So the brazier, what about it?

Was it or was it not?

Aaron McDonald's. You don't have any kids.

Do you?

Maxine your point?

Aaron stayed with us one week while her parents were out of town, left some things behind in our hamburn.

That's all innocent.

And young boys.

Well, it's best to let them have their secrets, or better yet, to let them think.

Their secret and the blood left over from lunch's pork chops.

I'm sure that your tests.

Will confirm it whenever or if ever.

They come back. So if he's not guilty, then why did he run?

He's a teenager.

Why did they do anything?

They're scared, insecure and hormonal?

Take your pick.

Do you have any idea where he might be headed?

Aaron was his only friend.

I can't imagine he's headed much of anywhere now, but hopefully home.

Hopefully the tapes sometimes.

There now can you go search for my son?

Is there anything else you want to share with me?




Why you'd go to such lengths to keep avery in ourselves?

What makes you so sure?

He'll be a victim. Grima, What aren't you telling me I'm a mother?

Why do I have to be sure to protect him?

Can't I be worried?

Albert will see you out, vaccine find my son?



Is she gone?


Just sorrow off next time.

I know.

I'm sorry, boss, but you know how it is when you live so long with these folks. It's hard not to make things personal.

But I'll tell you what.

I trusted these people more the day I got here than.

I do know.

So what now?

Well, I still have to deal with that damn severed finger.

At least we know where buster is missing digit went.

But not how it got there.

Meanwhile, you'll go look for every you.

Think he'd be headed home, not with those parents.

No, In fact, it's probably the last place he'll go. But you'll show up eventually, they all do.

Oh Jesus fucking Christ, could that be any louder?

You shall not blaspheme.

Oh, shut up and keep walking.

Should I hold my hands up to officer in case you want to have me down?

Three hundred million vaults? Remember?

Oh I do.


I was thinking I was in the Hallmark channel, but no, turns out it's a lifetime original.

Yeah me, Oh, you think we're homework material.

I think I'm insane for agreeing to this, and that's what they'll put on my gravestone.

What was that?

The same creepy colonial church, durned library sounds that we've been hearing, except now fit through the perspective that you think I'm a depray murder?

Could that be it?

You know, I'm starting to not care whether you did it or not.

Maybe I just want to try this baby out bt bist.

I'm sorry?

Was that supposed to be your three hundred million votes or outtakes from the B movie?

I couldn't tell.

Oh, give me a reason, Morales, Just give me a reason, Well, then open.

It, no please or anything? Jeez?

Now the code Hello Earth to Gordon?

Huh what? Oh? All right, all right, just don't look.

Why are you covering it? I already know the code? Ooh thief killer? Holy shit?

Okay, Yeah, this cross space was definitely not here before.

No, I mean it was not that big when I left it. That's freaky, that's it, freaky, I do it.

You're not surprised. You knew what was there. You put it there yourself. You're the killer misresolved. I'll go pack my bags.

Wait wait, wait, wait, what do you expect me to say? You already told me was there, and I believe you a courtesy. I only wish you could reciprocate.

So if you didn't do this, then who why is it so much bigger? Now?

Well let's see ooh, Vince wolferd could fit through there, Gordon, sorry, sorry to two regular sized meals could fit side by side through this opening.

And what the hell are these changes?

No no, don't stick your head in there.

There's nothing to see here, oh Gordon.

Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no no, you do not get to National treasure me.

I national treasure you.

You treasure me. Oh, don't make me blushed?

Shove over?

What's in there?

Do you mean to tell me?

You accuse me and threaten me multiple times without checking to see what was on the other side.

I found a dead girl's phone in your wall.

Excuse me if I didn't call a crime squad before getting the fuck out of Dodge.

We'll take a look.

Holy shit.

Okay, so that crawl space, Yeah, not a crawl space, more like a giant naked mulrat clawed its way through the dirt.

Ooh, things of that image.

And to be clear, this does not absolve you.

Oh, of course because of my hobby digging giant tunnels. Ooh, I knew it would come back and bite me in the ass.

What do you think this place is?

Since that information could be used to say I knew about this place, my internal made up council has advised me against responding.

And missed a chance to show off.

I plead the fifth.

You don't know?

Do you not yet.


What was that?

I don't know? Air?

It's the same draft I keep feeling from outside.

You can distinguish airs.

It's coming from it in here. There's something past these tunnels.

In my way, mister fraggins. No, you can't reach me.

Oh hello, hi Phoebe what you got there?

My toys?

They're lovely and loads of fun.

It looks like thanks. Do you always play on the grass?


Soft, unless it's wet, because then I get an essie and my mommy gets.

Mad, right, and we couldn't do that.

And do you ever find anything interesting while you're playing?

Like what?

I don't know, Like maybe something that gets the adults all riled up in a dizzy.

Like it Shaws, exactly like it, Shaws.

I didn't like it there, sounded like that singing lady was crying. But then I found a finger?

Oh did you?

They were all scared, but I wasn't.

That's so brave of you.

How did you find it?


I didn't find it. He gave it to me.

Who gave it to you?

The dark man?

And why do you call him the dark man?

Was it his skin?

No, he was made of shadows.

Babe. Comment's waiting, it's going to wash up.

Gotta go, Sheriff, Mike Jack sure didn't expect to see you two here.

Times like these, that's when the town comes together, Ain't that right?


How can I help you? Sheriff?


I was hoping to talk to Phoebe about the finger she found.

Seems like you already did.

She said a dark man gave it to her.

Did she ever mention that to you?

Phoebe still doesn't get that her sister isn't coming back.

I wouldn't put much weight on what she says.

Ah, boys, I'm just trying to help, And I get that I can be a wee bit much. I actually often find myself incredibly annoying, So we have that in common. But I've got a pool in every thread, even if it means something like revisiting Buster's accident as a murder.

Don't you think that's a little extreme.

With everything going on in this town?

Not at all, look Sheriff.

I've lived in this town all my life. I know these woods. Chances are some critter carried it over. Wouldn't be the first time. I certainly won't be the last.

Just last week, raccoons stole missus Gresham's bloomers.


Huh yeah, they got those little hands.

They're made for Thievan. If Phoebe remembers anything else, you'll let me know.

I will in that case, gentlemen, Sheriff, I really coon my rs.

Hey, you did good, Mike, you did real good.


Won't bring my daughter back. No, but this is our town and nothing is going to run us out, least of all her.

No. I get why my electricity bill is always so freaking expensive. I've been trying to heat the labyrinth from well labyrinth.

Well, no way around it.

We gotta go in.

We have to look for the source.

Excuse me, you want to enter the secret layer? First of all?


Second of all on earth? Would you want to do that? Actually?

No, no, this tracks for the woman who followed it, potentially murders man back to an empty library.

Oh my murderous man. Do you mean you the one who told me to do so? And I could have been.

Trying to kill you, hence your point?

Okay, that did you hear that?

I hear a lot of things, voices, median voices that it might be my conscious might not.

You will have to be specific.

It was coming from the library. Come on, follow me.

And we're going. Okay, there's nothing.

Did you lock the door?

Yes, there are murders happening. I just put in an automatic lock. Actually, so what was that? Well in a terrifying with fate that came from the horror section. So now it might be a good time for you to pull out that taser. Please, thank you.

How about that high lied? I don't have a taser?

You lied? What about all those specs?

The three hundred million bolds?

I mean I have it in my cart online, never clicked by.

It was a bluff.

In hindsight, the whole thing did feel a little banana th the copop?

Yeah, where was that?

Oh? We are going to die here?

Did you see that something moved?

That was?

That was?

Yeah, somebody was in here?

Consumed Episode seven until Proven Guilty. Written by Carlos Folia and Alessandra Hara del Castillo. Editing and sound design by Jesse Funk, Starring Rachel Rosenbloom and Arturo Castro, with Ruth Connell, Sam Rod, Genevieve Padlaki, Benjamin Stockholm, Charlie David Newell, Mike Korich, Anna East Fairweather, Junior A Lobby, Alma Martinez, Tracy Martin, Laura Shine, George Vincent, and Rafael Corkill. Directed by Alexander Williams, Assistant director Trevor Young, Casting by Sunday Bowling CSA and Meg Mormon CSA. Production coordinator Wayna Kelder. Music by Carlos Folia. Consumed the season one score available now on Apple Music, Spotify, or wherever music is stream. Executive producers Aaron Manky, Carlos Folia, Matt Frederick and Alexander Williams. Supervising producers Trevor Young and Josh Thain. Producers Noami Griffin, Jesse Funk, and Rima Ilkali. Recorded at This Is Sound Design Studios, Burbank, California, engineered by Ross Aerrono east Side Studios, Austin, Texas, engineered by Austin Sisler and Aros Creative in Sound, Ohi, California, engineered by Ken Aros. Consumed was created by Carlos Folia, inspired by the novel by Aaron Macky. Consumed is the newest chapter in the Bridgewater universe. To learn more and catch up, visit Grimandmild dot com Slash Bridgewater. Learn more about Consumed at grimmanmile dot com slash Consumed, and find more podcasts from iHeartRadio by visiting the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.

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When struggling journalist Sarah Simmons finds herself stranded in an idyllic New Hampshire town, he 
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