6 | The Dark Man in the Corner

Published Feb 28, 2024, 8:01 AM

When one of their own is arrested and their secrets begin to leak out, the residents of Danville deal with the fallout. 

Consumed is a production of iHeart Podcast in grimm and mild from Aaron Mackey. Headphones recommended, listener discretion advised.

Oh augussl gourdon hon emn.

Tito, he is Acus.

The name nielding to be Sougus Man.

The man.

Came hall cob Ergus the how.

That was? Wow?

I don't even It's called keening, the ancient Irish whaling of lament for the dead.

Is this what they sing at all Irish funerals?


This one is called keene for a dead child, So I hope not. Poor Aaron can't.

Believe they're having a memorial for her here in the diner.

Todd volunteered since apparently mister wed tore apart their house when he got the news. He's understandably and not handling it well.

I can't even imagine. Hello, huh oh hi.

Oh, hello Phoebe. We we didn't see you sneak up behind us.

Aaron says in a super spy Aaron's good sister.

It's her, heidy silly, I wonder when she's coming.

Oh that's right. Are you having a good time?


And no?

Oh yes, because I love coming to shahs and no that old lady's voice was not pretty, and too many people in black awry baring loing. There is also baring way all all down.

Oh hello, Phoebe, what's so boring?

I'm on cake, I think we can find you a piece. Why don't you go ask mister Shaw?

Okay, okay, okay, Well this is embarrassing.

We did the right thing, Jack, you did what you wanted. We're in public, Jack, I did what was best for our son. We should just take a look around. We're at his girlfriend's service. Do you have any idea how easily it could have been him?

Instance, you had our son arrested.

I had him put in a safe place.

You lied.

I did what I had to do. And if you don't keep your fucking temper and your.

Voice, hike Todd, Rema, Jack, Hey Todd, Hey Jack. A couple of us were wondering if we could maybe have a talk later, talk sure, and not to be ghost. Maybe you guys would consider waiting at home?

What are you asking us to leave?


No, it's just the hubbub with Avery. You know, it's casting a bit of a dark cloud on the whole bed. Hey, how about I cast a bit of my fucking foot up your.

It's Phoebe.

Is she okay?

Phoebe? Phoebe Mony?

Holy shit, is that a finger?


You give that to me right now? You gotta judge me place, young lady. Drop that right now. You will tell us right now, where did you get that?

He gave it to me? The dark man in the corner. He said he was just with Aaron.

If this draft was any bigger, we'd be protesting the war. Let me just go ahead and erase that dad joke.

Oh my god, I just had a dad joke and I'm not a dad or in my fifties.


Okay, So after the fifth what the fuck moment in the diner, I think I'm gonna document more than just possible story stuff, just in case my body ends up being party face. I heard two small children at memorial services on a lighter note slash worst segue ever. Gordon has been even more adorable. So normally I'd say I want to take him home, but technically I'm homeless and he lives in a library. That being said, cute Gordon is get this gathering a set of books to bring to the coop or what they call the Cooper nursing home. Every week he delivers a curated box of selected works, plus any request the residents have. And let me tell you, that man is checking off boxes I never knew existed. If only he could check off the properly insulate an old building box, we may be engaged already.


Nope, didn't scare me. I heard them close toed Birkenstock feet from a mile away.

But I also heard talk about engage.

I was remembering my favorite Star Trek episode.

Oh yeah, which one?

Is this one of those?

I'm wearing the band shirt, so I have to prove that I'm a fan by naming a song toxic Snyder cut dude, bro moves.

Oh no, no, I've only ever seen like two episodes of any Star Trek.

Ew really is that bad? It was here the cracks started showing.

Okay, well, allow me to redeem myself. I have seen every episode of Doctor Who.

Okay, you can stay.


I wanted to ask, did you know Erin at all?


Not really, like not really didn't know her at all?

Well, well, no, I mean she came in a few times and I can remember.

But you know, the institution of the library isn't really keeping up with the TikTok algorithm, and most of the famous ones are still open because social media.

Has deemed them a tourist destination.

Mm hmm.

But I didn't ask about them.

I'm so sorry. I guess I'm still processing all that's going on.

You know what, I think?

I want to see Miss Milligan, along with the others still at the coop, make some people smile today after that craziness as Shaws.

I get it. I'm sorry. I guess I'm always in work mode.

No, No, it's okay, I get it. I really should have watched more.

Star Trek.

Doctor who.

I mean, come on, there will be no tarnis Lander tolerated on this trip.

Oh, I'm coming, I mean, if you want.

I was kind of hoping I.

Could talk to miss Milligan and see if she could share.

Anything brilliant alone.

See if that's a reference. I swear this place looks like one of those horror movie orphanages.

That's basically any brickhouse in New England.


What's your favorite orphanage movie?

Can I say the Orphanage?


That works?

You win?

I do first price? What is it you get to carry half the books.

In I should have said the devil's backbone.

Oh, now that would have gotten you a cargo free entrance.

Noted. So this place is definitely not haunted.

No, but it kind of has that clean, old person smell. Oh I know that, and I can't imagine ever putting my folks in one of.

These, even if it was the best option.

Oh my god, I once joked that we were gonna put my boilin at home. And let me tell you, my entire family didn't talk to me for a month. My birthday was in the middle of it all, and I didn't even get a high five.

I didn't get the gandul she promised me. I didn't get anything. It's just kind of like a wink. I got a wing from my grandma.


Speaking of no communication, hello, huh, that's weird.

One at the front desk, but also the exodus. Okay, but someone has to be here if.

They can't just leave the patients residence.

Oh if they catch you calling them patients.

Oh, I'm sorry I didn't Gordon.

Is she with you, yes, ma'am great? You know the rules about visitors.

Not on the list?


Sorry, Eliza, Misscastle, Miss Castle, You're lucky I'm too understaffed and those books will come in handy, so let's go.

Thank you, Miss Castle.

Is this everyone?

The other nine were all picked up by their families for early winter trips. Hello, missus Bridgers. Everything okay, must be.

Nice kids, Missit ain't there folks under them?

Buzard anymore. I gave them everything a second they could leave.

They left down.

Though, missus Bridgers, these aren't anyone's kids. This is Gordon, the librarian you met on our field trip back in May. Poor woman has no idea what I just said. She's been angry at her family since they checked her in four years ago.

She's been alone for four years.

Younger generation doesn't like the burden of taking care of the people who take care of them.

Yeah, must be a bummer, Oh, miss Milligan.

I'll leave you.

No, Miss Milligan. Mister Cahill retired a few years ago. I'm the new and improved model Gordon from the library.

The cover, the what the cover?

The book cover? Miss Milligan.

I don't think she likes does Jackets?

Who are you?

I'm Gordon Gordon and you Hello, Miss Milligan. I'm Sarah Simmons and Gordon and I have brought you some amazing books.

Yes, yes, we got some doozies today.

Miss Milligan.

I was hoping you'd be able to tell me about Joshua, your son. You remember him right, Maybe what he said before he.

Left or child? Come here me closer, young lady. If you're going to stay, don't trust the dark man in the corner.

I'm sorry, what.

Leave the books here? I need to take a nap.

Alrighty, well, we'll see you next week.

Who are you?

Did you hear? What the fuck?

She just said?

The dark man stuff?


Wasn't that basically what Aaron's little sister said?


I don't think so.

I think she was And this is pretty par for the course with the elderly in New England.

Referring to me.


Yeah, she asked for Dean Koons's watchers two weeks ago and could only find whispers, So I may have played it off like that's the one she wanted.

Wait what?


I mean that's terrible, But it isn't that what Aaron's sister phoebe? Yes? Uh, Phoebe? Isn't that what she said?

Honestly, it is so loud to the diner that I don't remember I'm telling you though, Milligan's just salty.

Also, she's a coonsman in Stephen King Country. I mean she should know better.

It remains the windy city inside this book Sanctuary. And yes, I know that Chicago was called the windy City not just because of the crazy windstorms, but because their politicians were full of hot air? Sarah, did I just man explain myself anyway?


It's cold, Gordon?

Is there heat anywhere in this cursed building?

Great? Doesn't like Star trek Love's lame is? Where did I go wrong?

All right, let's brow me the use this bitch.

There's got to be a heater or access to, as.

Jesus a wind tunnel.

Why well, Sarah, glad you asked, because you see, books don't get cold, so why don't anyone ever need to invest in an adequate humane heating system for them? That's a great point. Sarah, who is now talking to herself in the first, second and third person, stayed to see if I can have her talk to you in the fourth as well. Okay, it's fridgid down here, and I think what the wind is coming from the janitor's closet, which for some reason is hidden behind a bookshelf. This time, are intrepid. Yes, I've decided intrepid stays. Our intrepid explorer has secured the barrel key and has figured out how to deactivate the alarm. No to Selve, don't keep the alarm security code on a post it on your bedroom mirror.


Hello, okay, well, this draft is clearly.

Coming from a closet. That doesn't make sense unless I move this and these jumpers.


And that, my friends, is a very small door. It's like an Alice in Wonderland door with a sketchy chain lock on it locked this Keith definitely won't fit, but it does open a bit. Maybe if I can put my flashlight in the opening looks like a tiny little cross space.

Pretty empty? Wait, what's that? If I can just get I can just yep a little more?

Got it?

What a Nokia cell phone? My museum really is?

It's alive?

Wait a minute.

Four new voicemails.

Received today and one Oh hey, Hans, just working to see if you wanted to go to.

The phantombe really wanted to check out the pumpkins and maybe we can snags and fresh apples and Robbie anyway, We'll see you after practice.

I love you. Received Tuesday at two forty three pm.

Hello, if you have helped her back to.

This Received Tuesday at five fifty two pm.

Hey, it's me.

I'll try to make it to Shawls, but the folks are being dicks and nope, I'm on the phone. Mom, okay, fart.

Received Tuesday at nine ten pm.

Rynn hits me. I'm sorry about earlier, but listen to me. If you need to go home or come here right away. It's not safe at the diner or anywhere.


I can't explain it, but I've asked Dad to head down and offer you a write. You should be there in a few.


Fuck, fucking fuck.


That means Jack stopped to take my car and never got to pick up Aaron in time. Why is this phone here? Why was it hidden in the closet, behind a closet, behind a door. Oh the dark man, Fuck me, Sarah, I gotta get out of here. So, in a classic trope filled Sarah move, I think I've been sleeping with the killer.

It can't be, but I wasn't with Gordon Manny.

The bodies were Oh, for fuck's sake, Okay, we'll figure this out.

But for those of you listening, looks like.

A pretty big commotion at the station at the other end of town.

Olbert, I'm going to need you to tell me exactly what happened.

I'm sorry, Max. He said he needed to go to the bathroom. Yes, and then so I opened the cell and pull him to the men's room.

And did you escort the detainees?

He's just a kid, and I've known him since he was born.

I understand, but we have protocols for a reason. I had no idea.

I didn't know he did.

Sheriff, Miss Simmons, what on earth are you need to talk to you?


Is not a good time?

What happened? We're not at Liberty.

Too, you've re escaped.

What you know?

Bear to you're too.


Let's go with that.

Yes, Miss Simmons, looks like we've got a fugitive on our hands.

Oh, it's my fault. So there you have it.

Nothing says I'm really guilty, like running away after being questioned for murder.

I don't think avery is guilty. Oh I found this.

That's a pretty old phone, maybe older than.

You probably, but it's what's on it.

That may answer some questions if I could just play you the oh no, no, no.

No, good luck finding a charger for.

There you are. I was worried when I couldn't find you. You know, murderers and all mister Morales.

Evening, Max, Hey, Sarah, Everything, Okay, Who's Hungry?

Consumed? Episode six, The dark Man in the Corner written by Carlos Folia and Alessandra Hara del Castillo. Editing and sound design by Rima El Kayali, starring Rachel Rosenbloom and Arturo Castro, with Ruth Connell, Sam Rod, Genevieve Padlaki, Benjamin Stockholm, Charlie David Newell, Mike Korich, Anna East Fairweather, Junior A Lab, Alma Martinez, Tracy Martin, Laura Shine, George Vincent, and Rafael Corkil. Directed by Alexander Williams, Assistant director Trevor Young, Casting by Sunday Bowling CSA and Meg Mormon CSA. Production coordinator Wayna Calderon. Music by Carlos Folia Consumed the season one score available now on Apple Music, Spotify, or wherever music is streamed. Executive producers Aaron Mankey, Carlos Folia, Matt Frederick and Alexander Williams supervising producers Trevor Young and Josh Thain. Producers Noami Griffin, Jesse Funk and Rima Ilkali. Recorded at This Is Sound Design Studios, Burbank, California, engineered by Ross erroneou east Side Studios, Austin, Texas engineered by Austin Sisler and Aros Creative and Sound Ohi, California, engineered by Ken Aros. Consumed was created by Carlos Folia, inspired by the novel by Aaron Mackey. Consumed is the newest chapter in the Bridgewater universe. To learn more and catch up, visit Grimandmild dot com Slash Bridgewater. Learn more about Consumed at grimanmil dot com, Slash Consumed and find more podcasts from iHeartRadio by visiting the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.

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When struggling journalist Sarah Simmons finds herself stranded in an idyllic New Hampshire town, he 
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