5 | Steel Bars

Published Feb 21, 2024, 8:01 AM

Left with no other choice, Rema Brooder takes matters into her own hands and does the unimaginable. 

Consumed is a production of iHeart Podcast and Grimm and Mild from Aaron Maky Headphones. Recommended listener discretion advised.

Move got it, damn it?

What the fuck?


No, no.

Facts, Jesus Christ?

Come on.


Where's my fucking iPod?


Is is someone there? Hey? Hey? Hello, kahy I could see you? What what the hell?


Ship ship?

M come on, come on, pick up ship please please please.

Nine your emergency.

Yes, you're here. You have to you have to.

Come, sir. What's your name? Sir?

Take a glad.

You have to send someone. I I found him.

Mm hm hm h.

M hm.

H m hm h.

Yeah, boy, I read the boy.

Oh Sheriff Herding.

I thought it would no, no, no, no, no, Hi can swellow?

Can I come in?

Of course, sheriff you heard something about my Arfonso.

Let's take a seat, shall we?


Yes, yes, yes, of course. It's to smell criado simbron. And then I see, don't mind them. It's how they talk. Huh they see a sheriff about my son.

Earlier today?

Is it true? The first seventy two hours are the most important. What I saw in sixteen minutes? How after that chances drop. Less people are found. It's not that simple, and even less alive. So tell me, sure, Alan, have you found my son?

We found his body late last night in the woods.

There was evidence of foul play.

I'm sorry, you're wrong.

Can swallow this?

My son isn't dead.

I saw him myself.

No, no, I don't believe you.

Look, I can't even imagine what you must be feeling right now, and I know it's hard, but we need you to come down to identify his body. We will bring whoever did this to justice.

It's a st look at Quentin in a step Pueblo. I'm sorry, I don't understand quenta'ss meho barinte kao solo skop and deus mismos Yes, show on some little diner bear.

The worst is Shaw?

What about Shaw?

No vacation, no breaks, calling him in whenever he's off, kicking him out whenever he wants, and always making him work nights. That's why my Alphonso was out so late. You know, that's why he's still missing.

I'll arrange for a car to come when you're ready.

No, thank you.

I don't know who you saw, but it wasn't my son.

I know it and what makes you so sure?

Because he called me come again her phone? So I heard him?

When was this last night?

Around ten pm?

I can swallow based on that time, he likely called you just before and then again this morning.

That can't be right. It was his voice.

I would recognize it anywhere or what did it say? How to tell that connection was bad?

But it was him that I know.

He's to seem I didn't take.

That deh teavali.

I know.

I'm all right. Thank you.

We'll be in touch, okay, can swallow reach out if you need anything.

I mean it.

It is you, Sheriff bro your no so like and tayuda pour guy, i'l gorra and Ste pueblo yes, albo nos dedos ah.

Thank you for your time.

I'll be right with you.

All right.

We've got two eggs scrambled with pancakes, a slice of or pine milk and ojay enjoy.

Actually I had the uh.

Oh and he's gone and I had the granola.

So this is basically the same thing.

I bett Shaw's really missing having fonts on the job right about now. Sucks that this is what it took for him to realize it.

As they say, you don't know what you've got.

So it's gone. Well, well that was drewry Man did die, Sarah not exactly laughing matter, and I will.

Be sure to use as serious and weighty a tone as possible when I write about.

It, really, because I'd want my obituary written in nothing but puns.


Yes, here lies Vicenta de la torre Morales. They'll once a book where Now just food for the Oh that that one darker than I intended.


One, that's a gravestone, not an obituary. Two it was barely a pun question mark in three. Wow, you got my full name, right.

Of course I did. What makes you think I wouldn't.

Well, it's kind of long, but not by my family standards though, Just to be clear, So a lot of people they just don't bother.

Well, I'm not a lot of people, which I'm sure you know by Now what are you blushing about?

I was talking professionally about my work.

Right, of course, your work, the reason you're here.

Yes, mister Roberto, my work. Oh wow, okay, okay, rhubarb. So this must be where Pie goes to die?

Get it?

Because of the town and the deaths and the creepy Nope, nope, not listening.

The only reason, what I mean is.

Your work, the only reason you're here.

Well, this pie's pretty good hah huh. And the weather's kind of nice, and and there might be a certain someone in town who have got my eye on.


Well, he's handsome and smart and looks damn good in a uniform. What yeah, that Oldbert guy? What a smoke show. How I managed to control myself is beyond me. Check please, you, Gordon are a different breed.

Last three guys I dated back home jump through hoops to avoid defining things, and that.

Was fine by me.

Oh so you're saying we're dating.

Hence my exact point. We are happily coexisting in a town where I am currently working. Anything more, And I plead the fifth.

So what happens when the story is done?

Nope, I plead the fifth.

But you are at least a little here for me, right sixty forty seventy five?

Five try five ninety five?

Brutal Shaw, Hey watch the door, please, Shaw?

She was here, erin was here? Not this again?


Just go home?

Was she scared? Did she say where she was going? Did she say anything?

This isn't the place avory, but it is.

This is the last place anyone saw her alive, and you were one of the last people to see her. You.

It's just me here now, Okay. I don't have time for this. Go home and clean up.

You had to have seen something anything.

I'm not gonna ask you again. Avery, leave before I call your dad to come drag you home.

You're lying to me just like he is. You know something, don't you.

Shut up and stop spreading that nonsense.

You didn't see him what they did to Fonso and if erin if that's how she went.

H Avery, calm down.

I'm not leaving until you tell me everything.

Is there a problem here?

No, Sheriff. I'm sorry you got called in, but we're all good here. Isn't that all right? Ay?


H Actually that's not why I came, Avery, Breweder. You're under arrest for the murder of Aaron McDonald and Alfonso Campos. You have the right to remain silent.

What get off of me.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

I didn't do anything. It wasn't me. I would never hurt her.

You have the right to an attorney and if you cannot afford a lawyer. One will be provided for you.

Why are you doing this? Albert?

Take him outside on it?

Mom, Max, I'm sorry kid, Let's go. M Miss Simmons. I thought I told you to leave town.

And if I was any good at listening, i'd probably be a doctor right now.

So I see.

Gordon next, I thought she was gonna shoot me.

She's not used to disobedience. Yeah, no, So did you get all that?


Did hit it the second he walked in?

Does this mean that the story is over?

I don't know.

I already told you I went for a walk to clear my head and he was just there.

So you went for a stroll in the same woods where another body was found.

You didn't think that was dangerous? No, I didn't think. I just wanted to get away.

We canvassed that entire area and couldn't find anything, but you simply chanced up on a body. How do you explain that.

Maybe you missed a spot. I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.

Tell me again from the start.

I went for a walk, then I fell into a ditch. Then I saw someone, so I followed them. But what do you mean you saw someone I thought, I, it's just it didn't feel like I was alone there. But I was wrong.

And then what happened?

I saw his arm. It was sticking out behind a rock.

So I walked up and what.

What did it look like like? It wasn't real? Like there'd been an accident in the meat aisle?

You know?

So why did you do it? I could barely look at it. I couldn't do it.

Witnesses said, you came out running with blood on you.

It was my blood.

Well we'll see what the tests say when they come back.

Why would I hurt Fonso? He knew you.

Kids, didn't.

He looked out for you all.

I imagine if you saw one of you say Erin getting hurt.

He'd step in.

I would never hurt Erin. I loved I was her friend, just a friend.

Was that by her choice or yours?

I just found the body. That's it. It doesn't mean I killed him.

Like it does that?

Sometimes start over again from the beginning.

No, no, no, no. How many times do I have to tell you it's not me?

And while you're in here asking me the same damn questions over and over again, the real killer is out there getting away with it.

Are you finished.

You can't blame me for this simply because I found the body. That's not how it works.

You're right, it isn't, and it's not the reason you're here.

What what did you you mean?

How did we find this hidden beneath your bedroom floor? Anonymous tip?

This isn't It's not what it looks like.

So this isn't a women's brazier, lace front, polka dot size thirty four B, the kind a teenage girl might wear.

No, you know you don't get it in the stain.

Isn't Erin's blood.

No, that's not that's wouldn't be there. Well, I'm a minor. You can't talk to me without my parents here.

We'll see about that.

Albert keep an eye on him, will you well do. We'll keep him in the interrogation room overnight. It's standard practice to see what else he mentions, and then we'll move him to a cell in the morning. We'll be sure to keep him fed and warm, and Albert will be there if he needs anything.

He did the right thing coming to us, You know that, right, I hope, so, I really do. I never believe family is capable of such things to you? Do you see it right in front of you when I saw that. The garment, Yeah, the garment. When I saw it. I guess you never really do know anyone, even meet your own son.

Will do our best to get to the bottom of this. I can promise you that, missus Bruder, just keep my boy safe, That's all I will.

There's a lot of anger wrapped up in this town and it's all looking for a way out.

What can you share about the arrest that took place earlier today?

No comment?

What about probable cause? What grounds was Avery.

Brought in on?

Do you have a motive? No comment?

Any thoughts on.

Whether these murders are related to the body shop death?

I said, no comment, And get that damn phone out of my face. Don't need them microwaves all up in my business. That's not how phones. Never mind, listen, Can you tell me or not? Gordon? Take your girlfriend the way before the boss moves her away? Will you excuse me?

Ooh yeah, no, oh, Olbert, I'd walk that back if are you? I'd walk that back on many fronts.

What is it with this town thinking you answer for me?

Must be because I'm so dependable.

Yeah, that's it, sure, Albert, make sure to enter the time stamps for the arrest and check Alfonso's call logs when you get a chance, see if there were any outgoing calls that we might have missed after midnight call ogs?

Are you thinking that I had something to do with his murder on the record?

Correct me if I'm wrong, But didn't I clearly mention how little another media fly was needed in this town.

As I recall, it was more of a vague threat.

But you know, different perceptions and all, such as I was under the impression that freedom of the press still applied even as far as Danville, and yet the press is nowhere to be found.

Now, why is that?

Care to comment?

Just lucky, I guess so.

I wouldn't have anything to do with your office withholding information my office.

Miss Simmons, I'm not sure what political drama you think you've been living in these past few days. I don't have the manpower to withhold anything. In fact, i'd say you have access to more resources than I do, seeing as Jack turned you out, and yet you still manage to remain in town.

How is that a reporter never reveals her sources?

Gardon, I.

I don't asked an answered? Nice to see where your loyalties lie.

Sorry, as a self declared.

Member of the press, you may ask whatever you please, Miss Simmons, but there's no law requiring me to listen. So if you will, the door.

Is that way?

I know.

That was less helpful than I hoped.

Yeah, real nice that one.

Oh, she's not that bad once.

You get to know her and you have.

Actually, I don't think anyone here has.

What makes you think she gets better?

Labor and optimism?


Why not?

So what now?


I've got no answers, no motive, and no witness, which means which means it's not a story yet, which means that I.

Need to stick around for now.

Did you just skip? No, you skipped, I'm skipping to the next topic.

How could you to your own son?


Yes, Jack, My day was nice.

I read how is yours?

I'm gone for one day to you right by our family, and the first thing I hear when I return is that our son has been.

A rested because of you, And I do it again. I was looking out for us, No, you were gone and.

I couldn't afford to wait.

So now Avery is locked behind steel bars because if you can't keep our son safe then I will.

Consumed. Episode five, Steel Bars, written by Alessandra Hara del Castillo, editing and sound design by Trevor Young, Jesse Funk and Rima Ilkali, Starring Rachel Rosenbloom and Arturo Castro, with Ruth Connell, Sam Rod, Genevieve Padalaki, Benjamin Stockholm, Charlie David Newell, Mike Korich, Anna east Fairweather, Junior a Lobby, Alma Martinez, Tracy Martin, Laura Shine, George Vincent and Raphael Corkill. Directed by by Alexander Williams, Assistant director Trevor Young, Casting by Sunday Bowling CSA and Meg Mormon CSA. Production coordinator Wayna Calderon. Music by Carlos Folia. Consumed the season one score available now on Apple Music, Spotify, or wherever music is streamed. Executive producers Aaron Manky, Carlos Folia, Matt Frederick and Alexander Williams. Supervising producers Trevor Young and Josh Thain. Producers Noami Griffin, Jesse Funk, and Rima Ilkeali. Recorded at This Is Sound Design Studios, Burbank, California. Engineered by Ross Erroneou East Side Studios, Austin, Texas, engineered by Austin Sisler and AOS Creative in Sound, Ohi, California, engineered by Ken Aros. Consumed was created by Carlos Folia, inspired by the novel by Aaron Manky. Consumed is the newest chapter in the Bridgewater universe. To learn more and catch up, visit Grim and Mild Slash Bridgewater. Learn more about Consumed at Grimm andmile dot com, slash Consumed, and find more podcasts from iHeartRadio by visiting the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.

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When struggling journalist Sarah Simmons finds herself stranded in an idyllic New Hampshire town, he 
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