Sarah and Gordon dig deeper as another body is found. More suspects are identified, and one dead end leads to another.
Consumed is a production of iHeart Podcasts and Grimm and Mild from Aaron Manky Headphones recommended. Listener discretion advised.
And remember that Shock diner everyone in Danville eats well, Come on down for a blue Play special just eleven ninety nine.
And you'll walk away with a belly flask.
We guarantee it twelve dollars for a plate of crap.
Come on now.
Up next is another gem from our suppa Blazers.
Huh, what the hello?
Anyone in here?
Fucking kids?
If anyone is in here, I'm gonna beat your ass if you're fucking with my cars?
What the hell is this? Who put this shirt on the edge? What is that?
Oh? Gods, flashes? I should do lassis.
Tsis cancer today?
You shouldn't teach them. I don't just got you should speaks like's.
I can't have the fins of sids and the should be honor between your hides, and you should have in your house.
I just don't know how you can prefer boneless, Okay.
I just think it's gross enough that we eat them with our hands. They're covered in some kind of sauce that only Americans got into.
That called Buffalo for a reason only.
We would say, hey, what can we add to hot sauce butter? Yes, that's it.
Well, now I'm getting hungry.
No, I'm getting angry. Is there really no internet in this town?
Well as established there usually is, though, it's like mid nineties dial up, and there's.
Nothing we can do about it because everyone seems to left.
Yeah. I tried calling Rudy, Rudy the Internet guy.
It's a guy, not like a company.
I mean, Apple was just a couple of guys ones.
Fifty years ago, so there's just one person for everything in Danville.
Yeah, We're truly a time capsule, so it's usually a guy. Are you recording this?
Yeah, I'm just really curious as to why so many people left.
Well, from my limited experience, is a relative nube up here in the baronies?
What was that?
What was what?
That terrible Southern accent?
Oh? Okay, terrible is subjective. So Danville is not Boston and it can really dip in tempts. Every year that I've been here, there's always been an exodus of folks, especially the older ones who take off till the end of winter.
Yeah, that totally makes sense. But it's October and it's like maybe sweatshirt weather outside.
And that doesn't help us with the question of Alfonso. But hey, I'm just glad, I mean surprised that you came back. Yeah, which if I was Valenti who basically Mexico Sherlock Holmes.
Oh, yeah, totally.
Look, we smashed those history books for a reason. You coming back knowing there's no technology except for the week radio signal, knowing that there's some crazy shit happening, not knowing when your call would be ready. I don't know.
It seems like you.
Wouldn't even bother to look in the rear view.
Yeah, or maybe it's been you alone.
Yeah, I've decided that you're not Valentino Quintana.
Valente Flente.
Just the facts, ma'am, the story, my well read friend.
There's been a murder or wildlife attack.
People are disappearing.
They do every year for the season.
But again, it's the middle of October.
Yeah, the mini exodus usually happens post Thanksgiving, so this is early.
You know what doesn't make sense though.
You're going to say the internet, how how is it possible?
The twenty minutes away in Loomington, there's the clearest of signals. And here it's a nothing burger and the one guy in charge of skip town.
Mmm burger, we may have to go back to Shaw's.
Okay, you're just using food to change the subject again. Now who looks sketch?
Uh guilty? But also remember I am incredibly awkward. I've devoted my whole life to history and books and look around. I mean, this is a pretty good racket, being able to hide behind them for most of my life.
I'll come back to how that's slightly adorable in a second. Yes, people have left, but have they ever just disappeared like Alfonso?
Off the top of my head, all I can think of is Missus Milligan's.
Grandson, Missus Milligan.
Yeah, she comes in every Tuesday to check her email account to see if her grandson mailed her an electric letter.
Jesus, that is a biggass book.
It's a copy of every Dan Bil Harold from the nineties.
I'm sorry you have a newspaper hat.
Yeah. I went digital for about five minutes in twenty twelve and then shut down completely.
They should have pivoted to video.
Yeah, that sounds like an industry joke that only one of us.
Gets still salty. Okay, so nineties newspaper right.
She'd occasionally ask if we'd ever heard from Jacob Winters. Jake Winters. I found out just up and left one morning in the early nineties. I want to see nineteenee because yes, yes, so they say he disappeared after going down to Boston to watch Ah Here it is September twenty third, nineteen ninety one. Nirvana play their first show there.
So he went and never came back.
Yeah, that's what it says. Danville Sheriff Peter Brewder has called off the search for Jacob Winters, citing the fact that he most likely never came back from Boston.
Weird, is Peter Jack's dad?
I think so?
Was there a search in Boston? No idea, that's super bizarre.
But I don't know if some grunge head probably following Nirvana on the road is the same as a local cook disappearing overnight.
Yeah, Jesus sorry.
It's okay. I guess we're right back where we started. And I have so many questions.
I have one, yeah, yeah, would it be okay if if I can us.
On one condition, name it.
You never ask again, Olbert, where is he?
Whoa easy, brother, Let me inside, Let me inside, Bird, Let me the fucking inside to see Buster.
I need to see Buster.
I'm sorry. I can't, you can't.
I'm so sorry.
What No, I'm sorry, brother. If you lease up, I'll have to cuff you.
I can't have you disturbing.
What what a possible crime scene. It's okay, Olbert, you can let Jack up.
Jack, I strongly suggest you don't turn this corner. I won't stop you, but I don't think you need to see this.
Oh my oh Jesus Christ, they they they?
Who's they?
It can't be It can't be Buster.
Who's they Jack?
The this is I'm sorry, I just he's just rambling.
Max. Buster was Jack's best man.
All right, Jack, why don't we take this down to the station.
Are you arresting me?
Let's just have a conversation. Come on, I'll drive, okay, Jack, let me be clear. This is just a formality.
But you're still recording.
I understand.
And the sooner we get through these questions, the sooner you can go home to Rema and Avery. All right, fine, lovely Ki, where were you this morning at home?
And yes, my wife and son can vouch for me.
Great, Why did you decide to go to Busters after the incident.
The girl's car?
The girl Sarah Simmons, Yes, and why did you speed in so hot?
Really, the town, or what's left of it, is on pretty high alert. In case you haven't noticed.
We found a body near the cemetery. So when I saw you and Olbert's cruiser and an ambulance in these EMT vehicles outside my best friend's place of business, yeah, I went to the worst case scenario, so I floored it.
That doesn't make me guilty.
No one said you wear it makes me a good friend.
I understand.
And we're almost done here, I promise.
When you were outside, you said the what did you mean by the? But what what did you mean by the.
I don't.
Sorry, These old fashioned things can be a pain sometimes bloody machine.
All right, Jack, you're.
Free to go. And Jack, Yeah, I'm truly sorry.
What happened to him?
Honestly, it looks like he got too close to the engine and you saw how greasy that floor was.
I think he slipped and one.
Of his overall straps was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
So you don't think it was foul play.
I don't think so.
All right, thanks.
Max, No, thank you.
Let's get you home.
You know, for a studio inside an old library and a small down.
This is a pretty swinky bed.
Oh you like it.
I'm sure you've had so many bibliotaco groupies up here.
Oh are you trying to say library and Spanish? Maybe ah as in be able to take ah ah correct. And furthermore, you're honor now that we're on the stand.
Come on, you're not on the stand.
You're grilling me like it's the fourth of July.
That's actually funny.
Okay, thanks, But to answer your question, there's no way to answer this question.
Oh yeah, why not?
Because if I say, yeah, bro, i've had more nergirls up here than ship's launch for Helen of Troy, you may judge me. Conversely, if I say, nope, you're the first person terribly into bed that isn't me, Well, then I'm even more boring than you probably already think.
It's the second one is, of course, it's the second one. That's what I don't get. What you're smart?
Kind not too shabby on the eyes, I mean, yes, okay, the Spanish is also cute, but I'm not trying to fetishize.
It's your ethnicity stock, but.
All I'm saying is, why did you say why aren't you at the Boston Public Library, the Benecke Help, the Library of Congress.
Okay, for the record, the fact that you just referenced to Bennicky ooh, sexy as hell.
Okay, now I understand why no one else has been up here.
Ha ha.
No, but really, why.
Is this pillow talk?
If by pillow you mean I'm getting to know you after we've had some fun, because I think you're not half bad, then yes, we sent talk pillows with me.
Um one hundred and eighty six thousand, two eighty two. What one hundred eighty six thousand, two hundred eighty two miles per second? That's the speed of light?
When I was a kid, we lived with my older brother half brother, but we never used half. He was from my dad's first marriage and was a military guy. With my pops being so old, he raised me part time. Once my mom left the picture. Sorry, it's fine. She was in a situation took me years, but I don't blame her anymore. So my dad was very old school, and mind you, this was a different generation. So the occasional sorry, so, the occasional slap or Napalisa as they call him, was a bit common from the old man. But my brother, God bless him. He he wentted to change the cycle, and coming from the military, he had his own way to discipline me.
Did he make you enlist?
Oh? Can you imagine?
No, God, no, no. Remember I was very much full Gordon mode at this point.
So when he came home it.
Was inspection timepially, so for every corner of the bed that wasn't folded perfectly, or during laundry or homework not done, et cetera, it was push ups or Britannica, the old Encyclopedia yep, depending on the violation. I had the copy by hand, the Encyclopedia, which part all of it. Wow, years later, I can still tell you this speed of light or who first figured it out?
You're gonna tell me, aren't you?
One hundred six eighty two miles per second and Danie's astronomer only Roamer in sixteen seventy six. Sorry, are you asleep yet?
I mean I'm already in bed. So is that why he became a librarian? Some literal Stockholmie in syndrome.
You see there, Patty Hurst, It's actually the opposite. I stayed here because I left there as soon as I could. I moved as far away as I could for school, and then even farther away for whatever job I could get. I just wanted a clean break from the environment of Gordo and the aforementioned baloney.
You found refuge up here.
Bet your ass. And it's for those famous libraries. They're amazing to visit. But do you know how many years I'd had to spend in the basement sub circulation desk with no windows, learning how to catalog for next to no money, while trying to live in New York or Boston or god forbid, New Haven.
Oh I love this story.
Yeah, see see.
This is where you don't ask and just kiss me again? Avery, Could you lower that and come here?
What what do you mean?
What shows some respect? Your father just lost his best friend.
It's fine, it's fine. It's not fine.
What's not fine?
None of this?
You have to ream my dad, not now, son, Jack?
If you don't reelux, what's happened the McDonald's girl?
Enough dad, not now? What about?
Aaron said?
Not now?
Now, Fluster, your best friend, the man who gave the toast.
Freaking said, stop it.
Okay, stop all of this.
I don't care about Erin or or Alfonso, and Buster was just an accident until someone tells.
Me other turns that fucking thing off.
Avery, How could you you know how much she meant to him?
Avery, Come back, son, I'm sorry, you.
Know all of this is connected.
Dear, just just stay out of this. For the love of God, I am asking you, and.
I'm telling you, if we don't change things up, don't make me do something I don't want to.
Look, I'll take care of it. Please, please, please please stop.
Smart and sexy but snores story of my life. And now for the only other thing this thousand dollars recorder can do?
What a flashlight? Right now?
If I were a pantry or kitchen, where would I be? Definitely not in the YA section.
Oh, cooking books.
You would think we're getting warmer. Oh, but I'm actually pretty fucking cold right now. I'm in a closed windowless room right now.
And can you hear that? That's a draft coming from this shelf? Podcasting for Dummies? But that makes no sense. Wait a minute, it's coming from behind the books.
This is.
Holy shit.
So I've just discovered a hidden door behind a bookcase in this library.
I just need to figure out how to open this lock.
Looks like I'll need a barrel key. Jesus, Sorry, but this door is alarm activated in my system, beeped on my phone when you open the shelf.
Okay, but A, I'm recording and B what the hell is behind this door? A?
Why did you have to qualify that you're recording? Do you think I have something to hide? Is this a big reveal that I'm the big bad killer?
If you don't open this door, what else am I supposed to believe?
It's a utility closet? What a utility closet? There's a breaker for the power, a bunch of brooms, a shitty mop, and an even shittier yellow bucket brass pull. Sorry, do you want the entire inventory?
I want to see it.
You, I want to see it, Gordon, If.
You value anything we've been through in the last twenty four hours, you'll understand that. Though I do believe you and I want you, truly, the world literally right outside here is a fucked up place, and things are happening to people, and I need a little extra reassurance that I'm not about to be added to the list of fucked up things.
Move what You're gonna have to move out of the way so I can open it? See Oh thank god. I want to tell your listeners.
I'm not streaming live as if Danville could handle that bandwidth. I'm just recording for later. But yes, I feel like COLDO. But at least there's something in here, literally everything Gordon just mentioned, plus more cleaning products and a poster of what looks like is that Tom Brady?
Forget it, Sarah, it's New England a Hurrala reference.
Oh yeah, journalism, degree, hard and work. I'm still hong Ah, You're.
Food Consumed Episode four one eighty six, two eighty two, written by Carlos Folia, editing and sound design by Noah me Griffin, Starring Rachel Rosenbloom and Arturo Castro, with Ruth Connell, Sam Rod, Genevieve Padlaki, Benjamin Stockholm, Charlie David Newell, Mike Korich, Anna East Fairweather, Junior. A labby Alma Martinez, Tracy Martin, Laura Shine, George Vincent and Raphae El Corkill, directed by Alexander Williams, Assistant director Trevor Young, Casting by Sunday Bowling CSA and Meg Mormon CSA. Production coordinator Wayna Calderon. Music by Carlos Folia. Consumed The season one score available now on Apple Music, Spotify, or wherever music is streamed. Executive producers Aaron Mankey, Carlos Folia, Matt Frederick and Alexander Williams. Supervising producers Trevor Young and Josh Thain. Producers Noami Griffin, Jesse Funk, and rima Ilkeali. Recorded at This Is Sound Design Studios, Burbank, California, engineered by Ross Erroneout east Side Studios, Austin, Texas, engineered by Austin Sisler and Aros Creative In Sound OHI, California, engineered by Ken Aros. Consumed was created by Carlos Folia, inspired by the novel by Aaron Manky. Consumed is the newest chapter in the Bridgewater universe. To learn more and k up, visit Grimandmild dot com Slash Bridgewater. Learn more about Consumed at grimanmil dot com, Slash Consumed, and find more podcasts from iHeartRadio by visiting the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.