3 | Amén

Published Feb 7, 2024, 8:01 AM

Disappearances are turning into bodies. Sheriff Allen interviews a surprise suspect as the mystery starts to unravel. Sarah has a choice: flight or flight.

Kah Consumed is a production of iHeart Podcasts and Grimm and Mild from Aaron Maky Headphones Recommended listener discretion advised.

Yeah, yeah, you can see Maria Rote, Ami Brote, Ami Alfonso.

He's a good son there, costubborn sis santif.

N so to Reno said, so las la tierra COmON siero donavia hi perforan just offenses, I see commnosatus bread of mammals, the skins offending in knows that is cutting up intessium in Libana knows that other mind a man, h.

M hm hm.


You don't mind? Do you want being taped?


If I did, then I'd probably need to rethink my profession, wouldn't I. So usually I'm the one pressing record, you know, on my phone, not something so antique vintage.

It's how we do it back home.

Really, I mean, I could have guessed you weren't from here, but.

A reminder that we're not here to talk about me, but rather you missus Simmons.

J Just Sarah's fine, right, Well, let's.

See, Sarah Simmons. You graduated mid top of your class at Northeastern. Both parents are school teachers, so I imagine you'll be paying that off for a while, held a couple of odd assistant jobs after UNI, but for months now unemployed.

I'm sorry you have a file on me.

It's not hard when you lay out your entire life for the whole online world to see.

Wait, you get internet.

You're a person of interest in a possible murder, and that's your question. If I get Internet?

Well, how close from passable to confirmed?

Close enough that I wouldn't be so unconcerned if I were you.

I know I didn't do anything, so I've got nothing to worry about.

So it's pure luck that you turn up in Danville just as the town sees its first real crime in decades.

Like I already told you, I was on my way back from doing research at the reserve when your car broke down.

Yes I remember, but you don't believe me. I don't believe in coincidences, so much so in fact, that I've built my career in dismantling them.

Must be quite a record. Then if you ended up here in Danville, a town which, how did you put it, hasn't seen a real crime in decades, that's a.

Fine line you're walking. Miss Simmons, Best be careful not to fall.

Hasn't seen a real crime. You haven't seen a real crime, hasn't seen a real crime decade.

I don't believe in coincidence.

I don't believe in analog, not without its quirks. We're busy in here, Oldbert, just want to.

Let you know that we finally identified the remains.

Wait here, Okay. Sophie sheriff, who by the way, is not vibing with me at all, just stepped out after her Sideka came in looking like a spooked walrus, saying they identified the body. Now they're out there talking, arguing, hold on, I'm gonna get a better view. Okay, I can't hear what they're saying, but she doesn't look happy. He's explaining. She's not having it. He's shaking his head, and they keep repeating something not Alfonso, either that or how potato. I don't really wish i'd taking that lip reading classic crap. Now they're pointing at me and she's turned shit. Well, miss Simmons, Sarah, you are free to go. How come h excuse me? A moment ago you were a hair's breath away from accusing me of murder. But now I just pick up and go.

That's right, you're no longer of interest to this investigation.

Which means I have an alibi. So then the murder must have happened before I got to town, or better yet, while I.

Was with Jack.

That's quite the deduction. It makes sense if the body you found wasn't someone else's body is putting it generously, So who is it?

A local?

Aaron McDonald?

And like you said, your alibi is saw So I recommend leaving before the frenzy arrives. The last thing this town needs is another gossip with a mic. And if I don't, then you'll see that a tape recorder is not my only old Habit won't be the first time I deal with unwanted attention. It certainly won't be the last.

Right, got it? You never answered my question?

Which one?

If you get internet, no, we get facts.

Oh my gosh, you're out.

I tried asking Albert what was taking this long? But the man, somehow, for the first time in his life, decided to take a.

Vow of silence and then then made me wait outside because I was quote unquote disturbing police protocol, which I don't think is even a real thing.

And then I heard the news about Erin and he wouldn't tell me if you needed a lawyer.

Whoa whoa, whoa hold on? Did you think I was getting arrested?


No, yesterday I thought I lived in a safe town. And now I'm not so sure.

Oh, ye have little faith. I'm fine and I don't need a lawyer, though I am fascinated to know what ace defense attorney you'd call on if I did or did I miss a firm on my way in.

Yeah, you're right, you probably wouldn't be any good or she Really, you're making a case for gender equality in a hypothetically shitty lawyer.

Women have just as much a right to mediocrity as men do.

I'm gonna stop now because this feels like a trap.

So so what now?

Well the sheriff said, I'm free to go all clear.

That's great.

Yeah, no it is.

I guess I just started to like it here in Danville. Oh gruesome death notwithstanding.

Of course, Yeah, yeah, of course, So you're gonna.

Go go that's the plan. I mean, this whole murder thing, it's it's not really my beat.

You know, can't force put us in there exactly.

Well, the Tunnell messie.

Somehow I doubt that part of it.

Well, so this is it.

Thus the greatest adventure known to man and woman comes to a close.

One final hurrah. Come on, that was weak.

I'll work on it.

Well, oh yeah, bring it in. We're doing Yeah, see you not not it is? How hard is it to just hug?

But no?

You just had to make it weird?

Why Sarah?

Why? Okay? Let's see, I think everything. No Christmas sweater? I know I put it here somewhere, I think think where was it?


Sorry, I didn't think there was anyone in here?

It's fine.

I didn't mean to.

Are you okay?

It's nothing?

Hate to be that person, but doesn't look like nothing. You sure you're okay?

What do you care?

Well, I'm a human being with empathy. It's kind of hardwired.

Aren't you leaving or something?

Listen, kid, you're young. Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll pass. Just give it some time.

Oh really? So how long I gotta wait for someone to come back to life?

A year?

Maybe two?


Yeah, didn't think so, did you know?



Now I'm fucking crying for a stranger. What do you think?


Dumb question?

Sorry, you're just like them, you know, like who my parents this town. They all think they know better because they're older like us, kids are just stupid.

I'm sure that's not.

We hear things, you know, when they whisper or when they think they're alone.

What do you hear?

They say? The secrets are for our own good? But I know they're lying, and Aaron knew it too. But now she's gone and they still won't say the truth.

Avery, what do you hear?

You don't want to know?

Avery, stop bothering our guest. Oh sorry, dear, did I startle you?

Oh no, no, that's not I just didn't hear you come in, and he's not bothering me.

I mean, Avery, come on, I told you to get dressed.

Your suit's been laid out.

On your bed all morning.

Yeah, whatever, Sorry about that.

He's been taking all this pretty hard.

He was friends with Aaron, right, friends falls a bit short.

He never told us, but Jack and I saw how they were together ever since they were little. And Ah, now that poor girl. I can't imagine what her parents are going through right now.

It must be unbearable.

Well, we're seeing them later today. Don't know how much help a cast role will be, but I hope a friendly face does better.

Did you know the McDonald's will know them?

We grew up together right here in this very town.

Oh wow, that's a really long time. I mean, wasn't referring to your age or anything, and I should probably shut up, untaken. I just meant, I don't think there's anyone in my life that I've known for longer than a couple of years. Only family.

I suppose that's what happens when you joined the great big world out there. Everything's so bright and flashy, but it's also fast and fast to move on. That's why we value what we have here, even if others don't.

Right, you got all your things almost just missing one sweater. I know I brought it with me, so it has to be run here somewhere.

You mean this one?

Ah found it? Do you think it'll be much longer for my car?

Buster says the parts are delayed. Oh so how do I There's a bus leaving for Boston at eight.

I can drive you to the station, but I can't just leave my car here.

Yeah, you'll have to. I spoke to Sheriff Allen. She wants you on your way tonight.

Yeah, she made that pretty obvious.

Here I'll take that.

Oh no, no, no, you don't have to. It's oh okay, goodbye, Sarah. It was great meeting you. Yeah. Likewise, Hey, I'm sorry, could you so don't want to be late. I'm really not in that big hurry.

Well you should be. Look, I'm sure you're aware of Miss Simmons. This town's going through something horrible right now, and we need to focus on our own, which means the last thing we need is an outsider with prying eyes. Sheriff Allen understands that, and I hope you do as well.

Seems like I went from Sarah to Miss Simmons real quick. You're the one who invited me.

That was before, and now I'm saying you should go here after you.

Last call for the seven fifty okay.

Hi, one ticket to Boston please eight.

O'clock, the last one for the day. Look at you missed it.

Oh, trust me, the powers that be did not want.

Me to comes out to dollars and twenty seven cents. We'll not be cash your credit cash.

It's okay, I'm there. Twenty one second for two and there we go. Sorry, all right, here you go.

Let you get the Boston moding our platform.

Too, and I still can't seem to get a phone signal. Is there a phone booth or something around here?

Unfortunately not, but try over by the fence. That's why, would take over breaks? Next?


Thank you? Now one the eight o'clock bus to Boston. Now, bought the eight o'clock bus to Boston.

All right, come on, one bar? That's it, that's all I'm asking for. Yes, yes, okay, this is progress. Oh why why Sarah? Why did you ask for this?

You have thirteen no voice messages plus one here. No, you've been trying to reach you.

As Quinn calling again about.

Your Mount Red Thick delete aye there, calling about your reason inquiry and our submission guidelines.

Guarding your NPF package. Unfortunately, we will not be able to extend the deadline at this time when we play a high value on efficiency and emission preparation we look for in your project. Should you get it in on time?


Just great?


Where the hell are you?

We've been calling you for days now, Sarah, I swear to God, if you don't pick up this phone right now, I'm gonna come after you.

Are you dead?

Were you following up whole because otherwise I swear to you, Sarah, please.

Call me, okay, har that you Well, it's my phone, so i'd hope.

So where have you been and why haven't you been answering my colt? Every single one goes a voicemail.

Well, that would be because the specific region of the US discovered time travel and has since decided that the late eighteen hundreds is where we peaked. Why never mind?

Is is mom?


Now you want to know?

Really, she fell going up the stairs, didn't even make it off the ground, thankfully nothing broke.

So then why'd you say she was admitted?


No, I didn't.

That wasn't about Mom.

Yeah you did. You said something something intensive care and that she was admitted to the hospital.

No, that's not that's not why we were there. Listen, when are you coming back?

Dana's out in the field asking when I'm going to come see her, and I can't keep selling on my wife.

You need to help with mom.

But you're better with her.

Of course, I'm better with her. That's what happens when you practice something you obvious would know. Since you're all gallivanting, you know where?

Okay, First, of all props on the vocab. Didn't expect that from you. And secondly, you know the town where a girl got chopped up? Well, guess where I am.

What are you talking about?

What am I talking about? I'm talking about the murder and disappearance in small town New Hampshire.

What do you think?

I'm sure it's all over the news by now. So yeah, I've been a little busy being interrogated. Sorry, are you making this uck?



And what the hell are you talking about?


A girl was found murdered here, or parts of her were, at least, and then some guy straight up disappeared from his work. Are you really telling me you haven't heard about this?

No, Sarah, I haven't heard, and I have been watching the news because that's what you do when your little sister doesn't answer the vote for two days. I thought something might have happened to you.

It was not two days, got it? Well I'm fine?

Oh yeah, you're coming home?

Are you sure you haven't heard about this? Something like I don't know the Danville deadening.

The next door suburbia would be imploding. So no, no breaking news here.

Ship that's my buss. I gotta go aware.

Platform two.

Sorry, like I said, the library still close. Hey, you're really gonna have to come back another Oh you're back, miss me much?

What happened to you?

Oh this?

Well, since there are no buses destination Danville, I had to with the trucker who wouldn't shut up about fishing line, And since the route only went as far as Woodstone Creek, I had to splash through a field for the last two miles here, Hence the mud and the dirt and the grass where no grass should ever grass.

Okay, let me make sure I'm getting this right. You're not only hitchhike with a complete stranger, but also walk two miles alone in the dark while there's a murderer on the loose.

In hindsight, I should be dead.

What do you have to say for yourself?

It was a lady trucker.

Women have just as much right to be murderers as men do.

Oh shut up, so, mister lead tenant. I know it's no high rise, but maybe you've got an extra room.

You're here for business or pleasure?

Who says it can't be both?

H m hmmm mm hmmm mm hmmm mm hmmm.

Grassiers, do you see the Grassiers, hell, please.

Scientific nobody. We're gonna trusted right now. I seem like theater accommodations. When start from stress of friends.

You hear me, Ma, I'm hurt, and I think, don't think I'm gonna make it.

I see coming as I just give myself friend.

I'm sorry, Ma, Luten, I think well, I'm consumed.

Episode three, ah Men written by Alessandra Hara del Castillo, editing and sound design by Jesse Funk, Starring Rachel Rosenbloom and Arturo Castro, with Ruth Connell, Sam Rod, Genevieve Padalaki, Benjamin Stockholm, Charlie David Newell, Mike Korich, Anna East Fairweather, Junior A Lobby, Alma Martinez, Tracy Martin, Laura Shine, George Vincent, and Ratteel Corkill. Directed by Alexander Williams, Assistant director Trevor Young, Casting by Sunday Bowling CSA and Meg Mormon CSA. Production coordinator Wayna Calderon. Music by Carlos Folia Consumed The season one score available now on Apple Music, Spotify, or wherever music is streamed. Executive producers Aaronmanky, Carlos Folia, Matt Frederick and Alexander Williams supervising producers Trevor Young and Josh Thain. Producers Noami Griffin, Jesse Funk and Rima Ilkali. Recorded at This Is Sound Design Studios, Burbank, California, engineered by Ross Aerono, east Side Studios, Austin, Texas, engineered by Austin Sisler and Aros Creative and Sound Ohi, California, engineered by Ken Aros. Consumed was created by Carlos Folia, inspired by the novel by Aaron Manky. Consumed is the newest chapter in the Bridgewater universe. To learn more and catch up, visit Grimandmild dot com Slash Bridgewater. Learn more about Consumed at grimmanmile dot com Slash Consumed, and find more podcasts from iHeartRadio by visiting the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.

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When struggling journalist Sarah Simmons finds herself stranded in an idyllic New Hampshire town, he 
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