Greg recaps Friday’s NCAA Tournament, talks to Tyler Shoemaker of VSIN about how top heavy this season’s tournament is, his takeaways from the first round of the tournament, gauging recent form vs full season data, Saturday's games, Greg picks & analyzes EVERY Saturday CBB Game!
Link To Greg’s Spreadsheet of handicapped lines:
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Podcast Highlights
3:48-Recap of Friday’s results
17:41-Interview with Tyler Shoemaker
32:39-Start of picks McNeese vs Purdue
35:31-Picks & analysis for Arkansas vs St. John’s
37:58-Picks & analysis for Creighton vs Auburn
41:31-Picks & analysis for UCLA vs Tennessee
43:54-Picks & analysis for Gonzaga vs Houston
46:10-Picks & analysis for Drake vs Texas Tech
49:13-Picks & analysis for BYU vs Wisconsin
51:58-Picks & analysis for Michigan vs Texas A&M
54:26-Picks & analysis for Dayton vs Chattanooga
56:53-Picks & analysis for Bradley vs George Mason
Gay Warming for the Welcome to Bovey, Las Vegas. For Kriscus, Heeps with Myself Creeps Peterson now part of the Vson Family Podcasts. We've got a great podcast for you as we're gonna be joining in segment number two by someone who does great work over your vs and that would be Tyler Shoemaker. This will actually be the first time that we get him on the podcast, but wanting to have him on for a while, Glad that it was finally able to work out. We're gonna chat with him about what he's all notice here in the NCAA Tournament been certainly a lot of favorites, being able to cover how his model has been doing thus far, some of the things that he's taking a look at in terms of the second round of the nc Double Tournament. Of few bets that he likes for Saturday. And then in the final segment, getna get you guys picks and analysis on every game on the betting board for this college basketball Saturday as we do it some bank shots. If you have a question comment segment idea what I have be for this podcast? You have one of two ways feel far those in first one is my Twitter slash xs timeline at gunit underscore eighty one. Keep in mind letter CM them does not matter, so for usual, please to send these into the timeline and the other way he's finding an Apple podcast review. If you rate this podcast high starts, it is very much preciate it. From there, you're able fire and whatever you'd like here on this podcast via that five star review to not get in any Twitter slash x questions today. But boy oh boy, did we have an exciting day of college basketball on Thursday, and all of it is powered by edge Boost. Edge boost it is the first ever bank account built for betters, enduring that all gambling transactions are approved. You earned cashpack rewards. There's no usage fees, no minimum's quered percent approval for all any deposits. So sign up today over at edge Bootstop bet, and when you utilize this promo code of Greg gr e g. When you deposit twenty five dollars, edge boost will match at deposit that's over at edge boost Stop bet. Now, let's take a look back at everything that we saw in college basketball on Friday, try to find some trends and try to get done all these teams a little bit better.
Games for yesterday is Greig buzzing about. Here is the rowdy recap. Not a lot of upsets happened on Friday. We did see New Mexico be able to get the job done over Marquette. That was probably one of our biggest ones that when we saw all day long. As for New Mexico, they do find a way to persevere by account of seventy five to sixty six. As for Marquette is not really a great effort on the last. In this one, they lose a rebound battle by a kind of thirty six to thirty. Nolli Junior Joseph nineteen points, seven rebounds. He was able to have himself a nice day down low and then Donovan tent He threw in their twenty points gooves out six assists. For New Mexico a little bit of a turnover shoe. They do lose a turning battle thirteen to twelve, and David Chopplin was able to chip in their twenty eight points but just three points out of Stev Mitchell need a little bit more there, and while Cam Jones was able to give you fifteen points game on fourteen shots, as Marquette, eleven of thirty from three and seven to twelve at the Free Flyingal in the Mexicos eighteen of twenty one at the Charity Stripe. So that was a nice little upset there for Vanderbilt, a solid cover. They don't get the aultright win. They were doing a rock solid job towards the early part of the game. They were able to get up at half same Arey's a rally. They get the job done by a kunt of fifty nine to fifty six. But Vanderbilt does get the cover.
As for Saint Mary's just seven to twenty five for three and Augustus Marris Alinas he had a really rough start to this game. He had four fellows early on, he had five turnovers, cleaned things up later on fourteen points. And for Saint Mary's they were powered by the rebounding in this one, Luke Barrett Mitchell Saxon between the two of them twenty one rebounds and twenty four points for the team. Saint Mary's. They win the rebound battle forty one to twenty eight. And for Vanderbilt, you did have eighteen points out of Jason Edwards, lone guy that was able to give you double figures. North Carolina. Their run comes to an end as Ole Miss is able to get the job done, as they did a very good job of holding them down in this one. This by account of seventy one to sixty four for North Carolina five to twenty four from three point j were on fire against San Diego State. The opposite here against Ole Miss and Oltmos actually loses the turner battle. They've been really good at winning the turner battle all season long. They actually lost that by account of fourteen to nine. But for North Carolina, just not a lot doing from the outside. For North Carolina as well, weren't able to dominate on the glass. They lose that rebound battle by account of forty to thirty four. So well, a little bit of a lesson savory effort there. And your top cover team in all of college basketball is actually Florida A and them, But that number two team they were able to get you another cover that would be Robert Morris. As a fifteen seed, they gave Alabama a good run for their money, ninety to eighty one. Final one for Alabama they go six with twenty one from three points, Marksieres twenty two points, just one to five from three and Marksieres I believe is now five of thirty one in his last five games from three points. Meanwhile, for Robert Morris, you were able to get a nice twenty five point nine rebound performance out of Marie and Dixon. You had another over in a Alabama game, so they do get the job done. Robert Morris to go to twenty six and eight against the spread for the season. Duke has been just absolutely pul rising teams there, not twenty three and twelve against the spread ninety three to forty nine all over Mount Saint Mary's. For the Mount they go five with twenty seven from three. As you did have off the bench of five of eleven three point shooting performance out of Orlandi's keys. That was a nice find as he chipped in their fifteen points and the rest of the team when I com mind know of sixteen from three. Cooper Flag played twenty two minutes in this game, fourteen points, seven boards unscathed. So job all done there and for Duke absolutely dominate the turner battle. They had just two turnovers in this game. They won that battle eleven to two. So domination from Duke for Norfolk State, they were able to find a way to get a cover. They got down very early in this game. By thirty points, they were down fifty one to twenty one. Things looked to be on the firits for them, but they do find a way to get a cover and one of the few lone covers non covers that we've seen for Flora and quite some time. Florida overall for the season twenty six and nine against the spread, they went just ten of thirty two from three points Walter Clay Elijah Martin. They still score a combined forty points. Not much to be concerned about here with Floraes. They completely dominated on the last forty one to twenty eight. So Florida, nice win, not a cover, but still a nice win for Michigan State, a very nice winning cover for them. They're now twenty two to ten and one against this pride eighty seven to sixty two. The finalist Brian was only down five points at the half. For the first thirty or so minutes. Say we're given Michigan State a good game and then it all went into the event. Says for Michigan State, they had off the bench Trey Holloman go four five from three points Michigan State as whole, they go ten to twenty six from the outside, and for Bryant, you were able to have Rafae open zone put in their twenty one points. Problem was he had to take twenty six shots to be able to get those twenty one points. For Bryant, they lose a rebound battle fifty four to twenty nine, So a little bit of a all less than savory effort right there, and a lesson savory effort from Liberty, a team that spent twenty ten to one against the spread this far the season. They just get absolutely host by Oregon by account of eighty one to fifty two. They got down in this game eighteen to two, and from there with Curtain says, for Oregon they go ten to twenty one from three point range and eight biddle a double double, fourteen points cent rebounds and for Liberty eight of thirty seven from three point range. A loser rebound battle forty three to twenty one. And actually we're able to win the turnover battle in this one by acount of fourteen to twelve, but did not do them a lot of good in this one. So that was a little bit less than tremendous and Memphis found themselves as the underdog against Colorado State despite being the five seed and the shall we say against the spread, making Colorado State the favorite the line that was the correct way to take a look at this one. Seventy eight to seventy of the finals, so and against the spread favorite won this game, but in terms of seating it was an upset. You had Colorado State go eleven thirty from three point range, just six of twenty three from Memphis with Tyry Centner in this game, p J Haggerty, he had eighteen points, but he had to take twenty three shots in order to be able to get there. For Carado State, they've now won eleven straight games and they win the turner battle sixteen to ten. And Kyra State really has been one of your best against the spread teams in all of college basketball recently. It was a lesson savory start for them to begin the season, but all of a sudden care have seed now twenty two and thirteen against the spread this season. Kentucky Mayria Mottaflora Troy seventy six to fifty seven the final. Troy goes just eight of thirty two from three point inach. Troy loses the turner battle as well, eleven to ten, and for Kentucky they had one more rebound then at Troy thirty to thirty seven. With having missed Armani Williams to be able to give you just five points but thirteen rebounds down low, and then you're able to get twenty big ones out of Ortega Away, who threw in their eight rebound six assists. So nice expose. There saw quite a few unders in college basketball on Friday, with Maryland being able to provide a very demonstrative one eighty one to forty nine all over Grant Canyon. Grant Kay goes just five of twenty three from three points, Maryland a seven of sixteen sizzler from them. You had Derek Queen put in their twelve points, fifteen rebounds, just utter domination, and you even had double figures off the bench from DeShawn Arasmith. There's been relative disappointment ever since he came into Maryland. So good showing out. There another under between Arizona and Akron, and Akron could not hold on in this one, ninety three to sixty five. The finalist for Aikron. They go just seven to twenty five from three point gen actually dominate the turner battle in this one. They won the turner battle sixteen to seven. Problem was they got all reybatted by thirty one fifty three to twenty two. You're not gonna win a lot of games that way for Arizona. Jane Bradley nineteen points in Arizona smoking hot from three point inche twelve of twenty five from the outside Iowa State they lay the lumber to Lipscumb eighty two to fifty five. The finalis Lipscomb goes just eight of twenty eight from three points, seven of nineteen for iowas eight Milan Mimosilovich was able to throw in their twenty points. Goes four to eight from three point range for Iowa State. They win the turner battle seventeen to twelve. As well they win the rebound battle thirty five to twenty three. So nice clean domination out there. And then he also saw with regards to the slate on a Friday late game Illinois, they do pull away from Xavier by account of eighty six to seventy three. For Illinois won the best shooting performances of the year. Twelve of thirty from three points. They do lose the turner battle fourteen to five, but they completely bludgeon Xavier on the glass forty five to twenty five to Mislova. Visitch put in there double double, twenty points, center rebounds, Casparis yaku sonas all sorts of versatility, almost a triple double, heck, almost a quadruple double. Six turnovers, sixteen points, ten assists, nine rebounds. So Illinois, they do find a way to persevere. They do get the job done out there. And then in the early game you did see Baylor be able to take down Mississippi State by a count of seventy five to seventy two. And it's got a less in tremendous year for Baylor against the spread just thirteen, eighteen and two. But they were able to find a way here as they go six to twenty four from three Mississippi State ten to thirty from the outside. What Baylor did though, was win the turner battle. They win that battle fourteen to ten and initially down load note Chadomi are a double double twelve points, ten rebounds. Either wins that rebound battle by account of thirty seven to twenty nine, so they are onto the next round and also onto the next round, the defending national champ says for Yukon, they get another cover as this is now, I believe they're at thirteenth street cover in NCAA tournament games because they covered every single game each of the previous two years. They cover this one as it was not necessarily a high scoring affair, but Yukon done a good job on defense every one points for fear allowed, and now nine out of their last eleven games they go to six to twenty five from three points, but Oklahoma three of seventeen from three points. For this Yukon bunch as well, they were able to win the battle download, winning the rebound battle by a count of forty one to thirty four as you had solo ball be able to give you fourteen points in this one, and also won the blocks battle five to two as well. So Yukon finds a way to be able to persevere. And with reguards to college basketball, we saw none of the CBI, the smaller tournaments anything like that. Those will be returning tomorrow. So I will also have for you guys nit picks in the final segment. That said, if you're taking a look at college basketball and what we are seeing trend wise. Overall for the season, it's still been an overwhelming season. We have seen the overhead at a rate of about fifty and a percent eight hundred and thirty six overs to two thousand seven iron and seventy six hunderds, and has been an overall an underdog season twenty eight hundred and twenty nine two thousand and seven, sixty two and ninety seven against the spread. But if you just looked at the results yesterday, you would not know it. As the favorites they were able to go ten and six against the spread. The unders went thirteen and three, by the way on Friday, so a nice underwhelming day. And if you're looking at the last seven days in college basketball, so this is what we've seen in the NIT and the NCAA Tournament, forty two underds of thirty five overs, and if you're looking at against the spread, favorites seven dominating, forty three and thirty six against the spread. So that's what we're seeing in college basketball right now, and that's what we all got on Friday. Now, let's take a look at what we're going to be getting in terms of the Saturday Slate round to the NCAA Tournament, and I will post it the question to Tyler Shoemaker of how top heavy of a season this is in college basketball. That's something ks radyre on us because with myself Days Peterson now a parkis daily of Honey. Today's podcast is brought to you by Juice Rail. Juice Rail's new update brings total transparency to the picks marketplace. There's no faint records, there's no hiding bets. Sink your sports accounts, import your real betting history and get ranked based on your actual results. Win your best, get paid when others follow tail verified winners. Today, download Juice Rail free in the app store. That is juice just like Orange Juice. And then the word reel r E.
E L.
And we're back here about me Boss Vegas because with myself CRAIGIEP. Speters and now part of the Vson Family podcasts. And great to have this van aboard as he does such a good job here at the network. We've got Tyler's Shoemaker aboard. He does a great job taking a look at both the men's and women's side of things with regards to college basketball. He is the founder of the T Shoe Index, where he does all of his own andicapping, taking a look at this great game of college basketball where he's putting out his own lines to be able to under some edges on these college basketball lines and has I'm doing a great job all season long. You're able to follow on Twitter slash cks at T Shoe Index though thats a letter T like the a shoe that we wear, shoe and then index all together. And Tyler, great to have you board, Thank.
You, yeah, and great thanks for having me. Good to be here.
Great to have you board, Tyler. And Tyler as we're doing this, we're about midway through the slate on Friday, so we still have a few games left to be played. But how have you been engaging things thus far with regards to the NCAA Tournament, Because I think that there have been some people that have had a few gripes with regards to not having like the explosives massive like fourteen over three, fifteen over two upsets, But it just feels like that's the way things are right now in college basketball where it's a little bit of a top heavier season.
Yeah, definitely, And we've seen that so far in this tournament, you know, with exception of McNeice getting the big upset over Clemson, which you know, I'm in Greenville, South Carolina, so people in my parts were not taking that too kindly. A lot of unhappy people here in Greenville after that loss for Clemson. But yeah, I mean, like you said, it's been pretty top heavy, pretty chalky so far. As far as my numbers of my bets so far in the tournament, I'm actually doing a much better job with the men's side than I am with the women's, which generally it is the other way around because the women's market is generally softer but tough to gauge when you get these mid majors against the big girls on the women's side. But on the men's side, I'm doing okay so far.
Knock on wood for me. I had a little bit of a rough Thursday. Seems like things are coming back around on Friday, so that's always what we'd like to see. And with regards to just these teams, when you were like filling out your bracket, when you were taking a look forward if you play any futures, because I'm a little bit more of a game to game guy. But that said, I just took a look at this year's NCAA Tournament bracket with those four to one seeds, and I just feel like they're gonna be very tough to knock off. I'm not sure how you're gauging things right now, but I think that those four one seeds in Duke, Houston, Auburn, though they looked a little bit shaky on Thursday, along with Florida, I do feel like those four teams are playing some of the best basketball in the country, and I do think that teams are gonna be very hard press to knock them off before the Elite eight and the Final Four.
Yeah, I agree, honestly.
The one region that I kind of would have my eye on is potentially that Gonzaga versus Houston, which we're going to get this weekend. So to me, that's one of the biggest games of the tournament. Because Gonzaga is an eighth seed, I think is definitely live in that game against Houston.
So otherwise, though, I'm kind of with you.
I think Duke, Auburn, and Florida are all deserving of the one seed, and I definitely think that they're going to all make deep runs in this tournament.
I love it. And how about if we do dive in on that game right now? Because Houston is finding themselves in most places a five point favorite, seeing it straight five and a half out there as well? What do you make out of this spot? Because with Gonzaga, they've had a lot of close losses this year, they played a very difficult non conference schedule, and as we know, things were a little bit up and down when it comes to WCC play those two losses against Saint Mary's, I think we're off putting to a lot of people, But I also do think that there's a lot of people I just don't realize how good Saint Mary's has played this season, no cover, but they were able to get to win on Friday against Vanderbilt. What do you make out of this spot and how are you leaning with the regards of this game.
I'm on Gonzaga, I think with the point.
I run several different formulas that I look at, and I like to have more agreement, preferably unanimous, across those formulas before making a bet in the regular season. But I found the last couple of years when it comes to March Madness being able to catch these teams on the way up, the teams that get hot towards the end of the season, and I think Gonzaga definitely qualifies there using that formula that weighs those games more heavily.
I've only got Houston as a one.
Point favorite in this game, so basically a coin flip, so I think I'm going to take in Zaga plus the points in this game.
Yeah, but I think that that's a good way to go about it as well, because I could easily see this being a tight game. Maybe it's a case where Houston they're able to just barely eke that one out because obviously, with regards to travel spot as well for Gonzaga, that does play a little bit into this as well. But I do think that we're going to be in for a very fun one on Saturday, as I do think that we've got some good Saturday matchups as well as Tyler's shoetmaker does great work here at the network. He's joining me on Coast Coast Soups. And we do have another one seed that is going to be an action on Saturday. That would be Auburn, And I know that there's a lot of people that we're a little bit off put by what Auburn showed against Alabama State in Round one of the NCAA Tournament. Has been a wobbly last few weeks in general, and now they find themselves as a nine point favorite against Creighton. How do you view this Crane versus Auburn game with an Auburn munchet. Certainly, it's been a little bit rough for them recently, but as me, they were able to be the number one team in legitimately the best conference I've ever seen, And for Creane, I just still wish that this team would generate a few more turnovers and go a bit deeper in the bench.
This one definitely has a huge split in my formulas between the season long metrics, which would you know, kind of align with this market between anywhere between eight and ten and a half points across my formulas. But the interesting thing here, and I wrote this up at vson dot com that'll go up either Friday night or Saturday morning, that recent formula that I talked about that's done really well so far in the tournament actually favors Creighton by two and a half in this game.
So you know, I definitely would take.
The nine and a half here with creting line sprinkled, But I definitely think Auburn's body at work is certainly better, and as you mentioned, they played a much deeper conference to much more battle tested. I expect Auburn to win the game, of course, but when I have a formula that goes the other way like that, it does kind of raise my eyebrow. So I'm definitely gonna gladly take the nine and a half with Creton in that game, and you know, potentially we could be putting Auburn on upset alert.
And I'm so glad that they mentioned that as well, because I think that that's something so difficult this time of year taking a look at the recent form versus taking a look at the form for the entirety of the season. How do you break things down with that regard, because there are some teams that they just get as hot as lava. They make that big run. We sell with the NCC last year team that had legitimately no business going into the NCAA Tournament because they have to knockoff Virginia in the ACC tournament just to be able to get there, and then lo and behold a few weeks later they're in the final four. There are just some runs that are absolutely incredible, but at the same time as well being able to gay jet versus the entirety of the season as well. I think it'd be so hard because sometimes you have a team that gets a little bit cool, but overall for the season they've been rock solid and then they come back to form when it comes to March madness.
It is tough, and I think Auburn and would definitely qualify in the latter part of that, where they've been a great team all season. They haven't quite ended this season the way you would have expected, but we know that that team is in there. So that's that's why I wouldn't just, you know, go all out and say, you know, creating money line as a best bet or anything like I said, I would take a sprinkle there. But to answer your question about, you know, how it gauged the season long metrics versus the recents. To me, I have noticed it is in the regular season. I think using the bigger sample size of all of the games is the way to go. Of course, you mix in the recent numbers, but you mentioned inn C State and that's actually the team that got me looking closer at this last year because my numbers were just way behind on them. They just kept overperforming relative to my numbers, and I was like, Okay, what what is the deal here? Like, how can I how can I encapsulate what's going on more recently, because that seems to be how teams generally perform during March madness.
So I actually looked at nc State, looked at.
My numbers, made some made some tweaks, created this new version of the formula, and that's what I'm using this year. And like I said, it's been it's been rock solid so far throughout this tournament.
Glad to hear it because it is something that is so difficult to be able to gauge this time of year. I do think that it is so interesting to take a look at these teams that they get hot at just the right time, Like we are certainly seeing that with a team that you were mentioning a few minutes ago in McNeese. I know that you're saying a lot of folks out there in your city they were none too pleased with the fact that Clemson unable to get the job done on Thursday. Now McNee has a chance to be able go to the sweet sixteen. And we were talking about NCCATE just a second ago. The man that is coaching up Big East, well, he is going to be the coach over at NC State here after this NCAA tournament. Right now, there's six point underdogs against Purdue. How do you gauge a spot like this where it is a Burdue team that going into that game against High Point they weren't necessarily playing their best basketball. Meanwhile, for McNeice, I feel like a lot of people jumped off the bandwagon in November after they took a few losses. But here they are having one game after game in the cell plan and are coming off of legitimately the biggest winning program history.
This is tough because I was on Purdue against High Point and then thankfully that came through, you know, in the closing minutes there with some free throw help, so I was happy to get that cover. But against McNeice, I am gonna be on McNeice here. Plus the points, I make it about a three and a half point spread, a little bit lower than where the markets at right now.
You have both reguards to McNeese. They've been so good both on the offensive side things and the defensive side things. I've been very impressed by them, So that's gonna be a fun one to take a look at an eye myself. I'm gonna be taking a look at those six to six points with McNeese right now as well. And then I do think that we need to dive in on this game as well, because we do have ourselves the old John cal Perry versus Rick Patino matchup and coaching as we know it is such a big factor with the guards to college basketball. What do you make out of Saint John's being a seven point favorite? I guess a team in Arkansas where I end up. Many people left them for dead towards mental part of the season. John cal Perry has rallied the team, gotten them to the round of thirty two. But I do think that if there is gonna be a one seed that perhaps goes down in the Elite A Final four, I could see Saint John's being able to give Florida a really good run for their money.
Yeah, Saint John's playing really really good basketball right now, so much so that you know, I've got one season long number that would only make this line about two and a half but looking at the recent games, I make this ten and a half. So I'm actually on Saint John's here minus seven against Arkansas. I mean, John call Perry is a great coach, and if he was, if Arkansas was playing a team, you know, with a less experienced coach, I would maybe give them more benefit of the doubt here. But Rick Patino is just getting it done at Saint John's. He's got it done everywhere he's been, but he's getting it done right now at Saint John's. And I think they're just a freight train right now, so I would not want to bet against them.
So I'm gonna lay the seven with Saint John's here.
No doubt. I do think that this is going to be a fun one to take a look at him. Is there anything else that's really catching your attention, whether that be the games for Saturday or bras one of these early Sunday games are popping up as well. As we're doing this, We're finally starting to be able to get a few numbers on things like Duke versus Baylor, along with Saint Mary's versus Alabama. Anything else that you're going to be really looking at bet here on Saturday or Sunday.
I have not gotten around to the Sunday matchups yet, but one more on Saturday that I wrote about in my recent article is Tennessee. Tennessee's a five point favorite, down from five and a half. I'm in agreement with the market on this line move here on Ucla. I make Ucla a half point favorite using that recent formula, playing really good ball right now. I think there were a lot of people. I think maybe even I saw you tweet that you faded them in the first round, and they came out and took care business. So I like them here plus the points against Tennessee.
With regards to the Tennessee team, it's been so interesting to take a look at them as well. And that is a game that I think is going to be a fun one when it comes to world we're going to be getting on Saturday. We've got ourselves some really good matchups at a race at Tyler. You're doing a tremendous job of being able to gauge it all here at Visa, and I know you're doing many different things with regards to the index. You're doing a great job with it. So love to get people at home know it's all in that for you and how people can follow on on social media.
And other platforms, and definitely the best place to follow me is on X at tshue Index. Like Greg said, I also have Instagram, TikTok, so you know, whatever social media platform you're on, I'm at Tshue index on all of them and read me, you know, four days a week at vson dot com with projections and best bests. I do men's and women's college basketball that goes right into WNBA. The thing goes right into college football and the NFL, so year round. You can follow me and get my projections and bets all year. So it's a good time.
It certainly is, and Tyler is doing such an amazing job taking a look at this great game that we all know love of college basketball and was great to be able to get them on board today. So big thanks to Tyler for joining me on sept Style, part of the VSA Family podcast and coming next to Cities that time. The podcast, they give you picks and analysis on every game. I'm the betting board. What does college basketball Saturday as lead them make jobs? Everybody can love me Las Vegas for Costco seeps with myself Greg Heaps Peters and now part of the VSA Family Podcast. Great to be joined by Tyler Shoemaker today. I believe this is the first time I got him on this podcast. Was great to be able to do so. He does a tremendous job taking a look at this great game of college basketball. When he joined me, it was a great chat with him. I know that he's been doing an absolutely superb job here at the network taking a look at both men's and women's college basketball. So really appreciate it them on. Big things to Tyler for joining me in the last segment. Now it is that time the podcast they give you picks in analysis on every game on the betting board for this college basketball Saturday. As we had some make shots.
Most financial establishments close at a certain time, but not here. It is time for a sign in total on every game on today's betting board bank shots.
Do note that, as per usual, any changes that are made to these plays will be listed up on my Twitter slash xv at G unit underscoredy one. We're gonna get the eight NC DOUBLEA Tournament games, but we also have two games out there in the NIT as well, so we will be getting you guys those as well, because money is money, whether you're betting on the NCAA Tournament, the NID or We're gonna get some CBI games on Sunday as well, So there's gonna be some good, clean family fun to be had there. But how about if we do get things start with a fifteen eight sixteen on the card. It is McNee taking on Purdue, and Purdue is a six to a six a half point favorite totals game. It is between one and forty three and half seeing is one forty three out there as well, and I'm going to be one take a shot on this total under. I did some mine out one to forty and alf I like the points with McNeese. Just a really balanced team here with McNeese, DJ turned up richards since the beginning of conference plays, being able to shoot north of forty eight percent from three point in which I would say was the biggest issue towards the early part of the season with McNeese, but their offense has really been able to pick it up in terms of points scored on a purposession basis. This is a McNee squad that right now is in the top forty in all of college basketball and has really been able to travel in a road slash shitch court setting end, they should be able to exploit a defense in Purdue that entered into the NCAA Tournament three hundred and fiftieth and upon its two point shooting percent this is a team that does a really good job will be able to ram the ball down line. You do have a Purdue team has been very good with reguards that are three point shooting all season long. For this Purdue team eleventh in the country, but that three point shooting percentage goes from about forty one point seven percent when they're at home down to about thirty five percent in a road slash shitch court setting. And they do go up against a McNee squad that has been very good with the guards for perimeter defense. This has been a top twenty five team in terms of turnovers force on a purposession basis, they allow upon its shoe only about thirty two and a half percent from three point chefs. For Purdue, they've been much better with their perimeter defense rather than they're into your defense area top thirty team terms of opponents three point shitting percentage air line teams only shoot about thirty and a half percent from the outside. But I do think that with Purdue, even though Trey coffin Ren does give you twenty points per contest that week to Sound Though, I think is going to be rough against Joe Charles Christian Schueman, we'll been able to combine for mcneese's about thirteen or so rebounds per game. For Purdue, obviously, Braydon Smith has been so tremendous for the Seamate and emphasis high thirty three point shooter in Fletcher Lawyer shoots the north of forty three percent from three point range off the ball.
C J.
Cox has been rock solid, and even though you had a nice game out of Cameron Heidi against High Point, what are you going to be able to get out of he Miles Colvin Guys like this that I think is a big question mark. Meanwhile, with McNeese, you've got really good depth with this team, a nice sixth man and Sincere Parker we saw Brandon Murray really step up in the round of sixty four. In Von Garcia has been rock solid, being able to give this seam right around about twelve to nine points per contest. It really is a hole, is greater than some of its parts approach with a this mcdee team having several different guys give you at least seven a half points per contest, nobody really above twelve six points per game, relatively good three point shooting all across the boulevard. With Richards they being able to take hold and Cannier Copeland a little bit of a point forward that gives versatility that I think that Purdue is gonna have a tough time matching up with. This is a produced squad that has been able to do a relatively solid job with the guards their offensive efficiency, but they're a very solon control team. And this McNee team well outside the top two eighty turns the total possessions praam, so I do think that you're gonna get a little bit of a slog of the game, and this one did something total ad a one forty and a half with Purdue outside the top three hundred now turns the total possessions breame. So like the under and the points here with mcnease eight seventeen eighty eighteen on the card, you've got Saint John's they're going to be taking on Arkansas. This is from a Mee Cup Pavilion, much like Purdue versus McNeese was. And with Saint John's aries six a half to eight seven point favorite total on skin it is between one forty three and a half to a one forty four and a half. And with this Arkansas bunch, I did set them as an underdog of seven a half points. They want to go past this up, but I'm gonna be one to lay it with Saint John's. Saint John's number one in the cor in terms of points a lot on a per possession basis away from home. But we saw Arkansas in that game against Kansas, they really sped things up. I do think that with Boogie flying back and fold their number two score overall for the season with fifteen points per contest, they are going to be a little bit more explosive there. But with Boogie flying out there on the floor, that also leaves them a little bit more liable to show we say, some defensive blow ups and all of a sudden for Saint John's, the three point shooting has been able to come along for the ride, shooting a combined at twenty one fifty one from three points over the last two games. R J Lewis has been tremendous with eighteen and a half points seven boards. He's able to shoot in the mid thirties from three points. Really, he and Avion Smith are the lone two guys on the roster that have been able to shooting north of thirty percent from three points. I have seen consistent minutes, but you've got a really good low post presidence with Zubi Edgeffer give you about a block and a half, eight rebounds fourteen a half points per contest. Really love what he's bringing to the rich table. Kadari Richmond on Davion Smith. These guys nearly combined nine and a half as says per game as well, and for the Saint John's unit, I do think that it's so big that they are able to win the battle on the last time to time. Again, this has been a top twenty team terms of percentage of the mid shots that do result in an offensive rebound in. For Arkansas, they've been better on the glass here recently with Jonas Ad Trevon Brazil. Both of these guys were banged up to begin the season. All of a sudden, they're getting much more production out of those two guys, especially a guy like a Brazil who's able to do forty percent from three parms, being able to give the Sea su stretchability and Jonas a two fourteen plus points in each other the last four games. I do think that this is an Arkansas squad that is really starting to find their swagger in terms of offense. This team has been able to break the seventy nine point plateau in four o their last five games, and seventy two plus in each other the last five. So I do think that Arkansas is going to be able to find some scoring, especially with Big Z pop it in lock at thirty eight percent from three parrams. He's able to give you some blocks down low. But you think that in the end, Saint John's finally starting to be able to build something up with their three point shooting. I do think that they find a way to be able to get the job done against Arkansas. I just don't think that Arkansas has enough download to be able to match up on the glass, even with Ado becoming healthier and being more productive. So to Sep on line at seven a half, I'm gonna be willing to lay with Saint John's and I did some of my total one forty five and a half. I also be like this total over as well. In eighteen eight twenty on the card, you've got Creighton and they're going to be playing against Auburn, and Auburn is a favorite of nine to nine and a half points. This is from rupp Arena by the White total game between one and fifty and a half to a one to fifty one a half. It's my total one forty seven. I'm gonna be willing to dive in on the under. This is an Auburn team that overall for the season is a top five squad terms of points per possession, but we have seen that be a little bit more wobbly here recently. And this is a creating team that they were able to go bombs away in that game against Louisville. I just don't think that Lightning is going to be striking twice. It's a creating team that is a very solid three point shitting team. I don't know if I would consider it an amazing three point shooting team, as overall for the season, they've been able to shoot in that neighbor at about thirty four point two percent from three, and that tapers off to thirty one point three percent in a roadside shot score venue. Even with what we saw a few days ago. Ryan Kelek Prenner, without question has been rock solid for the same down low, nine plus rebounds per game. He's able to give you two blocks in has become a relatively good three point shooter as well as Jamaiah, and Neil was really able to step up in that game against Louisville as well. I just don't know if light Ning is going to be striking twice with regards to the outside shooting because Neil he's does staying right in the neighbor in about six ft six. He's been very versatile for the team all season long, twelve points, six boards, four and a half assists per game, so he does a great job there. But for the season has been a thirty one percent three point shooter, and it has been a great team that's had their turnoff issues all season long. They're a bottom five team in all of college basketball terms of turnovers generated on a per posession basis. There's a bunch out as well. They turned the ball for north of twelve times per game as well, so that's something that you do. I have to be watching out for. But again with the Soueign team, even though they've been able to do such a great job but be able to take care of the ball all season long, they do see a little bit of a departure when they're away from home rather than at home with regards to their defense, are giving up about fourteen points more per one hour possessions when they're away from home, and Prouburn g and I Broom has been the guy that they've been able to look to all season long for great production, as he's been supplying the team with eighteen a half points and a half boards, three assists, and even though he's not an amazing three point shooter, has been able to give you a little bit of three point shooting as well. And then you've got just such great balance with Denver Jones, Chad Baker, Minzara, Miles, Kelly, Tadje Pettiford. All three of these guys give between ten point six and twelve point four points per contest. They all shoot at least thirty seven point four percent from three point range. Shed Baker, Missaari Tadge, Petiford, Miles, Kelly, Denver Jones all rocks olid for the seam and then Dylan Cardwell has still been very good down low as well, block and ap pro contest doesn't really get a lot of headlines because he's only scoring about five points per game. But again, it has been a little bit of a case where the recent form has not been great with this Auburn team. So I very much do subscribe to what Tyler Shoemaker was talking about a little bit before, not gonna be won't take Creighton on the money line or anything like that. I still do have Auburn advancing in my final four with regards to my personal bracket, but it is a little bit, shall we save a strange little bit of circumstance here, because if you look at the overall season numbers, this Auburn team should be able to win the game quite comfortably. They've been a top forty team in terms of percent of their miss shows that do result in an offensive rebound, but they haven't necessarly been quite able to do that here in recent games. I do think that Cranon is going to do a relatively solid job on the inside. This has been a great team that has a lot upon a scrabb only about twenty five percent their mid shots is an offensive rebound that is a top sixty five mark in all of college basketball. Think that that'll be just enough for them to remain lively. And for all the woes that we've been seeing for the screen team that's far this season, they have been a relatively solid perimeter defense. Right now, Crayton is allowing team to shoot only about thirty two and a half percent from three point insests, the top one fifteen mark in all of college basketball. And then to the credit of the Auburn defense here at number five in the country terms upon its three point shooting percent. So it's on my line of nine and a nine and a half plus is going to be able to take the points with green And then did they get a little bit of a shall we say, muted game with a few mysteries on both sides of my total one forty seven. So I'm in on the under eight twenty one to twenty two on the card you got Tennessee versus UCLA. This is happening out there at ropp Arena, and I know of Tennessee. They are a four and a half to a five point favorite total scheme, it is one thirty two to one thirty two and a half. I'm in on the under. I did sell my total at a one thirty and a half. Both of these teams are outside the top three hundred in terms of total possessions per game. And for Tennessee, this team has still just been able to bear down on defense all season long, a top ten team in the country in points a lot on a purpossession basis. And for UCLA, we have seen a little bit of a fall for the guards of the defense, but it's still been one of the better defenses that you're going to find it in all of college basketball. This punch is still a top twenty five team in terms of points a lot on a pro possession basis, albeit though they have been giving up about fifteen points more per one of our possessions when they've been away from them rather than when they have been home. And for Tennessee, I do think that they are going to be able to have the best score out there on the floor. In Chancelan here give you eighteen points per contest shooting darn near forty percent from three points to Tyler bill do he has been able to give this UCLA team in the neighbor of about thirteen a half points per contest, shooting forty percent from three, but the guard player has been very inconsistent for the CEE. You do have a trieo of different guys Sky Clark, Kobe Johnson along with Dylan Andrews, who have all been able to give between two point eight and three point three assist per contest, so they've been able to do an HB being relatively productive there. But I do think that with not having necessary that alpha dog guy out there in the backcourt, while Tennessee they've got a very defined point guard in Zekai Ziegler who've been giving out seven half of sis per game, has been very good on that front. I do think that with UCLA, they're going to have their hands full down low. With Felixe parga Ego or mil Chichi's guys both combining for about fourteen rebounds Spreing, I think that they're going to step up in a big way for the Tennessee squad. Tennessee has played one of the more tough schedules in all of college basketball. They've been able to overcome so much. I think that they're going to be able to do so once again here and you know that we do put on the offense. It is still a squad that has been a top sixty five team. Turns the points per possession. They do a nice shot, but be able to dominate on the glass, and initially you've been able to get some relatively good production as well. Jamiah Meyschek, he was the guy that hit that big shot against Alabama earlier in the season. Recognizing he only have just about six points per contest, but throws in their sealing and a half contests. He's able to give you some good rebounding, just such good versatility. For Tennessee and for this UCLA team, they are still just three and seven straight up and games are played in the Eastern and Central time zones. I think that for UCLA this is just going to be a little bit too much for them. I think that both teams are going to be very much swarming with regards their defense. I did some my total at a one thirty and a half. I'm in on the under and with Tennessee made them a six a half point favorite. To be willing to lay that number. A twenty three eight twenty four on the card. You got Houston versus Gonzaga. Now we head out to in Trust Arena and right now with Houston, they are a five to five and a half point favorite. So the game between one thirty nine a half to a one to forty and I'm gonna be able to dive in on the under. I did somebody told at one thirty eight and a half, Houston bottom ten team in the country terms of total possessions per game, and I'm fully aware that Gonzaga has been gunning at top fifty team with the guards of their own tempoint. Gonzaga once again won the most efficient offenses in all of college basketball, number four in terms of points scored on a per posession basis. But this Houston team, they are the top team in all of college basketball in terms of points allowed on a pur possession basis by a full point fewer allowed per one armed possessions than the next best team in all of college basketball with who would be Saint John's. And for Houston, I do think that they're going to do a nice job winning that battle down low. You though Gray me Kay has been able to give Gonzaga seventeen plus points seven plus rebounds per game, for Houston, you got Joseph Tugler, Jawan Roberts, will be able to do a tremendous job, will be able to hit the glass all season long. These are guys combined to be able to give you a nice cell at twelve rebounds per game. And then my loose wus On has really been one of the most improved players in off college basketball this season. He a lot of tel jer Emmanuel Sharp your top three scores for Houston. They've been able to combine between the three of them for about forty points per game. And with who's on he's now shooting forty three and a half percent for three four point three says, so one point three turnovers per game. Sharp and Crier both shoot north of eighty nine percent at the free th line at a little bit of pressure spot as well. Terrence Rnu has been able to give you a little bit of something with some points per contest, shoots in the mid thirties from three as well. And for Houston, just absolutely nothing comes easy on them. You don't get second and third chances, You're not able to generate turnovers on their offense. They themselves will generate turnovers on you. Being a top twenty team, with the guys the turnovers force on a purposession basis, Houston a top twenty team and opponent's two point shooting percentage and opponents three point shooting percentage. They have just been so dominant in so many different ways, even though Ryan Emmer has an assistant turnover ratio of four, even though you have been able to get double figures out of kay Lee Battle. It is theil Gonzaga team that away from home they're only shooting about thirty two and a half percent from three points. I think that they're going to have a tough time being able to get looks inside. They have a suspect three point shooting team away from home, had a nice pop off against Georgia a few days ago. I don't think that lightning is going to strike twice. I do think that reality sets in and I think that Houston dominates this game. I set my line at six a half. I'm going to lay with Houston. Maybe my total one thirty eight and a half. So I'm also in on the total under as well. We go eight twenty five to eight to twenty six. On the card, You've got Texas SC They are facing off against Drake and the Drake does find themselves as an underdog of seven and a half points, seeing as straight six a half out there as well to on scheme tween one twenty seven to one to twenty seven and a half. I just can't fade this Drake team. I'm gonna be willing to think the points I can't get there on the money line. But this has been a Drake squad that has slowed things down to a crawl in terms of possessions for forty minutes, they're the slowest team in all of college basketball, a top twenty team in terms of turnovers force on a per possession basis, a top twenty five team in terms of not allowing second and third chances on the glass as well. This team is just doing all the little things so well. Now this is going to be probably the biggest task of the year figuratively and literally going up against GT top and top and has been amazing for Texas SEC. He's playing the team with nine plus rebounds per game. He's been able to do a nice job being able to give them fourteen points per contest. But who knows what you're going to be able to get out of chance McMillan. He missed the game against UNC Wilmington a few days ago due to injury, and he's a really good three point shooter that shoots forty three and a half percent from the outside fourteen points per contest, and they got the job done against the UNC Wilmington without him, but that was not a cover for them. You have to require a little bit more now out of Elijah Howkins from a scoring perspective, who's been a great point guard successsis to two turnovers per game. So I'm going to able to shoot about threy three percent from three points this season. We have seen it in his past age at Howard, he was a really good three point shooter, but was much less effective and efficient with the ball at that time. You've had kerwel Walton be a forty percent three point shooter, So he obviously should see a few more minutes if McMillan can't go, And even if McMillan can't go, if he does go, will you be close to one undred percent? Probably not, so that's a bit of an issue. Though Darien Williams has been also efficient for the Texas SECT team as well. Fourteen points five and a half wards three and a half asis for a Texas SEC team that they've really been able to check all the boxes and they don't have one I would say true weakness. They're pretty good at being able to guard the three point arcs. They've been pretty rock solid on the glass in turns, points scored on a purposession basis. This has been a top twenty five team in all of college bass line. The defense isn't quite what you'd expect to have Greaba Castle, but it's still a top fifty team with reguards points allowed on a purposession basis. But Bennetts starts nineteen plus points, five and a half rebounds, four and a half assist north of two seals per contest, Like, this guy has been absolutely superb Mitchmon scary. He is very scary from the outside, making north of forty percent of his three point shots. Daniel Brew he just does whatever the game calls for. Overall for the season, averaging a little bit over ten points per contest, pulls in there about four rebounds per game. But he's oh so versatile. Drake has done a really good job of just being able to play tough, tenacious defense. They play sort of that four corners offense, and they really melt the shot clocked down. Now I did something total one twenty eight and a half. Even though Drake is so slow and controlled and Texas Tech not necessarily blazer themselves, they are inside the top two twenty five with reguards to total possessions per game. I do think that there's going to be just enough offensive efficiency for you to be able to get over. This is a Texas Tech team that even with the McMillan injury, they still have a lot of good three point shooters, and frankly, a big reason why I like this over is that I do think that you get a lot of late game filling because I do think that this is going to be a tight game. I set my line at a four and a half. I won't take the points with Drake set my total one twenty eight and a half. So also in on the over eight twenty seventy twenty eight on the card, we've got Wisconsin, a BYU from ball Reen out there in Denver, and Wisconsin finds themselves as a favorite of a point totals game. It is one fifty four a half to a one to fifty five and a half in with BYU. I did set them as an underdog of two and a half points. I'm gonna be well and take Wisconsin. I know that BYU in their element, they're playing at elevation which they are used to. Wisconsin is a little bit blessing used to that. But for this Wisconsin munch, even when the three point shots aren't falling, this is still one of the most efficient offenses in all of college basketball because they do the little things well. They don't necessarily grab a lot of second chances, unlike this BYU team. BYU top twenty unit in all of college basketball in terms of rebound percentage with kip Akita being able toive be eight plus rebounds per game initially fus On Troy or stay about there and there about five and a half rebounds per game. But you do have a lot of guys that have versatility. Stephen Crawl a trusim footer about ten points five boards to and Hamphasis. She starts with eighty percent in the free line, and that's just so big for this Wisconsin Badgers team. Each of your top six scores should at least seventy six point nine percent at the free Lily is collective. They shoot eighty two point seven percent at the free line. If it's a nip and tuck game, they're going to make their free throws, so they're going to get the job done. With John Chonjay being the main headliner shooting ninety one point two percent of the free line, nineteen points, five boards, thirty nine percent three point shooter Crawl who I was mentioning before. She's forty one percent from the outside. Then Nolan Winter at six foot seven, a little bit of a mixer and shaker, he shoots thirty six a half percent from three. He gives a team nine and a half points per game. And under the radar. Kamari McGee has shot forty six percent from three points just far this season as well, a little bit more of a sixth man for the team, but he's been rock solid as well in them for BYU, Richie Saunders has been one of the most improved players in all of college basketball. He has been tremendous with being able to sply the team with the earth of sixteen point per cine. You're shooting over forty three percent from three points. Initially, you've got ego to mean who is really able to step up in that Round one game against VCU. Overall for the season, I shot less than thirty percent from three, but then a half points five assists. I've been liking what I've been seeing out of him. Dawson Bakers some of that off the ball say able to shoot about forty percent from three as well. But this Wisconsin three point shooting defense and has been able to travel BYU, They've had a tough time being able to guard the arc all season long. As for this BYU team, in games played away from home, they're allowing upon us to shoot thirty seven point six percent from three points. Meanwhile, for this Wisconsin group, they allow Puntis to shoot thirty two point two percent from three pintch. I think that that's going to be a massive difference in this game, and that'll be just enough for Wisconsin to get the job done. Two relatively bit DEEPO teams here. Neither of these teams are necessarily blazers. Neither of these teams are necessarily looking to play super duper slow. I do think that with this being game number two at elevation, both of these teams are going to be acclimated both offensively and defensively semi total one fifty four and a half by a hair on the win fifty five. I think we've gotten just as go too far looking at the under and I'm going to be looking Wisconsin on this minus one line. This is the last NCAA tournament game before you at the two NIT games eight twenty nine, eight thirty Texas A and M and Michigan New Battle from Denver and Texas A and M a two and a half to eight three point favorite turn offs game between one and forty and a half to a one forty one a half. In with Michigan, I did set them as an underdog of three points, so you're at two and a half. Not willing to lay anything more than the two and a half with Texas A and M. But I'm going to be one to lay the number with Michigan. This squad just has such a tough time being able to hold onto the ball outside the top three twenty in terms of turnovers per possession on offense. And it's a Texas A and M team that well, they're not quite as good at generating turnovers as UC San Diego was. This is still a very good team at being able to generate turnovers and turns of turnovers for US on a per possession basis, their number fifty eight in all of college basketballs Rie Phelips along with Waye Taylor the fourth I've been able to combine for about thirty two to thirty three points per game. And for Texas A and M, they're just absolutely nasty on the glass. Like you could talk all that you want about Danny Wolf and Vlotts off Golden combining for sixty and a half remounds per game. But then you've got Henry Coleman, who's able to give you about five to six rebus per game. Then you've got Anderson guards To who's able to give you six plus rebounds per game. For Al Payne has been so rock solid for the scene, being able to stuff the StatSheet with about ten points, five boards a block per contest. You've also got many Obseki who's been able to give you a little bit of something something from the outside, shooting thirty six percent from three point. Genser Guardsia the issue thirty eight percent for three and that's big because for the sexist A and M team, they have not been a great three point shooting team. Disabled he's outside the top three to fifteen with the guards, they're over all three point shooting percente for that matter, there outside the top two sixty with regards their own two point shooting percentage as well, but in top fifty team terms of opponent's two point shooting percent number one team with northout forty percent their miss shots resulting in an offensive rebound as well. For Michigan, you've been able to get great production out of Roddy Gale this year, being able to give you double figures. Additially, you've got something like a wolf Shehedter go off the bench, he's able to step in. He's being able to shoot about thirty six percent from three points. Gen Abari Burnett continues to shoot forty percent from the outside. But I do believe that the Texas A and M defense is just too cifling. And while you've got the twin Tower and Wolf and Golden downlow, who have combined for about twenty nine a half points per game, just the swarm of big men that you got for Texas A and M in the way that they relentlessly hit the glass, I do believe it's going to be able to win out in this spot and I do think that this is going to be a very sloppy game. Texas A and M. While outside the top to owner with the guards to total possessions brain, they themselves aren the ball over twelve and a half times per game, so I think they get a lot of dead and non productive possession. So this is a circumstance where I did something my total at a one thirty nine, I'm going to be one diving on the under and I'm willing to lay up to two and a half year with Texas A and M. And then we've got two nit games hit eight thirty one, eight thirty two, You've got Daton and Chattanooga. Tantanooga has find themselves as a home underdog of two and a half points totals game. It is between one fifty and one fifty and a half and I did that Dayton as a one half point favorite. So here at the two plus, I'm going to be one thak those points. It is a Chatanooga squad that leaves quite a bit of something to be desired on the defensive side of things, but they have been a very good team with the guards, their offensive efficiency. A top fifty team turns the point scored on a per possession basis. And while people clue in on Chattanooga and the fact that they shoot thirty nine percent from three point a top turner, fifty percent their field goal attempts from three points sheets the top twenty marks in all of college basketball, and also a top fifteen team in terms of there are two point shooting percent. Meanwhile, this is a Dayton's squad that they do shoot thirty eight percent from three points away from them, They've been a top twenty five team in terms of points per possession when they've been away from home. This is also not necessarily an up tempo team, and frankly, neither of these teams are very up temple. With chen Nuga, they're right around about two or ninths in the country with the guards total possessions per game, and this has not been a dight and team that has been really looking to run at a gun at themselves in terms of total possessions. Freame Dating is right now checking in well outside the top to fifty in all of college basketball. As well. You do have Night Santos who's been able to give you fourteen points per contest. He's shooting north of forty percent from three points. Malachai Smith is on a night job, being able to sh out north of five assist per game, and it is a Dayton squad that they really don't get loose with the ball. They don't turn it over a ton of Really, both of these teams outside of the top two fifty with the guards the turnovers generated on a per possession basis, Neither these teams turn the ball over there of eleven times for contests as well, they shot I have a little bit of an edge down low with Zenkey being able to give you about four and a half rebounds per game in Santo's north of five boards per game, as you don't have a single guy for Chattanooga who gives you a north of five rebounds per game through the craft. Chattanooga, though they're not allowing a ton of second chances though they themselves outside the top three fifteen in terms of the percentage of the mid shots that you result in an offensive rebound on Hunter Off shooting forty two percent for three is flying the team of fifteen points per contest. Frank Champion is overall versatility eleven a half points four and at boards three an emphasis he's currently shooting forty six percent from three points. I do think that Chattanooga remains lively in the end. I favorite Dayton Jets a little bit because they have got a bit more down low. But this is going to be a true road game for Dayton. They have to play on the road because they are the higher seed, but they were utilizing their venue for the first four so that was a little bit of an issue for them. That's a big reason why they did have to travel for this game. That said, I do think that Dayton on the road they find a way to win it out right, but I can only set them as one half point favorite. I will take two plus here with Chattanooga. Do you think that the offense is going to be very efficient on both sides even though you're not going to get a ton of possessions? They think both teams just flat out execute and you get some light game felling. Set my total one to fifty one a half, so also in on the over and we wrap things up with eight thirty three eight thirty four George Mason playing US to Bradley. Bradley is a five and a half to a six point Dogs game between one thirty one after a one thirty two and a half and for George Mason only set them as a two and a half point favorite. I'm going to be one thing the points with Bradley. Bradley has been so rock solid with their three point shooting all season long, and it has traveled very well for Bradley. They're currently number three in the country in terms of three point shooting percent, shooting forty point six percent from three points at home in a road or neuge court environment thirty eight point eight percent from three, and George Mason just does not have enough firepower in my opinion, to be able to cover this game. They have been outside the top one fifty turns the point scored on a per possession basis for George Mason. Three point shooting as may will pick it up quite a bit. They're shooting over all about thirty five and a half percent from three. That actually goes down to about thirty four point three percent when they're at home, though, and the big issue they've got with George Mason is the turnover. It's this team in terms of turnovers per possession outside the top three in all of college basketball. Not the good news for them. They're going up against the Bradley team that they're not necessarily pressing the issue in terms of generaling a lot of turnovers, but they're not awful here. One hundred eighty second on three and sixty four Division one teams in terms of turnovers sports on a per possession basis, So doesn't get more country average than that. You've got Jalen hayneseld Low for the George Basin team has been able to give you north of seven rebounds per game at Darius Paddocks ever since the beginning of conference play, I shot on north of thirty eight percent from three fifteen plus points per contest. But they have to like the trio of Zek Montgomery, Duke Dean Darius Hannah. These three guys for this Bradley squad have been able to combine for just under thirty nine points per contest. You've got all three of these guys shooting at least thirty six percent from three, and again I will mention this, every single player on the Bradley team has made at least one to three this year, is shooting at least thirty five percent from three point and just absolutely remarkable what we've been seeing out there. And then initially you've got a guy in Christian Davis who's shooting forty three percent from three. He supplies the team with nine and a half points, two assists, five rebounds per game. Bradley pretty good at being able to take care of the ball, with only about eleven a half turnovers per game. They don't really generate a lot of second and third chances, but they've been a top one our team with the guards opponent's two point three point ty percent. They're not quite as dominant as if George Mason team is on defense George Mason terms of points a lot on a purposesge basis, this is a squad that is currently checking in number eleven in all of college basketball. And I said, this is sole a Bradley squad that I think is going to be able to hold their own even with not generating necessarily a ton of spark on the glass air still one hundred and twenty first in terms of points a lot on a purposess basis. There should be a slog of a game. In my opinion, I do think that George Mason is going to be able to do a relatively solid job. I'll be able to guard the three point line, as in terms of opponents three point two percent, they have been one of the better teams in all of college basketballs For George Mason. Their lined teams to shoot just thirty point five percent from three points. So they said a low total here of a one thirty and a half. I'm going to be in on the under and I'm willing to take the points with Bradley And that'll wrap things up for the Saturday edition of Coast SEP's out part of Vson Family Podcasts, Big Things to Tyler Shoemaker does great work here at Vson. You joined me in the last segment if you do like sheering from this time podcast Couz Cuzoops. You're able to subscribe wherever Year podcasts, Apple Podcasts, google Play, Spotify, Situter, and tune in. If you have a question, comment segment idea what I'd be for this podcast. One of two ways feel far those in. First one is my Twitter slash x timeline at guet Underscore E one keep in mind letters em maybe it does not matter size per usual, please have send these into the timeline. The other way is finding an Apple podcast review. If you rate this podcast, five stars, it is very much appreciated. From there, you're able to fire in whatever you'd like here on this podcast via that five star view. And I'm good mad at you guys every single day on this podcast, regither season and no season. I'll be back with you guys once gain tomorrow. Thank you,