One of our listeners set up her boyfriend to be pranked by us and in today’s Phone Tap we’re taking credit for gifting her those new earrings he’s been so curious about recently!
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Eight hundred do you wy Away. One of our listeners reached out to us because she just bought herself a new pair of ear rings, and immediately her boyfriend was like, where'd you get those? Who gave those to you? Instead of just answering him and saying she bought them on her own, she did the smart thing and reached out to us. We're going to clear everything up for this guy in your phone. Tap right now? Another, Hey, is this Caitlin's boyfriend Ace? Yeah, it was this. Well, look, I just wanted to make sure that she got those earrings. Who might speak with I mean, is that really important? I mean, you're calling me asked without my girlfriend, So yeah, it's kind of important that I know who this is. I mean, listen, man, I just I just want to get a confirmation. You know, I don't really want to get involved in anything. I just do you know, if she got there. So you're not getting any information for me unless you tell me who you are. Yeah. The thing is like, I don't really think you want to know, Oh I do. I do want to know. That's exactly what I want to know. What I want to know? Okay, Well, I actually ran into her the other day at Starbucks. She calls me Squeegee. So squeegee? What the kind of name was squeegee? Well, she she's the one who came up with that a while back when we were dating. So you know, you could blame her for that, but you're her ex shoot. Yeah, and you're giving her gifts I mean and no, exactly, well, giving her earrings sounds like you're giving her a gifts. I don't see how it's not. No, I look, it's not like that, man, Squeegee. Okay, only she's supposed to call me that name. So it's kind of weird when you say it. What the hell are you doing? Man? Why are you sending ear rings? And oh my god, this is exactly what I didn't want. Why don't you stop, solemn? Tell me what you're doing?
All right?
Just relaxed, dude, Like, tell me to relax. I know, my girlfriend. Okay, I I I probably shouldn't tell you this, but it's kind of like a like a swap sort of deal.
Yeah, it's basically a trade because somebody else gave Caitlin this like weird sweater and some necklace thing. I'm the one who gave her those. Oh well yeah, look man, honestly she thought they were kind of yeah, and my current girl didn't like the earrings that I bought for her, so it was kind of like a swap. Are you kidding me? No, So I gave her the earrings in exchange for the sweater and the fake necklace thing that she got. That necklace is real, and I'm looking at it right now, don't doesn't really look real? That nexlus costs eight hundred dollars? Oh god? Really?
Yes, yes, really look man. Like I've been trying to say, I'm not trying to cause problems. I just I was wondering problems, man, Okay, I'm just asking, like, do you still have the receipt for it, because I'm assuming that you got it at like some secondhand stores. I can exchange it. He shut up. I'm talking here, like some old board shorts. Maybe wow, maybe it would just be easier to talk to Caitlin about the whole gift swap thing because there's no trades. I don't know how you get my number and I don't really give it. Okay, well you're not talking to her anymore. I don't want to talk to her. She's the one who called me to set you up for this prank call, so I mean blame her.
Yeah, this prank call because my name is actually jeff from the radio show Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning. Wait, we're doing a phone tap on you. Dude, this is a prank, that's what you're telling me. Yeah, I'm not Caitlin's ex. I'm just a stupid radio host. I'm not. Caitlyn emailed us because she said that you've been asking a lot about the earrings, so she wanted us to mess with you. I mean, I was like, why is her ex giving her gifts? And dude, I was just losing my mind. He's over here thinking this is okay for some reason. Way about it, Like, you don't send your ex girlfriend gifts? No, oh, no, I don't send my ex girlfriend gifts when she's not with someone else. But I saw a picture of the necklace, and I mean it's not really real, right, it's real. Okay, sorry no, yeah, I mean totally looks real. You're right, yes that you say so? Oh my god.
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