PODCAST EXCLUSIVE: We're pitting the generations against each other with the ultimate trivia game, it's Brooke vs. Alexis!
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Today real ones are here with us on a Saturday, and we appreciate you so much. This is a podcast exclusive for Brooke and Jeffrey and you know what, we love it that you like, you follow, you subscribe, don't forget our merch for a Cause is still on sale right now, the second date Update Merch.
It's yes, so cute, but it is a limited time, so get yours now. And today we're gonna be playing a game pitting the generations against each other like we do every Saturday.
Yes'm talking really fast.
I think I had too much coffee today, but to actually and I have food balances, I'm a little shaky, you know.
Yeah, Luckily it's a Lexus is turned to ask me questions about gen Z.
Yes, so I am ready okay.
We are starting by talking about my latest obsession, Doci. I love her and for those who don't know, she won the Grammys for Best New Artist, Best Rap Album, Best Rap Performance.
Everything sellose little Japanese balls that are chewy OCHI.
Yeah, I don't know fun to say for her album Alligator Bites Never Heal.
Dude, it is a fantastic album. It really fun to back listen.
Yeah anyway, yeah, you would.
We've played Doughchi, we played some of her pop stuff a while back.
Okay, but this is a full wrap album.
Yeah, you would really like I would.
It's crazy, is like I didn't hear her till like December, I'd say, when it was on TikTok, but her album came out in like August the last year, but she just picked up like yeah, lads are always like.
Super hon it. You told me about Chap before the world knew.
Thank you. Yeah.
Well, and her song anxiety is going viral on TikTok again.
But that song is from like two years ago.
Yes, question the answer. It's actually twenty nineteen. It's actually even older.
Older than that.
Yeah, but we an't gonna talk about that song today. But here's the song for people who don't know.
Body louder is my anxiety constantly.
It's also because we all suffer from it.
Yeah, on every TikTok, on everything everywhere.
So I didn't know the dance to it was from Fresh Prince of bel Air till I saw people saying that, and then they were like, I'm so mad.
There's a generation who doesn't know what this dance is from. And I was like that's my generation. I have no idea.
But anyways, well, Brooke, we might have to wing it here because I was gonna ask you a few things about it. That's her remix of it? What's the original song? Like this? Can I listen to it again?
Why not? I know it's.
Somebody that I used to know.
You have it again? Okay, Well, Brook, then what does she have anxiety about? Oh?
God, well, I've listened to some of her other stuff. I know she didn't have the best childhood.
Okay, I need to get her.
She's a real one, you know.
I watched Sure, how about you do the song or not?
But you do something wrong?
Right now?
D O E c H. I got it? She got it.
I thought it was chi.
Yeah, she's like top of my playlist.
I know me too. I've been been like listening to her all day. Okay, we are moving on to the next question.
Do you know what is it?
I love how when I'm cool it makes you so flustered.
I didn't nobody said you were cool? Maybe my question is late?
You know it?
All right?
What do you got? You want to know about cargo pants neck? No?
No, we're talking about white lotus. Okay, Season three is out.
Have you watched that.
I've only watched the first episode. That's okay, Yeah, I like the White Lotus themes.
Yeah, the first one. Yeah. I watched one and two, but I haven't started three yet.
Oh three is fun.
I mean I only watched the first episode, but in the first episode, I'm like, oh.
Okay, I like it.
So the people don't know season one is in Hawaii, Yeah, two is sicily three is in Thailand?
Yes, which whish?
I read that they have to pick where they choose based on like the tourist sales go up and it's saying them out afterwards.
Sure, so like they have to be aware of where they choose.
But anyways that they can handle the tourists. Yeah, who's gonna come in? It's gonna come in. Yeah.
But I'm going to read you three problems they had while filming this season, and you need to tell me which of these is fake?
Okay, imagine you're in Thailand they're filming. Did a one of.
The actors have to go to the hospital for a snake bite?
Did be a monkey steal a prop for one of the scenes, okay?
Or three? They had no ac while filming hookup scenes. Oh my god, Dickie is fake.
Oh that's so interesting because I think all of them.
Could be real. So I am so lucky that.
I got a chance to go to Thailand for a honeymoon and it is just an unbelieve I would ten out of ten recommend I mean, jose.
You would love it.
It is the best food vacation you can ever take.
Thailand is unbelievable. Okay, So I.
Monkeys are there, so I'm going to say that one's real because those little monkeys, they can be squirrely, little rascal.
How many videos do I have I seen online of monkeys just coming up and taking stuff.
Their bottles of water, the little yeah.
You can look at.
Okay, so I'm going to say that was real. I'm going to go with what was the first one?
The hospital ver a snake bite on a c no ae.
During a snake bite.
I okay, I'm going to say the one that's fake is a snake bite. I think that they would do a better job of preventing that from happening.
All right, Brooke, you are that you would think?
So, yeah, there, the monkey was made up. I made up the monkey. I got you made up. Yes, you always say they're bad, and this time believe that's right. Clip it today today.
Okay, so what I need to do is just pick the most boring answer that that's let's mad up.
Their ears are like bad water from.
I'm watching it up.
But there's a scene where like a girl and it is bit by a snake but faking pretending, but really the guy helping her with it in that scene got bit. They finished filming like the handler, and then the next day they told them they were like, hey, actually I think you should.
Go to the hospital. A day later, be okay, they just went and got him shot in case. My god, I love that.
That's something our job would do, like you know what, let's finish the work day and yeah, and we're each are.
Going to come for us.
Yeah, and our company would be like, we're going to bring in a snake specialist for entertainment with a real poison. Yeah, it's just funny.
Right, what it's just And they really had no you see, the entire time while filming because it's too loud, so they weren't allowed to have it around.
I'm not kidding. I wouldn't do it, they said, they get me off a TV.
The pit stains, there's probably a lot of wardrobe changes.
Imagine how smelly you would both be, Like I kind of like.
A good buddy odor.
Next question, Next question. All right, well, as we know, March Madness is happening.
And if guys didn't hear Jeff's song of the week yesterday, so good we did?
I know you guys did. I'm talking to the people.
Sorry, will you do me a favorite?
Will you go on our TikTok at Brooke and Jeffrey and also give it a watch?
Oh yeah, his sons like they should.
They should be heading millions of.
US seven million?
Is promote and well promote.
Yeah, sometimes I'm just a stage moment of this.
Yeah, that's thought.
You were like, go look at our brackets on that, and I'm like, we put our brackets up.
Although Jeff did forget to submit his bracket every.
Yeah, they filled it out and then he just didn't hit something that is so flast.
He's not so Jeff. He actually tried to.
That is exactly how he lives and moves through life.
Yes, yes, but because of that, we are going to talk about basketball, you know, not a college team, because.
That's not where I went with this question. Okay, we're gonna talk about a Miami Heat game.
Okay, all right, I'm stoked. Yeah, I have tickets to a Heat game coming.
We're gonna talk about the game.
A few years ago when a celebrity was asked to come on the court a part of a partnership announcement and.
It led to an altercation with the mascot.
All right, are you serious?
So I'm going to tell you.
Which I'm going to list off four celebrities for you, and you need to tell me who caused the problem?
Okay, bro, who would fight a mascots?
Definitely a man.
We got Nicki Minaj, we got Pitbull, we got Cornmgor and we got I'm gonna say his name wrong, but Eric Spolstra, the head coach of.
The Miami Job Yes, thank you. Look at pronunciation in case.
Before you said it.
Okay, so cause an altercation.
With Nicki Minaj pit Bull. Okay, here's the thing Nicki Minaj.
The thing about her is, you know, she's a feisty lady, and I like that about her, but I don't think like I think she'd be pretty go with the flow, Like maybe if like the mascot would like smack talker or something she's smart enough to like, you know.
Give it back.
Maybe it's a verbal but not like don't stop.
The game is purple violet, dude, games, I mean I could see.
I don't know that people have enough money to invest in.
Wine. Wow, Like, let's be honest, I think he's investor.
People go through face with him though, like girls still do the back like.
The all balls, Like he's not making money off the pit bull.
I don't know why people still do that though, Dude.
That would I started started charging bachelorette parties.
Yeah, I have to go with Connor Gregor. Oh yeah, he seems so.
Lame, like such a guy, dude. He's like he's.
The dude who will never understand a joke because he's not smart enough.
And he'll get mad at you that he doesn't understand it.
Totally like a mascot without speaking, like I'm not talking about the person in the mascot suit.
Are you talking about the character is smarter.
Than you're talking to me? Mat Yeah, you want to fight? Why isn't your question?
Why why are you blinking? All right? You?
When Connor was asked to fake fight the mascot and he punched him too hard.
He had to go to the hospital.
It's hard to hear, but y'all hear the what a.
Yourself? Children didn't understand that it was a fake fighting.
Everyone knew immediately, Yo too far.
It was Firmacgregor's pain relief spray he apparently makes, so he was supposed to punch the mascot.
But the mascot did get knocked out? Yeah?
So isn't he running for president of Ireland right now?
I just heard luck?
But gay basketball?
We got this?
No bracket?
We related basketball to Conor McGregor somehow?
Can I just it on our show?
I think that I really nailed the bracket name for myself?
You did? I said, fox around and find out that's right? It was really funny. I love a good player.
I don't think names, man, I get you.
Yeah, yours is like a foler hilarious, Jose find the fake one there.
At all?
Guys, who do you think? Tell you? Right now?
I have two brackets.
I have Saint John's winning at All.
That's my most important bracket because I could win money on that this year, and if they win, I'll win be all in my family, extended family friends. Yeah, I'll probably take home three or fifty bucks. Everybody throws in ten dollars one and then I have Houston winning on our.
I think I did Florida. Yeah, that's a good I don't really know it was.
I did Florida and produce my dad's who's Perdue. But I was like, I think they're gonna win, So I just did them losing. But they made it for my dad to the final and then he'll be disappointed there, Yeah.
Because of your dad.
I have a joke one My tenth bracket is a Perdue winning at all, just for just going oh yeah, in case they win, it is by far my best bracket.
I have picked everything, right dad, Dad, that's right.
Thanks for being here.
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Monday morning with a brand new show right here on Bricka.
Jeff Free Anxiety.
Somebody is watching me.
Here's my anxiety, anxiety anxiet