Name a party game that would be inappropriate for a work party...
We talk about a lot of cool inventions that have happened on the show or things that are gonna happen sometime in the future, but we haven't talked about this. Your house is going to be built one hundred percent by robots, which it sounds kind of out there, but as more office buildings and industrial sites go up around the country, they now have robots that can lay bricks, put up dry wall, operate heavy machinery, and cat call beautiful women that walk by the constructions.
Well, good thing, my dad's retired. E'lse you out of a job. Not the cat colleague part, but the construction part.
They even have drones that digitally create the buildings before they're built, and like room but like devices that can outline where every beam should go on a floor.
Wow, they're like three D printing homes now pretty much.
Yeah, no, they are.
It's wild and it's all because building costs have been rising so much and hundreds and thousands of construction jobs remain un filled, so they're just creating robots to do it all.
Oh my god, this is already happening.
Like you may not see it, but it's already going on right now, and The positives are the job actually gets done quicker without human error and fatigue.
Yeah, what it says, except for you can't probably make any changes the robots would have to change.
Everything could still be faster even with the changes. There's also less injuries and less danger to people if you don't have humans on the site.
Yeah, but there's a lot of jobs lost, isn't there.
Well, no one's filling them. All these jobs are open.
And blaming people, lazy people. Okay, see you with your uncalloused hands over there, people.
I'm not signing up to do that job. Absolutely not. Microphone.
It makes me wonder though, on these job sites, what radio show are the construction robots going to be listening to. We need to adjust to the times, to our new audience and appeal to our listeners. Alexis, can you give us some beat boops for the room bus.
Stop boom boom?
I know, why do you have to turn them off like that? Sorry? Of course we beat boom and get ourselves canceled. Thank you, Alexis.
Let's just move on to the shot collar question of the day.
The shock collar is never going to lose its job.
Digital give us something to shock each other to what's a good question.
A digital worker beat boo. If you've ever attended an office work party for this radio station, then you know they are one hundred percent alcohol free. Is that because management is purposely trying to punish us in the hopes we all quit?
Or it could be because they've learned that having a group of depraved radio misfits access to any booze is an hr nightmare waiting to happen. For that same reason, there's certain party games you might play at home with friends that just wouldn't work in a work setting, which is why a new survey asked one thousand office employees to name a party game that would be inappropriate for a work event. I have the top five answers in front of me for another edition of Unglued Family Feud. We'll start with the man who's currently unbeaten at the radio party game of swallow the microphone at six microphones. Name a party game that would be inappropriate to play at an office party?
Well, I remember last last office holiday party. Brooks suggested this one. Show me yours, I'll show you mine.
Yeah, side is it on?
They took a turn.
It's a dark night That night usually left.
Or what about if you busted out a Wija board, a Ouiji board one of the office parties, like, oh, powerful Oiji board, Who's getting laid off next?
I feel like a Wiji board might be a weird one to have it an office party. Show me wija board.
It's not in the top five jet incorrect? Whole top five is still there?
Say that very strange?
Oi Oija. Let's go over to Alexis.
Whole boards avail before you. I don't know.
I can't tell if it will be games people actually play, like games that are in movies.
You know that, like aren't.
Like like spin the bottle.
Nobody actually plays that.
Speak for yourself.
That the last party I played one on one every day?
Is it because back in your hometown it wasn't a bottle, it was a meth pipe.
What games do you play like at a party?
I mean, like beer pong and everything?
But why would that not be okay at work?
Because I don't think chugging alcohol is smiled upon at a work event.
Anything anything that encourages you to drink more faster. It's probably not beer pong, da beer pong.
It's number five on the Alexis is safe. Let's go over to Jose.
You guys are playing cards against humanity.
It's always fun.
But her answer makes me think of, like, what's really and I'm not just like, oh, you swore.
I thought musical.
Chairs because maybe you sit on someone's lap by accident and that's an HR violation when you're fighting for the chair. But then it got me to when she just said, it's been the bottle. I either want to pick that or you guys remember seven minutes in Heaven?
Those are twoss you don't believe in? Did you just go into the closet and pray?
But I think I'm gonna go with what alexis kind of grazed over. I'm gonna go with it's beIN the bottle.
Spin the bottles number one on the.
Ale is accidentally mentioned.
We got number one, and we have number five. Alexa and Jose are safe. Brook name a party game that would be inappropriate to play at an office party.
Okay, so this one can be really innocent and it also cannot be And that's Twister was one of my first games. Just because I'm thinking about like inappropriate touching, right, it would be really awkward to play twister. With your manager. Another one that came to mind is strip poker, but I don't know if that's common.
Slap shot, slap shot where you take a shot and then slap the other person.
Oh that hockey the other Christmas, I.
Say quarters cup or something flip, but I'm gonna go with twister.
Brooks says, twister. That's number three.
Of course Jeff doesn't know the line, but inappropriate. It makes sense.
Let's go over the top five party games that would be inappropriate to play at your work office party. Number one was spin the bottle Jose got. Number two was said in the room, strip poker, number three Brooke got with twister. Number four is truth or Dare, and number five alexis gott, which was beer pong, which is not appropriate for work.
So I'm gonna be getting shot because I didn't get one right. Somebody wanted to hear shots by LMFA. Oh God when I walk up in.
The club, all all me, all drink. We like the rock, we love patrol. We can't buddy rock. Everybody. Let's go shut shot, shot, shot shot, I was I wish.
I was were hard. That's your shot collar question of the day, Phone taps coming up right after this