Awkward Tuesday: There's Something About Maya

Published Feb 18, 2025, 1:30 PM

One of our listeners has had a secret crush on his friend for 3 YEARS... And he's finally going to tell her how he feels in an Awkward Tuesday Phone Call!

It's awkward.

It's Tuesday.

It's awkward Tuesday phone call. How far are you willing to go to make love happen? You're willing to go five feet, ten feet.

It's just when you emphasize make love instead of make love happen. Came off like my mind was some Okay, now we're back to make love happened.

I would go up thousand.

Would you go across the pond? Make absolutely? Some of our listeners have met people over in Europe and they say I'm gonna fly over there and I'm gonna spend my whole life savings and meet him, and then they end up on the loser line a couple days later. You know, yeahs wasn't really big Ben. But one of our listeners, Carter, is willing to put everything at stake and can even ask a bunch of dumb radio people for help just to make love happen for him. I love love. Let's do this, Carter. This is probably the worst decision of your life. But welcome to the show man.

Hey, I thank you.

Okayo confidence right from the beginning. Yeah, dude, I'm so excited to hear about this.

Will tell us about the situation that you're in and why you're reaching out to us.

I guess I feel really guilty honestly. Uh oh even yeah, even doing this. But it's like it's something that's eaten, eating away at me, and I hope you guys can help.

Love shouldn't make you feel those things, guilt, shame, like they're starting in a dark place.

It gets better. Okay, So you have any of you ever had like a crush on your friend's U significant other.

Was attracted to me, but I never ever had.

I don't know about friends. If you say coworkers, you might have a weird answer from Brooks.


Okay, that's a messy situation though.

Yeah, yeah, I mean I have a friend Eric. You know we're not like best friends. Okay, you know we don't really we don't hang out one on one. We've known each other for a long time. We DAPT last week if that means anything. Yeah, you know you have like we have a handshake.

Handshake Oh yeah, okay, close enough to DAP, but not any closer.

Yeah, Like you're a smoker.

That's where we going to, all right. So he's like he's like a buddy who hangs out in the group of your friends.

Yeah, he's one of the Yeah, he's one of the groups.

Yeah, gotcha.

Cool? His girlfriend, Maya, I'm in I'm head over heels for her.

Whoa, that's a big statement.

Yeah, yeah, it's crazy.

How do you know her just through him?

Well, it's the crazy part is we all met. Like I met her at the same party, the same time three years ago, and he beat me to the punch basically. Then it was just like, oh my god. So then I have enough to see her whenever the friends get together and stuff and brutal.

Oh well, that makes it.

That makes it sound better. It's still not a good thing. It makes sound like, yeah, I've known him for years and now I'm forming a crush. She at the same time, same party, and he just kind of pup say to it.

So for three years, I mean, you met this woman and now you've gotten to know her, and your feelings I'm guessing have only deepened. Is that what you're saying?

Way way deepened? Yeah, like I am smitten.

Oh man, those are strong words.

And here we are a few weeks ago. Guess what they got engaged? No, they broke up.

Oh way better? Yeah, way better.

I know I know it's great news, but it's also terrifying news because this is why I'm calling you, guys. I don't know. I mean, it's I'm going to try to do something, but I wanted to know what you guys think about. What I was thinking I should do is talk to Maya first and just see if there's interest, because maybe we don't even have to get Eric involved. I'm kind of yeah, I don't like confrontation, and you know, I'm not great talking to females or males.

Do you I mean, do you know was it a messy breakup or was it just like, hey, we tried this for three years, it's just not going to work.

I don't know much about it. I know that that's a good question.

Actually does that make a difference.

I do think so, because if like Eric cheated on her or like did something terrible like that to end the relationship, then I don't think Eric gets a say anymore. That's that's my opinion. It's like, you screwed that up, bad man.

I think it's kind of strange that you haven't asked your buddy about it first. That seems like as a friend, you ask your you always ask your friend first, Hey, do you mind if I move in on your ex?

I get why you'd want to avoid doing that.

I do think he has a good point to call her first before he even brings it up with Eric, because it's like getting a new job, right, you don't necessarily need to tell your old job until you know for sure the new job wants.

Yeah, that's true, right, Yeah, but I was thinking it's exactly what my thoughts were, that like, if there's no reason to get Eric involved, if this isn't gonna happen, then that'd be good to know.

Okay, you have obviously known Maya for at least three years. Now, what's the vibe between you two? Has there ever been any connection there? Or have you always been really distracting?

Yeah? That's the thing that's crazy is that there's been so many group settings where we've ended up just in a corner talking to each other.

Anything anything more than that, I hope not.

No, no, no, no, we've never done anything. But I tell you, like, Eric will be off doing a cake stand or something and we're off talking together. So it's like it seems like there's some flirtation.

Do you two dap ROMANTICAP?

Long no, okay, so we're going to call her. So now we're calling Maya.

Yep, I guess so.

And then next week we call Eric.

Well, yeah, I guess. First we have to hear what Maya has to say. That's true, We're going to play a song. We'll come back, we'll give you a little bit of advice on what to do and actually probably what not to do. We'll probably, but we'll come back and we'll let you do yourrocker Tuesday phone call right after this. All right, awesome, all right, hold on Tuesday's awkward Tuesday phone. Navigating this situation is going to be a little bit challenging because not only are there land mines everywhere, okay, but there are friendships at stake here, Like if you say the wrong thing, if you focus on the X for too long, or you seem super thirsty, like I've watched and waited for you for the past years. Now that you're available, I'd like to smell your hair. Oh, this time, when you're awake. It's the vibe that he would say it like that.

Yeah, I don't know.

Yeah, we probably ask have you been smelling her hair?


I mean when she's sleeping, you.

Want me to answer that honestly.

Yeah, okay, Now, look, man, I don't want it to come across like we're painting you as a stalker or a weird all player. He's a normal guy, just a regular guy who's harbored a secret crush for his friend's girlfriend for years. And with that said, let's get some advice from somebody who's been there, Brooke, the people in her hometown. There had to be some crossover. Take a shot, Broke, Well, it's easy.

What do you do, bro I don't disagree. So here's the thing I think, because especially because you don't know how her relationship ended with your buddy, I think you just don't mention him at all, Like you say that, hey, you heard through the grapevine that she's single.

Pretend he's dead. No, no, okay, pretend the friendship never existed.

Just pretend like you don't know anything about her past relationship because you really don't.

All right, don't bring up Eric Jose. What do you think?

Well, I just think in general, moving out of the friend zone into like a romantic sense with somebody is very difficult. So you need to make her laugh in a flirty way.

I mean, if you guys have a history together. You can look back on a moment.

That you share an inside Joe.

Yeah, and that'll bring some familiarity, make it a little bit less awkward. Let's give it a shot. Feel ready, Carter, dude.

Thing that can happen is that you're right back to where you started, where she doesn't like you technically.

Worst thing is that it gets over to your friend Eric and then don't think about that. Remember we're pretending Eric is dead. Now we're going to dial the number. Good luck, we'll be here, ready to jump in need a little bit of help. Here we go.

Hello, Hey, Maya, Hey, it's Carter. Hey, what's up?

Oh? Hi, how are you doing?

I'm good? Yeah, how are you doing?


I'm good?

What's up? I don't know? Hey, you remember it was a long time ago. You remember that party? That party we all went to. I think it was about three years ago. Remember by the plans we talked for a while. Wow, m mhmm.

What party was first?

Uh? It was it was uh, it was the one at the at the girl at the girl's house. What was the name?


And Emily and Natalie Katie Katie. Uh, it was something like really bad. It's a basic name. You know what I'm talking about three years.

Ago, I don't I don't know.

A party, yeah whatever, that it was too, I mean it was it was. I was just I was just thinking about you a lot after that party, you know, because I remember that that night you're wearing that dress and there you look great. You look so great that night, and I don't know, you know, I don't know if I ever told you that I was thinking. I didn't. I didn't tell you that. I can tell you that. Thank you anyway. I mean, yeah, so you know, I I guess I heard about I heard about you and Eric.

I'm sorry that oh yeah, yeah, yeah things.

Yeah, I just I mean just means it just means you're single now, right, Yeah?

Yeah, I guess so cool cool?

I mean, I mean it's not cool too. There have me some cool stuff and some not cool stuff about it. Yeah, this might sound sort of I don't know, uh like quick, maybe it's not. Maybe it's not that, but maybe out of the blue or something. I don't know. I'm just trying to. I'm just trying to. I'm trying to gauge, like, okay, so how much I don't know how much is there Maybe there's some uh interest, maybe it's not interest, but like, is there interest going on? You know here?

Oh you want you want to gauge my interest in you?

I don't know, Like I'm just feeling things out with my antennas, my.

You know, hold on, hold on hard, I need you to like take a breath. Uh are you asking me out right now? Is that what's happening?

I don't know. That's a good question, am I Does Eric know.

That you're doing this?


You know, like he and I dated for like three years, and aren't you guys like good friends or something. Isn't there like a or something.

No, I wouldn't say we're good friends. I mean I you know, I kind of hate him too, like you probably hate him now too. I mean we kind of hate him, you know.

Okay, Well I don't hate him.

Yeah, I mean either, I think exactly the same way you do about him. I mean probably like you know, like medium like like not super hate, but like it's like I don't know because it goes up and down sometimes.

I'm like, hold on, hold on, are you single right now?

I mean I I mean I could get single pretty quickly.


Hello, you're on the radio right now with Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning.

We're rescuing you from that car.

It's more on the radio than you are.

Yeah, that's a good point.

What is going on? I don't understand what's happening like at all.

He did not do a very good job of explaining it, that's for sure.

We're helping out, Carter. He wanted to have a little bit of a strange conversation with you.

He's had a crush on you and wanted to ask you out. But what is this, Carter.

You're not a huge crush. It doesn't matter very healthy crush.


Are you single or not? You didn't tell us that piece.

Uh yeah, I mean I can be I'm close. We're like sort of seeing each other.

Yeah, maya have you met his maybe maybe not girlfriend?

I don't think so. I know, like, you know, he's been like using the absence stuff and like he's brought a couple of girls, but like I haven't really like hung out with a group in a couple of weeks, you know, like since Eric and I broke up.

It doesn't sound that's serious to me.

This up.

I mean, okay, let's not worried about the other people, about Eric and about you know, Rando. Carter girl, let's focus on the two of you. Are you surprised to hear some of these things that are coming out from Carter right now?

I mean like a little bit because someone else in their friend group literally was doing the same thing to me yesterday.

Uh, I mean it was Rick, But like, come on, what a losers, like the worst friend group ever.

I can't believe Rick would do that. Rick jumped in and block me.

Wait, hold on, doesn't know you're you know, shooting your shop.

Did you say no to Rick?



Is that what you're saying?

Yeah, Like it all just seems like really fast and really weird, and like now that now that Carter's doing this, like like is this like a joke? You know what I mean?

Like is this some joke joke?

And actually we talked to Carter a little bit about this before we called you, and it seems like there's a lot of genuine feelings there.

Yeah, a lot more than Rick.

Okay, I mean, Carter, you didn't do a very good job of explaining your feelings to her.

I was nervous, Okay, I couldn't tell.

You, is there anything you want to tell her now?

So at that party when we met three years ago, Eric and you met, but I also met you that day and ever since then, every time I see you, I want to hang hang out with you and be with you. And I just got so excited that this might be my opportunity. And I'm scared that I screwed it up. But maybe we can go on one day and see if I can't put this back together.

It was really sweet.

It isn't a good start.

I guess I'm just still very confused and caught off guard. And I've only and single for three weeks. I'm like, I think maybe I need like I need like more time away from this group.

That Yeah, yeah, that's not bad. You know, she's not saying no forever, She's just saying give her some space for right now. I mean, how does that feel to you?


Well, it kind of pisses me off about the Rick thing, but it's not.

Going for him at least.

Rick was fully single when he asked.

I don't want to bring it up, and I would challenge Rick to a gentleman's duel if I done.


After this airs, I don't know how much is going to be left, But it sounds like Carter, she needs a little bit more time to just let things marinate and think things over. Are you willing to wait, give her like a thirty day grace period before you ask again?

Yeah? Yeah, I can do that.

Just keep her away from the rest of your friends.

Oh my god.


What kind of friend is Rick to Eric asking her out like immediately. I waited at least a day.

Carter, you are a true gentleman. Now go back to your other girlfriend.

Brooke and Jeffrey

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