FULL SHOW: Friday, March 21st, 2025
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Welcome to the full show. Thank you so much for being here. We got a lot of like really fun, brand new content today. It's a good Friday. It is a good friday if you are in March madness right now when you were just living the dream. I know we were watching games last night. The whole family. Can't say I was, but you know I have a bracket with us. Also, that's okay. I just trash talking my eight year old like crazy, are you kidding me? Why did you pick them to win?
Yeah, that was dumb.
We've got a great song for you today. Well I say we, but it's really Jeffrey. He wrote, he sings it, and it'll get you in the competitive March madness spirit, or just remind you that you're probably gonna lose your bracket. Yeah that's okay too. And we had a fun game reverse the verses coming up as well, So stick around. It's a great Friday. It's a brand new episode starting right now.
We do this every week on the show. Go through our listener emails, or as I like to call it, in box insanity. Okay, yeah, so common.
The last time you actually opened an email?
So I'm guessing our brook and Jeffrey in the morning. And this week we got a message from across the ponds.
I say, that's Britain, not Federal way By. There's a lot of ponds there. I get it, but I'll read this. It says, Hey, it's Simon. I'm listening from London, UK, and I want to say I love your show. And even though I have that James Bond English gentlemanly accent, I'll never get any dates with the American ladies here who go gaga for it.
Wish I could have the troubles your callers have.
Maybe you could do a section for international dating. I mean I would get to be with an awesome American lady and she gets an auto British passport.
Win win for both.
I also want the passport.
I know I'm married, but it's funny that he finishes it with I do like the sound of Alexis.
Simon actually sounds exactly like Jeffery Hopefully.
If this letter was from anybody else, i'd think it was kind of creepy. But it's a British listener with his accent, so I could respect him forthwith absolutely. Yes, but let's bring the music down because Alexis he has expressed the interest in you. So respond to Simon if you're ready to take him up on his offer in your best British accent.
Go ahead, all right, Simon, right now, if you buy me a first class flight immediately?
That was pretty good.
Do you want to throw the word wanker in there?
Maybe a little bit.
I know they like to use that word.
I hope he's not a winker. Please buy me some Codberry chocolates, the pop rock ones is my favorite?
Is my favorite? That's good? Yeah?
In a dating context, that could be in something totally different. Let's just say we'll consider Simon's idea for international dating as a news segment. But let's go to our tried and true shock collar question of the day with our own digital producer. Who's gonna give us probably no British accent on this this classic Jake, Let's go.
It's only been one day and is your bracket busted?
I'm not talking about college basketball with March Madness. That's secondary to what we're celebrating here, Mark Madness.
Oh no again, Yes.
Where we honor the greatest and most infamous marks in history. We did this yesterday and it went remarkably bad. So today I'm testing your marksmanship one more time in us what you.
Did special.
This one Jose Return of the Mark edition out.
Of twenty Wow.
Say a number the bars, So the bar is the floor, you guys, say number one through twenty. I'll give you a hint about iconic mark. You just have to name them to stay in the game. And we'll start with the woman who's venturing to make her mark on every single happy hour across the City's alexis your famous mark? Hint is he's the only billionaire who yells at referees like they personally stole his lunch money. Oh what Mark is that?
It's gonna be some coach of something.
He's that doesn't help.
I possibly know what we said yesterday. So Mark Daniels.
Mark Daniels sounds good. It's very wrong though. Looking for Mark Cuban.
Yeah, Shark Tank.
Shark Tank owns Dallas, Mavericks Brook.
Well, he's the government of.
Brook. It's your turn. Ten is off the board.
I wanted to argue more about what percentages. I'm gonna go six.
Number six Brook.
Your famous mark hint is he's the guy who made it possible for your aunt to overshare to the world.
Obviously, God, Mark Zuckerberg.
Wow, shots fired at the Zuckster. That's pretty bad Marks on this list. Mark Zuckerberg is absolutely correct created Facebook does jiu jitsu. Now he's kind of going through did you.
Did you see the statue of his wife's head that he put in his yard. It's like huge, It's like the size of her. It is just.
Somebody that's a really rabbit holes down she's Mark billed.
Yeah, wife, statue is totally normal.
Wife right, if she's listening, Do not expect that number two was a your famous Mark hint is his history's greatest simp who risked them Roman Empire just to impress Cleopatra.
Oh oh yes, Oh it's Oh.
I want to say it's Mark.
Yeah, yeah, you should. You should want to say that.
But like collect for everyone else, I'm trying to think of great.
Mark, no clicks.
I can't think of the guy's day.
I will say he also has a statue.
Rome that thinker Mark.
I want to say, like Mark the Great, I'm thinking Alexander the Great. I'm thinking of like we got to go the Great because the Great was what everyone.
With Mark the Great is incorrectly, it's really close. Cleopatra's a little boy toy. His name is Mark Antony. Oh I knew, Yeah, you had it right there, Jeffrey, it's your turn. Two, six, and ten are off the board.
I want the number one Mark.
Okay, how about this?
Your famous Mark hint is solving crimes on TV so long that your grandma still calls him that nice detective guy. What Mark is that?
So this is from some CBS show, right, another one?
But I don't watch any of that.
I don't.
Do you have to help to tell you that this Mark also played football at u c l A.
I mean, I thought that should help me because I used to go to all the U c l A football games. But I don't we Mark Mark. Oh man, I'm gonna have to throw out another generic name like Alexus did. Mark Freeman.
Mark S.
Freeman is very close of a guest. His name is Mark Harmon.
He's the star of n.
C I S.
Jef throw Gibbs on n c I S. That means Brook, you have one today's edition of plenty of twenty all.
Right, and Brooke, you get to choose to get shocked while singing a song by former Roman emperor Mark Anthony. I need to know. I not know he wrote that.
I think I'm gonna go with a Lexus on this one.
Yeah, after she leaves us and goes to England.
British boy toy the need to know.
I need to know, tell me, baby girl, because I need to know.
Would you clip that and use it?
I don't know why. Who enjoyed it?
Simon Simon loved it. By the way, baby so shocked collar question of the day. We got your phone tap coming up in just a few minutes.
Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.
It's finally timed to award the Brook and Jeffrey Golden Shower.
Fun let's put all those words together.
That's the color of the trophy.
Brook newest hero. It's Brooken, Jeffrey in the Morning, and today's Golden Shower.
Lufa goes it's a long, long award. I have to take a breath in the middle.
It goes to a sixty nine year old engineer named Eduardo Garcia, and his company was about to celebrate him for his long service twenty years with the same company. Wow, But there was a problem with that. Eduardo didn't show up for the ceremony, and when they looked into it, turns out he hadn't been coming into work for the last six years. He'd just been quietly collecting the page checks the whole time, never actually showing up. A dream come true.
He got caught though, ye can't work for a company like ours, it never recognized.
When the news out let's heard about this, they went and interviewed him and asked why why did you stop going into work and Eduardo's response, there really wasn't that.
Much work to do there, so shrug.
Now he was assigned to oversee a wastewater treatment plant, which was kind of an important job for the overall health of.
The city and the people there.
But since he wasn't testing levels for the last six years, they're not exactly sure what the quality of the city's water is at.
I don't know, but that I mean.
I feel like after six years somebody would have gotten sick.
Doesn't matter though, and Eduardo said he stayed occupied at home by reading about philosophy.
Okay, fired Jeff, I'm to know or did they just say no.
It was coming to work.
In the end, he did not receive his medal for twenty years of service. But he does receive our golden shower Loofa for being our hero of the week man. Congratulations at Duardo. We got laser stories coming up right after this. It's the radio segment that's come out with a new twist on clothes.
They're going vertical vertical.
I'm confused. Imagine your head coming out of your leg hole and your legs coming out your neck hole.
That is high fashion.
I mean sweatpant jeans can be a thing. You gotta believe that this is gonna trend.
I mean wearing a turtle leg.
Just be glad that tight jeans are no longer in That's right.
Verts V E r t Z go vertical this fall with Laser Stories, their segment where we read weird news stories around the globe just like everyone else does, except we've got a laser. There's other whole trolls does jump. This first laser story is out of Texas Zee. A sixty two year old woman named Teresa Juke hit the lottery last month, and it wasn't just a small win like a million or two dollars, something that Brooke would probably skull fat. In fact, Teresa hit it big for eighty three million.
That's the one you dream about.
Well, but here's the stitch.
Even though she went to headquarters, filled out the paperwork and the ticket was valid, Yes, the state still hasn't paid her, and there's a chance they never will. And the reason why is that she bought the ticket through a courier app called jack Pocket that's owned by the gambling site draft Kings, where you pay through the app and then they send someone out to go buy your ticket for you and then bring it to your house.
Oh, like it uber eats, but for lottery it's interesting, right.
But that's a problem because lawmakers in Texas have been moving to ban the app, partly because state law says you need to be the one who buys it. Oh, come on, you can't buy it and then give it to somebody else and then it's theirs.
Wow, this is that is ridiculously. You said they're working to ban it. That means they haven't banned it yet. I am mad. I'm mad mad for her.
Needless to say, it is messy right now between the two sides here, and that's why the lottery says they won't pay up until an investigation is over. That could take time.
I feel like your wife would have been better just not winning it.
And Truth is going to win an even bigger sum when she goes herself, so it'll be fine.
Get her next to one.
Also, the state is looking into a big lot of win from twenty twenty three where a company in New Jersey bought so many tickets they basically guarantee to win. Whoa, they spent twenty five million dollars and then one ninety five million.
That's a good investment.
They beat the system and officials don't like it.
Oh well, yes, yay.
This next Lazer story is out of Georgia. You guys remember Jeremy Meeks, the hot felon with the mugshot that went viral.
Yeah, I met him.
That happened back in twenty fourteen. Once he got out of prison, he turned that into a modeling career. And now here we go again in another hot mug shot is all over social media after a sorority girl in Atlanta got arrested this month. She is twenty year old Lily Stewart. Oh, oh Lily, showing a picture of Lily beautiful.
Yeah she's the twentiest, Yeah she's Oh, she looks thirty.
She don't see it.
You know, the girls are going a little hard on the makeup lately and it's aging them a little bit. Shot her ball, she does a greater mugshot. Yeah, I get it.
No, she looks good.
The story is a cop pulls her over recently for driving seventy nine in a fifty five and initially let her off with a warning, but then they caught her speeding again minutes later, going eighty four in a fifty five fast, so instead of a ticket, they locked her up and her mugshot went viral because it's about as good of a photo as you would hope.
It is.
About how she looks. Yeah, that's the whole story.
The guys online started leaving a lot of comments on.
It, so I bet they're really respectful.
Tone well, the prosecutor ended up dropping the case over worries about her safety.
Oh no.
Her lawyer says he's been trying to get the mugshot taken down off the internet, but.
Lily doesn't seem that concerned about it.
Last week checked, it's still up on her own TikTok page. She even posted her favorite funny and unhinged comments that people have been leaving for her, which include must have been a sale over at Lululemon. Also, she was trying to get the last pumpkin latte of the season.
She does fit that mold is a little basic.
And finally, your honor, my client like totally didn't see that sign. So she's got all those up on her page.
She's gonna turn a fame instead of hawk too, She's gonna be locked to us.
No, I like.
This next laser story is out of hoax Haven's. If this is an early indication of this year's April Fool's Day, things are not looking promising because a few days ago, Lipton Iced Tea went on social media and announced that their.
Peach iced Tea was being discontinued.
Nobody got time today the best.
Flavored ice tya, the little random sense It seems like one of their core flavors, and they didn't give any explanation for it. Then they just said maybe one day Peach will make a legendary comeback.
We appreciate your.
Understanding during this period of adjustment and apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Hashtag ri I Peach.
Is this like when due Lingo, you know, killed the owl? And then they brought the owl back and everybody's like, dud, why'd you even get when new the owl was gonna come back?
It's gonna be the same thing.
Well, yesterday Lipton made another post yeah, revealing it was all in April Fool's Day gag and peaches here to stay.
Yes, April Fools in mid March.
Now I think they're going to take over our phone taps soon with ideas like that.
Lipton laughed about out the freak out in their comments, saying the way we had people mad at us to laugh emoji, laugh, crying emoji, We're definitely the most lit. It was a little weird, like an older person in radio come up with it no matter. Lifton said that they're gonna comb through everyone's reactions to their early April Fools slash fake announcement and they'll be quote sending a surprise to the biggest fans that had the best reactions.
Yes, is it a thing of Lipton beach iced tea then spoilers somehow by one get one coopon this next Lazer story is out of the bree hive.
O give me more love.
Do you think your favorite cheese is American? You are wrong.
You suck.
I agree, American cheese sucks.
Well, it cannot technically even be called the cheese because of all the fillers and how it's processed.
That's what makes it act, so it makes it American.
Yeah, so they use terms like cheese product or cheese food cheese with a Z. But the folks at Sargento claim they finally cracked the code and just released a new American cheese that actually does qualify.
I yeah, it has enough dairy in it to be considered cheese.
Its technical name is called natural American Cheese, and it only has five ingredients while other types have nine or more. They claim they spent a decade working on this to make it taste and melt like regular American cheese. Food and Wine was quick to point out that natural cheese isn't a term regulated by the FDA, but from what we can tell, five ingredients means it is qualified as cheese, and whether it actually tastes like the fake stuff, we don't really know.
The better come in classic singles. That's the only way I know.
I don't know why they're messing with it. American likes the fake stuff, you know, like, let us all put plastic on our hamburgers and call it good.
Maybe it's another big April Fools joke and they're about to slam uslf as for this guy. He loves cheese natural or not. In fact, he makes his own Swiss cheese at home.
Yeah, the holes.
He even pokes out the holes himself.
Yeah, am I right? Ladies?
Why don't you support him and his passion for Darius.
I'm not a Swiss cheese fan.
Oh wow, laser shoories has come to it. End of the day. We'll do it again, same time on.
Monday, Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.
If you have any respect for the people who work on this show, get ready to toss that out the window. The window first, because even our parents are going to be ashamed once they hear the game we're about to play.
Listen, maybe I'm good.
We'll see this one. It's a little bit different. There is a twist to it because we're gonna play some of the most popular songs of the last twenty years. Yeah backwards. Oh no, we're calling it reverse the verse. Will you be able to beat us at home? Yeah? Probably you will.
It's not impressive though, I don't know I feel pretty confident.
What is impressive is if you make it through the entire next segment without switching to another station. Dare you to do it? Reverse the Verse.
Coming up right after this.
You think you've seen us at our low points, just wait till you hear us play.
With Foos Foos.
Jeffrey in the morning. Broup has sprung out of her seat in excitement because it is time for another round of America's least favorite music game show, Reverse the Verse, where I play a famous song for my co hosts backwards, and all they have to do is simply name the title exactly correct without whining or complaining about, oh it's not fair, jeff so handsome that it's distracting me.
You know who you are.
And once again we are allowing steals today. If you miss it, the next person in line can try and take your points away. So we're gonna start things off with a woman whose mortal weakness is reversing in her car.
That would be Alexis.
Please name this tune, think.
Is just like you were doing the hand motions all wrong.
By the way, you.
Had to do the DDD version right. Makarena by low Star Real Alexis gets one point. Now we're on to the woman who brags to her children about how she used to stop down, flip it and reverse it. That would be Brooke. Brooke name this famous song?
Oh my god, it's a stupid.
The names of the songs, please, we.
Need a guest.
I'm gonna go with right rip dumb lyrics?
Where this come from?
The Okay?
I brought enough, Jose, can you steal it?
It's a chain Smoker Boulder Coloradoo by the Chain Smokers.
I don't appreciate some of the contestants berating the song that we like to play on this station.
Every so welcome, honestly, like those lyrics are so stupid.
Don't make me take points away from I don't have.
Any points to take away.
You can go into the natives now Jose.
Jose named this famous song.
Can I say it in reverse?
I'd like to hear it normal.
Okay, I'll say yeah, yeah, yeah.
Are you missing maybe a punctuation mark? It's not It's very important you have the exclamation point. It's not yeah, it's yeah.
Two of the most played songs Birthday.
For a bonus point, Jose spell Usher the way ludicrous would say it.
You capital R s h.
E would say that means Jose gets a second point and we are.
On til round.
You has two points. Jose has two. Brook not surprisingly a big fat zero, so.
Almost in the negative attitude.
It's true these games.
We're back to Alexis.
Please name this song.
Still, I will say you weren't.
Born when this song came out, so it's not fair, although you may have been conceived to it.
Oh no, you know it.
I don't know it, you steal.
I think it's boys to men I'll make.
Love to That's no song I.
Know, not too late.
It's goddess to be boys to men. Maybe the song is not Caho, I'll make love to you.
It's uh, we need it.
We need it, you know my goddess.
I don't know for no points, Brook, what's the name? It's end of the Road by Boys to Men. Although Brook, here's what I'll do as a consolation. I'll give you a bonus point. How many Caucasians are in that group?
I'm sorry, Sean st Often did an ancestry dot com. He's fifteen percent Irish, so cannot give you the bonus one. Very insensitive of you. To say that, but you are up again. You can redeem yourself. Give me the title of this hot jam.
Survivor Tiger the Tiger I.
Sailed the same both ways.
Hear that now?
Okay, bonus point? What famous movie is that? A song track to Brooke?
It's I know, wait don't. This is not my answer. It's Rocky, but it's not the first Rocky. I think it's Rocky too.
I can't give that to you because not because your answer is wrong. It's going I actually didn't look it up, so I feel bad even asking. We're I'm I'm going to deduct a point from myself for that one negative one for me. I'm in the rear name.
So I just said Rocky that he would have given it to you.
We'll never know.
Okay, we're back to you.
Please name the song title for this reversed verse.
I know it's the first name of the song.
That's you say it was?
That is right? Is a low and it's by Flow Rider, by the way, and ty.
Pain could be many cultures and ethnicities.
I just want to say that many paint song.
Okay, it is Floder And for a bonus, get a bonus? Where does Flo Rider live.
He's got many homes. Jeff the guy is very rich, but I will floorid up.
I need a county. I've got to be more.
Specific, Dade County.
Dude correct flow likes to attend car shows on the weekend in Dade County, Miamia. That means congratulations, Da Milanio. How did I do it with four points wins this round of reverse reverse? So we have time for a three second long acceptance speech from you, and I just took up all the time mentioning it. So I'm saying that was another rousing edition with foods foods outside the highly ethnically inclusive segment reverse Reverse. Come play again with us again soon.
Phone taps coming up right after.
This freaking Jeffrey in the morning.
In today's phone tap, we call a guy who's already not very happy. He's been the manager of an autobody shop for over a decade and the owner just sold it. So he has not met anybody from the new company that bought them out, that is until now. And you know that those rough and tumble auto mechanics they love when corporate bigwigs stroll in and tell them how to do their job. Oh yeah, So that's exactly what's going to happen in your phone. Tap right now, the.
Glatto body can help you.
Hi, I'm looking to speak with a service manager, Harold. Yeah, you got him, great, Harold. My name's Tara, Tara new Hole. I worked for Auto Group.
Oh okay, nice.
To meet you too. I know we haven't met face to face, but you do know that our company bought out your auto mechanic shop, correct I heard? Oh man, I see yeah. I'm just calling to let you know that we really like the shop that you manage. It does very well financially.
Yeah, we were in a good shop. We do good business here.
Yeah, about that. We are going to make some changes though.
Why would you do that?
You don't need to make any changes.
Well, looking at the online reviews, the number one complaint seems to be the customer service.
Nobody cares about those.
Just from a short conversation, I can tell that we can make some improvements.
What does that mean.
It means we need you to try to be more inclusive and use gentle language when discussing people's car issues.
Hey lady, you don't seem to understand. Okay, this is a mechanic shop.
I deal with like a billion cause to day.
Okay, first we're going to start with my name, that's again Tara Newhole, and we'll run through a scenario here for you. For example, for example, one of your mechanics might hey, lady, just like you did.
Your brakes are shot. Yeah okay, yeah, So.
Instead we would like you to say we noticed that your breaks have been afflicted by sudden halting trauma. What did you hear? How that sounds?
What the hell is going on here?
Let's listen.
You want me to do my job?
You do?
You just get off my back?
Okay, Carold, I get it?
Oh do you really?
Change is hard? And just between us gear heads, I once owned a v dub Rabbit.
Did you know that?
Of course I did know that.
But that makes sense that which is back to our conversation. When a customer talks about tires, instead of telling them there's a lot of wear and tear, we want you to say your tires are succumbing to some deep patterned conflict.
Oh my god.
When he told us an auto group bought us, I don't know when he.
Is find and gently would be coming with it.
Yeah, we're all very excit it.
Well, that makes one of us, because I sure is hell.
I'm not oh that hell word. We're not going to use that anymore either.
How about we use those?
How about your old Those are also on the no go list. But you know what you can use now instead of bumper? Why don't you try cuddle bar?
I'm not doing that, you know what.
I'm guessing a guy like you pretty much knows that rims has a different connotation nowadays.
So what are you talking about?
If we could just go with vehicular tires swag, that would be a range.
Oh really, yeah, you know what I say, The hicula tis wag all the great.
So we're already moving forward.
So I'm being sarcastic here. You understand, never said the words give a tis wag in my wife. So I heard from this crazy woman about how things are changing.
Yeah, but we're also not referring to trim on a car anymore. That's borderline sexual harassment.
Oh my god.
Instead, why don't you try body styling?
Can I remind you that this is a mechanic shop, not a therapy session.
No, I must stay harold.
I don't speak whatever language you're speaking. Okay, I'm an American. That's where I speak English, So I don't know who no Man is. I don't know what you're talking about.
I still have a couple of points to hit. So if you could just take a deep breath for me.
Harold, you know, why don't we do this?
Why don't you do me a favor?
Email your suggestions to my butthole. Okay, I don't have time to waste with this crap.
Okay, great, I'll email them to your butthole. And you know what, I'm going to see your coworker Jimmy on those as well. What do you know, because he's the one that set you up for this prank phone call?
Were you talking about?
This isn't about Jimmy. What Jimmy got to do with that?
This is actually brought from the radio show Brook and Jeffrey in the morning. We're doing a phone tap on you and your coworker. Jimmy set you up.
What you gotta be kidding me?
Jimmy Ebel had said that you were nervous about the new company coming in. Oh Man, probably feel better about it now, right.
Oh Man, that's Jimmy. I'm gonna smack them in the head.
What what a cay or iron as long as you use judge the language while you do it.
Weak up every morning was foone taps weekday mornings on the twenties, Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.
If you're planning a fun activity for a first date, is there anything better than mini golf?
Oh it's been forever since rhetorical yeah, yeah, other idea.
Look at all the positives.
You've got a little friendly competition action between you two, the opportunity for some playful flirting outdoors, and of course that windmill sets the mood for a hot Dutch style romance on the eighteenth hole.
A Dutch style romance. Oh, I feel like it's very cold.
Whatever it is, you.
Know, I can do.
How in the world did it happen that one person almost ended up in tears on whole number nine?
No, one got hit by a flying golf ball. But the dude says it is one hundred percent his fault. Okay, we'll find out what happened in your brand new second date update coming up right after this second date update.
Date you guys know.
The term double date where you go out on a date along with like maybe a friend of yours who also has a date with them.
Yes, two dates at the same time.
I think everybody knows what a double date is.
Yeah, I'm glad that everybody's on the same page because one of our listeners, Justin went on a different kind of double date where he saw the same girl twice in one night.
Oh you mean he went on two dates in one night. I don't know.
Yeah, double date exactly.
It's interv second date update. Then we'd be too close to that, so okay, we'll go with yours.
Yeah, it's a different twist on the term. And I'm just curious, like an after date. There you go, Justin, what did she say when you snuck up behind her? She was trying to get into her car.
That's not joking.
I think it didn't really work out that way.
Oh, okay, you double date differently than I do. I guess start from the beginning of your first part of the date. What's this girl's name? Her name is Tracy Ty.
Okay, and how do you arrange the first hangout?
We actually met on hinge and we had been chatting for a while and then we decided to go out play mini golf, something that we both were into.
And you know, it's kind of interactive.
It's easy.
I apologize for my female host. She's not really a fan of fun.
No, it's just often people don't describe themselves as into mini golf, you know what I mean, Like, you do it, but you're not in it.
You throw the idea out and people go, oh, that sounds fun, but no one's like, oh my god, I did nine rounds last week.
I'm so ready for our date, Justin, would you like to apologize for the way that you worded that to us?
I guess when I brought up the idea, she was into it.
I was, yeah, we get it, we get it at Yeah, we're just going to make this as difficult as possible, so keep going. We'll keep roasting you perfect.
So we had a good time, honestly, we like played for a while. At one point I decided to play a joke on her, so when she turned around to put I hid behind one of those take mountains that they have, and I was back there for a bit and she was calling my name.
You hit her?
I heard her say, did I seriously just get ditched again on a date?
That's what I heard?
What happened to her before?
You can't jump out and yell surprise after she says that out loud.
Yeah, now you actually have to leave?
Do you hear him leave?
Like away?
So what would you do?
No, I felt really bad, but I was having fun, so I just kind of came out and surprised her.
She definitely was a bit.
Put off at first, I think, yeah, but she started laughing regardless. I think it was a funny moment.
She was angry and embarrassment. It was funny.
Yeah, Well she must have been really relieved to find out that she wasn't actually getting ditched. So the only place for the state to go is up from here.
Your defense, bro, you didn't know that she had been left on dates before, and you weren't trying to trigger anything.
You were just having fun.
It is funny regardless.
It was a good attempt.
So yeah, like it wasn't really like that thought out. It kind of was in the moment type of thing.
Yeah. Obviously she did finally laugh about it.
Yeah, after she stopped crying, she laughed about it.
Oh she was crying.
No, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.
Oh your sense of humor, it's it's even darker than mine.
Okay, all right, So was that like the middle of the night or did you have a lot of hangout time after that?
So after that, we ended up going back to her apartment and we hung out. We had some drinks, and towards the end, she was a bit tired. She had a long day, so we just kind of wrapped things up and we planned to see each other again. So I went outside. I get to my car and I realized someone slashed my car.
Oh no, God, what maybe that she was branking you back.
Slash your tired? Do you have like a crazy X or something out there?
Yeah, because that's like serious, No, not that I know of.
Oh so this was random, I guess.
So I didn't know who it was.
I mean, she could have a crazy X too.
Oh I feel like that the driveway.
And hopefully not. What was it like going back to her door and tell it to what happened?
Yeah, First off, she didn't really live in the greatest neighborhood, so.
At that point it was kind of like, I need to kind of get out of here, and I didn't want to wait on the sidewalk for Triple A or whatever, so I went back there. I mean, she was shocked that it happened, but like she invited me back in.
Yeah, I bet she felt so bad. I mean, even though it's not her fault, right, Like, whenever somebody comes over to my house and something bad happens in my neighborhood, I'm like, oh my gosh, are someone in my apartment parking? Groge so embarrassed.
Okay, So does that mean that you ended up staying the night at her place?
Oh, silver lining, but I stayed on the couch.
I didn't like Sandy cam Bet or anything.
Okay, Okay, was everything okay? The next morning between you two?
Actually, so the next morning, Triple A came while we were waiting for them to change my tire or whatnot. We had orange juice split a bagel.
It was nice. Actually, is this the second date?
I think him going back into her apartment in the same night that would be the double version of the dates.
Sorry, I mean, guys, I even got a quick kiss before I left, so I definitely think it ended on a high.
Orange dude, and you didn't have a toothbrush with you, so that says a lot that she would give you.
A one orange.
Okay, we weren't going full throttle but I got a kissed.
Okay it was a mouth kiss then yeah.
Well it could be like, oh I feel bad for you forehead sort of kills. Where were you guys thinking? You guys, are I need to go like wash my brain out of whatever thoughts? Yeah, you're poisoning me. And once we're all fresh and clean, we'll come back and do a very clean version of a second date update. I mean, I can't promise that, but fingers crossed, I'm hoping keep it clean right after the second date update. If you're just joining us, Our listener Justin had his first date end with his car tire randomly getting slashed. So we know he lives in a Lexus's neighborhood, but.
Our cars get stolen, all four tires.
Yeah, this specific incident happened outside of his date's apartment, so he kind of turned it into hey, it's kind of late for me to get a toe right now, So is it cool if I stayed the night and he did. He even got to kiss the next morning. But ever since then, his date Tracy seems to be avoiding him.
Yeah, which is strange. I mean they quick peck that bad. Like I said, he didn't have a toothbrush. So maybe it was.
Justin We don't know. Is there anything that's going through your mind for why Tracy's avoiding you?
I mean, I can't really think of it. I liked her. I thought it was a great date, unlike it was like the mini golf situation.
I don't know, because you tried to prank her at the mini golf course by hiding behind a mountain for a second.
Yeah, not for a second. She thought that she got ditched again, do you remember that?
Just long enough for her to shed tears?
Although it did sound like you guys recovered because you didn't go back to her place she invited you there. So maybe it's just as maybe there's just some simple misunderstanding we're going to fix hopefully.
I mean, on this show, it's always like a simple reason and easy misunderstanding. It never gets weird.
There's the first time for everything. Jeff and I. I'm an optimistic person.
That's what we're sing.
Oh, alexis I am?
Well, let's just dial Tracy and see.
If she answers. Okay, here we go.
Hey is this Tracy?
This is Tracy.
Hey, Well hello, you're so pleasant.
I know she is, isn't she good morning?
This is Jose. Sorry, Jeff, do your job, bro. We're a whole show, I interrupted.
I was gonna let you guess a few times, but.
She likes that game.
Yeah, if you don't want to play the game, I guess. We're a radio show. We're called Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.
Okay, why are you guys calling me?
Well, I'm Jeffrey.
We don't need to go through all the inn you want to say you are. Just tell her why we're okay.
Okay, we're not doing that. We're not doing the fun version of this segment today. We're doing the straight down to business version where we ask you, why aren't you calling back our friend justin after you went on a date with him?
Okay, Jeff, I did explained the segment first to have fun with you. He didn't have to tear the band aid off like that.
Okay, put the band aid back on. We're doing a segment. It's a fun one called second Date Update. Oh did you hang up Tracy the Hello?
Yes, sorry, you know what thought?
Jeff lost another one.
I probably shouldn't be asking any more questions, brook Brook asked or something.
Yeah, well, we heard that you went on a date. No, I forgot the guy's face.
I should not be talking to him anymore. I don't know how much you know, but there are.
Some really, really.
Sketchy things that happened that night.
What do you mean, whoa to him?
I mean, we don't condone people hiding behind mountains and acting like they ditched you mid date. If that's what you're talking about.
Yeah, he did. He tell us about the mini incident.
Thought, that's not what I'm talking about. I felt like I was lied to.
Wait did you catch him in a lie? You're saying I.
Caught him in a lie? Oh that's why I've not been calling him back.
Okay, does he know about this?
Because he doesn't know that.
I know he doesn't know that.
You know, he knows what he did, but he doesn't know that I know what he did.
So you want to call him out? I mean, that's what people tend to want to do when someone lies to them. You want to be like you know.
He left the next morning, and a couple hours later, my apartment manager said he wanted to talk to me, and I was really confused because he's never wanted to talk to me about anything before, like, I'm like, am I in trouble? And he told me that there was video surveillance of Justin slashing his own tire.
What what?
He slashed his own tire so that he could come and stay.
Yes, shame, Like, I mean it's dark on those surveillance things like no, there was.
A street light right over the car and you could see very clearly that it was him. And then the reason my apartment manager contacted me about it is because you could see Justin walk up to my door.
Oh my god, it's kind of scary. Oh your door, This is not gonna look good right now.
We got a much different version, well not a much different, but a slightly different version of that story when we talked to Justin about it. He has proof.
Yeah, that's crazy.
Although you can like photoshop and video edit a lot of weird stuff.
That's what the manager was doing.
Some apartment managers are sketchy, and we should probably least hear what Justin has to say about it, because he is on the other line right now waiting to talk to you. That is, so he's on the.
Other line, so he's been he's here, heard what I said.
We have no idea he did not.
I don't want to. I don't want to talk to him.
Well, we need to at least hear what he has to say about this. If he's still there, justin, are you? Are you there? Uh? Yeah, I'm here, justin. I'm gonna step away and give you the floor here so you can explain yourself. I'm sure there's probably a very good reason for why you did that. I'm very noble.
Yes, always noble.
Slash one's own tire, yes, justin, go ahead.
I didn't see any cameras out there, so honestly, that's on me.
I guess that's Oh my god. Listen, it was probably one of the best states I had in a really long time, and that's why I did it.
I wanted some more time together. We got hang out.
No, no, that is I had.
Hey, you had a great time.
You disgusting. I can't believe that somebody would actually skip to that level and slash their own tire.
Well, I mean, if it's any consolation, it wasn't cheap and it still cost me fifty dollars. I replaced my damn tire.
That's your move. Your move is slashing your own tire, like you don't have confidence enough in your game.
I just I don't know. I thought to make a great story down the line two failure reunions or wedding.
No one in the history of the world has ever thought slashing tires is cute, you know. It's just it's like a story for the police.
Maybe I felt really bad about it because this happened in my neighborhood. I felt like it was my fault. And now listening to this and his excuses, I don't care how much money it costs. That was really really kind of creepy.
It was just so manipulative, justin honestly, not really.
I mean, guys these crazy things all the time, so they can spend time with.
Girls like not that crazy.
Wow, have you done this more than once?
Oh that's a good question.
Listen, I'm not a serial tire slasher, all right.
I didn't say, Cereal, I said more than once.
I did this one other time, and that was only when we were six months together. So it's not like I've done this a million times.
One other so the last time it worked to get a long term relationship, is what you're saying.
Actually, she was trying to break up with me last time, so it was sort of a different situation.
You only pull this move out when you're really really desperate, emergent.
Right before the restraining order takes us. I mean that's the type of move this is justin. Why Why don't you feel bad? Why haven't you apologized?
I mean, I'm sorry, Like it was okay, it was light tire.
Oh my Tracy. You've heard his explanation, which was he felt like it was the best state of his life and he just didn't want it to end. Is there any part of you that feels compassion for him? He didn't know. Yeah, this is clearly they need to mark the area better. That says this area is under surveillance.
If you're psycho and planning to slush.
Your own tire, yeah, it'd be a nice warning.
You know.
It's really really weird, and I I just think that you should have spent two hundred fifty dollars maybe taking me on on the date the next time.
Because I would have said, yes, lobster, yeah, like buying flowers, doing normal things, not psychotic exactly.
You guys are acting like I committed murder or something. I mean I literally flashed my own h get over it guy.
Well that's fair.
Let's give him credit for not murdering on the first Okay, he deserves credit for that.
I can't believe we're looking at murder red flags right now. Yeah, but I'm pretty sure this is one of them.
In the bar, Tracy, he's not a murderer, so maybe that's enough to give him another chance.
And the guy who obviously keeps a knife on him for his tire slash, I'm sure his.
Car it was a screwdriver, whatever it was.
Unfortunately, I think that this one's definitely no.
Furniture for you.
Come on, now, you're missing out.
I'm pretty crafty, romantic, all of it.
So I stole you these flowers.
It's why your ex girlfriend stuck around.
She staid around a couple more months after I flashed my title.
So that's sweet.
Maulated her Okay, justin man, Look, I'm sorry, I'm not well. Tracy doesn't want to go out with you. Clearly this isn't going to work.
Ever, it will ever work if you do this.
I mean you're probably fifty percent right.
Okay, that's optimistic, probably made and if you aren't happy with our services, to you today. Just remember Brooks car is the ev Subaru that's parked under building. Okay, so go to that one looking Jeffrey in the morning. Man, we got to write a book on unique ways to woo a woman, No. Chapter five, gaining sympathy by slashing your own car tires and blaming her crappy neighborhood for you.
I feel like we should also write a book, but the title should be like how to Spot a Psycho? Yeah, psychos for dummies. That could be.
Good that we'll do the sequel, that's the sequel to this one.
Yeah, dummies for psychos.
Yeah, yeah, you know options.
Oh my god, we're gonna have so many best sellers when we're done writing all this stuff up.
But yeah, it didn't work out today.
The good news is we do have hundreds of successful phone calls that we have done for other couples.
I feel we can get anyone together.
There's like a tire repair woman out there who loves this guy.
Yeah she didn't hear the break yet.
Okay, so yeah, there's an entire shop that loves his idioticy.
But absolutely, And you can find all of our second date updates wherever you get your podcast on Spotify, Apple wherever. Type in Brook and Jeffreys Second Date.
Update Brook and Jeffrey in the Morning.
The Oscars, the Emmys, the Grammys, all those big award shows hand out fancy gift bags to the stars who show up in attendance.
Yeah, the nominees get these crazy bags.
They are They include like free trips of the Caribbean, fancy skin care products because they can't afford things like that.
No, they we're already going to the Caribbean that time frame.
They get SPA cards good for five free happy beginnings begin.
It's getting a little bit out of control.
But I don't know, but I think you fall asleep for the end.
It made me think though that maybe I should be doing gift bags for my co hosts after they attend my song of the Week performances.
I love that.
Thank you.
I'm gonna give Alexis another cup that will explode a microwaves.
Well, I did a sample bag that I was putting one together. So far, I've got some used chapstick, an autographed.
Photo of my dog Bagel.
I also an IOE you one bathroom meet up Cuba. Look.
Budgets are tough somebody else.
Yeah, you don't even to use those though.
There's a janitor on floor one that if somebody shows up.
I think that's great. Who knows what you're gonna leave with after I perform my brand new song of the week, and that's coming up right after this. It is time for my song of the week. Things are a little tense around the office right now, not for the usual reason, with Brooke emptying out people's desks looking for leftover Valentine's candy in there.
Why would you put it there if you didn't want.
Me to eat it?
Yes, Okay, again, we're not fighting about this anymore because what we're dealing with is more serious than that. Because our brackets are all in for March Matters, and this will be the first time ever in the history of our country with legalized and non legalized money, we're gonna be wagering over three billion dollars on this tournament alone.
Wow, that is nuts. I've got ten dollars in well.
Thank goodness that our prize here at the station is just for favors and I am determined to win those. So but really, when it comes to this, you kind of know how it goes. It doesn't matter how much you know about the sport or how much research you've done. At the end of the day, Gladys from accounting, who has never watched a game in her life, is going to win the entire pot time because she thinks the Maryland Terrapins mascot.
Is super cute in his low red sweater.
Let's wrong with that, jeff That's a perfectly fine way to pick your team.
Okay, I get that, And it happens far more than you would think or it ever should. And maybe that's what makes this sport so great.
It is true, it's like, how did I know the best three points when you were in college?
Was on that team?
Honestly, like the people who know everything just learned it in the last week. Anyway, It's not like you've been following all season, so don't even act.
Like you have. Yeah, that's why today I had to sing about the most frustrating sporting experience in all of America, March Madness. And instead of singing daft punks get lucky, it's young Jeffreys Kentucky.
Oh, Gladys loves.
Kentucky fried Chicken, and so she definitely picked them to win it all.
This year.
Why that makes sense? Glattice has taken home the money.
It doesn't make sense. I don't know it does to me, But I'm going to point when I'm ready points.
I've been filling out my brackets the march madness, no strid damnus. The first round I checked my status. What how am I losing to Gladys?
What the hell? How did she know that?
That? Too?
What child?
My bracket is brock?
She just.
Me like all no does she never trample the ball, keep saying, wow, they're so tall hoop.
She thought at the mall she thought.
Marquette was a country, so that her bracket were fun sports knowledge.
Lattus has none, And yet she's kicking my buns.
Oh because she went with Kentucky, because everyone the Kentucky. Each round she keeps getting lucky. No way, her brackets is lovely. My bird is cooked to she plucky.
Don't you get three seconds of miss cool.
Chickens gives it to chickens to the chicken chick Her wains just keep on mountain.
Her cluelessness. I'm doubting.
They're Gladys from accounting.
Ah, she's personally fouled me.
Screw you, Gladys.
How did she guess and have some much success? Claim she's just blessed.
But I'm called be.
No because every.
School that she choose based off what colors are cute.
She likes the teams that were blue.
That's why she went with Kentucky. It's like drive and have one, but losing to a dead son more shocking than a sun gun.
How is my bracket?
This sucky, Gladys says, picks us O Monday, her sixteenth, sweet than honey, her bracket holy a Sunday more Winday dwhite at the Dundee.
Slave, so lusty at the big dance, so busty. I choose my shock, but I'm rusty till midnight comes and they dust me fine a fore call.
And they so small.
Ad bus glad it's stop.
I know about the Ken palm, got nothing but ken wrong. Just nuke myself like in John left me so clown that I'm crusty, run up.
The aget none my tones and eye one and done.
You please don't let me damn sun or I'll throw a poo like a monkey spend on next seven weeks grumpy upset, It's glad to daft punk me one shining moment she dunk me more broken det my man, humpty three pet I bet, I'm not huskies hoping nick mey say, don't buck me or reagin bet not duntney Liberty, don't cyber truck me my bracket. Really discuss me the bet and that few because it's skunky.
Create in fair roads and they crushed me until drake you.
Not like dust me my office brackets?
O yucky.
Gladys just says I'm unlucky.
Don't walk up beat my boss, trust me I win.
He might elon musk.
Be wow.
After March madness everybody.
Yeah, I mean it's it's too bad that you forgot to hit save on your own bracket and now you're.
Not even in it with us.
You know what.
I think there's still a chance, but I can still pull this out.
You just had to click one more. But maybe go handwrite it.
Yeah, I don't know. I'm screwed every year either way, So who cares? Glad As you win and that's your song.
Of the week for you.
So I'm going back to watch it so I could get all those lyrics.
Say five nine two and tell us what you thought. We will post all the lyrics on our videos when we post them on our socials at Brook and Jeffrey, on our YouTube, on TikTok, Instagram, everywhere. So go check it out and send it to a fellow March Madness lover or hater.
Gladys Brook and Jeffrey in the morning.
US US, it's a glorious day in the studio as we meet a brand new player named Vanessa, who might be the first contestant ever on our show to have successfully visited all seven continents in the world, although Illuminati says there is a secret.
Eighth continent for only billionaires.
Vanessa, have you been there?
I have not, but I would be curious to what it was.
I forget the name of it's epste Oh no, don't do that, not ever.
Remember to the next don't there?
Thank you?
Okay, Yeah, Hey, what's your favorite continent?
I would have to say Antarctica. I went there with my dad two years ago.
It was like our seventh to visit together, so it's very special.
Oh. I thought it was just the lack of people, but they were penguins. Yeah, I know, that's what makes it great.
Brook's gonna head out of the studio and let's explain the rules real quick. You got thirty seconds. Stance for as many as possible. If you don't know when, you can say past. But you have to beat broke out right if you want to win. Are you ready?
I'm ready?
Okay, good luck. Your time starts now. Kevin Federline celebrates a birthday today. He's best known as the one time husband of what famous pop star.
What is the length of a US senator's term?
Six years? Which European country? Call and Ez to Brazil? In Harry Potter Hogwarts is split into how many houses four? Saudi Arabia imports camels from what continent?
Ferrari cars are produced in which country Italy? Oh, Vanessa for your first time, extremely well done. Brooks are gonna come back into the studio here, and uh yeah, we've already covered that. You visited all seven continents, So clearly Vanessa is a big time traveler. But she doesn't just go and chill. She's apparently an adventurer when she travels. What types of adventures do you like to do on vacation?
Well, for an artist, I jumped in the water.
They did pullar plunges that was pretty cool.
And then in Hawaii, I took my kids on a helicopter.
Well, they went on their own helicopter.
Oh, you set your kids on their own helicopter.
Not by choice.
It was like a weight and balanced situation.
So I sent them and said a prayer, and we followed.
Them them on their own plane home too.
Later that day, while she stayed and enjoyed.
You should try a polar plunge in Hawaii. I bet it's a lot more enjoyable.
In the morning, Brook, it's your turn. Are you ready? Yes, your time starts now. Kevin Feederline celebrates a birthday today. He is best known as the one time husband of.
What Britney Spears, famous pop star.
What is the length of a US senator's term.
Of four years? Six years? Six years?
Which European country colonized Brazil?
Oh, gosh, Brazil would be Portugal?
In Harry Potter Hogwarts is split into how many houses Saudi Arabia imports camels from what continent?
Interesting, Africa?
Ferrari cars are produced in which country?
All right, we got our answers in. Let's head on over to the scoreboard to see how you Bolt did with Jose. What I need to do here is have me a bunch of affairs.
Malanio Vanessa.
You got three correct today, Okay, a solid score.
That's good, satisfied and Brooke good fun. I'm sorry it wasn't quite enough today. Let's go over the answers for everybody. Kevin Federline celebrates a birthday today. He's best known as the one time husband of Britney Spears a Cape. He turns forty seven years old. Happy birthday, Kevin Federline. The length of a US senator's term would be six years. If you want to find out the length of a US senator something else, go to that eighth continent and somebody there. We'll probably tell you. The European country that colonized Brazil would be Portugal. That's why if you go there, their main language is Portuguese. And Harry Potter Hogwarts is split into four different houses Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Griffindor, and Ravenclaw. Saudi Arabia actually imports their camels from Australia.
Yeah yeah, wait Australia like camels are native to Australia.
Interesting, huh.
And Ferrari cars produced in Italy so, Vanessa, I'm sorry it was not enough to be Brooke today. But the good news is just for playing, you win a pair of tickets to see Mickey seventeen from the Academy Award winning writer director of Parasite Bong Junior Ho comes his next cinematic experience, Mickey seventeen starring Robert Pattinson. Blast Off with Mickey seventeen in theaters and Imax.
Now, okay, thank you.
I'm gonna be off traveling the world so well.
It was Actually, if I could just give a shout out to my son Logan his he and his showchriirre headed to Hawaii tomorrow.
His show show Choir, show Choir, Oh.
Show, I was in show choir?
What is he?
A tenor baritone based.
Winter Kids, they get a gout of Hawaii to sing, Oh my god, I got to go perform in the next door trailer part.
Yeah, good times, Vanessa, Thanks for playing. Come back again soon. We're gonna do Windbrooks Bucks same time on Monday
Freaking Jeffrey in the Morning