Nova's head of podcasts, The Project's own and creator of PodSchool Rachel Corbett joins Tiff today to share her story as a solo mum by choice.
How she came to chose having a baby through IVF on her own, what her friends + family's reactions were and how prepared she had to be to go it alone.
Plus how her plan for a natural birth changed very quickly once she was in hospital.
Host: Tiff Hall
Guest: Rachel Corbett
Executive Producer: Rachael Hart
Editor: Adrian Walton
Managing Producer: Ricardo Bardon
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Nova Entertainment acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land on which we produced this podcast, the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. We pay our respect to Elders past and present.
Hi, and welcome back to Bounce Forward with me Tip Paul. I'd like to acknowledge your traditional custodians of the land on which I'm recording this podcast, the Warundry people of the Cooler Nation. I pay my respects to elders past and present. Rachel Corbett is the Head of Podcasts in Digital Content at Nova Entertainment, which means by extension, she is my boss and head of the podcast Bounce Forward. Rachel is also a regular panelist on the project on Channel ten and you'll mostly see her on Sunday nights, but she also has her own podcasting.
School called pod School.
She's also a mom to a beautiful baby girl, Olivia, which is the main reason we have her on the show today. Rachel, welcome to Bounce Forward. Thank you so much for being here. I'm very excited to speak to you now. You have a little one, Olivia, gorgeous Olivia who is turning two in March.
Terrible too, because I've got a two year old.
Is she exhibiting anything like that at the moment she is starting to? For sure, she's actually quite I feel very lucky because she's quite easy to kind of bring back from the brink. She's not one of those kids that like settles into a tantrument, is in like I'm in this until like I'm over it. But I do sometimes still see glimmers of that toddler thing. Like she's started to drink milk out of a cup and I tell her not to tip it, and the other day she just said to me, don't tip it, and look straight at me, and then just tipped it.
And I was like, yeah, you know what you do in your little old piece of work, that's it. That's it.
My daughter's toilet training at the moment, and she's decided to pee standing up now, and I'm trying to get her to sit down on the toilet and pee, but she's like, no, I'm going to stand up and do it and pee on you and the floor.
Oh, she just doesn't to spite me. I don't know what to do.
But anyway, I wanted to ask you, because you decided to have Alibya as a single mom through IVF, can you talk to me about your decision to be a solo mum. Yeah, it's funny because I kind of always thought I would be, even when I was in relationships and I had one relationship that got pretty close to the marriage and kids things, and we certainly thought it was going to go down that path. And I remember thinking that I was so on board for that path because I was really, you know, love that person.
But in the back of my mind, I remember thinking to myself, this is so funny that I'm maybe going to marry this person because I really thought I was going to be a solo mum.
And so when we ended up not going forward with that relationship and then I walked this path, I sort of remember thinking to myself, is it just that I knew myself so well that I knew I would kind of want to do this, or did I actually will this into being? Because I was saying that so much to myself internally, And I'm not really sure which path that was, but it has just always been something that I thought would suit me. Yeah, And did you always want to be a mom? Did you always know that? Because I didn't. I didn't. I wasn't like sold on the idea, especially when I was like training people on tally and stuff like that, I thought, no, I don't think it's for me. I didn't have pets, I didn't have anything, and I changed my tune.
But you always wanted to be a mom?
Always? I just ever since I was young.
I can remember, you know, Christmases weren't a fantastic time for me, post like you know, divorce here. I was a kid of divorce, and I just remember even back then thinking, when I have my own family, I'm going to make this a really special time. And so it was just always kind of sat with me that I do want to be a mum. I always felt like I think I would be good at this. But then I didn't have Olivia until I was forty two, and until I got to that point, I was not ready. And I was actually thinking to myself, you know, when I'm getting thirty nine, forty forty one, I'm like, am I ever going to clock into this kind of mode of like, Okay, I'm ready to step forward because I know fundamentally I want to be a mum, but I just can't get myself into the mode to actually do it. And I think when you're doing it by yourself, that is a much bigger decision, right because you're not looking at somebody else going you know what will work it out? You're thinking, Okay, well I got to finance everything, I got to look after this kid on my own. So it's a lot of mental preparation. But I was really surprised that it took me that long to actually get to the point where I was like, Okay, I'm going to do this, because I had known for so long that it was something I wanted to do.
And once you.
Got there, what was the reaction like from your friends and family that you're going to do this solo?
Friends were so this is so on brand for.
You, Probably the least surprising thing we've ever heard, that you're going to have a baby on your own.
Because it's just exactly the kind of thing that you would do.
So everybody in my life that knew me was very supportive because it was so unsurprising. But I think other people outside that you kind of met and you tell this too, there is still a bit.
Of a reaction that.
It feels when somebody says to you, oh, you know, you're having a baby, and they'll ask you a question like who's the father or you know, have you guys been thinking about this for a long time and you so, actually I did it by myself. Often you'll get this response from someone where they look like, oh god, I shouldn't have asked that, like, oh, you know, like they feel like it's something you're embarrassed to talk about, and so I would feel like I would always have to preempt before I talk to people about it, Like, I'm fine with this.
It was my decision.
I'm a solo mum, because a lot of times people assume it's a path that you took because you couldn't. You tried the other path and it didn't work for you, and now you're just stuck with the consolation prize, you know, And that just was never my approach. Yeah, And can you talk to me a little bit about the IVF process and what was that like for you personally? It was I mean I kind of I kind of enjoyed it from a control freak perspective.
I've never liked that before.
Well, nothing's left to chance, right, So you think a lot of the time when you're having a baby with a partner and you're like, is it gonna work?
Did it catch right? Do the bit of you, bit of me?
Are they genetically going to mean that this is going to go to full term? Like there's so much and there's still so much chance in the IVF process, but ultimately they're like getting the best sperm and the best.
Day, you know, and they're putting it together and.
Then they're saying, Okay, here's the best looking embryo, so this is the highest chance of this being So that whole process for me, I loved it because I'm like, great, yeah, let's go with the best embryo and let's do that and then whatever happens after that, like we've tried our best, haven't we, you know.
So yeah, so I really enjoyed it. I liked it.
And I had gone through the process of freezing my eggs twice during my thirties, so I had kind of done the bit before the actual implantation a couple of time, so I'd done all the injections, I'd done all that stuff, so I kind of had time to get used to it and get through that, because that can be a bit daunting the first time that you do it. But yeah, so by the time I did that, it was kind of my third crack at that and then I, yeah, I sort of liked it.
Is that weird to say, Yeah.
No, it's not weird, it's just different, And I love it. I think that's amazing, Like, yeah, it felt like I had science on my side. Yeah, you know, which I was really grateful for because I didn't have anybody else. And so when it came to have Olivia, what were the things that you wanted to prepare for? Like, there's you know, you're working, you're incredibly successful, you're working, you're juggling, you know, you're doing this on your own.
What did you prepare? Yeah?
I felt like that was probably why it took me so long to get to the point where I was ready. And people always say to you, never really and I'm like, I think it can be, Like I really do think you can know yourself well enough to be at a point where you're like, I'm ready to tackle this.
Can you be prepared for it? Nah? Can you be good at it?
Maybe like you don't know that until you actually get to it, But can you be ready in your own mind?
Of course you can, you know.
So I wanted to click into that mode and those things were really important to make career. For a long time, I did not feel established enough in my career to take a break, and it took me a long time to get to that point until I felt like Okay, I have got the roots down enough that I feel like if I went off for a while, I can come back and I'm not going to lose my place or whatever.
Yeah, that was a big.
Thing for me because career work, that is a huge part of my identity. My sort of happiness comes from feeling useful. That's what I love. I love to be useful, and so that for me is about work. I love to work, and so it was very important to me that I felt that that was not something that I would have to worry about while I was away. The other thing was finances. I just didn't feel comfortable financially until this point where I was like, okay, I can do this by myself. So you know, that meant saving money so that I could get help on the other side. Because I didn't have family, I didn't have anybody to rely on, so I was like, I'm going to have to hire people to get help on the other side. So that was a really important thing too. And then just mentally for me, I wanted to make sure that I felt this is the right time for me, you know, because I knew if I had done it at any earlier than getting to that point, I didn't want the fear, oh my gosh, because once it's emotion, ain't no durnamag no, that kid's coming one way other. So I wanted to be excited about that and looking forward to it. And so it was really about that mental preparation for me to make sure that that's the way that I felt. Yeah, so let's talk about the birth. What was that experience like for you?
Well, it was again pretty good, it was.
I mean, I had I tried to go down the natural Are you.
Allowed to say natural? I feel like whenever I would say natural, nobody's natural natural?
Right, Yes, So I was going to I was hopeful to go down that road, and I just wanted to like go into labor naturally.
So I thought, I'll give this a try. Now I went.
You know, I had an obstetrician who you realize as you get closer to the date, is really keen to book you in the calendar, so really wants you to see section yeah, yeah, because they're not really interested in you just going into labor when it happens, you know, because they don't.
Want to get the call up at three am.
So I did feel quite a lot of pressure at the end, which I really did not like and I couldn't really I felt like I couldn't really assert myself because I didn't have any knowledge. This was the first time I was doing it. I didn't know is it okay to assert myself like that? Unreasonable that I would want to try and go into labor like naturally, So I think that time is quite difficult, because I do think there is a lot of pressure for women to do that. So I tried, and I said, I said to my obstitution, Look, if if i'm please just give me forty weeks and I'd like to go a week past. If I'm at forty one weeks and she's still not out, well, okay, then she doesn't need to be cooking anymore. Like she's cooked long enough, it's fine. You can induce me. We can go that way. And that's what ended up happening actually, And so once I got to that point, I was probably a couple of days out from forty one weeks, and at that stage I was actually like, now, I think I do want to just go in at a time that's booked, and yeah, because I don't want my waters to break or however this happens in the middle of coals, like now it's just getting star market or something.
Yeah, it just felt so uncertain.
So they I did have to get induced and then I you know, went through the process, I like, you know, doing the contractions and things, and god, I was I've got a massive pain threshold. And so I thought to myself, I know this isn't going to be easy, but I can deal with a lot of pain, so I will, you know, I think I'll be able to grin it, like grip through it for a bit. I mean, in what world it is so bad?
It's so bad. It's so bad.
And I was kind of probably two hours in and I've got this photo of me on the bloody bouncy ball, you know where they giving you out. I'm like, what is this doing nothing but making me look like an idiot?
This is not helping me at all.
And the nurse said to me, you know, are you going to get an epidural? I said yes, and she's like, okay, well do you want it now?
Do you want it later?
And I was like, oh well, I'll just you know, push through until I feel bad. She's like, how are you feeling right now? I'm like, pretty bad? She's like, well, is there any point in waiting. I was like not really, like, let's do it. And from that point on, I mean, I just had the best time. Me and my best mate were in the room. I couldn't feel a thing. I kept saying the doctors, am I doing anything, and They're like, yeah, your body's running a marathon right now. I was like, I'm watching maths and eating takeout, like, yeah, it's just nuts.
I loved it.
So that was really important for me, purely because I knew I was on my own on the other side, and I wanted to get as much rest for my body as I want to be Cat could exactly, and I didn't want to push through and be brought you know, pushing, pushing, pushing, and then next thing you know, I've got to get up and I've got no one to hand this kid off too. I was just like, I want to be as rested as I possibly can, because I know I'm going to be exhausted to.
Be here with on the other side. So I was really really glad about that.
And then you know, we waited, waited, wait, and it was about twelve hours on the drip. She wasn't coming any further down the pipe. It was kind of nine point thirty at night. They were like, we can keep you going to see if you're dilate anymore, because I hadn't really dilated very.
Much, and I was like, what are we waiting for.
Let's just get this kid out, you know, like if she's not coming down by herself, she's happy as Larry in there.
So then I ended up getting a C section and out she popped. Wow.
And so I'm really interested on this podcast talking about the juggle because you know, everyone looks at someone else and thinks, oh, they've got it so easy. They're managing you know, mum life and work and.
Everything and Instagram. It's just so all the highlights and glimmers and none of the triggers.
And so I wanted to talk to you about the juggle and how you cope with work and mumlife, Like how does it work for you?
Yeah? I mean it is hard.
I am traditionally a person who puts too much on their plate anyway, so I'm not one of those people who sits on the couch all the time. And now I'm like, oh my god, I had so much time to myself before.
What am I doing. I'm like, this was kind of like a version of my life before.
I've always been too busy, you know, because I like to do a lot of stuff. So I guess in some ways that did prepare me. I'm good at juggling lots of things, but it is I think it's probably the relentlessness of the parenting side is quite difficult. So I went back to work at four months. I was ready to go back at that point, like that wasn't too early for me, but also financially, you know, I couldn't stay much longer than that, so that was a thing.
But I was very happy to go back.
But then I've I've always had like I had Nanni's in the early days, which is just so expensive. Oh and when you say you've got a nanny, people are like, oh, isn't somebody doing well for themselves.
My income is not matching my expenses.
Mate, especially if you've got nanny agencies, and oh, my total it's so expensive.
So I've just needed a lot of help.
And I think where I've found it hard and where I've kind of for me in the future is something that I'm going to try and look into. Is that at the moment, the only break I have from parenting is to go to work. So the only time I take to hand my kids to somebody else is to go and do another job. And I'm conscious that that's not sustainable, Like I can't get to a point where I'm only handing my child away if I'm going to like do something else for somebody else. Like, there's got to be a point at which I have a day where I'm like, you know what, I'm just going to have a me day. So at the moment, I don't have any of that in my week, and that is, I can see and feel, not a sustainable thing for me. So that's something that I am really mindful of. But honestly, like actually going and doing work for me is a break.
Yeah, I love going to work. I love it. I love it. It is so much easy.
I have so much respect for people who stay at home parent. I don't know how you do it. I do not know how you do it. I would absolutely lose my mind. I would just not be a good parent because you hit that threshold at which you're like, I actually can't handle this anymore, and when you have nowhere to tap out and like, you know, I can't kind of get to five o'clock and somebody comes home and is like, can you take the baby because I just need to go for a walk around the block. So for me, that tap out is going and talking to adults, doing things and using my brain and that.
Kind of stuff. So that is really important for me.
So sometimes it doesn't feel like a juggle because it does feel like a break.
Parenting is hard. It's so hard.
So I'm just going to leave the chat there with Rachel and come back with part two next time. Thanks so much for listening to Bounce Forward. I love having your company, so dm me on Instagram at tippol underscore XO and let me know what topics you'd love me to cover. Don't forget to rate and review me on your podcast out Speak soon.
Happy Days,