Organising Your Work Christmas Party

Published Dec 3, 2024, 1:00 PM

We are about to SLEIGH the day away with today bonus episode. It's all about work Xmas parties. Britt shares her experience organising them and how her attitude and level of celebration has changed over the years and why.

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 Brittney Saunders. 
Senior Producer: Xander Cross
Managing Producer: Elle Beattie

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Hi, I'm Britney Saunders, and welcome to Big Business Today. You are listening to one of my bonus episodes and I'm going to talk.

All things Christmas parties. Now.

We have just had our Christmas party for Fate and it's always an exciting time. I've heard so many people over the years because I've posted about our Christmas parties every now and then, I have people say like, oh wish my boss was as calls you like, we don't get anything or we get five dollars bunnings about during That's it. And I will say, as Fate has grown over the years, our Christmas parties have actually become more and more pain I want to say.

And I've learned a lot from our Christmas parties over the years. So let's take it back.

I guess to our first Christmas Well, like our first big Christmas party, the first big Christmas party that we ever did was years and years ago, and obviously years and years ago, and it was when I just had our Newcastle boutique and there must have been like four team members that worked in that store. And then we just had like our staff that like kind of worked with me in the warehouse slash office. But it's when like it was all together in the one building, like we were so tiny, and so we went all out for that first big Christmas party and we closed our shop for a Saturday and a Sunday, so because it was the only one store that we had, you know, it was really exciting.

There was like ten, not even ten of.

Us, and we came to Sydney and we booked hotels for everyone and we went out on.

A super boat thing.

I think that like we went out on a boat like hide that for however many hours, like four to five hours, and I think we went to like a bar or whatever after it, and then everyone stayed in Sydney for the night and then we drove home. Now we did that for two years in a row.

Yeah, hello, Xander, did you have a drug and alcohol policy put in place that everyone was aware of?


But again, this is when it's just me and we're all working together, Like this is when I'm still packing the orders. This is when I'm working in our Newcastle store. I didn't have I didn't even have a store manager of that shop. Like it was so long ago that I didn't know that, oh I should have a drug and alcohol policy, you know, like this is just me having fun all.

These girls that I work with them also like my really good friends. Like it was unhinged. I didn't have like a manager. I didn't have a general manager, I didn't have a HR. Like it was just me doing everything.

So I had no idea that you should have some sort of drug and alcohol policy. In saying that, like everyone was very well fucking behaved, like nothing went wrong, thank god. And so we did that for a couple of years with the boat thing.

And then.

After a couple of years of doing that, because we'd shut our Newcastle store for the weekend, then we opened our cafe as well, and then the cafe joined that Christmas party, so then we had two businesses shut for a Saturday and Sunday.

And we did it last year as.

Well, and I remember saying, Aja, this is the last year that I'm doing this where we shut for two days across two businesses because it costs too much, which would be disappointing for our team to hear that we're not doing the Sydney Christmas parties anymore. But I'm like, we're just at the stage, like I said to him last year, we can't. We can't do this ever again. And so last year's Christmas party, I don't know, the years are all blurring together, but last year we went to the Hunter Valley, which is like an hour away from Newcastle's like a wine country, and we did a wine tour which was like nice, and we had a lunch and then again we came back to Newcastle, like had a couple of tables booked at a venue and that was like pretty tame because like during the day kind of thing.

This year it was even more simple.

So we've just had our Christmas party over the weekend and we booked out a venue like a little bar slash restaurant in Newcastle, and we just booked the whole thing for ourselves and we just had like a stand around cannapey sort of event.

We had had some music playing and then we had.

Oh we actually kind of went all out still, so we had but it wasn't extravagant, like it was no traveling like every other year we've like traveled like we've stayed in Sydney whatever. This was just the one venue and no one had accommodation or anything.

We go.

So here's the things we did we had delicious food and drinks, and then we had there's a local business in Newcastle. Her name's Alisha, and she does like artworks, so she came along to our a Date with Fate event as well, and so she's a really good painter and she goes around and like, we'll take a photo of you and your friend or you and your partner, and then she goes and sits down does this beautiful watercolor artwork. So we had her there and she was like doing everyone's paintings. And then we had just like a photo booth like on a stand thing and everyone could just like get the photo booth photos done. And then another part of the night, which was actually like the best investment ever and it was my idea. And like our two team members that organized our Christmas party this year, I remember when I told them, they were kind of like, ah okay, but then on the Christmas party they were coming up to me like this was the best idea ever, Like, we can't believe we ever doubted you.

We had a magician. So we had a magician.

He just came for like two hours of the night and I thought it would just be like a fun interactive thing to do and he was amazing. So he just because everyone was just like standing or sitting around in groups, and he would just go around and he did like card tricks and like tricks with people's rings and stuff. And it was honestly like he had everyone screaming like because these tricks were so good. And it was just like this random thought that I had because you know, our Christmas parties in the past, like they've had lots of interactive things like we went to the Hunter Valley, we did wine tours, whereas here we were just like at this one venue kind of thing. So I just had that random idea and he was the hit of the night. So I can highly recommend that for like any business or corporate event, get a magician there, Like they're so entertaining and it just really like added a fun element to the night. Now, this Christmas party this year was the first time that our Newcastle store wasn't involved. So for every year since twenty nineteen when we opened our Newcastle store, our Newcastle team has been part of our Christmas party. Obviously we can't have like our Queensland store team come to the Christmas party our Melbourne blah blah, blah, because that is so many people, and that's a lot of travel and flights, and also our stores are open seven days a week, and so this was the first year that our Newcastle store team wasn't invited to our Christmas party, which definitely would have sucked for them, Like, not gonna lie, why are you laughing?

It just sounds so brutal. Definitely sucks for them.

It would because they've been a part of it every other year. But the reason for that being is we have five stores now. All the stores get their own Christmas party, Like I want to put that out there. Don't worry, they're still getting their own Christmas party. But we just felt like it got to the point where it was almost unfair that just because they're local to us, they get to go to like the main Christmas party, but all the other stores don't get too when we just try to keep everything as fair as possible between all of our stores.

How many employees in the office and the warehouse combined?

Good question? Twenty something something?

Okay, Yes, So this Christmas party that we just had was the first time that it was just the office and just the warehouse and all the stores get their own Christmas parties, like they're already all booked in kind of thing, and do you.

Book all the stores or is it up to the store managers.

No, we organize it all for them.

So like last year our Newcastle store was involved in our main Christmas party and we said, this is the last time that they're going to come to this. They're going to get the same party as all the other stores kind of thing, which they at one hundred percent would have been bummed about. But like at the end of the day, we're just trying to keep things fair in our business. You know, they're going to get the exact same party that Chermside gets and Hawthorne And I think like last year the all the stores they like have their Christmas dinner in drinks and then they went to like the High Jinks hotel thing.

I don't know if you've ever heard of that.

It's like a in interactive I've never been, so I don't know what it is, but like you do games and puzzles and it's like kind of like an escape room but like funner and cooler. I don't know, so like do an activity and have their dinner and drinks. So that's what they're all doing this year, and yes we have. I mean we've had for a while now, like a very strict drug and alcohol policy, which again, like when I started FADE, I didn't know about any of these things, you know, But now we've got all those policies in place. Everyone has to sign it, everyone has to behave themselves because even though like it's outside of work hours, you're still there for a work function and you're representing the business kind of thing. So it was an absolutely amazing night. Everyone had great fun, nothing went wrong, everyone behaved and the magician was an absolute hit. And we didn't close our store for the first time. That's the other hard thing too with the stores is like they're always going to be open the next day, and then you like have to think about like everyone wanting to na the next day and then no one's.

Available to work, blah blah blah.

So that's why we made that decision that our stores are just completely separate from us from this year forward. It's always really fun and exciting and it's exciting to see your team like having something to look forward to, Like everyone was so excited in the weeks leading up to it. I can't wait for the Christmas party.

Do you want to know what Nova is doing for their Christmas party?


Even harder thing like this is a thing as businesses get bigger, like it's hard to orchestrate.

I mean it's better for you guys. Is it on a weekend?

No, it's not this Thursday?

This Thursday? Okay, cool? What are you doing?

So they've got a venue booked out in Newtown I believe, and there's a theme. The theme is you got to come dressed as an album cover. Oh cool, So I'm going to come dressed as like the Blink one two nurse.

Oh yeah, I forget that. Yeah that'd be fun. Yeah, it would be good.

Christmas parties are always good fun and like the they differ business to business, Like I've had so many people of the year's comment like when I posted our Christmas parties saying like we don't anything for our Christmas party, and like, let me tell you, it's hard to orchestrate a Christmas party, especially like the bigger that your company gets. And over the years, I've watched our Christmas parties go from this massive grand thing with a boat in Sydney blah blah blah, and then now we've just like really softened it down to just one simple venue and we stay there and we stay put kind of thing.

And like we've gotten so big that we've had to.

Like separate our store from us because all the other stores have to have their Christmas party as well. It's a big thing to do, and it's obviously a huge financial cost. But I think I feel lucky that we are in the position where we can throw a Christmas party for every single one of our stores. Like, that's a lot of fucking Christmas parties at six. So we now have six Christmas parties every single year. They all happen on different dates, like whenever it works for everyone. And my advice to any business owners out there is definitely have a drug and alcohol policy in place. I didn't for the first couple of years because I had no idea that was even a thing. I hadn't even worked long enough anywhere to fucking be introduced to a drug and alcohol policy. Xander won't, can you please go and get another carp That is making me sick.

I want to expose you on my story in saying no, no Oh.

Anyway, my advice, as I was saying, I don't know if Xander left any of that light laughing in there have a drug an a whole alcohol policy in place.

That's very important. If you have no idea how to.

Make one up, look up some templates online or ask chat JPT, hey, can you write me a drug and alcohol policy for my ten staff that are going on to Christmas party? Don't take the party home with you. I did that in the early years, like everyone come back to ours, We'll keep having drinks. We don't do that anymore. And even some of our staff were like joking like the week of being like are we coming.

To yours after?

Like cause you got your knee back deck And I'm like yeah, hah, Like no, you know, because this is a thing, like especially when you're a boss and like you'rre similar age to all of your staff, Like and I've spoken about this a million times before. It's so easy to like want to become friends and go, yeah, come have drinks it ours or you know, whatever it is. But you've got to just remain like so professional. Of course you want to have fun and everyone get a little bit loose and have a dance and a boogie and a fun time. But like you've got to be professional at the same time. So that's my advice for any business owners out there.

I know putting on a Christmas party isn't something that everyone can afford to do. It is a huge cost for a business.

But if you have a business, even if you have like two staff, do something that you can afford to do, even if it's just like a nice dinner at the pub with some chicken sensels and a drink, because I think it's a really nice way to celebrate the year with your team, you know, thank everyone for their hard work and everyone just relax and let their hair down kind of thing. But I also completely understand that some businesses are in a position where they literally can't afford to do anything like that.

So it's all about just.

Like doing what you can, and from an employee's perspective, understand that as well. Like if you're a Christmas party isn't a big song and dance, like, maybe there's reasons for that. If the reason is because like the boss has just been an asshole, then maybe that might be. If I know people that have had that where they get like no Christmas party or whatever, but the boss could definitely afford it or whatever.

Maybe it needs to.

Change workplaces, but also don't just work somewhere for the fucking Christmas party.

Come on, there's gotta be other reasons.

But anyway, that's my little chrissy party chat and all of you please be safe during this chrissy period.

Big Business with Brittney Saunders

Seven years ago Brittney Saunders started a business in her garage. Today it’s grown to an 8-figure  
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