Every business wants a viral moment. It's essentially free advertising and marketing. But what happens when you mismanaged or make the wrong decisions from this? Well we have a scenario where this exact situation has occurred and we have some spicy opinions.
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Host: Brittney Saunders.
Senior Producer: Xander Cross
Managing Producer: Elle Beattie
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Welcome to big Business. This is one of my bonus episodes. In case you didn't know, I come out with a bonus episode every week as well as my main so two of me every week. You're spoiled for bloody choice. Someone is Actually I'm just going to answer a question that came through in my DMS quite literally, just like a couple of days ago. So shout out to Taylor for asking me this. It's a bit spicy, it's a bit it's a bit of tea Zander. Maybe you can weigh in on what you think about this as well. So Taylor has said, Heybritt love the pod, I have a question I'd be interested to hear your perspective on in a Q and A or bonus ep Well, you're getting exactly what you asked for, Taylor. What is your opinion? Slash thoughts on big clothing brands hiking their prices up on clothing items when they go somewhat viral on TikTok or Instagram. For example, a massive Australian clothing brand that rhymes with I'm not even going to say because it's really obvious, had one of their tops go live at a hundred nine dollars and it is now one hundred and thirty nine dollars. After the top going viral on TikTok. Every few days, it would go up by ten dollars until someone made a video about it. To me, it feels a bit unethical, as they had their price set, which would have been profitable regardless, but to make extra off consumers, they increased it further as the new customers would keep purchasing it. We'd love to know your thoughts on these apologies for the long message Spicy.
That is spicy. My immediate thought is that I no longer trust the brand and I'm not going to shop with them again.
I think brands need to be aware of how this can make the consumer feel. Like I see it from like obviously both standpoints as a business owner and a consumer myself. From a business standpoint, they're just seeing that this top has gone absolutely viral, and like, fuck, we should have charged more for it. I'm also wondering if they are putting up their price by ten dollars each time. I don't think I've ever bought anything from that brand, but like, all of your stock has barcodes on it, and they've got prices well, I don't know about theirs, but like ours, like every single one of our pieces of clothing has a barcode, you know, on the swing tag. It's got the barcode and the price. So if they're increasing the price by ten dollars every day, they're gonna have to be rebarcoding every single fucking unit. But maybe they don't have prices on their on their barcodes, but then again, they've got stores, so they would have to have prices on there, So I'd be interested from the logistics standpoint how they went about that. So I guess just seeing it from their perspective, they've seen, holy shit, this top is so viral. We should have charged more for it, like because in their eyes, it's worth more because people absolutely love it. And I know myself that we've definitely launched pieces and I've kind of looked at its popularity and been like, fuck, we should have done like ten dollars more for that, because one thing that like I guess I never thought of before owning Fate is like how drastic of a difference ten dollars can make. But then again, like I see it from the customer's standpoint, if customers are noticing that you're upping the prices like consecutively over days. When something's gone viral, it's gonna leave a bad taste in their mouth.
And people are smart, like people know brand value. So say, hypothetically, you've got a brand that isn't quite up market and they're upping their prices.
Cons this brand is up market, it's quite not fancy, like, yeah, there's clothing is probably no different to ours, but they have this like illusion of it being like premium because even but one hundred and thirty nine dollars for a top is so fucking expensive.
So expensive. But that's that's what I'm saying. Like, if it is a brand that isn't up market and they're lifting the prices, yeah, then people aren't dumb. They're gonna be like, well, it's actually not worth that. But then when you have a brand that may be more up market and they're still raising their prices on a product that's already expensive for people, fuck you.
Yeah, I didn't know that this happened, Like this is the first time I've heard of it, But like my instant thought is like I can see why they've done it, not that I think that warrants them doing it, especially in front of their customers. If anything, like if it's going to be a popular style that they're going to keep around for the next few years kind of thing, like maybe they could look at doing an increase, you know, in six months, or like, you know, if they bring it back again the following season, it can be ten dollars more. But don't increase your prices in the hype of an item to make an extra buck out of your customers, because they're gonna fucking notice, especially if it's a hot viral item, like they're gonna go, oh, I want that top. The customers are going to know it was one hundred and nine dollars and if it gets restocked or whatever, like they're going to notice that that's twenty dollars more.
I feel like, what And I'm not someone in business in clothing or anything, but I feel like what maybe would have benefited them is if they added something gimmicky to this viral moment that kind of almost would have justified in people's minds them raising their price, Like what's what's something that they could throw in or what's something gimmicky that they could add, like a gift with purchases almost yeah, yeah, something that's going to almost allude people to what they're actually doing. I think that made that could have worked. But just like raising that price every day by ten bucks.
I know, and ten dollars makes a huge difference to a business, like pricing something at eighty dollars and pricing something at ninety dollars even though it's just ten dollars, Like it makes a massive difference to a business. But the fact that they've jumped it up by twenty dollars just because it's going viral, Like yeah, I don't know on the back end what they'd be thinking, like maybe someone's I don't want to give them the benefit of the doubt. I'm like if someone priced it wrong and then they've rectified. But what like this person said, when they send it in, like your prices are set, and your prices are set to make a profit from the get go, so they're just like adding another twenty dollars.
And also they're getting all this extra business across the business anyway because they've had this viral moment, so it just seems like they're wanting to grab more and more and it's like, am, oh my god, what's that Robin hood saying the rich take from the rich and no, but they're not. They just keep the opposite.
Yeah, it's not a good look at all. And that's my opinion from a business standpoint, I can see why their mind went there, and I've had that thought before. I'm like, fuck, we could have sold this for ten dollars more. Like you know, I've had those thoughts, but I've never then gone quick jump in and changed the price. But again, like it all comes down to barcodes and everything. I'm like, how are they changing the barcodes for every single one? Because there's a barcode on the outer bag and there's a barcode on the swing tag on the inside of the item as well, So they'd be creating more work for all their staff as well. I don't exactly know, because I don't know how it's happened, but yeah, you're right to think that this isn't on.
Yeah, and how would you from your perspective, how would you then tackle this like a negative reaction, Like what would you do from a business standpoint to kind of rectify that? Do you think?
Good question? They're like, they'd either have to come out, you'd have to come out and make a statement.
Would you acknowledge.
That you've done it? Yeah, yeah, you'd have to. But I think like a lot of businesses and brands, they don't give a fuck, Like they just they would just leave it and everyone will forget about it, you know. Yeah, but if enough people were calling me out, like I'd have to make a statement and say why I did it, and like be honest, be like we just saw the hype of this item, so we wanted to sell it for more. Or if they genuinely made a mistake and it wasn't meant to be one hundred and nine at the start, like give proof as to how that was wrong and why it did jump.
Up, like they'd make up the press.
Yeah, but like have the receipts. I don't know, but yeah, it's just something I guess to be mindful of. And you hear of businesses doing this as well, Like like you hear stories before sales they like put up the retail price and then they say we having thirty percent off, but they'd like put all the prices up, which is illegal, I'm pretty sure. But yeah, businesses like it's not illegal for them to put up the price of something, but it does leave a bad taste in the consumer's mouth. And I guess it's up to you what you want to do with that thought about the business. But fuck, it's business at the end of the day, isn't it. And people are just wanting to make more and more money.
They're all trying to play the game exactly right, and you can play it wrong sometimes exactly right.
But yeah, I would never do something like that. Like we've increased our prices since Fate started, Like I always talk about, you know, back in the day, how I was selling my items for way too cheap, Like I wasn't making profit. I was breaking even barely if that. So we've definitely increased our prices over the years. But it's not a twenty dollar jump in a viral moment. It might be a twenty dollar jump over four years or something because like inflation, et cetera. But yeah, bad move on their behalf. No, not that I'm trying to throw shade, but yeah, they should have thought twice about that. And I don't know, surely they could have predicted that the top was going to be popular, but sometimes you don't. Sometimes items will take you by surprise. But they should just learn better for next time. Like, all our customers like this style, so if they make anything similar in the future, maybe they can sell it at a higher price point. Yeah, that's what I would do anyway.
I think, especially when we're in like a cost of living crisis and people can barely forward the basics, pulling something like that now is never going to land.
It's a bit toned death.
Yeah, definitely tone death.
So anyway, Kaylor, feel free to shop at FATE. I won't put the price up by twenty dollars when we have a viral top