New Zealand's move out of recession is being felt by some much earlier than others.
Latest figures show our economy's grown by 0.7% between October and December.
But some sectors are faring much better than others, with construction and IT contracting about 3%, and transport and warehousing growing almost 2.5%.
Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Vice President Paul Koch told Mike Hosking some businesses are doing even better.
He says some businesses he knows of have seen growth of about 10% during the quarter.
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Maybe I'm repressed, but zero point seven seemed a very good number to me. We're out of recession, and the number was higher than any one forecast growth was to be found, especially in transport, postal warehousing. They had a two point four percent number for the quarter alone. Charted Institute of Logistics and Transport Vice president Paul coshures where there's Paul morning in Mike, how are you very well? Are you feeling it? You're seeing it?
Yeah? I have. It's very interesting. Actually, I was talking to one of my friends who owns a company in Auckland and tower On and I was only talking to him on Wednesday, and he said, Paul, you won't believe it. My business has taken off in the last three months. Good and he's actually opening a new warehouse and Tarana Ah.
Well, that was my next question. Do you think this leads to something?
Definitely? Definitely there's in talking to a lot of people that I know in the industry, obviously they're definitely seeing a lift in some cases as much as ten percent. I know the increase was only about two and a half percent, as you alluded to. But there's some companies that are doing way better than others, obviously, can you.
Break that down. I mean, just for everybody else who doesn't follow this as go logistics and transport transport, we understand who do you represent? I mean, what sort of businesses are you dealing with?
Well, we're dealing with any transport operator, any warehousing come three, pl four pl Our members are quite diverse. We also talk to the ports. Our president is he works for the Port of Auckland and I'm in towering on myself and my background is thirty to fifty years of transport through mainly the tracking industry. But yes, I can say quite honestly that there's definitely been a list and I hear about these things all the time because I obviously my network is quite diverse. And yeah, it's very very interesting and really very exciting.
Good on. You're Paul glad to hear something positive. Don't text me. He represents a lot of people. Paul Kosh, who's with the Charted Institute of Logistics and Transport more good News.
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