The Warehouse group is making a profit again, announcing its half-year results for the six months ending 26 January this year.
But results did show a revenue drop of 1.6% for the first half of 2024.
The Warehouse interim Chief Executive John Journee talks to Ryan Bridge about the results.
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Bridge, are we seeing a bit of a turnaround for the warehouse? They've reported eleven point eight million and a half year net profit. This is after tax, but sales did decline. They're still expecting to make a loss over the entire year. John Janay is the interim CEO. He's with me now, good evening. All right, So what do you make of this? Because you've got warehouse revenue down two percent, stationary down seven, no lemming up one. What's it telling you?
Definitely it's a work in progress, Ryan, would be the summary, But we're very encouraged with the momentum we're seeing across the business now.
And what from what base did you come give us an idea of how bad things were?
Well, we were basically, as you might recall, we were in our strategy that wasn't working with our customers last year. We've done some work to change that repoint, refocus our business on our retail brands, which absolutely critical in particular the warehouse, and actually get us back on what our customers want focused on that, and that's what our teams have been doing, and that's starting to show fruit, and that's turning up in product that has better pricing, much lower pricing, and much more exciting and engaging. Our customers are loving the new products that we're coming into store and they're responding really well.
First Union says that your strategy is basically understaffing and not replacing people when they're sick.
Yeah, bit confused as to the lines he was drawing. There are the same as we're making predominantly coming from reduction and it costs and our project costs, and basically our green shoets are coming from our product successes and the engagement with our customers. So a little bit confused with where he's coming from. Over ten thousand team members up and down the country. They're a critical part of our operation and a success.
So there has been no I mean, this is Rudd Hughes, the First Workers' Union representative. He says they've received seventy five understaffing complaints and six staff not being replaced. He said, this is your strategy is cutting costs to make profit. Yeah, you're saying he's wrong.
Yeah, I'm not sure. Six staff at ten thousand as a particular strong fact point to be leaning internship. Again, we're seeing different things, and you know, we know what we're focused on and what our teams are supporting with us, and we're very appreciative of what they're doing. They are working hard. I think everybody today is working hard, and we appreciate them for that. And they're passionate about serving our customers and that's what we love them for.
All Right, good on, John, thanks for coming on the show. Really appreciate it. That's John. Jane is the internship executive at the Warehouse.
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