Enjoy what's always available

Published Oct 19, 2023, 4:01 AM

Don't miss out on things you can do anytime

Welcome to Before Breakfast, a production of iHeartRadio. Good Morning, This is Laura. Welcome to the Before Breakfast podcast. Today's tip is to enjoy what is always available. Don't miss out on something special because you could do it anytime, but you never do so. You may have heard about the scarcity heuristic, people's tendency to value what they perceive as less available. Think about offers for a limited time only. If you know that today is the day to get those two dollars and ninety nine cent per pound chicken breasts, or that the scarfew of your ion may sell out, or that the band you love will perform in your town, but only on Friday, you may be motivated to seize your chance while you can. Just as it's easy to overvalue what we perceive as scarce, it is easy to miss out on what we perceive as readily available. We mean to do it sometime, but never get around to it, and that can be a shame. Maybe you lived in Chicago for several years and always intended to go on an architecture tour, but now you moved and you never did. Or perhaps there's a highly regarded restaurant near you that you've always wanted to try, but never have, and now you never can because it had to shut down after a kitchen fire. If you're like a lot of people, you may not make it to attractions in a city where you live unless you have out of town visitors. It is cliched but true that plenty of New Yorkers would never make it to the Statue of Liberty if it weren't for out of town friends who are in the city for a weekend and are determined to see it while they are there. Sometimes we neglect to enjoy time with people who are always available to You may go weeks without a meaningful conversation with a colleague you see every day, or maybe people from your office go out after work every Thursday. But since you know you can go every Thursday, you don't bother to make it a priority on any given Thursday. But then Thursdays keep passing. Next thing, you know, your work best friend quits, or you go work somewhere else, and you don't ever get another Thursday night happy hour with that crew. If the thought of that bothers you, then perhaps it's time to get specific. Decide that next Thursday will be the Thursday you go or that this Saturday is when you visit that museum you've been saying you want to see. If this particular Thursday or Saturday doesn't work, you can use our recent tip about choosing a random calendar date. Just choose an upcoming Thursday or Saturday and put the event on your calendar for Then, then when it comes time to plan that particular week, you will see the appointment and most likely incorporate that activity into the week's mental model. A third option is to put scarcity to work. If something is readily available for a long time but then will become scarce or unavailable, create a calendar item for shortly before it becomes unavailable, for instance, the last week of an art exhibit or the last week of the baseball season. That way you can be sure to catch it before it's gone. Now it may happen. Then as the time comes to do this always available thing that you have now put for a specific date on your calendar, you could realize that you don't actually want to do it, and that is fine. Not all New Yorkers need to go to the Statue of Liberty, cross it off your mental list, and stop saying things like I've always wanted to see Ellis Island. What is fun for others isn't always fun for us. But if there is something that's always available that you have been meaning to do, decide on a time to do it. That way, you won't miss out because time in a broader sense is scarce, even if it feels like the opportunity to visit any particular local attraction is not. In the meantime, this is Laura. Thanks for listening, and here's to making the most of our time. Thanks for listening to Before Breakfast. If you've got questions, ideas, or feedback, you can reach me at Laura at Laura vandercam dot com. Before Breakfast is a production of iHeartMedia. For more podcasts from iHeartMedia, please visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.

Before Breakfast

In each bite-sized, daily episode of Before Breakfast, host Laura Vanderkam shares a time management 
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