Beating The Book: The 13th Annual Vegas Lifestyle Show: A Man's Guide to Sin City

Published Jan 31, 2024, 9:38 PM

It is the 13th Annual Beating the Book Vegas Lifestyle show! Host Gill Alexander is joined by Steve Fezzik (Pro Sports Bettor) and Marc Meltzer (Travel Zork, Play Nevada, Play USA). They discuss the Vegas lifestyle scene, from sportsbooks to steakhouses, and everything in between!

Wednesday morning, January thirty first, twenty twenty four. It is the Beating the Book Podcast. It's Gil Alexander, the thirteenth Countum thirteenth Annual Vegas Lifestyle Pod, A Man's Guide to Sin City. Cannot believe I've been doing this for thirteen years. My god, this is a tradition unlike any other. It is the one non sports podcast that we do here on this feed, and it might be the single most popular, which probably should tell me something about all the sports stuff. But on the show today, this is a megapod. This is a Beating the Book Podcast trivia question. Who's the only person to appear on the megapod at least once every year since his inception? The answer to that is Mark Meltzer. Meltzer like Seltzer, everybody who joins us for the Lifestyle Pod every year. Hello, sir, how are you?

I'm wonderful? How are you?

I'm good? At Meltz Vegas on Twitter. Correct where do people find your stuff most often these days? Because you're splintered.

Most often on during weekdays PLAYUSA dot Com and then travel stuff on the weekends or pretty much randomly whenever he's in the mood to post something over at travel zork dot com. Travel Zork the most recent thing outside of regular Vegas news, I did forty eight hours at Fountain Blue, which we can talk about forty eight consecutive hours on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Oh Man and live to tell about it. And the other guests, by the way, Todd and Will not on the Vegas Live Style because they don't live in Vegas, so they felt like they didn't have much to offer. But this guy does for sure. You know him as the only back to back Hilton Super Contest winner. Back in the day he cashed it millions. This year he cashed of course in Survivor as well, helping out Greg Jones entry. But what you may not know is that he's the greatest Vegas hacker there is as well in terms of getting you the most bang for your bu or not even spending a buck here in Vegas. Steve Fezick joins.

Us, you know, I got to do a shout out to Anthony Curtis because I kind of learned from from Kurt that he was the king at getting the really good deals, and even with this Las Vegas Advisor, that would be my first tip is you have to absolutely get your fifty I guess his fifty dollars membership, and you get this cubeon book with all this two for ones and freebies and some maze and match plays and the like, and you literally could just come if you're like live in Nebraska and come to Vegas and burn through the book all like for four days. I don't think there's any cupons for font Blue, but there's plenty of other good stuff.

Yes, all right, So how this works is we will get when we were younger, when we were eleven twelve years ago doing this, we talked about nightclubs and Ace would come on here and talk about strip clows. By the way, Ace couldn't be here. Ace, I talked to him yesterday or texted with him yesterday. Apparently Marco's brother passed away, and so Ace is going to that. So our condolences to Marco Dangelos. So Ace can't be on this podcast, even though he wanted to be, to sort of harken back to his old shtick that we used to do here. But we'll talk about restaurants, about sports books. But we always start this and we'll get to Steve's hacks. But we also we always start with for those mark who are interested in coming to town for the super Bowl or for March Madness. I feel like it, you'll correct me if I'm wrong. Here, I feel like we have entered a whole noother world where, like again, pick your year eight years ago, we're like, yeah, my gosh, you a little more here. Now it's like exorbitant, beyond belief.

That is true, and that's true of pretty much everything. So everything in Las Vegas is more money.

You know.

I remember being able to get a beer on the Vegas Strip for five bucks. That's now ten bucks. If it's cheap, thirteen bucks on average, you know. So you're looking at more expensive everything. And this with the large events f one, super Bowl, anything else, March Madness, whatever you have, they're just going to jack up the prices because they know that people are coming here and they're gonna splurge because it's there. Maybe they're one big expense for the years.

Give me the example, what you texted me yesterday from Caesar's for the super Bowl.

So for the super Bowl, we're looking super Bowl is insane because when I moved here first about twelve years ago, you could wake up early, go to sportsbook, have a seat, reserve your spot for the day. Yes, whether it's super Bowl, March Madness, whatever it is. You could do that.

Now just because your butt was in the seat.

First right, first come, first serve. There are still a few sports books like that South Point, for example, but there's not many. If you're on the Strip and you want to go to Caesar's Palace to watch the Super Bowl, it's gonna cost you five hundred bucks. And that's not even in the sports book. That's seating behind the sports book bar, like by the entrance to Omnia Can.

And the hack was that you would get up at eight am, you stumble to the sports book and you just say reserved for Steve Fessik, and you just put a sheet of paper down, and then you'd come back at like like eleven, and someone would be sitting there like, that's my that's my seat.

I'm Steve Fessi. Yeah, it says reserve studio exactly. That used to be. So this used to be the case. Because we talked again for years, I think about when we did this ten years ago. This is how it used to be for those of us of a certain age who were young when we were in the early two thousands and the hard Rock was the biggest place in town. We used to say on this podcast, it's like if I was all my buddies drink, but I was the guy who got up first thing in the morning to rehab right, and I threw a towel down on four lounge chairs, and those were a lounge chairs for the rest of the day. Think how old that makes me sense?

Just so you know, at an MGM property, you have to reserve those online if you want to get it. Just a lounge chair, not even a cabana or something nice and fancy, a lounge chair just to lay in and read a book. Oh, it'll only cost you about twenty bucks. But there is now a.

Charge for that, So five hundred dollars.

At Caesar's for the Super Bowl and the Cromwell as well as the same thing there, it's about four hundred and fifty dollars, and then there's an admin fee of another I believe it forty to sixty somewhere in between there.

At least in the case of the Cromwell, which, for those who don't know, is a sort of boutique hotel on the corner of Flamingo in.

The that's about twenty seats, has about twenty seats.

At least you're right there and the screens are right in front of you, and it's cozy, and it's twenty used to be the Barbary Coast used to be the Barbary Coast.

And then Bill's, oh yes, Bill's a gamblin hall in between.

Then Bill's a gamblin hall in between. Barbarie Coast is what the gamblers remember it as with Vacaro and all those guys back in the day. So the five but at Caesar's five hundred dollars, not even to sit in a seat. There's a sports bar as markets are going behind the sports book and then against the wall basically against the Bobby Flay place or.

What is you're in the hallway is in the hallway, so you know when you walk toward like walk around toward the forum shops.

So isn't the average person You and I are both East Coast guys, our buddies who would always fly into town for like big events. They'll never come again for this kind of shit, will they.

I honestly don't know the economy today, people are spending so much money on so many things that I just I don't know, I don't know what people are making, you know, and I don't know where we'll see. I guess is the right answer. March Madness is the same price March Mandess a little more, and it's per day, So if you're looking at per data, per half day. It depends on what you book. So you could book one session, you know, the early games or the late games. You could book the entire day. You could book fan caves, you know, for over ten grand for a group of you know, twelve to fourteen people. It really depends on where you are. And you know, there's two different ways to look at reserving a chair and you know, getting the most bang for your buck. Place Lake Caesars Palace, you're going to get a few beers, a futuring tickets for domestics that will probably cost you about thirty dollars. Whereas if you go to Circa and you're and some other places, if you're reserving a spot, that also that'll includes your food and beverage, so you know you're getting at least something back for your money other than a you know, and thank the few drinks.

This is where it's come man.

So here's what here's how to combat it.

Here we go.

You have to become a VIP at a casino. So what you need to do is you need to get really good at one thing sports betting, online poker, video poker, or blackjack. All our beatable games. Video poker is kind of more be it's beatable with cops, all right, it's like ninety nine point six percent. So I just looked at the Bob Dancer. By the way, it's it's kind of like a thesis you have to if you actually try to learn how to play. Even the jacks are better, a relatively easy game to play, but it's like, oh, penalty cards, you got to game. You got that king ten suited, but you see a nine or a jack, you know you got to get rid of that ten. You otherwise if if you just have a bunch of blanks, you keep the king on the ten. But the bottom line is you stack stuff. So you like, you play your video poker and you get your VIP status, and you play during a weekend with a giving away a car and other stuff, and so you be sure to get that trip comped. You can play boatload video poker and you're gonna get double and triple credit and you're immediately gonna become a diamond in one weekend. And now once you're a diamond, now we're starting to style a little bit because now it suddenly gets a whole lot easier. As an example, like get Caesars, which about drinks. I need a free drink them at Caesar's Palace.

All right, Well, you can go to.

Crap State when just buying for a thousand dollars and don't don't don't play, don't bet anything. You can bet the pass line, but it's like fifty dollars to play crabs. Just pretend to say I'm analyzing, you'll have I'll have an Apple martini, and no one will say anything on a crowded crap stab.

But you can just do that. So that's one easy way to drink for free.

Or you obviously can go to a bar at a lot of places, put one hundred dollar in the machine and you really play two hands, and then playing video poker and you can get free drinks. But when you're a seven star, then it gets so easy. Walk into sports books like I'm a seven star, okay, and they'll just print you out four tickets.

Although I will say with these, with this seating like seven stars doesn't don't shay them anymore.

Yeah, you're not going to be able to get a seat. And I think you got to go off strip. I think Mark correct me if I'm wrong.

Bold. I think Boulder Highway.

You go to a Sam's down or you go to an Arizona Charlie's.

You go to a place like that, and I think you're not gonna have to do.

You could even have a great sports book experience. Green Valley Ranch, Red Rock. They both have very nice books, free complimentary seeds, first come, first serve the way we grew up with it, So that is available. Like I said, South Point to another one. Palms has an underrated sports book that doesn't charge, so if you want to go there as well. But there's also all these viewing parties. You know, these watch parties that are all encompassing. You know, where you get your food, you're drink, you know for the three hours of the game, maybe a couple hours in advance.

You know what circu charges for the Super Bowl in marsh Madness.

I was it was locked up when I went to check. But it's it's it's it's not cheap.

What occurs to me on all this though, I use my buddy Tommy and DC as sort of the barometer for all this stuff. Right, Tommy and all our buddies in DC, we used to meet for years and years and years in Vegas when I lived in Cali and they live in d C. And you know the look you have breaking news behind you, it's always hockey. The It curs to me that someone like Tommy, and I think he represents most people that don't live in Vegas will hear this and they'll say, yeah, but I'm not coming to Vegas to go off the strip to some place to watch the Super Bowl. I'm just not. And so their whole attitude is going to be I either just suck up the cash and spend it on the strip or I don't come at all.

My friends are the exact same way. Yeah, And they're great references for us that are sort of in the middle of this every day. You know that it's good to get the mindset of the visitor, which we are not. It's great to have those kind of references.

We're too close to the sun, but they keep us grounded on that because I do think like even when you know, I always suggested them. I was like, you got to go to Circus Sportsbook. You gotta go to so this is on a normal weekend. You got to go to Circus sports Book. And they went once and they loved it and it's amazing and they thought it was awesome. And then afterwards I'm like, oh, so you think you'll come to Circle again. No, no, I'll just go to Strip.

You know, it's not just my friend similar again. Yeah, they went there, like, wow, this is great. It's a large sports book stadium to swim is fantastic, it's beautiful. We're going to go to El Cortes for a half hour. We're going to burn through two hundred bucks and play six or three to two blackjack for a half hour. Say that we're a downtown walk from one end over to the plaza and then that's their downtown experience. Yeah, you know, maybe a little pit stop somewhere on the way, but yeah, where.

My guys are like, I just put me in the middle of the action with the most girls and that's how.

Yeah, that's that's really the tour. So it's it's difficult for the value seeker that wants that as well, and that's what I try to find, you know, where those little places that you can find some special things that I think Steve is going to be very helpful with that kind of information.

If they want to come from March Madness, they should be booking it now.

Yes, the so there are two group Facebook groups that I follow for all of this information. Big Game Vegas for the Super Bowl. It might be a closed group right now, but they'll let anybody in. They just want to weed out spammers. And then March Madness in Las Vegas, those exact words. They have all of the parties, all the sports books, all the prices, but the members have been here before so they can share, you know, what the experience was at those parties, at those sports books.

Before we get to your Vegas hacks here, since we're talking about sports books, let's just say on any weekend, let's not talk about Super Bowl and March Madness there, but just in terms of where are the nicest, where are the best sports books in town? We'll do the bricks and mortar and then we'll actually do the apps part of it. The bricks and mortar circa is a number one. We all agree yes, Circa Sports, which is in downtown Las Vegas. It's the biggest sports book in the world. It's known for two things. It's known for stadium Swim, which is the pool which has a makeshift sports book by proxy out there as well and screens, and then the actual bricks and mortar in house. It's the greatest sports book in the world. The whole hotel is around the sports book, if you will. That's a number one I would say the sexiest ones on the strip. Just in terms of the screens, the win is pretty tough to beat with its sort of like stock market, midtown Manhattan kind of feel to it. I'm trying to think besides the wind, like, what is the uh, what's the hottest looking one? I mean, Cosmo has beautiful screens, but it's small. Cromwell has nice but it's small.

I think you got to go with the iconic Caesars and even Mirage.

Caesars is iconic, Yes, Mirage too.

Wow, the Mirage. The screens they are very very they're fading very fast. They're getting down to that Blaggio level, which is amazing that the MGM is not updated the screens at Blaggio forever.

Do you remember when the Bolagio was the place to be for It was.

Just incredible, no doubt, And part of it when the Bolaggio built the two new towers, it got overcrowded. So it used to be you'd walk through there and you'd see the Chiluly stained glass, and you'd see and and go to the Blaggio Boom free, the fountains free, spectacular, the atrium you walk through spectacular free, you see the stained glass spectacular free. There's three things right there that I would go there to see. And then I walk into a new resort. I don't want to pick on anyone, like the Fontflau and how they f't it all up and there's like nothing. There's like one like panel of things that like you like like like flows and there's a cool chandelier. Well you know what, there's a cool chandelier at Cosmo and it's better.

Yeah, let's talk about Found Blue for a segment, because Okay, we talked Steve you famously on Twitter. I did as well on a numbers game and on the po not so much on the podcast, but on a numbers game. F one was a just a disaster. If you're a local if you live here as beautiful as it was the night of the actual race, and it was gorgeous to look at it. It was a great postcard for the city of Las Vegas.

They made our lives horrible for six months one point three billion impact. I'm still waiting to see the breakdown of where the gaming revenues and the room revenues and the enhancement to the economy is bringing, because I've heard all types of businesses say, you know, look, our business was down thirty percent because no one came to us anymore. Yeah, you know, just in that corridor.

It feels like places like the Win The Win, which were on brand with F one as like a really wealthy brand. They made out well. But you're right, most of the properties like a New York and New York let's just say they didn't get shipped from this event.

But no, but god, they got the disruption and their employees like all showed up twenty minutes late for work every day because their commute was an hour from Summerland instead of twenty eight minutes.

So we thought after half one and by the way, it's a ten year contract, these get broken all the time. We expected to go on I don't know what, one or two more years and then it'll go away. That's the convension. Who knows you're you're not, you're shaking like you don't don't know.

I don't think so. I think that enough people that pay the coffers, that employee enough people that MGM or MGM resorts when Venetian, those companies did make enough money and they pay enough employees here, they pay enough in tax dollars that I think their their voices stand a little bit louder. So I would not be surprised your your thoughts are are fair, given you know everything else that happened to it, you know, but does it twenty percent speak louder than the eighty percent? That's really the question. And I kind of hedged towards the casinos where they seem to get what they want.

I'm gonna disagree because I've spoken to like the casino employees and they're so distraught over this. And I see the revenues and maybe it's slightly higher for the for the elite places. So but an MGM only has a few elite places and then the rest of it's like the New York New York et cetera. I'm gonna go to the Clark County Commissioner and Jim Gibbons, and here's I am certain that there's relationships with these construction companies and the people actually doing all this work and making their lives miserable, that those people are making a whole bunch of money, and there's a tie.

Into the commission.

And I've actually famously said I could become mayor in this town.

I could run from here that on that one.

Promise, on the one time we'll eliminate f one racing on the strip, that no other promises int your life. Anyone who works on the strip or visits the strip would say, of course, I'm voting for you, even though you say stupid things on Twitter.

That's right. It could be a one policy guy.

But I talked to my buddy Nick, who was running as a council member, and he educated me. He says, Steve, the mayor has nothing to do with this. It says all the Clark County Commission's decision. And you know what, if they have relationships with some of these local construction companies, which I'm sure they do, what's that what's that line to like you all the rest of you are just guests in my town.

Yeah, just remember giving and for guests here.

To further sort of support your points. The set up time for the first F one race was nine months. Yes, the future is only three months. So when you're looking at construction companies, maybe having a little bit too much influence in the first year, maybe that goes away is there's less time spent building out the track.

I'm gonna set. I'm gonna set the over under at two at three and a half total number of F one races that happen here, so two more tops, I think.

And people were miserable and people who came in August there was so much construction.

The tourists were miserable.

That they're that they're like literally like I arrive at the airport and it's taking me like thirty eight minutes but to get to but you know.

But you know what the issue with that is that the average daily rate for hotel rooms went up. Hucket been seen did not go down.

But it went down. It they thought it was going to be here, it was.

It was huge. It was They broke records in November for room rates. The Super Bowl is going to break records for room rates. Again, but it's only for three days. The experience is only enhanced for three days. And I know, but the month for the month. When you're looking at corporations, they're looking at quarter revenue. So what your what your what you're talking about? I think there's apples and oranges here.

But how can you attribute I'm going to go apples to apples? How can you attribute November one revenue to be? How can you say F one helped enhance that when the race was was November you know, nineteenth.

I agree, they they the game. The Gaming Commission does not break it down by day. They break it down by month.

Well there's a reason for.

That, and I know that, and and and also the bottom line is like the rising tide lifts all boats. Like like you guys were mentioning, people have all this there's all this loose money that's running around. The economy is good and people like just across the board are spending more and more money. So of course the revenue went up in Vegas in the fall. You know what, it would have gone up if they would have canceled like three conventions.

I mean people were still gonna come. It was also go off F one because it happened, all right, but it was also the weekend of how those crosswalks, right, They they covered all the crosswalks, so god forbid, you could catch a glimpse of their silly race if you were just a tourist walking on the strip or across the strip, and then on top of that, shood you away aggressively if you dared even linger for a second to see if you could get catch a glimpse of it. It was just what's the opposite of pitch perfect? Assholeish? That's what it was.

Yeah. The different thing if you look at the NFL and the way they're treading Las Vegas, and I think we would probably move on from this. But the way they're treating Las Vegas, they're treating it so much better than the Corporation of F one did, and F one needs to take notes and get more involved so they can at least and they should be explaining how they're and why they're doing things. And they really look for a cash grab, it seems like for that first year, but they really have to get back into it. The NFL is planting trees around the city that they beyond the Allegiance Stadium where the game's going to take place. Just to involve themselves with the community. They're putting on events for charities and things like that. They're doing so much more for Las Vegas than F one did. And if one really needs to look in the mirror, and it just the way they try to do businesses of corporation.

And just when we thought F one was going to be the worst thing, along comes the final construction and the finally the opening of the Fountain Blue, which is what twenty years in the making since they started construction on this. Now the Fountain Blue is an iconic Miami hotel. Those who Miami remember, you know, will know the Fountain Blue as this great hotel on Collins Avenue in Miami Beach and it's awesome. But they have a casino now in what you know the Strip. For those who are somewhat familiar with Vegas, the northern part of the Strip is generally considered to be the win or let's say, Resorts World, and the win on that side. The win is a dog leg right from south to north if you're in golf terms, and the north part is the win and the southern part is Mandalay Bay. That's generally considered the Strip. I know we call the south point tip of the Strip, but we were just joking around. So that's it. But if you go north of the win, it then becomes this no man's land area all the way to the stratosphere and it is considered not a wonderful Now people are like, what do you mean. It's just north of it. No one goes there, and that's where the Fountain Blue is. And Stevie, I'll let you start, which is when a new casino happens, like Derek Stevens. We're here at the d which is owned by Derek Stevens. He also owned Circa. He was pitch perfect when he opened Circa, ingratiating himself in every way to not only the customer, but also to all of the old Vegas heads that have been here for decades before him, because he had to combat, let's face it, you're all our guests here kind of attitude that exists here. God, could the Fountain Blue have done any things worse?


And you know across the board, So starting out, Steve Wyn told you how to build.

A parking garage.

All right, So if you go into Treasure Island or you know, the wind and it's just laid out right. So the font blue parking garage is laid out completely wrong. You can't one. You don't even know where to go if you didn't. But I did my homework. I knew turn on Elvis Presley Drive. So I get into the South parking. Then I get screwed because I park and I consider myself not to be, you know, a genius or or a stupid person. I'm like somewhere along I usually and most places can walk once I park the car and find the casino without like literally I don't know which way to go. There's no signage, there's no nothing, and so I'm getting progressively angrier and angrier, and finally I figure out how to go, and it's like there's these fire doors and I'm like, I feel like I'm in the old Cortel's downtown.

You know.

It's like it's like why did Why is this like the worst parking garage on the strip. And they finally break through. I'm like, Okay, now I'm gonna enter the casino.


Now it's like the registration area and there's and I've already walked a third of a mile and I'm still a fourth of a mile from the casino. So you know, right off the bat, I'm in. I'm agitated, I'm angry. It's like, how can they spend four billion dollars and not put a sign to tell Dumbo me how to get into the casino. And you know, it's funny how places you talked about getting all the social influencers everyone to do positive reviews. This is documented in the book Super Casino when when they opened up the Luxor, they screwed it up and they didn't comp the taxi get cab drivers like to the shows and the like, so everyone bad amount the Luxu. This is nineteen ninety three and now we're in twenty twenty four and these guys still screwing it all up across the board.

You stayed there, Mark, I did.

I so I My experiences have been a little bit different, but not entirely different with the garage. When I went there the first the day it the day after it opened the because it opened at midnight, so I went the next day. I parked as soon as I could because I heard car stories.

Of getting out right like it, So I.

Parked literally maybe ten cars from the from the entrance exits, because I'm like, I'm like, I can't be dealing with this, so and then you know, the walk is kind of similar to the Venetian lengthwise from the parking garage. That part was was not so annoying when I did stay there, though, I valeted. They have a great valet service, but you got to pay for it. Even if you're on the middle level, you can only get complimentary valet of their rewards program if during the weekday. If you're on the upper middle level, you get it free every day, but it will cost you fifty bucks otherwise.

I believe the biggest thing is, though, is that when you start a property here, when you open a property, you want to do it the Derek Stevens way. You want to ingratiate yourself both to locals into the city.

Let's say, kid on a very important point with the luxur and the parking garage two different things. Derek does a great job ingratiating himself with the right shair drivers to get good word of mouth. They hold events, They've held events for them in the past, they held events for them, so they know where to drop people off, where to come. They gave them gift baskets, very very smart intelligently to do it. Also, garag Mahal, the name of the parking garage for Circa, is spectacular and easy to get in and get out. The horror stories I've heard with Fountain Blue are people parking on the upper levels and taking two hours to get out of the garage, just on a regular night.

By the way, let me just interject by saying I didn't intend to start the show with all the negative with the high price of Super Bowl and with that one and with Fountain Blue, we have one more negative thing, but we're gonna get to all the good stuff after that. But the biggest thing about that is the opposite of deer. Right. So you build a property like when the when Virgin opened, Let's use that as an example. Virgin opened. Hard Rock was this iconic place for those of us when we were young with the Lagoon Pool and that's where we went in this offstrip and then the hard Rock which is going to be at the Mirage here now the building that is the Mirage coming up in the future, whether they're going to have that iconic guitar in the middle of the strip, or not remains to be seen. Now. The first renderings had this massive guitar, but the hard rock became virgin. The virgin quote unquote opening was one of the most depressing things ever. Mark and I were there. I all of the ghosts from the past hit me and I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. They just basically put lipstick on the hard rock. Was an awful opening, but the Fountain Blue took it one step further. They just showed up and they're like, we're gonna charge thousands of dollars for you get a table at our crappy sports book, and we're gonna charge like minimums. Right. Why did they think they could just show up and do that?

So the try to get in the mindset of the people that are operating in whether it's whether it's right or wrong, the one they're fired or the ones that's yes. Exactly, four people for Big currently four executives are gone. They have a new president. I believe that has to go before the Nevada Gaming Control Board to get approved.

They opened a minute ago.

So here's here's what happened. And I look at this property similar to the to the way I looked at the Cosmopolitan when it first opened. They're trying to create an atmosphery or of luxury in their minds. They're offering in a luxury product on par with win Now. Now, now, whether or not we agree with that, just get in their mindset and try to understand the way they why they're doing what they think is the right thing for their business. So when the Cosmo opened, that was a similar thing. They wanted to go for the young, rich people luxury property, and they did that for about four or five years, maybe without ever making profit. Then they sold the property, hired a new person to oversee the company from MGM Resorts, Bill McBeth I believe was his name, and he flipped things around. He moved the sports book from the first from the second floor to the first floor, removed a bunch of slot machines. The video poker bar at the sports book makes more money than the one hundred and fifty slot machines that used to occupy the area. Restaurant. Point right, every people, But it took them five years to get to that point, is what I'm trying to say. And today now i'm GM owned it, and who knows what's going to happen.

I understand all of that.

So all that to say, they're trying to create something that I don't know that there's a need, want, or or budget for.

They're dumbos.

They're dumbos because anyone who walks through the Winn or the Encore, the beauty, yes, and the and just the little details, the parasol down bar, it's a place I want to spend and lose all my money.

Yeh see, Steve, the win in the Encore is still the only place in town where when I enter it, I still feel like I don't live here and I'm on vacation.

Yeah, whereas I'm amazed. I walk in the font Blue and I'm sorry. It's like it's like New York, New York. It has nothing.

It has the ambiance of a Miami airport. In nineteen seventy three.

I walk into the high Limit room limit five hundred dollars, three hundred dollar, three hundred dollar minimums, not one person gambling. I asked them, you know, like I'm in high limit rooms rooms all the time. The circuit at, by example, has one hundred dollars and five hundred tables. They even open up some fifty dollars tables when they're slow, and I'm like, why don't you have some lower tables and they said, oh, well, well my boss said that that it has to be a three dollar minimum. And I'm like, well, your boss is an idiot, and no one is going to gamble here and he or she will be the next one fired.

So again thinking about their mindset again, not not my the way I would do things, but the way they're looking at is they want to have an exclusive customer that is not walking over from Circus Circus, you know, or from New York, New York. They want that.

Again, none of those people are gonna are gonna go there. They're all agree Mark and understanding that though that shows such a lack of knowledge of their lay of the land. Yes, right, Like it's like that it doesn't take that long for them to realize, oh, we're not exactly in the best part of the strip. We're that's not gonna succeed. So even if that's in their mindset, how can that be in their mindset after like ten minutes.

And I don't even like Resorts World, but I like it way better than the font blue.

So that's exactly that customer. They're looking for that that maybe.

You give them more comps than they can be an RFB, you know with you, and maybe they have to pay it when they're gonna go to Resorts World because it's a better location.

At least it's a little bit closer to you know, to this. You can just walk across the street. Is there. I'm with you, all right, last negative thing, and before we get to the good stuff, I can.

Tell you a lots of good stuff about Funtain Blue. If you want a good stuff, give us good So everyone there is great, very nice people, very nice staff. They plucked some of the best people from the strip, so that's a good thing. Fair during prices. I think I paid sixteen dollars for an Angel's Envy. Cocktails are somewhere between sixteen and twenty, which is fair for the strip. Food was decent, as I shared with you yesterday, Pappy Steak, the over the top club steakhouse mark. That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in my life. But people are loving it. And they're not influencers, are not paid people. They're just people that are going for that vibe. Meanwhile, I went downstairs to the normal traditional steakhouse dons. It was good. It was good. It was expensive, but it was good.

Mark sent me this whole video from a place called Poppy Steak. Pappy Pappy, I've seen it. Yeah, yeah, I would be screaming at them, give me my goddamn steak already, like stop with the show, give me my steak. But you're saying you could do that. Yeah, so, Rich, I can a fort one thousand dollars old steak.

Honestly, that is what they do. It's like the five hundred dollars somebody you've referenced this the other day. To me, it's like the five hundred dollars that they used to have at the Paris Burger place, you know that kind of thing. It's it's you don't have to get that. But if you're one of those people that does enjoy bottle service at a club where they, you know, run around with sparklers and have your name on on a placard, that that's there for you.


So you know, my experience there was was totally fine. I was very open to it. It was very crowded because it was forty eight hours on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but as a jew. Those are the assignments say you get.

Why aren't you, by the way, why aren't you doing like the the Instagram thing like these guys like these guys like why can't you do a video? And at the end of it, everyone to go Vegas MACKI MA.

Yeah, I got no time for that.

You got no time for that? Okay, last negative thing. This is back to the sports bett well, no, back to the sports better and then I promise you will get some good stuff apps the average sport it's better. Who's familiar with the apps? In New Jersey or in Illinois or whatever state you're betting in and you're coming to Vegas for doesn't have to be the Super Bowl March maadis maybe just a random NFL week And the expectation is is that you're going to have a similar experience and to this date and we're doing this at the end of January twenty twenty three, just a market to this moment that ain't that ain't reality like our First of all, nothing is on a computer. It has to be on your phone that's here in Nevada. So that's the first difference. The apps are generally horrific Caesar's up until this moment. Caesar is just making a change now, so the jury's still out. But up until this moment, the Caesar's Nevada app is the most frustrating app on God's Green Earth BETMGM. Nevada has just changed to a new BETMGM. The outlook looks good, but we're a little too soon, like the date of this podcast is a little too soon to actually have proper judgment on either of those.

Oh I didn't like initially, but maybe that's just a gut. I got to learn how to navigate.

Me too, me too. I give it a little grace for that. But generally speaking, we don't have so, we don't have DraftKings, we don't have fan Duel. They are not in the state of Nevada, so you're you know, your experience with having hundreds of options for random games just doesn't exist here. And I don't know what your advice would be to them, Steve, Because getting back to my friend Tommy, I don't think Tommy is going to download a station's app. I don't think Tommy's downloading the boyd app because they're not. I'm sorry you, sir.

You didn't touch on the most annoying thing for for tours, and that's in person registration for the app.

Okay, yes, because funding you got to actually physically give.

You money, but only the first time. After that you can use uh. I believe it's play plus. You can fund through through the app, but the first time. And I called the time out for you because you mentioned offstrip properties. If people want to go to the Westgate or the South Point or to Station because he knows, you know, for their app, they have to physically visit those properties. Not doing that, Open the you know, register for the account, open the account, tenn up for the Players Club, all of that so they can get the good odds that are available. Same with Circa at least Circa though now has five different outlets where you can go. Tuscany right near to the street is awesome, or Silverton.

Now I'm at Tuscany all the time making bets there.

Yeah, it's it's a great option, but sorry sorry.

Intercentcas opened twenty four seven. A lot of these apps like like, what's this? You limit a zero? It's after ten pm a night, It's right.

The app is not open twenty four to seven, so I guess what all I'm saying by that is, if you're coming in from out of town, just know that frustration is in front of you. If you have a high bar it just just set the bar low and just just think of it as a bricks and mortar experience. That would be my advice, Like, don't even bother with the apps at this point. Now, this could be like a month from now. That could be different. We could be like, oh my god, these are so great and you're like, no, no chance. MGM is so great. But right now, as of this moment, it ain't great with the apps.

But you know, I feel like we've talked to all this negative stuff, but we got all this positive.

So here's the positive stuff. So let's start with the positive. But we'll get to restaurants. Let's start with Steve. You are the the king of the hack here. I don't want to take any thing away from Mark because I know he knows how to hack it to But this guy right here, oh my.

God, he's another level from any human being.

This dude has changed my life. What would Let's start at the beginning, and let's think about a person who's coming into town. What is your first bit of advice to them. So the gyms are free.

So you can go into several there's several gyms, there's no gatekeeper anymore, and go into the rio all the way up to the Caesars Palace. Just walk in like y'all in the place. You got to sign and so sign your name and walk in and work out. No problem at all. World class gym, all complimentary. You can be staying at El Cortez. You can work out at a some gyms you can't, and some gyms you can. See just learn this is post COVID. What happens. They scale so much on the staffing and they never hired anyone, so there's just no gatekeeping going on. And frankly, nobody works out when they're in Vegas. So you get to work out for free at a world class facillita.

It's a beautiful thing. You and I meet at Caesars all the time. We just hang out there. Yeah, to work out. Besides gyms, I just give I'll give the floor to you because I know. Let me just start from my experience with you. One of the very easy things that Steve has taught me is that the best comp program for sports better. Specifically, we're talking out. The best comp program in town is Caesars. Right, So for years I would make my tennis bets and I'd kind of be like, I don't really want them to know that it's me. And Steem's like, you're an idiot, And he didn't really say that, it's right. He's right. He's like, you're an idiot. Go to Caesar's. Look at all these things. I get well, all these points. And I was like, oh my god, I am an idiot and I should have been listening to you all these years. So like the very basic thing, and I'm not even seven stars. Seven stars is the highest, which you are. I'm diamond elite. But I get four drinks for free every day. I'm not a drinker, right, some people use it for alcohol, but I can roll up to Caesars every day of my life and I do right and grab today. I'll have two Gatorads and two Apple Juices, or I'll have four Fijis or whatever.

I know you're waving negative ev go to Starbucks, get your super duper mocha, saucy voss.

Steve does.

That's Steve and that and that's your bank.

But you do every day.

Yeah, So I park in the Seven Stars VI I p vl A, where they just how good is this?

It's un flamingo.

They leave my car right up front.

Its beautiful.

They don't even drive my car, so they just hand me the keys and say, you're right there, mister, mister fick, right between the McLaren and the Lambeau. You can go ahead and get into get into your sedan, and and and and I've got my So you cut the line. You can cut the line plane poker and cut the line cab like cab if you have to take it, or cut the line like at Starbucks.

Okay, but let's be clear. To get this status, you have to bet there.

A lot, yes, and and there's but there's four vehicles to get seven stars. Really, sports is the best example. Last years Caesons offered heads tales is one hundred you get beat heads or tails.

Or you get bet both. You get bet one hundred thousand on heads. You've got one hundred thousand tips.

If you have money, you can become seven stars just by not winning, but by not losing making bets like that. And they have all kinds of tier credit bonuses if you bet over ten thousand or twenty five thousand or fifty thousand, they double what your tier credits.

Nothing to do with winning, just being active, just being active exactly. And they deal live wagering.

They deal so many different ways that if you're a sharp sports better you can get and you know, disappoint Todd's not with us today, but Todd's very good with live wagering, giving you suggestions. You don't have to win, just have to break even, you know, to get to get all this stuff. You also can if you're a good blackjack player. They've got good blackjack roles. You can play blackjack. They have good video poker. Ninety six jacks are better. You can play video poker.

To go ahead, and again you stack this stuff.

You wait till there's an event and they're giving away really good stuff and you get all these drawing tickets while you're getting all these points and you're accumulating and the like, and even just being a diamond. And you can't become a diamond in a day. In a day if you're hell bent on it, you're styling. You got a free vacation of the Bahamas, my friend, you can. You can go to paradise in the Bahamas. Atlantis, Yes, and stay for free now don't have to gamble a nickel.

Do you agree with me that five years from now we will look back at this conversation. We'll be like, remember when they used to give out free trips to the Atlantis in the It's unsustainable. It's unsustainable.

It is it is so good to you know, just and I like Hawaii better than the Bahamas quite a bit better.

Yes, yeah, but I but Hawaii's twelve hundred to night. But free is free, and free is free.

Heel is free, and so if you're on the East Coast especially, and it's so easy to get.

To wish Nev right, he has a free flight, like everybody gets a free flight into Vegas and out if you get the certain status. This is all Caesar's, by the way, leaps and bounds ahead of every other comp program when it comes to sports betting, because if you go to any other casino, like it's pennies on the dollar, but like Caesars is actually substantive. That's not as substantial as it was a year ago, we have to say.

And they're good even if you're not a sports better across So like with locals giveaway, it's you you get fifty credits. Boom, you go in and pick up you know, your your your nice liquor bottle that they're just giving away to locals each and every Friday.

They really do a fantastic job.

So Caesar's is your vehicle to getting the best bang for your buck as a gambler.

Now, the trip to the Bahamas, the flight in and out of Vegas, that's all seven stars. That's the highest status. But like Steve says, there's a way to game that where you come on the on the weekends where you can sort of game the game. Now, if you don't have that kind of flexibility, and most people don't, it still is a matter of when you come with your buddies for a weekend or whatever. It is, just go crazy at caesar specifically if you if that's where if you if you're like all things being equal, you're deciding, hey, where should I stay? Go to with Caesar's property, so you and you don't have to stay there.

But everybody use one card, don't use four cars, right, everybody gambles on the same card, and then you'll all stay and that way you can get a room Compton.

You can all bundle into that room together.

And that's good advice for no matter what pro like. If so, if you're at MGM rewards their program, focus your spend at that property, at their properties, because you're going to get the most bang for your buck. You know, whether it's the same level or not as Caesers, that's you know, that's up to you to figure out. But wherever you are, if you're looking to maximize your comps, focus on where you're going to get the best rewards. If it's Caesars, that's great. If it's Win that's great too. If it's a resorts World, you know, whatever. Venetian has a new program starting up next month. So wherever it is, just focus your spend. I used to as a tourist, I used to always spend more where I was staying because I knew I could get comps for the places I want to be, you know, as opposed to you know, putting my I could spend five hundred bucks upon a Hollywood instead of one hundred dollars at New York, New York plan of Hollywood and uh down on the line, you know, Treasure Island, Venetian, whatever, and you're.

You're screwed in Vegas, if you're not VIP, you're done so and even if you're rich, you're not going to get treated right because like you go, if you don't have status, you're waiting in line for an hour, even if you're getting like the Presidential Suite and paying through the nose for it. Whereas as soon as your Diamond Now you're checking in the Diamond registration, yeah, seven stars, seven star registration, No, you cut the line completely. You're checking in at eleven am. You could get your late checkout at two pm. Across the board, I would much rather be a seven stars at Caesars and stay at the wind even though the I say Win is slam dunk five stars, greatest hotel and Caesars is a four star. But you know, the VIP Caesars grave way better than when.

Great way to put it. And even in the most simple things like go just make it relatable. If you're here on a Sunday morning in a football game and you're like, oh my god, the line is fifty people deep. I got here too late. Even if you're diamond delete you go right to the front of your own specific line, right. You know, the Starbucks thing with seven stars is a whole nother matter. But that but that's like a specific thing for sports betting. It's like you go right to the front line, like you cannot put a price tag on it. You cannot.

Gronkowski is waiting for Starbucks and I'm and I'm going to the front.

That's right.

Well, the pores can just order advance on their phone and not have to wait online New also or that Starbucks. But that's that's a different story.

I feel like we almost like wet ahead of ourselves because Ace used to say this on them when he used to do the Vegas lifestyle with us too, which is I think the average person, like where again to use the expression too close to the sun? I think the average person doesn't necessarily even get again, trying to use Tommy as my example, forgive me Tommy when he comes to Vegas and he plays blackjack, I don't even know that he knows that he should be getting raided at all times. Like that's maybe where we should have started with all this, which is you should always be letting them know what you're doing.

I'm going to give an advanced concept. Okay, this is this is an over the top flying elbow. If you really want to All right, Yeah, you go in and you buy in for a thousand dollars at blackjack table, right, they ask for your rating card. You say, I'm just gonna play for a couple minutes, which would you think would be a mistake, But it's not. Okay. So let's say you win five hundred dollars, you're happy, you cash out, you win your five hundred dollars, You go to the next table, rinse, and repeat, same thing, only gonna play for a little while.

But let's say you lose five hundred dollars.

You know what, I think, I'm gonna stick around a little while and then you pull out the rating card and you give it to them. So what does this do? You will become the world's worst blackjack player in the city, never ever, ever, ever win. All you do is log losing sessions. So you can imagine, now the theoretical will say, your THEO, I'll be using your card all the time. Your THEO says he should have lost sixty eight dollars, Whereas the way you play, theo's gonna say he should only have lost forty six dollars. Because they're going to getting raided like three quarters at a time. But when you but this guy lost twenty two hundred dollars. So if you get a host, he's like, if he's got a art, it's like, oh, we got to comp this guy a meal here, come on, you know, we got to give him a break on his room rate.

Your THEO being your theoretical for those who don't know what he was talking about, not a not a dude named THEO who shows up on it the h that that is that that's my favorite version of Steve Vesick is the because Steve is a is a pros pro gambler, but his ability to act like a dumbass is one of his greatest strengths. And that's that's a very fundamental example of that. Oh I can be stupid. Oh you you you've done it here in the last forty eight hours, right, don't you do it all the time, all the time. It's it's a sun to behold all the tricks. What's another trick where you're like, you're where You're just talking about one at the south Point where you were doing Maybe I'm mistaking it, but you were, but you literally anything you can do to show that you're the world's dumbest gambler is an advantage play.

Yeah, So as an example, if you're playing blackjack, I you want to make some mistakes. You don't want to play perfectly because the computer will then say he's you know, he's not a winning player. You know, and maybe you aren't if you do enough of this. But like one of my things, I always ensure when the deal is an ace up, I missplay one thirteenth in my hands.

That's it.

That's a crushing disadvantage. It's a big mistake to ensure. But I don't ensure.

So do you You literally have a thing in your head where you're like, well, it's about time for me to do something stupid.


Yeah, So so like I'll use an example, and they don't sure for the fallout, They ain't sure for less, so it doesn't cost me that much. I double for less twelve against a three. If I get twelve against the three, I double down for a dollar or five dollars. It's incredibly stupid that yo, doubling down hard twelve and it is incredibly stupid.

Yeah, but it's not. It's not actually that stupid.

Like if you do it for five bucks, it costs you like a dollar in expectation, and so think about that, you're literally tossing a dollar to the wind to look really really stupid, because it is stupid. But there's plenty of other things people do that are incredibly stupid that Like they'll stand on a seven against a nine with a five hundred dollars betout that that probably costs them like like an eight percent THEO. You know that they probably cost them forty bucks to make that one decision.

It doesn't even look stupid. Bringing this back to sports betting, do you ever do this in your app? So like Jay Rudo used to be the vice president of race in Sports. My good friend over at MGM, he used to say to me, with all my heat, with all the tennis best, he's to say, gill throw in like a really stupid NFL parlay just to keep them off. Do you ever do that kind of stuff? Yeah?

And in fact, my buddy Pastrami is always on me. He's like, gosh, darn it stopped like getting a new account and firing in live the first week. You should just be betting every NFL game forty dollars forty four to forty on each and everyone. You know what, go ahead, and buy a half point because it's so incredibly stupid to buy half points that like by definition if you're buying one.

Yeah, that's one of my pet peeves too.

It's like they we become like an industry where like people like like they love to parlay big money line parlays and big underdog parlays and buy half points and these non wong teasers, and I'm.

Like, literally, it's not me.

I'm like, I'm like, go get one hundred geeks from the University of Chicago that bet sports for a living. All one hundred will tell you all of those items are incredibly stupid.

Yeah, yeah, this is just this was just again another method too. If in the in the world of limitation, right in the world limity and cover yourself by the way the nickname Pastrami? Is there anything better than that? Is that a great? How what do you like to be known as Pastrami? That's awesome? Call me more to Dell from Good.

I used that name because his last name is is a Deli sandwich. So I used a different Deli sandwich.

His last name is Uh.

I had a Tony Clifton Dealy sandwich yesterday. It was pretty good. Over Durango.

Oh okay, we'll get in that momentarily. Uh, do you have anything to add? You look like you were rich in to say something. I kind nothing anything else. Steve with like in terms of like again, what's a quick So so you gotta in order to get these status these statuses, is that the pronunce is that the plural of status is statusies you. Uh, you do have to just make sure you are getting rated for everything, make sure you are getting points. So what happens with like a Caesar's is you have, uh, on the one hands, you have tear points to get you to the other statuses, and then you're also accumulating rewards points. Yes, so with rewards points. I went with Debra Song fashion stylist to Nobu same night that Stevie's with his lovely wife and child, and I could speak for Steve without even knowing them. None of us are paying a thing because we're all using our rewards points at no boo. So we you know, when you accumulate all these rewards points, you have these amazing dinners and stuff. The drinks that I was talking about, which are just four free drinks that has nothing to do with your rewards points. They're just like here, here are your drinks for the day.

Or pineapple Martin Yees valued it at twenty four ninety five. Here you go, all complimentary so well.

I used to say the greatest part of living in Vegas was all the concerts and the easy accessibility, which we'll get to. I think this is just as good, Like this is the best part of living.

In and you can and drinks are free. Like I was shocked Market paid sixteen dollars for a drink because drinks are free. How can I, like, I know, fun Blue sucks if he couldn't get a free drink easy, because, like I said, you walk to a crap say you.

Hand them one thousand dollars.

Yeah, but you're not going to get the same quality drinks at the tables. I was playing pig out poker, which is my favorite game of choice. I asked what kind of bourbon they have for comps. I can't remember. I believe it was Jim Beam from the Gun was the best at this luxury hotel.

Well, most of the VIP rooms though, right, yeah, I don't from the VIP.

I have to apologize my money is not as large as as yours, so you have to I'm here playing at the quarter tables at twenty five dollars tables large. I don't have the I don't have the funds, and neither do ninety nine percent of the people visiting funds.

You just have to pretend to gamble.

You walk into the VIP area, you go to a craps table, you buy in for five thousands.

Who's got five thousand dollars to buy in for?

Who has from Killy?

You're not gonna actually gamble what that? You're just going to pretend you are. We should have established that's that Steve is gonna Steve is not you, and you are not Steve, and they're too right.

That's why I'm keeping quiet for the most part. Because Caesar's hotels are dumps. But God bless have a great time.

I actually think that the Caesar's Palace wing where they have the Octavius.

Yeah, the Augustus is the nicest tower because you feel like you're not at that shithold casino.

Well, the Augustus, the Augustus.

I love Caesars, but but you see the meltzer.

Meltzer from off the top row for real.

See the problem with mark is that he's never stayed at the Augustus Tower.

I have that overlooked the fountains I have. Okay, you say so, you you'd.

Agree that that's it's anctacular room, right, it's a fine room.

Again, it feels like you're not in the casino, which is God bless.

Is the is the Noboo Hotel? Any good? In the middle of that.

Very nice rooms? Okay, you're you're sort of in the middle of the entire mega complex. It's just too it's so big and because it's been built up over the past fifty years. Yeah, you know there's a tower here. There a mile away, there's another tower a mile away is a mall. It's just insanely laid.

But wait, we have the seven stars cards. So when we go into.

That like jumbo pool, how.

Much does it cost out of pocket for a seven star status?


You just got a lot of sports. Just got a lot of sport.

That's it. You don't you don't bet with money. How much money do you have to have in action?

Well, I tell you what, I'm going to throw this out to you. I will I would welcome partnering with you that we can play against these and get you a seven star.

I don't want Caesar said, you're out, yes, Ud, you know I've you know, I love Gil, you know the Cosmo.

But going back, going back to like that seven stars. So they have the seven Stars pool, which is nothing special. It's not but it's on like the third floor of the pool area. But you go up there and it's like, like you mentioned, it's true, Caesars is so enormous, but now you're like, you feel like you're in a boutique.

Absolutely, I'm generally like you where I have my favorite spots. And I was always like, eh, Caesar's whatever, but like he's so right, Like I mean, that's that's the one. And I live right in the middle of the strip. So for me, it's a sugar and if I don't take advantage of it, right.

Oh great, I see. I'm pisched.

You Dan.

Listen to me fifteen years ago when I started telling her about.

Mark, You're like Kramer.

You're like Kramer, You're directionally, you're right where fast food sucks. And remember the episode with the Bad Chicken where he's like Kenny Rodgers Roasters.

He's like, bad Chicken, stay away from it. Stay and then he actually tries it.

And he's like, I'm hooked on the chicken, Jerry, I love the chicken for the Acousta's tower.

The definitely not.

But yes, anything else on this that you wanted to bring up for people or I we covered like the basics. I think we covered it well.

It's better to be It's better to be a king at a three star than to be a joker at a four or five star. In the one place that I think when I don't think all the hacks in the world are going to help you with the win. It's so exclusive and people you literally do like Mark was metic, you have to have to gamble like a king, whereas you can be fake, a fake big gambler and get the top stats. The one thing I left out the seventh star here's the beauty which about other properties matching statuses, so.

That which Fountain Blue didn't do, but so Circa.

They will do it. I'll explain that after.

Free parking for Fezik at Circa just because I show them all I'm a seventh star, so Caesars thinks I'm a good customers said they do too, so they give me like the Legends card that I can park for free.

Go into Mirage. What's this. Oh you're seventh star. Oh you're a VIP with us two.

And you know what, we appreciate you so much, even though you've never gambled. We're going to give you two hundred dollars in comp unity points.

And that's why you focus on one property, because because that one thing can get you access everywhere.

Right the Palms matches. You go in the Palms, they have a little VIP area used to walk in. By the way, you have a matching status, you can free coffee, free donuts, free cookies.

By the way. I swear by the Palms like that, the movie theater there, the food court, the concerts venue, and some nice restaurants do I swear.

By the end the free VIP room for you now, so my registration, I'll show you.

Let's talk about some of the music. Also real quick, okay, great venues here. The one at the Palms is called what pearl, pearl, Pearl, beautiful small venue. I saw Babyface there, Tony Tony, Tony, Christopher Cross like you name it. I've seen it there. You're laughing at me, but it's my jam. All those people. Then there's also, of course Bruno Mars has a residency. He comes and goes. Brutal Mars is the Michael Jackson of this generation. If you haven't seen him, it is expensive. But if you have not seen Brute Mars, you must see him once. It is awesome. Besides Bruno Mars, what would you say, is is Adele doing her resident?

See here?

Still? Still I've still not seen every weekend every weekend she does.

Yep, it's called weekends with the Dell Caesars Palace. If you're a seven star guy, you should you should know this by now.

They gave they gave me two free tickets to a Dell. I didn't go see her.

I have to Well, can you guys please go together and just record your just record yourselves.

Do you imagine me and Steve Adel sort of.

Rocking back and forth having a good old time.

That would be awkward, but that's the the I again before you know that? To me is the single greatest part about living in Las Vegas is the accessibility, the easy accessibility to great music. Always as you two at the sphere, you two at this. Of course I buried, we buried. The headline the sphere is you know, when we talk about iconic things. The sphere is that sphere in Vegas amazing? It's amazing. So what is it? Markets? LED screens, every little tiles at LED screen at the sphere and it makes for this amazing thing. And you too as a residency there. I have still not seen them.

I've seen it. I don't even like the band, but it was fucking amazing. You gotta go the just the the venue, the production of it all is intoxicating. It's fantastic.

And are there some seats that are under the overhang that they don't get the full experience?

Yes, it's almost impossible unless you're on the bottom level the one hundreds or the general admission, almost impossible to see above you. But there's so much in front of you that I think it's a little overblown that you can't see everything because you're just not seeing the roof right, you know, like you're the But the video screens do go that high so that if you want, you know, if you're not wobbily like I am and have you know, issues with balance, you could really look all the way to the ceiling right above your head and watch your production. It's fantastic.

And in the further and like, if you're sitting far away at a normal concert venue, you might you might be bummed about it, But there at the Sphere you still get.

A lot of the Yeah, I said in a two hundred section, which is sort of mid range on the price wise, and I have the band looked tiny, but the production of it was so over the top that, you know, being that far away, I didn't feel like it was that far away, if that makes any sense, because it was just it's it's it's really just you feel like you're just inside of this bowl which you are, and the band is they're performing, and you're watching a giant, a giant spectacle beyond just a concert.

Katy Perry still doing Resorts World.

Nope, she's done. She's done.

By the way that no one told me I was going to a Broadway show. When I saw that, I was like, what the hell are watching?

Big breaking news as we record this? Dead and Company are did the next band to do a residency at the Sphere.

I don't know who they are.

You don't know who the Grateful Dead are?

Oh, dead End Company, Dead in Company.

I didn't know they changed their name.

Yeah, well, I believe somebody died from the band The Grateful Dead probably years ago. I think they've been touring His Dead and Company for years and they're going to do two weeks of shows then with John Mayer playing guitar, and then Fish'll come in for four shows later this year as well.

Was it was that Sean was that in my ear? What is he saying about the dead Jerry Jerry Garcia, the late Jerry Garcia and.

Then one of the unappreciated music. I know that both of you are, you know, so much better with music, and and like I like the tribute bands I liked. I think it's like cool them at them and other places. I enjoy those.

But that's that's the the greatest part about Vegas is I related to San Francisco and San Francisco. If like a big musical artist, let's just take I'll take one that I'm like Luke warm up Maroon five. Right. If Maroon five is playing off the shoreline down you know, the freeway in San Francisco all the way down in the South Bay, I have to like consider, like do I really want the hassle to go see fucking Maroon But in Vegas, I live in the middle of Strip it's like they're at Mandalay Bay. I'm like, well, I'll roll out. I could walk to them, right. So it's like, of course I'll go see it. Lady Gaga, of course I'll go seere, she's right next door, Anita Baker, Janey Jackson, doesn't matter. I'll go see anybody. And what a does? It sort of expands your musical horizons because you're like Chicago Steely Dan before Walter Becker, A'll go see oh seeing them all doobies. Michael McDonald can't sing anymore, but like all of these, all of these groups, and that's what makes this so if you come for a sporting event, try to get a concert in us.

Beenzik reminded me of another positive and Folm Blue. There's a bar called the Nowhere Lounge. It's sort of hidden by the elevators in a hallway, but they have live music there for free every night, and uh, you know, it's like nice. It's like a jazz band kind of thing and uh just nice, chill vibe.

I love the Blaggio as the piano player by the Richnario, Like I love casinos to give you something and like everything they're just trying to take advantage of.

My second favorite bar in Vegas, that one right there at the front of the Pititrozian. It's a great place. It's a great place if you're a not very big cigar smoker, but you want to smoke a cigar because you're in Vegas. You want to do it up, you know, in the old school way. You're you're open enough so that your cigar smoke's not going to offend anybody that's nearby. So if you like me and you're always concerned about offending somebody with your odor of your cigar, you could sit out there in the lobby. The drinks are great, the piano is great, the vibe is just amazing. The Chiluly glasses Fez said is right there. Outside of that, it's just a great vibe. Chandelier bar is also my favorite.

As you know, yes, the high end experience is musical wise and fine dining in Vegas. It's just I don't mind paying, you know, it's I like, I like it, you know, I look at like I went to the wind I went to Mazumi's, which is like Benny Amahanas, but liked on steroids like that much better. It was it was tremendous. I went to Wingley at the at the wind every when every restaurant at the wind Encore is tremendous. You cannot go wrong. A leg grows. I love is you know, to be more casual. So there are so many like we we did. We did the berries here at Circle like like the which I thought was spectacular for my meal.

I love.

I love that you have segued right into the restaurant's full I like, well, but you make a good point, which is with all the hacks that you were talking about. So the the you know, someone listening to you and be like, what a cheap bastard? Right, No, we actually and I'll speak for you too. I am thrilled to spend money if it's fantastic, I have zero problem with it. And I'm sorry to have cut you off, but you the win you brought up wing Lay. Wingley is like super high end Shinese. The Duck is just on. Oh have you been to I mentioned this last year on the show. I think for the first time Delilah's.

I've not been able to get in yet.

So I've been a few times. You know people, Yes I do. Actually, it's the win Deborah and I got the Booby Prize one time. So in the summertime, there's indoors and there's outdoors. One time we got the Booby Prize of outdoors. And if you're going to be outdoors, it's not worth going, so we were we were a little miffed about that. Matt Brown was on the waiting list for two months and they put him outdoors like brutal. But if you're inside, it transports you back to a different time period into the nineteen like the Roaring twenties. It's it's amazing. It's loud. You sometimes have trouble hearing, so if you if that bothers you, sorry, But the food is quite good and the experience is unlike anything else in Vegas. Excuse me, I know there are other sort of what do you call these places speakeasies or what they're speakeasies, But they're.

Like dinner, dinner, theater, dinner theaters, rightair, supper clubs, super club, the right way to supper clubs. Supper club over Mayfair over is another one, but I wish I have not been to.

But Delilah is fantastic as a Vegas experience. The win is you're right, you can't go right. The number one.

I don't think anyone could possibly disagree with this. The number one dining experience. If you can get the table on a like ninety degree day and night's falling, and you can go to SW Steakhouse and you can get a table that's not outdoors. It's not indoors, but it's adjacent. It's like right where the sliding doors are. Yes, that experience with that lake of dreams right there and the big frog that comes out, it is just world class.

Honestly, when we talk about the wind, I want to just go there and hang out all day. It is really the most beautiful.

Hotel's get comped. Cracker Show us How to Play Video Pop one hundred thousand a week s w SW.

We talk about steakhouses specifically on this show for many years. I still rate SW as one of my top steakhouses. It's funny when I say that to some people. Some people object to it. I'm like, I here's what I value in a steak restaurant that consistently every time I'm going to get a great steak. Now I'm a fill a guy. We've talked about this in past. Usually order what you order through your whole life. If I go to Berries at Circa, no offense because Circa's got a bunch of great restaurants. What we talking about, Blake Barry's, I've had kind of hit or miss with you. I had a hit, but I've had a miss before there on my fil a. It was like a tendon in there a couple times. Now. I don't want tendons through my file at sw every time perfect on Diamo's here at.

The d right where we're bloing, spectacular, always fantastic, It's always great and beyond, by the way.

So I have the win. I think we've mentioned every place at the wind but at Circa that so in addition of Berries, which is downstairs, was a take place. The Asian Place is spectacular. What's the name of eight eight eight it's eight.

It's an offshoot of Latai, which is down the street from the day the original.

It is second none.

It's fantastic, and the Saginaw's the delis it's not cheap, but it's it's excellent.

The Victory Burger not cheap excellence. I don't love the Uh. I didn't love the the Matza ball soup there at Saganaws.

But other than that, baby, that's where you get the best mansa ball soup in a casino.

You know, this is a great point.

The El Cortes, it's a total dump, but they have a Bugsy Seagulls. Seagulls is a restaurant, is like a gem and they have like like there there's a day I think Wednesday that's like half price for fifty and olders to go there. And their prime rib specials and the like are really that's really there's all around the valley. You know, there's really good deals. We're talking about high end, but there's something for everyone in terms of budgets.

Plus two twenty one tennis winter just came home. Yeah pumped. Okay, So can I just go through a bunch of restaurants here Strip and non Strip and you tell me if you've been in if you like, let's start with Okay, breakfast, We've brought up Rise and Shine is off Strip. That's kind of a place that we like to go to. If we're talking about sushi off Strip and I know people are like, hey, are you gonna give away the sushi spot. I'm not. I have a sushi spot that I keep to myself, but beyond the one that I love. The best sushi to me out of out in this town Sen of Japan. Sen of Japan, which is out in summerland, Kabuto on Spring Mountain. It's pricey, but it's spectacular if you are a sushi snob. Sen and Kobudo are two spectacular places. Best buffet in town Bacchanal. It's Caesar's another sort of Caesar's perk. The Baccanal Buffet is food for days, food for days. Yeah.

The one thing about the Baccanol is the line so long, and if you've got your VIP staff diamond or right right to the front boom and you're styling. If you're me lover, I think Baccanol goes the head of the class. If you I think I find the ambiance of the wind to be slightly superior. It's a little bit of a cattle call with different lines at the Boccanol, with all the different lines for the seafood and the like.

You are one hundred percent right because the Winds Buffet is right below that, but healthier, quite as good, healthier.

And then one other option. I'll give you a Texas D Brazil which is not in a casino. It's a Brazilian steakhouse. I personally my family like, we love Texas deepouse. Wow, what's it called Texas D Brazil A Texas de Bras. It's one of those Brazilian steakhouses where they come out with with the lamb and the like and they cut it off the off the bone and say would you like some full at would you like some bacon wrap, chicken, et cetera. And it's in the fact, it's in the mall that's right where the two fifteen and the fifteen are spite D you mean D D E or just Texas the letter D apostrophe Brazil.

If you're looking for the old school mafia rat Vegas experience. Terms of restaurants, Pieros which is right next to the West Gate, which is where they film part of Casino, and the Italian American Kitchen, which is well it's Sahara. Yeah, okay, those are off strip. In terms of like I talk about some on strip properties. Best lunch value in town Melos still to me, which is now at the Venetian, no longer at the Cosmo. I prefer it at the Cosmo, but still a great lunch deal Park MGM Bavets. You and I have had a steak there before. The greatest bread in town, maybe Bavets.

The secret tip that very few people are familiar with is the burger there is super super expensive. It's like thirty five bucks good, but it is phenomenal. It is like appointment appointment burgers. It's so expensive though, you're only going to have a maybe once a year at the most. But it's become a destination for my friends whenever they visit now to make sure that we have a one of those burgers in there. It's just so great and there and uh, if you if you've been to the Vest, there's a speakeasy so to speak, in the back where you can't even you don't even know there's another bar, but there's a bar all the way in the back to the left has some tables, some bar seats, so you could just sit up there and you know, walk up and eat. If you don't have a reservation, there's good call and you can and there's a couple of tables down there as well. So if your last minute idea, Hey heard about that burger, just see if you can get a spot at the bar.

Look at you. I didn't know about that. Also, Park MGM is a smoke free casino. It also has Italy for those in New York City.

You know, really cool play, really cool play to see the Vegas Gold Nights.

That's weirding, that's right.

They also just opened there. The Nomad Library is really good, nice place to catch a drink. They just hope there's a new food truck. Cuban, John Favreau and Roy Choi are the the brains behind it, so to speak from based on the movie Chef. So that's the that's the concept. They basically pulled out maybe thirty slav machines and just put a truck right opposite of the High Limit Room.

No. I was gonna say, I hadn't been there in a long time, and the nd season NBA Tournament was there, and I was walking through it and I'm like, what the but there's a food truck in here now it's great. Mark, How do you feel about the old school gourmeet rooms?

I love you Go Seller and the Four Queens or Circus Circus Steakhouse and Circus Circus and you're walking through Circus.

And you're like what a dump. This can't be good, but it is a really good rest uh my.

Stake the last I haven't been there in a few years, probably since before COVID. The price was has gone up exponentially to where it's now not really the bargain for going into that dump. Oh so it's not quite the same and you're gonna pay the same price you would add Circus Circus that you're gonna pay maybe not a win, but maybe at the Venetian for steak. And so if you're like our buddies that are like, I want to go to the nice place. I want to go to places I want to be. You know, are you gonna go off your beaten paths to Circus Circus? Are you gonna go you know somewhere that you want to go?

You know?

Are you gonna go to s W.

And this is random, has nothing to do with anything we're talking about. Are you familiar with this? Like R and B place by the stratosphere, we're like to have vinyl records. We got to look into that.

That's you got to look into that. But by the way, speaking of expensive but always delicious bizarre meat is just it is. Yeah, it's a It's considered a steakhouse, but to me, it's a meat It's a treasure trove of meat, and it is and it's very expensive, and the menu is so intimidating because it's so large. But if you have that's it. Sahara used to be the SLS used to be Sahara, then it was SLS. Now it's Sahara again. But it's one of the best restaurants in Las Vegas, and it's one of those just experiences that you're not going to get anywhere else.

That's a great point. The only thing I will recommend there is let the let the server pick your food. What I'd like to do, because if you try to navigate a menu, it actually annoys you.

If you tell them you have a budget of X amount of dollars, suspend, they will feed you eight courses of divine meat and maybe even a little foig wah cotton candy. That that is The Instagrammers love that little uh thing of eating little baby rabbits.

You know I would be remiss.

Rabbits wait fatal attraction stuff.

The best two ounces of food you will ever consume. Gil knows where I'm going.

The beef wagu tacos at Nobu. I defy anyone who doesn't feel your down mark.

You agree, I've never had it, it's because but but now that I know it's available, I will. I will approve somebody taking me to Nobu.

It is I'm available it Literally, I like, I'll have just two of them right along with the yellowtail and and and and whatever else. And the next day I'm like, oh, it's so good food.

That makes you think about it. And I don't mean in a bad way, I mean think about it a good way.

The next day it makes you realize American Wagoo is trash, you know, compared to like the real wagu where it just melts in your mouth and it is just so delicious.

So we're screwed. There's no good deals, there's no cheap eats that's good in town. Aymar. Yeah. This. Here's some other staples from the show in terms of strip restaurants. Carbone at Aria, Oh yes, still is a faver. Still, it's still my home game. Still to me, the best atmosphere of any restaurant in all of Vegas. It's Motown till ten, it's hip hop afterwards. Yardbird, which is an old staple on this show, the Fried Chicken and the Waffles and the water melon over at Venetian Mott thirty two over at Palazzo. Got to add that one this year. Pretty damn good all across the board. Off strip for those who want to venture, because I got to put these in in Summerland if you want to venture that far. A place called Adima by edo An I am a. I am a by ed O ed Oh, that's a chef's name. Really really good if you're a foodie. And my, oh, by the way, one more strip oyster bar, it's Palaestation. We always mentioned that too. Fourteen seats in the middle of Palestation. Get the pan roast. It's incredible. But two more off strip Esther's Kitchen. I've heard it in the Arts district of downtown. It is my favorite non strip restaurant in all of Lost movies. Have you ever been? It is so good. Just get the spaghetti, just just rate the bread is fantastic. Just get the spaghetti and meatballs. It is so good. And then one I haven't been to, which I'm hearing is like the next off strip place to go to, Sparrow and Wolf. I'm told by people is fantastic.

It's been one of the most popular local spots for about five years.

Yeah, I've never been Rye. I don't know that herbs and Rye is the place that we've talked.

Great happy hour, you know, half priced pretty much all day.

Just turn up the blights for God's sakes, I can't see my steak.

Sorry, you should order just more bloody. The blood the blood shines, man.

I literally, could you turn on the lights a little because they almost even a meeting. Yeah, they have a steak happy Were there anything else I have missed on?

So some favorites of mine on the steak side. Carver Steak I still over Resorts World. We went there. It's probably my the newest steakhouse that I love. Speaking of like new and old stuff.

Just the first place I went after my father died was with you to the Carver Steak that.

We're supposed to go that AAMA with e Bay eighty oh whatever years ago. But yeah, but the uh, the vaginant stylist was not able to make it, so we were not able to make it. Scotch eighty at Palms is a I think an underrated steakhouse that used to be the nine. Yeah, I guess yeah, that's an underrated one. I still like Strip Steak over at Mandelay Bay Andiamo, I think and never. You cannot say enough good things about Hendiamo. And it's at the d and it's downtown. It's a great option here. Oscars is also downtown. That's a solid, a solid steakhouse. That's Bill Lady spot. John Georgia is still one of my favorites. You recommended to me years ago over at Aria great steakhouse.

John George known for its uh what's the short short? Amazing short the short by the way Oscars which you mentioned downtown.

The Burger Spectacular, yep, absolutely years of many many years ago. Old friend Joe forton Baugh and I destroyed Happy Hour there and that burger as well. Destroyed Loadus and Siam has a new location over at bred Rock is sewed.

That guy ever became anything.

He went he went back to the least coast. He's doing some some stuff with gambling. I don't know.

Lotus at Sion Loadus, Sion Staple.

The original is Great Red Rock one over in Summer One which is near where I live. Spectacular as well. Leo at the Cosmo move remains one of my favorite. It's it's a tapas place. It's they have a nice little sangria hour. So when it when it first opens on the secret Pizza correct on the second level of the Cosmo.

It's if it's secret, how is that going to help me find anything?

Well, it's like it's the place with the line.

It's a long hallway.

If I can't find the pizza, then it doesn't help me to say it's next to the pizza place.

The breakfast burrito at Overlook Grill at the Cosmopolitan, it's only available in summertime when the pool is open. Don't get confused because the Henry downstairs has a breakfast burrito, but it's a traditional fatty burrito that'll that'll make you uh grow in the wrong ways.


However, this tight breakfast burrito at the pool area is so delicious and it's not overstuffed, which is rare to find with the breakfast.

BURRITA meltzer and I'll go to the Overlook girl that by the pool at the Cosmo. We've had Todd with us before. They make the guacamole right in front of you, which is not you know, not range thing, but theirs is so good.

God, I hope Todd's not listening to this.

Oh no, he ate the entire freaking guacamole bowl like he did. It was incredible. And then the burritos, you're right, they're great.

The breakfast Brido there is great. Also, dident type Pung over Daria. It's expensive, and you can find cheaper on Spring Mountain in what they call the Chinatown area, which is not really just Chinese, but whatever, it's didn't. Type fong me is just delicious.

They never get an order wrong. By the way, do you like Ping ping Pong? Love Ping ping Pong? Great? I think you're joking. It's great.

The next step is a couple of really good deals. Hattie Bees at the Cosmo fifteen dollars for a very filling meal of chicken tenders, a couple sides, and a drink, very feeling. Ping Pang Pong is at the Gold Coast, still one of my favorites, and so I'll give a price comparison. The meal that I get at Carbone with my friends person is how much the entire meal for all of us is at Ping Pang Pong differently, and it's way different experience, but and you're eating way more food at Ping Pang Pong for the same price per person at Carbone.

Pink Song is like the Christmas night thing for those of us in the tribe.

Yeah, and also in that area, rio Is has new owners and they're renovating the property. I don't know if you guys have seen this, please do they just the first thing they've opened inside that's new is the new food hall. They have a Tony Lukes. It's a Philadelphia cheese steak join but the all the prices there are between ten and fifteen dollars for a dish, fair price for off strip, but the Tony Lukes, the pork sandwich there as good as everyone from Philly says. So hungry, it's so hungry fantastic.

Best show in town is still Absente, we agree, Yeah, absinth that's Caesar's. Yes, best melding of circ to so lash in comedy, better than oh oh is all sir.

I'm not a big show person because they all bore me.

It is the only one I would recommend.

Okay, that's the only one I would.

Recom Awakenings and it was quite good.

Oh it was.

I give I give it high. Remind my guys that the wind will be happy here. Anything else.

A couple of new restaurants coming away, all Red Blake Shelton's Old, Red, Old, Red, not old. Where's that outside of the Horseshoe which used to be Balley's just opened a couple of weeks ago. People are digging that I'm not. I haven't been there. Country Music's not my thing, so I'm not really in a rush to get there.

What do you have?

What a Burger the Texas fast food chain is opening near where you live. Yes, where Bobby's Burger Palace used to be, sort of by the Waldorf Astoria area. We have another Gordon Ramsey Berger and another Vendor Pump restaurant going into Flamingo later this year, so you know they're the restaurants. There's a couple of new ones at Mandalay Bay, but it's a lot of the same faces and names that you've heard over the years, over the recent past ten years or so.

So for for all the negative we had at the top, it is still when it comes to music and food, the greatest place on earth.

Yeah, there's there are so many good restaurants, and like you said, the one thing to watch out for is, you're gonna pay more money on the Vegas Strip because it's the tourist trap. It's a tourist area. Eighty five percent of visitors you know, will so or something to that effect, will stay on the Vegas Strip. Prices are way more money, and like you said, I don't mind paying more more money. I think you both said this if you're getting a quality product, and there are places that will not deliver you quality product for those high prices. So it's live and learn, it's talked to people. It's find out where you're gonna get the best bang for your buck, because not everywhere. That thirty five dollars burger is not going to be as good as Bavets at every burger joint.

Yeah, go ahead. As I say, speaking of which Peter Luger, which is a staple of Brooklyn another they didn't have a great burger there at this time, and.

The burger in Brooklyn is top not that gotty that got me into fancy burgers.


I got two go to places I go when I want to be cheap phasick again, and they are specifically Ellis Island, the coffee that are the barbecue. I find the barbecue to be exceptional. And then South Point from midnight to six a m. Four ninety five burger. They have all these specials. I've never gotten a bad beal with these these late night specials.

And the Ellis Island is specifically.

The Southwod What is that? Where is the burger at the South Boy four from midnight to six am? Where though?

At the Yeah in the cafe and the Corona del Mar Cafe.

I like that Corona del Maark, I think, yeah, yeah.

The thing with the Ellis Island everything there's cheap, it's it's fantastic. The barbecue stuff, everything you're going to get is under twenty bucks and crap.

They do their own beer. They've got their own root beer, which is it's the best root.

Pater in town.

During the holiday season, they have the egg. People travel into into Las Vegas just to get their hen their homemade egg nod.

It's a half mile walk from the from the Horseshoe.

It's not bad at all. Right right down Flamingo, it's on you, right down Flamingo on Covid there.

Yes, it's where the f ones go. They know what's up.

Oh, they know what's up. That they do gentlemen, I love it. This is great again. From Vegas hacks to restaurants, to sports books to apps, do what hotels have botched it? Anything in between and of course again sorry about the whole Super Bowl and March Madness thing, but it is expensive here. That's just how it is.

But it's on the bucket list. March Madness. You must come with your friends.

Oh yes, you must do it once.

It's a great experience.

It's first weekend.

It is the not even the first weekend, the first two days Thay Sriday, when there's sixteen games per day. Saturday the first day, and a lot of people do if you look at the five hundred dollars rate that you're going to pay for a seed, it gets cut in half on Saturday and Sunday because people are like, we did the we did the full day and it's insane. Now it's time to go home.

It's also it's also like brings to mind, it's the beginning of summer, right, It's like it used to be a lot.

Well, it's also spring break. It's the beginning of pool season. It's really just a some times it's even US Irish Irish holiday. Oh why st Patrick say, why am I blank? It is it is just daya night. It's so much fun, it is.

It is just a blast holiday. No, you're right, Thursday and Friday the first week, it's it's awesome. Now it has been colder as the years have gone by. It hasn't been pul pool weather the last but.

We got warming good.

You're you're it's you're getting older, it's not getting cooler.

Oh, it's not true. It's not true. Uh. Steve Fessick first the only not the first, the first and the only back to back winner of the Hilton Super Contest. Thank you, buddy, appreciate it.

Thank you for having me on. And Ben and will Hill and Todd be back next week.

They'll be back. Are you here?

I'm here, I'm available the pile.

I was joking that they he would determine if he's back with no, No, they'll be here. And Mark Meltzer at Melts Vegas at Phsick Sports on Twitter. Stevie gets a little ordery on on Twitter. Hello, it's be still a good guy at Melts Vegas. And again, your work is most often seen a travel zorc.

And where else Play USA?

Play USA? Okay you don't want to be one of those Instagram guys who does the videos like policy or whatever he says at the end of his videos.

Honestly, I'm so bad at video. I have no time to shoot video because, as you've seen me, I've taken one hundred pictures from the valet to this desk.

Yeah, but don't those guys make bank though they can? Okay, I want you to make bank.

Yeah. Fine, I'm from a different era of influencer. But the Twitter influencier.

Era is gone.

We're now over to Instagram, YouTube and TikTok and I'm over it.

We need to get beef, wagu, tacos at nobu and not paid.

Yeah, let's do that, and then you share that and then people question whether how whether you're paid to post the pictures of the food.

Yeah, but those guys are negative too. I want you to be like the honest one.

There are no honest winter all.

Well, I want you to be that.

They're all shysters.

Steve Fasick, Mark Meltzer.

Wait end on a negative note, kill Alexander.

Thank you. That's the thirteenth annual Vegas lifestyle podcast Man's Guide Decend City, a tradition unlike any other. Our best to Marco, who obviously has been a stable in his podcast for years. He had a death in the family, and to Ace who is joining him for that on the East Coast, who couldn't be on. We miss Ace being on this particular episode. Hope we said something that is of value. Good luck with all your bets beyond that, Thanks for listening.