Beating The Book: 2025 BNP Paribas Open at Indian Wells Preview (Tennis' "Fifth Major")

Published Mar 4, 2025, 6:53 PM

Gill Alexander is joined by Drew Dinsick (Analyst for NBC Sports Edge) & Zach Cohen (VSiN Senior Editor). They preview the BNP Paribas Open at Indian Wells from all betting angles, offering betting strategies and analysis for tennis' 5th major.

Check it out, man. This is probably as fun and as hard as it gets for us. This is the Indian to use Drew's term, the Indian Wells Tennis Betting Preview podcast. We have done this now for several years in a row. This is tennis is de facto fifth Major, the BNP parry By Open, which I am going to on Friday. I cannot wait my second year going three years.


Let me just tell you how this is working. This year, Drew is skiing. I think one year we had Drew actually on the slope, but we didn't even have the manpower to do the Drew Densic version of this. So Drew is making this happen. From where are you skiing?

Drew Grew?

First of all, whale underscore capper. You know Drew from is the co host of, of course, both the Deep Dive Podcast with Andy Molitor and NBC Sports Bet the Edge with Jim Croucher. Thank you for.

Doing, of course. So I'm in the beautiful Jackson Hole wholming and uh actually kind of some breaking news for the hardcore tennis folks. They're going to Sunset Bet the Edge at least until football season. We're going to do. We're basically just going to do like video on video on demand type of short form for NBA games series, tennis, uh, you know, for for the rev off season here while we wait for NFL comeback. So wow, Yeah, the podcast wasn't doing as well as we were doing these bedded in a minute after we recorded the podcasts that were they just did like Banana's numbers and sales for clicks compared to the podcast. So they were like, well, we need to do that for NBA. We need to kind of solidify ourselves as like the NBA, you know, kind of come to this place space handicap so and tennis as well. Like we'll do we'll do them for the French Open, We'll do it for them.

I can't wait, So, so explain where people can see this online.

As soon as I know, I'll tell you.

Okay, all right, I'm like wait, wait my yeah, Well that's great, yeah man, right.

I mean it's better than not having any other.

Fine point. Yes, all right, So we're doing this just so y'all know. We're doing this at four thirty ish specific time, the draw was supposed to be from three to four. The draw was from three to four. Indian Wells. If I'm to sort of echo everyboding on Twitter. They do everything else right. The draw may be not the greatest thing because they don't live stream it, so apparently did. They did the ladies draw first, that didn't get put out in a bracket form. Then they did the men's and that is in a bracket form, even though we had to have like subruder film footage of the of the brackets being displayed on the board up there at Tennis Garden there at Indian well so we can see it. So we have a we have a full sense of the men's bracket, not quite a full sense of the ladies, but we do kind of know the ladies. Before we get into any of that and any specifics, we got to start with this, which is the surface itself. That is the biggest news. And this happened yesterday where it just I don't know if you had any knowledge of this drew, but this kind of.

Competitively understand how this happens at all.

I don't either. How do they keep the secret? I have no idea, So just to let everybody know, So this is hard courts, but Indian Wells for the last twenty five years has really been the among the slow, if not the slowest, of hard courts. Right it's this gritty, sandy kind of surface which was called I want to be very very thorough about this, it was called plexipave.

For those of you who are really hard o's.

You may know Plexi pave. Of course, they announced yesterday that they're changing their surface provider to something called Lake Cold, which is what they use on the second half of the Sunshine Double in Miami. It's a thousand and thousand tournaments back to back here before they go to clay and also at the US Open. They've been using Lake Colt since twenty twenty. And the press release and this is where I want to get your reaction. I want to get your reaction all this, but the press release says, by tailoring our courts to match the playing conditions, we've enabled tennis to move seamlessly around the world. This cross continental consistency ensures that within in between events, all courts are equal and the tennis comes down to the players. That's good for everyone.

It's good for everyone. But but but us.

Who wants this?

I don't want this.

This is not what I wanted. I wanted it to stay how it was. What are they doing?

I mean, first they got first say, watered down Miami, and they're not playing it at Biscame Bay with the Iguanas anymore. They're playing at the stupid They're playing at the stupid hard rock the park. Yeah, just the no character hard rock Miami Stadium is now the home of Miami blah blah blah.

And then this game, it is beautiful.

It's kind of the only missing around around there. Like, I don't like Miami at all. I will take q Skane I need to Yeah, yes, yeah, no. So yeah, first they first they ruined Miami. Now they're ruining Indian wells. It's wild. Uh And yeah, I like, I don't think the players actually least, I've never heard them clamoring for consistency. I've never heard them being like, man, we really wish they were all the same. Every tournament was the same and the same people have the same advantages that No, you want variety, you want differentiation. And just because Medvedev happens to complain and belly ache every year because it's too slow of a hardcore for him, doesn't mean you should kowtow to you know, the the weird louder voices. I don't think. And this was such a perfect kind of kick off, like the true kickoff of the season, like nobody really like you know, everybody knows the Australian Open is like it's cool that it happens at early the Daytona five hundred of tennis where it's like, wow, tennis is back and bang we're right into a major, right, But like the next month and change is pretty preseason. Me and Indian Wells always served as a perfect sort of real kickoff to the spring and having a slower hard court in the mix before we got to the European clay was awesome. And if it's this effectively we get four weeks of Indian Wells replay it again in Miami and in the you know and like the uh, you know, the clinical confines of hard Rock Stadium, then yeah, this is not serving tennis well. I don't think it's definitely not serving tennis better as well. Any advantage you had of kind of knowing who's going to be able to thrive in these conditions is now out the window, and that stinks tennis.

It's the worst for tennis better. Is it kind of stinks for tennis fans too, even if they sure like you're right, like if it's if you're cow telling to the Medvedev corner of the world or the public corner of the world, you know, like he always complains about shit like that, like it's so dumb. So I guess the only other question I have here, well, the biggest question that I have about all this is why do do you really take them at their word that this is what they were striving for, they were striving for uniformity. And secondly, is that a different way of Is that a way to conceal the other motive, which perhaps I'll see if you agree with this is Carlos proofing. Carlos Alcarez has won the last two Indian Wells tournaments, and Ega has won two of the last three. Is it Carlos and Ega proofing? Was that part of the thinking?

I wouldn't have really gone there, but surely maybe it is kind of opening the door for more players to have a chance. I think the like honestly, though, you want to know what would be good for tennis broadley if Carlos won ten in a row here, because guess but Nadal winning ten in a row at b in Barcelona and in not ten in Row, but you oing ten in Monte Carlo, at Barcelona, at Rome. You know, I think he only had five in Madrid, but ten in Rome. Ten French open titles like that type of historical significance matters to like the animals of tennis fandom in history. And no, I honestly, if if that's if that was part of their thinking, that they want more players to have a chance than they're shooting themselves in the foot, I thought you were gonna go with more like that. Whatever this pavement system is just paid them a bunch of money so that they could be the paving system of the US Golden the Sunshine Swing, Okay, whatever I mean there there is still there's still some differentiation. Like Indian Wells is unique in terms of the humidity. It's a very dry. It's high desert, right, not not high desert. Jashu Trues high desert. Palm Springs is low desert, but it's still desert. March and the you know, the the conditions do affect the tennis balls. The conditions do affect the players. There's often times some very fun and interesting wind that has like a little bit to say about player performance here, so like, you know, there are still some unique nuances about this particular tournament that will make it different from Miami. But yeah, I mean it's.

Uh, yeah, I agree with I mean, I would imagine it will be faster, the balls will bounce quite as high, but I doubt it will become the you know, I doubt it will play like the fastest courts of the world. Basically what you're.

Saying, really, yeah, that's absolutely right. And like I fell in love with the Indian wells. I remember the match. It was very of Nadal and it was when Zvera broke out of nowhere, like he came out of nowhere at the Indian at the Australian Open, and it was like, oh, this guy's going to be a top three guy. He's now number one seed here, so obviously he's you know, he's realized his potential almost except for the Slams and except for whatever that happened to him this this this winter spring. But we'll get to that, I guess. But yeah, his match again Standaul was so good and it was because you you had lengthy rallies you needed to be able to x you know, kind of deploy very fun and interesting shots to get your winners home. Because the surface was slower, you had to be able to play the net, and it just it made for really visually exhilarating tennis compared to what you see when it's just serve bought stuff. And yeah, I'm I'm one who will always kind of champion. The most entertaining watching tennis is this the European clastline, not just because you get the interstitial shots of just beautiful European cities, but because the tennis itself is like movement rallies. You know, it's more war, it's more strategy as opposed to just being able to out physically your opponent.

I uh, while the while the Oscars began last night, for the first hour of the Oscars, I was a sweating the championship in Santiago on clay. I had I had Loslow Jerry uh Loslow Jeri from before the quarterfinals at plus three eight thirty. So it was a U and I kept betting him his his clay numbers were, but just to just let play incredible clay player. Who's who's not the biggest clay name right the South American guys Bias and Navone and all the guys that were playing down there, right Sarundelo much bigger names for Clay at you very but yet his his more recent numbers were amazing. Anyway, I bring that up only to say, this is how deep into this we all are. We love we love this more than anything in the world. So for this thing to happen at any of Welles with the service, I'm just I was just like, why are you doing this? It makes me so sad. It's like, why would you Anyway.

Yeah, we'll see, I mean yeah, yeah, I mean like they you know, if they did this to stop Carlos, good luck. He's still the best player in this minstr u by margin.

So I think it's more I think it's more hurtful. If if I had to choose, it's more hurtful for Ego than it would be for Carlos, just basically because as we'll get to with the uh with the lady side of things, as we talked about on the radio side, my oh my, have the top players taking the proverbial half step or full step backwards. So it's it's much more democratic. But let's let's start with the let's start with the men's side, because I'm I'm gonna put this uh this little charger in here, Drew, and you tell me if it messes with my audio, because it has before, So you tell me if this in any way.

So far, so far, so good, so far, so yeah, sounds good. You sure, okay, Yeah, you're good.

Okay. So the men's draw is out. See the men's draw, uh, Carlos. So let's just do Q one. I'll just I'll give names in Q one. Q one, to me off the top of my head, looks like the hardest quarter. It is number one seed. Sasha Zverev's quarter in that quarter is uh Tomas mahach Tiafo and out of form Rune Barrettini is in there, Umbar is in there. Sits a boss coming off a win in the Middle East is in there, and Mapechi Paracard is in there, although we'll see if the courts allow him to be effective. But that's that's the first court.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Q.

I'll just go through so called Q two is the rude is the rude quarter, which I guess I didn't anticipate caspar Rude being the four seed. Yeah, yeah, Rude, Tommy, Paul Lehchka, Michelson, Medvedev. Q three is rube Lev. Q three is pretty stacked, rube Lev, Nakashima, hatchin Off, Menshic, Shelton, Draper, fonseka O j Alias Sim Fritz. Oh, that's a big one. And in Q four, Djokovic and Carlitos Scarlitos Akaraz they're both in the same quarter. Nick kiriosa potential second round match for Joker. Also in there, Demonor dimitrof moon Fis and Shapavalla, who's been play very well. Your initial thoughts on how those.

Stat Yes, Q three is the quarter of death. In my opinion, you have the most informed players and the most kind of like guys that I had sort of highlighted and circled as to where are they going to land in the draw. They're all in Q three. Q four to me is being billed as another potential epic head to head between Alkras and Djokovic, which I take exception two because if Djokovics makes the quarterfinal then he will have surpassed my expectations here by margin. And also his path is very, very tricky. He's not he's not getting any you know, free free lunch here except maybe that curios match in round round two. I don't think curios Is has the fitness to go toe to toe. Is probably losing the qualifier for being honest.

Yeah, no to the qualifier, yeah, Novak. Potentially it would have to go Kurios.

Let's run below. Oh yeah, both guys are in form.

Yeah, and then the fourth round it will be Demonur or Cots, probably Demonoir.

Both guys are in form.

Quarterfinal Alcoraz, dimitrof Alcoraz, Let's just.

Say Alkraz Yeah, and then.

If if we were to go after that, it would be the Semis in the finals. But and then Carlos would be I guess canteen Alas in the round two. Yeah, Shapavallave round three, Dimitro for quarter round four, and then Djokovic or Demonor and the quarters before. Yeah.

I think this is a pretty favorable draw for Alkres, and I think he comes through Q four pretty pretty cleanly. If you get a quarter price for him in Q four, my fare is going to be around minus one fifty. So I think al Kraz, if it's anything around pick them to win. Q four is a good bet. The way Djokovic was being priced at Ozzie, I don't know if that carries forward. The jig was up in Doha. I don't know if you saw that, but he went to Doha for some reason I guess probably sponsorship reasons, but he did not really perform there, And I think ultimately Djokovic is probably months away from being anywhere close to fit enough to make a deep run in a tournament like this with this many good players, so Outcras I think comes through pretty cleanly in Q four, Q three, let's put a pin in and come back to because again, that is the quarter of death. In my opinion, Q two is the most wide open. If you want to take a stab at some one you've seen play, that is playing well, that is doing something different, that is going to catch people by surprise, it's Q two. Both Rude and Medvedev are like laughably far off of their peaks, like not even the same players, practically Tommy Paul's hurt, Mussetti's no good on hard. They made this court less likely that Mussetti will make a run. Yeah, this like Q two, if you made me say it, like the blind what happens here?

Before you even said the check.

Yeah, yeah, Lechka versus Feasts and the Q two quarter finals probably that's probably where this goes. Yeah, I mean, I don't even know if he is going to be able to keep keep it together well enough, but he at least has He is a super super super soft path. Feasts could very clearly clear easily be a quarterfinalist in Q two. So Lechka he may, he might make a nice price in that quarter. And he played well enough to oust uh Outcress in Dubai, right, great performance from him, So yeah, he could make a run here. Q one is the one that I have the least kind of conviction in saying this out loud.

But is this probably just suppost to lose if you go strictly, I mean, if you go strictly on what you've seen from these players in the last month, like, there's no one there, there's no one playing well as well as him.

Yes, Zverev had a very choppy early part of this season.

Mrav went to South America for an extended vacation into collection and paychecks. My goodness, gracious. His performances in Argentina and Brazil were awful, awful. He was laughable, and then Acapulco too literal m got him cleanly. In Acapulco, I feel like that's a tournament where he usually tries to ramp it up. So I was a little surprised that he just mailed that one in. So he just collected three paychecks. I don't get a sense that he really can just flip a switch. And his path actually looks pretty dang tough, so I think he's going to get I would be a little bit surprised if he makes a final here. So I think we're talking about sis Paus Jerry for a final and in wells like.

A semi final.

Yeah, no, I think those two guys are but that I think that's your semi final on the spot in the final. Yeah, So, I mean that's wild to say it out loud.

I mean maybe the Titsapas thing is amazing, because like before this last tournament, he sucked, right.

He was awful. Yeah, he was pretty awful.

It's like, are you you're you're all in?

I mean the he's he's So he is still a very vulnerable favorite because his his his game has been solved by a lot of people in tennis, right, like like he's not fighting his way through a very tough match. If you have the book on him that day, he's losing and so I but I was surprised that he shipped to the Dubaia. The way that he did it at least showed that he, you know, he has he has a level right now that's much better than we saw in Australia. In Australia, he just looked lost. So he's he's shaped up a bit.

And all the answers against oj Alias seem in the finals too.

Oh yeah, he looked amazing. Yeah, he was kind of building into a crescendo throughout that tournament. Now, let me kind of caveat this. If you're new to tennis handicapping, Sometimes when a player who has been either had trouble breaking through or been sucking for a while and then has a breakthrough the next tournament out is a mission accomplished feed up. I don't really feel like doing that again. I'm just going to go ahead and mail this one in.

But what we refer to in football as a letdown spot, a.

Leftdown spot, is exactly what it is. But I don't know that CUSS can to afford that the way his ranking is right now, and the way he's sliding with his performances end the last year at beginning of this year, I think he's got to try to make a run here. So match of Q one is going to be Bartini's pass in the third round. Barantini's playing great tennis right now. He doesn't look to have much of a challenge in round two, So I think both Passin and Bartini are going to be, you know, right there in the third round, and that'll be a fun head to head. I gotta put you on the spot now though, Yes, sir, how do we feel about mister Jao Fonseka.

Well, so I was just about to say we have if I am to right now say the most amazing round two matches on paper on the women's and the men's side. The men's side is clearly the potential round two matchup between Jack Draper and Jaufon Senca.

God, that's gonna be so good.

That is.

That is by the way, when we get to the women Benchic might play and this Amova in round two that would be the equivalent to me on the women's side. But that is I mean, this is like you said, ask I thought Q one was the worst. You're probably right. Q three is probably a little harder with Fritz. Rube Lev has been great. Fonseka is the uh the guy coming up on tour who we all kind of know about now if you've been following tennis, he'll be new to the casual fan, but most no Draper was that guy maybe last year. Shelton is out of form. So he's the one guy where I'm sort of like I, you know, he could always rise up, but he has not been playing. I always think about you, by the way, when I think about I'm always.

Fritz Man Fritz.

He won this tournament against rofen Adahl. Who could forget that injury? Uh flippero that morning?

Wild wild wild, I I.

Think, jeah, let's put it this way. I we don't have odds. We were doing this early enough that we don't have odds yet. What odds would you need to play? Fun's sake, I'll just throw it right back at you, which is say again, because he got cut off there.

I didn't say a number, but it's a big number.

It's a big number. It's a big number, you know, honestly for any of these guys, like, what's the short shot here, Fritz would be the short shot at what you know, I don't know.

I could argue that Draper or Rublove should be the short shot or Fritz any of those guys. I mean, Fritz is your top seeded player. This is his own tournament. Hey, yeah, so Fritz Fritz really like there's been years in the past where he has come into this tournament playing like dog's breath and he has been like a revelation all of a sudden. I don't know what it is about being at or near home. That just kind of helps kind of keep his focus a little bit Sharper. But he's got a tough draw here too, Like Bias as his opening match, Biaz Fritz, that's not easy, Biaz. Just he's playing. Yeah, he's playing great right now.

He's a pain in the ass, is what.

He's a pain in the ass. He's a pain in the ass. And then and then he's probably getting tableow. I guess round three that's an easy one. But but jal Fonseka man buried this poor kid in this draw. I mean, he's gonna he's gonna get firmly, no problem. But then Draper round two is a nightmare. Opponent for a guy like fan Seka. I mean, like Draper is just kind of crusted to like true blue top six pro kind of level. And if fan Seka can take him down head to head, that will be like, oh, oh, you thought fan Seka arrived winning Buenos Aires. No, he arrived just beating Jack Draper in that kind of a match Like that will be off the top of my head. Fans Sake is going to be at three four to one in that head to head against Draper and then against Felix Augeli Assim, who is who's in form. Fan Sak is going to be two fifty probably against Fritz three to one against uh rube Lev in the quarterfinal. This, yes, the Monday to the line rollover is going to be one hundred to one plus. Yeah, that's what we're talking about. Actually, let me let me do the math real quick since you ask, but but yeah, you tell you tell me like I don't think I doubt you were surprised that he was won and done in Buenos Aires after winning I went and done in real after winning Buenos Aires. But how much of that did you watch? And what is your current kind of read on his arc?

First of all. I looked up and he was down five love. I was like, what was happening? He's even here? Yeah. I still think that he is going to be a top ten player, like if if Andreva is you know, Andreva is already in the top ten.

Yeah, but like like over what time, ark.

That's a great question, it's gonna it's gonna be a little bit. I think this time next year he'll be top twenty, and I think this time the year after he'll be top ten. How about that for a timeline two years top ten?

I dig that. My money line rollover for him to win this quarter is triple digits.

But to win the quarter, to win a quarter, yeah, well think about it. There's there's twenty four players in a quarter because we have buys there at any and welles, so it's not one hundred and twenty eight players. So it's twenty four players in a quarter. Here are ten of those twenty four all in this one quarter.

They're all good. Yeah, yeah, Ruby.

Lev, Nakashima, hatching Off, Menshik Shelton, Draper, fonseka O j Alias Siemen Fritz. I mean that's.

Brutal, brutal, It's absolutely brutal.

You agree with that fun take a timeline though, you think that's about right?

Yeah, I think I would put I guess, uh, you know, I would. I would kind of pencil in that he does something cool in Europe on clay. Okay, right, let's give him Munich or Bru deepche yes, stute gart Oh yeah sure, sure, yeah, well we'll give him. We'll give him a clay title on the way to the French Open. And I think at the French Open he makes a run to like the quarterfinals, assuming he doesn't get a draw like this and uh, and then US Open, he's probably out of gas. He's probably like probably played too much for those young legs and people are expecting him to break out and he's a little underwhelming at that point. But next year's US so I feel like, if you know next year's French Open, USO, I feel like those are the two uh those that's where you circle him and you watch every one of those matches, And you should watch every one of these matches, like if when you're there, gosh, I hope, man, do I hope for you? On Friday it's bottom half of men's draw man, Like these are these are like those those Friday matches are going to be sick. There's going to be some sick ones.

Have you ever been to any Wills, but have you been to this tournament.

I've never been to the tournament, but I've been to the area fifty times. I love it out there.

It is, I mean, as great as going. I've never been to any Slam but the US Open, which is obviously its own awesome bucket list item at night, but it's the There's something about this tournament like it is just perfect in every way. There's also that like area that field where all the players are working out right by the court. You can like just sort of hat It feels like you're hanging out with them.

Almost you got any while you're on this, because I don't have anything else on the men's other than just Carclos is going to win. Q four Coast is going to win. You got any tips for fans of the megapod who are going to be out there to make the most of their experience.

Uh, yeah, don't if you're coming from Vegas, don't drive through the desert. That's why I tried that. I tried that a couple of years. Well, if you have an electric car, thirty.

Five dollars Southwest flights the Palm Springs the problem.

But the problem is from Vegas. Wait does Southwest go direct from here?

Southwest goes from Vegas to Palm Springs for sure. Then there's like thirty five minute flight. I said, thirty five dollars, men, thirty five thirty five minute flights? It's so fast?

Did I botch this?


I literally you missed this on Southwest.

I've definitely died it in the past. Bro.

You know how, I'm flying there a fly.


No, I'm flying on a normal carrier. But I'm not flying. I'm literally flying to Phoenix to get there. I'm leaving after the show Friday, and I'm just I'm like, you know what, I don't care if it takes four hours. I'll be so happy when I get there well in time for the night matches can't wait. But if you're telling me Southwest as a direct, I am the biggest idiot going because I didn't even not somehow that that like escaped me to look at Southwest so dumb.

Yeah, there are there's two nouns ups today. It is, it's not it's not a thirty five minute flight. It's an hour. It's an hour flight.

But what times on a flight?

What times on a flight you can depart at one fifty seven, your choice.

It's so dumb. I cannot believe how dumb I this is. This is one of the worst revelations. So I botch that. I'll do better.


The advice there is merch takes can take about an hour and a half. The lines are so long.

For the first thing you do, you go directly there.

You almost like, I know, somebody a listener to a numbers game, Joe C who lives in southern California, he just went today because it was only an hour and a half drive for him to just buy merch. So that that's my first advice, is like figure that out. And the other thing is I have stadium one tickets, but that might not be the optimal way to play it either. You're almost as good just getting a whole what a field passes, the round round pass, that's right, and and just there's so much happening this first week, and this would be the week to go, Like if you go to the if you're into the semis and the finals, that's obviously a great thing, but that's not kind of why I'm there. I want to see as many matches as possible.

So got it? Got it? I dig it, I dig it. Yeah. So, uh we agree on Jerry Q two price. That's gonna be like three four to one. I think you're gonna get a nice one there.

Let me let me ever spell that for folks, because I always think everybody as into this as we are. Yuri leha j i or Uri Yeah, Yuri la hechka l e h e c k a is his name. He is on the He's in Q two along that which is which is rudees. I guess quarter, even though like I don't, I don't see him being the best player of that quarter. But anyway, uh that I agree with completely with you on. I agree that Q three is the hardest Q one probably right after that, And I also agree with you though generally speaking, if if I come to you from the future and I say Carlos didn't win this, who won it?

I guess scam Norri No, not scam noy It's gonna be it's uh, I mean who probably like who won this tournament? Who won? You have the most fraudulent masters one thousand titles of all time uh Nicola, spacialist Vili Yes, thee the Georgian uh. I think he's still playing. I think he was still playing qualifying today. He was today. He might have beat someone in qualifying today.

I saw him pop up in a tournament a couple of tournaments ago out of the blue. I was like, holy shit, he's still playing.

Yes, he beat oh Man, he beat you Banks today, oh Pu and straight set six two sixty four, poor you Banks. That remember when he won that Wimbledon fourth quarter? Well what else right million years ago? You want to guess without looking what year LEAs? His current rank is among active players who are not suspended for the year, his year ELO, his yearly yearly ELO. To this point he is ten and three. He has a headhead win against Alcrez. What is his year to the date ELO rank nineteenth fourth, He is fourth right now. I think a lot of that is bulloied by that that Alcaz win.

But many players what is his ranking in the world by the way, four twenty four.

Yeah, his peak rank was twenty two. He's a twenty three year old, so he's very much coming on. But his run in Brisbane was excellent. He took out Rune, Nishioka, Jari Demotrov, Opelka on his way to a title. Now granted two of those were by retirement, but we don't count those. He got He got up to and defeated by Djokovic at the Australian Open wins. He got beat by her catch in Rotterdam Doha. He made it all the way to being defeated by Draper in the semi finals, and then Ugo and Bert got him in Dubai. Okay, so I make I made a misstatement a couple times. Then I don't remember who beat who beat Alcres and dohof it wasn't Jerry it the other check it was one.

Of these guys I can tell you.

Hold on now, I gotta look. You know who.

I always you know who. Whenever I think of Lahedge guy, always think of beat him Legga beat him.

Oh he did? Yeah, ok yeah, oh sorry yeah sorry sorry, yes yeah, that was a really really really impressive performance by him. So yeah, that's that's why is your That's why is your Eloisa anyway.

And Mensick, by the way, are the two players that I think of in tandem. For some reason, they kind of came up, yeah, sort of at the same time, and I've I've won a lot betting on both of them, so I always feel like they're alive. Just in terms of like raw data before we move on from the men's these are just like you know, twelve months and six month numbers. Carlitos is number one. I have Joker at number two, Sasha Zverev three, Taylor Fritz four, Medvedev is five. Oh no, Fansek is in there. Pardon me, pardon me, Fanseka is in there. But basically it's it's no real surprise, like Fantaka might surprise people, but it's nothing really terribly surprising. Menschik and Mahach and Lea are the three names that are probably going to surprise the most people who I have towards the top.

They're playing well. I think of the two players that I think of coming up in tandemar Mahach and Sinyakoba of course, because they were they were dating and playing mixed doubles and they won the Olympic gold medal together despite having just recently broke up, which was just a dramatically fun story last year. So if if Oprez does not win, I am going to say my most likely winner is probably Fritz, and it's because of the home home court advantage for him. My most likely winner from the top is Jiri and then second.

And sit suppose that that is probably the most surprising thing you said for me. Not that I don't understand it, but I did not expect you to say that he.

Could lose his first matcher. He could go to the final. Right, either one not neither would surprise me. You played that well at Dubai.

And you say Fritz, but you're not making You're not making any bets on him.

No way. Q three is way too tough, way too tough. If you want to bet Fritz, sit on your hands until he plays Draper probably in round four. H that'll be a really really really close match.

Any and and so, Yeah, but you're I would have thought you would have said that be round four. I don't know about Barattini on this what the purpose.

Is, Yeah, exactly, I really can't say. And I think Bartini Barattini sys pass winner probably wins Q one.

What number would you I mean, Carlitos, is that what's the way to bet Carlitos for you?

I think you just played that out right, and yeah, kick your feet up for two.

Weeks, I don't know, kick your feet up and say, have had it, kid?

Yeah, go get him, Go get him, big guy.

We'll move on to the women. Last thing, though, you fan seka most most exciting men's tennis prospects since carl was correct.

Without question. Yeah, yes, I didn't think we were going to get another Carlitos, either in the near term, even remotely. And for this to happen is a is a gift.

Yeah for me. By the way, Carlitos and Ego will always be the tandem because it was so ahead of the curve on both and I just remember watching, you know, Carlos playing these night clay matches when he was like sixteen or maybe even fifteen, somewhere in South America, dead a knight, and you just like it was just it's an amazing time. But you're right, I didn't think we'd get another Maybe we will, all right, to the ladies, to the lady side. I haven't seen a bracket in my face since we've been doing this, but maybe you have. But I will give you the sort of we'll do the quarter by well, I don't have the quarter by quarter but what I do have is I can give you Ego's path. How about that we can start there.

Sure, hit it.

Ego's path is.

Actually before we get there, let me just ask you the most important question.

Oh please? Yes?

Is she on the same side at the draw as Ostapenko?

She is not?

The title so ships is a good time, good poe ye, good pod, good pot. Another title for miss miss Sante.

For those who don't know what Drew was talking about, is five hundred or better against every player on the w t A Tour except for one, and her name is Elena Ostapenko.

Who won the It's a close head to head though, right, it.

Is a very close head to head. It's oh and five?

How is that possible?

And they keep getting worse by the way.

It feels like, how is that possible?

I don't know that hamburger is in her head.

It's got to be. It's it's it is, Yes, it is. H It's kind of concerning that there is some kind of mental there. There is there is it to me, at least a whiff of like a small mental distraction can really de really for some for some reason that I can't really quantify.

I agree with you Yeah.

For quality of play at the Australian Open, and we talked about this before, was so phenomenally good through the first four matches, including just an absolute destruction of Emma Navarrow. I thought, I thought, oh, so this is the year that Eager just wins every tournament. But there's the weird double bounce that didn't mean anything. It gets all of this attention and it to me, it felt like that was a bit of a handicap for her against Keys. And I don't want to take away from what Keys did, because that run was maybe the most impressive title first title run we've ever seen, and yet she had a match point. Yeah, she had a match point, but it felt like she didn't feel like the same player that we saw just absolutely dismantled Navarro.

By the way, I'm so glad you and I have been doing these tennis pots for a while now, and by the way, I can't thank you enough it's been I enjoy these as much as I enjoy anything that I do, and I'm so thankful that I brought up in sort of a Columbo in sort of a Columbo kind of way where you're just leaving like a seventies Detective Show, where like his hallmark was right before he would leave, he would be like, oh yeah, one more thing. I kind of did that with Madison Keys before the Australian Open, which I always I always go back to what was at Wimbledon last year? Was it where we none of us mentioned Marketa Vondersilva, because why would we.

Why would we have.


I mean, just to pull the curtain back for the listeners. We don't. We don't pref for this. There's only one document and it says men women don't forget to mention Madison Keys.

I mean this, if if this was the same surface that we know and love, She's not a factor here, right.

No, No, I don't think. I don't even remember the most without looking. What do you think the deepest run she's ever made it here? For if she's made a quarter final on here in the past, I'm forgetting.

Yeah, I'd be shocked if she did.

Yeah, I will look it up while we set the table here. But but yeah, egas your two seed, what do you think of her path?

EA's your two seed? Your path for ego would be uh, Caroline Garcia, who's been terrible in round two. That's a win, but then good god, uh they always tricky on Jibur in round three, Carolina Muhova in round four, Good god, uh, never fun to play. Both of those players are spin masters. Quarterfinal would be anyone between Jangshen win, Paula Badosa or Linden Oskova. Semis would be Rebakkin or Pagoula. Final would be Sabalanca Golfer Ostapenko. I had to throw just to put it in there. Could you imagine an Egosta Panco Indian in Wells final. I'd be like, oh shit.

Hey, I'll tell you what, man, when she finally beats her, I'm gonna have Betty that day. Yes, i will have Bettyga that day. I'll be honest. We finally got it, Martin Galing this ahead day till till she finally wins. But yeah, to close the loop with you on keys, you know why we don't ever remember making a deep run here, It's because she never asked. She has made one quarterfinal here in her career. First time she played this event, by the way, twenty eleven, and she has only ever made one quarterfinal run. And you know how we don't remember that quarterfinal Gil, It's because Egostiante beat her six one, six zero, and it was a forty three minute match. Oh sorry, fifty six minute match, my dad. What year was that, twenty twenty two? You got her six one, six zero. So aside from that, she has never made a quarterfinal. She's only made round of sixteen twice. Like, this is a startlingly poor venue for her for some reason.

Well, I mean, she loves the fast courts, right, this is you know this, this would not be her surface.

She she likes, she loves the Major's the fifth Major. Why doesn't she play better here?

She does?

I don't know, man, Yeah, that's a good place.

She's made semi finals at the French Open, right.

I believe, so semifinals at the French I mean, obviously.

It's it's weird. It's weird that she's said that she's she's a literal uh uh, you know, ghost here despite her unbelievable pedigree at the at the slam level.

Okay, I am now going to I'm going to.

Reach twenty eighteen semi finals. She lost to Slone Stephens at the semi finals of the Rolling Girls. But yeah, carry on.

How good was Sloan Stephens back then? Twenty seventeen US Stephens.

Got her twice. Yeah, she got her in the finals of the US and the semis of the French.

So Sloan Stevens was on the cusp of winning two out of three majors at that point, because didn't she win the US Open in twenty seventeen.

I believe she did.

Yeah, okay, so here, Yeah she's not she's not playing well these days, Sloan. That is okay. So this is I'm reading this off the bracket now, so I'm just gonna do this sort of off the cuff here. But and I assume this is Q one, which is the Arena Sabeleaca Arena Saboleaca. Who was just here in Vegas, by the way, and ate it carbone about two hundred yards away from me?

You're kidding?

Yeah, I didn't see.

She get the Did she get the veil parmesan?

I don't know.

She was in the back room though, where I had just eaten two nights before. I was. I wasn't so interested in her. I was interested to see when Osaka wasn't down. But no one, no one seemed to see her. She probably went back by the way. Did you know what did did yesterday? Jesse Bagoula, who won the won in Austin. She waited after her singles championship for the doubles championship to end, and she invited U Yuan Yue and two other players or Blinkova was there and I think there was was it Chui Jiang zhang Shui was also there that she she took them all on her private jet.

Very cool.

Listeners may not know that Jesse Bogola is a billionaires in addition to being one of the top five players in tennis. And she invited there on their private jet. And Yuan Yue was like, she saved me nine hours of driving she was gonna drive.

Wow, I like, you know what we call that in the biz, gil Yeah, good karma, good karma, that is good karma. Yue is playing in round one of this tournament. She of course was the Austin champion last year, but out in round one this year and not in very good form. Now she could use she could have used yes, she could use the the the charity.

There, okay, so yeah, I mean here's Q one.

By the way, this is an eight million dollars eight in the purse is eight point nine million here uh Q one, Sabolenka, I'll just give you names here in Alexandrova. I won't even say ha daj Maya. She hasn't been played very well. Uh Casa Kina. We just mentioned Sloan.

Stevens, Sloan Stephens, my goodness.

Stephen's Kennon in a battle of past slam champs. Uh, Simsonova, Leila Fernandez, cruder Matova and Paulini among those in Q one. That's arena, right.

Yeah, I think this is a very weak quarter. And uh, by the way, eight million dollars person you want, we call that in the biz a good month. Just kidding, just kidding. Uh No, q Q one, Q one is very weak. Uh and if sabal Inka does not come through, then we move her alarm level from like deaf con three is are like one at least two.

Let me think. Let me thank you for saying, because as an eager guy, I feel like she gets all the she doesn't get the grace right the other everybody's sort of like.

Well, you know.

What if she just lost to somebody who's nine hundred in the world.

Whatever, that's right. I agree with you.

That is an easy pasy uh quarter. For sure. By the way, the winner doesn't get the eight point nine, it gets one point one two four, okay. Q two. Paulini, also in that quarter is not at her top as she was a year ago either.

Palini looks like a full two steps backwards to yeah, like not close.

Yes, but but this is less surprising than the run to greatness was itself right Like, I couldn't I never saw that coming.

Yeah, I think Paulini actually threw me a bit off when she hammered benchage at the United Cup. I was like, oh, wow, she's really carrying this form into twenty twenty five. Good on her, and then it is been just the tires have fallen off and she is fully exposed right now. This is not she loses to Fernandez. I think she should Probably she could be a dog.

She could be a dog.

She could be that wouldn't shocked me.

I would love to see that much, all right. Q two. Uh speaking of out of form, Coco golf man, dude, Cocoa golf Uh, soakery, who is not scaring any Oh, first of all, Emma rod o'conno who she could meet in the second round soccery. Also in this she is a shell of her former self.

She was a finalist last year. She at this tournament, she is defending, she's defending major points, Amanda, who could take off these These are probably the lastest soaker.

He's pointing, Oh yeah, I think you're right.

It's finally come to an end. A Nissimova, who could take on Belinda Benchit in round two, which would be the most amazing round two match of them all. Schneider is in here, Navarro, Vekic, Mertens and keys, who dang really.

Good, really really really good? Yeah? Really?

And by the way, who's who's like, you know, she's playing great?

She should have been Paula, I mean Navarro? And uh what was out of the tournament that was going on?

Uhrita, Rita? Yeah?

So did you know that?

That was?

It? A city in Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula that's not on the ocean. Why in the world would they send them to non coastal city and the Yukatampa peninsula. My goodness, gracious, yes, we're gonna send you to inland the Yucatan. What okay, all right, let's do it. But yeah, Navarro fine her final she was spectacular double bagel in the final for her.

Double bagel against Yeah.

Wow, that's rare.

It's ra You're not supposed to do that.

No, no, no, I think Navarro and Keys come through on the bottom, even though we did spend all of that time kind of waxing about how Keys is not great here. But to me that means makes her a little, maybe a little vulnerable and fourth round or quarterfinal.

Round of sixteen Navarro Keys.

Round of sixteen Keys is probably a little little vulnerable. Navarro, maybe Keys comes through and is vulnerable to either Benches, Anisimova or Golf. I think the I think the move here, and I'm going to say this with somewhat some caution. I guess what you're I think, Yeah, go ahead.

You are anxiously waiting to find out what Emmaradu Kano's price will be against Cocoa Golf in round two.

Yeah, that's a good one. That is a good one. I honestly, I don't know that she's so. I guess we should talk about real quick. Gough goff is she's having these mental breakdowns on the court of like frustration and and like like is being is very down on herself. You know, the body language experts are like, oh, like as soon as things go sideways, it gets really bad for her on court. I don't understand what's going on. I don't know if she snaps out of it. It plays more like what we saw at the United Cup in January, which was very sublime tennis for her. But uh, lately it has not been good for her, which.

I agree with, which I agree with you. You said on the radio side you thought she was past that, and she's not.

I no doubt. Yeah, this is again like big mental set backwards for her. My gut here is Gough probably gets by a rod of Kanu, but it's a war. She probably gets by a Sacchary or Dane Loovich and it's probably a war. And then, uh, I think the I think the move here is Benchies rollover. I think Ben over Marie over Anasamova, over Schneider, over Golf, over Keys or Navarro. I think that gets you into like the eighty to one range for Benchic to win this quarter. And I think that's the I think that's the move right now. I see Benchic as a she's playing top five.

For me, I have her drew as in terms of the raw data on hard courts number two to Ego number two, number two. Okay, So now she only played fifteen matches, so it is a small sample size. But still that's what I have here last six months, I have so far three do I have it wrong at twelve and three? But it is fifteen matches either way, but I have her, I have her number two, I have Sabalanca third.


So, by the way, I mean, Naomi's numbers are great. She's up there, so is Pagoula, so is Andreva, re'bakan is seventh, and then it's golf and noskovin keys. But I mean that's that's a that's a great top ten of data. It's really good with jang shin win, you know. And there's Amva right on the outside of Navarro on the outside looking in of that.

Yeah, this is a good quarter quarter one, stink Sclare two is awesome.

Yes, agree, quarter quarter three that is Rebakkena's quarter. Rebakkina will play the winner of moskovin Lamens in round two. Who else is in here? Katie Bolter, we haven't seen a lot of is in there.

Surprised by her ranking honestly issues the SI.

Yeah, Towson is in there, but there's there's Osaka and there's Andreva. Oh boy, so Andreva and Osaka could meet in round three.

It feels like that's happening too. Andreva tousand would be good. We just saw that, although I'd rather see Osaka Andreva the conditions freaking yeah.

Freaking colins in there on the other side of that quarter. Fiddelina and Austa Panco as well as pulaas on the other side of that quarter.

Okay, Oh so we got a correction. Retraction is on the same side of the draw. She's just not in the quarter, same quarter. Pinko is not coming through this. Sorry, no way, no ways coming through this. Q three is yes, jokes about this, and she's she's in She's in Q three, So they would be in the semi finals, but they all meet in my final.

Yes, what is the initial So wait, so the initial reports that came out must have been wrong. Maybe that's why put.

Out the bracket.

Yeah, yeah, that must have been.

So she is on the same half.

Oh no, well they wouldn't need to the semifinals and they're not meeting in the semi finals because Panko is not coming through here, no way, he said, was probably taking her out in the third round to Goula si poolas section here way softer. She's almost certainly a quarter finalist in Q three.

The top half, Yeah.

Yeah, the top half, the top section section five here the top half of Q three. This is this is something else.


I was going to use a lot of the women's pod on this recording to to just class on the fact that Andreva is rating as one of the best, if not the best women's player going right now. But this is tough, man. I don't really fancy her second round being a difficult one, although look at that flash from the past mission for Covidova's back from eternity leave. I would just like her to get some match fitness under her so she can be fun to talk about for Wimbledon. I don't think she has any realistic here, but yeah, Osorio Osaka is fun, Asaka thousand's fun, Osaka Andreva is fun, or Bakan Andreva is fun. All of those matches really are coin flips. I think Andrevia Tausend would not be a coin flip. Andrevo Osaka would be. For me, Rebaknas we don't have to get into the details of what's going on there. But I'll just say, scoreboard, we were right about all of that bullshit. Just a gross story I've top to bottom, and no real end insight there. From what I can tell, doesn't sound like that's a finalized chapter of her life by any stretch of the imagination.

Yeah, we will get into details, but but what Drew is referring to is a coach slash romantic interest slash hing abuse presence presence.

Yeah yeah, and in multiple channels, and abusive presence in her life is still kind of you know, still trying to sort out the messiness there. But yeah, she's still good enough to win this. I just I don't think she Andreva getting the better of her. At at Dubai, I thought was pretty it was pretty tell tale that Andreva is out of her right now, what did you think?

Yeah? I thought so too, and and and you can't help but have your mind go to if that situation did not exist in her life, this would.

Be yeah, yeah, that's right. Yeah, Andreva is trying to prove it like she's she's trying to prove it as opposed to Rebecca looking for answers.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's not, by the way, for those he's not as he's not technically her coach in everything.

He's been suspended from from the w t A Tour, but he's still is like showing up at all these tournaments and like camping out in the freaking lobby like a stalker. It's bad news anyway. Yeah, if you made me take one, I'll take Andreva. But I think the math is going to say to take to bet Pagoula here just because there's an imbalance. Does that make sense?

Yep, Yeah, because Pola has the easier half of that quarter Yeah.

Q four probably going to pass though, because I don't want to have a ticket on Pegula and see her draw Andreva, Rebakna or Osaka in that quarterfinal, and I'd be like, well, I guess I need to do her job against the monster.

Yeah, it's a tough one. And then the final quarters is Egas, which is Egos seated two here. But it's not easy. It's uh. On the other side of it, Jangshin Win, Leninoskova, Paola Badosa on her half of the bracket. Uh, it's not easy. Mohova and Jabbors we talked about earlier there you go.

There's Yeah, there's a lot of really good, interesting women's tennis players in her quarter, but they all have real they have more serious question marks than Ega is right now. Yes, EGA's question marks are like can she just stay the distraction? And we should also kind of point out the distraction also includes the fact that she has a new coach, that she is going through the same sort of drug you know, kind of non impactful positive tests, you know, kind of appeal nonsense that Cinner went through, and there is you know, just little things like that have had sort of an outsize impact on her for whatever reason. So ultimately, I wouldn't say with high confidence Eagles to play here, but if you're going to get her anywhere in the ballpark of pick them for her quarter, it's a smash. I would lay up to about minus one twenty five for her in this quarter because Bodosa is a health question mark right now. She withdrew from Mereda. Mereda when is out of form. Noskova has been solved for Yga, Shabor has been solved. Putin Seva is a little bit of an interesting one, but now super scary Muhovah is not a full you know, thumbs up question mark or full thumbs up of health right now, So put it.

Zema is a total pain of the ass.

She's a pain. But I don't think she gets by Mohova personally. I think IGAs match against Mukova and fourth round is probably that decides the quarter. And I think if you can, I would lay up to minus one twenty five've heard one Q four.

Okay, I like that.

Not losing sleep over.

That, No, I agree with you. This is a you know, again, we don't know about the surface. We don't know. We don't know what the change will. You know the effect that it will have, but if it's anywhere close to what it was. This is her kind of hard court, meaning that it's a slower variety of it. She can get to everything on the court. It's just she's an amazing athlete and obviously has all the shots. It's just between the ears. As you say, just see, she does have to seem it. She does seem to have a a very I don't know that there's another player that I think of like this, where they can be so dominant and then you show up in a quarter, you show up in a semi whatever it is and something one thing will go wrong, there'll be a little bit of adversity, and it's just a crumble kind of situation. But this, I said this on the radio side, I think the Sunshine double meaning this in Miami will tell us a lot about how we feel about the women's tour moving forward, because you could it could very much revert to how it's been and we would jump on that in no time. If like IgA performs well or Saballaga performs well, in all the great players as we know at the top of the tour play well, I think it reverts to how we sort of compartmentalize all this or put it in context, I should say. And if it doesn't, then we really truly have a wide open besides Clay, maybe we have a wide open truly as wide open as it's been a really wide open tour, or maybe a Mirra Andreva is now thought of as one of that top group, if not towards the top of that top group, you know.

Yeah, I mean, if we get to the end of the year and Andreawa is world number one, are you gonna suppressed.

A little bit but not completely.

Not considering yeah, I mean, just considering the state of everybody else. You could end up getting the center, you know, slap slap on the wrists. After French Open, she helped she just to miss Wimbledon and a bunch of hard courts that she doesn't like to play anyway.

I thought I thought Ego was done with all that, though.

I thought Sinner was too until they out of the clouds appealed it. So who the heck knows?

I don't know who? Okay, So then let's just recap then what we like. Well, first of all, so is there a outright on the lady side or are you steering clear? Or is the benchit roll over your sort of way of doing it.

I think the biggest money is coming benchich rollover to win Q two. I don't think she wins the title here. I think she'll probably be out of gas when she takes on probably a lightly tested sable Anka in the semi final. In the top I think he guad comes through the bottom and I think we get we finally get our you know, a long time coming. A little head to head between Egan and sable Anca like both. They're both they're both pretty lately they're both pretty lately tested so far, this year in terms of fatigue, like they should be able to they should be this should be sort of the I guess here, if these two women do not meet in the final, whichever one doesn't get there or both don't get there, then you know it's it's time to call another fire department raised, you know, another fire alarm up. You know, like, let's this is starting to.

Get serious my apartment, because yeah, because this is.

This is this is this is the start of the season for these two women. They need to flip the switch. This matters more and they need to play better.

Okay, and just so benchits rollover IgA quarter up to minus one twenty.

Five Sablanca quarter is good. Pretty much got it. It's going to be a big number. It's going to be like one. I gotta think she.

Got a she got a cake walk.

And then if it's not a big number, then that's a lay.

Yeah, men's side hechka q two. We are in agreement on that.

And then fun one.

Carlitos is still the guy to beat though for the whole thing.

Yeah, I think outright, Carlitos, kick your feet up endore these two weeks at tens. If the surface really is that different than we idjest next year. But that's right, even on like a medium fast hardcore, he's still clearly like we live in a world right now. I think where the men's is, center, Carlos and everyone else, and guess who's not in this tournament center.

Yeah, that's correct, serving his little band.

It'll be back for the French.

It'll be the freaking one seed. I did the math at the other day and I was like, good lord, he's still gonna be the freaking one seed for the French. Even if he doesn't do anything in the Italian Open, He's still going to be the one seed.

He's uh he he got off. I mean, it's just guess you know, we've talked about it. It's I think the whole thing in tennis is stupid, Like I just do I do, I mean cause I don't know. People fall into their own little fiefdoms of well, if they like the player, they don't. They obviously think the players innocent. They don't like the player, they immediately think the player is guilty. And who knows what's true what's not. It's funny. Maybe Simona Hallip, maybe Simona Hallep wasn't wrong. Maybe I don't know.

Oh she got she got the real raw she did, Brian of this, no question. I'll just say this. If you think ropin the Dolls perfectly crystal clean, look at yourself in the mirror and say that out loud. If you think Djokovic is perfectly clear, yourself mirror. If you think Fetter is perfectly clean, you're right. He is perfect clean. He's a very very good person, and he's my favorite player of all time.

And I can't imagine are exactly exactly what I mean. It was so funny because people are like nodding their heads and they're like, wait a minute, yeah, but three of them, to your point, the three of those guys changed everything we ever knew about tennis. But so did Serenas right in terms of an age curve.

Yeah, yeah, absolutely all right.

I appreciate it. Man.

Enjoyed the desert, man.

Thank you so much. Enjoy the rest of your trip skiing. We will put that. I'm gonna put this up as soon as I can. I know Zach wants to chime in as well, but we will throw it up right after that, and uh, good luck with the tournament, man. I'm sure we'll be uh communicated as it goes, all right, see then Drew dinsic everybody, uh whale, Underscore Capper again, Deep Dive podcast with Andy Molitor, and then NBC Sports bet the which she does with Jay Croucher and to come is what again, let's close with.

That NBC Sports betting analyst. You'll see us all over if you go to the NBC Sports webpage apparently, so I'll keep you posting.

Fantastic, Thank you, Drew. All right, So that was me and Drew on Monday evening, right as the draw had come out on the men's side and was coming out on the women's side, or again, as I should clarify, the women's actually came out first, but I think they had a problem with the bracket and so they released the full men's bracket first because initially they were like Osta Penko's on the other side of Sia Tech. Now she's on the same half as Fiatech. So I don't know they had a thing at any Wells. They do everything right at Indian Wells except for the draw release. Now it is Tuesday morning, the second part of this SPoD, and I'm joined by of course Zach Cohen, who not only works at VSON, part of the glue that holds the whole operation together at VSON, but obviously not obviously maybe some don't know does a whole bunch for the tennis channel and podcast for him, and every once in a while might be able to be seen on the actual TV itself talking sports or talking tennis betting, although, as he has told us in the past, maybe they're not as open to receiving it as we'd like them to be at this point. Zach joins us now from his spot in Phoenix. How you do it, man, I'm doing well.

I can't wait for this tournament.

This is This is usually as good as it gets for a non major. I do like some of the clay Court Masters one thousands, but this is probably my favorite tournament.

I really need to get over there again. I haven't been since Leave twenty nineteen.

Oh this will be my second. I am I am so excited. I was telling I was telling my girlfriend. I was like, I'm more excited for this two day trip than I was for like the two week vacation. I love this tournament so much, so obviously I'll you and I will will try to do it with alacrity. Here we talked about earlier with Drew the surface. None of us knew this. I assume you didn't know either. Sunday, they come out with the announcement, Oh, we're switching the surface. Remember that gritty, are slow, sandy hardcourt that we had. It's probably gonna be a little fashion now because we've gone with this with a surface that makes it more uniform with Miami and the US Open, which absolutely nobody was clamoring for Lake Cold. I don't know how you felt about that initial announcement in what you've.

Observed so observed so far, so at first I.

Really didn't like it. I texted you right away.

I'm like, I like, you know, the diversity and events, especially on hard courts. I don't want everything to play really fast and favor of the big servers and the power players. I like, you know, the grittier clay court like vibe that we've had with the Indian Wells in the past. But I will say, having watched a lot yesterday of qualifiers, I was giving out qualifier picks. I was trying to kind of figure out how these conditions would play. It played really slow. First serve percentage points one were actually down from the past four years on the ATP side, and it was you know, not a significant margin, just but definitely a little bit low. And you saw some you know, big servers like a Christopher Eubanks just really struggling to hold serve. So I think I'm going to kind of treat it the same way that I have in the past. Maybe things changed drastically today, but I think for you know, as much as they might want to speed up the surfaces in terms of you know, switching the lake cold and actually changing the surface itself, the desert conditions are going to slow it down.


I mentioned that with Drew, where it's like, okay, I mean we all tend to overreact. Maybe the balls will balance a little less high, maybe it will be a touch faster, but no one's expecting it to play like brass, right, So that's interesting what your observation is from Quali's already. So that makes me feel better because I don't, like, like, I don't know why they would strive for uniformiti Zach like, I don't want that. I want diversity. This is what makes this tournament interesting.

Yeah, maybe it's you know, reading too much into medvetive and players of his status complaining about it being so different, But I really just don't want to see it to play anything like Miami. I love how different these two weeks are. It's called the Sunshine Double, where the tournaments can not play anymore differently.

So I like that. I hope it stays that way.

I did pull from tennis abstract that you know the surface speed for Indian Wells's point eighty four, which means a sixteen percent lower ace rate at Indian Wells than a tour average surface. I think maybe you bumped that up to point nine or so with the changes, but I would say it's still gonna play slower than the US Open in Miami.

I love that perfect quantification of it. Okay, that makes sense. I'll go with that. I'll go with point nine, and I'll be happy, all right. So now Zak and I were just talking about this. Obviously, you know people have been listening to this pod to this point. This is a real quick turnaround. The draw comes out, however quickly or slowly, they get that out, and it's thirty six hours so this tournament starts. So now it's the next morning. Nothing was available before we went to sleep last night. This morning, DraftKings at MGM were the first to put out tournament odds. MGM BET MGM the first to put out quarter odds. Let's start on the lady side. What did Julanta? Because I have made one wager, that is all I have made so far, one wager so far, and I'm curious where you have gone on the ladies, so.

I made a few. I have Sabalanca to win the tournament at plus four fifty. I got that at fan Duel. I think it's still out there.

I also took Sablanca to win her quarter at minus one twenty. I just looked at the players that she might be facing compared to the other elite players, and it's like a completely different tournament like this is it feels like a Grand Slam for Ega for Sabolanca, She's not going to feel that way until the semifinals. I think I just don't see anyone in her portion of the bracket really challenging her. It's really crazy, honestly, if you really look at it, like there's not even a highly.

Seated player that would even threaten her.

Having said that, nothing's a given, but I do really like her at minus one twenty. That was my biggest play of the tournament so far. Also with you though, on Belinda bench just win quarter two. I got that at plus five hundred, and I also took Emma Navarro plus seven hundred. And the way I kind of saw that bracket playing out is I see Benchach playing Navarro in the quarterfinals.

So I'm hoping just to have you know, one of those two getting to the Sunnies.

I agree with everything you've said, obviously in the Benchic case I got. I got Benched six to one Q two this morning, and I was telling Drew I have Benchic as having and it is a smaller sample size because she hasn't played as much, certainly not even in the last year she hasn't. But these are all like out of fifteen matches her hardcore numbers. I'm just taking pure hard courts, not sort of distinguishing by gradation of hard courts as you just did with this cord. But hers is second to EGA in terms of just raw data. So six to one for me in a stacked quarter, right Goff who's out of form big time. And I'm being kind Rod O'Connor, zakari a Nissimova, which could be benchitch A, Nissa Mova, round two, Schneider Navarro. I've an Asian is even playing great, Beckich Merten's Keys. I mean, everybody keys has never done think of this tournament. But all of those are in one bracket in one quarter, and you're right about Sabolenka, Zach, that's the easiest quarter. To me, she really got the best of it. Kessler is her second, her potential second round apointed. That might be the scariest person she has to play Alexandrova, I said, Keina Fernandez, kuder Matova and Paulini, and Paulini is a shell of what she was a year ago. I think, so I'm with you on that, man. It really played out well for her.

Yeah, And you know actually who I have playing Sabolenca in the quarterfinals of that, right, I have Kennon getting all the way there, which is I just think that's a really weak part, a really weak part of the draw. And I do think we saw something from Kennan in the Middle East. She played a lot better than we've seen in the last two years, and just talent wise, I do think she's still there. I have her beating Paulini again, which we saw happen in the Middle East as well. But yeah, I just don't see any of these players challenging, challenging Sabalanca with you on on a sign, I have her beating Donna Vekich in round two. But I do think that it's going to be Navarro Benchic in that quarter. And I think that Navarro's playing really well after having played well in Marito last week.

And I don't really trust Madison Keys at this tournament.

No, it's ever been we drew and I talked about it's never been her surface. She's only gotten to the quarters once. We had to look that up. So yeah, and it's all gravy for her at this point, right, everything is gravy. Yep. That's interesting about Kennon because I sort of smiled some of us remember Kennon's run to the Australian Open Final championship. Pardon me, right before the pandemic, I had that and she just when she's playing great, she's a pain in the ass, right, She's a really gritty player. But she she saw the bottom here for a couple of years, so we'll see what we did. Did she play Sloan in the first round?

I think we said she played Sloan in the first round in a battle of like two not disgraced former Grand Slam champions, but two that just have been nothing like what we saw when they were in their primes.

By the way, that is an amazing statut. I don't know what it is. I'd have to look it up right now, but the number of active players on the WTA Tour that have won a Slam is like, I want to say, it's like eighteen, or at least it was at one point. It's just an unbelievable number of players committed. For instance, right, who's won two Wimbledon's back in this tournament as well anything on the other half of the brack.

Yeah, So in quarter three I took Naomi Osaka plus nine hundred, and I also took Jess Pagoula plus six hundred and just kind of playing off. You know, Pagoula played really well in Austin last week. I think that she's a player that kind of runs hot and cold. But you know, I think she found her form and I do think she's really dangerous on you know, what we think are these conditions in Indian wells where she hits really flat strokes kind of deep in the court makes it difficult on you to kind of get comfortable from the baseline. Is a really solid server now and a really solid returner. I think, you know, she's.

Got a really reasonable draw.

Obviously there's a potential early round matchup with Astapenko and you know Peyton Stearns is never easy. But I do think that at the number I really liked her. And then Osaka hasn't lost a match this year. She retired from a match she was winning an Alkoland against Clara Tossin, and then she retired a really close match against Benchich at the Australian Open. But when we've actually seen around the court, the movement has been great. The power is still there, and I do think that looking at you know, what the surface is now at the lake holds. She's been good at the Miami Open in the past, so I think she's really dangerous and live here. She would have to play, you know, Tossing in round two. I think Andreva round three a murderers row, honestly including a Rebakkana to get to the quarterfinals. But I do think Osaka plus nine hundreds of good value.

Yeah, I was gonna mention. That's that's I guess Rebaccana's quarter is how we're supposed to say it, Rabakkana's quarter with Andreva in there. Andreva, who won her first one thousand tournament here in the early part of the season and is the Jesus Jo fun Sake of the women's tour, right She's the player on the come up who who you know, could be a top fiver before you know, she's already a top ten player. Sid Alina is also in there. Alter is just a sort of another name that I like your strategy on both of these though, in terms of your Osaka would play Pagoula in the quarter in the quarterfinal, correct.

Yeah, so yeah, hoping to get both or one of them and then you take a few shots.

Yeah yeah, I don't. I don't hate it though, because these are kind of juicy numbers, like nine to one on Osaka. You're right, is is the surface fast enough for her? Would be my only but she's she's played great on clay before too. I think she's kind of all court yep.

I think the best match she played last year was that French Open match against the Egos. So I think that, you know, the slower conditions maybe help her with her footwork a little bit, but it has been improved since she brought on Maritaglu to her coaching team. And this is a really fascinating portion of the job because I am with you. Andreva is just an unbelievable player to watch, and you know she's going to continue having big results. I do think that maybe we get a slam went out of her this year, but I think they're having to do it with this draw is going to be really difficult.

All right. And then there is EGA's quarter, and you know, I asked you off I had actually asked Drew of this, but I asked you about via text, you know, about the Carlos proofing and the EGA proofing, and your comment back, which I think was accurate, was probably hurts Ega a little more. But what you're saying for what you've observed in the in the qualities, maybe it's not as big of a surface shift as we might think, but it's pretty stacked, like it's not easy. Mohov was in there, Odosa Noskova, who was giving Ego some trouble putin seven is a pain in the ass. Jabor's in there. Jane shin Winn who's out of form, is in there not to mention as a rank. So it's not easy anything here, No, And.

I just think it's less to do with the conditions and more the draw. Like I think that having to potentially face like you just said, Jabor the Mukhova and then maybe like a Noskova or Jang like in the quarters. It's just a really tough draw for egos. So that's the reason I laid off. I still think I'm gonna be on Ego to win the French Open if I can get you know, minus won sixty five or so. But I do think hard courts players believe they could beat her now, and I think that's kind of you know, the big difference is there's not just the feeling defeated mentality when you get on the court with her anymore.

Gee, we were talking about it earlier, which is she still got the best numbers and she still has the ability to dominate opponents. I mean, she destroyed Navara earlier this year, she destroyed her. But there is something about a little mental tweak like if something goes wrong in a match, or even calls it like the weird double bounce the match that she won, and how that he thinks that lingered with her, like there is just a weird thing with her. So I have I have Pagoula Q two at six to one. That bet is already in. I may add I like your Navarro, Osaka and Pagoula a strategy. I'm not going to say I'm to bet all of them, but I think that the Osaka and Pagoula one interests me a lot Osaka nine to one is a great number, yep. But if she thinks but if she played Pagoula, who I think she beats Pagoula.

I'm not sure.

I filled it out with beating Osaka. I I filled out a racket like it's much badness just to kind of like give myself a visualization. But I have Pagoola beating Osaka.

Yeah, and then I I think I'm going to have a you got ticket to win it all just because I'm just that's me and but I'm with you. Sabalaka got the easy part of it. And again, if he go wins this, it is three out of four. So like wouldn't be the biggest shot in the world if she did. Because again, people can say what they want. She still got the best numbers in them, So yes, she's very early.

She's very early in a partnership with a new coach too, which is kind of underrated is that, you know, there's some some feeling out there it needs to be done, and I do think that just everything that they're doing is to kind of work on hard courts, Like she doesn't need to change the way she plays on clay. So there's definitely a little bit of, you know, just stuff they're figuring out right now. And I wouldn't be surprised if she were to put it together here. This is definitely the most clay like of the hard courts I think we saw in Doha. She played very well before running a toasta Pankos, so it's not it wouldn't be surprising.

Yeah, for those who don't know Ego with all of her slams, all five of them. Thomas wick Tarowski was her coach and then sort of surprising, No, I didn't really see this coming. She decided to make a move and Wim Facett is her new coach who she hired at the end of last year. And once Wim Faset can figure out how to pronounce her name correctly. Things should be going well, can't. He's like swia tech. I'm like, oh god, dude, come on, just ask her. That's right. You better not like you don't know her all right. To the men, I like everything you said there, man. To the men, where Carlitos is the short shot to win all of this? Now, by the way, I should od just to clarify for folks who don't have it front and center on the lady side to let me pull them up. So I'm I'm timely inaccurate. But Arena Sabalanca, the number one seed, number one in the world, is the short shot at plus or fifty, Ega the number two seed and the number two player in the world right behind her. At what's the consensus you're seeing like four plus four seventy five something like.

That on this Let me try to find it.

I'm trying to find out what the e consists here again, this is all there's a for you five to one at DraftKings for Ego.

Yeah, four to one.

On Arena five to one for Ega. Then Rebakena and Golf both at eight to one. If you bet Coco Golf at this point, you're braver than I am. And then Andreva eleven to one, Maddie Keys twelve to one. Don't do that, Jesse Pagol twenty five to one, Mohova thirty to one, Anissimova thirty to one, Astapenko forty to one. What is benchic to win at all? Sixty to one? Good god, jesh, maybe I'll play that too. I'm gonna have to add some man. I'm gonna go crazy. Men's side, let's start the men's discussion with actually giving these on the men's side, men's side, let's see what here. See the men, it doesn't come up. They don't have it listed, I see, whereas on the lady's side they do have it. Hold on, maybe hold on. Maybe I'm wrong, I know.

This is fascinating.

Checker. Oh, here you go. Uh, Carlitos plus two fifty. Novak, who is in Carlitos's quarter, is the second shot of plus six fifty. The number one seed Sasha is Verev is seven to one, then Medvedev fourteen to one, Fritzen Sitsipas both eighteen to one. There's your men's autum. Uh. I don't know if you have an outright to start with you can all either go there or go to quarter one? What do you want?

I played two outrights.

I played Sitzepass at nineteen to one, which feels definitely a little prisoner of the moment. He after, you know, a good run in Dubai last week. But I do think that that top half of the draw is gettable, and I think on a slower kind of hardcourt like we just saw, you know, two events in a row, I think that sits Apasa is going to look a little better from the backhand wing which he has over the last two weeks, and I just don't really see anybody in front of him that he's going to be fearing. I think, you know, a potential matchup with Barrettini in round three is is tough because those that match could have gone either way in Dubai. But I think nineteen to one is a pretty good number considering who's in that half of the draw. I think that Zverie is going to go out early again. I don't know if it's the bicep injury that he's got taped right now, or it's you know the pressure of trying to play for you know, the number one ranking in the world. But he has not looked good between the Golden Swing and then just everything we've seen Nacapolco. I just I think he's bound for an early loss, and that's kind of where I see the opening with Sitsupas. And then I did play Djokovic plus six fifty, and I can kind of talk to you a little bit more about how I view that Alcoraz matchup going. But I just am not the point where I need to see Carlos Pete Jokovic again before I believe it's happening.

You are very much with Drew on Sitzipas. You are very much not with Drew on Joko. That's how I would, Yeah, but I did not have both of you landing on Sitzipas. By the way, you you for the outright hymn for the quarter, but you're right. I mean, Sasha Zverev is not in form. And while there are names in that quarter, Rune not in form. There is the Mahachas of the world, and the Baratinis and the Umbars, the Petchi Pericard probably not the service for him. Q two probably the easiest of the quarters, which is Caspar Rud's quarter of all people. Yeah, Medvedev have Medvedev, Tommy Paul, Leahchka, feast and mix and anything in Q two.

So this is like, this is the draw of opportunity, and it's like I wanted to find a quarter winner really badly here, but honestly, like Rude Paul Medvedev, I could see any of them losing in rest second round here, It's like I just have not seen anything that makes me, you know, trust them to win a match that you know they should really go out and win. So I ended up staying away. The way I see it playing out is kind of you know, seeing Rude against Medvedev for you know, in the quarterfinals, but I don't feel strongly enough about it to about it.

Yeah, this is Drew definitely had one and he's he's going to Leahchka here. But I'm I, you know, when that when the quarter's numbers came out this morning, I was thinking Bench it's in Lahchka and I just I only bet Bench it. I was like, I gotta do a couple of shows. I'll come back and I'll think of others. I'm not sure I'm going to make that play I'm going to right now. My thinking is I'm going to have multiple plays on the lady side, and I'm not sure where my money's going get on the men's. Yeah, so you're staying away from Q two and you got Titsubas, I assume you're also betting him Q one. In addition to an out right with tits about, I.

Was choosing between plus four hundred to win the quarter nineteen plus nineteen to one to win the tournament. I ended up going with you out right, just because I think that sits APAs is gonna beat whoever's in Q two the way he's playing right now. I don't think you know Mevedev's got the firepower right now to beat him if that ends up being the matchup, and if it's rude, We've seen Citzipas, you know, kind of beat up on rude in the past, so I like him to make the final.

I'll say this again about Titsupas. A week, you know, ten days ago, this would be an impossible discussion. We would not have the same discussion. Yeah, he was playing so badly, but he had I was a thing I did very well on futures last week. I hit not I didn't do him pre flop, but I did a mid tournament on Jerry and Poul and Navarro wasn't anything that sexy. Jerry was good, but the others weren't. But the one that I didn't get was I had Ojali Asim and sits APAs kind of destroyed him in that final. Now am I played more on court, but every time the few times that he did get pressed, he looked sits APAs looked completely unmoved by any of it at all. The answers, as they say on the tennis.

Stop, uh, the other side of a racket change.

Yeah, oh sorry, I just he just made a racket change, and you never know like what that means to a player. It's like maybe it's a placebo. But there was just a different energy to him last week. You know, on return he was bouncing up and down on his feet and just kind of looked very engaged for the first time.

In a long time.

It's a guy that you know, it hasn't looked like he's been enjoying tennis for two three years now. And I know that there's a lot of weird stuff with you know, his dad and his coaching team. He got rid of him. Now he's you know, working with an interim coach. But I just thought he looked like he was enjoying himself for the first time in forever. And I think that just all of that equated to just a much better version of him.

Not that I come to you for the gossipy part of this, but is he still with Podosa?

They still together?

Yes, But Bodosa just pulled out. I just saw a tweet that she pulled both out of that mixed doubles event. So I wonder if she's not gonna play the tournament this week?

Oh wow, Well that would be a plus for Ego is in her quarter, right, I mean that not that she necessarily needed that, but that doesn't hurt if that's the case. That's interesting about Bodosa. Yeah, she just walked off the court in her last tournament, right, Jesus was just like, I've had enough back back injury. Allo Bodosa to the second half of the of the men's draw, Q three is the tough one, right rube Lev fritz O j Alias seem drape Or Fonseka menshik Na Kashima, Hatchinoff Shelton. I mean that is stacked. What do you got there?

I didn't take anything yet I've been flirting with rube Lev and Fritz. I just think that rube Lev, the way he played in Doha a couple of weeks ago, was lights out tennis, and I think these are going to be very similar conditions where he's going to have time on the ball and just his power is going to be a little overwhelming. It's just such a tough quarter that I could see anybody coming out of here. Like, honestly, I think Draper might be the best player in this quarter, but I just I'm nervous about him running out of steam the way he did against rube levn that final and in the third set he was kind of out on his feet and had no chance. I think that, you know, playing four physical matches in a row here would be it would meet in a similar fate if he faces Fritz in the quarters. So I think it's going to ultimately be Fritz rub Lev. I just don't love the price on Fritz at plus three fifty and ruby Lev five to one. It still seems a little short too.

Drew was making the point too. This is a California tournament. Fritz loves a California tournament. He won this, he won Indian Wells. Remember the famous yep is he hurt? Oh no, it's an dull who's hurt that final right after the pandemic or during the pandemic. Okay, yeah, I'm with you there because the Draper thing is, you know, I guess I I can draw the comparison to Benchic and people might be like, well, why'd you bet? Benchi said, Benchicic probably has the most if you're talking about marquee potential round two matchup, benchis in this A movid probably doesn't get better than that. But I really believe Benchich is just a notch above and I think she can get her way through that quarter. In this case, Draper's got to play fun Seka in the second round, which is probably the Marquis's second round potential matchup. But it's just a gump, right, there's no resting, and so you just wonder if a bet is worth it here, and I'm with you, I don't necessarily fall on one. And then it's Q four Zach Carlitos, Alcarez, Novak, Djokovic, who may play Nick Kirios if Kirios beats a quality in round two, Shop of alof who's in form demnor is in there, Mofeist, Dmitrov, Davidovich, Folkina. You know, it goes on and on, but this is about Carlos and about Novak, and you've already sort of made your case here.


I just really like Novak and plus six fifty and I know that he would have to come out of a match against al Karaz and that seems really daunting. And it is like Alcaraz has been so good at Indian Wells. This is maybe the best tournament he has. Honestly, it's as good as he's looked at Wimbledon, as good as we think he's going to be at the French Open. I just think that this slow, hard court has produced the best tennis for him. But at the same time, the last two matches between Djokovic and al Karaz have been not lopsided.

I wouldn't say that they've been dominated in any way.

But I think that Alcaraz is having a lot of trouble kind of returning Djokovic's slider serve into his forehand side, and that was a big problem at the Olympics and it was something that they did not correct at all for the Australian open, and I'm just nervous about them kind of coming to this match with the right game plan to figure that out. And I also kind of think that Djokovic is just ability to hit flat, solid strokes eventually leads to Alcaraz errors when you know he kind of pumps up a forehand and tries to end a point, just you know, relying on his talent. I think that Djokovic kind of knows now that he can outlast him, both physically and mentally. And I think that if Djokovic is healthy after that hamstring injury.

I think he's gonna beat him again.

I know that that's a little crazy after he lost to Baratini, but that was his first tournament back. He's had a little bit of time since then, and I also don't know that it's really that bad of a loss, given the way Baratini has played over the last two years. So I just think that plus six fifty for Djokovic to get by Alkoraz and then from there, who has the mental strength and confidence to beat Djokovic in a big match.

I don't think it's anyone.

I'm unpumped because I have seen Carlitos play live but never Nadal or Federer or Djokovic, And so if I get a chance to see Jokovic would be awesome just to put on the old Bingo card. Djokovic, who will turn thirty eight years old in May as won five of these BNP Priybo opens one of five of these Indian Wells titles. Roger Federer won five as well on the men's side. That is the most, I believe all time, if I'm not mistaken, Yes it is, but Carlos has won the last two, beating Medvedev in both finals. Did Djokovic ever play Federer in the final, Yes, he did twice and won both times. Who did not know that till just this moment, Yeah they did, They did overlap. Federer had won four of his five when he then faced Djokovic twice, and Djokovic ended up winning his third and fourth. Then Djokovic won his fifth against Rounich. Federer than won his fifth against Favrinka, and Federer actually lost a couple more after that. He got to two more finals. So Federer, yeah, he's been to nine finals. Yeah, I'm sorry, go ahead, No, I.

Was gonna say leave the year I was there. I believe it was Dominic team that beat Federer in the final.

Yeah, I mean a team got his slam, so I didn't retire with that one, all right. So then recapping here, you like you are going. Let's let me you tell me if I left anything out here. Lady's side, you are going Sabalanca to win it all, and she does have the favorable draw. You have both Navarro and Benchit in Q two. You went both Pagoula and Osaka in Q three. Uh, and then on the men's draw. In the men's draw, you are going sits APAs outright, you steered clear of Q two and Q three, and then are all about Djokovic both to win Q four.

In the outright, I just took the outright for the tournament plus.

Fifty yep, gotcha, Okay, just put the outright. I like it. Man. There's nothing there that I'm that I WinCE at at all. I've only got the Q two benches play so far. I am going to add as well. I don't. The interesting thing is, and you had more on the women's side then you did the men's. I'm not sure I can get myself to any men's bet except for in matches obviously, but like I don't know, Like I'm too, I have too many question marks about everybody in what ends up being loaded brackets, whereas I have way more conviction with some of those and the numbers are more generous on the women's side. That's how I kind of landed on.

Yeah, I think that I went into the tournament expecting to have something on Draper, But like you said, Fonseka, Felix Fritz, like he could lose any of those matches because they're all going to kind of be survefests where you get late into the sets and it becomes fifty to fifty late in those matches.

They really legislated on sake out of this tournament, like it's like, Okay, the kid will be great here soon, but it's not going to be here this week or or I should say this one week and a half. I like how Indian Wells tries to like say we're not a major, but we're more than just your average tournament. We do it for a week. By the way, the biggest thing that happened earlier on this podcast is that Drew because I'm an idiot, Apparently zact I forgot to check Southwest Airlines here from Vegas. So Drew tells me, Yeah, there's two straight flights from Vegas to Palm Springs on Southwest. I canceled all the flights I have. I got refunds, not credits. I assume I got credits, not refunds. Pardon me. And so I'm on Southwest now direct to Palm Spring. So I was literally you in Phoenix, pick you up, and then go to Palm Spring. That's what we're gonna do.

So what days are you going?

I'm just going for this weekend. I went last year, two years ago for the first weekend, didn't go last year. I think the first weekend is the if I mean if you have a job. Obviously, if you did have a job, go for the whole thing. But I think the first weekend to me, is better than the second because the second it's like Semis and finals and it finally kind of feels like the party's over. But the first weekend, man, it's unbelievable. They call it tennis Paradise. It really is tennis. The weather is typically perfect, the merch is awesome, the atmosphere in that tennis garden is incredible, as great as the US Open. As I was saying this, there's nothing quite like Indian will. It really is awesome the tennis hards, and I love that yesterday that everybody was waiting desperately for the draws, Like I love that about tennis fans. It's like this little community of like, where is it? It was our crack.

Yes, Honestly, the early portion of any tennis tournament is the best. Just the matches all day. You get a day pass and just kind of cruise around. It definitely beats the end of a tournament.

Yeah, even the US Open, which I mean I think a night match of the US Open ship on everybody's bucket list. The way they used to have it at the US Open, where they would play the men's semis and the women's semis the day before the men's final. Do they do that anymore? I did, I maybe they still do. I feel I don't think they do. I could be wrong about that.

Infuse all the schedules now.

Yeah, yeah, it used to be used to have it every year and we can know it. But I remember that Super Saturday used to be a thing at the end of the US Open, and I'm not sure they play it that way anymore. I can't remember. Like you said, I'll run into each other, Zach, I appreciate it.


We're going to get this podcast out. I know it's a little abbreviated with you and me, but we want to get it out so that people have, you know, most of twenty four hours at least to listen to it with a quick turnaround and all of your picks, all of my picks for vson subscribers throughout the tournament and every tournament at Visa dot Com slash picks that is, for subscribers. I've been doing a bit. I've sort of been knocking up the management with like, hey, we need to get these tennis picks, you know, in the same way that these golf guys get their picks up. I've been on that what podcasts? Well, where can people find you these days?


So, I mean most of my work will be at Visa and I'll have daily write ups for this tournament. I'll have a tournament preview up in a little bit after this. But I also so do this podcast called Tennis Bets Live. We're doing it, I believe tomorrow afternoon. I should know this salurd tomorrow afternoon or Thursday afternoon. Look at my Twitter and I'll tweet it out. But we'll do a live one hour kind of breaking down the fields, and then maybe another one next week or twice next week, kind of looking just through some matches. But yeah, you're getting most of my stuff at liston dot com daily write ups and then additional plays just as I kind of see lines move a little bit.

And I will be on one. This is my second time the Inside in Tennis podcast.

Yeah. Yeah, that's with Mitch who does these, the host of our Tennis Bets Live.

With Mitch, right with Mitch who has a great voice, by the way, great radio. So I'm looking forward to that to talk Indian welles with him. Can't wait. Man. Zach appreciated it at betting on x on Twitter is where you can find Zach as well. Thank you, brother, appreciate that.

Thank you.

Good luck with all your bets Indian wells. We will be back next with a March Madness megapod with Todd Wish to even Will Hill