Extend your life by 13 years. What is the protein and brain connection? How much protein do you need? Today's show had Dr Michael Lange, Dr Susan Summerton and Roger P Schulman on discussing the health benefits we can all obtain by eating more fruits, vegetables and fish. They also discuss the importance of protein in the diet and many myths about protein. How much protein do we really need? A study is discussed that may add an additional 13 years to your life. A healthy diet is so important, and Dr Lange states it is a good idea to look over the "Lange Survival Diet". They touch base on the carnivore, ketogenic diet and long-term fasting may not be as good for you as we once thought. Both doctors discuss many missing nutrients the brain of patients with dementia specifically Alzheimer's. These brains were lacking in lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene and vitamin e. New study reveals vitamin b complex along with omega 3 fish oil can reduce shrinkage of the brain by 77%. New science also reveals that one can take as much as 100 grams of protein post workout for recovery, and you don't have to take it in multiple small meals. All of them discuss the all new Fortifeye Vegan Super Protein and how delicious and healthy it is. Dr Lange goes into detail in regard to Fortifeye Fit Pro helping the young and the elderly build muscle while losing fat and goes over the evidence-based science and huge percents that can be result of taking this supplement. Now a link between muscle weakness and dementia. Overall a great show that was very informative. learn more about fortifeye at www.fortifeye.com or call 866 503-9746 also, Lange Eye Institute is hiring right now and will train! #askthedr #vegan #sarcopenia #aginggracefully #podcast #agingprevention #weightlossdiet #redefiningaging #glp1medication #weightloss #theagingexperts #drmichaellange #dementia #alzheimers #bodybuilding #bodybuildingmotivation #veganprotein #veganproteinpowder