Dr Michael Lange and Dr Susan Summerton discuss how new science is proving a low carb diet may not be as healthy as we once thought. Ketogenic diets and carnivore diets that stimulate the body to burn fat for fuel instead of glucose may cause accelerated cellular aging. The doctors discuss how important healthy carbohydrates from the correct source are for overall health. They also both agree that for weight loss it is much better to watch calories than carbohydrates. Dr Lange mentions the development of a new advanced meal replacement called Fortifeye Fit Meal that is in the development phases now. Fortifeye Fit Meal will be a combination of egg white protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, fruits and vegetables, probiotics, prebiotics and enzymes along with organic mushrooms and a fat metabolizer complex. This new FIt MEal is in the developmental phases now and will be available before the summer of 20025. Dr Lange discusses the powers of a super fruit called Pomegranate. He states that some specific polyphenols in pomegranate stimulate the production of urolithin a in the gut. Urolithin a has some amazing anti-aging and wellness benefits. Fortifeye will use a powerful pomegranate extract in the new Fit Meal to gain these valuable benefits. Dr Lange and Dr Summerton reveal the science behind grass fed non denatured whey protein and glutathione. Covalent bonded cystine in whey is one of the best ways to stimulate glutathione and stimulate muscle growth and strength. They continue the 30% off the Fortifeye Vegan Super Protein for one more week. They go over some nutritional pearls and hacks that tell you what fruits and vegetable not to mix and which ones not to eat unless organically grown. They also discuss a new drug delivery system for chronic eye allergies called Dextenza that they now offer at the Lange Eye Institute Both doctors discuss important steps to alleviate dry eye naturally and then discuss amniotic membranes for dry eye. This was the first show of the New Year. Happy New Year!