The only place you can find out which guesses have been incorrectly made is right here
The ash Ltzi and Nikki Osborne podcast Friday Podcast. Well there's breaking news here. Why what's going on?
All day?
Guesses are concerned for the podcast, But why don't you explain to everyone what what the new situation is there is? Because there's breaking news on this breaking.
News as of right now, the wrong gases and correct guesses will all be up on the Nova player. Wrong.
I love that.
He's a great winger from whole Kingston rovers I'm not from London. We'll do all the same thing a suburbs of each other. So so the incorrect guesses are what up on the wind page on the win.
Page now, so this will be the last time we tell you what the guesses are in the podcast, I think.
And if you're going to our wing with wind page, you wouldn't do that anymore. You go somewhere else.
No, it's up on the window.
As I said said, come on, actually.
I can't take you seriously. Your headphones are halfway down your face. You're almost blindfolded by them. What is going on with you today?
It's just a new technique that I'm trying.
Trying, sweetheart, sweetheart, I'm glad you said that to him too. He said it to me the other day. I was quite taken aback. And now you've got to sweet Everyone gets a sweetheart.
Yeah, so you can't.
You can't even complain.
I'm not. No, I don't don't feel special anymore. So now you want to be caught sweeter? Which one is it? Whichever one I want it to be. That is the right a woman's.
If you don't know beforehand, that's your fault.
I get annoyed when people don't because I haven't called you sweetheart. I know you haven't made any said anything. No, I have not, and.
I'm having a like milkdown that I don't have it anymore.
I've lost it.
No, I don't take you I purposely. I don't make any comments. Have you noticed that ever?
No, I feel very unbautiful every morning I walk in. You're doing a wonderful job.
He does. He makes me feel un beautiful.
Because from an HR point of view, you old ranger, that's he actually has a crack at me. That's how he makes me feel. Actually, we all give you a heart. Yeah, yeah, you do.
Actually look at him. He deserves it.
He's doing eight years in Bloody Way jailing for that if he says.
It to you.
I got back in a compiment with last night. I know, we were driving just home from having something neat Sarah and the kids and I don't know what, something come about and comparing people to celebrities or something, and Sarah said, I like you that with you with what's his name? You know, he probably my top seed and I don't even know who your top seed would be, your top five, top five, and she's Henry Cavill said I your top seed now, like former Superman is your top seed? She said, oh yeah, oh yeah, actually yeah, you remind me of him a lot. And I said, oh yeah, no, just like just your personality.
Though I was like that quick because like I knew, I don't look like one of the most handsome and cutting on the planet, like of old people.
Almost happy for a moment. There she gave it, took it away. It's just like Jeremy took my beauty and youth. We're approaching. Well I was pretty young, not that young though not we were egal.
And I'm not saying nothing. Yeah, that one line.
The Ash Lezzie and Nikki Osborne Podcast